Newsletter - January/February 2014 - National Philoptochos Society

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Feb 22, 2014 - Philoptochos mission in the beautiful host city of ... of our dedicated Staff, the move to our new home .
Philanthropy Witness The Official Newsletter of the Greek Orthodox Ladies Philoptochos Society Volume 1 Issue 7

January/February 2014 and comforting message of peace and love. The blessed and vibrant Pilgrims, led by His Grace

New Year Message Aphrodite, Skeadas, National President

Bishop Sevastianos of Zela and Chair Anita Kartalopoulos, were present in the most magnificent Greek Orthodox Cathedral ever built…the Aghia Sophia. Among the many Pilgrimage highlights were the Pilgrims being greeted by the bright, joyful and hopeful smiles of the students at the Zographeion Scholi.

Beloved Philoptochos Sisters, I greet you in love as we enter the New Year 2014! The Sisterhood is committed to the teachings of Our Saviour Jesus Christ. Your loving response utilizing God-given gifts restores the bruised and broken and brings warmth to the disadvantaged. Thank you for your ceaseless service and offerings. It has been 14 months since Super Storm Sandy unleashed its fury in the northeast. Especially in those early months forging into early 2013, Philoptochos, through your Chapters’ contributions and under the fine leadership of NJ Metropolis President Anne Michals and then DAD President Maria Skeadas, assisted in restoring peace and calm and instituted programs of emotional, physical and financial support to many of Sandy’s traumatized victims. Last June, amidst community unrest and student led demonstrations in Taksim Square, thirty Philoptochos Stewards journeyed to Constantinople in contemplation of our religious faith and in support of our Greek Orthodox Church. The Pilgrims received the blessings and prayers of His All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, where the Spiritual Father of the world’s Orthodox faithful shared His resounding

The 2013 Children’s Medical Fund Luncheon was an enormous success underscoring our Philoptochos mission in the beautiful host city of Pittsburgh, where we were cordially welcomed by His Eminence Metropolitan Savas. Thank you CMF Luncheon Chair Rosemary Nikas and Co-Chairs Thea Martin, Joyce Spanakis, Crystal Thomas and Thana Ward for your gracious and warm hospitality, for producing a spectacular and memorable Luncheon and for reaching into the community to serve the precious children. This past year Philoptochos supported and continues to serve our struggling brothers and sisters in Greece and Cyprus. During the blessed season of the Nativity, the amount of $150,000 was distributed as humanitarian relief to ministries in Greece and Cyprus. I applaud you, my dear Sisters in Christ for sponsoring in your Parishes the Philoptochos Fellowship Sunday in September. Elaine Cladis is commended for her exemplary service as Chair of the Aid to the People of Greece and Cyprus Campaign. With the prayers and blessings of His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios of America, with huge financial care of loving benefactors, with never ending work of Philoptochos volunteers led by Arlene Siavelis Kehl, and with the assiduous efforts of our dedicated Staff, the move to our new home at the Philoptochos Center of Philanthropy is complete. His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios on September 9, 2013 offered the Agiasmo Blessing at the Philoptochos Center of Philanthropy. Our Spiritual Advisor His Grace Bishop Sevastianos, the

