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absorption materials used for solar energy conversion and photon detection applications. The natural surface oxide and intrinsic chalcogen vacancies in.
NIR and UV enhanced photon detector made by diindium trichalcogenides Ching-Hwa Ho1,2* and Yi-Ping Wang2 2

1 Graduate Institute of Applied Science and Technology and Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei 106, Taiwan * [email protected]

Abstract: III-VI compounds In2S3 and In2Se3 are potential opticalabsorption materials used for solar energy conversion and photon detection applications. The natural surface oxide and intrinsic chalcogen vacancies in In2X3 (X = S, Se) facilitate photoelectric conversion in near infrared (NIR) to ultraviolet (UV) region. In this work, In2S3 and In2Se3 crystals have been grown by chemical vapor transport method using ICl3 as a transport agent. The as-grown In2S3 presents β phase with a tetragonal lattice (β-In2S3) while In2Se3 reveals a hexagonal layer structure of α phase (α-In2Se3). The band-edge property of β-In2S3 and α-In2Se3 has been evaluated by transmittance and thermoreflectance spectroscopy. The direct band gaps have been determined to be Eg = 1.935 eV for β-In2S3, and Eg = 1.453 eV for α-In2Se3, respectively. The optoelectronic and photoelectric conversion properties of III-VI In2S3 and In2Se3 are examined by surface photovoltage, surface photoconductive response, photoluminescence, and photoconductivity measurements. The experimental evaluations show In2X3 a well-functional material in photoelectric conversion and photodetection from near IR to UV region with the auxiliary of intrinsic defects and surface formation oxides existed in the chalcogenides. ©2013 Optical Society of America OCIS codes: (160.4760) Optical properties; (040.5150) Photoconductivity; (040.5160) Photodetectors; (160.6000) Semiconductor materials.

References and links 1.

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#193622 - $15.00 USD

Received 9 Jul 2013; revised 11 Aug 2013; accepted 11 Aug 2013; published 21 Aug 2013

(C) 2013 OSA 1 September 2013 | Vol. 3, No. 9 | DOI:10.1364/OME.3.001420 | OPTICAL MATERIALS EXPRESS 1420

12. Y. P. Wang, C. H. Ho, and Y. S. Huang, “The study of photoconductive response in indium sulfide crystals,” J. Phys. D Appl. Phys. 43(41), 415301 (2010). 13. C. H. Ho, “Growth and characterization of near-band-edge transitions in β-In2S3 single crystals,” J. Cryst. Growth 312(19), 2718–2723 (2010). 14. C. H. Ho, H. W. Lee, and Z. H. Cheng, “Practical thermoreflectance design for optical characterization of layer semiconductors,” Rev. Sci. Instrum. 75(4), 1098–1102 (2004). 15. G. A. Horley, P. O’Brien, J.-H. Park, A. J. P. White, and D. J. Williams, “Deposition of tetragonal β-In2S3 thin films from tris(N,N-diisopropylmonothiocarbamato)indium(III), In(SOCNiPr2)3, by low pressure metal-organic chemical vapour deposition,” J. Mater. Chem. 9(6), 1289–1292 (1999). 16. D. E. Aspnes, in Handbook on Semiconductors, edited by M. Balkanski (North Holland, 1980). 17. R. Lucena, I. Aguilera, P. Palacios, P. Wahnón, and J. C. Conesa, “Synthesis and spectral properties of nanocrystalline V-substituted In2S3, a novel material for more efficient use of solar radiation,” Chem. Mater. 20(16), 5125–5127 (2008). 18. C. H. Ho, Y. P. Wang, C. H. Chan, Y. S. Huang, and C. H. Li, “Temperature-dependent photoconductivity in βIn2S3 single crystals,” J. Appl. Phys. 108(4), 043518 (2010). 19. R. Robles, N. Barreau, A. Vega, S. Marsillac, J. C. Bernède, and A. Mokrani, “Optical properties of large band gap β-In2S3−3xO3x compounds obtained by physical vapour deposition,” Opt. Mater. 27(4), 647–653 (2005). 20. C. H. Ho, C. H. Lin, Y. P. Wang, Y. C. Chen, S. H. Chen, and Y. S. Huang, “Surface oxide effect on optical sensing and photoelectric conversion of α-In2Se3 hexagonal microplates,” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 5(6), 2269–2277 (2013).

