H. Rubbo et a/. 35 directly oxidizing protein and non-protein sulphydryls [9,10]. This process is mediated by both one- and two-electron transfer reactions, ...
Biochem. SOC. Symp. 6 I,33-45 Printed in Great Britain
Nitric oxide and reactive oxygen species in vascular injury Homero Rubbo, Margaret Tarpey and Bruce A. Freeman" Department of Anesthesiology, The University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL 35233, U.S.A.
Abstract Nitric oxide ('NO), a free radical species produced by several mammalian cell types, plays a role in regulation of vascular, neurological and immunological signal transduction and function. The role of 'NO in cytotoxic events is acquiring increased significance. The high rate of production and broad distribution of sites of production of 'NO, combined with its facile direct and indirect reactions with metalloproteins, thiols and various oxygen radical species, assures that 'NO will play a central role in regulating vascular, physiological and cellular homoeostasis, as well as critical intravascular free radical and oxidant reactions. At the same time, there are contradictions as to whether 'NO mediates or limits free-radicalmediated tissue injury, and uncertainty regarding its mechanisms of action. 'NO has been portrayed as a pathogenic mediator during ischaemia-reperfusion, and inflammatory and septic tissue injury. In contrast, cell-, metal- and oxidantinduced lipoprotein oxidation events, as well as hepatic, cerebrovascular, pulmonary and myocardial inflammatory and ischaemia-reperfusion injury studies, show convincingly that stimulation of endogenous 'NO production or exogenous administration of 'NO-donating molecules can serve a protective role by inhibition of often oxidant-related mechanisms. The final outcome of toxic versus tissue-protective reactions of 'NO will depend on several factors, including sites and relative concentrations of individual reactive species and their diffusion distances. The following sections address these issues and conclude with a proposal as to how *NO serves as a central regulator of oxidant reactions and diverse free radical-related disease processes.
Pro-oxidant versus tissue-protective reactions of nitric oxide Nitric oxide in vascular physiology Nitric oxide ('NO, nitric oxide, nitrogen monoxide) is an endogenously synthesized free radical first characterized as a non-eicosanoid component of
'"To whom correspondence should be addressed.
NO and reactive oxygen species in vascular injury
endothelial-derived relaxation factor, EDRF [I]. Nitric oxide is synthesized by the oxidation of L-arginine to L-citrulline by nitric oxide synthases (NOSs), with both constitutive (cNOS) and inducible (iNOS) forms of NOS reported [2]. Nitric oxide has proven to be a ubiquitous signal transduction molecule and a potent mediator of tissue injury because of its low molecular mass, volatility, lipophilicity, free radical nature and diverse reactivities. Owing to its chemical nature, .NO is an active participant in tissue free radical reactions, readily reacting with partially and organic-derived free reduced oxygen species [;.e. superoxide anion (02.-) radicals]. Nitric oxide has a relatively low reactivity for a free radical species, resulting in a long biological half-life (tlI2 = 5-30 s); however, Kelm and Schrader [3] have reported the half-life of *NOin vivo to be considerably shorter (-0.1 s). Nitric oxide and oxygen closely resemble each other in diffusivity, with 'NO slightly less lipophilic, resulting in a greater apparent rate of 'NO diffusion in protein and lower apparent rate of *NOdiffusivity in lipid, both relative to oxygen The high rate of production and broad distribution of sites of production of
'NO, combined with its facile direct and indirect reactions with metalloproteins, thiols and various oxygen radical species, assures that 'NO will play a central role in regulating vascular physiological and cellular homoeostasis as well as critical intravascular free radical and oxidant reactions. It thus becomes evident that reactive species and their reactions with each other play important roles in diverse pathogenic as well as tissue-protective aspects of vascular disease. From this, the following questions arise. What role does 'NO and its myriad of secondary oxygen radical reactions play in the pathology of atherosclerosis and other vascular disease or injury processes such as ischaemia-reperfusion phenomena? Does 'NO always Can 'NO sometimes be tissueact as a pro-oxidant, via its reaction