newsletter march 2015 - NetSuite

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In this newsletter we have a preview of the ... email: [email protected] · .... the aim to establish HTS pl
Newsletter march 2015



elcome to the Nanosolutions newsletter. In this newsletter we have a preview of the SENN2015 congress on Safety of Engineered Nanoparticles with Professor Kai Savolainen. We have updates from WP3, WP5, WP6, WP7, WP8, WP9 and WP12, who explain some of the exciting developments from the

Links to the stories 1. Interview with Kai 2. Updates from WP leaders 3. Other business 4. Events 5. Partners Listings

NANSOLUTIONS project that have taken place in the last six months. Finally we will be taking a look at some of the nanotechnology and nanosafety that are on the Horizon. Don’t forget to follow us on twitter @Nano_ solutions and get in touch via our website for debate and comments.

Contact details PROJECT COORDINATOR Kai Savolainen Telephone: +358 40 742 0574 Email: [email protected]

dissemination William Davis, IPL Telephone: +44 (0) 1172 033 120 Email: [email protected]

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 309329 | @Nano_solutions


Newsletter march 2015 SENN2015 opens up dialogue on nanosafety The 2nd International Congress on Safety of Engineered Nanoparticles and Nanotechnologies — SENN2015 — will take place on 12-15th April 2015. Hosted by the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, it is Europe’s foremost gathering of experts in the field of nanosafety. It aims to promote nanosafety by improving the understanding of the biological basis of the potential risks of nanomaterials SENN2015 will include talks on: nanomaterial identification and classification; exposure, transformation and life cycle; hazard mechanisms; and risk assessment and management. With the conference now just around the corner, Professor Kai Savolainen, Director of the Nanosafety Research Centre at the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health is looking forward to the communication opportunities that the meeting will afford.

One of the main goals of SENN2015 is to keep the dialogue on nanomaterials and nanotechnology alive and current “One of the main goals of SENN2015 is to keep the dialogue on nanomaterials and nanotechnology alive and current,” says Savolainen. “We want to emphasise any new trends or developments in the field, both in terms of the development of new materials and in terms of improved understanding of hazards and exposure to these materials.” Engineered nanomaterials (ENM) are likely to provide the basis for some fascinating technological advances in the coming years, which is why it is so critical that nanosafety is incorporated now so that potential health and environmental concerns are allayed and innovation isn’t hindered. “When we talk about risk of a given material, there is a simple equation that we go by: risk = hazard x exposure,” explains Savolainen. “Thus, if we can reduce hazard down to near zero, then the risk can never be that high. Alternatively, if we can ensure that exposure is close to zero then risk is also largely avoided. Of course, it is not usually that easy to do either of these things, so we keep working on both sides of the equation.” Managing the risk of nanomaterials throughout the production process and other steps of the life cycle is

essential in order to maintain the highest standards of safety and understanding of exposure risks. “In industrial processes, it is often easy to use clean spaces for production to prevent exposure. But in addition to the occupational environment, you have all the other steps in the life cycle of ENM where you can have exposure, not just to workers but also consumers. “On top of that you can have exposure increased by nanomaterials in air, soil and water, so it is important to understand processes that may lead to release of materials, either into the human food chain and other areas that can lead to human exposure, or into the environment. So in SENN2015 we also cover these lifecycle issues to see how we can manage the potential hazards and risks that are associated with production and use of ENM from an environmental point of view.” Another special emphasis of the SENN2015 programme will be on the new and more thorough understanding of ENM that is emerging and how this can be associated with toxicity prediction. André Nel of UCLA will provide the keynote speech in this area. In the past, research excellence has been judged purely on discovery and scientific innovation. However, the Horizon2020 funding scheme has brought in a new set of values in addition to the more traditional ones, as Savolainen explains: “The EC and the member states have made it apparent that projects must make an effort to collaborate with industry and think about their impact on society – are they helping to improve European competitiveness, are they helping to improve wellbeing, and are they helping to provide more employment? “These new economic and societal dimensions are new for many scientists, and it is a challenge to learn how to collaborate with industrial partners and create a winwin situation. It will not be easy for either side, but the ones that learn to do this quickest will be the ones that succeed. This is something that we should all bare in mind when we get together in April.” | @Nano_solutions


Newsletter march 2015 Work package updates

been in contact with the WP3 partners, thus ensuring the quality of the produced suspensions by reporting certain dispersion metrics such as hydrodynamic particle size (quality assurance loop).

