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JUMLAH BUKU PENERBIT. PENGARANG ... 5 ( laboratory techniques in biochemistry and molecular biology,vol.6, part.2 ) an .... 129 Aspek sosial amdal , sejarah, teori dan metode. 2 .... 217 Biological investigations form. 1. Mc Graw Hill.


JUDUL BUKU Laboratory atlas of anatomy and physiologi,3rd ed. Primate anatomy an introduction ,2nd ed. brugmansia and datura eukariotic transription factor ( laboratory techniques in biochemistry and molecular biology,vol.6, part.2 ) an introduction to radioimmunoassay and related techniques,fifth revised ed ( principles of medical biology ) cell chemistry and physiology part ii

JUMLAH BUKU 2 1 2 2 1

PENERBIT McGraw-Hill Academic Press Firely book Academic press Elsevier

PENGARANG eder ankel - simons pressel latchamn chard,t



e.e bittar


( principles of medical biology ) cell chemistry and physiology part vi



e.e bittar

8 9

(neurolmmune biology, vol.1 : ) new foundation of biology (principles of medical biology ) cell chemistry and physiology :part 1

2 2

Elsevier. Elsevier

berczi,i e.e. bittar

10 (principles of medical biology ) cell chemistry and physiology: part iii



e.e bittar

11 (principles of medical biology) developmental biology 12 10 model penelitian dan pengolahannya dengan spss 10.01

2 1

Elsevier ANDI Yogyakarta

13 14 15 16 17 18

35 jam belajar komputer micrisoft access 2002 36 jam belajar komputer micrisoft word 2002 8 langkah beternak itik yg berhasil A biology of the algae A dictionary of entomolgy A dictionary of zoology

2 2 4 1 1 2

Elex Media Elex Media Arkola McGraw-Hill cabi 1 Oxfrod University Press

bittar e.e wahana komputer semarang budi permana kurweni ukar bambang marhijanto sze david headrick michael allaby

19 20 21 22

A guide book for integratet ecological assesments A guidebook for intergated ecological assessments A handbook of sustainable development A learning system in histology ;cd rom and guide

2 2 1 1

Springer -Verlag Springer Textbooks Edward Elagar Oxford university press

m.jensen / bourgeron m.e jensen ma quaddus vaughan

23 A manual of mammalogy with keys to families of the world 24 A manual of mammology with keys to families of the world,3rd ed

2 2

Mc Graw Hill McGraw-Hill

25 A photographic atlas for the botany laboratory 26 A photographic atlas for the microbiology laboratory 27 A photographic atlas for the microbiology laboratory

2 1 1

Morton Pub

28 A textbook of modern toxicology (hodgson, a textbook of modern toxicology) (text book) 29 Abiotc stresses plant resistance through breeding and molecular approaches 30 Abiotic stress plant resistance through breeding and molecular approach 31 Academic encounters : readings, study skill, and writing 32 Adaptasi orangutan : di suaka tanjung putting kalimantan tengah


robert martin martin,robert eugene


kent m van de michael j. lebofe Morton Publishing Company michael j. leboffe and burton e. pierce Publisher: Willey, 4 Edition ernest hodgson (hardcover) springer ashraf


international book distributor m. ashraf

1 1

Crambidge UI Press

seal galdikas

33 Adaptations and responses of woody plants to environmental stresses


Food Prolict

rajeev arora

34 Advance in food and nutrition research 35 Advance nanomedicine and nanobiotechnology 36 Advanced grammar in use a self study reference and practice book for advanced learners of english with answers 37 Advanced in applied microbiology 38 Advances in agricultural biotechnology

2 1 4

nova science Erlangga

steve taylor viroj wiwanikit martin hewings

1 1

academic new delhi regensy publication

39 40 41 42

Advances in developmental biochemistry vol.i b. Advances in developmental biology vol 1a Advances in microbial physiology, volume 54 Advances in plant physiology: an international teratise series vol 1

1 1 1 1

wassarman Elsevier wassarman Academic Press, Elsevier robert k. poole jodhpur, scientific publication a. hemantaranjan

43 Advances in plant physiology: an international teratise series vol 2


jodhpur, scientific publication a. hemantaranjan

sima sariaslani v.s. harikumar

44 Advances in plant physiology: an international teratise series vol 3


jodhpur, scientific publication a. hemantaranjan

45 Advances in plant physiology: an international teratise series vol 4


jodhpur, scientific publication a. hemantaranjan

46 Advances in plant physiology: an international teratise series vol 5


jodhpur, scientific publication a. hemantaranjan

47 Advances in plant physiology: an international teratise series vol 6


jodhpur, scientific publication a. hemantaranjan

48 Advances in plant physiology: an international teratise series vol 7


jodhpur, scientific publication a. hemantaranjan

49 Advances in plant physiology: an international teratise series vol 8


jodhpur, scientific publication a. hemantaranjan

50 Advances in plant physiology: an international teratise series vol 9


jodhpur, scientific publication a. hemantaranjan

51 Advances in stress physiology of plants


jodhpur, scientific publication s.k. panda

52 53 54 55

1 3 2 6

Elsevier Kanisius Penebar Swadaya PT Gramedia pustaka utama

malhotra, s.k. tucker boen soedijono andreas harefe

Agribusiness management 3 rd edition Agricultur & intellectual property right Agricultural resources, govemance and ecology Agricultural systems: agroecology and rurral innovation for development 60 Agrobiotechnology and plant tissue culture 61 Agroecology: the ecology of sustainable food system. 2007. (text book)

1 1 1 1

McGraw Hill CABI Pub Inderscience

steven erickson v santaniello (ed.) dragun sieglinde snapp,

1 1

Science publiser CRC Press

bojhwani stephen r. gliessman

62 Agroforest khas indonesia. Ketika kebun berupa hutan


63 Agroforestry and biodiversity conservation in tropical landscape


Advances in structural biology,volume 5 Agama filsafat dan lingkungan hidup Agar euphorbia tampil menawan Agar menulis mengarang bisa gampang

56 57 58 59 foresta,a kusworo island press

gotz schorth

64 Agroforestry and natural resource management 65 Agroforestry on acid soils in the humid tropics:managing tree-soil-crop interactions 66 Aguide to the nests,eggs,and nestellings of north american birds

1 2



Princenton university press

ian nuberg k. hairiah,d. suprayobo,sr. utami paul j baicich

67 Algae 68 Algal adaption to environment stresses 69 American writers : learning english through american short stories

2 1 1

Prentice Hall Springer Crambidge

graham l.c. rai kay

70 71 72 73

Amphibian metamorphosis : from morphology to molecular An atlas of orchid pollination An encyclopedia of cultivated palms An intoduction to plant structure and development: plant anatomy for the twenty-first century (text book) 74 An introducation to primate anatomy,2nd ed 75 An introduction to genetic engineering

1 2 2 1 1 1

Wiley Liss AA. Balkema Timber press Publisher: Cambridge university Press, 2 Edition Academic Press Cambridge University Press

shi cingel n.a van der p crafts by charles b. beck (hardcover) ankel - simons dasmond s.t. nicholl

76 An introduction to genetic engineering3e 77 An introduction to genetik engineering 78 An introduction to molecular ecology 2e (text book)

1 1 1

Cambridge Oxford University Press

79 An introduction to plant structure and development 80 An intruducation to the study og insects,6th ed.

2 1

cambrige Saunders College Publishing

nicholl dst nicholl trevor john clark beebee, graham rowe beck borror

81 Analisa struktur vertebrata 82 Analisis mengenai dampak linkungan prinsip dasar dan pemapanannya dalam pembangunan 83 Analisis regresi edisi kedua 84 Analisys of biological development 85 Analysis and control methods for food and agriculture product, quality control for food and agriculture product 86 Analysis of biologycal development, 2nd ed. 87 Analytical instrumentation handbook, 2nd ed.