1. Introduction Solar energy related materials and devices play an important role for creation of renewable and sustainable energy for future resources. The III-VI diindium trichalcogenides including In2S3 and In2Se3 are defect semiconductors that usually act as a buffer layer or an absorption layer consisted in a thin-film solar cell [1,2]. For the development of Cd-free solar cells (i.e. avoid CdS), the use of indium chalcogenides as a buffer layer or absorption layer was an advantage for green energy. For the diindium trichalcogenides, the most stable phases existed for the crystalline In2X3 (X = S, Se) at room temperature are β-phase In2S3 (β-In2S3) [3,4] and that of α-phase In2Se3 (α-In2Se3) [5,6]. There are generally three crystallographic phases of α, β, and γ existed in the In2S3 depending on different growth temperatures [3]. The β-In2S3 is a stable phase commonly with a tetragonal or cubic-like structure. Its crystalline state relates to a spinel lattice with the cation vacancies randomly located on either the octahedral sites only or on both types of octahedral and tetrahedral sites [7]. The ordered modification of the βIn2S3 phase was therefore interpreted as a quasi-ternary compound consisted of In atoms, S atoms, and a lot of vacancies in an unit cell [7]. For In2Se3, the alloy possesses at least five different crystalline phases denoted as α, β, γ, δ, and κ found in the literatures [8–10]. The αIn2Se3 is the most stable phase of indium selenide at room temperature with a hexagonal layer structure stacking in Se-In-Se = In = Se tetra-octahedral configuration along c-axis in one monolayer [6]. Because of the misvalency between III and VI atoms, a natural defect-like phase of ◘1-III2-VI3 is usually found in the unit cell of general α-In2Se3 layers. The “◘” is a vacant site (vacancy) of Se or In atom. Owing to the In2Se3 originally show n-type semiconducting behavior [11], the indium selenide is inferred to have stronger Se-vacancy effect (donor) in building the unit cell. The Se vacancies may dominate the band edge and transport property of the layer compound. By the existence of dangling bonds of the S or Se vacancies in In2X3 (X = S, Se), a surface oxidation layer can easily form on the material interface of β-In2S3 and α-In2Se3 under ambient air [12]. Therefore, in additional to the intrinsic β-In2S3 and α-In2Se3 properties, the surface formation oxide and the natural defects in the diindium trichalcogenides may contribute significantly to the optoelectronic property and photo-electric conversion behavior of the compounds. In this paper, we evaluate the effect of surface formation oxide and intrinsic defects on improving optoelectronic property of β-In2S3 and α-In2Se3, which will also enhance and extend the photoelectric conversion range of the chalcogenides. The single crystals of β-In2S3 and α-In2Se3 are grown by chemical vapor transport (CVT) method using ICl3 as a transport agent. Different optical techniques of transmittance, photoluminescence (PL), thermoreflectance (TR), photoconductivity (PC), and surface photoconductive response #193622 - $15.00 USD

Received 9 Jul 2013; revised 11 Aug 2013; accepted 11 Aug 2013; published 21 Aug 2013

(C) 2013 OSA 1 September 2013 | Vol. 3, No. 9 | DOI:10.1364/OME.3.001420 | OPTICAL MATERIALS EXPRESS 1421

