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Newsletter Vol 30 Issue 6 - 2017 - St George College

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May 14, 2017 - a Children's Python, a Blue-Tongue Lizard and a Beetong marsupial ..... Please go the extra mile and SHAR
Faith, Family Forever Excelling Volume 30 | Issue 6 | Friday, 12 May 2017 A PO Box 29 Torrensville Plaza 5031 | T 8159 8100

CRICOS Provider No: 02799F KEY UPDATES


Co-Curricular Activities Term 2

Mrs Gina Kadis

Our Vision: Dream Big Χριστός Ανέστη εκ νεκρών , θανάτω θάνατον πατήσας, και τοις εν τοις μνήμασι, ζωήν χαρισάμενος ( τρεις φορές). A warm welcome back to everyone. As we begin each day with the Easter Prayer – it reminds us how important faith, family and forever excelling are to us all. The Holy Week services give all of us time to learn more about our Orthodox Christian faith and the family gatherings after the resurrection allow us to spend precious times with our families – sharing traditions and food important to our Hellenic culture and the other Orthodox cultures – the Serbian and Ethiopian communities - embraced so genuinely and warmly in our St George College community. Easter is about looking for the good in all of us. Easter is a time for us to show generosity and compassion to others in the community less fortunate than ourselves. Service to the wider community is something we are very good at here at St George College. Community Service plays a pivotal role in our pastoral care and resilience programs. Community Service is at the forefront of discussions at our fortnightly Student Leadership Meetings where students from Years 3-12 meet on the Senior Campus to initiate activities that allow our College community to make a true difference to the lives of our wider community.

Easter Gift to the Magdalene Centre in Adelaide - Providing Food for the Homeless The Magdalene Centre in Adelaide is a welcoming place which offers a range of anti-poverty services, with the aim of supporting people as they regain control of their lives. The Magdalene Centre can assist with housing advice, legal issues, financial counselling and emergency relief. Under the leadership of Miss Angela Drakopoulos, Head of House for Sparta, the student leadership team orchestrated a casual day with a difference. Students on both campuses were invited to bring non-perishable food – like canned food; pasta; rice – to be donated to the Magdalene Centre in Carrington Street. Thank you to the SRC and Prefects for coordinating the collection of this produce. Thank you to Mr Paul Pavlou, for transporting two utility loads of food to Carrington Street. The Magdalene Centre staff were “blown away” by the generosity of our St George College students and pass on their sincere appreciation to all our families. This food went a long way to provide many homeless people in the city of Adelaide with a warm meal over Easter. In addition, this food will be used to help teach those less fortunate than us, how to improve their cooking skills and running a household budget.

Open Girls Indoor Soccer

Basketball Years 3-7

Open Boys Indoor Soccer

Open Girls Soccer

Junior Campus Greek Dancing

Middle School Greek Dancing

Sporting Schools Program— Soccer Years R-2

Netball Years 3-7

Gardening Club JC

Senior Greek Dancing

KEY DATES Homework Club Every Wednesday 3:30pm—5pm Library Supervised Hours Monday—Friday 3:30pm—5pm 18 & 19 May Year 12 Drama Production Blood Sister 23 May Biggest Morning Tea 30 May P&F Sausage Sizzle Day (Senior Campus)

UNIFORM SHOP HOURS MONDAY 2:45pm—3:45pm TUESDAY 8:15am—9:15pm THURSDAY 2:45pm—3:45pm Call 0408 803 289 to book an appointment time if you need a longer timeslot.

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students visiting St George College this August.