5 3

Armico Liberty penerbit

tatang djuhanda chafid fandeli,

3 2 1

McGraw-Hill John Wiley

r.k. sembiring kalthoff jl multon

2 1

McGraw Hill Science Marcel Dekker

kalthoff, k. g. ewing

88 Anatomy and physiology 89 Anatomy and physiology, 6th ed. With essential study partner cd-rom

1 2

McGraw Hill McGraw Hill Science

90 91 92 93

1 4 2 1

oxford Penebar Swadaya McGraw-Hill Oklahoma Univ.Press

seeley, r. rod r. seeley ; trent d. stephen ; philip tate m gregory yos sutiyoso drickamer lc halliday


Oklahoma Univ.Press


2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1

Humana Press McGraw-Hill

jenkins hickman richard w hill

Cambridge Univ. Press Delmar Publishers Prentice Hall Oxford university press Springer Textbooks John Wiley and Sons

schimidt nielsen gillespie acker preben bang m.e.baker michael wink

2 1 1

Wiley-Blackwell Smithsonian Institusion Pr

carranza t.s.thin micael j ryan

94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107

Anatomy of monocothyledonns Anggrek potong dendrobium Animal behavior Animal behavior : desk references : a dictionaryof animal behavior, ecology and evolution Animal behavior desk references : a dictionary of animal behavior, ecology and evolution, 2nd ed. Animal cell biotechnology Animal diversity Animal physiology Animal physiology Animal physiology adaptation & environment,5th ed. Animal science Animal science & industry, 5th ed. Animal track and signs revised edition Annonaceae : neotropical genera and species (cd-rom) Annual plant reviews, functions and biotechnology of plant secondary metabolites. 2010. (text book) Annual plant riviews, plant cell separation and adhesion (hc) Annual review of plant pathology Annuran communication

108 Anthropology: the human challenge 109 Anthropology: the human challenge

1 1

Wadsworth Publishing

wlliam a. haviland, william a haviland dkk.

110 Antibiotics action, origins, resistance 111 Antibody engineering 112 Anticancer drud developmnet guide : preclinic screening, clinical trials, and approval

1 2 1

ASM press Springer Verlag Humana Press

cristopher kontermann theicer

113 Antisense technology : a practical apporoach


IRL Press. Oxford Univ. Press lichtenstein

114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121

6 2 1 1 1 1 1 1

Elex Media Oxford university press Humana Press Esri Map Person Education Blackwell Elsevier

122 Appraisal procedure for couselors and helping professionals 123 Aquatic habitats in suitainable urban water management: science, policy and practice (text book) 124 Argumentasi dan narasi

1 1


125 Artificial cells: biotechnology, nanomedicine, regenartive medicine,blood subtitues,bioencapsulation, cell/stem cell therapy


126 Artificial cells: biotechnology, nanomedicine, regenerative medicine, bioencapsulation, cell/stem cell therapy 127 Aseptic processing and packaging of food 128 Ask the bugman 129 Aspek sosial amdal , sejarah, teori dan metode 130 Assesing academic programs in higher education 131 Assesing academic programs in higher education 132 Assesment for effective teaching 133 Assesment of student acheivement 7e farm management 5e 134 Asymmetric cells division in plant development 135 Atals of functional histology 136 Atlas komodo : studi aantomidan kedudukannya dalam sistematik hewan 137 Atlas of descriptive embryology


Aphotographic guide to the birds of indonesia Aplikasi inventory dengan powerbuilder Apoptosis ; the molecular biology of programmed cell death Apoptosis techniques and protocold neuromethod Application of geografic information system Applied animal reproduction 6e Applied ecology and environmental Applied micology and biotechnology agriculture and food production


1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1

morten strange syahrial chan jacobson poirier esri map book h. joe beardon el newman khachatourians

robert j drummond iwona wagner, jim marsalek, pascal breil PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama g keraf thomas ming swi chang

World Scientific Publishing Company Cole Palmer univ new mexico Gadjah Mada UNIV press

thomas ming swi chang

Pearson Education Pearson Educationl springer Mosby Gadjah Mada

j david richard fagerlund sudharto p hadi marry j. allen mary j. allen peggy a. detmer norman e. gronlund alvaro macieira coelho jefrey surahya

benjamin cumming

gary c.schoenwolf

138 Atlas of immunology 139 Atlas of imunology 140 Atlas of woody plant stems:evolution, structure and environmental modifications 141 Atlas of woody plant stems:evolution,structure, and environmental modifications 142 Automated taxon identification in systematic: theory, approach and applications 143 Automated taxon identification in systematics:theory, approach and applications 144 Auxin molecular biology 145 Avian immunology 146 Avian incubation behavior environment and evolution 147 Avian incubator behaviour environment and evolution 148 Avian influenza virus 149 Avian influenza virus 150 Avian lmmunology 151 Bacterial biogeochemistry the echo physiology of mineral cyding

2 1 1

Springer CRC Press Boca Raton.FL Springer

cruse j.m.cruse schweingruber




norman macleod


CRC Press

norman macleod

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2

kluwer academik Academic press Oxford Oxford university press

c perrot fred davinson dkk. deeming deeming erica spackman erica spackman fred davison, tom fenchel

152 Bahasa jepang untuk pemula 153 Balinese gardens

3 1

Grasindo PT

helen gilhooly luca invernizzi kettoni ,

154 Bambo worlds 155 Bank Soal Ujian CPNS 156 Barron's how to prepare for the toefl test of english as a foreign language, 9th + 4-set. 2nd ed. 157 Barron's how to prepare for the toeic test : of english for international communication, 2nd ed. 158 Barron's how to prepare gmat graduate management admission test, 11th ed. 159 Barron's student' #1 choice gre : let the authority in test preparation help you prepare ; how to prepare for the graduate record eximination, 11th ed.