The objectives of WP3 are to provide the NANOSOLUTIONS project with a set of stable and wellcharacterised ENMs relevant to toxicity testing, and to characterise the stability of ENMs in powder form, in liquid suspension, and in cell media or biological fluids relevant to the time and route of administration to the test organism.

All 31 ENMs have also been fully characterised by basic methods (e.g. TEM for imaging the state of aggregation following the dispersion process as well as DLS and zeta-potential measurement for provision of hydrodynamic size and surface charge) and more advanced methods (e.g. impurities by ICP-MS, surface area by BET, degree and nature of functionalisation by TGA, XPS, FTIR, etc.) in order to provide the nanosafety classifier with information about the ENMs tested in other WPs of the NANOSOLUTIONS project.

WP3: Materials Erik Larsen and Manuel Correia

During the first year of the project, most of the ENMs had been successfully synthesised and distributed. The second year of the project focused on the development of dispersion protocols, establishment of the programmed quality assurance procedure and the full characterisation of the materials. During the second year of the project, dispersion protocols for almost all of the 31 ENMs have been released to the toxicology labs. The partners have

Finally, work on the behaviour of the dispersed ENMs on biological fluids has also been initiated, and focused on dialysis experiments to determine dissolution rates of the nanomaterials in different biological fluids, as well as nanoparticle tracking analysis (NTA) to determine changes of particle size distribution/settling in those fluids.

Standardisation of the dispersion method

Standardisation of dispersion procedures: the reproducibility of dispersions is of utmost importance for NANOSOLUTIONS. Ideally, different toxicological partners should obtain ENM suspensions with the same characteristics, in particular hydrodynamic size, so that the toxicological results can be comparable. By calibrating probe sonicators used for ENM de-agglomeration by calorimetry, one ensures the same acoustic power is delivered to the solution in different labs, which is essential for producing ENM suspensions of similar characteristics. | @Nano_solutions


Newsletter march 2015 WP5: ENM bio-nano interaction in biological media Marco Monopoli The main objective of WP5 is to characterise the “biological identities” of different nanomaterials after exposure in different biological media, e.g. blood plasma, serum, cell culture media, etc. These complexes will be characterised by diverse physiochemical approaches and proteomics in order to identify the biomolecules. It is expected that the main outcome of this study will be relevant for the correct understanding of nanoparticles and their related toxicity, which will impact future safe implementation of nanomaterials. Marco Monopoli has co-authored an article in February’s ACS nano journal, The “sweet” side of the protein corona: effects of glycosylation on nanoparticlecell interactions. The study shows for the first time the relevance of the glycosylation on the bio-nano interactions and highlights the significance of a protein corona on nanoparticles in modulating particle properties and their biological interactions.

glycans on the proteins have been largely overlooked in studies of nanoparticle–cell interactions. The study demonstrates that glycosylation of the protein corona plays an important role in maintaining the colloidal stability of nanoparticles and influences nanoparticle–cell interactions. The removal of glycans from the protein corona enhances cell membrane adhesion and cell uptake of nanoparticles in comparison with the fully glycosylated form, resulting in the generation of a pro-inflammatory milieu by macrophages. The study highlights that the post-translational modification of proteins can significantly impact nanoparticle–cell interactions by modulating the protein corona properties.