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Honorable US Ambassador at Large of International Freedom Dr. Suzan Johnson Cooke, together with Philoptochos Stewards and Staff, participated in the day’s program. On November 1, 2013 in honor of our Patron Saints Cosmas and Damianos, Philoptochos welcomed Stewards, friends and guests at their Philoptochos Center of Philanthropy Open House following the Divine Liturgy at the Archdiocesan Cathedral celebrated by His Grace Bishop Sevastianos. Philanthropy Witness, the Society’s e-newsletter launched in 2013, informs and connects our readership throughout the country and it does so with sustainability and regard to the environment. Thank you Publisher Dee Nicolaou, PR co-chairs Helen Ballerano and Valine Georgeson and Vivian Siempos and all the contributors who make this noteworthy publication a most eagerly awaited goto. The total summation of every years’ actions is a collective demonstration of your generous hearts, your work ethic and your devotion to the Church. Your toils will result in another banner year of giving. This coupled with the establishment and opening of the Philoptochos Center of Philanthropy is truly noteworthy. Congratulations Ladies, this could only occur with your diligence, your love and your faith in our beloved Society and its noble mission. Please mark your calendars to attend the Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting to take place on March 1 and I thank Maria Stavropoulos and Kathy Gabriel for serving as Chairs of this milestone occasion. The 2014 National Philoptochos Society Biennial Convention in Philadelphia, the City of Brotherly (and Sisterly) Love on July 6-9, 2014, Chaired by Anne Michals, Martha Stefanidakis and Evellyn Tsiadis is a must-attend and critical to the development of our future Philoptochos. I ask that each Chapter be represented at the Convention. Bring your enthusiasm and best ideas with you and be prepared to have fun! Looking forward to a fruitful 2014 cognizant of the ever increasing needs of our deprived sisters and brothers, we remain focused on advancing the mission and extending the outreach passed on by our valiant ancestors. We have inherited the legacy

and it is our charge to plan, act and create for tomorrow. May God bless you and your loved ones and may 2014 be filled with good health, peace and happiness. With love in Christ,

Aphrodite Skeadas

National Philoptochos Biennial Convention Convention Co-Chairmen Anne Michals~Martha Stefanidakis~Evellyn Tsiadis The 2014 National Philoptochos Biennial Convention Tri-Chairs send all Philoptochos chapters throughout the country our prayers and best wishes for a remarkable ‘second half’ of this Ecclesiastical Year in Christ. We look forward to having all Chapters finish the year in Philoptochos by joining their Philoptochos Sisters in Philadelphia for the National Philoptochos Convention. By now your Chapter President will have received information regarding your chapter’s participation in the National Philoptochos Agape Awards Program. This Program concludes with honoring one Philoptochos member from each Metropolis and the Direct Archdiocese District with the Agape Award. This Award is bestowed on a member in recognition of her ability to exemplify the essence of the Philoptochos Mission both in word and deed. Agape Award submission form deadline is February 22, 2014. We encourage chapters that are blessed with a worthy candidate to submit her name for consideration of this auspicious recognition. We would like to remind any Chapter that intends to submit a request for a change to the National Bylaws at the 2014 National Philoptochos Biennial Convention to review the request carefully with your Metropolis President. All Bylaw Resolution ‘Requests for Change’ must first be reviewed at the Metropolis level. We are excited to report that Philoptochos Chapter Challenges are taking place throughout the country. In this Convention installment we take

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time to mention the first of five Chapter Challenges that will prove to be programs of interest to all Chapters seeking new ways to philanthropically serve their communities. 

Metropolis of Detroit, Philoptochos of Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church of Dayton, Ohio, is participating in yearlong activities that support our servicemen and women through their project entitled AMERICAN HEROES. Metropolis of Pittsburgh, Philoptochos of St. Haralambos Greek Orthodox Church of Canton, Ohio, is working on a project that provides ‘House Warming Gifts’ to those who are able to leave emergency homeless shelters and finally be on their own.

Direct Archdiocese District, Philoptochos of St. Sophia Greek Orthodox Church Albany, New York, is working on a project that helps develop a community ‘Career Development Center’ in order to empower people to gain employment and show leadership skills.

Metropolis of New Jersey, Philoptochos of St. Andrew Greek Orthodox Church, Randolph, New Jersey, is introducing the OCPM ‘Writing Project’, under the guidance of the Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry and in partnership with students of the Orthodox Christian Fellowship Program, that provides children of incarcerated parents the ability to regularly communicate with their parents while in prison.

Metropolis of Denver, Philoptochos of Transfiguration Greek Orthodox Church, Austin, Texas, is planning a project that focuses on a blood drive involving the Military.

