Copy to Shri Arun Jaitley, Minister of Finance, North Block, New Delhi. Copy to Shri ... PDF. NFIR General Council Meeti
Natiohal Federation of IndianRailwaymen 3, CHELMSFORD ROAD,NEWDELHI. 11O055 Affiliatedto: lndianNationalTradeUnionCongress(INTUC) InternationalTransportWorkers'Federation(lTF)
No. II/95/Part.VII The Hon'ble Prime Minister of India. SouthBlock, RaisinaHills, New Delhi RespectedSir, - reg. Sub: NFIR GeneralCouncil Meeting-Resolutions ,F**rFrk*rk*
I am directedto forward the Resolutionsunanimouslypassedby the GeneralCouncil of NFIR in its meeting held at New Delhi on 28th April 2015. The headlines of the Resolutionsare furnishedbelow:a) GeneralCouncil decidesunited struggleon Charterof Demands,
b) Indefinite Strike by Rail Workforce from 23'dNovember,2015. Yours faithfulp, Encl: Two Resolutions(11 pages).
-d|- w (Dr. M. Raghbvaiah) I GeneralSecretary' J
Copy to Shri Arun Jaitley,Minister of Finance,North Block, New Delhi. Copy to Shri SureshPrabhu, Minster for Railways, Rail Mantralay Rail Bhavan, New Delhi. Copy to Shri B. Dattatreya, Minister of State for Labour & Employment, Shram Shakti BhavanNew Delhi. Copy to Cabinet Secretary, Cabinet Secretariat, Government of India, North Block, New Delhi Copy to Chairman,Railway Board,New Delhi. Copy to Member Stafl Railway Board,New Delhi Copy to ExecutiveDirector/IR, Railway Board,New Delhi. Copy to CentralOffice Bearersof NFIR. Copy to GeneralSecretariesof Affiliated Unions of NFIR. Media CentreAtrFIR.
Fax: 011-23744013, Phone: 011-23343305,65027299, Rly.030-22283,22626, Rly.22382,Telegram: RAILMAZDOR
[email protected], E-mail:
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gENE,BAL_collllcrl, DECrD-ES UNTTEDSTRUGGLE ON CHARTER OF DEMANDS The National Federation of Indian Railwaymen Q.{FIR) has always been working for the cause of Nation and equally struggling for improving the service/working conditions of all sectionsof Railway employeessincethe last more than six decades. The Federation has the track record of "significant achievements"in favour of lakhs of Railway employees through negotiated settlements as well through arbitration notably 6'JusticeMiabhoy Tribunal Award". Consistentstrugglesof NFIR sincethe year 1969had yielded result thereby Productivity Linked Bonus formula for Railway employees conceptualisedin the year7979. The Federation at the same time continues to motivate all sections of Railway employees for strengthening constructive Trade Union Movement and also supports Indian Railways in providing unintemrpted servicesto the Nation. The 59thGeneral Council of NFIR now in sessionat New Delhi on 28thApril 2015 hasreviewedthe policies of the Governmentand the Railway Ministry and expressedserious concem over the arbitrary decisionsof the Central Govemmentand Railway Ministry more particularly the decision to introduce FDI and PPP in Railways besidesamendmentto labour laws. Several genuine demandscontinued to remain unresolveddue to indifferent attitude of the Government and Railway Ministry. NFIR's efforts to secure redressal of pending staff issuesthrough peacefulnegotiationsat the level of Railway Ministry, FinanceMinistry etc., havenot yielded satisfactoryresults. NFIR had conducted"Maha Rally" in front of Parliament at New Delhi on September 7, 2011 with the participation of thousands of railway employees and in the said "Maha Rally", a declarationwas adoptedurging upon the Govemmentto resolveall pendingissues, more particularly:(a)
Withdraw New PensionScheme:
filling over 1%lak}-vacancies:
Stop Outsourcingof Railway activities:
Paymentof Productivity Linked Bonus (PLB) on actualwages:
Rectificationof Sixth CentralPay CommissionAnomalies:
Coverageof Liberalized Active RetirementSchemefor GuaranteedEmploymentfor Safety SIaff(LARSGESS) to higher GradePays:
Redressal of Running Staff Issues relating to revision of rates of Kilomettage, additional allowance to all, higher Grade Pay on promotion, proper pay fixation on -postingagainststationarypost and allotmentof higher GradePal'of Rs 450A1-€B-2)
