Nov 20, 2013 ... Address: G26, Franki Centre, 320 Junction Rd, Kowloon Tong. ... Deadline:
Trinity Guildhall Dr. Trinity Guildhall Drama & Speech Examination ... GESE:
Graded Examination in Spoken English (Grade 1 to Grade 6).
Application D eadline:
Drama Trini ty Guildhall Dr ama & Speech Examination Examination: May/Jun 2014 YPC: Young Performers Certif icate ( Bronze / Silver / Gold) ★C ourse: ( YPCYPC-B / YPCYPC- S / YPCYPC-G) T he awar d is designed for gr oups of children from 3yr to 7yr old. The gr oup pr esent s a short perf ormanc e piece us ing suc h skills as: speak ing poetr y and/or pr ose, act ing out a stor y, singing, playing a m usical instr ument, expr ess iv e m ovem ent/danc e, mim e, us e of cost um e, pr ops, puppet s and/or m asks. E ac h gr oup m ember will r ec eive a cert ificate on c om pletion of t heir exam inat ion and the ex aminer will pr es ent indiv idual c andidates with a lapel stic ker in rec ognit ion of their achiev em ent . T he ex am iner will als o wr ite a diagnostic report r ec or ding ar eas of outst anding achievem ent. Ther e ar e no gr adations of s ucc ess in the awards.
SCA: Sp eech Communicat ion Arts ( Grade 1 to Grade 6) ★ Courses: (SCA1 / SCA2 / SCA3 / SCA4 / SCA5 /SCA6 ) St udents ar e as ses sed in groups 4- 6 students. A t eac h level, students ar e r equir ed to undert ake a num ber of tasks to dem onstrat e sk ills in t he areas of Interpersonal sk ills, Expr ess ive S peak ing, Pr actic al S peak ing, and Per sonal Copy and Study Jour nal. T he c onduct of the ass ess ment sess ion v aries at each lev el, requir ing st udents to take pr ogr ess vi ely m or e respons ibilit y and init iativ e within the group.
★ Course s: (YPCYPC- B / YPCYPC- S / YP CC- G) ★ Course s: (S CA1 / SCA2 )
Course: Fee: Examination Date:
From Feb 2014 $2,880 /12 lessons (Examination Fee excluded) May/Jun 2014
(St udents participating in the examination s hould take at l east 12 lessons until the exami nation)
Nice Studio & Wise Studio: Englis h Progra mmes Age
Phoni cs
Conv ersation
Drama & Spe ec h
Examinati ons
Speech Communication Arts **** Speech (Graded Examination) emphasis on
Trinity (YPC) Trinity (GESE) Trinity (SCA) Trinity (D&S) ASDE
3-4 5
Phonics Primary Years
En glish Con versation GESE
Phonics Advanced-Primary Continued
English Conversation GESE English Conversation GESE
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Publ ic Speaking Publ ic Speaking Publ ic Speaking
English Conversation GESE
variation of v olume, length, p itch, pause, pace , g es ture , facial e xpression
Address: G26, Franki Centre, 320 Junction Rd, Kowloon Tong.(Near Baptist University) Email:
[email protected]
I D&S: Grade d Exam ination in Dram a & Spe ech (Initial to Grade 2) ★ Courses: ( D&SD&S -IN / D&SD&S-1&2) Candidates will ty pic ally be able to apply their knowledge, under st anding and sk ills to pr oduce a perfor m anc e which dem onst rates under st anding and thoughtful int er pretat ion, bas ed on cr eat ive engagem ent wit h the mat er ials and car ef ul pr epar ation. They will s peak fr om mem ory, audibly and c lear yl and m ost ly ac cur ately, wit h a free and fluent deliv ery, a sens e of s pont aneity, and c onscious awar eness of audience, sustaining these qualities to the end. Through var iations in volum e, pace and pitc h they will be able to creat e and c onv ey m ood (e. g. hum our, fear). Their apt us e of body and s pac e will c omplem ent their v ocal perfor mance.
PS: Communication Sk ills ( Initial / Grade 1 / Grade 2) ★ Courses: ( PSPS -IN / PSPS- 1) Ca ndidates w ill typic ally de mons trate ele me ntary comp etence in the p repa rat ion and delivery of talks. They will spe ak a udibly and clearly and sho w so me ability in story-telling. They will demo nstrate a develo ping ability to present a persuas ive a rgumen t and show so me sens itivity in int erperso nal commu nic ation. At this level, candida tes wil l show so me developing a wareness of the imp ortance of personal presen tation an d of the uses of vocal variety in sp oken.