The remaining 4 Chapter Challenges will be reviewed in the next issue of Philanthropy Witness. As the Convention Program is under review, we again invite all Philoptochos Members to email your thoughts and ideas about the Convention Program and how you see yourself actively participating in the 2014 National Philoptochos

Biennial Convention in Philadelphia Tsiadis ([email protected]) .

to Evellyn

We wish to inform all Chapters that Registration Booklets for the 2014 National Philoptochos Biennial Convention will be mailed to you by the end of January. Please take the time to review the Booklet and to register your delegates as soon as possible. To all our beloved Sisters in Philoptochos we there a better way to finish out the Ecclesiastical Year than to meet and greet each other in the ‘City of Brotherly and Sisterly Love’...Philadelphia?

Women to Welcome By: Vivian Siempos

Jennifer Constantin Direct Archdiocesan District Philoptochos President

At the Philoptochos Center of Philanthropy Open House, Jennifer Constantin, newly appointed Direct Archdiocesan District Philoptochos President, greeted guests as they walked in and bid them adieu with a Philoptochos cloth bag as they departed. Her smile and warm personality truly made the day great and despite the cold, she remained by the door which opened and closed to a multitude of guests. This perhaps will be a reflection of what we can expect from her in the coming months and years, an eagerness to help and the confidence to jump right in where a need is present. Jennifer grew up in Dedham, MA in a neighborhood called Peanut Butter Valley. “It was a wonderful, typical suburban upbringing,” she said as she remembers with nostalgia playing outside with her younger sister, Andrea, and a multitude of kids from the neighborhood until they were called in for dinner.

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Both her mother and grandmother were very involved Philoptochos members. She remembers tagging along with her mother to help and being told by her grandmother, ‘You have to learn this for when you get married to a nice Greek boy.’ Jennifer studied Business Administration at Boston University. She met her husband at her friend’s wedding. Her friend married her husband’s uncle. Jennifer knew her husband’s mother before she ever met him, having been told by his mother that Jennifer needed to meet her son. When she did finally meet him, by chance, it was love at first sight. On their third date in April he asked her to marry him, by September, they were married. They were wed at the Chapel at Hellenic College Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology. She lived in Manhattan from 1990, when she got married, until 1997 when their family started growing. She loved Manhattan but believed Westchester was a better place to raise a family. Jennifer has two boys, one is 14 and in high school and the other is 21 and a senior in college. Jennifer is a full-time real estate agent in Scarsdale, NY and covers all of Westchester.

collecting new or gently worn clothing, new socks and underwear, and other necessities for the underprivileged children in the community.

Light the Path Benefits San Francisco Metropolis Seminarians

Jennifer credits her dedication to Philoptochos to National Board member Lila Prounis who welcomed her with open arms and introduced her to everyone in the parish. The first responsibility she remembers having was volunteering at the National Philoptochos office with other Chapter and National Board members. “Lila really took me under her wing and introduced me to everyone. She is such a sweetheart and truly goes out of her way to make someone comfortable,” Jennifer said.

The Metropolis of San Francisco Philoptochos hosted two luncheons to benefit the Bishop Anthony Philoptochos Student Aid Endowment Fund. The first, “Light the Path – A Christmas Luncheon” was held on Saturday, November 23, 2013 at Saint Anthony Greek Orthodox Church in Pasadena, California and the second, on Saturday, December 7, 2013 at the Nativity of Christ Greek Orthodox Church in Novato, California. These events raised more than $100,000, providing scholarships for the students and seminarians from the Metropolis of San Francisco currently enrolled at Hellenic College Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology. Through his vision, His Eminence Metropolitan Anthony, of blessed memory, established the Endowment Fund over 25 years ago. It has since contributed over $1 million in scholarships to students from the Metropolis of San Francisco studying for the holy priesthood. In 2013, the Metropolis Philoptochos awarded $130,000 to 22 students.

