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School of Mechanical Engineering. Tel Aviv University .... Join a National. Committee. Have your university join for a.
Newsletter #61-2018 Treasurer

European Structural Integrity Society ESIS Newsletter #61, January, 2018

In this issue: EDITORIAL BY THE ESIS PRESIDENT……………… 1 Special Issues…………………………………………………… 6 ExCo ESIS Report on ICSID 2017 Conference and 4th ESIS Summer School…………………………… 7 NATIONAL COMMITTEES Italy……………………………………………………………… 9 Poland………………………………………………………… 10 Portugal……………………………………………………… 10 TECHNICAL COMMITTEES TC3………………………………………………………………11 TC8………………………………………………………………11 TC14…………………………………………………………… 12 TC15…………………………………………………………… 12 TC24…………………………………………………………… 13 CONFERENCES Calendar………………………………………………………15 ESIS PROCEDURES AND DOCUMENTS……………18 MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORM………………… 19

ESIS Officers

Prof. Giuseppe Ferro Department of Structural Engineering & Geotechnics Politecnico di Torino Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 10129 Torino, Italy E-mail: [email protected] Secretary Dr Bamber Blackman Department of Mechanical Engineering City & Guilds Building Imperial College London South Kensington Campus London SW7 2AZ, UK E-mail: [email protected] Newsletter and Publications Prof. Valery Shlyannikov Kazan Scientific Centre Russian Academy of Science Lobachevsky Steet, 2/31 420111. Kazan, Russia E-mail: [email protected] Liaison Prof. Zhiliang Zhang NTNU Nanomechanical Lab Dept. of Structural Engineering Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) N-7491 Trondheim, Norway Email: [email protected] Blogger Prof. Per Ståhle Lund University Solid Mechanics Lund, Sweden Email: [email protected]


President Prof. Leslie Banks-Sills School of Mechanical Engineering Tel Aviv University Ramat Aviv 69978, Israel E-mail: [email protected] Vice-President Prof. Francesco Iacoviello Università di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale - DICeM via G. Di Biasio 43, 03043, Cassino (FR), Italy E-mail: [email protected]

The Christmas season is behind us. Aleksandar Sedmak is busy preparing for ECF 22 which will take place in Belgrade, Serbia from August 26 until August 31, 2018. We are looking forward to that event.

Vice-President Prof. Aleksandar Sedmak Faculty of Mechanical Engineering University of Belgrade KraljiceMarije 16, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia E-mail: [email protected]

As usual there will be several medals and awards presented at the conference. These include the Griffith and Wöhler medals, the Award of Merit, the Honorary Membership and the ESIS-Elsevier Young Scientist Award. Nominations from ESIS members may be sent to Aleksandar for the first four. Nominations

Newsletter #61-2018

should be made for an outstanding candidate from a country in which the nominator does not reside. Please see the ECF 22 web site for more details. Nominations should be submitted by February 25, 2018.

The Young Scientist Award is dedicated to the best contributions at ECFs, as selected by the Awards Committee. Young scientists who have not reached the age of 37 years on the first day of the ECF meeting may apply for this award. More details may be found in the ECF 22 web site. The award will include a certificate and 1000 € for first place and 500 € for second place. It should be clear, that the award will only be given if there is a deserving individual. We thank Elsevier for their support.

Finally, there is support available for deserving scientists who require financial help to attend ECF 22. Please see the ECF 22 web site for details.

ocedia-structural-integrity/vol/6/suppl/C Volume 5, Pages 1–1454 (2017) 2nd International Conference on Structural Integrity, ICSI 2017, 4-7 September 2017, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal ocedia-structural-integrity/vol/5/suppl/C Volume 4, Pages 1–114 (2017) ESIS TC24 Workshop "Integrity of Railway Structures", 24-25 October 2016, Leoben, Austria ocedia-structural-integrity/vol/4/suppl/C Volume 3, Pages 1–588 (2017) XXIV Italian Group of Fracture Conference, 1-3 March 2017, Urbino, Italy ocedia-structural-integrity/vol/3/suppl/C

These are open access publications. The link to the journal is: In order to encourage TCs and National Groups to take advantage of this option, ESIS will support part of the publication costs.

I remind you that ESIS has four affiliated Elsevier journals including: Engineering Failure Analysis, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, International Journal of Fatigue and Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics. We encourage you to publish your articles in these journals. A list of special issues is within the pages of this Newsletter.

Finally, I would like to encourage you to join ESIS for 30 €. Go to our web site and sign up. There are various ways to join ESIS. Join a National Committee. Have your university join for a group of faculty members through a National Committee or directly to ESIS; similarly for a group at a company. Or join as an individual. This can be done easily through PayPal. In 2016, ESIS had 596 members from 21 countries.

ESIS is requested to support many conferences, most of which are part of TC or National Group activities. In order to coordinate the dates so as to avoid conflicts, the ExCo has suggested to TC and National Group Chairs to coordinate their meetings with Aleksandar Sedmak. Our blogger, Per Ståhle, has reviewed many papers from Engineering Fracture Mechanics. We have an agreement with Elsevier which allows open access of these papers for six months. Hence, everyone can have access to them and join in the discussion on the blog. We welcome your comments which may be posted on the blog:

I wish you all the best of health, fruitful research and future collaborations.

