Apr 26, 2018 - role as an Air Force Cadet was a part of the service. Our school body were so .... Location: Mercure Hote
Educating For Success
975 Karadoc Avenue Irymple Vic 3498 Ph 03 5024 5407 Fax 03 5024 6631 Website www.irysec.vic.edu.au Parent Portal https://psportal.irysec.vic.edu.au/ Twitter https://twitter.com/irymplesc Facebook www.facebook.com/IrympleSC/
Thurs 26th of April 2018
IMPORTANT DATES 30th of April – 2nd of May – Writers Camp 7th of May – Open Night: 6.30-8.30pm 2nd of May – Primary School Enrichment 9th of May – Primary School Enrichment th 4 of May - Interschool Girls Soccer 28th of May – Pupil Free Day 7th of May – Inter-house Cross-Country 30th of May – Primary School Enrichment Principals Report BUILDING UPDATE JHub (the old BWing) is progressing really well. During our regular site meetings we discuss the progress, look at any alterations required or issues encountered and work on decanting timelines. Currently we expect to have partial access to JHub ready for our Open Night on 7th May and we would hope to have this wing fully operational two weeks after that. This wing will primarily have Year 7 and 8 classes timetabled in there and it will house the toilets for these students. Year 7 and 8 Co-ordinators will have their office in this area as will a large number of Year 7 and 8 form teachers. The old Administration area has been vacated and work has begun in this area of the school as well. Currently the General office is in D4 the first room on the left when entering the middle wing of the school. The leadership office is in the Library (old careers room). OPEN NIGHT - 7th May 6.30-8.30 pm. Perspective families are invited to come and have a walkthrough of our school. You will get to meet staff and some students and get a better idea of some of the subjects and classes offered at ISC. Please let any of your friends know about our Open Night and share the word. GRADE 5 AND 6 ENRICHMENT – we are in the midst of round one of the Enrichment Program. This program invites students in Years 5 and 6 from our feeder schools to come in after school each Wednesday (for 3 weeks) to participate in a subject of choice. The choices range from drama, wood, canoeing, writing, maths, science, art/print making etc. Currently the next round one session is on the 2nd of May. The second round of enrichment opportunities which will begin on the 30th of May.
A REMINDER: Labelling Uniforms With the weather cooling down can we please ask all uniforms are labelled with student names. This allows any lost property to be easily identified and returned to the student. Unidentified uniforms may not always be kept for long periods of time and may be disposed of.
HELP US KEEP YOUR KIDS SAFE The staff carpark is NOT to be used for drop off or pick up unless you are visiting the office. Please use the safe option of the designated drop off and pick up area at the front of the school.
Educating For Success
ANZAC DAY – Our School Captains were amazing on Tuesday when they conducted the schools Anzac Service. They were well prepared and spoke eloquently about the meaning of Anzac Day and why we recognise this most important day on our Australian calendar. Thanks also to Brayden Simpson of Year 10 who in his role as an Air Force Cadet was a part of the service. Our school body were so respectful and clearly understood the importance of such a service. Our Captains also represented the school at the Irymple Anzac Day service. They marched and laid a beautiful wreath as a part of this service.