Today, in addition to her current Philoptochos responsibilities, she also spearheads the gift giving tree every year during Christmas as well as the gift cards for seminarians program at her local parish. She also joins her Philoptochos Chapter in their involvement in Kids Kloset of Westchester,

In his remarks to the over 300 people in attendance at the luncheon in Novato, His Eminence Metropolitan Gerasimos said, “Today’s event is about providing for the future of our Church, so that your children, grandchildren and great grandchildren can benefit from the spiritual

In addition to Philoptochos, Jennifer is the Treasurer of her Neighborhood Association. She has been a member of the Junior League since 1997 and helps with their soup kitchen and women’s shelter. She also founded the preschool at her local Church, Church of our Saviour in Rye, NY. The preschool is still going after 11 years and Jennifer continues to be involved.

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guidance and love of priests who have dedicated their lives in service to the Lord.”

Singers from Glendora, California performed in Pasadena and the Choraliers from San Jose State University offered uplifting Christmas carols to usher in the holiday spirit at the event in Novato.

Philanthropy Across the Country Chapters Helping in Their Communities Annunciation Greek Orthodox Cathedral Philoptochos Houston, Texas

At the luncheon in Pasadena, seminarian, Thomas Felactu, from Saint Katherine Church in Redondo Beach spoke to the audience about his path to the school and his desire to serve the Lord through the holy priesthood. Felactu also shared his personal experience as a second year student at Holy Cross where he lives with his wife, Tina, and children, and the strong sense of faith and family that emanate throughout his education.

The Annunciation Cathedral Philoptochos of Houston, Texas held its annual Vasilopita celebration on Sunday, January 5, 2014 following the Divine Liturgy. Members of the Philoptochos and parish community prepared Vasilopites and brought them to the Cathedral to be auctioned. The committee also prepared about 100 Vasilopites for sale. The Annunciation Cathedral family came together to raise over $35,000 for the benefit of Saint Basil Academy!

Seminarian Chris Retelas, from Annunciation Church in Sacramento, California, addressed the audience in Novato, offering his personal experience as the son of a priest, and how this enlightened his path toward service in the Church. His wife, Kalli, is the daughter of a priest and both share their love for serving the Lord. Metropolis Philoptochos President Jeannie Ranglas spoke about the Philoptochos’ commitment to many ministries, but especially to providing substantial support for future priests and the perpetuation of our Orthodox faith. This Fund was established to leave seminarians as debt-free as possible upon graduation. Jeannie also shared her personal experience getting to know the students and their families, and how their commitment to their education and service to the Church has been an inspiration to her and a blessing to the Metropolis. The festive events were adorned with themed Christmas trees donated by Chapters throughout the Metropolis. The proceeds from the Christmas trees drawing and the Christmas Boutique added to the success of this event. The Citrus College

Pictured with some of the Vasilopites is Committee Chair Eleni Kyriazis, along with Niki Vaughn and Nina Maroulas. Saint George Greek Orthodox Church Philoptochos Albuquerque, NM By: Mary Ann Kaye For over 20 years, the ladies of the St. George Church Philoptochos have enjoyed hosting their annual Festival of Tables. This is the largest, and by far, the most fun fundraiser of the year. For the last 15 years, the event has taken place the first

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Saturday in December, putting everyone in the Christmas spirit.

Philippines typhoon by collecting donations. We also celebrated the Feast Day of our Patron Saints Cosmas and Damianos by collecting donations on behalf of His All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew. In addition to our National Philoptochos fundraising efforts, we hosted our gyro sale fundraiser. This event is our Chapter’s largest fundraiser and allows us to assist individuals and agencies locally and nationwide. Saints Peter and Paul Greek Orthodox Church Philoptochos Frederick, MD