Visit to our Sister School in China – Chongwen Experimental Thank you to the senior staff from Chongwen Experimental School School, Hangzhou for their kind hospitality – treating us to a formal lunch in their Recently I was invited to join a delegation of teachers visiting China. Boardroom and sharing resources and a stunning piece of artwork We left on Good Friday and returned at the conclusion of our for St George College. Thank you to: Vice Principal, Mr Fugen Yu; holiday period. This was an amazing personal and business trip. It Office Director, Ms Shuoxing Lou, Office Director, Ms Fan Yang; and gave me a real insight into this diverse amazing country. We visited to the trip facilitators from All Learn Education – Chief Shanghai, Hangzhou, Guilin, Kunming, Dali, Lijiang and ShangriLa. I representative in Hangzhou – Lan Tao and Business Development would like to thank James Tan and his business partner Lance from Director – Hong Zhou. I had much pleasure in presenting this Melbourne for organising a fabulous visit to our Sister School in artwork to Mrs Deanne Taliangis at senior campus assembly on Hangzhou. On Monday 17 April, we were warmly greeted by 3 Friday 5 May, and to two of our outstanding Visual Art students. students who had already visited St George College in 2015 and They will organise the best place to display this artwork, to be 2016 – Xiangyi Zhu; Xiangchen Liu; and Xinyang Zhang. They spoke enjoyed by all students, staff and visitors. to us in confident English and proudly showcased their modern school to the visiting delegation of teachers. The attached photos give you a glimpse of how wonderful an opportunity this was for me personally and my colleagues from other South Australian prominent schools. We look forward to welcoming 24 students and 3 staff once again in August from Sunday 6 August to Friday 11 August 2017 from Chongwen Experimental School. We are keen to get 12 families to host 2 students each for 6 nights. Students can share a room – you do not need to give each a separate bedroom. Ideally we hope our Year 4 to Year 8 families can assist us with this learning opportunity. Each St George College family will be given $600 to support their household budget. You do not need to plan any tourist events. The children arrive Sunday and leave Friday – they will be collected and dropped off from the College – not the Airport. All you need to do is organise meals and transport the children to and from school for 5 days. The children are keen to experience living with a South Australian family and keen to talk with students about their hobbies and interests here in Adelaide.

St George College gets an up close and personal tour of ALIBABA’s head office in China

Chongwen Experimental school is an exclusive school committed to excellence and quality education – just like St George College. Mr Ben Hall, Pella Head of House and International Student Coordinator can be contacted if you would like to be involved in this exciting program: [email protected] or feel free to call me personally on 0447-177-939 if you have further queries. Current homestay families who host current long-term international students are also very welcome to apply to take 2 short stay


I am really keen to explore and grow STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) and entrepreneurial opportunities for our students and staff at St George College. Whilst in China, I was given a rare opportunity to visit the innovative online ebusiness company – Alibaba. Thank you to Ms Linwei Li, the Development Department Project Manager for taking us through and to Candy and Vickie from All Learn Education based in Hangzhou and with business interests in Adelaide and Melbourne for making this opportunity available. There were many interesting things we encountered on this visit – but two standouts are the strong emphasis on their wellbeing programs and the close connections between China and Australia – where the Alibaba CEO - Ma Yun (Chinese: 马云, [mà y̌n]; born September 10, 1964), known professionally as Jack Ma, is a Chinese business magnate

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National Volunteer Week, 8–14 May 2017

who is the founder and executive chairman of Alibaba Group, a family of successful Internet-based businesses. Chinese businessman Jack Ma returned to the NSW city of Newcastle on 3 February 2017 and gave the university $US20 million as a tribute to a local man, Ken Morley, who helped him on his journey from penniless youth to e-commerce tycoon worth $US28 billion. The money will fund a scholarship scheme to remember Mr Morley, a Newcastle electrical engineer who met the 15-year-old Mr Ma in Hangzhou while on trip to China in 1980 and became his friend, teacher and mentor. Mr Ma, founder and executive chairman of Alibaba which now handles a quarter of the world's e-commerce, said the donation to the University of Newcastle would set up the Ma and Morley Scholarship Program "to honour the experience and the special relationship I formed with the Morley family". Mr Morley brought young Mr Ma to Australia in 1985 for his first overseas trip, when he spent nearly a month in Newcastle, an experience which he said last year "totally changed my future". I am keen to welcome Mr Ma to visit us here in St George College when he is next in Australia – to inspire our students to “Dream Big” and learn from the experiences of such driven, talented entrepreneurs.

National Volunteer Week is an annual celebration to acknowledge the generous contribution of our nation’s volunteers. From 8–14 May 2017 thousands of events across the country will be held to say thank you to the 6 million Australians who volunteer. On Wednesday 10 May, after the Parents and Friends Meeting, we kindly invited our St George College parents to come to the Principal’s office for a cup of tea and a biscuit, so we can say thank you for the work they did for the St George Paniyiri and all you do to support our College initiatives, for the good of our students. We also invite you to get involved with the following organisation – one of our parents – Father Jeremy Krieg is the CEO. We are working together to strengthen opportunities for our St George College community to support those of Greek background in the wider community who are in need. If you can – do contact them and see how you can get involved as a Volunteer.

