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[33] Darragh J, Ananieva O, Courtney A, Elcombe S, Arthur JSC. ... [37] Sabat R, Grütz G, Warszawska K, Kirsch S, Witte E, Wolk K, et al. Biology of interleukin-10 ...
No equation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46

hk = CBP hk = CD14 hk = Jak1 hk = Jak2 hk = Jak3 hk = LBP hk = Mal hk = MD2 hk = MyD88 hk = p300 hk = RIP1 hk = Src hk = TLR4 hk = TRAM hk = TRIF hk = Tyk2 !hk = PP2A !hk = PTEN !hk = RIP3 !hk = SHP1 LBP + CD14 + TLR4 + MD2 + !SIGIRR + !ST2 + LPS = TLR4RC TLR4RC + Mal + MyD88 + !MyD88s = IRAK4 TLR4RC = coSignal TLR4RC = PI3K IRAK4 + !IRAKM + !IRAK2c + !IRAK2d = IRAK1 IRAK1 = TRAF6 TRAF6 = TAB TRAF6 = TPL2 TAB = TAK1 TAK1 = IKK TAK1 = TPL2 TAK1 = MKK3 TAK1 = MKK4 TAK1 = MKK6 TAK1 = MKK7 TPL2 = MKK1/2 MKK1/2 = ERK MKK3 + !dum_DUSP1_inh = p38 MKK4 + !dum_DUSP1_inh = p38 MKK6 + !dum_DUSP1_inh = p38 MKK4 = JNK MKK7 = JNK ERK = p90Rsk_lps ERK = MSK1 p38 = MSK1 p38 = MSK2




reference new

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

basal expression basal expression basal expression basal expression basal expression basal expression basal expression basal expression basal expression basal expression basal expression basal expression basal expression basal expression basal expression basal expression basal expression basal expression basal expression basal expression early TLR4 signaling

[1, 2]


early TLR4 signaling

[1, 2]

1 1 1

early TLR4 signaling early TLR4 signaling early TLR4 signaling

[3, 4] [1, 2]

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

early TLR4 signaling early TLR4 signaling early TLR4 signaling early TLR4 signaling early TLR4 signaling early TLR4 signaling early TLR4 signaling early TLR4 signaling early TLR4 signaling early TLR4 signaling early TLR4 signaling early TLR4 signaling early TLR4 signaling early TLR4 signaling early TLR4 signaling early TLR4 signaling early TLR4 signaling early TLR4 signaling early TLR4 signaling early TLR4 signaling early TLR4 signaling

[1, 2] [1, 2] [1, 5] [1, 2] [1, 2] [1, 5] [6, 7, 2] [7] [6, 7] [7, 2] [5] [1, 5] [6, 7, 2] [6, 7] [6, 7] [6, 8] [6, 8, 2] [5] [5] [6, 9] [6]

No equation 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56



reference new

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

early TLR4 signaling early TLR4 signaling early TLR4 signaling early TLR4 signaling early TLR4 signaling early TLR4 signaling early TLR4 signaling early TLR4 signaling early TLR4 signaling early TLR4 signaling

1 1 1 1 1

IL-4/13 IL-4/13 IL-4/13 IL-4/13 IL-4/13

signaling signaling signaling signaling signaling

[6, 9, 10] [11] [8] [8] [8] [5, 9] [6] [6, 9, 10] [1, 2] [1, 12, 13, 14, 2, 15] [16] [16] [16] [16] [17, 18, 19]


IL-4/13 signaling

[17, 18, 19]


IL-4/13 signaling

[17, 18, 19]


IL-4/13 signaling

[17, 18, 19]


IL-4/13 signaling

[17, 18, 19]