The Festival of Tables began as a way of gathering ladies in our community for a day of fellowship and fun, while those planning the event hoped to raise a little bit of money. Guests return year after year, making it the most highly anticipated event, selling out at 260 seats. This year we raised approximately $12,000! Each table is uniquely decorated. The tables look so beautiful that attendees comment that they don’t want to eat off them and disturb the design. However, when the guests are presented with a delicious array of hors d'oevres and a delightful luncheon, how can anyone resist? There is a silent auction and there are local vendors present. Each year guests vote on their favorite table. Guests vote by placing money in a jar that matches their chosen table. The hostess of the table who raises the most money is crowned, robed and honored as FOT Queen for the Day. All of the voting money is then donated to a charity that has been chosen prior to Festival of Tables. This year, our chosen charity was Camp Rising Sun, a camp for autistic children. We raised $1,500 for that charity alone. Next year’s event will take place on Saturday, December 6, 2014. Dormition of the Virgin Mary Greek Orthodox Church Philoptochos Winchester, VA By: Chapter President Maria Boyer In 2013 the Dormition of the Virgin Mary Church Philoptochos Chapter in Winchester, VA hosted several fellowship hours to assist our brethren in Greece and Cyprus as well as the victims of the

The Saint Eugenia Chapter in Frederick, Maryland has been busy aiding the community near and far. September began with fellowship Sunday in the form of the fellowship hour and a tray for Hellenic College Holy Cross Scholarships. Saints Peter and Paul Church held their annual fall festival and Philoptochos ran the pastry sale. Later in September, our ladies passed a tray to benefit our Greek and Cypriot brethren. In October, our members were delighted to attend the Agape Tea held at Saint Katherine Church in Falls Church, Virginia. October was also the month we participated in the CROP walk in Frederick, raising over $300.00. We were also a rest stop, providing health bars and refreshments to those who walked for this great cause to end hunger. In November, our parish celebrated Saints Cosmas and Damianos and the ladies offered the artoklasia and hosted fellowship hour. Our busiest month this ecclesiastical year has been December. We held our annual Philoptochos Christmas dinner where members, their spouses and other church members joined in for an evening of cheer. St. Eugenia’s feast day was celebrated by offering an artoklasia, fellowship hour and a very successful Christmas and pastry sale. With the help of our generous parishioners, 40 Christmas stockings filled with toys, books, and necessities were collected and were given to the Salvation Army Christmas program for the needy children of Frederick. As the new calendar year is upon us, we have many great things planned and we started 2014 with the cutting of the Vasilopita for our parish. Our ladies

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coordinated the cutting, passed a tray for Saint Basil Academy and sponsored fellowship hour. The Saint Eugenia Chapter in Frederick is looking forward to a very productive spring. Ascension Greek Orthodox Church Philoptochos Fairview, NJ By: Chapter President Lea Velis-Drivas Our Annual Vasilopita Dinner Dance was held in our Church Community Center on Saturday, January 11, 2014 with 130 people in attendance. It was a wonderful evening, and as always, we were very touched by the dedicated support of our parishioners and friends who come out despite the weather, helping us raise funds for Saint Basil Academy. This year, we were honored to have Mr. Evan Winton of Saint Basil Academy join us which gave us an opportunity to present a gift during the event to the Academy from our Philoptochos Chapter. In addition, it gave him the chance to speak to the attendees about the children, the Academy, and the support they receive from National Philoptochos and Philoptochos Chapters. Aside from presenting a gift on that evening, we also made an announcement that we had envelopes available with the children’s names and ages for anyone who wished to make a personal gift to them. Many of the envelopes were taken that night, the rest would be distributed at our next Philoptochos Chapter meetings. This has been a practice of our Philoptochos Chapter for years and the gifts are given to the children when they visit our Parish for their annual lunch with our GOYA. This year, their visit is scheduled for February 16 and we look forward to welcoming them once again. I wish to congratulate our Chair, Bessie Anastassatos, and Co-Chair, Demetra Delaportas, together with their committee for hosting such a beautiful and successful event. A big “THANK YOU” to all the other members of our Chapter who also worked very hard and provided support. Your dedication to our Chapter and love of Philoptochos is reflected in all of your wonderful deeds and actions in the name of “philanthropia.”

Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church Philoptochos New Rochelle, NY By: Chapter Vice President Despina Kartson The members of the Holy Trinity Church Philoptochos are leading the community in numerous philanthropic and outreach programs and there never seems to be a shortage of wonderful ways in which we serve those in need. One of our Chapter’s programs is a monthly “Soup Run” to New York City which involves serving food and offering clothing and toiletries to the homeless on the streets of Manhattan. At our most recent Soup Run, the giving, receiving and gratitude were both heart-warming and heartwrenching for the 24 individuals who served the homeless. We had an amazing turnout of Holy Trinity parishioners and supporters (including from the Archdiocese staff) as well as six teenagers. Our offerings of sustenance - warm food, cookies, candies, clothing, blankets, a sleeping bag, shoes, toiletries and almost 100 hats, scarves and gloves were met with genuine thanks and warm hugs and words of appreciation. It was a particularly cold and blustery night on 33rd Street but that didn't stop our cheerful group from singing Christmas carols and serving our offerings to more than 125 people in need. Our group has the unique ability to relate to those we meet on the street - whether it's Deacon John's gentle and warm conversations; John's ability to venture into dark alleys and find the one person who is thrilled to receive sparkly purple mittens or Maria who can say "Papi - you need to eat" and convince a strung out homeless man to accept a meal. All of our programs are supported enthusiastically by the Philoptochos membership and the entire Holy Trinity community. We continuously strive to uphold the mission of the Philoptochos Society: “To promote charitable, benevolent and philanthropic outreach to preserve the sanctity of life and family and to perpetuate and promote our Orthodox faith and traditions.”

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Philanthropy By Philoptochos The National Philoptochos blog brings you articles of interest from Chapters nationwide as well as useful tips, information, and topics to reflect on. Here is a recent post:

Upcoming blog posts include a Go Red for Women post by one of our wonderful guest bloggers, Dr. Denise Millstine. An article about a parishioner with autism who is a dedicated part of the community, by guest blogger and National Board member Barbara Orlando, and a post about Weirton Christian Center, one of the Children’s Medical Fund grant recipients.

What will your Chapter do in the New Year?

January Ministry Commitments

The Saint Sophia Cathedral Philoptochos Chapter in Los Angeles has been very busy as they begin their year with a philanthropic project that aids women and children affected by domestic violence. For the last two years the Philoptochos Chapter adopted the Domestic Violence Agency as one of the organizations they would help on an ongoing basis. This winter they collected brand new blankets for the Agency’s safe houses where women and children take shelter from abusive husbands, boyfriends and fathers. The Philoptochos women either hand-made blankets or received donations of new blankets to give to the women and children living in the shelter. The staff members at the Domestic Violence Agency were overjoyed when President Virginia Noyes delivered more than 80 new blankets to them. They invited President Noyes to attend some of their meetings and find out more about how Philoptochos can help further. “Our work never ends as Philoptochos stewards, we continue to help those who are on hard times, sick or trying to survive on social security,” Chapter President Virginia Noyes said of the Philoptochos mission.

Social Services/Cancer Fund By: Social Services Chairs, Lily Katos, Stella Fiorentino and Aspasia Melis and Paulette Geanacopoulos, LMSW, Social Worker Take a moment and think about silent films. Without any synchronized recorded sound or spoken dialogue, the silent film transmits its message quietly through muted gestures, mime, title cards and music. Now think about Philoptochos – we, too, are like silent films, for without fanfare or a “cast of thousands”, we silently and quietly transmit our message of being a “Friend of the Poor” each time we make a difference in the lives of community members in need. Perhaps most importantly, our silent and quiet efforts give a clear message to those who are less fortunate that God has not abandoned them, for through our ministry, He answers their prayers. With these thoughts in mind, we ask you to think about the last time you . . .