The protein corona is derived from proteins in biological fluids, many of which are glycosylated. To date, the

A full copy of the article can be found at the link below.

WP6: Cell models Bengt Fadeel and Audrey Gallud

than 30 ENMs. This comprehensive set of data will be useful for the development of the ENM safety classifier, a key output of the project.

WP6 is focused on cellular models to study the potential toxicity of nanomaterials. The main aims are to assess the effects of nanomaterials on the immune system and to study deleterious effects on the genetic content of cells, a harbinger of cancer development. Another aim will be to develop so-called high-throughput assays for rapid screening of large numbers of nanomaterials. The partners in WP6 use a range of in vitro (i.e. cellbased) models and methods for the assessment of ENM toxicity, focusing specifically on immunotoxicity and genotoxicity. The first harvest of results was recently reported to the European Commission. These preliminary results highlighted dose- and timedependent effects of the ENMs, but also underscored that different surface functionalisation of ENMs will have distinct effects on the toxicity in different cellular models including macrophages, lung cells, T cells, and mesenchymal stem cells. The work is ongoing, with the aim to evaluate all of the ENMs received from WP3 in the project – in total more

Additionally, one of the objectives in WP6 is to adapt selected in vitro assays for high-throughput screening (HTS). Two companies, Misvik Biology (Finland) and BioTeSyS (Germany) are focused on the latter task, with the aim to establish HTS platforms for rapid screening of ENMs by the end of the project. WP6 partners are also currently establishing the conditions for the next major task, namely the delivery samples for omics assessment in WP10. To this end, two cell lines have been selected: the human monocytemacrophage cell line, THP.1, representative of the immune system, and the human BEAS-2B lung cell line, representative of the lungs, one of the most important portals of entry of ENMs into the human body. Finally, a selection of the work performed to date in WP6 will be presented at the SENN2015 congress in Helsinki in April, including studies on various metal oxide nanoparticles and multi-walled carbon nanotubes, using different model systems. | @Nano_solutions


Newsletter march 2015 WP7: Cross-species models Richard Handy

The overall aim of this work package is to identify the main body systems and modes of toxic effect of ENMs. WP7 will also provide in vivo data on translocation mechanisms and the uptake rates of ENMs for WP9. The work will involve carefully studying the coordinated toxic effect of ENMs across a range of organisms from microbes to mammals. Project partner Richard Handy has co-authored an article that is to be published by ACS Nano, A review of nanomaterials in dentistry: Interactions with the oral microenvironment, clinical applications, hazards and benefits. The study sets out the first detailed systematic review of the use of nanomaterials in dentistry, and the issues around safety in ACS Nano. This paper draws attention to an area of human health where nanotechnology has been discussed less often. The medical applications of engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) are relatively well known. These include antibacterial coatings for medical instruments and wound dressings (e.g., selfsterilising TiO2 catheters; nano-ZnO composite bandage), the use of nanoencapsulation technology for improved drug delivery, as well as exploiting the optical properties of nanomaterials for enhanced medical imaging. Some of the clinical aspects above (e.g. antibacterial ENMs) are particularly relevant to the oral cavity, and the role of ENMs in the control of the oral biofilm has been recognised.

Although the use of ENMs in dental applications has received some commentary, a detailed evidence-based review has not been conducted, even though the use of nanotechnology in dentistry and dental materials has been the epicentre of extensive research in recent years. The aims of this review were to: (i) reflect on the ultrafine structure, chemical composition and reactivity of teeth in the context of interactions with ENMs, and to set the scene on the nanoscale biology and surface film events in the oral cavity, (ii) describe the main actual and proposed applications of ENMs in dentistry, and (iii) put the dental applications in context of clinical outcomes versus potential hazards as well as risks. Finally, (iv) key knowledge gaps are identified with some recommendations for future research. The paper has been funded by Plymouth University and the first author of the paper Dr Besinis is now engaged in aspects of microbiology on the NANOSOLUTIONS project, and a simulated oral cavity fluid has been included in the work for WP3 to determine the behaviour of nanomaterials in different biological media. A full copy of the paper can be found at the link below. | @Nano_solutions