66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75

p38 = MK2 p38 = AP1 JNK = cJun JNK = ATF2 cJun + ATF2 = AP1 MSK1 + p90Rsk_lps = CREB !MK2 = MK3 !MK2 = TTP IKK = IkBa IkBa + !dum_IkBa_inh + !MK3 + miR155 = NFkB IL4 = IL4Ra/IL2Ry IL4 = IL4Ra/IL13Ra1 IL13 = IL4Ra/IL13Ra1 IL13 = IL13Ra2 IL4Ra/IL2Ry + Jak1 + !PP2A + !SHP1 + !dum_Socs1_inh = Stat6 IL4Ra/IL2Ry + Jak3 + !PP2A + !SHP1 + !dum_Socs1_inh = Stat6 IL4Ra/IL13Ra1 + Jak1 + !PP2A + !SHP1 + !dum_Socs1_inh = Stat6 IL4Ra/IL13Ra1 + Jak2 + !PP2A + !SHP1 + !dum_Socs1_inh = Stat6 IL4Ra/IL13Ra1 + Tyk2 + !PP2A + !SHP1 + !dum_Socs1_inh = Stat6 IL4Ra/IL2Ry + Jak1 = Fes IL4Ra/IL2Ry + Jak3 = Fes Fes = IRS1/2 IRS1/2 = PI3K PI3K = PIP3 PIP3 = PDK1 PDK1 = PKC PDK1 = p70S6K PDK1 = p90Rsk_il PDK1 + !PTEN = Akt1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

IL-4/13 signaling IL-4/13 signaling PI3K/Akt signaling PI3K/Akt signaling PI3K/Akt signaling PI3K/Akt signaling PI3K/Akt signaling PI3K/Akt signaling PI3K/Akt signaling PI3K/Akt signaling


PDK1 + !PTEN = Akt2


PI3K/Akt signaling

77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87

!Akt1 = miR155 Akt2 + coSignal = miR155 !miR155 = CEBPb IFNb_medium = IFNAR IFNAR + Jak1 + !dum_Socs1_inh = Stat1 IFNAR + Tyk2 + !dum_Socs1_inh = Stat1 IFNAR + Jak1 + !dum_Socs3_inh = Stat3 IFNAR + Tyk2 + !dum_Socs3_inh = Stat3 IL10_medium = IL10R Jak1 + IL10R = Stat3 TLR4RC + TRAM + TRIF + !TRIAD3A = TRAF6

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2

PI3K/Akt signaling PI3K/Akt signaling PI3K/Akt signaling type I IFN signaling type I IFN signaling type I IFN signaling type I IFN signaling type I IFN signaling IL-10 signaling IL-10 signaling late TLR4 signaling

[19, 20] [19, 20] [20, 21] [20, 21] [21, 22] [21, 22] [23, 22] [23, 21] [20] [24, 21, 25, 22] [24, 21, 25, 22] [26, 15] [26, 15] [26, 15] [6, 27] [19, 27] [19, 27] [19, 27] [19, 27] [6, 28] [6, 28] [1, 29, 2]

57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65


No equation 88



reference new


late TLR4 signaling

[1, 2]

89 90

TLR4RC + TRAM + TRIF + !TRIAD3A = TBK1 TRAF6 + RIP1 + !IL1rn = IKK TBK1 + !MK3 = IRF3

2 2

late TLR4 signaling late TLR4 signaling

91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133

NFkB + IRF3 + p300 + CBP = IFNbmRNA NFkB = IkBamRNA NFkB = DUSP1mRNA_NFkB NFkB = IL1bmRNA NFkB + MSK1 = IL1rnmRNA_NFkB NFkB = Ccl2/3/4/5/7mRNA NFkB = Cxcl1/2/3mRNA NFkB + AP1 + CREB = IL6mRNA NFkB = TNFamRNA MK2 = IL10mRNA_MK2 MK2 = Socs3mRNA_MK2 Stat6 + CEBPb= Arg1mRNA Stat6 = Mrc1mRNA Stat6 = Ccl2/7mRNA_Stat6 Stat6 = Socs1mRNA Stat6 = Socs2mRNA Stat1 = IL1rnmRNA_Stat Stat1 = Socs1mRNA Stat1 = Ccl5mRNA_Stat1 Stat3 = IL10mRNA_Stat3 Stat3 + Src = Socs3mRNA_Stat3 Stat3 = Socs1mRNA Stat3 = DUSP1mRNA_Stat3 Stat3 = IL1rnmRNA_Stat IL10R = Arg1mRNA IFNbmRNA = IFNb_syn IkBabmRNA = IkBa_syn DUSP1mRNA_NFkB = DUSP1_NFkB IL1bmRNA = IL1b_syn IL1rnmRNA_NFkB = IL1rn_NFkB Ccl2/3/4/5/7mRNA = Ccl2/3/4/5/7 Cxcl1/2/3mRNA = Cxcl1/2/3 IL6mRNA + !TTP = IL6_syn TNFamRNA + !TTP = TNFa IL10mRNA_MK2 + !TTP = IL10_MK2 Socs3mRNA_MK2 = Socs3_MK2 Arg1mRNA = Arg1 Mrc1mRNA = Mrc1 Ccl2/7mRNA_Stat6 = Ccl2/7_Stat6 Socs2mRNA = Socs2 Socs1mRNA = Socs1 Ccl5mRNA_Stat1 = Ccl5_Stat1 IL1rnmRNA_Stat = IL1rn_Stat