Greek Welfare Centre – “Supporting – Sharing – Learning” Do you want to support others in the Community? Do you enjoy sharing your time? Do you like communicating, listening and learning about an era gone by? Are you interested in volunteering your time with the Greek Welfare Centre? Have you ever considered volunteering for a few hours a week, fortnight or even monthly to help support those in need in the community? Experience the rich rewards that come from volunteering. Just a small amount of your time, on a regular basis, in one of our Jack Ma on a Sydney ferry on his first visit to Australia in 1985alia innovative programs will make a huge difference in improving the quality of lives for those people who would benefit the most. in 1985. "I am very thankful for Australia and the time I spent there in my The Greek Welfare Centre offers a diverse range of volunteering youth. The culture, the landscape and most importantly its people roles Walking Groups had a profound impact on my view of the world at that time," Mr Greek Meals Service Art & Craft Classes Computer/IT Classes Ma said on 3 February 2017 when he visited Australia. Carer Support Programs Social Support Programs Source:, Marketing & Publications Events billionaire-founder-jack-ma-gives-26m-to-university-of-newcastleAdministration in-memory-of-australian-mentor-20170202-gu4fg3#ixzz4gMEIaUSd 213 Henley Beach Road TORRENSVILLE SA 5031 P (08) 8212 5100 E [email protected] Business hours Weekdays 9am to 5pm


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Junior Campus Playground New Junior Campus Playground – will be installed 8 June 2017. Many thanks to Costas Fotopoulos, Bill Gonis and Sasha Fotopoulos representing the Parents and Friends Committee and the Parish of St George - for making this happen. We would also like to thank the following people for the demolition, dumping and transportation of waste associated with the removeal of the playground; SIMMS Metal, Jim and Anna Taleporos from Giannopoulos Transport. Jim is an old scholar of the College and Anna who is on the Parents and Friends Committee. The demolition and excavation was done by Jonny Pegararo fom Ginpeg who provided the excavator at no cost. Kosta and Bill Tervis who assisted with the removal of the playground, transportation and dumpling of the playground equipment. Bill is a member of our community.

School, and their teachers Iliana Toumbas, Maria Miltiadous and Kate Soukoulis for showcasing the talent in the College. Finally, thanks to our student leaders, Artemis Toumazos, Riki Diamond, George Toumazos, Savva Toumazos, Dimitri Tolis, Anastasia Tolis, Athena Stamoulos, Nini Thomadakis, Costa Andresakis, Nikolina Veselinovic, Nemanja Veselinovic, Sophia Petropoulos and Sarantos Makris for actively promoting the College on the day. We would love to see the Paniyiri become an annual event but that is easy for me to say from the comfort of my office.

MESSAGE FROM THE DEPUTY PRINCIPAL Mr Peter Karamoshos What a wonderful celebration. The Paniyiri held on Sunday 23 April was a wonderful celebration of all the things that make our school, community and culture so special. The presence of the Evzones, the beautiful weather, music, dancing, food, drink, laughter, friends and family combined to make the name day of the Patron Saint of our Church and of our College, St George, a very special occasion. The day started with a very well attended Church service. The huge turnout meant that there were more people outside than inside – a reflection on the strength of the love and support of the church by our community. At the conclusion of the service, the Evzones led the St George icon and the congregation to the College for the official start of the Paniyiri. What followed was amazing. The setting and the atmosphere made it feel like we were in the middle of a Greek village. Over 1000 preordered sit down meals were provided and those who hadn’t ordered were able to buy from the food stalls. Music from a band and a DJ, and dancing from our students, provided entertainment for the crowd during the afternoon. Popular and well renowned comedian, George Kapiniaris, provided plenty of laughs when introducing the various acts. Kontolazos and his 5 piece band were the finale; getting him to perform at our event was a coup for the organisers. Over 5700 people attended the Paniyiri. The consensus was that it was one of the best events of its type in recent memory. We thank the enormous efforts of the volunteers from the community in organising the event to not only bring people together but in also promoting our College. We also thank the tireless work of our Parents and Friends who sacrificed their time before, during and after the event to run the food tent, raise funds for the College and promote our school. We also appreciate the efforts of the two College Greek Dance groups from the Junior and the Middle