Countingtemporarystatusserviceof casuallabour in full for retirementbenefits,etc.,
Improvementof Railway Quartersand Colonies:
Creationof Additional Postsfor New Assets/Services:
Careergrowth for Trackmen Categoryin the Railways:
Reduction of duty hours of Running and safety categorystaff
Absorption of Quasi Administrative Staff in the Railways: A memorandumwas also presentedto the Hon'ble Lok SabhaSpeakerand Hon'ble
Prime Minister seeking quick redressalof pending demands.NFIR had followed up its struggleagainstPFRDA and New PensionSchemeand submittedMassivepetition signedby lakhs of railway employees to the Hon'ble Prime Minister, urging for abolition of new pension scheme and restoration of liberalized pension scheme in Railways. Although reasonabletime was given to the Govemment to reach negotiated settlementon all the pending demands, the attitude of the Government was continued to be unhelpful and indifferent. The discussionsheld on NFIR's demandson August 23, 2013 with Railway Ministry had however not improved the position, on the other hand grievances got accumulatedfuither. The National Conventionof NFIR held at Visakhapatnamfrom 10thto 12thDecember, 2013 had taken stock of the developedsituation on account of continued negative attitude of the Government on important issues mainiy "abolition of New Pension Scheme in the Railways", merger of DA with pay, grant of Interim Relief to Railway and Central Governmentemployees,settingup of 7thCentralPay Commission,Rectificationof anomalies arising out of implefnentation of VI CPC report discussedin the Anomaly Committee meetings, allotment of entry Grade pay Rs 42001-to the Station Masters, merger of TechniciansII with TechniciansI - GP 28001-,allotment of GP 46001-to Running Staff, upgradationof apex Group 'C' posts to Group 'B' Gazetted,parity in pay structure to stenographers,redressal of several Running Staff
issues, reduction of duty hours,
implementation of agreement for career growth of Track Maintainers, rectification of MACPS anomalies,Removalof calculationceiling on paymentof ProductivityLinked Bonus andimprovementof LARSGESS.
The National Conventionafter lengthy discussionshad come to a conclusionthat the Gorugnmentwas not sincere towards resolving pending issuesthrough negotiatedsettlement and consequently decided to direct its affiliates to launch Protest actions, Mass meetings, demonstrations,rallies at all levels from December 20i3 onwards to mobilize Railway employeesfor susta-rnedstrugg1e.The National Convention had also decided to conduct Strike Ballot throughoutthe Indian Railways on 17thand 18frJanuary2014 for taking further steps after strike ballot results are known to launch indefinite strike for realization of demands. Accordingly, the NFIR affiliates throughoutthe Indian Railways have organised rallies, demonstrations,and at the sametime conductedStrike Ballot (through SecretBallot) to elicit the opinion of the workers on NFIR's 65-point charter of demands to go on "indefinite strike." Over 97Yo of railway employees, have preferred indefinite strike. Immediately thereafter, cofllmunications were sent to Hon'ble Prime Minister, Railway Minister, FinanceMinister, Labour Minister etc duly enclosinga copy of the resolutionsas well as charter of demands. The Government was also conveyed that the Federation will proceed aheadfor "indefinite strike" after serving strike notice. NFiR had also conveyed the same to the Railway Board in the PNM meeting held on 30thl31'tJanuary 20i4 at Rail Bhavan,New Delhi. The Railway Ministry had, however, responded and convened a meeting between the Federationsand Railway Board under the chairmanshipof CRB on 7thFeb 2014. In the said meeting, following issues were discussedand there was agreement on a few issuesas below:- New PensionScheme- Agreed to sendproposalto FinanceMinister seekingapproval of the Governmentfor exemptingRailway employeesfrom new pensionscheme.