The new year brings with it a euphoria of hope for many, a fresh canvas for which we can paint a new picture. It is a time to reflect on ourselves and our lives and see how we can give more of ourselves to those who need our help the most. Let’s all recommit ourselves to the Philoptochos mission, giving love and hope to those who may have very little of either. What will your picture look like in 2014? ----Be sure to keep abreast of Philoptochos happenings through the Philoptochos blog: Page 8

Made sure a gravely ill child received life saving medical care

Relocated a victim of domestic violence to a safe and secure environment

Gave an impoverished elderly parishioner a proper Orthodox Christian burial

Prevented a single mom and her children from becoming homeless

Provided an autistic child with educational services and equipment so that she could communicate with her family

Restored the dignity and faith of our neighbors and friends in need by being there when they needed you most

Distributed faith-based culturally sensitive information to educate our community about intimate partner violence, breast and ovarian cancer, children and violent events, state health insurance autism laws, mental health resources and more . .

These are just a few examples of what you accomplish when you fulfill your January commitments, for it is only through your generosity that we can achieve our goals of philanthropia, service and education. In Calendar Year 2013, we assisted 228 different members of our community in need and awarded $160,012.23 in social services grants. Will you consider exceeding the recommended commitment amounts so that together, we can continue to build and rebuild futures? Thank you for giving from the heart and for your willingness to share what you can to help others. Facts About Ovarian Cancer Philoptochos Women Need to Know By: Paulette Geanacopoulos, LMSW Social Worker

Sheets throughout your Chapter, parish and community-at-large: 1. Ask your priest to include both in your Sunday Bulletin. 2. Distribute copies to the organizations in your Church, including the Parish Council, GOYA, Greek and Sunday Schools, Parent Organizations, senior citizen groups, and more. 3. Post both Fact Sheets in the women’s room of your Church. 4. Place both Fact Sheets in a public area of your Church. 5. Ask a local newspaper to publish the Fact Sheets and ask the local “health editor” to write an article on ovarian cancer. 6. Invite a gynecological oncologist from a local hospital or cancer society to one of your general meetings to give a presentation on ovarian cancer. 7. Use your imagination – what else works in your community to get the word out?

Is it an ovarian cyst or ovarian cancer? Is it an abdominal condition or ovarian cancer? Is it constipation or ovarian cancer?

February Ministry Commitments

Ovarian cancer is a deadly disease that kills more women than all other reproductive cancers combined. Because it is hard to detect - there is no one reliable test to identify it - and as some of its symptoms are similar to other conditions, it is important to recognize its signs so that we can act quickly and appropriately. As a women’s organization, it is equally important for us to “get the word out” – to our mothers, aunts and grandmothers, to our daughters, neighbors and friends so that they know what to look for. To help you do so, we have prepared an “Ovarian Cancer Fact Sheet” – both in English and in Greek.

Autism Assistance Fund By: Autism Assistance Fund Chair Barbara Vittas Did you know …

Ovarian Cancer Fact Sheet - Click here for the English version Ovarian Cancer Fact Sheet - Click here for the Greek version During National Philoptochos’ January Cancer Commitment month, we urge you to take one or more of the actions to broadly distribute these Fact

Autism now affects 1 in 88 children and 1 in 54 are boys

Autism prevalence figures are growing autism is the fastest-growing serious developmental disability in the U.S.

Autism costs a family $60,000 a year, on average

Autism receives less than 5% of the research funding of many less prevalent childhood diseases

In 2014 nearly 46,000 individuals and families in the United States will begin their journey with autism. Autism is a developmental disorder that appears in the first 3 years of life and affects the brain’s

