May 26, 2017 - ... amazing additional STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and. Mathematics) opportunities for the chi
Faith, Family Forever Excelling Volume 30 | Issue 7 | Friday, 26 May 2017 A PO Box 29 Torrensville Plaza 5031 | T 8159 8100
CRICOS Provider No: 02799F KEY UPDATES
Co-Curricular Activities Term 2
Mrs Gina Kadis Our Vision: Dream Big Doesn’t get better than this!
“St George College receives $9.55 million loan boost from the South Australian Government”
Open Girls Indoor Soccer
Basketball Years 3-7
Open Boys Indoor Soccer
Open Girls Soccer
Junior Campus Greek Dancing
Middle School Greek Dancing
Sporting Schools Program— Soccer Years R-2
Netball Years 3-7
Gardening Club JC
Senior Greek Dancing
KEY DATES Homework Club Every Wednesday 3:30pm—5pm Library Supervised Hours Monday—Friday 3:30pm—5pm Further to the “Media Release” put out to our St George College families and the wider community on 9 March 2017, I wish to give you an update.
30 May P&F Sausage Sizzle Day (Senior Campus)
Currently, details of the contractual arrangement for the loan are close to being finalised. We will put out the proposed timeline to our families as soon as we are in a position to do so. We have been working on developing an overall Master Plan with experts to link to the overall Strategic Plan of the College. We are sincerely grateful to the South Australian Government for their support through this initiative that will provide amazing additional STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) opportunities for the children at St George. Investment in such projects will also assist many in our wider community who work in the construction industry – noting that many of our parents work in these fields too. I wish to publicly congratulate and thank Mr Simon Atterton for the exceptional work he has done to help our College secure this loan. His business acumen and accounting skills are incredible and his capacity to find as many solutions as possible to strengthen the financial backbone of the College are sincerely appreciated. He has made a genuine difference at St George College and I personally can’t thank him enough. This architectural drawing was submitted with our application. Let’s continue to “Dream Big” for St George College. Thank you for your regular communication. Do not hesitate to contact me on
UNIFORM SHOP HOURS MONDAY 2:45pm—3:45pm TUESDAY 8:15am—9:15pm THURSDAY 2:45pm—3:45pm Call 0408 803 289 to book an appointment time if you need a longer timeslot.
MESSAGE FROM THE DEPUTY PRINCIPAL Mr Peter Karamoshos Mid-Year Examinations Semester 1 Examinations will be held for students in Years 8 – 11 during Week 8 of Term 2 (Monday 19 June – Friday 23 June). Semester 1 Examinations for students in Year 12 will be held during Week 1 of Term 3 (Monday 24 July – Friday 28 July) We will actively support students in developing their skills with regard to examinations. It is critical students are aware of what topics and skills will be tested during the examinations, how the examinations will be structured, how they can best revise and how to best tackle the examination on the day. Through ensuring a consistent approach in all year levels, we anticipate students will feel more confident in sitting examinations over time. During the Year 8-11 examination week, all examinations are scheduled to start at 9.00 am. Please ensure students are punctual to school to reduce any unnecessary stress. Year 10 and 11 students are obviously required to be at school for their examinations but are allowed to study at home at other times. Students in Year 8-9 must remain at school after their examinations and follow their regular timetable. The examination timetable is as follows:
Monday (19 June)
Tuesday (20 June)
Wednesday (21 June)
Thursday (22 June)
Friday (23 June)
English EALD
English EALD
English EALD
Chemistry Physical Education
General Mathematics Mathematical Methods
English EALD
Modern History Physics
Biology Information Technology Specialist Mathematics Modern Greek
Staffing Update Congratulation to Mrs Lynley Davies who became a grandmother this week. Mr Petros Karavasilis will cover Mrs Davies’ classes. A warm welcome to Mr Karavasilis who is very familiar with St George College and a highly accredited teacher. Mrs Davies will resume classes on Thursday 8 June 2017.