1 1 1

Kangaro press Puspa Swara Barron

victors Tim Puspa Swara sharpe










Humana Press Academic P

160 Barron's student' #1 choice sat i : let the authory in test preparation help you prepare ; don't be intimidated by sat i ! ; how to prepare for sat i 161 Barron's toefl ibt internet based test 12th edition 162 Barron's toefl ibt internet based test,12th edition 163 Basic biotecfinology, 164 Basic biotechnology 3edition




1 1 1 1

Barron's Educational

165 Basic concept in biology 166 Basic concepts in cell biology and histology : a student's survival guide

1 2

Thomson McGraw-Hill

pamela sharpe pamela sharpe colin ratledge colin ratledge and bjom kristiansen cecie starr klein, mc.kenzie

167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178

Basic statistic for laboratories a primer for laboratory workers Batch fermentation modeling monitoring and control Bayesian computation with r (use r) (paperback) (text book) Beating cancer with nutritions Beginning perl for bioinformatics Behavior ecology and conservation biology Belajar bhs inggris tampa guru Belajar mencintai alam Belajar praktis microsoft power point 2002 Belajar sendiri adobe photoshop 6.0 + disket Belajar sendiri microsoft acces 2000 Benson's microbial applictions: laboratory manual in general microbiology 179 Benson's microbiological applications: laboratory manual in general microbiology, complete version 180 Benson's microbiological applications: laboratory manual in general microbiology, short version 181 Bergey's manual of determinative bacteriology,9th ed

2 1 1 1 1 2 2 4 1 2 1 1

John Wiley & Sons Marcel Dekker Springer, 2nd edition nutrition time press Oxford univ press Erlangga Djambutan Indah Elex Media INDAH Surabaya McGraw Hill

w. keeley ali cinar jim albert pattrick quillin james tisdall tim caro amien singgih p vaquette abdul tosin chadra mico pardosi alfred brown


mc.graw hill

alferd brown


Lippincott, Williams &Wilkins holt

182 Berkaca di Cermin Retak 183 Berkreasi dgn jamur 184 Berkurangnya beberapa jenis spesies dan habitatnya

1 1 4

Forest Press Puspa Swara Jodipati luhur

Cambridge University Press


altred brorrn

Wiratno syiful qomar jane wilker

185 Bertanam panili 186 Biocatalysis : from discovery to aplication 187 Biochemistry & molecular biology of plants

1 1 1

188 189 190 191 192 193

Biochemistry : the molecular bassis of life,3rd ed Biochemistry and molecular biology of plants Biochemistry and mollecular of plants Biodegradation dan bioremediation Biodiversity : a challenge for development research and policy Biodiversity and cultural propety in the management of limestone resources : lessons from east asia 194 Biodiversity and ecosytem functioning synthesis and prespective

2 1 1 2 2 1

Kanisisus Springer Wiley-American Society of Plant Physiologist McGraw-Hill John Wiley

thahjadi w.d.fessner bob buchanan

Academic Press Springer -Verlag The World Bank

mckee jones & gruissem bob bucahanan m. alexander barthlott & winiger vermeulen



michel loreau

195 Biodiversity and sustainable conservation 196 Biodiversity in the balance

2 1

Science Publisher inc. Edward Flqai Publishing Ltd.

kumar raffaelo, cervigni

197 Biodiversity loss and concervation in fragmented forest landscapes: the forests of montane mexico and temperate south america (text book)



adrian c. newton

198 Bioethics for medical education (adbio volume 5) 199 Bioinformatics biocomputating and perl: an introduction to bioinformatics computing skills and practice 200 Bioinformatics biocomputing and perl: an introduction to bioinformatics computing skill and practice 201 Bioinformatics for dummies 202 Bioinformatics for dummies 203 Bioinformatics: squence and genome analysis

1 1

JAI Wiley

edwards,r.b. moorhouse

204 Biokimia


205 Biokimia metabolisme biomolekul 206 Biologi 207 Biologi konservasi

4 3 1

1 1 1 1

moorhouse claverie For Dummies jean michele claverie cold spring harbor laboratory david w. mount press PT Alumni prof. dr. kurnia kusnawidjaja Alfabeta abd hamid a t Erlangga kimbal moch.idrawan

208 Biologi konservasi


Yayasan Obor Indonesia

209 Biologi laut 210 Biologi of aging 211 Biologi Reproduksi 1: Fungsi dan Perkembangan Reproduksi Hewan

4 1 1

Ikrar Mandiri abadi spiringer UB Press

212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220

1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 3

UB Press UNPAD CRC Press /Lewis Spring lake pub Cornell Mc Graw Hill BIOS Scientific Cambridge Univ. Press Addison Wesley Longman

Biologi Reproduksi 3: Teknologi Reproduksi Biologi sel Biological active natural pruduct Biological effects in biomedicine and culture Biological invasion Biological investigations form Biological rhythms and photoperiodism in plants Biological thermodynamic Biology : concepts and connections, 3rd ed.

221 Biology and evolution of ferns and lycophytes 222 Biology and evolution of ferns and lycophytes

1 1

223 224 225 226

Biology at the single molecular level Biology of amphibian Biology of carbohidrates vol.3 Biology of fishes (english and french edition) (text book)

1 2 1 1

227 228 229 230 231 232

Biology of plant Biology of plants Biology of the invertebrates Biology of the prokaryotes Biology safety Biologycal soil crusts : structure, function, and management

1 1 2 2 2 1

mochammad indrawan dkk. kasijan romimohtarto madeira M. Sasmito Djati

M. Sasmito Djati subowo,msc cutler p starvroulakis p david warren d dolphin llumsden and millar donald t haynis campbell, mitchell & reece thomas ranker Cambridge University Press thomas ranker and christoper haufler Pergamon sh leube Johns Hopkins Univ. Press linzey v. ginsberg Publisher: Taylor & Francis; 3 by quentin bone and edition (February 25, 2008) richard moore (paperback Language: English - feb 25, 2008) # paperback: 450 pages

W. H. Freeman McGraw-Hill Blackwell science american soc. Springer -Verlag

peter h. raven peter h. raven pechenik joseph w lengelar diane flaming belnap

233 Biomaterial science and biocompability 234 Biomedical applications of electroactive polymer actuators (text book)

1 1

235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245

Bioological systematic: principles and applications Biophysics Biostatistical analysis Biostatistical analysis Biosyntesis Biosyntesis cramation poliketides Biotechnology :secondary metabolities Biotechnology and biodiversity in agriculture / forestry Biotechnology and genetic engineering Biotechnology and genetic enginering Biotechnology and plant protection in forestry science

1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1

246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254

Biotechnology and safety assement Biotechnology annual review Biotechnology annual review, volume 2 Biotechnology annual review, volume 3 Biotechnology annual review,volume 1 Biotechnology anuual review, volume 5 Biotechnology anuual review, volume 6 Biotechnology anuual review, volume 7 Biotechnology from a to z

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2

silver by federico carpi and elisabeth smela (hardcover) cornell university press randall t. schuch Springer Verlag glaser Prentice hall zar Prentice hall zar Springer f.j.leeper Spring lake pub fj lepper science ramawat Science Publisher inc. prasad (ed) Facts on File lisa yount lisa yount Science Publisher inc. raychaudhuri & maramorosch Elseiver thomas j Academic press el gewey Elsevier el-gewely mr Elsevier el-gewely mr Elsevier el-gewely mr Elsevier. al-gewely mr Elsevier. al-gewely mr Elsevier. el-gewely mr IRL Press. Oxford Univ. Press bains