Newsletter march 2015 WP8: Disease models Fritz Krombach This work package is designed to identify the key characteristics of nanomaterials that control their fate and biological effects in cells and tissue from susceptible individuals. Data obtained in WP8 indicate that (i) the surface functionalisation of quantum dots determines their

association with atherosclerotic lesions in the carotid artery of ApoE-/- mice fed a high-cholesterol diet, (ii) a glycocalyx is nicely rebuilt in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) cultured for 10 days, (iii) the endothelial glycocalyx in the microvasculature is partly shedded in the postischemic skeletal muscle, and (iv) repeated exposure to core CuO nanoparticles triggers class switching from a Th2-like towards a Th1-like response in mice with allergic airway inflammation. Moreover, experiments were started using a human 3D in vitro airway model, consisting of human stem cells and fully-differentiated human ciliated respiratory and goblet cells. Left: Platelets (green) in the murine skeletal muscle microvasculature (red)

Experiments were started using a human 3D in vitro airway model, consisting of human stem cells and fullydifferentiated human ciliated respiratory and goblet cells WP9: Translocation Sergio Moya The main objective of WP 9 is the study of the translocation phenomena and fate of Engineered Nanomaterials at different biological barriers: cells, tissues, organ and organism level as a function of the physic chemical properties of the ENMs. The partners in the WP combine a wide range of state of the art sophisticated imaging techniques such Confocal Microscopy, Flowcytometry, Cyo Viva, Raman Microscopy, Ion Beam Microscopy, Positron Emission Tomography, etc. that allow to trace and quantify nanomaterials in vitro and in vivo. The work proposed also requires the labeling of the ENMs with fluorescence molecules or radio tags for their proper visualisation. The knowledge on fate and and translocation is fundamental for understanding toxicity mechanism and how these are affected by the surface chemistry of nanomaterials or their core properties. The WP aims

as well to quantify the “real” dose of nanomaterials intracelullarly or at organ level that can be of high relevance for the development of the nanosafety classifier. Presently work is being carried out on the different ENMs provided by WP3. Radio and fluorescence labeling is being carried out. Radiolabelled gold nanomaterials with the different functionalisation produced in WP3 have been achieved as well as radiolabelled TiO2 nanoparticles. Biodistribution studies using the PET technique are being performed with the first set of radiolabelled gold NPs. The placental translocation and placental effects of ENMs is being presently studied using different ex vivo and in vitro placenta models. 5 types of NPs delivered by the consortium are being evaluated (CuO, TiO2, CdTe, Au, Ag NPs; modifications: -NH3, -COOH, -PEG). | @Nano_solutions


Newsletter march 2015 Preparation of NP dispersions and quality assessment of the suspensions were performed according to the SOPs provided by WP3. Translocation of selected nanomaterials across the endothelial barrier in the healthy and diseased skeletal muscle microvasculature (M. cremaster) is under study by in vivo fluores-cence microscopy in anaesthetized healthy mice and in mice subjected to ischemia-reperfusion of the cremasteric tissue. The role of the endothelial glycocalyx for the translocation of ENMs is now under study in vitro in cultured endothelial cells with an intact or disturbed glycocalyx as well as in vivo in microvessels with an intact or disturbed endothelial glycocalyx.

The translocation of engineered (ENMs) across plasma membranes is being studied in human lung adenocarcinoma epithelial A549 and bronchial epithelial BEAS-2B cells by means of Dark Field Microscopy, Flow Cytometry, Transmission Electron Microscopy and Ion Beam Microscopy. Culture cells were exposed to pristine and modified CuO nanoparticles, Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes and Titanium Dioxide nanospheres. The optimal ENM concentration and exposure ranges for cellular uptake study were defined by means of Apoptosis/Necrosis and induction of reactive oxygen species (ROS) assays. Prior to toxicity studies the ENMs dispersed in accordance with NANOSOLUTION dispersion protocol were thoroughly characterised.