Leslie Banks-Sills

The issues of Procedia Structural Integrity that have been published in 2017 include:  Volume 7, Pages 1–536 (2017) 3rd International Symposium on Fatigue Design and Material Defects, FDMD 2017 ocedia-structural-integrity/vol/7/suppl/C  Volume 6, Pages 1–344 (2017) XXVII International Conference Mathematical and Computer Simulation in Mechanics of Solids and Structures. Fundamentals of static and dynamic fracture, MCM 2017,25-27 September 2017, Saint-Petersburg, Russia 2

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Brittle and quasi-brittle fracture structure formation of materials (media) taking into account their structure under complex loading (in particular, under multi-axial compression), was modeled in the cycle of papers written in collaboration with his colleagues. Fracture models under compression conditions for thin bodies, systems with coating, and natural objects such as ice cover were developed.

Robert V. Golgstein, Eulogy

In the last 20 years R.V. Goldstein paid much attention to research of nanoand micromechanics of materials. These investigations primarily were stimulated by the need to provide the strength and durability of micro- and submicro-electronic products. The models were developed and degradation processes arising in multilevel interconnection wiring (conductor lines) in micro- and submicroelectronic products due to the action of mechanical loads and electromigration were modeled. The discrete-continuous models of the mechanical behavior of nanotubes and their systems, graphene plates and their sets, were developed. A generalized model of an atomistic crack was proposed and conditions for the continuum approach of fracture theory to be applicable for describing nanoscale crack growth conditions were obtained. The results of R.V. Goldstein's fundamental studies are successfully used to solve applied problems. Since the 1960s, R.V. Goldstein actively participated in complex projects performed in collaboration with leading specialized organizations in the field of special technology and equipment for transportation, preparation, and processing of hydrocarbon raw materials.

Our colleague and remarkable person Robert Goldstein passed away. He was one of the leading specialists in mechanics of solids and its applications; he obtained fundamental results in mathematical and dynamical theory of elasticity, fracture mechanics, mechanics of materials, mechanics of ice and ice cover, micro- and nanomechanics, and mechanics of contact interaction of solids. He was elected a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 2008. The Griffith Medal was awarded to Robert Goldstein at the 21st European Conference on Fracture, 2016, Catania. Robert Goldstein was born on May 7, 1940 in Moscow. In 1962, R. V. Goldstein graduated with honors from the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Lomonosov Moscow State University in the speciality mechanics. He received a scholarship named after N.Ye. Zhukovsky, when he was a student. In 1965, Robert V. Goldstein received his Ph.D. ("Surface waves and resonant phenomena in elastic bodies") and started to work at the Institute for Problems in Mechanics of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (now - Ishlinsky Institute for Problems in Mechanics RAS), where, since 1988, he was Head of the Laboratory on Mechanics of Strength and Fracture of Materials and Structures organized by him. In 1983, he defended his D.Sc. thesis "Studies in Fracture Mechanics of Large-Size Structures".

R.V. Goldstein paid great attention to young scientists. He created one of the leading schools in Russia on strength and fracture mechanics, and 18 Ph.D. and 5 D.Sc. were received under his supervision. R.V. Goldstein was awarded grants of the President of the Russian Federation to support the leading scientific schools in 1996, 2000, 2003, 2006 and 2008. R.V. Goldstein's scientific and educational achievements were marked by governmental awards. In 2008, he was awarded the title of "Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation." In 2000, in collaboration with other authors, R.V. Goldstein was awarded the State Prize of the Russian Federation in science and technology. Robert Goldstein was the scientific editor of many books published by leading publishers of the USSR and Russia in mechanics and applied mathematics. He was a member of Editorial Board of several journals:

R.V. Goldstein developed several models of material and structure of fracture. He proposed a semi-empirical method for describing fracture of elastoplastic materials with cracks and formulated similarity criteria that permit estimating the fracture conditions for large-size structural components with cracks by the test results of their scaled-down models. He developed a new approach for fracture modelling and safety assessment of hierarchical systems. 3

Mechanics of Solids;

Advances in Mechanics;

Physical Mesomechanics;

International Journal of Fracture;

Newsletter #61-2018

Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures.

Robert Goldstein passed away on September 24, 2017 in Moscow, Russia.

He has received many awards including: 

Scientific Secretary of the Joint Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences on the Complex Problem of "Mechanics"

Deputy Chairman of the Scientific Council of the RAS on Mechanics of Solids;

Member of the Scientific Council for Tribology;

Member of the Scientific Council of the RAS for the Study of the Arctic and Antarctic;

Member of the Scientific Technical Council of “GAZPROM”;

Vice President of the International Congress on Fracture (ICF);

Member of the Committee of the ICF;

Member of the Executive Committee of the European Structural Integrity Society;

Member of the National Committee for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (since 1991);

Honorary Fellow of the ICF (since 1993);

Member of the German Society for Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM) (since 1991);

Member of the International Society for Mechanics and Mathematics Interaction;

Honorary Fellow of the International Congress on Fracture (1983);

Honorary Vice-President of the International Congress on Fracture (2010);

Honorary Fellow of the European Structural Integrity Society (2010);

Full member of the Russian Engineering Academy (2009);

Full member of the European Academy of Sciences "For outstanding contribution to science and technology" (2009);

Chairman of the Organizing Committee of 19th European Conference on Fracture (ECF19) (Kazan. Russia, 2012);

Griffith Medal, European Structural Integrity Society, ECF 21 (Catania, Italy) (2016).