255 Biotechnology protocol


Cold Spring Harbor Lab. Press sullivan

256 257 258 259 260

2 1 2 1 2

Science Publisher inc. John Willey Citra Aditya Elsevier Spring lake pub

Biotechnology, biosafety, and biodiversity Biotechology & bioengineering volume 85,number 6,march 20 Biotecknology moleculer ; teknik rekayasa genetika tanaman Biotecnology annual review volume 4 Biotransformations

Springer Verlag Publisher: Wiley, 1 edition

shantaram m nasir el-gewely mr k faber

261 Bird migration a general survey 262 Bird population studies relavance to conservation and management

2 2

Oxford univ press Oxford University Press

petter bertthold c.m. perrins

263 264 265 266 267 268

Birds Blast Blast Bnephenthes of sumatra and peninsular malaysia Board review series cell and histology Bones; strukture and mechanics

2 1 1 2 1 1

Pantheon O'Reilly Media, Inc natural history Lippincott Princenton university press

robert bateman ian korf ian korf dkk. c clarke leslie gartner john d currey

269 Bonsai : cara membuat dan merawat pohon mini 270 Botanical microtechnique : principles and practice

1 1

Gramedia Capital Publishing Company

sigit khasim

271 272 273 274

2 1 1 1

Jones and Bartlet Publ. Timber press HOPS press Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Publisher Crowood Press

mauseth jones .d b capon thomas j elpels james d. mauseth

Botany : an introduction to plant biology, 2nd ed Botany for gardener revised edition Botany in aday : the palterm method of plant identification Botany: an introduction to plant biology (hardcover)

275 Breeding new plants and flowers 276 Brock bidogy of microorganisms 277 Brock biology of microorganisms

1 1 1

278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287

1 1 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 2

Brocks biology of microorganism Brownian agents and active particles Budidaya alpukat Budidaya anggrek dengan bibit dalam botol Budidaya jamur kuping,pembibitan dan pemeliharaan Budidaya jamur shitake Budidaya jamur tiram Budidaya melinjo : dan usaha produlsi emping Building bioinformatics solutions: with perl Buku latihan pemrograman database dengan visual basic 6.0 + cd

Benjamin Cuming

charles w welch michaelt. madigan, michael t. madigan dkk.

Pearson hgher springer Penerbit kanisius Penerbit kanisius Penerbit kanisius Penerbit kanisius Penerbit kanisius Kanisisus oxford university Elex Media

madigan frank schweitser rakmat rukmana d p sriyanti n m djarijah suhardiman h unus suriawiria sunanto conrad bessant drs ario suryo kusumo

288 Buku latihan spss statistik parametrik


PT Gramedia pustaka utama singgih santoso

289 290 291 292 293 294

Burton's microbiology for the health sciences (pb) 8th edition Butterfly of australian C4 plant biology Cambridge preparartion for the toefl test Cambridge preparation for the toefl test Cambridge preparation for the toefl test

2 3 2 1 1 1

Williams R Wilkins C Siro pub Academic Press Cambridge Cambridge University Press

engelkirk & burton michael f.braby sage , monson robert gear gear robert gear

295 Cambridge preparation the toefltm textbook / cd room /audio cd ; textbook / cd room / audio cd, 3rd ed 296 Campbell essential biology with mastering biology (4th edition) (hardcover). 2009. (text book)


Cambridge Univ. Press



Benjamin Cummings; 4 by eric j. simon edition (September 28, 2009)

297 298 299 300

1 1 1 1

CRC Press /Lewis Elsevier. Harwood Academi Smithsonian institution press

301 Cara belajar di perguruan tinggi


PT Gramedia pustaka utama rooijakkers

302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311

5 4 3 1 2 1 1 1 2 2

Gramedia Gramedia Gramedia Kangaroo CABI Pub cabi 1 springer Snauer Associates, Inc John Wiley & Sons Academic Press San Diego SA

ad rooijakkers don ws don ws tony camilleri ralf buckley r. buckley desh pal s verma g.m. cooper doyle / griffiths j.e.celis


Brooks / Cole Pub.Co

starr / taggart

Canabis the genus of canabis Cancer and autoimmunity Cannabis the genus cannabis Captivating life : a naturalist in the age of genetics

Cara belajar di perguruan tinngi yg baik Cara merawat dan menanam anggrek bulan Cara merawat dan mwnanam anggrek bulan Carnivorous plants Case studies in ecotorism Case studies in ecotourism hardcover Cel devision control in plants Cell : a molecelular appeoach, 3rd ed. Cell and tissue culture : laboratory procedures Cell biology : a laboratory handbook 2nd ed. (4-vol. Set)

312 Cell biology and genetics, 9thed. (with cd & infotrac)

dt brown shoenfeld david t brown john c avise

313 314 315 316 317

Cell cycle control and plant development Cell cycle control and plant development Cell division control in plants Cell growth differentlation and senesce a practical approach Cell growth,differentiation and senescence:a practical approach

4 1 1 1 1


318 319 320 321 322

Cell structure and signaling Cellular and molecular immunology Chambers dictionary of science and technology Chambers dictionary of science and technology Chemical food safety (modular texts) (text book)

1 1 1 1 1

Elsevier WB Saunder Chambers Chambers Publisher CABL, first edition

r.h. getzenberg abu k abbas chamber chambers leon brimer (author), mette tingleff skaamild (author) (paperback)

323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331

Chemistry in the garden Chiskpea breeding and management Chloeella makanan sehat alami Chromatin structure and function Citizenship sustainability and environmental research Classical mathematical physics dinamical system Classical mathematics physics Clinical anatomy and physiology of exotic species: Clinical bone marrow and blood stem cell transplantation

1 1 4 1 1 1 1 2 1

royal society of chemistry cabi 1 Gramedia Academic press Edward Elagar

james r. hanson s.s. yadav david steenblock wolfe john barry walter thirrring water thiring o malley kerry atkinson

332 333 334 335 336 337

Clinical immunology:principles and practice Coastal ecosystem process Coastal marine zooplankton Coastal planning and management Coastal planning management Coastal recreation management: the sustainable development of maritime leisure 338 Coastal zone management handbook 339 Coastal zone management handbook

1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1

Oxford univ press Oxford University Press

cambridge university press

inze, d. inze, d. desh pal s. verma studzinski gp studzinzki,gp

spon press

robert r. rich alongi todd robert kay robert kay t. goodhead

CRC Press

john r. clark john r. clark

Springer Cambridge Univ. Press Taylor & Francis

340 341 342 343 344

Cognition evolition and behavior Cokelat : budidaya, pengolahan hasil, dan aspek ekonominya Color atlas of genetics Color atlas of genetics Color atlas of genetics (thieme flexibook)

