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[8] Darragh J, Ananieva O, Courtney A, Elcombe S, Arthur JSC. ... [12] Sabat R, Grütz G, Warszawska K, Kirsch S, Witte E, Wolk K, et al. Biology of interleukin-10.
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0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

IL-1β signaling IL-1β signaling TNFα signaling TNFα signaling TNFα signaling IL-6 signaling IL-6 signaling IL-1β signaling

[1] [1] [1]

1 1

IL-1β signaling TNFα signaling

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hk = IL1R1 hk = IL1RAcP hk = TNFR1 hk = TRADD hk = TRAF2 hk = gp80 hk = gp130 IL1b_medium + IL1R1 + IL1RAcP = IL1bRC MyD88 + !MyD88s + IL1bRC = IRAK4 TNFa_medium + RIP1 + TNFR1 + TRADD + TRAF2 = TNFaRC1 TNFaRC1 = TAK1 IL6_medium + gp80 + gp130 = IL6RC IL6RC + Jak1 + !dum_Socs3_inh = Stat3 IFNg_medium = IFNGR IFNGR + Jak1 + !dum_Socs1_inh = Stat1 IFNGR + Jak2 + !dum_Socs1_inh = Stat1 IFNa_medium = IFNAR NFkB + IRF3 + p300 + CBP = IFNgmRNA NFkB + IRF3 + p300 + CBP = IFNamRNA NFkB + MSK1 = IL1rnmRNA NFkB = OSMmRNA NFkB = Ccl2/3/4/5mRNA NFkB = Cxcl1/2/3/5mRNA Stat6 = Ccl2mRNA Stat3 + Src = Socs3mRNA IFNgmRNA = IFNg_syn IFNamRNA = IFNa_syn IL1rnmRNA = IL1rn OSMmRNA = OSM Ccl2/3/4/5mRNA = Ccl2/3/4/5 Cxcl1/2/3/5mRNA = Cxcl1/2/3/5 Ccl2mRNA_Stat6 = Ccl2_Stat6 IL10mRNA + !TTP = IL10_syn Socs3mRNA = Socs3 IL1b_syn = IL1b_medium TNFa_syn = TNFa_medium IL6_syn = IL6_medium IFNg_syn = IFNg_medium IFNa_syn = IFNa_medium IL10_syn = IL10_medium hk_medium + LPS = IL1b_medium

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hk_medium + LPS = TNFa_medium



hk_medium + LPS = IL6_medium



hk_medium + LPS = IFNg_medium


TNFα signaling IL-6 signaling IL-6 signaling IFNγ signaling IFNγ signaling IFNγ signaling IFNα signaling TLR4 signaling TLR4 signaling TLR4 signaling TLR4 signaling TLR4 signaling TLR4 signaling IL-4/13 signaling IFN/IL-10 signaling TLR4 signaling TLR4 signaling TLR4 signaling TLR4 signaling TLR4 signaling TLR4 signaling IL-4/13 signaling IFN/IL-10 signaling IFN/IL-10 signaling protein secretion protein secretion protein secretion protein secretion protein secretion protein secretion maintain secreted proteins maintain secreted proteins maintain secreted proteins maintain secreted proteins

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[1] [2] [2, 3] [2, 3] [4] [4] [4] [5] [6] [7, 8] [7, 9] [10] [10] [10] [7, 11, 12] [5] [6] [7, 8] [7, 9] [10] [10] [10] [7] [13] [7, 14] [7, 14] [7] [5] [6] [7] -

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No equation



hk_medium + LPS = IFNa_medium



Socs3 = dum_Socs3_inh



description maintain proteins activation inhibitory species

reference mod secreted


of the dummy



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