MESSAGE FROM THE ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL Miss Stephanie Kosmetos Beyond the Classroom There are many activities that make up a school term and once again our students’ learning has been richly enhanced by a visit from the Life Education Van. Last week the students in Preschool – Year 6 had a lesson in the mobile classroom that allowed them to explore creative and collaborative learning in a space entirely different to a traditional classroom. There were no desks, pens or paper. Lessons involved songs, characters, video and role play joined by Year 1T Perform Life Education’s loveable mascot Healthy Harold the giraffe who On the last day of Term One, 1T sang the song “I Want to…” to the brings to life lessons that empower the children to make safer and Reception class. This song was very appropriate given that Easter healthier choices. was approaching. The words of the song reflect a desire to know The Life Education Program focusses on issues around food and Jesus, confide in Him and follow Him wherever he leads us in life. nutrition, personal safety, physical safety, cybersafety. The school The children had only learnt the song the previous day yet they curriculum modules support children’s learning and development sang beautifully and with joy and confidence. The class then for a safe and healthy lifestyle using the latest technology in the walked to the Senior Campus to sing to the Leadership team in van. Mrs. Kadis’ office. Such was the quality of their performance they A wonderful, fun experience for all, especially for Sophia were invited to perform at the Senior Campus assembly later that Paraskevopoulos in Reception who told me she ‘wants to marry morning. Their performance at the assembly was very well Harold!’ after her visit in the van. received by the audience. Both Miss Toumbas and Mrs. Davies were very proud of the students but more than this, they were both delighted by the obvious enjoyment the children experienced through singing this lovely song.
Mrs Lynley Davies and Miss Iliana Toumbas
Welcome to Term Two in Playgroup ... A warm welcome to our new playgroup members, Maria, Dimitri and Militsa. I am sure there will be new friends made at Playgroup and many happy learning moments to add to their already creative and imaginative minds. It is also a warm welcome back to our Playgroup “regulars’. It was wonderful to see the eager faces and the children enjoying seeing each other after the Easter and Term break. It is a delight to watch the little ones communicating with each other during their free play and exploring the experiences with confidence. The children are now choosing what to do and are enjoying it, but there is much more to their play as they absorb everything around them through their senses. As they explore their playgroup environment, the children are given the freedom to explore by touching, tasting, smelling, seeing and hearing. Whilst it is true children can play anywhere, our playgroup has an added benefit of providing opportunities for playing with other children and practising important social skills. Home corner has proved to be a favourite with our dress-up box, kitchen and baby dolls. After weeks of exploring the kitchen and table setting, it was fantastic to see one of the group discover the dress-up clothes. The children seem to be quite the budding artists whether it be with printing, collage, paint or drawing, as seen with the creative artworks that are taken home. The new spaces in our ELC outdoor yard have provided new spaces to explore and sensory opportunities in the creek bed and with the potted plants. We have also celebrated two birthdays this term. Lana and Anastasia each celebrated their second birthday. We enjoyed singing ‘Happy Birthday” to the girls and sharing this special time with them. Mother’s Day is always a special day at Playgroup and this year was no exception. It was wonderful to share Mother’s Day with our Playgroup Mums and YiaYia’s with a magnet photo heart gift and Mother’s Day love box. It was lovely to watch the matchboxes being wrapped after kisses were sealed inside. In past weeks, it has been a pleasure to have mums, dads and grandparents visit our playgroup. The Playgroup provides the opportunity where parents, grandparents and children can play together, which is critical to children’s healthy development. By creating a space where parents and caregivers have the opportunity to spend time with their children, the playgroup enhances relationships through play. The Playgroup sessions are held during term time on Thursday mornings from 9.00am – 10.30am. As everyone arrives, experiences such as painting, playdough, home corner, puzzles and the indoor obstacle course are explored. Morning tea follows before we visit the ELC outdoor area. After free play, we return to the playroom to sing songs and move to music, before singing our goodbye song and ending our morning of play. If you are interested in joining the St George Playgroup and would like further information, please contact Mrs Emily Giles on 8159 8100 or, the Registrar. Mrs Janice Copeland
Excursion to Bunnings Garden and Homemaker Centre, Preschool Excursion—SAPOL Road Safety Centre Tuesday 23 May was an exciting experience for young and old! Mile End In Week 2 this term, the Reception class were kindly invited by Dina and Mary, Bunnings Garden and Homemaker Centre’s Activities Organisers, to attend a Mother’s Day gift making workshop. The children had a wonderful ‘hands on’ craft session which enabled them to decorate an earthenware flower pot with an array of coloured sands. They then potted a colourful Marigold plant in their pot to take home to their mum for Mother’s Day. A creative and enjoyable was experienced by all!
