International Transport Workers' Federation (lTF). NO. ... It is proposed to Open seven Nursing Colleges on Railway land
of IndianRailwaymen Federation National ROAD,NEWDELHI- 110055 3, CHELMSFORD Affiliated6 : IndianNationalTradeUnionGongress(INTUC) InternationalTransportWorkers'Federation(lTF) NO.IVA{FINTNEIL-BUDGET/PT.II
Shri SureshPrabhu, Hon'ble Minister for Railways, Rail Mantralaya, Rail Bhavan, New Delhi. Respected Sir, Sub: NFIR's proposalsfor Rail urli:,_?916-17-reg. NFIR wishes to bring to your kind notice that the Railway Ministers have made budget pronouncements for Staff Welfare, but, however the following pronouncements have not been implemented till date. Extractof pronouncements areplacedbelow:RailwayBudget2009-10
"A thrustwill be given underthe CorporateWelfarePlan for improvementof staff quarters& colonies.During 2009-10,6550StaffQuartersareproposed to be constructed.
It is proposedto Open sevenNursing Collegeson Railway land at Delhi, Kolkata,Mumbai (Kalyan),Chennai,Secunderabad, LucknowandJabalpuron PublicPrivatePartnership modelso asto facilitatethewardsof the Railwayemployees in findinga goodvocationalavenue". RailwayBudget2010-11 STAFF WELFARE & HEALTH 'House Item No. 49 of the BudgetSpeech:A new Schemeof for All', was launchedto provide residences to all Railwayemployees in the next ten years with the help of Ministry of Urban Development.
Item No. 54 of Budget speech:-It is proposedto set up 50 Crechesfor childrenof 80,000 women employeesand 20 hostels. Railwayswill also provide more numbersof community centresandstadiums. Railway Budget20ll-12 Extendingmedicalfacilitiesto bothdependent father& mother. 20 additional hostelsfor childrenof Railwayemployees to be setup. Contd.Pase...2
phone: 011-23343305,65027299, : RAILMAZDOR TeleEram Fax:01 1-23744013,R|y.22382, Rly.OgO-22283,22626, irindia'org Website :
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il2tL Railway Budget2012-13 Railwaysis a24x7 serviceavailableto the rail-users.To run servicesat this scale,the employees haveto put in long hoursof duty without any respiteroundthe year and the compulsionof job createshigh stresslevels. I thereforeintendto introducea wellnessprogrammefor themat their placesfor earlydetectionofrisk factors,preventionandearlytreatmentofdiseasescauseddueto high bloodpressure andsugarlevels,obesityandotherlifestylerelatedailments. We needto recognizethe dedication,hard work and sacrificeof the staff at all levels. To minimizeincidenceof humanerror especiallyamongstthe skilled and technicalstaff including loco pilots,cabinmen and gangmen,it is importantto ensureproperrestperiodfor them. I am also consciousof the importanceof periodictrainingand creationof a generalenvironmentto providethem enhanceddignity. I have also requestedNID to designappropriateoutfits for variouscategories of workforce. Railway Budget2013-14 Constructionof staff quartershas beenhamperedby funding constraints.Encouraged by the success of Ministry of UrbanDevelopment in constructing quartersthroughPPPmode,I propose to'adoptthe samein the Railways. Yet, I haveenhanced the fund allocationunderstaff quarter by 50%overpreviousyearto provideRs.3000crore. Provisionof hostelfacilitiesfor singlewomenrailwayemployees at all DivisionalHeadquarters. Considering the stressfacedby loco-pilots particularly in harshclimaticconditions, it is proposed to providewaterclosetsandair conditionthe locomotive cabs. ConductNationalSkill Development Programmeof the Ministry of Railwaysto impartskills to the youthsin Railwayrelatedtradesat 25 locationsspreadacrossthe lengthand breadthof th'e country. Settingup of a multi-disciplinary traininginstituteat Nagpurfor imparting training in rail related electronics technoloeies. NFIR requeststhe Hon'ble Railway Minister to see that the Government takes steps for fulfillment of its Budget pronouncements.
II. NFIR also requeststhe Hon'ble MR to considermaking Budget announcements on the following:(a) Provisionof funds for construction/improvement of Railway Institutes,CommunityHalls and HolidayHomes. (b) Provisionof adequate fundsfor construction of new RailwayQuarterson replacement accountto theextantof 100%. (c) Sanctioning of CardiologyDepartment at NorthernRailwayCentralHospital,New Delhi. (d) RoadMobile MedicalVansfacility for coveringall remoteandinaccessible areasin Railways. C o n t dP. a g e, . . 3
il3il NFIR alsor.,lringsto the notice of Hon'ble Railway Minister that the conditionof Railway ru. Quarterson Indian Railwaysis awfully bad and many of them deservedemolition.New Quartersarenot beingbuilt adequatelydue to inadequateallotmentof funds.Federationcitesthe caseof Mumbai areaof WesternRailway whereinabout 1200Railway quarters(Type-I to Type-IV) havebeendismantledby the Railway administration.However, Western Railway authoritieshave constructedonly 447 Railway quarterswhich is only 37o/o,of total numberdemolished.Adequatefunds need to be providedfor constructionof new Quartersatleastequivalentto the numberdemolished.Also there are over 600 Railway Quarters(Type-I & Type-II) in Mumbai areawhich do not have separatetoilets. The Railway employees and their familiesliving in thosequartersin Mumbaiare compelledto sharecommontoilets (onetoiletsharedby lto 4 families),thusthe livesof employees aremiserable. NFIR requeststhe Hon'ble MR to considerthe points placed above favourablyand give decisions. Yours faithfu
Copyto the Minister of Statefor Railways,Rail Bhavan,New Delhi. Copyto the Chairman,RailwayBoard,New Delhi. Copyto the Member Staff, RailwayBoard,Nqw Delhi, Copyto theFinancial Commissioner(Railways),RailwayBoard,New Delhi Copyto the ExecutiveDirector/IR, RailwayBoard,New Delhi. Copyto the GeneralSecretaries of AffiliatedUnionsof NFIR. MediaCentreA{FIR.
(Dr. M. Raghavaiah) GeneralSecretary