Valery Shlyannikov

and OJS



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4 Elsevier journals are affiliated with ESIS


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Special Issues 2016-17 Journal





Int J Fatigue

Railway Axles: Advances in Fatigue Design and Maintenance



IJF 86, May 2016

Int J Fatigue

Fatigue Crack Paths 2015

5th Int. Conf. on Crack Paths (CP 2015)

IJF 92, part 2, 2016

Eng Fract Mech

Crack Paths 2015

5th Int. Conf. on Crack Paths (CP 2015)

Theor and Appl Fract Mech

Small Scale Testing in Fracture Mechanics

The Annual Meetings of Spanish Group on Fracture and Structural Integrity

F.Berto, A.Carpinteri, S.Vantadori, M.Vormwald R. Brighenti, A.Fatemi, L.Susmel, A.Carpinteri J.M. Alegre Calderón, A. MartínMeizoso

Eng Fract Mech

Multiaxial Fracture 2016

11th International Conference on Multiaxial Fatigue and Fracture (ICMFF11)

M.Endo, C.Navarro, M.Vormwald, A. Carpinteri

EFM 174, April 2017

Int J Fatigue

Multiaxial fatigue 2016: Experiments and modeling

11th International Conference on Multiaxial Fatigue and Fracture (ICMFF11)

A.Carpinteri, A.Fatemi, Th.Palin-Luc, S.Vantadori

IJF 100, part 2, July 2017

Int J Fatigue

Special Issue on the 21st European Conference on Fracture


IJF 102, September 2017

Theor and Appl Fract Mech

Mixed Mode Fracture: Recent Developments


F. Iacoviello, D. Firrao, Th.Palin-Luc, M.Zimmermann F. Berto, M. Ayatollahi, L. Marsavina

Int J Fatigue

Special Issue on the 21st European Conference on Fracture


IJF 103, October 2017

Eng Fract Mech

Modern Imaging Techniques in Fracture and Damage Analyses


Int J Fatigue

Special Issue on the 21st European Conference on Fracture


Int J Fatigue

Special Issue on the 21st European Conference on Fracture


F. Iacoviello, D. Firrao, Th.Palin-Luc, M.Zimmermann A. Spagnoli, Y. Hong, G. Risitano, L. Susmel, Ph.Withers, V. Di Cocco F. Iacoviello, D. Firrao, Th.Palin-Luc, M.Zimmermann F. Iacoviello, D. Firrao, Th.Palin-Luc, M.Zimmermann

Eng Failure Anal

21st European Conference on Fracture


Theor and Appl Fract Mech

21st European Conference on Fracture in Catania (Italy) in 2016


EFM 167, November 2016

TAFM 86, Part A, December 2016

TAFM 91, October 2017

EFM 183, October 2017

IJF 104, November 2017

IJF 105, December 2017

EFA 82, December 2017 F. Iacoviello, G. Ferro, C. Ruggeri, V. Shlyannikov

TAFM 92, December 2017

Newsletter #61-2018

Liviu Marsavina (Romania) ExCo ESIS Report on

Hryhoriy Nykyforchy (Ukraine)

ICSID 2017 Conference and

Volodymyr Panasyuk (Ukraine)

4th ESIS Summer School

Siegfried Schmauder (Germany)

Aleksandar Sedmak (Serbia) László Tóth (Hungary)

International Conference on Structural Integrity and Durability 2017 (ICSID 2017) and 4th ESIS Summer School, Dubrovnik, Croatia, August 15 - 18, 2017, were organized by the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb. The events were sponsored by the European Structural Integrity Society and formally opened by the ESIS President Professor Leslie BanksSills.

Petro Yasniy (Ukraine) The Summer School provided an opportunity for students, researchers and engineers from academia and industry to get acquainted with fundamental aspects of fracture mechanics, recent trends in practical applications of fatigue and fracture models, and advanced approaches such as multiscale materials modelling. Senior researchers and experts, distinguished scientists in the field, gave lectures on experimental and numerical techniques for modelling, analysis and assessment of damaged components and structures. Examples on linear and elastic-plastic fracture mechanics models, damage mechanics models and multiscale modelling used for fatigue, fracture and failure analysis of structural materials and components, weldments, metal/ceramic interfaces. Models for fatigue crack growth prediction and remaining fatigue life assessment were presented.

ICSID 2017 and 4th ESIS Summer School were held at the Centre for Advanced Academic Studies in the city of Dubrovnik. The magnificent old building of the Centre for Advanced Academic Studies (CAAS) is situated in the center of Dubrovnik on the Croatian Adriatic Coast, in the vicinity of the most prominent historical places of the Old Town.

4th ESIS Summer School Agenda Date/ Time


4th ESIS Committee




Leslie Banks-Sills (Israel) Željko Božić (Croatia), Chair Nenad Gubeljak (Slovenia) Francesco Iacoviello (Italy) 7

John Landes, University of Tennessee

Aug 14, 2017 08.00 – 12.00

Fundamentals and Applications of Fracture Mechanics

Aug 14, 2017 14.00 – 17.00

Fatigue, Fracture and Failure Analysis

Neil James, University of Plymouth

Aug 15, 2017 09.00 – 12.00

Ductile Fracture at High or Low Hydrostatic Tension

Viggo Tvergaard, Technical University of Denmark

Aug 15, 2017 14.00 – 17.00

Multiscale materials modelling - recent applications

Siegfried Schmauder, University of Stuttgart

Centre for Advanced Academic Studies in Dubrovnik

4th ESIS Summer School „Fatigue and Fracture Modeling and Analysis“, was organized prior to the ICSID 2017 conference, from 14 – 15 August, 2017. In front of the TC13 Technical Committee for Education and Training Professor Hryhoriy Nykyforchyn gave an overview of previously held ESIS Summer Schools.