5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7

TLR4 signaling TLR4 signaling TLR4 signaling TLR4 signaling TLR4 signaling TLR4 signaling TLR4 signaling TLR4 signaling TLR4 signaling TLR4 signaling TLR4 signaling IL-4/13 signaling IL-4/13 signaling IL-4/13 signaling IL-4/13 signaling IL-4/13 signaling IFNβ signaling IFNβ signaling IFNβ signaling IFN/IL-10 signaling IFN/IL-10 signaling IFN/IL-10 signaling IFN/IL-10 signaling IFN/IL-10 signaling IL-10 signaling TLR4 signaling TLR4 signaling TLR4 signaling TLR4 signaling TLR4 signaling TLR4 signaling TLR4 signaling TLR4 signaling TLR4 signaling TLR4 signaling TLR4 signaling IL-4/13 signaling IL-4/13 signaling IL-4/13 signaling IL-4/13 signaling IL/IFNβ signaling IFN/IL-10 signaling IFN/IL-10 signaling

[1, 2] [1, 30, 29, 2] [6, 31] [1, 2] [32] [1, 6] [6, 33] [14] [14] [1, 8] [1] data data [14, 15] [14] data, [14] [17] [17, 34] data [35] [14] [6] [6, 36, 37] [35] [6, 37] data [38] [6, 31] [1, 2] [6, 32] [1, 6] [6, 33] [14] [14] [1, 6] [1, 6, 9, 10] [39, 6] [14] [14] [14] [34] [34] [14] [14]


#1 #2 #3 * * #4 *

#5 *

#6 #7 #8 * * #9


No equation 134 135



7 7

IFN/IL-10 signaling IFN/IL-10 signaling

[32, 6] [6]

7 10 10 12 15

IFN/IL-10 signaling protein secretion protein secretion protein secretion maintain secreted proteins maintain secreted proteins activation of the inhibitory dummy species activation of the inhibitory dummy species maintain inhibitory species at τ = 15 activation of the inhibitory dummy species maintain inhibitory species at τ = 15 activation of the inhibitory dummy species maintain inhibitory species at τ = 15 maintain inhibitory species at τ = 15 activation of the inhibitory dummy species activation of the inhibitory dummy species maintain inhibitory species at τ = 15

[34] [6] [6] [6] -

136 137 138 139 140

DUSP1mRNA_Stat3 = DUSP1_Stat3 IL10mRNA_Stat3 + !TTP IL10_syn_Stat Socs3mRNA_Stat3 = Socs3_Stat3 IFNb_syn = IFNb_medium IL10_syn_MK2 = IL10_medium IL10_syn_Stat3 = IL10_medium hk_medium + LPS = IFNb_medium


hk_medium + LPS = IL10_medium



DUSP1_NFkB = dum_DUSP1_inh



DUSP1_Stat3 = dum_DUSP1_inh



hk_inh + LPS = dum_DUSP1_inh



IkBa = dum_IkBa_inh



hk_inh + LPS = dum_IkBa_inh



Socs1 = dum_Socs1_inh



hk_inh + LPS = dum_Socs1_inh



hk_inh + IL4 = dum_Socs1_inh



Socs3_MK2 = dum_Socs3_inh



Socs3_Stat3 = dum_Socs3_inh



hk_inh + LPS = dum_Socs3_inh




reference new #10 #11 * #12






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