Hellenic Presidential Guard On Thursday 20th April, a group Year 12 student leaders were invited by the Honourable Tom Koutsantonis MP and the Foundation for Hellenic Studies to attend a reception at the Adelaide Town Hall in honour of the visit by the Hellenic Presidential Guard - the Evzones, the highest level of military guard. I would like to thank our Prefects and Year 12’s Nini Thomadakis, Costa Andresakis, Athena Stamoulos, Nikolina Veselinovic, Sophia Petropoulos and Sarantos Makris who accompanied me to this special event in the school holidays and represented our College with pride and commitment. At the end the official part of the program our students were able to meet the Evzones up close when they were off duty and were very excited to be able to chat with them in Greek. The nine Evzones and their two lieutenants who attended the official state reception were in Adelaide to commemorate the serving soldiers of Greece and Crete, often known as the ‘forgotten ANZACS’. The Evzones visit to Australia (with special permission Year 2 Local History Excursion - Bonython Park from the Greek Government) highlights how important the spirit of As part of our History unit of work the Year 2 class went on an ANZAC is to Greece and the respect afforded by the Australian excursion to a significant site in our local area ‘Bonython Park’. On community to the Evzones. arrival we acknowledged the Kaurna people as traditional owners of the land. We also acknowledged their living culture and unique There are over a million people in Australia who are connected to role in the life of the region. the Battle of Crete, as descendants of ANZACS who fought, or Australians of Greek heritage whose families were affected by the We walked along the River Torrens and learnt that it starts in Mount Pleasant and flows all the way to West Beach. We learnt event. Over 600 ANZACS are buried or memorialised in Greece. that the park was named in honour of Sir John Langdon Bonython. At the reception, the Year 12 students had the opportunity to see We walked to the olive grove that was planted by the prisoners of up close the impressively synchronised military march of the the Adelaide goal. We discussed how the park would have looked soldiers wearing the traditional uniform comprised of a in the past and why Bonython park is important to the local and ‘foustanella’ – made from over 30 metres of fabric and featuring wider community. 400 pleats (significant for the 400 years of Turkish Occupation in A fantastic day was had by all as it wouldn’t be an excursion Greece), as well as the ‘tsarouhia’ – red clogs with black pom poms without playing on the playground!! that weigh over 3 kgs each and include 60 nails on each base which serve to stimulate the sound of battle during the movement of the Evzone. We are grateful to the Foundation of Hellenic Studies and the South Australian Government for making this visit to Adelaide possible. It was an honour and privilege to have them here! What a wonderful, memorable experience for our students and us all.

Fotini Theodoracopoulos Year 2 Classroom Teacher


Year 2 Local History Excursion - ‘Hop on Hop Off Tour’

Reception P. Nature Education Centre Incursion

The Year 2 class embarked on a very exciting tour of a number of As conclusion to our Science study on ‘Living Things and their significant buildings of our local area. Needs” this term, the Reception P. students enjoyed a visit by Our first stop was The Workman Cottages in Rose Street we learnt Jessica from the Nature Education Centre. that Sir Thomas Elder left his wealth to the government to provide many things to the community including low cost housing for workers. Our next stop was Thomas Hardy Winery and Bakewell Bridge the children got to touch an original piece of the bridge. Then we went onto the Headmasters Cottage the children were so surprised the headmaster lived there with his family. Our last stop was the Thebarton Theatre the children got to see the beautiful foyer with all the stunning tiles.

Jessica brought a variety of native Australian animals for the students to look at and touch. She gave the class a talk about the needs, habitats and protection each animal requires to survive in the Australian Bushland. The children were able to observe and touch a Green Tree Frog, a Long and a Short-Necked Turtle, two Stick Insects, a Dragon lizard, a Children’s Python, a Blue-Tongue Lizard and a Beetong marsupial which is the smallest relative of the Kangaroo family.

The children were so excited to learn about the buildings that they A wonderful ‘hands on’ experience was enjoyed by all students! have been driving past everyday on their way to school!