(SPR) measurements were respectively carried out to investigate the band-edge structure and imperfection states of the β-In2S3 and α-In2Se3 crystals. The β-In2S3 and α-In2Se3 chalcogenides are confirmed to be a direct semiconductor with an energy gap of 1.935 eV for β-In2S3 and 1.453 eV for α-In2Se3, respectively. The PL results of the chalcogenides reveal a surface oxidation layer was formed on each of the β-In2S3 and α-In2Se3 crystals and which emits higher-energy luminescence above band gap. The PC and SPR measurements respectively verified the contributions of photoelectric conversion in the chalcogenides coming from bulk, surface oxide, or intrinsic defects below the band gap of β-In2S3 and αIn2Se3. On the basis of the experimental results a wide-energy-range and high-efficiency photodetector that combining PC- and SPR-mode operations for β-In2S3 and α-In2Se3 can be made. The testing results show well-behaved function of photoelectric conversion in near infrared to ultraviolet region via the auxiliary of forming surface oxide on the crystalline face of both defect-like β-In2S3 and α-In2Se3 chalcogenides. 2. Experiment The crystals of In2S3 and In2Se3 were grown by chemical vapor transport (CVT) using ICl3 as a transport agent [13]. The powdered compounds of the crystals were prepared from the elements (In: 99.9999%, S: 99.999%, and Se: 99.999% in purity) by reaction at about 800 °C for 2 days in evacuated quartz ampoules. To improve the stoichiometry, sulfur (selenium) was added to the stoichiometric mixture of the constituent elements. About 10 g of the synthesized elements together with an appropriate amount of transport agent (10 mg/cm3 ICl3) were introduced into a quartz ampoule (22mm OD, 17mm ID, 20 cm in length), which was then cooled with liquid nitrogen, evacuated to 10−6 Torr and sealed. A growth temperature of 820 °C (heating zone) → 680 °C (growth zone) with a gradient of −7 °C/cm was set for In2S3 and 950 °C (heating zone) → 800 °C (growth zone) with a gradient of −7.5 °C/cm was set for In2Se3. The reaction was maintained for 288 hrs to produce large single crystals. At the end of the growth process, synthetic In2S3 single crystals of a red color and a maximum size of 8.0 × 5.0 × 1.5 mm3 with a smooth crystalline surface were obtained. X-ray diffraction measurements confirmed β-In2S3 crystalline phase of the chalcogenide, and lattice constants were determined to be a = 7.610 Å and c = 32.331 Å. Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) indicated a little oxygen is existed in the surface of the as-grown β-In2S3 crystal. For In2Se3, the synthetic In2Se3 plates have a hexagonal shape. The size areas of the as-grown layers are from ten to hundreds μm2 and some of them are higher to several mm2. The asgrown In2Se3 plates show black and shiny surface. The thickness of the hexagonal plates is ranging from 10s to 100s μm. The weak van der Waals bonding between the layers means that the In2Se3 layered crystal can be easily separated to thin out from the c plane by using a razor blade or a Scotch tape. The results of X-ay diffraction and TEM confirm α crystalline phase of the as-grown In2Se3. The lattice constants of the as-grown α-In2Se3 are determined to be a = 4.018 Å and c = 19.228 Å, respectively. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) of the as-grown α-In2Se3 surface shows an oxidation layer was formed on the crystal plane of the hexagonal plates. The stoichiometric content of the surface oxidation layer is approximately In2Se3-3xO3x with inner layer content approaching In2Se3 and outer layer content close to In2O3. TR experiments were implemented using indirect heating manner with a gold-evaporated quartz plate as the heating element [14]. The thin sample of the chalcogenide was closely attached on the heating element by silicone grease. The on-off heating disturbance uniformly modulates the α-In2Se3 and β-In2S3 periodically. An 150 W tungsten halogen lamp (or an 150 W xenon-arc lamp) filtered by a PTI 0.2-m monochromator provided the monochromatic light. The incident light was focused onto the sample with a spot size less than hundred μm2. An EG&G type HUV-2000B Si photodetector acted as the detection unit and TR signal was measured and recorded via an EG&G model 7265 lock-in amplifier. PL experiments were carried out using a QE65000 spectrometer. A Q-switched diode-pumped solid-state laser of #193622 - $15.00 USD

Received 9 Jul 2013; revised 11 Aug 2013; accepted 11 Aug 2013; published 21 Aug 2013

(C) 2013 OSA 1 September 2013 | Vol. 3, No. 9 | DOI:10.1364/OME.3.001420 | OPTICAL MATERIALS EXPRESS 1422

266 nm was employed as the pumping light source. A closed-cycle cryogenic refrigerator with a thermometer controller facilitates the low-temperature measurements. The PC and SPR experiments are the optical techniques do not need any optical sensor. The photodetector is the sample itself. For SPR measurement, a thin sample was attached on a copper sample holder by silver paste, and the holder was the bottom electrode of the measurement. The top surface of the thin sample can be micropatterened and coated with one gold or copper mesh on the sample plane. This is the top electrode of the SPR measurement. The incident monochromatic light source of SPR is similar to TR. A load resistor connected in series with the sample was used for sensing the photocurrent under incident light’s illumination. A DC voltage was supplied to the circuit. For PC measurement, the β-In2S3 or αIn2Se3 sample was cut into a rectangular shape with indium coating two ends acted as the ohmic contact electrodes. The main difference between the SPR and traditional PC measurements is the direction of applying electric field to the sample. For α-In2Se3, the SPR is normal to the c plane (ε||c-axis) while PC is the in-plane photoconductivity of the c plane (ε⊥c-axis). 3. Results and discussion

Fig. 1. Crystal morphology of β-In2S3 and α-In2Se3 crystals. The left hand side shows the crystal picture of β-In2S3 which seems to be a cubic- or tetragonal-like structure. The right hand side displays the SEM image of layered α-In2Se3 which presents a beautiful cluster of hexagonal micro plates at the basal plane edge of α-In2Se3.

