NEWSLETTER February 2015 and March 2015 February is World ... [PDF]

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Queen Victoria street, London EC4V 3AL. 22 Mar Youth Makes Music Concert, Royal Festival Hall. Southbank Centre, Belvedere Rd, SE1 8XX 7.30pm.

Subject Speaker

Reception Speaker’s Host

03 Mar

Rotary Foundation Global Scholar Chelsea Mertz

Roy Ashby Samantha Woodlock

10 Mar

Ebola, the latest situation PeterBradley

Shirley Kirk Juliet Atako-Gregory

17 Mar

Rotary Foundation Global Scholar Kosumo Shiraishi

Philip Andrews Sylvia Muxworthy

24 Mar

A & O Committees & Mary Kinsella

Ken Deller Pat Hersey

31 Mar

No meeting (District Dinner 02 April)

07 Apr

No meeting (Easter holiday)

14 Apr

Peckham Voluntary Sector Forum David Reid

Juliet Atako-Gregory Roy Ashby

21 Apr

A and O Committees

Pat Hersey

28 Apr

AGM Parts 1 and 2

Shirley Kirk

If you are not able to carry out your duty on the date specified, please arrange an exchange and notify Shirley Kirk

NEWSLETTER February 2015 and March 2015 Volume 17 Number 4

2015 07 Mar

Rotary Club of Dulwich and Peckham - Visioning Trevor Bailey Sports Ground, Dulwich Common, SE21 7LD 9.30 for 10am - 2pm. Breakfast and lunch provided.

21 Mar

Regional Youth Speaks final. City of London School for Boys Queen Victoria street, London EC4V 3AL

22 Mar

Youth Makes Music Concert, Royal Festival Hall Southbank Centre, Belvedere Rd, SE1 8XX 7.30pm Tickets £16, open to all, via Adrian (Club Secretary)

02 Apr

Rotary in London District Dinner Royal National Hotel Bedford Way, WC1H 0DG 7.00pm for 7.30pm

29 Apr

District Council Meeting, International Student House, 229 Great Portland Street, W1W 5PN 6.30pm

February is World Understanding month March is Literacy month PLEASE NOTE - The Club meets at Old Alleynian Pavilion, Dulwich Common SE21 7HA on Tuesday evenings at 6.30pm for 6.45pm. Visitors are always very welcome. Please contact the Secretary for details and to book meals if you wish to visit.

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THE ROTARY CLUB OF DULWICH AND PECKHAM District 1130 Meeting Place Old Alleynians Pavilion, Dulwich Common SE21 7HA Day and Time Tuesday 6:30pm (18:30) for 6.45pm (18.45) Officers President President Elect and Operational Services Chairman President Nominee and Club Service Chairman Honorary Secretary and Minutes Secretary

Honorary Treasurer

Honorary Assistant Secretary Honorary Assistant Treasurer Speakers Secretary Newsletter Editor

Membership Services Chairman, Friends Liaison and Attendance Officer International Service Chairman Community Service Chairman Youth Service Chairman Foundation Specialist

Glyn Thomas

The Power of Social Media - Sam Woodlock The Rotary Club of Dulwich and Peckham started its gardening project at Camberwell House on Valentine’s weekend. As I am totally useless at DIY and gardening, my main tasks were making tea and publishing photographs on social media. A few year’s ago, if you wanted to publicise a project you would involve the local newspaper but Facebook and other social media sites have now made the job so much easier.

Shirley Kirk Ken Deller Adrian Faiers 15 Lovett Road, Harefield Middlesex UB9 6DN [email protected] Ken Hersey 61 Wood Street, Mitcham Junction Surrey CR4 4JT Roy Ashby Adrian Faiers Ken Deller Shirley Kirk 15 Lovett Road, Harefield Middlesex UB9 6DN [email protected] Adrian Faiers [email protected] Barbara Deller Pat Hersey Shirley Kirk Philip Andrews

Members—Please tell Adrian Faiers 07966 133756 by 6.00pm on the Sunday prior to the meeting if you are not able to attend. Friends and visitors—Please notify Adrian as above if you do wish to attend. OBJECT OF ROTARY 1, The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service. 2, High ethical standards in business and professions; the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations; and dignifying of each Rotarian’s occupation as an opportunity to serve society. 3, The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarians personal, business and community life. 4, The advancement of international understanding, goodwill and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service.