Mrs Helen Pappageorgiou Reception Class Teacher

Fotini Theodoracopoulos Year 2 Classroom Teacher


Year 6 Trip to the State Parliament House On Monday the 10th of April, 2017, our class 6S were fortunate enough to visit the State Parliament on North Terrace as part of our work on the Constitution and the 3 Levels of Government. Our Tour was lead by the Honourable Mr Chris Picton, who is the member for the seat of Kaurna in Adelaide’s southern suburbs, after we learnt that our local member for Mile End and the State Treasurer, the Honourable Mr Tom Koutsantonis, was busy preparing for Parliament which was sitting the next day. On our tour the first area we visited was the House of Assembly or ‘People’s House’ and we got to have a mini debate about whether we should have homework or not. Katerina from our class sat in the ‘Speaker’s’ seat and oversaw the debate. Ironically the ‘against homework’ side won the debate after a vote, which even saw Kopano Shepheard some students ‘crossing the floor’ and voting against the position they were meant to be supporting! Sadly, this wasn’t real and we were told we would still be getting homework, but it was still exciting to stand and debate where the Government and Opposition actually do. In 2017 there will be an estimated 134,174 new cancer cases We then got to see the Legislative Council, where bills either get diagnosed. Cancer is an ongoing health problem for much of the their final approval or knocked back. Shiraj from our class got to sit Australian population, with 1 in 3 people being affected in some in the ‘President’s’ chair at the front so he could lead a mock way. ceremony after being voted in. After this, we were taken to the Once again St George College will be hosting an Australia’s Biggest State Parliament Library, which included a smaller room that was Morning Tea Event. The SACE Stage 2 Food and Hospitality class fireproof and contained old books, some even dating as far back as will be putting on a fundraiser bake sale on Tuesday May 23, Week 1637! 4 at the Senior Campus. A variety of baked items will be available The last thing we were shown were the portraits of every for sale, as well as cups of hot chocolate and guess the number of ‘President’ that had lead the Legislative Council in the State lollies in the jar competitions. Parliament’s history and some statues of influential Premiers, such We will be hosting the event in the Senior Campus yard at recess as the late and Honourable Mr Don Dunstan. time, near the Heads of House Offices.

Help Us Fight Cancer

We had an amazing time at the State Parliament and we hope to Items will be priced between $1-$2, and entries to the competition visit again very soon, perhaps when the politicians are sitting next will begin at 50c. time. Please support us in raising funds to help the Cancer Council By Daphne & Olivia (Class 6S) research and support people living with and affected by cancer. Natasha Filippi


With Mrs Theochti Antoniadou and Mrs Tsoula Mitropoulos

Οι Εύζωνες

Πανηγύρι Αγίου Γεωργίου 2017

Η Ελληνική Προεδρική Φρουρά έφτασε για πρώτη φόρα στην Αδελαΐδα στις 19 Απριλίου 2017 για να πάρει μέρος στους εορτασμούς για την ημέρα των ΑΝΖΑC και για την 76η επέτειο της μάχης της Κρήτης. Η Εύζωνες αρχικά σχηματίστηκαν το 1867 για να προστατεύουν τα σύνορα της Ελλάδας και αργότερα το 1914 μια νέα φρουρά Ευζώνων δημιουργήθηκε για να προστατεύει τα ανάκτορα, και γι΄αυτό ονομάστηκε Ανακτορική Φρουρά. Από τότε έχει αλλάξει αρκετούς τίτλους: Φρουρά Σημαίας, Φρουρά Μνημείου Άγνωστου Στρατιώτη, Βασιλική Φρουρά και Προεδρική Φρουρά, τίτλος που χρησιμοποιείται από το 1974 μετά την πτώση της Χούντας.

Την Κυριακή 23 Απριλίου, γιορτάσαμε το πανηγύρι του Αγίου Γεωργίου στο προαύλιο του σχολείου μας.