with 02*-? protective during vascular disease/injury processes (all of which are already established to include enhanced rates of production of reactive oxygen species and oxidant injury in their pathogenesis)? Reactivity and cellular targets of nitric oxide The toxicity of 'NO in cell-mediated immune reactions was initially attributed to direct 'NO reaction with thiol- and iron-sulphur-containing mitochondrial enzymes [5] and the inhibition of D N A synthesis via inactivation of the non-haem iron enzyme ribonucleotide reductase [6]. Since tissue 'NO concentrations are generally low ( < I yM), it is important to note concepts derived from studies in vitro may not lend insight into events in vivo. In fact, 'NO reactivity with haem-, iron-sulphur- and thiol-containing proteins often require very high concentrations of 'NO, which may not be achievable in biological systems. A critical reaction that 'NO undergoes in oxygenated biological media is a direct bimolecular reaction with superoxide anion (02'-), yielding peroxynitrite (ONOO-) at almost diffusion-limited rates (6.7 x IO9 M-l-s-') [7]. Thus, ONOO- formation represents a major potential pathway of 'NO reactivity which production. Peroxynitrite has a depends on tissue rates of both 'NO and 02*half-life of < 1 s under physiological conditions, due to proton-catalysed decomposition and target molecule reactions [SI. To date, it has been shown using pure preparations of ONOO- that this species is a potent oxidant capable of
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directly oxidizing protein and non-protein sulphydryls [9,10]. This process is mediated by both one- and two-electron transfer reactions, representing a major pathway of biological ONOO- reactivity. Thiols readily react with other oxidants as well, including 'OH, H202,02'-and nitrogen dioxide ('NO,) [9,11]. While 'NO, and ONOO- react efficiently with thiols, 'NO does not at neutral pH. Low yields of S-nitrosylated thiol products are also generated following ONOOreaction with sulphydryl compounds. The formation of peroxynitrous acid (ONOOH) from ONOO- yields a species with unique 'OH--like reactions (i.e. stimulation of membrane lipid peroxidation) via metal-independent mechanisms [8,12]. Peroxynitrite is also capable of reaction with metal centres to yield a species with the reactivity of nitronium cation (NO,+), an oxidizing and nitrating intermediate [13]. It is apparent that ONOO- can serve as a mediator in oxidative actions originally attributed to 'NO or other oxygen-derived species. Nitric oxide will potentiate 02'--mediated tissue damage and leads to ONOO- formation, which can represent a major pathway of 'NO reactivity. Peroxynitrite is now being revealed to be a key contributing reactive species in pathological events associated with stimulation of tissue production of 'NO, i.e. systemic hypotension, inhibition of intermediary metabolism, ischaemia-reperfusion injury, immune complexstimulated pulmonary oedema, cytokine-induced oxidant lung injury and inflammatory cell-mediated pathogen killing/host injury [14-171. While many studies of ONOO- reactivity have, to date, necessarily utilized pure preparations of O N O O - , it is clear that the concurrent presence of other reactive species such as 0,'- and 'NO will dramatically affect the reaction pathways of ONOO-. Thus, as we translate insights from in vitro studies into mechanisms of disease, model systems must be designed t o better reflect biological conditions. Protective effects of nitric oxide Despite the evidence that the co-generation of 02'-and 'NO often leads to cytotoxic events via direct toxic reactions, as well as from the generation of secondary products such as ONOO-, there are a growing number of observations indicating that 'NO can sometimes serve a protective role in pathological events associated with excess production and reactions of partially reduced oxygen species. Numerous studies of cell or metal-induced lipoprotein oxidation reactions, as well as hepatic, cerebrovascular, splanchnic, pulmonary and myocardial inflammatory and ischaemia-reperfusion injury studies have recently shown that stimulation of endogenous 'NO production or exogenous administration of 'NO often inhibits oxidant-related mechanisms and blunts the ultimate expression of tissue injury at both molecular and functional levels [18-311. In some of these models, inhibition of 'NO synthesis enhanced injury, again emphasizing the salutary role often observed for *NOin oxidant injury-related processes.