Displayed in the left hand side of Fig. 1 is the crystal morphology of as-grown β-In2S3 crystals. The crystals reveal red colored and transparent type. Most of them present favorite crystalline faces of {100} and {111} such as a cubic like structure. According the formation of the outline shapes of the as-grown crystals, the crystallographic system of In2S3 tends to be that of a cubic or tetragonal phase. The crystallography of In2S3 is naturally a defect semiconductor. Its crystalline state relates to a spinel lattice with the cation vacancies randomly located on either octahedral sites or on both octahedral and tetrahedral sites [7]. In general, the β-phase In2S3 (tetragonal) [15] possesses the same structure as that of α-In2S3 (cubic) except that the cation vacancies of α-In2S3 are disordered in its lattice [15]. For α-

#193622 - $15.00 USD

Received 9 Jul 2013; revised 11 Aug 2013; accepted 11 Aug 2013; published 21 Aug 2013

(C) 2013 OSA 1 September 2013 | Vol. 3, No. 9 | DOI:10.1364/OME.3.001420 | OPTICAL MATERIALS EXPRESS 1423

In2Se3, the easily forming face of the layered α-In2Se3 can be the c plane. It means that the slowest growth rate of the hexagonal α-In2Se3 is along c axis and an approximately equal-fast growth rate will occur on the individual edge plane of the hex-octahedron to appear in a nearly identical edge length. With this rule, the α-In2Se3 microcrystal can easily form a perfect hexagon plate. As shown in the right hand side of Fig. 1, the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) image displays different sizes of hexagonal microplates which crowd together to form some well-defined hexagonal micro lotuses arranged at one edge of the basal plane for α-In2Se3. The hexagonal α-In2Se3 is essentially a layered type crystal with a relevant c plane appeared in its outline. 0.4


(a) 0.4






Transmittance x1

ΔR/R & T

ΔR/R & T



Transmittance x1

TR x500 -0.4

TR x45


Lorentzian fit

Lorentzian fit


Eg =1.935 eV d

Eg =1.453 eV 1.4





Photon Energy (eV)











Photon Energy (eV)

Fig. 2. Transmittance and TR spectra of (a) β-In2S3 and (b) α-In2Se3 semiconductors. The TR transition features (transition energies) matched well with the center locations of the transmittance spectra for the two chalcogenides. The experimental evidence indicated that βIn2S3 and α-In2Se3 are direct semiconductors.

Figure 2 displays the room-temperature TR and transmittance spectra of (a) β-In2S3 and (b) α-In2Se3 in the energy range between 1.25 to 2.4 eV near band edge. The dashed lines are the experimental TR spectra and the open-circle lines are the least-square fits to a derivative Lorentzian line-shape function expressed as ΔR/R = Re[  A ⋅ e jφ (E-E g d + jΓ) − m ] [16], where A and φ are the amplitude and phase of the line shape, and E g d and Γ are the energy and

broadening parameter of the interband transition. The value of m = 0.5 is used for the first derivative line shape analysis of critical-point transition of direct band gap for β-In2S3 and αIn2Se3 [16]. The obtained direct band gaps at 300 K (indicated by arrow) are Egd = 1.935 eV for β-In2S3 and Egd = 1.453 eV for α-In2Se3, respectively. The values of Egd for the chalcogenides are approximately in accordance with the center location of each transmittance spectrum for matching the absorption edges of β-In2S3 and α-In2Se3 as indicated in Fig. 2. It lends clear evidence that both β-In2S3 and α-In2Se3 are direct semiconductors with the gap values dominated in near infrared to red color portion. The α-In2Se3 has a lower band gap, and therefore it possesses a wider energy range for optical absorption. The direct band gap of In2X3 is originated from a chalcogen (X = S, Se) p state to the indium 5s transition [17,18].

#193622 - $15.00 USD

Received 9 Jul 2013; revised 11 Aug 2013; accepted 11 Aug 2013; published 21 Aug 2013

(C) 2013 OSA 1 September 2013 | Vol. 3, No. 9 | DOI:10.1364/OME.3.001420 | OPTICAL MATERIALS EXPRESS 1424


Surface polished

Defect luminescences ox





PL 300K

Surface unpolished



Intensity (A.U.)