1 1 1 1 1

Oxford univ press Kanisius Thieme Thieme midical publiser Thieme Medical Publisher

sara j sunanto passarge e berhard e berhard

345 Commercial cooling of fruits 346 Communicating in bussines : a short course for bussines english student (student's book) 347 Community building: what makes it work 348 Community building:what makes it work;a review of factors influencing succesfull community building 349 Community organizing and development 350 Comparative anatomy of the vertebrates,9th ed 351 Comparative vertebrate anatomy, 3rd ed. : a laboratory dissection guide 352 Comparative vertebrate reproduction 353 Compendium of methods for the microbiologycal examination of foods, 4th ed. 354 Competing globally; stratgi bersaing dengan negosiasi dan manajemen lintas budaya 355 Complete english grammar

1 1

univ of california Cambridge

jf thomson sweeney

1 1

Fieldstone Alliance

paul w mattessich paul w. mattessich

1 2 2

allyn McGraw-Hill McGraw-Hill

herbert j. rubin kent kenneth v. kardong

2 1 4

Kluwer Academic Publ lombardi, julian American Public Health frances p. downes Asoociation PT Gramedia pustaka utama farid elasmawi,phd


PT Gramedia pustaka utama hilman fariz m

356 Complete illustrated encyclopedia of magical plants 357 Complete illustrated encyclopedia of magical plants 358 Composition of scientific words

1 1 2

susan gregg Fair Winds Press susan gregg Smithsonian institution press roland wilbur brown

359 Comprehensive toxicology 360 Computational drug design: a guide for computational and medicinal chemist (text book) 361 Computational statistics: an introduction to r (hardcover). 2009 (text book)

1 1

Pergammon gleen sipes Publisher: Wiley Interscience david c. young (hardcover) Chapman & Hall / CRC; 1 gunther sawitzki edition (January 26, 2009)


362 Computer simulation and data analysis in molecular biology and biophysics: an introduction using r (biological and medical physics, biomedical engineering) (text book) 363 Computing for comparative microbial genomics: bioinformatics for microbiologists (computational biology) (text book)


Publisher: Spronger; 1 Edition victor bloomfield (hardcover)


Springer Scince+ Business Media LLC

364 Concepts and challenges:life science 365 Concepts and challenges:the basic of life 366 Confidence percaya diri

1 1 3

367 Confligt prevention and resolution in water system 368 Conservation and biodiversity banking: a guide to setting up and running biodiversity credit trading system 369 Conservation and biodiversity banking: a guide to setting up and running biodiversity credit trading system 370 Conservation biological control 371 Conservation biology 372 Conservation biology : concepts and application, 2nd ed. 373 Conservation of genetic resources 374 Contemporary issues in animal agriculture 3e 375 Contemporary plant systematics 376 Contemporary plant systematics (3rd edition) 377 Contingent valuation and endangered species

1 1

Edward Elagar

aaron t wolf nathaniel carrol


nathaniel carrol

378 Conversion factors 379 Copnn's biological stain a handbook of dyes stains and fluorochromes

2 1

Publications Ltd Illustrated Edition Academic Press Island press McGraw-Hill Springer Person Education Andrew Univ Andrews Univ. Press Edward Elgar Publishing Limited Oxford univ press Bios scientific

380 Coral reefs of the indian ocean their ecology and conservation 381 Core concepts in supramolecular chemistry and nanochemistry

2 1

Oxford univ press

clanahan jonathan w. steed

382 Core concepts in supramolecular chemistry and nanochemistry


John Wiley and Sons

jonathan w. steed dkk.

383 Corral of the world vol 1,2,3


Sea Challenger

jen verron

2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1

david w. ussery, trudy m. wasseaar, and snefano berini Pearson Education leonard bernstein Person Education leonard bernstein PT Gramedia pustaka utama b de angelis

barbosa michael e p d boerma george cox d. virchow peter r. cheeke dw woodland dw woodland kristin m. jakobsson james l richard wh

384 Cost benefits analysis and the environment 385 Crc world dictionary of plants name 386 Creativity in business

2 1 1

387 Critical issues in ecotourism:understanding a complex tourism phenomenon 388 Crop responses to environmant 389 Cultur tourism 390 Cultur tourism 391 Cultural anthroplogy


392 Cultural anthropology 393 Culture , ecology, and sustainable development 394 Culture of animal ceels :a manual of basic techniques, fourthedition

1 1 1

Mittal publication John Wiley & Sons

ae hall mc. kercher mckercher serena nanda and richard l. warms serena nanda sukant kumar freshney, r.

395 Culture of animal cell 396 Culture of ephithelial cells 397 Cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms: state of the science and research needs (advances in experiment medicine and biology) (text book)

2 1 1

John Wiley & Sons John Wiley & Sons Springer US

freshney freshney h. kenneth hudnell

398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410

2 1 4 3 5 3 4 4 2 1 10 1 4

Spring lake pub Elsevier Pustaka pelajar Alumni Bayu Media Rajawali press Raja Grafindo P UGM press Erlangga Liberty penerbit UI Press Studia Press Grasindo PT

ak rei j.e. hesketh ali sumanto ukun suryaman luchman hakim benyamin l benyamin l harry haris anna c pai chafid fandeli, michael j pelczar Tholib Kasan zaenal arifin

Cyanobacterial nitrogen megtabolism and environmental Cytoskeleton in specialed tissues and in pathological states Daily english conversation Dasar dasar bahasa indonesia baku Dasar dasar ekowisata Dasar dasar fisiologi Dasar dasar fisiologi tumbuhan Dasar dasar genetika biokemis manusia Dasar dasar genetika biokemis manusia Dasar dasar Manajemen Kepariwisataan Alam Dasar dasar mikrobiologi Dasar-dasar Pendidikan Dasar dasar penulisan karangan ilmiah

1 1 1 1

Edward Elagar CRC Press /Lewis Pustaka binaman pressindo

nick hanley quattrocchi carol kinsey james hignam

CRC Press /Lewis Roudledge Wadsworth Publishing

411 412 413 414

Dasar dasar penyakit tanaman Dasar dasar perlindungan tanaman Dasar dasar statistika Data analysis using regression and multilevel/hierarchical modela (text model) 415 Daya tarik+ pengelolaan agrowisata

4 6 2 1

Bina aksara Bumi Aksara Alfabete Cambridge University Press

416 417 418 419 420 421 422

Dengue (tropical medicine science and practice) Dengue (tropical medicine science and practice) Dengue virus Dengue virus Design and analysis of ecologocal experiments,second edition Developing bioinformatics computer skills Developing bioinformatics computer skills

1 1 1 1 2 1 1

423 424 425 426 427 428

Development Developmental biology of flowering plants Developmental biology of flowering plants Developmental biology, 6th ed. Developmental genetics and plant evolution Developmental toxicology, third edition (target organ toxicology series)

2 2 2 2 1 1

Springer Verlag Springer Verlag Springer Sianauer Assoc t&f stm Publisher: Informa Healthcare

429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438

Diagnostic immunohistochemistry Diagnotic immunohistochemistry Dicotyledons Dictionary of cell & molecular biology, 2nd ed. Dictionary of environmental economics science and policy Digital zoology version 2.0 cd- rom with workbook Diversity and evolutionary biology of tropical flowers Diversuty of live the lustrated guide to the of five kngdoms Dna vaccines Dna vaccines (method in molecular medicine

1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1

Churchill livingstone Churchill Springer Textbooks Academic Press Edward Elagar McGraw-Hill Cambridge Univ. Press jones


Imperial College Press springer Springer OUP USA Humana Press

Humana Press

djafaruddin djafaruddin drs ridwan,mba andrew golman, jennifer hill ir. moh. reza tirtawinata,ms scott b. halstead scott b. halstead alan r. rothman alan l.rothman samuel m. scheiner cyinthia gibas cynthia gibas and per jambeck russo raghavan v. raghavan gilbert,scott f. cronk by deborah k. hansen and barbara d. abbott. (hardcover) david dabbs dauld j u. eggil lackie,dow r quentin grafton jon houseman peter ke margulis mark w. saltzman mark w. saltzman dkk.