Nitric oxide-oxygen radical interactions in atherosclerosis Mechanisms of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) oxidation Recent evidence now compellingly reveals that reactive oxygen species are central mediators of the initiation and progression of both the structural and
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functional lesions characteristic of atherosclerosis. In fact, oxidation of LDL, a critical event in the initiation of atheroma formation, is associated with enhanced cellular production of 02'-[32]. LDL is normally incorporated by cells via or other reactive receptor-mediated endocytosis [33]. Oxidation of LDL by 02*species reduces the affinity of LDL for this uptake mechanism. Consequently, macrophages and other cell types incorporate oxidized LDL via an acetylated-LDL or 'scavenger' receptor, leading to the formation of lipid-engorged foam cells. Oxidized lipoproteins can also promote direct vascular injury through the formation of lipid hydroperoxides within the LDL particle [34]. This event then initiates radical chain oxidation reactions of unsaturated LDL lipids, yielding additional anionic modified lipoprotein species with increased affinity for lipoprotein scavenger receptors. While the in vivo mechanism of LDL oxidation remains controversial, information from several in vitro systems show that reactive species known to be 'OH, ONOO-, peroxyl radical present in the vascular compartment [02'-, (LOO') generators, copper ion, haem proteins and phospholipases] can readily contribute to oxidative mechanisms. Cell types including monocytes/macrophages, endothelial cells, smooth muscle cells and platelets have all been proposed to serve as sources of these reactive species. The observation that LDL may be oxidatively modified by incubation with soybean lipoxygenase and phospholipase A2 [35], coupled with data showing that lipoxygenase inhibitors prevent LDL oxidation by endothelial cells or macrophages, suggest that cellular lipoxygenases are critically involved in oxidative modification of LDL. The presence of increased 15-lipoxygenase mRNA and protein mass in macrophage-rich atherosclerotic lesions of humans and Watanabe heritable hyperlipidaemic rabbits also supports this contention [36]. Peroxidation of lipoprotein lipids, no matter how the mechanism of initiation occurs, proceeds via free radical-mediated chain propagation reactions. These reactions serve to modify several properties of LDL, including electrophoretic mobility, fatty acid peroxide and thiobarbituric acid-reactive material content, the extent of apoprotein amino acid oxidation, polypeptide chain scission of apolipoprotein B and ultimately, the increased uptake, degradation and accumulation of modified LDL by macrophages [34]. The oxidation of LDL can be enhanced by transition metals such as iron or copper, via promotion of propagation reactions through the transition metal-mediated decomposition of endogenous lipoprotein lipid hydroperoxides to LOO' and alkoxyl radical species (LO'). Existing 'seeded' lipoprotein and vascular cell lipid hydroperoxides ( L O O H ) play a key role in these oxidative processes and their consequences, by giving rise to a variety of reactive radical species [;.e. lipid peroxyl (LOO') or alkoxyl (LO') radicals] and secondary breakdown products (i.e. reactive aldehydes) which will react with primary amines to yield fluorescent Schiff's base products [37]. This resultant oxidized lipoprotein product is the more anionic species which becomes a ligand recognized by macrophage scavenger receptor(s) . Nitric oxide in lipid and lipoprotein oxidation Nitric oxide has been observed t o play a critical role in regulating lipid and lipoprotein oxidation induced by reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (02*-,
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HzOz, 'OH and O N 0 0 3 and
activated reticuloendothelial cells [24,38,39]. Nitric oxide c a n act as a vitamin E-like inhibitor of radical chain propagation reactions via radical-radical reaction with cytotoxic species such as LOO' or L O (at the same time yielding unstable nitrogen-containing species as products) [38,39]. In fact, 'NO reacts with L O and LOO' at near diffusion-limited rates (for LOO', k = 1.3 x lo9 M-' [40]. The reaction of 'NO with 0;-(yielding the potent oxidant ONOO-)and reaction with L o ' and LOO' to inhibit lipid oxidation suggests that 'NO can both enhance and inhibit lipoprotein oxidation in the vessel wall. The pro-oxidant versus antioxidant outcome of these reactions which are sensitive to "NO regulation are critically dependent on relative concentrations of individual reactive species [38,39]. Accumulating evidence supports the view that the salutary effects