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normal development of social and communication skills. There are no blood or biologic tests for autism, so diagnosis is not an exact science. It’s identified by making judgments about a child’s behavior. Health officials attribute the increase in cases largely to better recognition through wider screening and better diagnosis. February has been designated as the month to support our National Philoptochos Autism Assistance Fund. The purpose of this discretionary Philoptochos fund is to provide financial assistance towards programs that are designed to support and care for autistic children and their families. In addition, it allows us to directly assist families as they struggle to ensure that their children receive the critical autism therapies that will help them with their developmental disabilities. With your support, the Greek Orthodox Ladies Philoptochos Society carries on their tradition of caring, concern and compassion. Saint Photios Greek Orthodox National Shrine By: St. Photios Shrine Chair Joanne Stavrakas

The Saint Photios Greek Orthodox National Shrine, is an institution of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, dedicated to the first colony of Greek people who came to America in 1768. When we support the Shrine, we are continuing the commission of St. Photios the Great and remembering our early ancestors and all our protoporoi who believed that a better life was worth the sacrifice of leaving their motherland. Through the united efforts of our Chapters and with your generous donations, our Shrine will continue to illuminate all in the Holy Orthodox faith.

This year St. Photios Shrine celebrates the 32nd anniversary of its dedication. Saint Photios, the Great Patriarch of Constantinople, for whom the Shrine is named, was prophetic and eager to proclaim the Gospel to the ends of the earth. One of his greatest achievements was mission work. In 863, St. Photios sent his two nephews from Thessaloniki to preach the Gospel to the Slavic people. Today we know them as Saints Cyril and Methodios. Thus the Saint Photios Shrine is the “Jewel of St. George Street” in St. Augustine, Florida and remains the “Beacon of Greek Orthodoxy in America.” The women of Philoptochos Chapters nationwide are asked to lead their communities in the collection of donations for the continued progress of fulfilling the mission of the Shrine – to witness our Orthodox faith while sharing our Hellenic culture with the thousands of people who visit yearly. In support of the Saint Photios Shrine, we encourage Chapters to:  Send the discretionary commitment during February 2014 to the National Philoptochos office  Attend the Pilgrimage Celebrations, February 7th and 8th commemorating the 32nd Anniversary of the Shrine’s dedication  Attend Landing Day Celebrations in June and/or offer a greeting in the album  Plan a visit with your Philoptochos Chapter and include your parish family  To learn more about St. Photios Shrine and participate in their programs, including “Light A Candle,” “Wall Of Tribute,” “Friend of the Shrine,” and “Essay Contest,” please visit their website:

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Go Red Sunday Go Red for Women is the American Heart Association’s national call to increase awareness and help prevent heart disease, the number one killer of American women. This is a call for women, by women, to take charge of their well-being and live stronger, healthier lives. The National Philoptochos Society promotes the American Heart Association’s Go Red for Women campaign. Improve awareness by sharing information with your Philoptochos sisters, your parish community and all the women you know and love. The American Heart Association has designated Friday, February 7, 2014 as National Wear Red Day. In support of this program, we are designating Sunday, February 9 as Go Red Sunday and are asking our Philoptochos sisters across the country to join the movement and wear red, the color of our hearts, when attending Church services. Everyone should know why Women Go Red.

shared and is used strictly for communication purposes. Sign-up to receive National Philoptochos Society news here: serv/. Not only will your e-mail address help you to receive all current Philoptochos news, but will enable us to be good stewards of our earthly resources.

Social Media Links Look out for a new post every Thursday! Please “Like” us!

For further information and ideas for your Chapter’s Go Red for Women campaign, please go to .

Searching for E-Mail Addresses! Some of the advantages this enewsletter provides is free distribution; no postage, no envelopes and no paper! This conserves Philoptochos funds and is an environmentally responsible action. But there is one catch, we must have e-mail addresses! The National Philoptochos office has a large database of e-mail addresses for our members. But we need ALL member e-mail addresses to ensure that we reach as many members as possible in a timely and cost efficient way. If you have received this newsletter, please forward it to as many of your Philoptochos sisters as you possibly can and encourage them to send in their e-mail address as well. E-mail information is not Page 11

National Philoptochos Web Page

Twitter: @Philoptochos1

LinkedIn: Greek Orthodox Ladies Philoptochos Society