Aleksandar Sedmak, University of Belgrade

Newsletter #61-2018

The Summer School was attended by 36 participants from 21 countries: Austria (3), Belgium (3), Canada (1), China (1), Croatia (6), Denmark (1), Finland (1), France (1), Germany (2), Italy (2), Mexico (1), Norway (1), Poland (2), Russia (1), Serbia (2), Slovak Republic (2), Slovenia (2), South Korea (1), Switzerland (1), Ukraine (1) and United Kingdom (1). From 36 participants 24 participated in both events, the ICSID 2017 conference and 4th ESIS Summer School, and 12 participants took part in the Summer School only. We got excellent feedback from the participants regarding the lecture topics and the Summer School organization in general.

assessment, failure analysis, important topics in the field.



Accepted two-page abstracts, 105 in total, were published in the Book of Abstracts with an ISBN number (ISSN 2584-3907). The full papers, 37 in total, were published on electronic media with an ISBN number (ISSN 2584-3982). At the conference 78 papers were presented as oral presentation and seven papers were presented as poster presentation. Conftool Conference and Event Management Software has been used for participants and manuscript administration. Six Plenary lectures were given at the ICSID 2017 conference by leading scientists in the field: Leslie Banks-Sills, Professor Emerita at Tel Aviv University, Israel "Fatigue Delamination Propagation in Woven Multi-directional Composite in Mode I"


John Landes, Professor at University of Tennessee, USA "Some New Ideas in Fracture Toughness Evaluation"

4th ESIS Summer School lecture

Neil M James, Professor at University of Plymouth, England "Applications of Residual Stresses Combatting Fatigue and Fracture"


Dan M. Frangopol, Endowed Chair Professor at Lehigh University, USA "Life-Cycle of Deteriorating Structures: Emphasis on Fatigue Damage Detection Delay and its Effect on Reliability and Life-Extension of Bridges and Ships" Michael Vormwald, Professor at Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany

4th ESIS Summer School attendees and lecturers

"Fatigue Strength of Autofrettaged Components of Diesel Injection Systems Under Elevated Temperature"

Photo gallery: International Conference on Structural Integrity and Durability 2017 (ICSID 2017) „Fatigue and Fracture at all Scales“, was held in the Centre for Advanced Academic Studies in Dubrovnik, Croatia from 15 – 18 August, 2017.

Aleksandar Sedmak, Professor at University of Belgrade, Serbia "Structural Integrity Assessment of Pressure Vessels by Using the Risk Based Approach"

The ICSID 2017 conference managed to bring together more than 100 scientists and engineers from about 30 countries from around the world to discuss how to characterize, analyse, predict and assess the fatigue and fracture of structural materials and components. The ICSID 2017 was a forum for discussion of the present and future trends in experimental, analytical and numerical fracture mechanics, fatigue, structural integrity

Selected papers presented at the ICSID 2017 Conference will be published in a Special Issue of the International Journal of Fatigue and in a Special Issue of the Archive of Applied Mechanics. The delegates of the ICSID 2017 conference had the opportunity to interact and exchange ideas with leading researchers across a wide range of disciplines, and get acquainted with the 8

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state of the art in the theory and applications of fatigue and fracture mechanics. The ICSID 2017 conference further promoted cooperation among scientists and experts from university, industry and government involved in the field of fatigue and fracture of materials and structures.

ICSID 2017 Conference dinner

Photo gallery: The Conference was supported by the Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Crafts and the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Croatia, and by the European Structural Integrity Society (ESIS). The support is gratefully acknowledged.

ICSID 2017 Conference opening

Zeljko Bozic

National Committees Italy Italian Group of Fracture (IGF) is collaborating with Publons to give to "Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale" reviewers the recognition they deserve for their peer review contributions

ICSID 2017 Conference – oral presentations

IGF is organizing the workshop entitled “Fracture and Structural integrity: ten years of ‘Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale” (Cassino, Italy; June 4-6, 2018). All the submitted papers, after being reviewed, will be published in an issue of Procedia Structural Integrity ( Deadlines: -31.01.2018: Abstracts submission -10.02.2018: Abstracts notification of acceptance

ICSID 2017 Conference – poster presentations

-31.03.2018: Papers submission and early bird registration -10.04.2018: Papers notification of acceptance

I would like to thank all participants of the ICSID 2017 conference for their contribution and many high-quality papers. I am very much indebted to the Scientific Committee Members for their invaluable help, suggestions and advice in the Conference organization.

Francesco Iacoviello


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group of distinguished employees of the Kielce University of Technology. He worked at the University for over 40 years, he was the rector of this university (1990-1996), the dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. He educated a group of young science workers who deal with fracture mechanics from the theoretical side and the teacher and educator of young generations. For many years he cooperated with the Polish industry and industry in Finland. The ceremony brought many guests, the family of the professor, academic staff from other Polish universities and regional authorities.

Poland The Polish Group of Fracture Mechanics together with the Military Technical University in Warsaw organized on September 12-15, 2017, in Pułtusk 16th National Conference on Fracture Mechanics. These are regular conferences held every two years since 1988. During the conference 25 presentations were given, which presented the subject of conducted scientific works in Polish academic centers. These works presented the use of fracture mechanics to describe cracking phenomena in various construction materials, in components with a surface treated layer, in welded members, welded with the FSW technique, in multilayer structures obtained by means of explosive joining and cracking in cryogenic conditions. Professor Andrzej Neimitz delivered an invited lecture on current trends in the world of fracture mechanics. During the conference, a special session was organized devoted to the scientific activity of Professor A. Neimitz. In 2017, the 70th anniversary of the birth of Professor A, Neimitz, the long-term chairman of the Polish Group of Fracture Mechanics and VicePresident of ESIS in 2006-2010. This session was led by prof. Dorota Kocańda, who presented the Professor's scientific achievements.