of ?TO are diminished in atherosclerotic vessels due to its reactions with oxygen free radicals. The removal of 'NO from the vascular compartment by its rapid reactions with these free radical species will concomitantly lower its steady-state concentration, thus increasing platelet and inflammatory cell adhesion to the vessel wall and impairing endothelial-dependent mechanisms of relaxation. In this manner, the loss of 'NO bioactivity may promote atherogenic processes. Nitric oxide has been reported to have contrasting effects on LDL oxidation, for which no mechanistic cxplanation has been advanced (Fig. 1). For both macrophage and endothelial cell model systems, increased 'NO production or addition of WO donors or cytokine-mediated stimulation of the inducible macrophage NOS have been shown to inhibit cell and O,'--mediated lipoprotein oxidation [24]. In contrast, the simultaneous production of 'NO and 0;- by I,3-morpholinosydnonimine hydrochloride (STN-I) has been shown to oxidize LDL to a potentially atherogenic form via formation of ONOO- [41,42].We have also observed that direct addition of synthetic ONOO- readily oxidizes p-veryas-')
Fig. I. Free radical interadom with CDL and endotheltum.
NO and reactive oxygen species in vascular injury
low-density lipoprotein, as detected by the formation of conjugated dienes and thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances [43]. Graham et al. [44] have also shown that ONOO- depletes LDL of native antioxidants and converts the LDL into a form readily recognized by macrophage scavenger receptors. A stable product of ONOO- reaction with proteins is the addition of a nitro group to the ortho position of tyrosine, which can then be used as a 'fingerprint' for ONOO- reaction in tissues. Monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies to nitrotyrosine formation show immunoreactivity in fatty streaks of coronary arteries of young autopsy subjects. In older patients, nitrotyrosine immunoreactivity is found in close association with foam cells, vascular endothelium and in the neointima of advanced atherosclerotic lesions. These results show that ONOO--dependent reactions occurred during both early and chronic stages of atherosclerotic disease [45]. Nitrotyrosine immunoreactivity may therefore be an effective marker for oxidative vascular injury due t o O N O O - , as well as indicating the formation and location of highly immunogenic and potentially pro-inflammatory protein oxidation products. Nitric oxide and vasomotor responses Nitric oxide displays numerous vascular actions beyond modulation of vessel tone. As already noted, this reactive species inhibits platelet aggregation, as well as platelet and leucocyte adhesion to the vessel wall [19]. Nitric oxide inhibits smooth-muscle proliferation and acts as a potent antioxidant towards lipids. The diversion of 'NO from these anti-atherogenic, anti-thrombotic regulatory actions has important implications for atherogenic processes. Considerable evidence has accumulated in recent years suggesting that the alterations in vascular reactivity associated with atherosclerosis are related to changes in endothelial-cell-dependent (EC-dependent) mechanisms of relaxation. Acetylcholine and other endothelial-cell agonists normally promote the relaxation of isolated vascular ring segments via stimulating the production of 'NO. Nitric oxide diffuses to underlying vascular smooth-muscle cells where it activates soluble guanylate cyclase and induces vessel relaxation via cyclic GMP-dependent mechanisms. In vitro bioassay of arteries from atherosclerotic patients [46] and hypercholesterolaemic animals [47,48] demonstrates that 'NO-mediated vessel relaxation is severely impaired. Numerous mechanisms have been suggested for this impaired response, including substrate (L-arginine) depletion [47], changes in endothelial cell receptor-coupling mechanisms [49], and abrogation of the vasoLOO' and LO'. Several active action of 'NO following its reactions with 02'-, studies have shown that incubation of vessels with L-arginine restores EC-dependent relaxation [47,50]. Similarly, L-arginine may provide some protection against graft atherosclerosis in cardiac transplant recipients via 'NO-mediated inhibition of intimal cell proliferation [51] and may attenuate the adhesion of monocytes to the endothelial-cell surface in a dietary model of experimental atherosclerosis [52]. In contrast, other data suggest that 'NO production is actually enhanced in hypercholesterolaemic vessels [53]. Superoxide dismutase (SOD), an endogenous scavenger of 02'-, has been used experimentally to limit cellular 02'concentrations (thus ONOO- formation from 'NO) in an attempt to restore normal *NO-mediated vessel responses.