WP12: Safety Classification Lang Tran

Lang Tran WP12 is focused on the development/implementation and maintenance of a global strategy for the project addressing the critical aspects in developing the Engineered Nanomaterial Safety Classifier (ENM SC). The outcome of the strategy is to produce: • A ENM SC ‘proof of principle’ prototype that would be easy to use, faster, less expensive and standardized for all (vs. similar to REACH in EU, TOSCA in USA) . • A ENM SC which is based on computational model, quantifying risks instead of qualitative comparison (such as for example IARC cancer classification system) • A ENM SC, in principle, which will be able to predict a binary or ternary classification of ENM hazard profile.

A harmonised and unified system for estimating nano safety hazards is needed due to the global nature of industrial production of nanomaterials and the many different ways to estimate the potential hazards of nanoparticles. The work of the NANOSOLUTIONS consortium will produce a recognized standard for estimating the potential hazards of nanoparticles. The development of the strategy for the ENM SC has been achieved and delivered (D12.1). WP12 is currently working with WP11 in addressing the issues regarding the ENM SC minimum inputs and relevant outputs for the user. A workshop to address these issues will take place in Helsinki in April and will bring WP11 and 12 participants together. | @Nano_solutions


Newsletter march 2015 Other business Professor Richard Handy, separate to his work with Plymouth University, will have a novel that will be on public release at the end of July. “The Reich Device” is a historical thriller with a science and technology angle. This scientific thriller, with its intricate plot, will appeal to fans of Robert Harris’s Fatherland, Guy Saville’s Afrika Reich and Clive Cussler’s The Spy. ‘Professor Gustav Mayer trembled as equations flowed from his pen. His heart missed a beat. If physics was music, then this was Mozart – thousands of atoms coming together to play the Requiem – but only if you knew the rules. Newton gave us rules for dealing with gravity. Einstein created rules for dealing with light. This was something different – a new set of rules that would change the world, and the course of humanity for ever.’

“. . . a rollicking spy thriller that pivots around intellectuals and ideas . . .” “. . . driven by terrifically paced and visceral action . . .” “. . . a compelling and stylishly written read . . .” The book is in press at Troubador publishing and will be available from July at the below link: asp?bookid=3303

Leaflet As part of the SENN2015 congress a NANOSOLUTIONS leaflet has been produced in order to convey the aims and objectives of the consortium in a succinct and easily digestible manner. The leaflet breaks down the project into four key areas: • The NANOSOLUTIONS consortium – this section explains about the membership, location and structure of the consortium. • A new tool for ENM safety classification – this part explains the overarching aim of the project and introduces the ENM Safety Classifier concept. • Barriers to Innovation – here the current legislation that governs engineered nanomaterials is explored and sets the context for the consortium. • Evaluating the risks of nanomaterials – this final section explains the two main outputs of the experimentation and how they will be applied in the development of new nanomaterials. The leaflet will be available at the event in Helsinki and digital copies will also be available on the consortium. | @Nano_solutions


Newsletter march 2015 Helsinki, Finland

Upcoming events SENN2015 Congress, 12-15th April 2015 in Helsinki, Finland Engineered nanomaterials promise remarkable benefits, but their successful use requires resolution of potential health and environmental concerns. It is of critical importance to incorporate nanosafety into the development of novel nanotechnologies and products. The SENN2015 Congress will provide a forum for reporting and sharing the latest knowledge on the safety of engineered nanomaterials and nanotechnologies. The emphasis is on producing solutions to the safety challenges related to engineered nanomaterials and nanotechnologies. The congress will be of particular interest to researchers in occupational safety and health; experts in toxicology, material sciences, measurement technologies, risk assessment, management and communication; policy-makers; device developers; safety managers; administrators in the nanosafety field (e.g. safety standards) and representatives of industry-related research and development. There will be many interesting talks and interactive discussions around the following themes. • Safe nanomaterials and their applications • Exposure: detection technologies,assessment and modelling • Nanotoxicology