Dorota Kocańda

Portugal The next activities Committee are:




- XVI Portuguese Conference on Fracture 2018, April 23-24, Covilhã Portugal - 18th International Conference on New Trends in Fatigue and Fracture, Lisbon, Portugal, July 17 - 20, 2018 - XIX International Colloquium on Mechanical Fatigue of Metals, 05-07 September 2018 Porto, Portugal - 3rd International Conference on Structural Integrity, 02- 05 September 2019, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal

On October 25, 2017, Prof. A. Neimitz was honored with the title of an honorary doctorate by the senate of his home university - Kielce University of Technology (KUT). During the ceremony, the Rector of the KUT Prof. W. Trąmpczyński handed the doctor honoris causa to Jubilat. Professor A. Neimitz belongs to the Pedro Moreira


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Experiments and Modelling” (Guest Editors: Professor Andrea Carpinteri, Parma, Italy, Professor Ali Fatemi, Toledo, USA, Professor Thierry Palin-Luc, Talence, France, and Professor Sabrina Vantadori, Parma, Italy), with papers selected from those presented at the 11th International Conference on Multiaxial Fatigue and Fracture (ICMFF11), held in Seville, Spain, 1st to 3rd June, 2016.


TC3: Fatigue of Engineering Materials And Structures Statutes and activities Committee 3 (TC3)




(c) Special Issue of Engineering Fracture Mechanics (Vol.183, 1-190, 2017) entitled “Modern Imaging Techniques in Fracture and Damage Analyses” (Guest Editors: Andrea Spagnoli, Youshi Hong, Giacomo Risitano, Luca Susmel, Philip Withers and Vittorio Di Cocco), with papers selected from those presented at the 21st European Conference on Fracture (ECF21), held in Catania, Italy, 20th to 24th June, 2016.

1. Name TC3: FATIGUE of ENGINEERING MATERIALS and STRUCTURES Chairmen: Andrea Carpinteri and Les P. Pook Secretaries: Andrea Spagnoli and Sabrina Vantadori 2. Objectives of TC3 (a) Special Issue of International Journal of Fatigue entitled “Fatigue in the presence of cracks or notches” (Guest Editors: Professor Andrea Carpinteri, Parma, Italy, Professor Pedro Moreira, Porto, Portugal, Professor Paulo Tavares, Porto, Portugal, and Professor Sabrina Vantadori, Parma, Italy), with papers selected from those presented at the International Conference on Structural Integrity 2017 (ICSI 2017), held in Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, 4 - 7 September, 2017.

4. Events and meetings Thematic Symposium on ‘Fracture and Fatigue in the presence of cracks and notches’ (chaired by Professor Andrea Carpinteri and Professor Sabrina Vantadori, Parma, Italy) at the International Conference on Structural Integrity 2017 (ICSI 2017) 4 - 7 September, 2017, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, Andrea Carpinteri Les P. Pook

(b) 6th International Conference on Crack Paths (CP 2018), to be held in Verona, Italy, 19th to 21st September, 2018. Chairpersons: Professor Filippo Berto (Trondheim, Norway), Professor Andrea Carpinteri (Parma, Italy), Professor Youshi Hong (Beijing, China), Professor Les P. Pook (Sevenoaks, UK), and Professor Sabrina Vantadori (Parma, Italy).

TC8: Numerical Methods

The ESIS Technical Committee on Numerical Methods (TC8) is resuming its activities after a long pause. The next meeting will be held in Paris at Mines ParisTech 60 Boulevard SaintMichel, Paris (France) on January 15-16 2018. The meeting topics will cover all aspects of numerical methods for failure prediction of both material volume elements and structures. A round table will be organized to determine specific topics for the following meetings so as to be able to organize special issues for ESIS journals.

(c) 12th International Conference on Multiaxial Fatigue and Fracture (ICMFF12), to be held in Bordeaux, France, 24th to 26th June, 2019. Chairpersons: Professor Andrea Carpinteri (Parma, Italy), Professor Franck Morel (Angers, France), and Professor Thierry PalinLuc (Talence, France). 3. Achievement of objectives (a) Special Issue of Engineering Fracture Mechanics (Vol.174, 1-252, 2017) entitled “Multiaxial Fracture 2016” (Guest Editors: Professor Andrea Carpinteri, Parma, Italy, Professor Masahiro Endo, Fukuoka, Japan, Professor Carlos Navarro Pintado, Seville, Spain, and Professor Michael Vormwald, Darmstadt, Germany), with papers selected from those presented at the 11th International Conference on Multiaxial Fatigue and Fracture (ICMFF11), held in Seville, Spain, 1st to 3rd June, 2016.

Participants will therefore have one full year to propose a paper to be submitted. Results will first be presented and discussed during the TC meetings. The next TC8 meeting is planned during the ECF22 conference in Belgrade (26.-31. August, 2018). Another meeting will be organized in January 2019 (location to be defined). Jacques Besson TC8 chair together with I. Scheider (HZG) and N. Bonora (Unicas).

(b) Special Issue of International Journal of Fatigue (Vol.100, Part 2, 453-650, 2017) entitled “Multiaxial Fatigue 2016:

Jacques Besson 11

Newsletter #61-2018

researchers in this area, including selected papers presented at ECF 22 in Belgrade (see above).