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-25 -
-75 -100
ACh [- log MI
ACh [- log MI
Fig. 2. Cumulative dose-response curves for acetylcholine (ACh) in femoral artery rings from cholesterol-fed rabbits (Chol-fed). (a) Separate groups of vessels from control (squares; n = 21) and cholesterol-fed (circles; n = 15) rabbits were incubated with bovine CuZn SOD (200 units/ml) before addition of ACh. Native SOD failed to improve EC-dependent relaxation in segments from Chol-fed animals. (b) Control (0)(n = 20) and Chol-fed rabbits (0)(n = 30) were treated with Lip-SOD for 5 days prior to study. Liposomal-SOD enhanced ACh-induced relaxation in both groups. The DECS0 (effective concentration for 50% relaxation) for ACh-induced relaxation as well as the change in maximal relaxation was greater in the Chol-fed group. Data are presented as the mean & S.E.M. (*P < 0.0I ; **P < 0.05). Adapted from (White, 1994)with permission.
Exogenous administration of native SOD showed little protective effect towards the impaired relaxation response of vessel ring segments from cholesterol-fed rabbits (Fig. 2). Native SOD, which is relatively membrane-impermeable due to its net negative charge at p H 7.4, is electrostatically repelled from cell membranes. Alternate means to target the delivery of S O D to potential intracellular sites of free radical injury have been developed. We have shown [43] that intravenous injection of liposome-entrapped SOD (Lip-SOD) restores 'NO-mediated relaxation responses in cholesterol-fed rabbits (Fig. 2). A 2-3-fold increase in intracellular SOD enzymic activity was associated with Lip-SOD treatment in these animals. Additionally, poly(ethy1ene glycol)-derivatized SOD (PEG-SOD) has been used to enhance vascular endothelial antioxidant enzyme levels in hypercholesterolaemic rabbits, yielding similar improvement in 'NO-mediated relaxation [54]. Treatment of vessels with oxypurinol, an inhibitor of xanthine oxidase, also facilitates 'NO-dependent relaxation in this model [55]. These different approaches to restoration of EC-dependent relaxation all involve reducing steadystate concentrations of oxygen radical species, suggesting that 02'--mediated injury (and possibly the formation of oxidized lipid species) resulted in a functional modification of 'NO.
Nitric oxide-oxygen radical interactions in reperfusion injury It has been widely accepted in recent years that enhanced rates of production of reactive oxygen species (02'-, H202, 'OH) occur following both focal and
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global myocardial ischaemia-reperfusion, as well as during the reperfusion associated with thrombolytic therapy and other forms of interventional recanalization for the treatment of ischaemic syndromes. There have been extensive studies in both animal models and humans to support the view that the excess production of reactive oxygen species contributes to loss of myocardial function and/or tissue necrosis, based on direct measurement of free-radical-reaction by-products as well as from the protective effects lent by exogenous administration of antioxidant enzymes and free radical scavengers. It has recently been observed that enhanced tissue production of 'NO occurs following reperfusion of both ischaemic brain cortex and myocardium and that inhibitors of 'NO synthesis will protect from myocardial reoxygenation injury. Both cNOS and iNOS have been reported in human myocardial tissue, first noted after biopsy of right ventricular tissue from patients with dilated cardiomyopathy. Vascular endothelium, as well as other myocardial cells (endocardial endothelium, fibroblasts and vascular smooth cells) are competent to