The celebrity who will be at the launch party of our project on May 10th is James Bowen, author of the Street Cat Bob books. On Saturday morning, James publicised our project on his fan page on Facebook. His page has over 280 000 followers. By the evening, the post had 2 000 likes. Within four days it had 4 000 likes and had been shared nearly 100 times. This gives a possible circulation of around 10 000 people! The local paper in Denmark Hill has a circulation of 11 000, so this could be classed as a great success. Another unexpected bonus was that several people asked for a link to be able to donate money. Camberwell House quickly posted a link and hopefully will have received a few donations by now. Several Rotarians, including some from London , commented on the post so this also served to publicise our project within Rotary itself. This has certainly made me think about ways in which we can utilise social media in publicising future activities. For those who are interested, the photo album of the work in the garden so far is available to view on Facebook.

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Last month, I asked for your favourite recipes. Well, here’s one from Pat Hersey - and she’s won 1st place with this at her local Horticultural Show on more than one occasion!

The President of Rotary International for 2015 - 2016 will be K.R. “Ravi” Ravindran, who is a member of the Rotary Club of Colombo, Western Province, Sri Lanka and the first Sri Lankan President. His theme for the year is

VICTORIA SPONGE 150g (6oz) Flour (I use McDougalls Supreme Sponge Flour) 175g (7oz) Caster Sugar 150g (6oz) Margarine (I use Stork) 3 Eggs (I use large) 15ml (1tbsp) Water 1 level teaspoon Baking Powder Jam of Choice and Icing Sugar to dust 2 x 18cm (7 inch) tin

1. Preheat the oven to 180C, 350F, Gas Mark 4.

For fan assisted ovens refer to your manufacturers handbook. Grease and line the base of your sandwich tins. Make sure the greaseproof paper stands higher than the top of the sandwich tins this allows the sponge to rise.

2. Sieve the flour into a bowl and put to one side.

Gently beat together the sugar and margarine until light and fluffy. Add the eggs and water with a little of the flour. Beat together well then gently fold in the remainder of the flour until combined.

3. Turn into the prepared tins and level the surface. Bake for around 30 minutes until well risen, golden and firm to the touch. Allow to cool in the tins for 5 minutes, then turn out and allow to cool fully on a wire rack. Sandwich together with jam and dust with icing sugar. Perhaps we could have our own baking competition? Ed

Ravindran and his wife Vanathy

At the opening session of the International Assembly in San Diego, he discussed some of Rotary's challenges. "We have to find a way to bring back the fundamentals that built our organization - the emphasis on high ethical standards in all aspects of our lives and the classification system that encourages a diversity of expertise in each club," he said. "Too often these ideas are viewed as little more than inconvenient obstacles to increasing our membership. But they have been essential to Rotary's success and we ignore them at our own peril." Ravindran told attendees that the focus on branding is essential to helping Rotary grow. "We need to reposition our image, which we recognize has faded in many parts of the world," he said. Rotary also needs to continue to raise funds for The Rotary Foundation, attract new members, and encourage greater participation from current members, he added.

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Birthdays and Anniversaries Can you beat the puzzle corner? It’s just for fun but give it a try. OCTOBER/NOVEMBER ANSWERS 1.

UNICEF was the first to produce a charity Christmas card.


The birth sign for people born on Christmas Day is Capricorn.


Pine needles are said to be a good source of vitamin C.


Christmas Island is a territory of Australia.


The music for The Nutcracker was composed by Tchaikovsky.


Father Frost and his granddaughter (Snegurochka) deliver gifts to children during the festive season in Russia.


The plant Ilex is also known as holly.


Robert L. May invented Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer in 1939.


Raymond Briggs wrote the book which inspired ‘The Snowman’.


It was always winter but never Christmas in Narnia.

Many Happy Returns to Ken Hersey (10th March) and Pat Hersey (25th March)

Happy First Rotary Anniversary to Olu Akindele, Philip Andrews, Kate Cornford and Patrick Loubasssou, who were welcomed into Rotary on 11th February 2014 ,


The Curtis Cup is awarded in which sport?


A ‘hand’, used to measure horses, is how many inches?


What is the principal ingredient of couscous?


In which TV series would you find Nurse Emmanuel?


What is the first name the Bond villain Goldfinger?


Which supermarket chain was founded by Jack Cohen in 1929?