TC14: Integrity of Biomedical and Biological Materials

3) A Special Session of the ESIS Technical Committee 14 “Integrity of Biomedical and Biological Materials” with the title “Modelling of Damage and Fracture of Biological Materials” will be organised within the framework of Virtual Physiological Human Conference VPH2018 ( to be held on 5-7 September 2018 in Zaragoza, Spain.

1) ESIS Technical Committee 14 “Integrity of Biomedical and Biological Materials” will organise its first Symposium “Damage and Fracture of Biological and Biomedical Materials” within the framework of the 22nd European Conference on Fracture – ECF 22 to be held in Belgrade, Serbia, 26-31 August 2018. The aim of this Symposium is to bring together specialists in mechanics and micromechanics of materials, applied mathematics, continuum mechanics, materials science, physics, biomechanics and medical engineering to discuss latest developments and trends in characterisation and testing protocols for biomedical materials, as well as biological tissues and organs (both in vivo and in vitro), constitutive equations of their behaviour and advanced numerical simulation schemes.

Vadim V. Silberschmidt

TC15: Structural Integrity of Additive Manufactured Components (In-TEAM TC 15)

The topics of the Symposium include, but are not limited to, the following: •

Structural integrity of implants orthopaedic, dental, cardiovascular, etc.);

Fatigue, creep and biodegradation biomedical materials used in implants;

Structural integrity of prostheses;

Mechanical performance materials in vivo;

Structural integrity of 3d-printed biomedical components and structures;

Bio-inspired and biomimetic materials and structures;

Mechanical characterisation tissues and scaffolds;

Mechanics of cells;

Fracture mechanics of biological tissues;

Damage in hard and soft biotissues;

Response of biological tissues and biomedical materials to dynamic loading;

Numerical simulations of performance of biological materials.


The next activity will be the symposium entitled “Structural integrity of Additive Manufactured Materials” organised by the Technical Committee 15 “Structural Integrity of Additive Manufactured Components (In-TEAM TC 15)” of the European Structural Integrity Society within the framework of the 22nd European Conference on Fracture - ECF22 to be held in Belgrade, Serbia, 26-31 August 2018 (see




The aim of this Symposium is to bring together specialists in mechanics and structural integrity of additive manufactured materials with particular attention to materials science, fracture and fatigue behavior, structural integrity, optimal design, interactions between process parameters and mechanical properties.


The idea is to discuss the latest developments and trends in the field of AM components paying attention to structures, testing protocols, constitutive equations and advanced numerical simulation tools. The topics of the Symposium include, but are not limited to, the following:

properties and and biomedical

A meeting of Technical Committee 14 will be also organised during ECF 22. 2) A Special Issue of Engineering Fracture Mechanics “Damage and Fracture of Biological and Biomedical Materials” with Guest Editors Prof. Vadim V. Silberschmidt (Loughborough University, UK) and Prof. Jose Manuel Garcia Aznar (University of Zaragoza, Spain) is in preparation, with the submission date for manuscripts of 31 October 2018. It will consist of papers by the world-leading 12

Fatigue and crack propagation in additive manufactured parts;

Influence of the additive manufacturing process signature on microstructure;

Fatigue behavior of lattice structures;

Residual stress measurement manufactured parts;

Smart implants for biomedical applications;

Characterization of mechanical properties in additive manufacturing;



Newsletter #61-2018

Development of shock absorbing protection made of crushable materials (lattice cellular structure) using Additive Manufacturing;

Development of one single part integrating waveguide filter, bends, couplers, supporting structures made by Additive Manufacturing;

Development of embedded thermal functions in structural parts using 3D printing;

New generation of prosthetics (complex reticular shapes and multi-material, functionally graded structures);

Lattice Structures for Launchers and Spacecraft Produced with Automatic Processes;

Hybrid processes for advanced manufacturing components;

Optimization of the functional mechanical/surface behavior at micro and nano scale levels; High strain rate and impact behavior of additively manufacturing materials;

Advanced titanium and aluminum alloys tailored for Additive Manufacturing space applications;

Development structures;

Development of a manufacturing process for polymer structures;

Advanced thermal models for microstructure optimization in powder based additive manufacturing processes;

Topology optimization.




The last TC24 meeting was held on 25-26 September 2017. The workshop took place at DGZfP (German society for non-destructive testing) premises in Wittenberge/Germany, organised by T. Heckel and R. Krull (BAM). The workshop provided an opportunity for the “axle community” to meet up again and to discuss results from RAAI Project as well as other ongoing activities, especially in the area of NDT and their implications for structural integrity. A total of 14 presentations were lively discussed by more than 50 attendees. The presentations (abstracts and slides) can be downloaded at:



TC24: Integrity of Railway Structures


The technical sessions were also accompanied by a tour through the DB workshop facilities in Wittenberge and a tour through DGZfP traning facilities. A session of meeting was devoted to the presentation of the results/equipment prepared within the EUProject RAAI.

A selection of papers presented at this Symposium will be published in a Special Issue on associated ESIS journals. This special symposium will open the doors to the first conference First European Conference Structural Integrity of Additively Manufactured Materials (ESIAM19) that will be hold in Trondheim, Norway, 4-6 September 2019

Stefano Beretta

( IMPORTANT: 1) When submitting your abstract please mention the name of Symposium - “Structural integrity of additive manufactured materials”. 2) Please inform us about your submission/intention to submit so that we may plan Symposium’s sessions. Filippo Berto Luca Susmel


Newsletter #61-2018

ESIS Website

Advantages of being an ESIS member

 participation in TC activities and access to TC documents;

- become a member of ESIS and take advantage of all the "Members Only" resources on this Web site

 full on-line access to ESIS procedures;

- register automatically as a Member and pay the fee by PayPal system

 full on-line access to former EGFESIS books;  support for ESIS activity.