produce 'NO, with greater extents of *NO production expected during events which expose myocardial and vascular tissues to elevated levels of inflammatory stimuli. This includes vessel injury induced by balloon angioplasty, exposure of myocytes to macrophagederived soluble inflammatory mediators and macrophage accumulation at sites of vascularized allograft rejection. From in vitro studies, it is also apparent that some cell types, such as smooth-muscle cells, are capable of generating much greater levels of 'NO than vascular endothelium, and thus must be considered to contribute a more direct role in myocardial 'NO reactions than previously thought. From this, it has been concluded that (a) the free radical injury occurring consequent to reperfusion of ischaemic myocardium came predominantly from the with 'NO, and (b) potent oxidizing species formed by the reaction of 02*that treatment of tissues with inhibitors of *NO synthesis can induce mild tissue ischaemia, thus 'preconditioning' myocardium for a second more injurious ischaemic assault. Some reports have observed that the earliest anomaly in reperfusion injury is an endothelial dysfunction manifested by a loss of *NO-dependent vasorelaxation, due to formation of and reaction with oxygen radical species, principally 02'[56]. The stimulation of endogenous 'NO synthesis or addition of exogenous 'NO-donating molecules will thus be therapeutic in platelet-mediated ischaemic syndromes such as unstable angina and coronary thrombosis. The protective effects observed for 'NO with in vivo models of reperfusion injury, when administered as a bolus of nitrosothiol or other 'NO donors, are often ascribed to *NO inhibition of inflammatory cell margination and function [21,22,28,29]. In addition, there is a rapid fall in 'NO levels upon reperfusion, thus augmenting 'NO-mediated signal transduction pathways at the level of cyclic GMP provides a useful pharmacological approach for normalizing vascular function and blood flow in the critical early stages following tissue ischaemia [56]. The dual role of 'NO in ischaemia-reperfusion injury is postulated to include an initial increased 'NO production, which will be tissue-protective by inducing collateral perfusion, but after a time 'NO formation ceases because of lowered oxygen tension, with oxygen serving a critical role in oxidative deamination of arginine to yield 'NO. Upon reoxygenation, 'NO production again recovers, but
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now, due to the increased presence of other oxygen free radicals, formation of peroxynitrite can occur, thus potentially contributing to further tissue damage. In brain ischaemia-reperfusion phenomena, 'NO has been reported to serve a protective role by inducing vasodilation and reducing neutrophil/platelet adhesion and aggregation, thus leading to increased blood flow, tissue perfusion and attenuation of the ischaemic insult. Nitric oxide may also protect from ischaemicinduced brain injury by 'NO-mediated down-modulation of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors, thus diminishing NMDA-induced neurotoxicity [23,3 1,571. Excess central nervous system 'NO production during ischaemia-reperfusion will also lead to pathological responses, via activation of N M D A receptor-induced 'NO synthesis [58]. It is postulated that 'NO exerts neurotoxic actions primarily through combination with 02'-to yield ONOO' and its secondary reactive species [59], although a cause and effect relationship has yet to be established. Nonetheless, the presence of critical concentrations of 'NO may exert cytoprotective effects by counterbalancing or offsetting its cytotoxic effects [23,38].
