Newsletter Issue 48

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Oct 31, 2017 - Celebration of 2017 UNESCO World Day for Audiovisual Heritage ... Traditional Sports and Games, being par
Issue 48 23 October to 27 October 2017


Message of the Director Dear




Last week I attended the East African Community Development Partners Consultative Forum in Arusha, Tanzania on 23 October 2017. The East African Community called the forum to share with Development Partners the 5th EAC Development Strategy and priorities. UNESCO highlighted the importance of the strategy to be people centred and pledged support for the Inter-University Council for East Africa and the East African Science and Technology Commission.

We celebrated the United Nations Day on 24 October 2017, that marks the anniversary of the entry into force in 1945 of the UN Charter. I represented UNESCO at the commemoration of the 72nd Anniversary of the United Nations in Tanzania, where the Vice President Ms. Samia Suluhu Hassan commended the United Nations for its continued support to the development of Tanzania. The theme for this year’s anniversary in Tanzania was Industrial Development and Environmental Conservation for Sustainable Development. UNESCO was also represented during the celebrations in Djibouti, Rwanda and Uganda.

We also commemorated the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage, on 27 October 2017, preserving the memory of the World through Audio Visual Archives. Linking the past to the present, this heritage is part of our common history and culture, and must be shared with humanity for future generations, as


a wellspring of identity and belonging, innovation and creativity. The day was celebrated in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania with an exhibition Roads to Independence: The African Liberation Heritage. The exhibition was made possible with the support of the European Union funded project entitled: Safeguarding, Preservation and Promotion of the Heritage Archives of Tanzania, the





I will be attending the 39th Session of the General Conference in Paris France. I will take this opportunity to meet with representatives from Member States in Eastern Africa and follow-up on a range of topics with UNESCO Headquarters and



Ann Therese Ndong-Jatta

Announcements Social Media Campaign #TraditionalGameOn to be Launched in Celebration of 2017 UNESCO World Day for Audiovisual Heritage Building upon UNESCO’s activities in creating an International Network on Traditional Sports and Games, being part of the global project - Creation of an Open Digital Library on Traditional Games, Kenya has been selected as one of the pilot countries to safeguard and promote traditional games through innovation and Information and Communication Technology (ICT). 27 October marks UNESCO 2017 World Day for Audio-Visual Heritage under the theme “Discover, Remember and Share”. UNESCO Regional Office for Eastern


Africa will join the global celebration #AudiovisualHeritage from 23October and launch a social media campaign #TraditionalGameOn on 27 October. The campaign aims to increase the visibility of the Organization’s work on documentary heritage and the yearlong project – Creating Open Digital Library on Traditional Games in Kenya. Join us on Facebook @unescoeastafrica and on Twitter






Mapping Training and Learning needs of the UN System at the Country level,




The United Nations System Staff College, based in Italy, is currently reviewing the learning and training offerings to make sure they directly respond to the needs in supporting Member States' efforts in implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. For this purpose, take this brief survey, by clicking here, before 3 November 2017. The survey aims at identifying areas requiring further skill reinforcement, knowledge-building and training initiatives in primary functional areas of work.


How we celebrated the UN Day in East Africa DJIBOUTI In the spirit of respect, fair-play and spirit of togetherness of the United Nations, a soccer tournament was organized in Djibouti. During the celebration of the United Nations day, the UN agencies showcased their work in stands, aiming








Twitter handle: @UNESCOEast KENYA "Let's Harness the Egalitarian Spirit of Sport for Global Cohesion" is an Open Editorial published on 24 October 2017, on United Nations Day 2017, coauthored by Director of the UNESCO Regional Office for Eastern Africa and the UN Resident Coordinator in Kenya. In the piece, olympism, team spirit, the universal value of sport in promoting peace, justice and happiness for the whole humanity are highlighted. Activities of UNESCO for education and sports for the development of self-confidence, healthy lifestyle choices, life skills and an understanding of rules and rights are underlined. You can read the entire article, here. Twitter handle: @UNESCOEast


RWANDA The United Nations in Rwanda joined forces and worked with local communities in Umuganda, community work activities carried out on the last Saturday of the month. The theme of the month was "Protecting the environment, trees are vital for life". All the UN agencies in Rwanda, the local government and the UN Resident Coordinator were present and, UN staff and local communities planted more than 10,000 trees to encourage economic growth and addressing the issue of climate change and environmental awareness to achieve socio-economic and environmental progress. Twitter handle @UNRwanda TANZANIA The United Nations Day in Tanzania, themed "Industrial Development and Environmental Conservation for Sustainable Development" saw the presence of the Vice President of the United Republic of Tanzania, Ms. Samia Suluhu Hassan, the UN Resident Coordinator in Tanzania, who stressed the importance of partnerships and working in synergy with the Government to Leave no one behind, tapping into the Youth potential and working closely with communities, and development partners, such as Norway, Sweden and KOICA, specifically to meet the priority development needs dfor Kigoma Region and the three districts of Kasulu, Kibondo and Kakonko, which currently host over 300,000 refugees, with