- obtain your username and password for accessing the private area for downloading EGF-ESIS books and Procedures

how to renew? see page 19 or

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Newsletter #61-2018


January 15-16,2018

ESIS Technical meeting on Numerical Methods

Paris (France)

[email protected]


April 12-13, 2018

TC1 Meeting “Damage and Damage Tolerance of Welded Structures”

Prague (Czech Republic)

[email protected]


May 10-11, 2018

Innovation in cement and concrete technology materials, methods and application

Torino (Italy)

[email protected]


September 4-6, 2019

First European Conference Structural Integrity of Additively Manufactured Materials

Trondheim (Norway)


22nd European Conference of Fracture (ECF22)

August 24-26, 2018

Summer School in the scope of Belgrade (Serbia) ECF22.

22nd European Conference on Fracture (ECF 22) LOADING AND ENVIRONMENT EFFECTS ON STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY 26 – 31 August 2018 SUMMER SCHOOL 25-26 August 2018, Belgrade, Serbia, Location and Transportation Belgrade is the capital of Serbia, with cca 1.8 million inhabitants. It is located in the southeast Europe, in the Balkan Peninsula, at the confluence of the Sava and Danube rivers. The official monetary unit is dinar (RSD). International airport “Nikola Tesla” offers services not only by domestic airlines (Air Serbia), but also by many other companies, including low cost companies. Transfer from the airport to the city center is easy using mini-bus or using taxi (20 euros). The highway network enables frequent bus connection between major European cities, and comfortable travel by car to Belgrade. Train connections are also possible. Venue Metropol Palace, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra 69, Belgrade, Serbia.

Belgrade (Serbia)

[email protected]

Registration and fees Registration fee


Before 20.2.2018

Before 20.6.2018

After 26.8.2018


530 €

580 €

630 €

ESIS member

450 €

500 €

550 €


150 €

150 €

200 €

Accompanying persons

150 €

150 €

200 €

* on-site cash payment will be possible The registration fee includes conference material, welcome reception, conference banquet, refreshments and lunch during conference days. Payment will be possible by bank transfer, credit cards, pay-pal and on-site in cash, see Summer School Experimental Fracture Mechanics – John Landes, Francesco Iacoviello Interface Fracture Mechanics – Leslie Banks-Sills, Bamber Blackman J integral - on the occasion of the 50th anniversary - James Rice, USA Fee (125 € before 20.6.2018, 150 € afterwards) includes lectures, refreshments and buffet lunch.

Newsletter #61-2018

Proceedings and Publication Abstracts will be published in the form of ECF22 e-book and available during the registration. Full papers will be published in Proceedia Structural Integrity Journal by Elsevier in the form of ECF22 Proceedings. Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit extended versions of papers for a special issue of “Engineering Fracture Mechanics”, “Engineering Failure Analysis”, “International Journal of Fatigue” or “Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics”, as well as Structural Integrity and Life (DIVK Journal) journals.

Imporant dates Submission of Abstracts: Notification of Acceptance: Deadline for early Registration: Submission of Papers: Deadline for Registration:

31.1.2018 15.2.2018 20.2.2018 30.4.2018 20.6.2018

Main topics Loading types  static and quasi-static loading  cyclic loading  vibrations  impact and earthquake loading  combined loading Environment  corrosion  high operating temperatures  temperatures in the range of nil ductility transition (NDT)  combined environmental effects  hydrogen embrittlement Structures  power plants  process equipment in petrochemical industry  welded structures  civil engineering objects  transportation Materials  metallic materials  plastics  ceramics  composite materials  nanomaterials

Minisymposia Siegfried Schmauder & Zeljko Bozic, „Multiscale Damage Analysis of Fatigue and Fracture of Metals“ Vadim Silberschmidt “Damage and Fracture of Biological and Biomedical Materials“ Filippo Berto and Luca Susmel, “Structural integrity of Additive Manufactured Materials“ Petro Yasniy and Liviu Marsavina „Teaching of Structural Integrity“ Jacques Besson, „Numerical Methods in Fracture Mechanics“ Uwe Zerbst, Stefano Beretta, “Defects and Fatigue” Yuri Petrov, Vadim Silberschmid, “Fracture and Structural Transformations under High Rate and Impact Loading” Peter Trampus, “Non-destructive methods in Fracture Mechanics” Jose Antonio Correia, Vladimir Moskvichev, “Risk Analysis and Safety of Technical Systems” Milos Djukic, William Curtin, Zhiliang Zhang, “Hydrogen Embrittlement - Understanding and Research Framework”

Plenary lecturers: Jim Rice, Boston, USA, Perspectives on dynamic fracture arising from study of earthquake ruptures Jovo Jaric, Serbia, Conservation laws of J integral type Youshi Hong, China, The State of the Art in Very-High-Cycle Fatigue Research Uwe Zerbst, Germany, Application of fracture mechanics to S-N curve prediction. Requirements and perspectives Drazan Kozak, Croatia & Nenad Gubeljak, Slovenia, Fracture behavior of wrought and additive manufactured implant’s alloy Yonggang Huang, USA Robert Ritchie, USA, Damage Tolerance in Biological and Metallic Material Takayuki Kitamura, Japan, Challenge toward Nanometer Scale Fracture Mechanics William Curtin, Switzerland, Mechanisms of Hydrogen Embrittlement: Insights from Atomistic Studies Meinhard Kuna, Germany, Micromechanical Modeling of Fracture in Metallic Materials”

