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About Comenius Multilateral Project “MARE NOSTRUM” newsletter This is a newsletter dedicated to the fourth project meeting of the Comenius Multilateral Partnership which will guide you through all the activities that took place within the project between the 13th and the 17th of October in Athens, Greece.

The multilateral project Comenius - Mare Nostrum is the result of a partnership between six schools from six different European countries: Istituto Comprensivo, Spoltore, Italy, Private Trade School, Varna, Bulgaria, Escola Básica 2,3, PiscinasPiscinas-Lisabona, Portugal, Liceul Teoretic “Ovidius”, Constanta, Romania, Collège Privé Catholique “Sainte Anne”, Plougastel Daoulas, France, 3dh High School of Acharnes, Atena, Greece. The aim of the

project is to create a partnership between schools situated near the sea, the main theme being the study and exploration of the coastal ecosystem. The main idea is to try to replace the simple ways of teaching the students with activities that involve working in laboratories, visiting museums or doing research in the natural environment. We also aim to raise awareness about the fragile equilibrium of the coastal ecosystem. The preservation of the

sea is essential in keeping the biodiversity, the micromicro-climatic conditions and the life and health of those who leave close to it. The project is financed by the European Commission through the Lifelong Learning Project and will run its course between the years 2013 and 2015. This is the fourth meeting of the project, which took place in Athens, Grece from 13th and 17th of October, 2014.

their parents and taking some photos with them, we left the hotel and then went to our homes. We started to know each other better, to talk about hobbies; we asked what they thought about Romania, we had

dinner and we also gave them some presents. We went to bed early because, since Tuesday, we were going to have a busy programm.

Arrival We arrived at the Corali Hotel, Pireus at bout 6o ’clock in the evening, about an hour earlier than we should have to arrive, so some of us had to wait a little for our hosts to come. After meeting them and



Day 2: A trip on the sea and on the shore In the second day, we went by bus to the South of Athens, in a city called Lavrio. In the harbor, 3 little ships were waiting for us. We were supposed to go in a little cruise to see how looked the coast of Greece from the seaside. After we got our life-saving jackets we started to sail through

the white waves of the sea. We managed to see even the Temple of Poseidon. Then, we returned on the earth and our buses took us to the Laurium Research Center where a scientist presented us particularities about the Lavrio Port and its bay. We found out that only here exists a genus of algae called

Possedonia oceanica. After the presentation we all went on the beach for some activities. We divided in 3 groups: the first one was measuring the salinity of the water, the second one was watching through stereoscopes how all the marine plants looked like and

the third one was trying to find what polluted the environment. Despite the hot weather and the sun that burnt us, everything we have done there was very

After this activity, we got the well-deserved lunch. The next stop was at the Temple of Poseidon. We took many photos there, too, because the landscape was gorgeous. We tried

up. After this last quest, we finally arrived home.

constructive and will remain in our memories. to catch the sunset but for that we had to wait another hour so we gave

Day 1: HCMR. A little show After about an hour spent on the road ,we arrived at the HCMR. In the main hall we saw the scale models of the center and one of their ships. When we all gathered, our guide presented us some pictures taken in the sea, with endangered and colorful species. Then, a professor presented us some geological maps of Greece and some information about

We continued our activities with a visit to a hall where we saw two robots: Achilles and Thetis (and some buoys used to record data on the sea (wind, temperature, waves height etc). For the final activity we went to a laboratory where we saw some sea snails, worms and algae through the micro-

We spent the afternoon with our hosts and then,at o’clock,we all went to the Cultural Centre of Thrakomakedones for a show organized by Greek students and teachers. All of us enjoyed this wonderful show. The evening ended nicely with some of us going to a local sweetshop.


Day 3: Visiting the Acropolis. The presentations building. On Thursday, we met at school at about 8 a.m. and after a short trip by bus we reached the famous Acropolis. Fistly we had a guided visit to the museum. We were impressed and maybe a little scared by the fact that the floor was made from glass. The exhibits were also very interesting.

One our later we returned to the buses and gathered for the last time at the school. We had the lunch there. Then we finally presented our projects, watched the others and received the certificates of participation.

Before we went to sleep, we hadn’t forget to prepare our luggage, considering that we will leave very early next morning.

Then, after a short stop at the souvenir’s shop, we start climbing in order to reach the Parthenon. There was a glorious view of the city and we didn’t miss the chance to make some photos with the famous

Day 4: Departure We woke up very early in the morning, in order to arrive at the hotel at 7 o’clock. Our teachers were waiting for us there. We said goodbye to the greek

We spent the last evening in Athens in the best way we could. Some of us went to The Mall (a really huge one), some went to Monastiraki (in the very center of Athens), some to the teleferic and some students spent their evening at home, with their host families.

teachers, parents and of course the children who hosted us. We break up through tears because no one wanted to leave so early when we barely made friends. Then,

after a lot of hugs and kisses we got in the bus and we headed to our town, Constanta. It was a great experience and we will never forget all the

B y e, G r e e c

It was a great experience that could open the doors for our future!