439 Double haploid production in crop plants amanual


Kluwer Academic Publishers

m maluszinski

440 Double your brain power 441 Doubled haploid production in crop plant 442 Drug discovery and evaluation : pharmacologycal assays, 2nd ed. (with cd-rom) 443 Drug discovery from nature 444 Drug discovery from nature 445 Dynamics of marine ecosystems: biological-physical interaction in the oceans 446 Dynamics of the eco efficient economy 447 Dynamics of weed population 448 Eating in paradise cooking in bali dan jawa 449 Ecohydrology: processes models and case studies (text book)

5 2 1

Gramedia springer Springer

stine jean amanual m h.g. vogel

2 1 2

Springer spiringer Blackwel Science

gabley, thiericke s grabley mann & lazier

2 2 1 1

Edward Elagar Cambridge Dumont Monte CABI

emiel fm wubben roger cusens noni siauw d. harper, m. zalewski, s.e. jorgensen, n. pacini

450 Ecohydrology: vegetation function, water and resource management (text book)


CSIRO Publishing

451 452 453 454 455

1 1 1 1 1

CRC Press

2 1

McGraw-Hill Addison Wesley Longman

derek eamus, tom hatton, peter, cook, christine colvin dauzy rani batish dkk. daizy rani batish gurney, nisbet a lewe william e. grant, tood m. swannack molles krebs

1 1 1 2 1

Cambridge Wiley - Blackwell

456 457 458 459 460 461 462

Ecological basic of agroforestry Ecological basis of agroforestry Ecological dynamics Ecological genetics design, analysis,and application Ecological modelling: a common-sense approach to theory and practice (text book) Ecology : concept and applications Ecology ; the experimental analysis of distribution and abudance ; hands on field package,5th ed Ecology and control of introduced plants Ecology of coastal water: with implications for management Ecology of coastal waters: with implication for management Ecology of insect consepts and applications Ecology of phytoplankton

Oxford Univ. Press Blackwell Wiley-Blackwell

Blackwell Science

judith h myers kenneth h. mann kenneth h. mann speight c.s. reynolds

463 Ecology of phytoplankton


Cambridge University Press

c. s. reynolds

464 Ecology, science media 465 Ecology: concepts and applcation 5e (text book)

2 1

Jr.Mc.Graw -Hill

466 467 468 469

1 2 1 2

Benyamin Cummings McGraw-Hill Edward Elagar food product

manuel c. molles, -hill kerbs sambhaunerty amnon levy suresh chandra babu

1 1 2

Edward Oxford univ press Yale University Press

clem tisdel charles j krebs boyce

1 1 1 2 1 1 1

Springer Verlag Wiley Island Press Spring lake pub Timber pres University of texas press

cockell david weaver david weaver martha honey jwg cairney ian r hall david w ficher

480 Effective classroom management 481 Effective project management 3rd ed. : traditional, adaptive, extreme

1 2

Pearson Education John Wiley & Sons

carlette jackson hardin r.k. wysocki

482 Ekologi hewan tanah


Bumi Aksara

483 484 485 486 487

5 3 1 1 2

Usaha nasional Djambatan PT Sinar Harapan Humana Press Jones and Bartlet Publ.

dr. nurdin muhammad suin agoes soegianto otto soemarwoto Deny Hidayati, dkk. a. hajibagheri bozzola, john

470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479

Ecologycal methodology, 2nd ed. Economic botany : plants in our world,3rd ed. Economic growth inequality and migration Economic reform and food security : the impact of trad and tecnplogy in south asia Economics and ecology in agriculture and marine production Ecosystem dynamic of boreal forest the kuane project Ecosystem management : application for sustainable forest and wildife resource Ecosystem, evolution and ultraviolet radiation Ecotourism Ecotourism Ecotourism and sertication: setting standards in practise Ectomycorrnizal fungi Edible and poissonous mushrooms of the world Edible wild mushroom of north america : a field to kitchen guide

Ekologi kuantitatif Ekology; linkungan hidup dan pembangunan Ekowisata: Pembelajaran dari Kalimantan Timur Electron microcopy methods and protocols Electron microscopy : principle and technique for biologist

488 Electronic plant anatomy cd-rom


489 Elisa guidebook 490 Embriology of flowering plant terminology and concepts 491 Emotional intelligence ( kecerdasan emosi )

1 1 2

492 493 494 495 496 497

4 2 1 2 1 1

Emotional intelligence ( kecerdasan emosi ) Encyclopedi tumbuh tumbuhan Encyclopedia of biodiversity, 5 vol.set Encyclopedia of endangered species Encyclopedia of endangered species vol.2 Encyclopedia of exotic plants for temperate climates (text book) hardcover: 440 pages

McGraw-Hill Science / Engineering / Math Humana Press Sciences Publisers PT Gramedia pustaka utama

richard crang

daniel golemman samsoeri effendi levin ( ed ) mary emanoil (ed) bill freedman will giles

jr crowther tb batygina d goleman

498 Encyclopedia of food mycotoxins 499 Encyclopedia of genetics 500 Encyclopedia of hardy plants: annuals, bulbs, herbs, perennials,shurbs,trees, vegetables, fruits and nuts 501 Encyclopedia of plant and crop science 502 English Grammar: Need To Know 503 English For Negotiating: Down to Business 504 English For Presentations: Down to Business 505 English For Socializing: Down to Business 506 English For Telephone Calls: Down to Business 507 English for profesional accomodation servicer 508 English pronunciation 509 English pronunciation; the english speech sounds theory & practice

1 1 1

Gramedia Karya anda Academic Press Gale Group Gale Group Publisher: Timber Press (November 1, 2007) Language: English Springer Verlag Academic press firefly books

1 1 1 1 1 1 3 5 6

marcel dekken Minimax Minimax Minimax Minimax Minimax Gramedia Gramedia PT Gramedia pustaka utama

robert m. goodman Bob Dignen Bob Dignen Bob Dignen Bob Dignen Bob Dignen sutanto leo indriani indriani