Conclusions In biological systems where co-generation of multiple reactive species occurs,
'NO will exacerbate oxidant injury via production of the potent oxidant ONOOand can also exert tissue-protective roles. While 'NO will exert apparent antioxidant effects by terminating radical chain propagation reactions of alkoxy1 and peroxyl radicals, it is important to note that (a) when the ratio of the relative rates of 02'-to 'NO production in test systems is less than 1:1, 'NO serves as a pro-oxidant, via formation of the potent oxidant ONOO-, and (b) the products of 'NO termination of lipid radical species are unstable and may mediate a different spectrum of as yet undefined target molecule and pathological reactions. Thus, 'NO regulates critical lipid and lipoprotein oxidation events, by contributing to the formation of potent secondary oxidants from 02'-, catalysing the redirecand H202-mediated cytotoxic reactions to other oxidative pathways, tion of 02*-serving as an antioxidant via different mechanisms: (1) Nitric oxide can act as an inhibitor of radical chain propagation reactions via radical-radical reaction with LOO' and LO', with the formation of nitrogencontaining lipid adducts. These novel lipid oxidation adducts are, in part, organic peroxynitrites and would be expected to occur in vivo when diverse inflammatory and pathological processes give rise to similar combinations of reactive species. (2) Because 'NO can serve as an iron ligand to form iron-nitrosyl complexes, it has been proposed that 'NO will modulate the pro-oxidant effects of iron and other transition metals, thereby limiting their role in the Haber-Weiss-catalysed formation of 'OH and iron-dependent electron transfer reactions. However, the rate of 'NO reaction with ferrous iron (2 x 10' M-' - s-') is significantly lower than for 'NO reaction with either 02*or LO' and LOO' radical species. It should be noted that with transition metals, 'NO can exert pro-oxidant effects as well, by reducing ferric iron complexes. (3) Nitric oxide is a potent endogenous vasodilator, playing a major role in modulating vascular tone. Endothelial release of 'NO stimulates soluble guanylate
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cyclase in the underlying vascular smooth-muscle cells, thereby elevating intracellular levels of cyclic GMP and inducing relaxation of the vascular smooth muscle. Nitric oxide also inhibits interaction of the vessel wall with circulating blood elements (i.e. platelets and neutrophils). The effect of 'NO in inhibiting platelet adhesion and aggregation to the vessel wall is associated with increases in the level of platelet cyclic GMP. (4) Nitric oxide reaction with 02*may in some cases also serve to protect 02'--sensitive target molecules. This 'diversionary reaction' of ' N O , which kinetithrough ONOO- oxidation and cally can outcompete SODS, forces 02*decomposition pathways. At the same time, this will limit the accumulation of H202and decrease the formation of secondary reactive species derived from H202reaction with transition metals. This 'superoxide diverting' reaction pathway of 'NO may promote the extracellular decomposition or less toxic alternative reactions of O N O O - , while at the same time limiting the accumulation and reactions of H202,toxic to tissues in its own right. The reaction between *NOand 02*in the vasculature also has the combined effect of eliminating a putative antioxidant ('NO) while at the same time generating a more potent oxidant than 02'-(ONOO-). Since the rate constant for 'NO reaction with LOO' is greater than that for a-tocopherol reaction with LOO' and considering that the sometimes > 1 pM tissue concentrations of 'NO can concentrate in membranes, 'NO could act more readily than (or in concert with) the lipophilic antioxidants a-tocopherol, lycopene, retinyl derivatives and p-carotene as an adjunct antioxidant defence against oxygen radical and lipoxygenase-derived oxidized lipid species. The relative rates of production, sites of production and steady-state concentrations of reactive species, antioxidants and tissue mediators will critically influence the observed apparent toxic or protective effects of 'NO in biological systems. The cellular and anatomical sites of production of 02'and 'NO, and the dominant operative mechanisms of oxidant damage and 'NO production will also profoundly influence in tissues at the time of 02'expression of the differential oxidant injury-enhancing and protective effects of 'NO. Development of a better understanding of the physiological roles of 'NO, coupled with detailed insight into 'NO regulation of oxygen radical-dependent reactions and the chemistry of 'NO and ONOO-, should yield a more rational basis for the present and future therapeutic use of inhaled *NOgas mixtures, 'NO donors and inhibitors of NOSs. The recent observations of (a) the extremely fast (b) the tenuous and direct reactivity of 'NO with oxidizing lipids as well as 02'-, balance between 02'-, oxidized lipoproteins and *NO in regulating endothelialdependent relaxation, (c) the potent inhibitory effects of 'NO towards platelet function and neutrophil margination on the vessel wall, and (d) the diversity of pro-atherogenic oxidizing events which occur in the vascular compartment all strongly support a central role for *NO in regulating vascular pathogenic processes. References 1. Furchgott, R.F. and Zawadski, J.B. (1980) Nature (London) 288, 373-376 2. Marsden, P.A., Schappert, K.T., Chen, H.S., Flowers, M., Sundell, C.L., Wilcox, J.N., Lamas, N. and Michel, T. (1992) FEBS Lett. 307, 287-293
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