Newsletter February 2018 Draft2 - Cowes Baptist Church

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Feb 13, 2018 - Chris and Wendy would like to thank the Church family ... 01983 529376. Chris Old: 01983 299244 .... Lent
Remember in your Prayers…. The families of Freda and Richard B at this sad time. Pray for Mary, Brian J, Sue A, Joyce M, Judy, Rhys Peacey, Helen, Joan, Jo Hadley, Grenville and others who are unwell. For Judith and her Ministerial Training For Foodbank and Frontline For our Missionary friends For the groups looking at Church life and growth Chris and Wendy would like to thank the Church family for all their prayers over recent months Prayer Chain Any items for urgent prayer please call Joyce on: 294076 or Judy on:293098

Explorers Club For years’ 2-6, is on Fridays during term-time, 5.30pm. All welcome.

Tuesday Toddlers Tuesday mornings in term-time 9.30 - 11am. All welcome

“Be the Wind in these Sails” February 2018

Home groups For information, please see Helen for the forum, and Elaine for the Wednesday Evening Home Group.

Men’s group meet Monday evenings, please see Francis for details. CowesBaptistChurch @cowesbaptist

Leadership Team Minister: Francis Thomas Church Secretary 07562 338325 Tracey Dancy: 07736 299765 francis@cowesbaptistchurch. [email protected] Deacons Minister in Training Andrew and Beatrice Breach: Judith Compton: 01983 529376 07717307445 Chris Old: 01983 299244 Community Worker April Ross:07769677783 Graham Cherry: 07926 Maren Wilmot166682 Borberg:07854486388 Treasurer Hamish Wilson:07768355000 Elaine Cherry: 01983 297343 If you would like to receive this newsletter by email, please contact [email protected] and we will be delighted to add you to the list. For Social Media updates: Contact Uel: 01983 529376, mobile 07598 695469 or email [email protected]

A very warm welcome in the name of Jesus Christ, particularly if you are a visitor among us. We have a crèche if needed during a service, and activities available for children and young people. Cowes Baptist Church exists…. To honour Jesus Bring people together Sharing facilities and Resources Growing Worshipping Praying Serving Seeking to be the best we can Seeking the best for those we serve

Romans 12:1-2 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

registered charity - number 1143075

Plea for Help As you may know, Graham will be out of action for several weeks. As a result we need help with all the tasks that Graham does “in the background” in order to keep the church functioning. This includes stacking and putting out chairs for services, cleaning, and much more. If you are able to help set up the church for Sunday mornings, please let one of the leadership team know - this is usually done on a Saturday. We can all help with clearing away after services, so if you are able to help, you will be very much appreciated. There will be some sign up sheets to volunteer for cleaning the church on a weekly basis. We are also planning a “Spring Clean day” - so the whole church family can get together and care for our lovely building. Please keep an eye out for more information. Thank you in advance - and we all hope Graham gets well very soon, I am sure we will all have a new appreciation of just how much he does for us.

A plea from Isle of Wight School Pastors. We have a meeting at Cowes Enterprise College coming up about the possibility of getting a school pastor team together to volunteer one morning a week, between 10.30 to 1. We are just talking at the moment so don't know whether the school will ask us for general patrols, small group mentoring, 1:1 mentoring etc. However at present we only have one volunteer in each area which is untenable as we need to be in at least groups of 2 with a prayer pastor linked up either at home or on the premises. Please consider whether you could be the "plus one" that makes this ministry possible. We are offering extensive training over 3 weekends at the end of Feb to mid March to equip you with all the skills you need to volunteer in this role, many of which are transferable to other areas of your Christian walk. Prayer pastors son't need to be trained specifically just to be able to commit to prayer time. Please get in touch urgently if you would like to be considered for this on 07853 253565 or [email protected]. The deadline to meet trustees & get booked on for training is 10th February just 2 weeks away. As always we also need street pastors and trustees so again contact us if you are interested in these roles. There is a 3 minute video attached that tells of what we do if you would like to/have time to show that h ps:// . It covers street & school.