★ Courses: (S CA3 / S CA4 / SCA5 /SCA6) /SCA6 ) ★ Courses: (D&SD&S-IN / D&SD&S-1&2 ) ★ Courses: (P S S-- IN / P SS-1 )
Course: Fee: Examination Date:
From Jan 2014 $3,840 / 16 lessons (Examination Fee excluded) May/Jun 2014
(Student s parti cipating in the examination should take at least 16 les sons until the examination)
Application Deadl ine:
Trinity S po ken E ng lish Exa minat ion ( Examination: Mar
2014 2014)
GESE: Graded Examination in Spoken English (Grade 1 to Gr ade 6) I ntroducti on of GESE This seri es of tw elve progressively graded tests is designed for speakers of languages other than English and sets realistic objectives in listening to and speaking w ith other English speakers. The grades take the l earner from a very low level of proficiency (Grade 1) to an advanced level of proficiency comparable w ith first-language ability (Grade 12). All learners make progress at di fferent rates, and a graded system ensures that at every stage of their development there is an opportunity for them to mark that progress. There is a Trinity graded exami nation in spoken English appropriate to all learners, whatever thei r level of ability in communicating in English.
Pu b lic Spe ak in g (PS )
This progr amme aims to provide student s with training in public speaking in English. Specifically, the programme is designed to help students in the following areas: to speak with confidence, with substance, with conviction and with clear ly defined goals; to speak in a style appropriate to the occasion and with suitable gestures and body language; to develop a sense of timing and the appr opriate use of pitch and voice qualities; to practice public talks and presentations to tar geted audiences. 6 students in a group. Fee: $1,920 / 8 lessons.
Sp ee ch Tra in ing Co u rse (SP) This cour se is designed for preparing students to participate in the Children Speech Festival 2013-14. Fee: $1,920 / 8 lessons.
★ Courses: (GESE(GESE-1) Course: Fee: Examination Da te:
(Students participating in the examination should take at l east 12 lessons until the exam ination)
★ Courses: (GESE(GESE-2 / GESEGESE-3 / GESEGESE-4 / GESEGESE-5 / GESEGESE- 6) Course: Fee: Examination Da te:
From Dec 2013 $2,880 /12 lessons (Examination Fee excluded) M ar 2014
From Nov 2013 $3,840 / 16 lessons (Exam ination Fee excluded ) M ar 2014
(Students participati ng in the examination should take at least 16 lessons until the exam ination)
English Schedule at Nice Studio Wise Studio (Kowloon Tong) Tel: 23389516
10:00-11:00 Phoni cs
10:00-11:00 GESE
10:00-11:00 CV
10:00-11:00 D&S
10:00-11:00 YPC-S
11:15-12:15 SCA
11:15-12:15 CCKG
11:15-12:15 SCA
11:15-12:15 CCKG
11:15-12:15 YPC-G
2:15-3:15 GES E
2:15-3:15 CCKG
2:15-3:15 CCKG
2:15-3: 15 CV
2:15-3:15 GES E
3:30-4:30 SCA
3:30-4:30 GESE
3:30-4:30 GESE
3:30-4: 30 SP
3:30-4:30 SCA
4:30-5:30 Phoni cs
4:30-5:30 Phonic s
4:30-5:30 CCKG
4:30-5: 30 ---
4:30-5:30 YPC-S
5:30-6:30 GES E
5:30-6:30 SCA
5:30-6:30 YPC-G
5:30-6: 30 SCA
5:30-6:30 CCKG
* Candidates must be at least 4 years old at the time of enrolment for grade 1 exam, no other grades*
En g li sh Co n ve rsa tion Cla ss (CV)
This program me is designed especially f or children, aged 3 and over to practice their speaking skills, with discussions, stori es and activities, as well as presentations and debates for the older students. Students wi ll be prepared f or the Trinity Graded Exam inations in Spoken English (GESE). At each grade, the gramm ar, vocabulary, topics and skills suitable to that level are set out in a clear syllabus. FEE: $1,920 / 8 lessons
Ph on ic s Prog ra mme (Ph on ics ) This is a synthetic-phonics programme. With actions f or each of the 117 letter sounds and the m ulti-sensory method is very motivating for children. W e also use a variety of practical teaching aids based on the syll abus; such as blending, decoding of words etc.
$1,600 / 8 lessons
Please call us f or the updated schedule.
Updated on: 20 Nov 2013