by NFIR, as demanded LARSGESS- Agreedfor inclusionof additionalcategories Retentionof Railway Quartersby wards of railway employeesappointedunder LARSGESS- Agreed 'B', (Gazetted) 'C' - Agreed, of apexlevelGroup poststo Group Upgradation :f : ''::
distributionof posts of Trackmen- Upwardrevisionof percentage Careerprogression report- Agreedto consider, of TrackMaintainersasperjoint committee's
- MACPS anomalies- Agreed to hold separatemeeting by Member Staff& FC with the
- Running Staff issues - Agreed to expedite action. Federation also urged for implementationof steppingof pay of Loco Inspectorspromotedprior to 0110112006 on the remaining six zoneswhich was agreedto, - Cadre Restructuring- Implementationproblems - Agreed to sort out, - Absorption of Quasi AdministrativeUnits Staff - Agreedto hold separatemeetingby Member Staff, - Poor Maintenanceof Railway Colonies - Agreed to take action. - Other issues- Agreed to continuedialogueto resolvethe issues. - Better Health Care - NFIR urged the Railway Ministry to provide better medical facilities for railwaymen and also requestedfor provision of Mobile Medical Vans for employeesworking on roadsidestationsin remote areas. Subsequently,Railway Ministry have issuedordersas mentionedbelow:Five categoriesi.e. Electrical Power Staff, Track Machine Staff, Bridge Staff, TRD and P. Way/I(halasis working on tracks coveredunder LARSGESS. Retention of Railway accommodationby the wards appointed under LARSGESS permitted, Ten (10) years service in Safety categoryout of total qualifying service of 20133 yearsas the casemay be for availing LARSGESSpermitted. GDCE percentagewas revised from 25 to 50Yoto be filled by RRCs insteadof RRBs, Orders issued for Upgradation of Track Maintainers with the revised ratio and provision of GP 2800 and 2400. However the agreementis yet to be implemented
On the deryand for abolition of New PensionSchemein the Railways, the in puts of NFIR were taken into account and proposal sent by the Railway Minister on 29'h March, 2014 seeking Government's decision for exempting railway employees
- -fromNew?ens'ion
Sehemelike that of Armed Forces.However. the Govemment is
yet to give approval. The Government had also appointed 7rhCentral Pay Commission on 28'h February 2014 (which was one of the major demandsof NFIR in its charter)but however, mergerof DA with pay and payment of interim relief have not been conceded.The remaining demands of NFIR's 65 points charter have however been continued unresolved inspite of discussions at various levels. The NFIR had however deferred strike decision with a view that the new Governmentshould be given reasonabletime to sort out the issuesthrough dialogue. While many pending demands contained in 65 point charter remain unsettled, the Government through Rail Budget2014-15 presentedin Parliament on 8'h July 2014 had announced to bring Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the rail infrastructure as also Public Private Partnership (PPP) on the plea of 'Resource Mobitization'. The Government has also issued notification on 22ndAugust 2014 approving l00o FDI in the Railways covering following areas. Railway Infrastructure
Construction,operationandmaintenance of the following: (i) SuburbancorridorprojectsthroughPPP,(ii) High speedtrain projects(iii) Dedicated freight lines (iv) Rolling stock including train sets and locomotives/coaches manufacturing and maintenance facilities (v) Railway Electrification(vi) Signalingsystems(vii) Freightterminals (viii) Passenger terminals(ix) Infrastructurein industrialpark pertaining to railway line/sidings including electrified railway lines and connectivitiesto main railway line and (x) Mass Rapid Transport gms.
The NFIR had strongly protestedagainst arbitrary decisionsand communicationswere also sent to the Government that the steps initiated would ruin the Railways. In the special 7 3 :9
meeting held by CRB on 8thSept 2014,NFIR had explainedat length the harm that would happen to the Railways and Nation if FDI is allowed and categorically expressedtotal oppositionto'FDI decision.