COWES BAPTIST RAMBLERS for those in the church & friends, to ramble once a month and to include a stop for lunch. The next 2 rambles are: FRIDAY 23 FEBRUARY Meet at church at 10am, to go to Brighstone & Tennyson Trail (4m) & The Three Bishops Inn for lunch FRIDAY 30 MARCH Meet at church at 10am, to go to Ashey Down & Nunwell & The Hare & Hounds Inn for lunch Car lifts will be available. Route may change according to the weather. If the weather is doubtful on the day, please phone John Featherstone (291116 or 07922233378) by 9.30am. Barbara Colebrook & John Featherstone

Ladies that Lunch Thursday, 8th February at 12.00, at the Duke of York in Cowes. All welcome!

Haiti: Hurricanes and Hope Saturday 3rd March 1.30pm 3.00pm St John’s Church, St John’s Road, Newport. Come along and hear from Victoria Jean-Louis, Christian Aid’s Emergency Programme Officer in Haiti. She will share her experiences of how your donations can help to build houses that can weather the storms. All Welcome - Refreshments Available.

2018 Sunday 4th February 10.30am Morning Worship - Whole Life Worship Led by Judith Compton Welcome: Barbara C + Volunteer Refreshments: Jacqui and John 6.30pm Evening Worship with Communion Led by Peter Savory Welcome and Refreshments: Elin Sunday 11th February 10.30am Morning Worship Led by Francis Thomas with Joe and Lois Welcome: Mary B and Betty C Refreshments: Graham and Elaine 6.30pm Evening Worship Led by Francis Thomas Welcome and Refreshments: Elaine

Sunday 18th February 10.30am Morning Communion Led by Francis Thomas Welcome: Shirley and Rex Refreshments: Carol J and Mary B 6.30pm Evening Worship Led by John Featherstone Faith and Doubt: is Capitalism a good thing? With Hamish and Elin Welcome and Refreshments: Rachel Sunday 25th February 10.30am Morning Worship Led by Francis Welcome: Brian and Vivien Refreshments: Brian and Vivien 6.30pm No Evening Service at CBC

Lent Reflection Course at 7.30 pm, in the church lounge, on Mondays 19th, 26th February, 5th, 12th, 19th and 26th March. Please see Judith, or phone her on 07717307445, if you want to know more or are thinking of coming, so she has an idea of numbers. We will be using the “Love Life Live Lent” Resources.

Celebrate the life of Freda Bowen Monday 5th February, 11.30pm at Cowes Baptist Church.

Celebrate the life of Richard Bunday Tuesday 6th February, 12.30pm at Cowes Baptist Church. Richard was keen that folk do not wear dark colours to his funeral the brighter the better, and if you have sports wear, he would very much appreciate that too!

Church Members’ Meeting To be held in the lounge on Tuesday 13th February 2018 at 7.30pm. As it will be Shrove Tuesday, please come early (7.00pm) to enjoy a pancake and a cup of tea/ coffee before the meeting starts.

Musings from the Manse This month we have lost two of our treasures, Freda and Richard, who really were gold in the truest sense. Do please bear their families in your prayers. Below is a poem from George Herbert, the language is a little varied in places and its written to encourage thought about this life and the next. Teach me, my God and King In all things Thee to see, And what I do in anything To do it as for Thee. A man that looks on glass, On it may stay his eye; Or if he pleaseth, though it pass, And then the heaven espy. To scorn the senses’ sway, While still to Thee I tend: In all I do be Thou the Way, In all be Thou the End. All may of Thee partake; Nothing so small can be Which with this tincture ‘For Thy Sake’ Will not grow bright and clean. A servant with the clause, Makes drudgery divine, Who sweeps a room, as for Thy laws, Makes that and the action fine. This is the famous stone That turneth all to gold; For that which God doth touch and own Cannot for less be sold. George Herbert. 1593 – 1633