Who composed the song God Bless America?


Where is the Isle of May?


Which insects are known to scientists as coleoptera?


In which country would you pay for your shopping with the Zloty?

Rotary in London District Dinner 2015 Incoming District Governor Toni Finkel invites Rotarians and their guests to an evening of fun and fellowship at the District Dinner on Thursday 2nd April, Royal Naonal Hotel Bedford Way London WC1H 0DG, 7.00 for 7.30pm. (nearest tube Russell Square) The principal speaker will be Peter Davey. the incoming President of Rotary Internaonal in Great Britain & Ireland (RIBI). Peter was chair of RIBI’s Membership Development & Retenon Commi3ee from 2009/12 and led the iniave to introduce Club Visioning to RIBI.

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“The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.” “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” Albert Einstein

Congratulations to Liam Wilson winner of the January draw and James Muxworthy winner of the February draw. To take out membership of the 100 Club for this Rotary year contact President Glyn - [email protected] All profits go to the Club’s Charity Trust Fund. This draw is open to non-members - please make sure that your friends and family know about it! Membership of Rotary is by invitation only but we are always willing to talk to anyone who is interested in finding out more about Rotary in general or our Club in particular . Two bands from Kingsdale Foundation School will be performing, sponsored by our own Rotary Club. Please support them.

See our website for details of the programme and contact details.

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Events past and future

- the action of developing a plan, goal, or vision for the future. On Saturday March 7th, members of the Rotary Club of Dulwich and Peckham will be meeting to begin a process of strengthening the Club by exploring what is important to its members. A team of facilitators led by our District Visioning Champion, Sarah Ball, has been invited along to help extract ideas from those present about what they really want for the future of their club. The visioning process is designed to make sure that it is the club members who are providing the input and deciding on the goals, objectives and action that they want to take in order to realise the vision that they have created for themselves as a Rotary Club in their community. Everyone will have an equal opportunity to put forward ideas - from the youngest member to the oldest, from the newest to the longest serving, those who serve on Council, those who chair committees and those who don’t. Everyone will also have the opportunity to vote for the ideas they find most appealing and these will be used to form an action plan for the next 3-5 years. Three key words which have been used extensively about strengthening Clubs are consensus, continuity and consistency. ‘Visioning’ will help with the consensus aspect and the Club is in an ideal position to further develop continuity and consistency, with Club leaders in place for the next three years (Shirley Kirk, Ken Deller and Philip Andrews). Visioning allows the Club members to dream about what their Club could become. From this comes a new sense of identity and a renewed commitment to make the Club better than it is today. The eventual outcome of the session will be a unique written plan for the Club , stating goals and initiatives and providing a road map that is easy for everyone to understand. It will help the Club to continue to grow and become even more effective.

Tandoori Evening - a very pleasant evening at Dulwich Tandoori raised £1000, which will be divided between three charities and our own Trust fund as follows:• Save a Child’s Heart £300 • Kings College Hospital Helipad £300 • President’s project, Athol House £300 • Club Trust Fund £100 Many thanks to Barbara and Ken for organising the event and to Nurul and all the staff at Dulwich Tandoori for their generosity and kind attention. Table Top Sale - Dulwich Helpline and Southwark Churches Care are holding a table top sale at All Saints Church, Blenheim Grove, Peckham SE15 4QS on Saturday March 21st. Doors open to the public at 10.30am. The Club has booked a table, with funds raised going to the President’s project (Athol House). Please help if you can by contributing items for sale and/or coming along on the day. Rotary Club of Woolwich Grand Dinner and Auction, in aid of the Lewisham, Greenwich and Southwark Samaritans, on Friday 24th April at Shooters Hill Golf Club. Dress - Black Tie. Tickets at £35 per head (or £30 per head for a table of ten). An extremely worthy cause and an organisation which covers much of our South East London District Area. The Mayor of Southwark, Councillor Sunil Chopra, would like to invite you to ‘Celebrating Diversity’, a fund-raising event on Friday 13 March 2015 at Dulwich College from 6pm to 11pm. Funds will be divided between the Mayor’s two chosen charities - UK Homes4Heroes and The Robes Project , which also supports homeless people. Tickets cost £45.00 each or you can reserve a table of 10 for £400.00 (please contact Adrian if you wish to attend and you haven’t already given in your name).