The Government has also appointed High Level Railway Restructuring Committee {HLRRC) to'disturb the rvell-establishedIndian Railways with intention to corporatize and thereafter privatize the system. NFIR has again explained its opposition before the HLRRC on 29thOctoberand 1OthNovember 2014 duly placing written documentrelating to complex, un-comparableand complicated nature of Indian Railways, NFIR has explicitly placed before the HLRRC that restructuringlre-organisationis not the remedy and for mopping up the resources and improving the efficiency, the Indian Railways should be allowed to generateearnings,taking following measures: IR be given liberty to generateits earningsin the areasunder its control, Cost of servicesprovided to the customershouldbe allowed to be realizedfully, The expenditure incurred for fulfilling Social Service Obligations should be reimbursedby the Central/StateGovernments, Cost of operations in running serviceson uneconomicalbranch lines should be reimbursed by the Central/StateGovernments, Pension Liability of Railway employees should be borne by the Central Governmentlike thoseworking/retiredin other CentralGovernmentMinistries, Payment of dividend be dispensedwith as no other infrastructureministry is paying dividend to the Central Government, Policy decision needs to be taken to pursue only those projects where return is expectedto be 23o/o, Delay in execution of projects needsto be curtailed altogetherwith the provision that Zonal Railways be made accountablefor timely execution of works to avoid increase/escalation of costsof the projects, Rail Tariff Authority should compriseof Railway Officers only. One of the terms of referenceof HLRRC is to considerposting of outsidersand IAS Officers in railways. NFIR had also explained that the Indian Railways is an operational transportationnetwork and an outsidelis not capableto contributefor its efficiencv.
The Government has also started privatization of Railway stations, Reservation Complexgs q!c,, without prioq consuitationswith the Federations. In the mean time, the Railway Minister convened a luncheon meeting with the NFIR and the other Federation on December 78' 2014 to understandthe problemsfaced by the Railway employeesin day to -working. day While the discussions and interaction were frank and free, there has however beenno satisfactoryoutcome. The General Council is however constrainedto note the lukewarm response of the Railway Ministry which has now compelledthe Federationto revisit the charterof demands and update the same taking into account several new developments against the interests of workers' The fresh charterof demandsincludesall major issuessuch as:o Withdrawal of FDI, PPP in Railways - Stop outsourcing, contractorisation and privatization, .
ScrapNew PensionSchemein Railways
Merger of DA with Pay with retrospectiveeffectsandpaymentof Interim Relief, pL Calculationof Bonus on actualwages,
o o
Exemption of Transport Allowance from the purview of Income Tax,
Enhancementof contributionof GIS by atleastl0 times,
Merger of TechnicianII with TechnicianI in Gp 28001-(pB-1)in Railways,
Entry gradepay of StationMasteras Rs. 42001_ in (pB-2),
Allotment of higher gradepay to Loco pilots and Guards,
Upward revision of kilometrageratesof Running Staff w.e.f. 0110112006 and settle Running staff issuesas per agreementdated07thFebruary 2014 etc.
The General Council having taken note of the deep sense of disappointmentand frustrationamong all sectionsof employeesover the failure of the Governmentin settlingthe long standing issues and employees' opposition to FDI, ppp & NpS resolvesto launch industrial action including Indefinite Strike in the Railways on the charter of demands attachedto this resolution. The General Council of NFIR appealsto all Federations/Associations to extend supportfor launching united struggle.
NFIR's 55-Points Charter of Demands
Withdraw FDt, PP; in Railways - Stop Out Sourcing, Contractorisationand Privatization.
- "-2. 3.
---SerapNew ?ension Schernein Railways and restoreliberalisedpensionscheme. DA merger with pay with retrospective effect and payment of Interim Relief to Central Governmentemployees(serving and retired).
Calculation and payment of Productivity Linked Bonus (pLB) on actual wages,
Transport Allowance be exemptedfrom the purview of Income Tax.
Increasecontribution to Group InsuranceScheme(GIS) by atleast lO-times for all Government employees.
Merge Technician-Il with Technician - I with Grade pay Rs.2g00A (pB-I) in Railways.
Reviseentry gradepay of StationMastersas Rs.4200/- inpB-2.
Replacementof GradePay Rs.4600/-with Rs.4g00/-(pB-2) w.e.f. 0ll}t/2006.
Revise upwardly the kilometragerates of Running Staff w.e.f. 0110112006 - Settle Running Staff issuesas per agreementdated 7thFebruary, 2014.
lI 1 I .