Οι Εύζωνες είναι μέλη μιας εκλεκτής ομάδας στρατιωτών τους οποίους επιλέγουν προσεκτικά. Ο καθένας που είναι στις ένοπλες δυνάμεις μπορεί να γίνει Εύζωνας εφόσον πληρεί τις κατάλληλες προϋποθέσεις. Η διαδικασία επιλογής έχει δυο στάδια. Το πρώτο στάδιο περιλαμβάνει την κατάταξη ανδρών στον στρατό όπου εκεί γίνεται η πρώτη επιλογή. Μετά την πρώτη επιλογή, οι επιλεγμένοι στρατιώτες πηγαίνουν στην Προεδρική Φρουρά όπου γίνεται η δεύτερη επιλογή και εκεί ξεκινά και η εκπαίδευσή τους. Η εκπαίδευση περιλαμβάνει σκληρή σωματική αγωγή και ασκήσεις αντοχής και διαρκούν για ένα μήνα, με σκοπό να φτιάξουν τον απόλυτο "ατσαλένιο" στρατιώτη. Σχετικά με την ενδυμασία των Ευζώνων, εκεί βρίσκει κανείς πολλά συμβολικά αντικείμενα. Για παράδειγμα, οι 400 δίπλες στη φουστανέλα συμβολίζουν τα 400 χρόνια της τουρκικής σκλαβιάς. Επίσης, η φούντα στα τσαρούχια είναι κρυψώνα για αιχμηρά αντικείμενα και για να προστατεύουν τα δάκτυλα του Εύζωνα από το κρύο. Ακόμα, η μαύρη φούντα στο κόκκινο φάριο συμβολίζει το δάκρυ του Χριστού στη Σταύρωση.

Είχαμε την τιμή να δούμε από κοντά τους Εύζωνες που ήρθαν από την Ελλάδα. Πολλά άτομα είχαν την ευκαιρία να μιλήσουν μαζί τους και να βγάλουν φωτογραφίες μαζί τους. Ο Γιώργος Καπινιάρης ήταν ο οικοδεσπότης του πανηγυριού. Μας είπε πολλά αστεία και ο κόσμος γέλασε πάρα πολύ. Στο πανηγύρι είχε πολλά νόστιμα παραδοσιακά φαγητά και γλυκά, είχε χορούς, τραγούδια και πολύ γλέντι. Σχεδόν 5,000 άτομα ήρθαν στο πανηγύρι! Περάσαμε πολύ ωραία και ευχόμαστε να σας ξαναδούμε όλους για να γλεντήσουμε μαζί και του χρόνου. Από τον μαθητή,

George Toumazos

Εξετάσεις Πιστοποίησης Ελληνομάθειας Κάθε χρόνο, το Κέντρο Ελληνικής Γλώσσας της Θεσσαλονίκης συνεργάζεται με το συναρμόδιο Υπουργείο Εξωτερικών και είναι ο υπεύθυνος φορέας για τη διενέργεια των εξετάσεων Πιστοποίησης Ελληνομάθειας. Έχει ως σκοπό την ενίσχυση και προώθηση της ελληνικής γλώσσας εντός και εκτός της Ελλάδας, την οργάνωση της διδασκαλίας της σε αλλοδαπούς και ομογενείς, τη στήριξη των διδασκόντων την ελληνική γλώσσα στο εξωτερικό και στο εσωτερικό και την παραγωγή κάθε μορφής υλικού που θα συντελούσε στην προβολή και διάδοση της ελληνικής γλώσσας.

Οι Εύζωνες έκαναν πολλές εμφανίσεις στην Αδελαΐδα και συναντήθηκαν με τοπικές αρχές ενώ πήραν μέρος στους ης ης εορτασμούς για την Ημέρα των Άνζακ. Ήταν επίσης επίσημοι Την Τρίτη, 16 Μαΐου και Πέμπτη 18 Μαΐου, Μαθητές της 7 – 11 προσκεκλημένοι σε πολλές εκδηλώσεις και έκαναν την ελληνική τάξεις θα επισκεφθούν ομογένεια περήφανη. το Πανεπιστήμιο του Flinders για να λάβουν μέρος στις εξετάσεις. Ευχόμαστε καλή Από την μαθήτρια, Riki Diamond

επιτυχία στον Ευστράτιο, στην Βασιλική, στην Καλλιόπη, στον Στέφανο, στην Αναστασία, στον Νίκο, στον Σάββα, στον Γιώργο, στην Φρειδερίκη, στην Αλεξάνδρα και στον Αλέξανδρο.