Intensity (A.U.)



LW Surface oxide states

by β-In2S3-3xO3x 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8

Photon Energy (eV)


Surface oxide states

by α-In2Se3-3xO3x 1.5







Photon Energy (eV)

Fig. 3. (a) Surface polished and surface unpolished PL spectra of β-In2S3 at 300 K. (b) The PL spectra of hexagonal α-In2Se3 semiconductor at 20 and 300 K. The lower insets respectively depict the surface formation oxide on the sample plane.

To verify the existence of surface formation oxide in the crystal plane of β-In2S3 and αIn2Se3, PL measurements of the two chalcogenides were respectively carried out. Figure 3(a) shows the PL spectra of a surface polished and a surface unpolished β-In2S3 sample at 300 K. With the energies below 1.7 eV, two defect luminescences by sulfur vacancy (VS) to indium vacancy (VIn) recombination are observed. The emissions of Egd and Eox are respectively the recombination coming from direct band gap and surface formation oxide β-In2S3-3xO3x [19]. From Fig. 3(a), the thinner oxide layer (see the surface-polished sample) enhances the pumping intensity of the 266-nm laser beam on β-In2S3 to achieve stronger PL emission for the intrinsic defect emissions. For the unpolished β-In2S3, the intensity of the surface-state emission (Eox) is stronger than that of the surface-polished β-In2S3. It shows the existence of surface oxidation layer in β-In2S3. As shown in Fig. 3(b) are the PL spectra of the c-plane αIn2Se3. It is clearly that only one broadened peak centered at ~2.63 eV at 300 K is found. The emission is contributed by the In2Se3-3xO3x (0≤x≤1) surface oxide [20]. When the temperature lowered down to 20 K, the PL peak of Fig. 3(b) shows an energy increase and a line-width (LW) narrowing effect such as the general semiconductor behavior. The energy of the PL peak at 20 K is about 2.72 eV. The PL results of Fig. 3(b) reveal that the adsorption of oxygen by Se vacancies in α-In2Se3 will form an oxidation layer In2Se3-3xO3x (0≤x≤1). Because the formation of surface oxide layer with larger thickness, the PL signal from the inner α-In2Se3 bulk [i.e. Egd, see Fig. 3(b)] cannot strongly emit out. Also owing to lubricant property between the individual layers, the surface of layered α-In2Se3 is hard to be polished. The insets shown below Figs. 3(a) and 3(b) respectively depicted the representative scheme of surface formation oxide for the tetragonal β-In2S3 and hexagonal α-In2Se3. Because of the

#193622 - $15.00 USD

Received 9 Jul 2013; revised 11 Aug 2013; accepted 11 Aug 2013; published 21 Aug 2013

(C) 2013 OSA 1 September 2013 | Vol. 3, No. 9 | DOI:10.1364/OME.3.001420 | OPTICAL MATERIALS EXPRESS 1425

misvalency between the III and VI atoms, a defect-like phase and a surface oxidation layer can easily form in the chalcogenide compounds.



Tugsten halogen lamp


Photoresponse (V)

Surface oxide dominated 0.10






PC 0.00








Photon Energy (eV) α-In2Se3

PC d



1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0

Photon Energy (eV)

Xenon-arc Lamp


Tungsten halogen lamp

Normalized photoresponse (A.U.)

Normalized photoresponse (A.U.)


PC mode α-In2Se3 d

Eg = 1.453 eV

Si detector (Eg = 1.12 eV)







Photon Energy (eV)

Fig. 4. (a) The PC and SPR spectra of β-In2S3 at 300 K. The operation modes for the PC and SPR measurements are also included. (b) The PC and SPR spectra of hexagonal α-In2Se3. (c) Lower-energy test of the PC spectrum of α-In2Se3. The inset depicts a representative scheme of defect and band-edge transitions for the indium chalcogenides.

Figure 4(a) shows the SPR and PC spectra of β-In2S3 crystal of 1.25 to 4 eV at room temperature. The measurement configuration of the operation mode for the SPR and PC experiments is also included in the inset for comparison. The load resistor is selected as R3 (i.e. 1MΩ) and the photoresponse is detected in Volt unit by AC lock-in detection. The main difference between the PC and SPR measurements is the dissimilarity of the electric-field direction ε. The SPR is ε// k and PC is ε⊥ k, where k is the optical vector of the incident light.