Implement agreement for Up-gradation of Apex Group ,c, posts to Group ,B, Gazettedin Railways.
Allotment of higher Grade Pay to the Loco pilots and Guards.
Count Temporary status Casual Labour Service in full as qualifying service for retirement and other purposes.
Allot entry GradePay of Rs.54001-tothe Group oB' Gazettedstaff.
LARSGESS be extendedto Gp Rs. 2400/- and above.
Track patrolling - Supportman provision be compliedwith.
Rectify MACPS anomalies.
Rectify Sixth CPC anomalies.
EnhanceFixed Medical Allowance of Rs.500/-p.m. to not less than Rs.2000/-p.m., for all retired employees.
Extend specialprivilegesand facilities for Women employeesfor their empowerment.
Ensure full implementation of the report of Joint Committee for career erowth of Track Maintainers.
Abolish127-Hoursdutyin Railways- Introduce 8 hoursdutyrosterfor Runningand s3&g--9g!qeqqgs--$gq.crassiff Running Staff working high speedrrains as 'olntensive"
- NFIR's proposals on the recommendationsof High power committee (R&s) be consideredfor reachingnegotiated settlement.
ty TrainControllers.
24. 25. 26.
ReduceDuty HoursofNursing staff, thushonour Government,s decision. Createticket checkingstaffpostsfor manningtrains. casualLabouracquiredtemporarystatusprior to 01/01l2004should be coveredunder LiberalisedPensionScheme. Implementnonns approvedby Railway Board and sanctionnew posts of SSE/JE (Signal),ESM, Helper(Signal)etc. AmendRulesfor providingemploymentto Wards of Employees. ProvidequalityHealthcareto employees, their familiesbesidesretiredemployees. Fill vacanciesof Doctors,ParaMedical staff and provide Superspecialistsin all RailwayHospitals- enhancesuperannuation ageof RailwayDoctors. Cover all Railway employeesunder Incentive Schemein Workshops,pUs etc., wherevernot covered. Grantparity in PayStructurefor stenographers in
3s. 36' 37' 38' 39'
Railwaysat par with GsS/RBSS.
TrainingAllowanceshouldberevisedto 30%oof payin all Trainingcentres/schools. Implementagreement on steppingup ofpay of Loco Inspectors. Review SPAD definition - Preventharassment and victimisationof Runnine and safetycategoriesstaff. Makeupwardrevisionof IncomeTax exemption limit in the caseof runningstaff. RunningRoomsshouldbe improved,air-conditioned andupgradedon priority. GrantProjectincentiveallowanceto the staffworking in projectson IndianRailways. Negotiating foras of PNM, DC/JCM & NC/JCM should be made effective for resolvingissuesipeedily _ Implement agreementsreached in pNM, DC/JCM & speciar meetings etc., immediately.
40. t
*' '1'
41. 42. +5.
Ensurecreationof posts in safety/operational/public image categoriesfor mannins new servicesandmaintainingnew assetswithout linking to matchingsurrender. Grantl)aily Allowanceto StaffCarDrivers. Absorbquasiadministrative units/offices staffagainst postsin Gp Rs. 1g00/-pB-1. InductcourseeompletedAct Apprenticeagainst vacancies.
Ensureq,rAity Uniform to all employeesand supply of quality protectivegears -csncede NFIRIs propssals.
Grant Patient Care Allowance to all para-medicalstaff.
Provision of single woman Hostel facility at all Divisional Headquarters and rmpohant sta1ionS.
Setting up of a multi-disciplinary training institute for imparting training in rail related electronic technologiesfor the wards of Railway Employees.
Extensionof medical facilities to the dependentparentsof railway employees.
Liberalize compassionateappointmentprovisions.
Remove restrictions on payment of Children EducationAllowance/Hostel subsidy.
Allot adequatefunds for maintenanceof Railway Quartersas well as construction of new quarters.
Introduce warning/ Hooter system to prevent deathsof Track Maintainers etc.. while on duty.
Grant Study leaves with attendantincentives liberally to the employees for pursuing higher studies.
EnhanceNight Patrolling Allowance for Track Maintainers.
Allot Pay Band-4 to Junior Administrative Grade officers in Railwavs.
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