Our Preschool class visited the SAPOL Road Safety Centre to learn many tips about staying safe on the road. The children learned important lessons from a qualified Police Officer, and had the opportunity to put their skills into practice by riding bikes on the specially made road circuit. This was a great morning out to tie into our learning about being safe and healthy.
Mrs Helen Pappageorgiou Reception Teacher Miss Jana Livaditis
Stomp Out The Gap The Cathy Freeman Foundation is an organisation founded by Cathy Freeman, an elite Olympic champion who won a gold medal at the 2000 Olympic Games in Sydney. The Cathy Freeman Foundation was established in 2007 with hopes of helping Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children have the same education as everyone else.
2017 marks the 10-year anniversary of this foundation so schools all around Australia have been invited to give a gold coin donation and discuss how we can "Stomp Out the Gap". This year our school will take part and we urge you to make a gold coin donation on June 6th. All money will go towards the Cathy Freeman Foundation.
Ας μειώσουμε το εκπαιδευτικό Χάσμα
Η οργάνωση Cathy Freeman ιδρύθηκε από την ιθαγενή ολυμπιονίκη Κάθι Φρίμαν, η οποία κέρδισε χρυσό μετάλλιο στους Ολυμπιακούς αγώνες στο Σίδνεϋ το 2000. Η οργάνωση αυτή ξεκίνησε το 2007 με σκοπό να βοηθήσει τα ιθαγενή παιδιά της Αυστραλίας στο να λαμβάνουν ίδια μόρφωση με τα υπόλοιπα παιδιά. Αυτή τη χρονιά, με αφορμή την 10η επέτειο του Ιδρύματος, όλα τα σχολεία της Αυστραλίας προσκαλέστηκαν για συμμετοχή σε δωρεά «χρυσού νομίσματος». Το σχολείο μας λοιπόν, δέχθηκε αυτήν την πρόσκληση οργανώνοντας χρηματικό έρανο στις 6 Ιουνίου. Όλα τα χρήματα που θα συγκεντρωθούν θα δωρισθούν στο Ίδρυμα Cathy Freeman για να συμβάλουμε και εμείς με την συμμετοχή μας στην μείωση του εκπαιδευτικού χάσματος.
Riki Diamond and George Toumazos
Μαθαίνουμε διαθεματικά και βιωματικά Με αφορμή την πρόσκληση του Ιδρύματος Cathy Freeman στο Κολέγιό μας, για συμμετοχή στην προσπάθειά του για την εκπαιδευτική ενίσχυση των ιθαγενών μαθητών της Αυστραλίας, οι μαθητές της 9ης τάξης συνεργάστηκαν για την δημιουργία αφισών με σκοπό την πληροφόρηση και ευαισθητοποίηση των συμμαθητών τους. Οι μαθητές της 9 ης τάξης ανέλαβαν να τοιχοκολλήσουν τις αφίσες τους στους διαδρόμους του Κολεγίου μας αναμένοντας την ανταπόκριση των συμμαθητών τους. Η δράση αυτή λειτούργησε διαθεματικά και βιωματικά, καθώς οι μαθητές της 9 ης κλήθηκαν να εφαρμόσουν τις γνώσεις τους και τις δεξιότητές τους στα Ελληνικά στο θέμα της διαφήμισης, το οποίο αποτελεί μέρος του αναλυτικού προγράμματος. Ελπίζουμε, η ανταπόκριση του σχολικής μας κοινότητας να είναι θετική και όλοι μαζί να συνεισφέρουμε με την χρηματική μας προσφορά στο να δημιουργηθούν εκπαιδευτικές ευκαιρίες σε όλο και περισσότερα παιδιά.
Μrs Theochti Antoniadou
With Mr Michael Rodas St George College Career Mentors Day Thursday 15th June 2:30-4:30pm for all the Year 10,11 and 12 students This event will involve Old Scholars coming to the College to share their knowledge and life experiences to help inspire our current students to consider their future career pathways.