Lest we Forget. Jo McQuinn Principal Assistant Principal’s Report Welcome back to Term 2! Lots of things have been happening for our students and staff from our Year 9 students undertaking a day’s Environmental Studies at Kings Billabong, capably organised by Science Coordinator Sarah Doolan, to a group of excited Year 7-10 students about to participate in the 24th annual Writers’ Camp led by Bill Sauer from Monday 30th April to Wednesday 2nd May. Our SRC students have spent a number of lunchtimes counting the Coles Vouchers prior to sending them off – stay tuned to what sporting equipment we will receive. Open Night at ISC We will be holding our Open Night for all interested Gr 5 & 6 primary students and their families on Monday May 7th from 6.30pm-8.30pm. Families are invited to meet in our Student Centre initially for a welcome from Jo, our principal and school captains, before going on tours of our school. Any inquiries can be directed towards either Jo or myself if you cannot make this evening or would like follow up individual tours. Anzac Day at ISC and at Irymple Service on Anzac Day A big congratulations to our school captains for running our Anzac Day ceremony at ISC, along with Brayden Simpson assisting with the flag raising, and staff members Rod Matheson, Rebecca McClure, Leigh Penna, Kara Taylor and Ed Hung for their assistance. We also had a strong ISC student representation at the Irymple Anzac Day service with all our captains marching and laying a wreath, along with Brayden and Jackson Adolph also part of the service, and fellow students Emily Schmidt and Darcy Peters representing their local service clubs – well done everyone! School Uniform and Stationery Just a reminder that students do need to be in full school uniform and there is the expectation that equipment is brought to all classes. Anne Symes Assistant Principal
Educating For Success
Dear parents/guardian(s) The Big Science Competition is a great way to challenge students from years 7 to 10 and track their science performance against state or national averages. It is a 50 minute, 30 multiple choice competition testing critical thinking and problem solving skills, not just factual recall, so you can find out what’s really going on inside their heads. Questions are set in real-life, contemporary contexts, making them relatable (and interesting). Your child has expressed interest and has been recommended by their Science teacher to participate in the Big Science Competition. The competition costs $7 per student to enter. This needs to be paid to the general office by Thursday 3rd May. The competition will be completed online during session 1 & 2 on Monday 7th May. Your child can collect a practice test from their Science teacher or the Science office in preparation for the 2018 competition. Yours sincerely, Sarah Doolan Head of Science Department 5024 5407
YEAR 8 CENTRAL AUSTRALIA PAYMENT SCHEDULE Date Thursday 1st March Thursday 22nd March Friday 4th May Friday 1st June Thursday 28th June
Payment $200 $200 $200 $200 Approx. $150
YEAR 10 SNOW TRIP PAYMENT All year 10 students attending Snow Camp please note that the next payment of $250 is due on Friday, May the 11th .
Educating For Success
A Positive Growth Mindset in Maths The Maths staff are always working on strategies to increase the confidence of students in Mathematics. We know being numerate is important to our daily lives. Businesses are crying out for improved numeracy skills in the workforce.
What Can Parents and the Community Do to Promote a Positive Mindset?
Stop saying, “I’m no good at Maths.”
Share times when you do use your numeracy skills at home or work
Reinforce that to get better at a skill we need to practice and persevere
Promote that we all have a “Maths Brain” that needs to be regularly exercised
Rather than say, “I could never do that,” when asked for help, say, “ I don’t remember” and research together or make suggestions on how to get help
Encourage your child to attend the study session after school Wednesday and Thursday
Further Reading: http://theconversation.com/saying-im-not-good-at-maths-is-not-cool-negative-attitudes-areaffecting-business-53298
Easter Basket Raffle 2018 Congratulations to all forms for raising just over $1880 in this year’s Easter Basket Competition. The baskets were all raffled off on the last day of term. The funds raised will be donated to Oasis Aged Care, our next door neighbour. The form to raise the most was 7E with $275! Well done 7E – hot chips will be coming your way! The following forms won for Best/Most Creative baskets, 7E (well done 7E!), 8B, 9E and FLO. These were judged by some of our wellbeing and office staff and the winning forms got to keep their baskets and share the chocolates.
Educating For Success
Sporting Schools Partnership Sporting Schools is a $160 million Australian Government initiative designed to help schools to increase children's participation in sport, and to connect them with community sporting opportunities. Our school was lucky enough to receive a sporting schools grant in term 1 where we used this grant to skill up our girls in the field of netball. We had the privilege of hosting Alana Mills from Netball Victoria run a 4-week Fast 5 program. Alana said at the end of the program, “we had a great bunch of girls who were willing to learn and improve their skills in netball”. We thank Alana form Netball Victoria for coming out and implementing this program to our students.
Year 7/8 Girls
Year 9/10 Girls
Educating For Success
Meet Melbourne University : Mildura - Tuesday 1st May The University of Melbourne will be visiting Mildura to give students, teachers and parents in the area the chance to talk to our friendly staff and find out more about: * Courses and career outcomes, including the Melbourne Model with its many breadth opportunities and unique graduate pathways * Making your new home in Melbourne, including housing options, connecting with others, and student services * Opportunities such as studying a concurrent diploma, taking on an internship, going on exchange and scholarships * Access Melbourne, our special entry and access scheme, which offers guaranteed entry to eligible students from rural and regional areas, and those with a disadvantaged financial background. Event Schedule * 6.00pm – 6.30pm: Arrival * 6.30pm – 8.00pm: Presentation * 8.00pm – 8.30pm: Q & A session Location: Mercure Hotel 120 Eighth Street Mildura, Victoria Contact For further information, please email
[email protected] For information regarding venues and to secure your place, go to https://bit.ly/2nII1jk
Educating For Success