constantly monitored. It is very rewarding to know. that her children had scored very high marks in the. recent school e
Volume 1, Issue 6
12th July, 2011
Sivan Arul Illam Inc
Thiruketheeswaram, Mannar. Email:
[email protected] Welcome to our second quarter issue of SAIT’s newsletter for 2011. We are pleased to inform you that all children numbering nearly 200 are settled to a routine and many continue to do well academically and adhere to some basic values. Apart from sports, the children take part in extra curricular activities like learning bharathanatyam, music and to play musical instruments. Eight girls and six boys are sitting for their GCE(O/L) exam this year. They have been provided with additional coaching in subjects they need help to improve their grade. When they qualify, they attend HSC classes in Mannar as the school close to the Illam caters up to year 10. Many children avail of the opportunity of living near the Thiruketheeswaram temple and take an active role in the religious activities of the temple and the festivals held there. Through workshops and awareness programs children are advised on how to care for their body and how to interpret basic symptoms like skin rash with boils etc. They are also advised of the symptoms of asthma and the medication available to ease breathing difficulties. Yoga and meditation classes are also conducted as per details provided in earlier news letters. Birthdays of children are continued to be celebrated collectively. A day is selected in a month and a grand birthday party is organised for all children born in that month. The Illam bakery provides the Birthday cakes. Anbuneri, a humanitarian organisation in California, sponsors these birthday parties. The children look forward to these birthday celebrations as it is always a fun filled day. The current number of elders under SAIT’s care is sixteen and majority of them need constant attention. Carers are employed to provide this assistance to the elderly. Work has commenced on a multistorey building which include a library, computer room, study rooms and more accommodation for children.
© 2011 Sivan Arul Illam Inc, All rights reserved.
Volume 1, Issue 6
Sivan Arul Illam Inc
12th July, 2011
Other SAIT projects that are in progress Artificial Limb Fitting program We continue to assist with the artificial limb fitting program as many more need this service. Funding was provided to Metha Foundation to fit 500 artificial limbs to amputees from Mannar, Kilinochi and Vanni district. Further 50 limbs will be fitted to amputees from Mankulam. Physiotherapists assisted those fitted with artificial limbs and the funding for this was provided by Australian Medical Foundation. Funding pre-school children’s education in Kilinochi Sivan Arul Illam is funding preschool education at 10 schools in Kilinochi district. To date 3.6 lakhs of rupees had been provided for this project. Funding for additional coaching in Komari Komari is a small village in Eastern province and SAIT has provided SLRs.60,000 for employing teachers to provide additional coaching for needy children in this village and a further SLRs.40,000 for school uniforms. This was done through the Methodist Church. Funding for University education SAIT has provided financial help to 15 needy undergraduates to continue their studies . Family Sponsor Project Early this year, we informed our readers in the first quarter news letter that we now care for families where the breadwinner of the family has major disabilities or is no more. As you are aware, there are many war widows with children, and some of the children have lost a limb or more in the war. Many of them have no dwelling and have no means to earn an income. They have no means to care for their family without any financial help. Our primary goal is to educate these children. We are also assisting families where the bread winner has lost one or more limbs. SAIT has to date provided means to earn an income and or caring for about 100 families. Needy families are identified and with the assistance of sponsors monthly financial support is provided for the family to live and to educate their children of school going age. In consultation with the family and local needs a small income generating project is set up for the family to mange it.
© 2011 Sivan Arul Illam Inc, All rights reserved. 2
Volume 1, Issue 6
Sivan Arul Illam Inc
12th July, 2011
This has been a very rewarding project as it has boosted the self esteem of these individuals. The beneficiaries of this project have expressed their gratitude through letters and telephone calls. Many organisations and individuals have helped us financially to rehabilitate these families. Field staff helps SAIT to monitor these projects. We had provided details of a few families who have benefited from this family rehabilitation project.
Arulnayagi lost her husband during the war and was left with three young children. She had no where to live and did not have an income. She could not look for a job as her presence was needed to care for the children. Through the auspices of Sivan Arul Illam, Anpuneri donated SLRs. 2.3 lakhs to rebuild her house. The family has a sponsor from Australia who provides monthly financial support for the family’s living expenses and for the children’s education. The children received extra coaching in their studies as they had missed school. SAIT has also provided a water pump so that she could use the water from the tank rather than fetch water from far. SAIT has also established a small boutique for her so that Arulnayagi will be able to manage her family from the income derived. Regular monthly payments will be continued till Arulnayagi is confident of her earning capacity from the boutique. Her progress is constantly monitored. It is very rewarding to know that her children had scored very high marks in the recent school exams.
© 2011 Sivan Arul Illam Inc, All rights reserved. 3
Volume 1, Issue 6
Sivan Arul Illam Inc
12th July, 2011
Thavachithra lost her husband in the war and had her leg amputated due to war injury. She is from Mullaitivu. She has a daughter and was struggling to make ends meet. She had received some money from another organisation, which was only enough to erect the house partially. Sivan Arul Illam funded to complete her house building and helped her to establish a poultry farm for SLRs175,000. She is settled and her child is attending school. A donor from Australia is sponsoring her monthly expenses. We intend providing financial support till she is established in her business.
Muruganantham is from Paranthan. He lost both his upper limbs and one leg. Due to the severe incapacity, his wife had to look after him full time. They have three grown up daughters. As they did not have doors and windows to the house, there were instances when undesirables had entered their home and threatened the family.