Κυρία Τασούλα Μητροπούλου Δασκάλα Ελληνικής Γλώσσας


Library Update The senior campus library has kicked off to a great start in 2017 and is constantly evolving to support our students. The Lighthouse Resource Centre is open every weekday from 8:20am-5pm and we invite students to visit us to research, utilise computers, study or seek help with their class work. We continue to encourage student participation in the Premiers Reading Challenge which is well under way with class teachers' support. New displays are always going up and we invite you to come and visit our library to have a look at these displays and student work. A big thank you to Ms Taliangis for sketching our Ancient Greece backdrop and to the following year 9 students for painting it - Ahjin, Pia, Seung Min, Sonja and Sophia. New to the library: This year the Non-Fiction area has been re-classified and sorted and we are currently in the process of adding clear signage to help students locate books efficiently. A new ‘series’ bookstand has been a big hit with students this year allowing them to easily locate their favourite books series. We have also have a new search station consisting of two computers which enable students to independently search for texts, identify if they are in stock and inform the student of the book's location. We look forward to seeing both students and parents alike in our wonderful library. Who knows where your visit can take you next? Kylie Greenfield and Tasoula Mitropoulos Librarians

Year 12 Drama Production The St George College Year 12 Drama class are proud to present 'Blood Sister' by acclaimed Australian playwright Daniel Keene.

The play deals with the tragic figure of Ned Kelly's younger sister, Kate, and is set 20 years after the infamous events at Glenrowan. This play explores Kate's trauma as a result of her family's dark history. ‘Blood Sister’ will be performed on Thursday 18th May and Friday 19th May at 7.30pm, in the intimate space of the St George College Gallery. Seating is limited and tickets can be purchased from the Senior Campus Front Office.

Ms Gina Tsikouras


With Mr Michael Rodas and Mrs Deanne Taliangis

Important Dates to Remember 26 –27 May 2017 Careers & Employment Expo 15 June 2017 Career Mentors Day Venue and details released soon. Get involved as a family with our College career program, to help your children achieve their Career Dreams.


Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia National Schools Event On Tuesday 2nd May, 27 students and 4 teachers flew to Sydney to compete in the Greek Orthodox Archdioceses of Australia National Schools Event. The event brings together the seven Greek Orthodox Colleges from around Australia to compete in three days of sports and Spoken Languages. This year the event was hosted by All Saints Grammar, in Sydney. Schools competed against each other is the sports of Outdoor Soccer, Netball, Volleyball, Indoor Soccer, Basketball and Table Tennis. During the (championship) dinner, all Colleges participated in the Spoken Languages category where Colleges performed songs, dances and recited poetry. The St George College students performed brilliantly in all their competitions and always played with sportsmanship and with a never give up attitude. Congratulations to the boys Indoor Soccer team which finished first and brought the trophy back home to Adelaide! The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia National Schools Event is a great way to bring together all the students from Australia and to celebrate the Orthodox religion and Greek culture through the competition and championship dinner. The students had a great week and thoroughly enjoyed the competition and making new and long lasting friendships with students from the other schools.

Thank you to Mr Michael Rodas, Mr Ben Hall and Miss Vicki Sakellariou for all their support and assistance during the week and for their commitment to training the teams leading up to the event. Bring on the Greek Orthodox Archdioceses of Australia National Schools Event hosted by St Johns College in Melbourne next year. Daniella Marciano Head of Co-curricular

Thank You A big thank you to Miss Marciano for all her work to prepare for this event, and to all Staff and Students for representing our College so admirably.


Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia National Schools Event


Thank you to the St George Community for organising the St George Day Panayiri 23 April 2017


On Sunday 23rd April, the Community and Parish of Saint George Thebarton held a Paniyiri in honour of the Feast Day of Saint George. The presence of nine soldiers from the Greek Presidential Guard and live entertainment direct from Greece, proved to be a historic moment for all! The Paniyiri hosted an array of food and dessert stalls, with free entertainment for both young and old. The St George College Parents & Friends Committee were fortunate to host a stall selling food and drinks, with profits aiding the development and improvement of the College’s play spaces. On the menu was BBQ corn, a sausage sizzle, sweets, Greek coffee and frappe. Our stall opened at 11.00am and we literally didn’t look up until 8:00pm when things finally began to slow down! A combination of great food, atmosphere and entertainment made the day truly enjoyable and will be treasured for years to come! Such an event is not possible however, without the support of our amazing volunteers who gave up their time to set up, serve, make food and contribute to the overall success of the event. The remaining sweetcorn and bread that was not used, was donated to various charitable organisations, thus continuing the generosity and philotimo of our College.


St George Day—Panayiri 23 April 2017


St George Day—Panayiri 23 April 2017



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Hope all our mothers enjoyed their special day