510 Enterpreneurship: a process perspective


South Western College Publishing

robert a. baron

511 Enterpreneurship: aprose perspective 512 Enterpreneurship: succesfully launching new ventures

1 1

Prentice Hall

martin weidenborner brenner s derek fell

ropbert a. baron barringer

513 Entomology and pest management (6th edition) (text book)


Publisher: Prentice Hall; 6 Edition

514 Entomopathogenic bacteria: from laboratory to field application (text book)


Kluwer Academic Publisher

515 516 517 518 519 520

2 1 1 2 2 2

Univ of nebraska McGraw-Hill

Edward Elagar

larry p.pedigo (author), marlin rice (author) (hardcover) . charles, armelle deldclose, c. nielsen-le roux, and christina nielsen-le roux ferdinand v hayden hisrich barringer patricia anil markandya twan huybers

2 1

Academic Press Wiley-Blackwell

raina m.mairer engege l. madsen

1 2

CRC Press Edward Elagar

skidmore, a. charlos montalvo corral

525 Environmental policy instruments for conserving global biodiversity (text book) 526 Environmental risk planning and management 527 Environmental science : a global concem 528 Environmental science : global ecosystem under stress, 4th ed 529 Environmental stress and gene regulations 530 Environmentals ethics and phylosophy 531 Enzyme handbook 15 532 Enzymes in the environment 533 Esau's plant anatomy: meristems, cells, and tissues of the plant body: their structure, function, and development, 3rd edition (text book)



oliver deke

1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1

Edward Elagar McGraw-Hill Kendall/ Hunt Pub. BIOS Scientific Pub. Edward Elagar Springer Marcel Dekker Wiley-Liss, 3 Edition

simon gerrad cunningham amfield, edwin storey john o neil schomburg burns ray f.even & susan e. eichhorn, 2006

534 Essau's plant anatomy


521 522 523 524

Entrepreneur of science Entrepreneurship, 5th ed. Entrepreneurship:successfully launching new ventures Environmental anthropology Environmental economics for sustainable grownt Environmental management and the competitiveness of nature based tourist destination Environmental microbiology Environmental microbiology: from genom to biogeochemistry, 2008 (text book) Environmental modelling with gis and remote sensing Environmental policy and technological inovation



535 Essau's plant anatomy: meristems, cells, and tissues of the plant body




536 537 538 539

1 1 2 1

John Willey Cumming Oxford Univ. Press Springer

pratt campbell george c. mc gavin vasilis d. valavanis

540 Essential grammar in use : a self study refrerency and practice book for elementary students of english (with answer), 2nd ed.




541 542 543 544 545

1 2 2 2 1

Sinauer Edward Amord Prentice Hall Addison Wesley Longman Amer Phytopathological Society

rb primack j.h. garbutt klug, cummings marieb e gail schumann and cleora j. d'arcy robert lanza robert lanza and robert lanza and irina klimanskya mariet jacqueline stanley robert l-anza; by neil a. campbell, simon, reece, dickey eric wolanski gary j martin richard evans schuites and sir van reis cotton, cm c. m. cotton richard evans schvites m. cotton

Essential biochemictry Essential biology with physiologi Essential entomology - an order - by - order introduction Essential fish habitat mapping in the mediterranean (text book)

Essential of conservation biology Essential of food microbiology Essential of genetics, 3rd ed. Essential of human anatomy and physiology Essential plant pathology 2e (text book)

546 Essential stem cell methods 547 Essential stem cell methods 548 Essential stem cell methods

1 1 1

549 550 551 552

2 1 2 1

Addison-Wesey delmar cengage learning

553 Estuarine ecohydrology 554 Ethnobotany 555 Ethnobotany: evolution of a discipline

1 1 1

Elsevier Earthscan Timber Press

556 557 558 559

2 1 1 1

John Wiley Wiley

Essentials of human anatomy and physiology Essentials of immunology and serology Essentials of stem cell biology2ndedition Esssential biology, 4e

Ethnobotany: principes and applications (pb) Ethnobotany: princples and application Ethnobotany:evolution of discipline Ethnobothany: principles and application

Elsevier, academic press

Benjamin Cummings

560 Evaluasi pendidikan 561 Evaluating programs to increase sudent achievement 562 Evalutionary history of the marsupials and an analiysis of osteological characters 563 Everyday conversation 564 Everyday conversation 565 Everyday english phrases 566 Evolution : an introduction 567 Evolutionary biology of hostparasite relationship : theory meets reality

4 1 1

Bumi Aksara Pearson Education Cambridge UP

slameto martin h. jason szalay

2 2 5 2 2

Gramedia Pustaka pelajar Gramedia Oxford Univ. Press Elsevier Science

dean cufry sobari muhammad rayner hardjono stearnes & hoekstra poulin

568 Evolutionary developmental biology, 2nd ed. 569 Evolutionary ecology of bird 570 Executive eq ; kecerdasan emosional dalam kepemimipinan dan organisasi 571 Exercises in group work 572 Experiment plant physiology

2 1 4

Kluwer Academic Publ halliday Oxford univ press peter m benett PT Gramedia pustaka utama r k cooper

1 1

Person Education Bibliobazaar

573 Experimental central understanding scientific principles theory project


Edward Elagar

kurt l. kraus daniel tremblybmacdougal jt tanarcredi

574 Experimental central understanding scientific principles theory project


Edward Elagar

jt tanarcredi

575 Experimental central understanding scientific principles theory project


Edward Elagar

jt tanarcredi

576 Experimental central understanding scientific principles theory project


Edward Elagar

jt tanarcredi

577 578 579 580 581 582

1 1 1 1 1 1

Oxford Univ. Press McGraw-Hill Pearson Education CRC Press Blackwell Springer

haeffner ronald d. key tiden wayne perry mansi michael bernard new cresti.g.cai

Exploring marine biology Farm management 5e Feeds and feeding 6e Fermentation microbiology and biotechnology 2nd edition Fers water prawn culture Fertilization in higher plants

583 Fetal cardiology: embryology, genetics, physiology, echocardiographic evaluation, diagnosis and perinatal management of cardiac disease


Informa HealthCare

simcha yagel dkk.