• Epidemiology and surveillance • Environment: sources, fate and behavior • Risk assessment and control Keynote speakers are: • Andrea Hartwig, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany • Olli Ikkala, Aalto University School of Science, Finland • André Nel, University of California, USA • Hannu Norppa, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, Finland • Barbara Rothen-Rutishauser, Adolphemerkle Institute, Switzerland • Maurizio Prato, University of Trieste, Department of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Italy • Paul A. Schulte, The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), USA • Anna Shvedova, West Virginia University, USA • Sirirurg Songsivilai, National Nanotechnology Center, Thailand • Kurt Straif, International Agency for Research on Cancer, France • Socorro Vasquez-Campos, Leitat Technological Centre, Spain • Mark Wiesner, Duke University, USA Further details and how to register can be found in the link below. default.aspx To keep up-to-date with announcements and news, search for #SENN2015 on Twitter. | @Nano_solutions


Newsletter march 2015 Riga, Latvia

Stockholm, Sweden

EuroNanoForum 2015, 10-12th June 2015 in Riga, Latvia

Systems Biology in Nanosafety Research, 9-10th November 2015, Stockholm, Sweden

The EuroNanoForum 2015 takes place under the auspices of the Latvian presidency of the European Union. The seventh biannual conference aims to promote European re-industrialisation through applying nanotechnology and advanced materials across various industries. It serves as a place where the global nanotechnology community can discuss the latest research findings and industry news, convey visions for the market impact of nanotechnology and demonstrate high value-added products at the Nanotech Europe exhibition. The conference is organised by the University of Latvia and Spinverse in cooperation with the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Research and Innovation and has received funding from the EU’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.

The 3rd Mini-Conference on Nanotoxicology at the Nobel Forum will take place on November 9-10, 2015 at the Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden.

Additional details are available at

There are a limited number of seats available, before September 15th 2015 you can register at:

Chairs: Prof. Bengt Fadeel and Prof. Juha Kere Secretariat: Dr. Audrey Gallud Contact: [email protected] The conference is organized by FP7NANOSOLUTIONS Registration is now open and is €50 per attendee this includes access to all the lectures at the Nobel Forum, coffee and lunch for the 9th and 10th November, and the reception at Aula Medica on Monday evening. The fee is to be paid upon confirmation of registration.

Registration is now open! To keep up-to-date with announcements and news for EuroNanoForum 2015 follow @ENF2015 on Twitter. | @Nano_solutions


Newsletter march 2015 NANOSOLUTION partners

Please find a list below of the NANOSOLUTION partners. Finnish Institute of Occupational Health Karolinska Institutet Centre for BioNano Interactions (NUID UCD) Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO) Universite Bordeaux-1 University of Manchester University of Plymouth Heriot-Watt University CIC biomaGUNE LUDWIG-MAXIMILIANS-UNIVERSITAET MUENCHEN Institute of Occupational Medicine

Turku Centre for Biotechnology National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health LEITAT The Technical University of Denmark, National Food Institute Telethon Institute of Genetics and Medicine The University of Leipzig | @Nano_solutions


Newsletter march 2015 Empa - Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology Biobyte Solutions GmbH Insight Publishers PlasmaChem GmbH Inkoa BioTeSys GmbH Zhejiang University University of Brasilia National Health Laboratory Service / National Institute for Occupational Health North West University Nanotechnology Characterization Laboratory / SAIC Frederick Inc. Nanocyl SA Nanologica AB NeuRoNe lab, University of Salerno SOLVAY Polymer Factory Sweden AB Polysistec This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 309329 | @Nano_solutions