CAREERS & EMPLOYMENT EXPO Friday 26th May, 9am – 3pm & Saturday 27th May, 10am – 4pm @ Adelaide Showground The Adelaide Careers & Employment Expo will include the Australian Defence Force Careers Expo, and is a great opportunity to explore your career options. The expo is free to attend. http:// UMAT 2017 Registrations close 2nd June 2017. The test takes place nationally on the 26th July 2017. UMAT is a test that is used specifically to assist with the selection of students into the medicine, dentistry and health science degree programs at undergraduate level at the universities listed on this website. FLINDERS MIDYEAR INFO EVENING TUESDAY 30TH MAY Drop in: 4:30 pm – 7:30 pm Presentation: 6.00 pm – 6:45 pm Drop in to speak to course advisers and take a tour of the campus, and attend the presentation to find out about the application process, pathways, and university life. http:// A TASTE OF LE CORDON BLEU ADELAIDE Tuesday 30th May, 6.00 pm – 8.00 pm Find out what studying at Le Cordon Bleu is like from chefs, lecturers and students of the college.
AUSTRALIAN DEFENCE FORCE GAP YEAR Applications for a 2018 gap year open The ADF Gap Year program provides an opportunity for young Australians who have finished year 12 or equivalent, aged between 17 and 24, to experience military training and lifestyle whilst gaining new skills over a paid gap year. http://
Open Girls Soccer
Round 1 – St George College def. Mary Mackillop Round 2- St George College def. Kildare
Under 6 Soccer
Round 1 – St George College def. Grange PS Round 2 – St George College def. Grange PS
Under 8 Soccer
Round 1 – St George College def. Grange PS Round 2 – St George College drew Henley Beach PS
Under 10 Soccer
Round 1 – St George College def. St Margaret Marys Round 2 – St Francis Lockleys def. St George College
Under 10 Basketball Blue
Round 10 – Grange PS def. St George College Round 11 . St George College def. Grange PS Round 12 - Henley PS def. St George College
Under 10 Basketball Red
Round 10 – St Josephs def. St George College Round 11– Star of the Sea def. St George College Round 12 - Woodville PS def. St George College
Under 14 Basketball
Round 10- Grange PS def. St George College Round 11 - St Michaels College def. St George College Round 12 - Woodville PS def. St George College
Under 11 Netball
Round 10 - St George College def. St Josephs Hindmarsh Round 11 - St George College def. Grange PS Round 12 - Nazareth def. St George College
Under 13 Netball
Round 10 - Whitefriars def. St George College Round 11 Whitefriars def. St George College Round 12 - St George College def. Nazareth
CREDIT UNION HOME LOTTERY The College is participating in the People's Choice Community Lottery this year. This is an amazing fundraising opportunity, as 100% of ticket sales go back to the College; tickets are only $2 and the prizes are fantastic. So if you've got $2 to spare and would like to be in the running for some fantastic prizes while helping our school, tickets are available online, just select St George College from the drop down menu.
SAVE THE DATE – QUIZ NIGHT – FRIDAY 25 AUGUST, 2017 Yes - that’s right, the Parent’s and Friends are holding a Quiz Night! So put 25 August in your diary, as there are lots of prizes to be won, and fun to be had. Get ready to dust off those thinking caps, as more details to follow shortly.
SAUSAGE SIZZLE This Tuesday 30 May the Parents and Friends are hosting a Sausage Sizzle Day where both the Junior and Senior campus students will be having a shared lunch together at the Senior Campus. If you would like to be involved, and are able to come along and help serve on the day, please contact Claire Papoulis from the P&F on or on 0413002449.
ENTERTAINMENT BOOK The hardcopy Entertainment™ Membership books are now in stock at both of our campus front offices ready for purchase at only $70! Do you prefer the digital version or to have a hard copy posted to you? – Order online at: http:// Why not download the APP on up to 4 DEVICES and SHARE the great offers with your family/friends? Thousands of up to 50% off and 2-for-1 offers and discount offers for the whole family! The Entertainment™ Book is a fantastic fundraiser for our College. Please go the extra mile and SHARE this page with your Facebook friends!