584 Fetal cardiology: embryology, genetics,physiology, ecfiocardiographic evaluation, diagnosie and perinatal management of cardiac diseases,


simcha yagel

€' ence for belief 585 Fhe language of god: a scientist preserf 586 Field measurements for forest carbon monitoring: a landscape-scale approach (text book) 587 Field theori 588 Financing for enterpreneurs and bisinesses 589 Finfish and shellfish bacteriology manual 590 Fingerprints of god the search for the science of spiritual 591 Fish behavior in the aquarium and in the wild 592 Fish conservation: a guide to understanding and restoring global aquatic biodiversity and fishery 593 Fisiologi ikan 594 Fisiologi reproduksi pada mamalia dan unggas, edisi ketiga 595 Fisiologi reproduksi pada ternak 596 Fisiologi tanaman budidaya 597 Fisiologi tanaman budidaya 598 Fisiologi tanaman budidaya 599 Fisiologi tanaman budidaya 600 Fisiologi tanaman budidaya 601 Fisiologi tanaman budidaya 602 Flora 603 Flora eksotika, tanaman hias berbunga 604 Flora malesiana : leguminose (caesalpinioideae of se asia) (cd-rom)

1 1


francis s. collins coeli m. hoover

1 1 1 2 2 1

Singapore Univ. press Blackwell Riverhead cornell island press

tan chwee huat kimberley a. whitman barbara bradley stephan reebs gene s. heffman

4 1 1 4 4 5 3 3 3 1 2 2

Reneka cipta UI Press Surya angkasa UI Press UIP UI Press UIP UIP UIP Pradnya Paramita Penerbit kanisius Springer Textbooks

yushinta fujuya nalbandov mozes,rt franklin p gardner franklin g franklin franklin p franklin p franklin p van steenis sutami m suryowinoto j.w.a.ridder-nurman

605 Flourescence microscopy of living in culture, part b 489pp soft cover


606 Flow cytometry and cell sorting


Academic Press Inc.,San Diego Springer

a radbruch

607 Flowering and it manipulation


charles colin ainsworth

608 Flowering and its manipulations


Blackwell Publishing

charles collin, ainsworth

609 Flowering plants embriology : with emphasis on economic species



nr lersten

610 Food biotechnology in ethical perspective (the international library of enviromental, agricultural and food ethics) (hardcover) (text book)


Publisher: Springer, 2nd Edition

paul b. thompson (hardcover)

611 Food colorants: chemical and functional properties 612 Food colorants: chemical and functional properties 613 Food flavour technology 2e (text book)

1 1 1

614 Food microbiology 615 Food microbiology 616 Food microbiology ; fundamentals and frontiers, 2nd ed

1 1 1

617 Food microbiology and laboratory practice 618 Food microbiology protocols 619 Food, crop pest and the environment : the need and potential for biologycal intensive integrated pest management 620 Foodborne pathogenic microorganism and natural toxins handbook

1 1 2

621 Foodborne pathogenic microorganisms and natural toxin handbook


Internal Medical Publishing

622 Foodborne pathogens:microbiology and molecular biology 623 Foot microbiology ; a laboratory manual

1 1

caister John Wiley & Sons

CRC Press Publisher: Wile-Blackwell

Royal society Royal society American Society for Microbioloy Blackwell Humana Press APS Press


carmen socaciu carmen socaciu by andrew j. taylor and robert linforth (haerdcover) mr adams mr adams doyle , beuchat chris beel (ed) dr.john ft spencer frank & drug administration center for food safety and applied nutrition u.s. food & drug administration center for food safety & applied nutrition pina m fratamico yousef

624 Foraminifera



625 Forensic botany principles and aplication to criminal casework 626 Forest : health and protection 627 Forest landscape ecology transfering knowledge to practice (text book)

1 1 1

CRC Press McGraw-Hill Springer

628 Forest management 629 Forest resources and wood-based biomass energy as rural development assets 630 Fossils: the key to the past 3rd 631 Foundation in microbiology with bound 632 Foundation of systematic and biogeography 633 Foundation of tropical forest biology: classic papers with commentaries

2 1

McGraw-Hill Science Publisher inc.

harsono dan hm ccoyle edmons ajith h. perers, lisa j. buse, thomas r. crow davis bentley

1 1 1 1

MC Graw springer university of chicago press

richard fortey kathleen park david m wlliam robin l.chazdon

634 Foundation papers in landscape ecology. 2006. (text book) 635 Foundations of parasitology, 6th ed. 636 Foundations of restoration ecology. 2006. (text book)

1 2 1

Colmbia University Press, McGraw-Hill Island Press

john a. wiens. robert & janovy donald a. falk, margaret a. palmer, joy b. zedler, society for ecological restoration international

637 Fresh water microbiology: biodiversity and dynamic interactions of microorganisms in the aquatic environment 638 Freshwater ecology 639 Fundamental food microbiology, 2nd ed. 640 Fundamental immunology 641 Fundamental of genetics, 2nd ed. 642 Fundamental of oceanography 643 Fundamental of plant breeding and hybrid seed production 644 Fundamentals of anatomy & physiology 645 Fundamentals of light microscopy and 646 Fungal disease resistance in plant


John Wiley

sigee, d.

1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2

Blackwell CRC Press, Inc. lippincott Addison Wesley Longman McGraw-Hill Science publiser

g closs ray, bibek william e paul russell duxbudy agrawal rl mdrtini, douglas b zamir k punza

John Wiley food product

647 Fungal pathogenesis in plants and crops:molecular biology and host defense 648 Fungi in bioremidiation ( british microbiology society symposia






gm gadd

649 Fungtional tissue engineering 650 Gainish fauna

1 3

Springer d money PT Gramedia pustaka utama hernanto

651 Garnish flora


PT Gramedia pustaka utama hernanto

652 653 654 655 656 657 658

2 2 1 1 1 1 1

Rajawali press Gama Media John Wiley & Sons Inc Oxford. CRC Press /Lewis Academic Press Academic press

2 2 2 3 2 1 1

McGraw Hill Wadsworth Pub. McGraw-Hill Mc Graw Hill Plymbridge Promentheus Books Publisher: Marlowe & Company

659 660 661 662 663 664 665

Gatra tanah dalam pembangunan hutan tanaman di indonesia Gebang pohon kehidupan Gel electrophoresis : essential data series 146pp.soft cover Gel electrophoresis of proteins : a practical approach, 3rd ed. Gene biotechnology Gene expression technology : methods in enzymology Gene theraphy of cancer translational approuch from preclinical studies to clinical implementation General ecology : laboratory manual, 8th ed. General ecology, 2nd ed. General zoology laboratory guide General zoology laboratory manual guide Genetic resources : apratical guide to their conservation Genetical modified food : debating biotechnology Genetically engineered food: a self-defense guide for consumers (paperback) (text book)

666 Genetically engineered food: methods and detection (hardcover) (text book) 667 Genetics : analysis and principles 668 Genetics : laboratory investigations, 12th ed. 669 Genetics practice problems and solution 670 Genetics: principles, concepts and implication

1 1 1 2 2

poerwowidodo yonathan lema d. patel hames william wu goeddel lattime ec

george cox krohne lytle charles lyte d. quirol michael ruse by ronnie cummins (author), ben lilliston (author), frances moore lappe (author) Publisher. Wily-VCH;2 edition by knut j. heller (editor) (hardcover) Benyamin Cummings brooker Prentice Hall mertens Addison Wesley Longman chinnici,matthes Science Publisher inc. jain

671 672 673 674 675 676 677

Genome maping and sequencing Geodesi Satelit Geographic information system and science Geography and gis serving our world Geography and gis sustaining Geography creating communicatis Get electroporesis of proteins a practical aproach. 3rd ed.

1 1 2 1 1 1 1

678 Getting biodiversity projects to work: toward more effective conservation and development 679 Gis aplications in agriculture 680 Gis for environmental managemen 681 Gis for sustainable development 682 Gis for sustainable development 683 Gis methodologies for developing conservation strategies 684 Gis