ESIS Support for researchers: ESIS%20Support%20for%20Researchers%20An nouncement.pdf ESIS AWARDS: ESIS%20AWARDS%20%20CALL%20FOR%20PROPOSALS.pdf ESIS Elsevier young scientist award: ESISELSEVIER%20YOUNG%20SCIENTIST%20A WARD.pdf Best paper in weldment fracture mechanics: AWARD%20%20for%20the%20best%20paper% 20on%20WFM%20Galip.pdf For more details visit or send an email to [email protected] 16

Newsletter #61-2018

ESIAM19 First European Conference Structural Integrity of Additively Manufactured Materials

Organized by ESIS TC15 Structural Integrity of Additive Manufactured Components

Trondheim, Norway, 4-6 September 2019

Conference Chairmen Prof. F. Berto (NTNU Norway) Prof. L. Susmel (University of Sheffield) Prof. J. Torgersen (NTNU and Stanford) Prof. B.Van Hooreweder (KU Leuven) Aim Structural integrity, i.e. the fracture and fatigue strength of additively manufactured materials and components is becoming increasingly important with the technology’s transition towards major industrial utilization. The conference will provide an overview on current scientific knowledge and stimulate ideas for future research directions in this emerging field. ESIAM19 will be the opening event for a yearly international conference series held alternating in Europe and worldwide. Background Additive manufacturing (AM) techniques offer the potential to economically fabricate customized parts with complex geometries in a rapid design-to-manufacture cycle. Before benefits can be explored in critical load bearing applications, the basic understanding of the mechanical and functional behavior of these materials must be substantially improved at all scales. In particular, a better understanding of fracture and fatigue performance is key. The conference will shed light on the basic physical phenomena of fatigue and fracture of AM materials and develop effective criteria for the design of unprecedented high performing components for next generation automotive, aerospace, and biomedical applications. Complete information of the conference will be provided soon


Newsletter #61-2018

ESIS Procedures and Documents (free available for ESIS Members at Two kinds of documents are produced by ESIS Technical Committees with the following designatory system: ESIS P2-92 or ESIS P4-92D, where: 1. P means "Procedure", and 2 and 4 are the current numbers, while 92 is the year of issue. 2. D following the year (eg: 92D) means "draft", ie: not yet approved, while 3. D prior to the year (eg: D1-92) means "Document" other than test methods.

P1-92 ESIS RECOMMENDATIONS FOR DETERMINING THE FRACTURE RESISTANCE OF DUCTILE MATERIALS. Responsible body: TC1 Subcommittee on Fracture Mechanics Testing Standards. P2-92 ESIS PROCEDURE FOR DETERMINING THE FRACTURE BEHAVIOUR OF MATERIALS. Responsible body: TC1 Subcommittee on Fracture Mechanics Testing Standards. P3-03D DRAFT UNIFIED PROCEDURE FOR DETERMINING THE FRACTURE BEHAVIOUR OF MATERIAL. Responsible body: TC1 Subcommittee on Fracture Mechanics Testing Standards (UNDER PREPARATION NOT AVAILABLE). P4-92D ESIS RECOMMENDATIONS FOR STRESS CORROSION TESTING USING PRE-CRACKED SPECIMENS. Responsible body: TC10 Committee on Environmental-Assisted Cracking. P5-00/VAMAS PROCEDURE FOR DETERMINING THE OF FRACTURE TOUGHNESS OF CERAMICS USING THE SEVNB METHOD . Responsible body: TC6 Committee on Ceramics. P6-98 ESIS PROCEDURE TO MEASURE AND CALCULATE MATERIAL PARAMETERS FOR THE LOCAL APPROACH TO FRACTURE USING NOTCHED TENSILE SPECIMENS. Responsible body: TC8 Committee on Numerical Methods. P7-00 ESIS PROCEDURE FOR DYNAMIC TENSILE TESTS Responsible body: TC5 Subcommittee on Dynamic Testing at Intermediate Strain rates. P8-99D ESIS DRAFT CODE OF PRACTICE FOR THE DETERMINATION AND INTERPRETATION OF CYCLIC STRESSSTRAIN DATA. Responsible body: TC11 Committee on High Temperature Mechanical Testing. P9-02D GUIDANCE ON LOCAL APPROACH OF RUPTURE OF METALLIC MATERIALS. (UNDER PREPARATION NOT AVAILABLE). P10-02 A CODE OF PRACTICE FOR CONDUCTING NOTCHED BAR CREEP RUPTURE TESTS AND INTERPRETING THE DATA. Responsible body: TC11 High Temperature Mechanical Testing Committee. P11-02 TECHNICAL RECOMMANDATIONS FOR THE EXTREME VALUE ANALYSIS OF DATA ON LARGE NONMETALLIC INCLUSIONS Responsible body: TC20 Committee on Inclusions. D1-92 FRACTURE CONTROL GUIDELINES FOR STRESS CORROSION CRACKING OF HIGH STRENGTH ALLOYS. Responsible body: TC10 Committee on Environmental Assisted Cracking. D2-99 FRACTURE TOUGHNESS OF CERAMICS USING THE SEVNB METHOD; ROUND ROBIN, TEST PROGRAMME. The ESIS TC6 and VAMAS TWA3 developed a test method and conducted a round robin for its validation. D2-99 presents a detailed documentation of this activity. The final form of the test method has appeared as P5-00. Responsible body: TC6 Committee on Ceramics.


Newsletter #61-2018

SIS European Structural Integrity Society

2018 Membership Application Form 1ST JANUARY 2018 to 31ST DECEMBER 2018

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