#193622 - $15.00 USD

Received 9 Jul 2013; revised 11 Aug 2013; accepted 11 Aug 2013; published 21 Aug 2013

(C) 2013 OSA 1 September 2013 | Vol. 3, No. 9 | DOI:10.1364/OME.3.001420 | OPTICAL MATERIALS EXPRESS 1426

As shown in Fig. 4(a) there are two main peak responses correlated with the direct band gap Egd and that of the surface formation oxide simultaneously detected in both the PC and SPR spectra of β-In2S3. Especially the SPR spectrum show much higher photoresponses than those of the PC spectrum owing the assistance of surface band bending effect by surface states and surface oxides existed on the crystal plane of β-In2S3. It leaves relevant evidence that a surface formation oxide was formed on the indium sulfide, and which assists photoelectric conversion of β-In2S3 in the higher energy portion above band gap significantly. The lower energy portion of Fig. 4(a) can also display a defect-related absorption (ED) below Egd in the β-In2S3. For α-In2Se3, the testing of photoresponsivity of the PC- and SPR-mode operations was also implemented. Each of the spectra was normalized to its peak intensity (i.e. normalized photoresponse) for comparison of their energy positions. The light source is a tungsten halogen lamp dispersed by a monochromator. The PC mode operation shows a high signal-to-noise ratio response with a peak photosensitivity near 1.5 eV while when we select the SPR mode, a well-behaved photoresponse ranging from ~1.5 to ~3.8 eV can be detected. The results show wide energy range photodetection from near infrared to ultraviolet can be fabricated by using only one material (i.e. α-In2Se3) with different mode operations. As shown in the PC mode spectrum of Fig. 4(b), the optical absorption below direct band gap Egd still shows higher photoresponse. It lends evidence that a defect-related optical absorption still occurred inside the α-In2Se3 material. Figure 4(c) shows the testing functional performance of the PC mode of α-In2Se3 at lower energy range. The light source is a xenon-arc lamp which originally contains many plasma line features below 2 eV [see Fig. 4(b)]. For comparison purpose, a commercialized silicon photodetector is also tested and compared. The value of band gap of Si is 1.12 eV, lower than that of 1.453 eV for α-In2Se3. However, a lot of sharp line features (ED) below 1.453 eV can still be detected by the PC mode photodetector owing to the assistance of defect transitions inside the α-In2Se3. The defect transitions (ED) in both βIn2S3 and α-In2Se3 facilitate the photoelectric conversion range extension to much longer wavelength region. The inset in Fig. 4(c) depicts the defect and band-edge transitions of In2S3 and In2Se3 obtained the optical measurements. The defect transitions ED are mainly coming from chalcogen vacancies (VS and VSe) and indium vacancies (VIn), which contribute most of the photoelectric conversion responses below the band gap. 4. Conclusions

In conclusion, the β-In2S3 and α-In2Se3 crystals have been successfully grown by chemical vapor transport method using ICl3 as the transport agent. The β-In2S3 is shown to be tetragonal structure and that of α-In2Se3 is a hexagonal layer structure. The transmittance and TR measurements determine and verify the direct band gaps of the In2X3 (X = S, Se). PL, PC, and SPR measurements of the β-In2S3 and α-In2Se3 identify the existence of intrinsic defects and surface formation oxide of the chalcogenides. The surface oxidation layer on the β-In2S3 and α-In2Se3 assists the photoelectric conversion in visible to ultraviolet region while the intrinsic defects (VS, VSe, and VIn) inside the crystals facilitate the optical absorption of near infrared region. By simultaneously using the PC- and SPR-mode operations, a wide energy range and high sensitivity photodetector can be made by the indium chalcogenides. These chalcogenides are native solar energy materials with well-behaved function operating under sunlight from near infrared to ultraviolet. Acknowledgments

This work was sponsored by the National Science Council of Taiwan under the grant No. NSC101-2622-E-011-016-CC3.

#193622 - $15.00 USD

Received 9 Jul 2013; revised 11 Aug 2013; accepted 11 Aug 2013; published 21 Aug 2013

(C) 2013 OSA 1 September 2013 | Vol. 3, No. 9 | DOI:10.1364/OME.3.001420 | OPTICAL MATERIALS EXPRESS 1427