Twitter handle: @UnitedNationsTZ


UGANDA UNESCO joined the UN day celebrations in Rubaga Division in Kampala with a theme 'UN for You' where they interacted with over 174 young people and children (75 girls and 99 boys) who are mostly physically handicapped from the Kampala School for the Physically Handicapped. Other agencies that joined the community event included ILO, UNAO, UNICEF, UN Women, and other partners with a purpose to help, to provide support, to advocate for the rights of the vulnerable, to interact with the young people with disabilities, and to become a voice for the voiceless. Twitter




Photos from United Nations Day in Eastern Africa

Check a selection of photos for the UN Day celebrations in Eastern Africa, by clicking here.


Events of the week 39th Session of the UNESCO General Conference 30 October to 14 November 2017 Follow the website, with news & updates, by clicking here

South Sudan National Archives Project Board Meeting Juba, South Sudan 31 October 2017 Consultative Meeting for the University of Rwanda ,UNESCO and ODeL Footprints' Experts to dicuss fasttracking and finalizing the implementation strategy of the UR ODeL Policy Muhanga, Rwanda 1 to 3 November 2017 Workshop on capacity building of correspondent networks for Community Radio Gulu, Uganda 1 to 3 November 2017

Missions Ann Therese Ndong Jatta 39th Session of the UNESCO General Conference Paris, France


25 October to 6 November 2017 Karalyn Monteil First International Scientific Committee of the Indentured Labor Route Project 30 October to 2 November 2017 Balaclava, Mauritius Abdul Rahman Lamin Expert Group Meeting on Youth, Peace and Security: Social Issues and Social Policies 30 October to 3 November 2017 Rome, Italy Marina Patrier Representation of the Director of the UNESCO Office for Eastern Africa at the UNESCO Office in Dar es Salaam 29 October to 2 November 2017

What the Press says about us Let’s Harness the Egalitarian Spirit of Sport for Global Cohesion Op-Ed UNESCO Director East Africa & UN Resident Coordinator Kenya, Source: Inter Press Preserving Source:

Service Musical Music

News Heritage

in in

Agency South



Africa Code Week, Niger success story, featured on TV5 Monde on coding, minute




The Centre for the Study of Learning and Performance received the UNESCO King Sejong Literacy Prize in September for their outstanding work in Kenya, Source:

Meetings Webinar session on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and Global

Citizenship Education


23 October 2017 Nairobi, Kenya The Education sector participated in a webinar session organized in collaboration with the Section of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and Global Citizenship Education. ESD has been recognized as a key element of quality education








The Webinar targeted Global Action Programme (GAP 1) partners who focus on ESD policy development at country level: "Mainstream ESD into both education & sustainable development policies to create an enabling environment for ESD & to bring about systemic change". The webinar provided a platform where


partners shared on the successes and progress attained while highlighting the next steps to ensure achievement of the intended results. For Kenya, we shared the processes undertaken in the development of the ESD policy for the education sector that is domiciled at the Ministry of Education as well as the ongoing ESD technical capacity enhancement for the education sector at the ministry's national, county, sub-county and school levels. 1st










Forum Tanzania

UNESCO participated along with other development partners in the East African Community Development partners forum on the 5 th EAC Development Strategy. The forum provided an opportunity for engagement on priority areas for financial year 2018/2019 to ensure ownership, commitment and support from development partners. UNESCO highlighted possible partnership on 3 areas: Strengthening education systems for sustainable development, harnessing Science Technology and Innovation and knowledge for the sustainable socio-economic development and promoting gender- responsive policies for women and girls, men and boys in all its areas of competence Opening of the Roads to Independence: The African Liberation Heritage Exhibition 27







World Day for Audiovisual Heritage is celebrated every year on 27 October and in celebrating the day in the United Republic of Tanzania, UNESCO in partnership with the national partners organized an exhibition entitled Roads to Independence: The African Liberation Heritage. The project aims to ensure the 12

sustainability of heritage archives by increasing accountability, accessibility and enhancing coordination of the management of this important heritage in the United Republic of Tanzania. The exhibition will raise awareness, increase visibility and outreach on the archival heritage linked to the struggles for independence with particular emphasis on the role of youth in the United Republic of Tanzania.


Global Education Monitoring Report: Accountability in Education, meeting our commitments


Videos United Nations Day - Video Message by UN SecretaryGeneral

UNESCO Days and Public Holidays United Nations Day 24 October World Day for Audiovisual Heritage 27 October

Birthdays Maurice Asudi 2 November

Saba Bokhari


6 November


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Inspiration of the Week "Young women and men have got the creativity, the potential and the capacity to make change happen – for themselves, for their societies, and for the rest of the world"

UNESCO 10th Youth Forum, 25-26 October 2017, Paris- France