Ernie Jones Commodore, Owen Hays Vice Commodore, Chris Richey Treasurer,
Kent Simpkins ..... 60' B-16, Contact Mike Hall, 615-516-7709, $45,000 OBO.
Commodore Yacht Club Member of the Boat/US Cooperating Marina Program
Commodore Yacht Club • 6002 River Road • Nashville, TN • 37209 • 615.356.4110 This newsletter is also posted on our website at .
Board meetings are scheduled at 5:30pm the first Tuesday following the first Friday of the month. UPDATE - Our October meeting has been moved to October 23rd
CYC News October 2017
September 2017 Meeting Highlights
The August minutes and financials were reviewed and approved. Ron’s Harbormaster’s Report was reviewed by the board. Ron and Herb are currently analyzing options for slip water line repairs to hopefully shorten the repair time. Chris will call HVUD to see if we pay for sewer service in addition to water. The Land Use Committee is scheduled to meet in September to review options. Chris received approval to engage Harpeth Hall and MBA about the land we have available. Chris updated the board on the responses on the by-laws. The board requested Chris send hard copies for members without email and to update the members in two weeks about the comment period. The board decided to work towards the November 4th meeting which includes an update from the Land Use Committee. Ron will get a bid to repair the ice machine. Paul Pletcher agreed to speak with a member on C Dock regarding the way his power cords are run overhead to his boat. Power cords have to be run under the walkway. Deborah updated the board on addressing the recent dog issues we have had with the ramp members. Signs will be posted that all pets must be leashed. The ramp member contact has been updated to include the same notice.
Special Meeting Reminder Saturday, November 4th, 2pm on the Party Dock
Summer Hours:
9-5 Thursday, 10-6 Friday, 9-6 Saturday, 10-5 Sunday, 9-5 Monday
Parties & Events Special Meeting November 4th, 2pm on the Party Dock Wanna host a club party? Send an email to
[email protected]. *A rental fee of $50 per day plus a $150 damage deposit is required to reserve the Party Dock for a private event. Email
[email protected] for reservations.
Contact numbers & Emails MAINTENANCE EMAIL ADDRESS To insure that repair requests are included in Ron’s maintenance log and addressed promptly, please send them via email to:
[email protected].
Please welcome new members Wade and Patricia Daniel on C Dock and Ray and Penny Stevens on A Dock. Welcome Aboard!
CYC requires updated insurance on every boat in the harbor. Please confirm that your current Certificate of Insurance is on file. Have you moved? Be sure to update your address and phone number. Belita’s email is
[email protected]. CYC’s Event Calendar is available online 24/7 at
CYC Office PO Box 210185, Nashville, TN 37221 Harbormaster Ron Ackerson 615-356-4110 office, 931-302-2832 cell
[email protected] [email protected] Billing questions: Belita Wanderer, 615-293-5311 Remittance address: Commodore Yacht Club, PO Box 210185, Nashville, TN 37221
[email protected] Security - West Station 615-862-8600 Metro Dock Russell Lackey, 615-862-8472 Rock Harbor Transient Dockage Jennifer Webb, 615-356-1111 Harpeth Shoals Transient Dockage E.B. Williams, 615-513-2770
CYC Board: Deborah Trimble Commodore, Ernie Jones Vice-Commodore, Belita Wanderer Treasurer, Chris Mitchell Secretary, Brian Daschner Sergeant at Arms, Harvey Eisen, Paul Pletcher
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PSLs/Water Rights, For Sale or Rent ____________________________________ A Dock For Sale: For Sale:
60’ A-03, Geoffrey Ashworth, 443-848-6466, $40,000 60’ A-13, Donna Wise, slip with 50 amp service, 615-720-6007
B Dock For Sale: For Sale: For Sale: For Sale: For Sale:
60’ B-16, Gary Mathews, 931-624-5214, $45,000 OBO 60’ B-14, Wayne Thompson, 615-310-3674, $50,000 60 B-10, Gary Smith, includes locker & PWC lift, 615-473-1046, $50,000 60’ B-20, 60’ x 20’, Ray Mifsud, 615-533-3684 70’ B-23, 70’ x 20’, John Steinhouse, 615-973-9964, $95,000
C Dock For Sale: For Sale: For Rent:
30’ C-02, Greg Travis, 615-294-0525, $20,000 40’ C-10, Darrell Denson, 615-477-9444, make offer 40’ C-22, Scott Frost, $350 per month, 615-394-0545
Misc. For Sale _____________________________________________________ For Sale:
2 New 50’ 30a/125v EEL Shorepower Cordsets, Linda Carman, 615-972-2224, $50 each
For Sale:
1984 50’ Gibson Houseboat, Linda Carman, 615-972-2224, $35,500
For Sale:
23w x 19.5d x 79.5h like new, heavy duty upright dock box made by Dock Box Unlimited retails new for $769.95 + tax/shipping, will sell for $400. Call Bob McTyre, 615-394-2121
If you plan to sell the water rights to your slip, please contact our Harbormaster for a lease/sale information packet that will include a membership application, club information and a breakdown of related costs. This information will help both you and the prospective member understand what is required from both seller and buyer. All slip/water rights sales require closing documents, a transfer fee of $500 and a full membership fee of $3823.75 ($3500 + tax). Slip/water rights remain in the name of the current owner until all closing documents are completed and the transfer fee has been paid. Please review your Slip Leasehold Contract for details. Any outstanding club debt of the seller must be paid by closing for the transfer to be final.
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Gas Beer Ice Snacks (Bait coming soon) Saturday & Sunday 7am - 6pm Rock Harbor Marina 615-308-7476