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Thursday 11th May Centro de Biología Molecular Severo Ochoa (CSIC-UAM), Cantoblanco, Madrid, Spain
"NGS and supercomputing, life as a couple"
"NGS and supercomputing, life as a couple" Organizers: Genomics and NGS Service, CBMSO (CSIC-UAM), Madrid, Spain
Thursday 11th May Centro de Biología Molecular Severo Ochoa (CSIC-UAM), Cantoblanco, Madrid, Spain
Begoña Aguado (
[email protected]).
Next Generation Sequencing technology needs to be intimately linked to supercomputing to be able to process and store all the massive generated data. NGS technologies are essential these days on projects of all disciplines related to biology and medicine. The huge amount of data generated needs to be stored and processed in supercomputers to be kept for future use and to be understandable. All this needs to be well coordinated with a total interaction between NGS and supercomputing. In this workshop it will be presented how and where to archive NGS data, computational needs for small and medium research centers as well as for national infrastructures, how computing enterprises are moving to genomics and biomedicine, and some researchers will show their particular needs for their projects. Registration: https://www.bsc.es/ngs-and-supercomputing Fees:
The workshop is free of charge, but previous registration is mandatory.
Ramón Areces Seminar Room. Centro de Biología Molecular Severo Ochoa (CBMSO) CSIC-UAM. Campus de Excelencia Internacional (CEI) UAM+CSIC. Cantoblanco, Madrid, Spain.
How to arrive: http://www.cbm.uam.es/joomla-rl/index.php/en/about-cbmso/how-to-get-to-the-cbmso
Ramón Peiró-Pastor (
[email protected])
Fernando Carrasco-Ramiro (
[email protected])
Introduction to workshop: Rafael Garesse Vice-Rector of Research and Innovation, UAM, Madrid. Spain.
Speakers: Alberto Luna Scientific Computing Center (CCC), UAM, Madrid, Spain.
Program 8:30 – 9:00
9:00 – 9:15 9:15 – 9:30 9:30 –10:15 10:15- 11:00
Rafael Garesse. Introduction to workshop. Alberto Luna. “The CCC Cibeles node at the Spanish Supercomputing Network (RES)” Laura Clarke. “Highly Dimensional Data, coordinating Big Data projects” Víctor de la Torre. “Fujitsu, Supercomputing and Genomics”
Coffee Break
11:30- 11:45 Marta Renato. "Spanish Supercomputing Network (RES): resources and access" 11:45 -12:30 Ramón García Escudero. "Transcriptome aberrations in cancer" 12:30 –13:10 John Broxholme. “Big data and big files from NGS, and the problems they can generate” 13:15 – 14:30 Lunch 14:30 –15:15 Juan Carlos Sánchez Rosado. “Big Data in Bio-medicine: IBM-Watson project” Albert Valls. “IBM HPC/HPDA for genomics” 15:15 –16:00 Antonio Alcamí. “Application of NGS to the discovery of new viruses in extreme environments and the air” 16:00 – 16:30 Coffe Break 16:30 –17:15 Niclas Jareborg. “NBIS, the Swedish national bioinformatics infrastructure” 17:15 –18:00 Alfonso Nuñez. “Computational needs of NGS data analysts” 18:00 – 18:15 Begoña Aguado. End of workshop 18:15 – 19:30 Networking drinks
Laura Clarke European Bioinformatics Institute, Cambridge, UK. Víctor de la Torre UAM-Fujitsu Chair, Madrid, Spain. Marta Renato Spanish Supercomputing Network (RES), Barcelona, Spain. Ramón García Escudero Molecular Oncology Unit. CIEMAT, Madrid, Spain. John Broxholme. The Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics, Oxford, UK . Juan Carlos Sánchez Rosado & Albert Valls IBM Spain, Madrid. Antonio Alcamí CBMSO (CSIC-UAM), Madrid, Spain Niclas Jareborg National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden (NBIS), Uppsala, Sweden Alfonso Núñez Bioinformatics Service, CBMSO (CSIC-UAM), Madrid, Spain.