© 2011 Sivan Arul Illam Inc, All rights reserved. 4
Volume 1, Issue 6
Sivan Arul Illam Inc
12th July, 2011
They had no means of earning a living. SAIT with the financial help provided by Kathirvelayuthaswamy temple in Switzerland purchased two cows for milking purposes and erected a cow shed. Their house was secured by fixing doors and windows so that the family could live without any interference from the undesirables in the locality. SAIT also fixed a water pump at their home so that the ladies need not go far to have a bath and also to encourage home farming.
Theepa and Srivasuki
These two unmarried girls have sustained war injury. Theepa lost her an arm and a leg and Srivasuki has lost a leg. They both belong to families with many siblings and being the eldest in their families, the responsibility is on them to care for the families and to educate the younger ones. SAIT has provided the funds to establish a shop each and they are successfully running the business in spite of their disabilities.
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Volume 1, Issue 6
Sivan Arul Illam Inc
12th July, 2011
Maragatham and Kumaradas
Kumaradas sustained war injuries and lost his eye sight and due to a head injury has epilepsy. Maragatham is his wife and she assists him in his daily routine, cares also for the year old daughter and a blind mother. As she has to be at home all the time to look after Kumaradas and the baby, SAIT has provided her with a sewing machine and other equipment that goes with it so that she can earn some money from sewing. Again a kind donor is providing regular financial support so that the family can survive in spite of the disabilities.
This lady lost her husband Vijayakumar in a shell attack in Mulliyavalai. She has an 11 year old son. She was living with her father who died recently. She was keen to run a furniture hiring business in which she had some previous experience. Sivan Arul Illam donated SLRs100,000 to purchase tables and chairs for the furniture hiring business. The business is showing signs of success and is expected to bring in a reasonable income. Till then regular financial support will be provided to educate the son and for her family’s expenses.
Sivan Arul Illam has taken the initiative to care for these hundred families and it has been made possible by the generous support from various organisations in UK, Switzerland, US and Australia. The Tamil support Fund from UK has helped SAIT immensely to rehabilitate fifty families. We are also grateful for many individuals who ventured to care for families till they have a steady income. We thank all who have made this possible and we appreciate your sacrifice which provides the basic needs to these families. Those interested in having more details of this project and or wish to be involved are kindly requested to contact SAIT via email. The address is
[email protected].
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Volume 1, Issue 6
Sivan Arul Illam Inc
12th July, 2011
Upcoming Project With the help of ‘Karunai Palam” SAIT is planning to build a factory to extract coconut oil from kopra in Tharmapuram Kilinochi. This will provide employment for 60 war widows. A donor from US has provided SLRs10 million from a family trust for this project.
Sponsoring a special meal
Patrons of Sivan Arul Illam provide a special meal on special days in their family such as birthdays, death anniversary etc. On this day, children and staff of SAIT are provided with a sumptuous meal which includes Vadai, Payasam and special curries. Children and staff are informed about the occasion. A pooja is also performed at the Thiruketheeswaram temple for those desiring to have one done. The cost is A$150. Photos of the occasion with those participating in the meal sponsored will be emailed. For further details please contact Sivan Arul Illam (email:
[email protected])
© 2011 Sivan Arul Illam Inc, All rights reserved. 7
Volume 1, Issue 6
Sivan Arul Illam Inc
12th July, 2011
Following organisations have donated generously and helped us recently. 1. The Tamil support foundation, UK - donated generously to rehabilitate may families 2. Anpuneri – continue to sponsor monthly birthday celebrations of all the children in Sivan Arul Illam and for sponsoring children. Anpuneri has also assisted in a big way in rehabilitating families in our Family Sponsor Projects. 3. Australian Medical Aid Foundation - helped with our artificial limb programme and funding for carers. 4. Gandhi Illam - Hope project NZ sponsoring children at SAIT. 5. Vanni Neyam- NZ assisting with SAIT projects. 6. The Saiva Manram, Sydney, Australia – For their generous contribution 7. Tamil Women Organisation, Melbourne, Australia – For providing the funds for building the Community Centre. 8. Canberra Tamil Association, Australia – For their ongoing funding for SAIT’s projects 9. Members of Venthanar family (Australia, Canada, UK and Sri Lanka) –for providing funds realised by publishing Vidwan Venthanar's books. 10. Canberra Tutoring service - (voluntary organisation) – For providing funds for SAIT’s projects. 11. Sathya Sai Organisation, North Canberra - For providing funds for SAIT’s projects. 12. Arulmigu Kathirvalayutha swamy Kovil trust, Swizerland – Assisting with Family Sponsor Projects. 13. Athi Parasakshi Valipaatu Manram (Harrow, UK) - For providing funds for SAIT’s projects. They have conducted poojas at the illam and also sponsor meals expenses at the Illam. 14. Sri Sakthi Ganapathy Temple, Croydon, & Croydon Academy of Eastern Arts- Sponsor children 15. Sathiya Sai Organisation New Zealand - Sponsor children 16. Inter professional - GEWERKSCHAFT ( IGA) -BASEL, co-ordinators for Sivan Arul Illam in Swizerland 17. We are grateful to Warren & Co Accountants for their tireless voluntary services for Sivan Arul Illam 18. Voluntary Friends for very effective Till Collection 19. Path To The Future UK - Sponsoring sports & educational activities for children in SAIT
We can do no great things, only small things with great love. ~Mother Teresa
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