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tuate the need for careful and detailed consideration of noise during circuit design and optimization. • Supply voltages are being lowered, leading to smaller mar-.


Noise Considerations in Circuit Optimization Chandu Visweswariah, Senior Member, IEEE, Ruud A. Haring, Senior Member, IEEE, and Andrew R. Conn

Abstract—Noise can cause digital circuits to switch incorrectly, producing spurious results. It can also have adverse power, timing and reliability effects. Dynamic logic is particularly susceptible to charge-sharing and coupling noise. Thus, the design and optimization of a circuit should take noise considerations into account. Such considerations are typically stated as semi-infinite constraints in the time-domain. Semi-infinite problems are generally harder to solve than standard nonlinear optimization problems. Moreover, the number of noise constraints can potentially be very large. This paper describes a novel and practical method for incorporating realistic noise considerations during automatic circuit optimization by representing semi-infinite constraints as ordinary equality constraints involving time integrals. Using an augmented Lagrangian optimization merit function, the adjoint method is applied to compute all the gradients required for optimization in a single adjoint analysis, no matter how many noise measurements are considered and irrespective of the dimensionality of the problem. Thus, for the first time, a method is described to practically accommodate a large number of noise considerations during circuit optimization. The technique has been applied to optimization using time-domain simulation, but could be applied in the future to optimization on a static-timing basis. Numerical results are presented. Index Terms—Adjoint sensitivities, circuit optimization, noise, semi-infinite programming, transistor sizing.



N THE context of digital circuits, noise is defined as any deviation of a signal from its nominal value in those subintervals of time when it should otherwise be stable [1]. Noise in digital circuits can be attributed to several sources, such as leakage noise, charge-sharing noise, crosstalk noise, and power supply noise. Rigorous noise analysis and noise considerations during design are becoming increasingly important. The following trends in modern digital integrated circuit design accentuate the need for careful and detailed consideration of noise during circuit design and optimization. • Supply voltages are being lowered, leading to smaller margins for noise. • Transistor threshold voltages are being lowered, leading to higher levels of leakage noise. Manuscript received June 14, 1999; revised February 24, 2000. This paper was recommended by Associate Editor R. Saleh. C. Visweswariah is with the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, Computer Architecture and Design Automation Department, Route 134 and Taconic, Room 33-156, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 USA (e-mail: [email protected]). R. A. Haring is with the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, Integrated System Design Department, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 USA (e-mail: [email protected]). A. R. Conn is with the Numerical Analysis Department, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 USA (e-mail: [email protected]). Publisher Item Identifier S 0278-0070(00)05344-6.

• Circuits are being packed closer together, leading to increased coupling and crosstalk noise. • Signals have faster rise and fall times, leading to more power supply noise. • The increased use of dynamic circuitry for performance reasons worsens the susceptibility to noise problems. Charge-sharing noise problems are often avoided by appropriate sizing of transistors. When a circuit is optimized, noise should be considered in addition to such criteria as delay, power, and area. The mathematical expression of noise considerations in circuit optimization is in the form of a nonlinear semi-infinite problem [2], [3]. Moreover, the number of signals that must be checked for noise violations and the number of subintervals of time during which these checks must be performed are potentially very large. Hence, the incorporation of noise considerations during circuit optimization is an arduous task and no practical solution exists in the literature. This paper presents a method for efficiently incorporating noise considerations during circuit optimization based on timedomain simulation. The semi-infinite noise considerations are first mapped into equality constraints involving time integrals. The time integrals are computed during the simulation in the inner loop of the optimizer. The time integral form of the resulting equality constraint lends itself well to gradient computation by the adjoint method [4]. By exploiting the fact that the optimizer builds a scalar merit function, all the gradients of the merit function are computed in a single adjoint analysis [5], [6], thus, rendering the procedure tractable. Prototype software to tune transistor and wire sizes while taking into account noise, delay, slew (rise/fall time), power, and area considerations has been developed. The prototype implementation demonstrates dynamic (time-domain simulation based) circuit optimization; in the future, similar concepts could be used in optimization on a static-timing basis. The outline of the rest of the paper is as follows. Section II demonstrates the key idea by means of a simple example and the concept is generalized in Section III. Implementation details are discussed in Section IV and numerical results presented in Section V. Following that, Section VI concentrates on the potential for applying these techniques to circuit optimization on a static timing basis. Section VII concludes the paper. II. DEMONSTRATION OF THE CONCEPT BY MEANS OF AN EXAMPLE Fig. 1 shows a CMOS dynamic logical AND circuit susceptible to charge-sharing noise, and associated waveforms. The first-arriving active-low reset pulse on input precharges the , which in turn switches the output node to a low node

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Fig. 2. Noise spike in a signal that should be stable.

sizes of the transistors of the output inverter, hence, is a function of ; depending on the design guidelines, a conservative constant could also be picked. Problem (1) describes a semi-infinite problem [2], [3] with time as the semi-infinite parameter. The inequality constraint in (1) must be satisfied at an infinite number of time points between and . We reformulate (1) as

Fig. 1. Dynamic circuit susceptible to charge-sharing noise and associated waveforms.

state. Assume that node is in a low state due to previous switching history. The subsequently incident active-high pulse . Since input B remains low, on input turns on transistor and are not supposed to switch logical state the nodes and the circuit should maintain its reset state. is on, charge-sharing occurs beHowever, since transistor and until both nodes reach an equilibrium tween nodes voltage. The equilibrium voltage, between the initially high state and the initially low state of node , is determined of node by the relative capacitances associated with these nodes. The redue to charge-sharing noise is sulting dip in voltage at node is low, schematically indicated in its waveform. Since node is on. It counteracts the voltage the small stand-by transistor and eventually restores both nodes and node dip on node to the high state. It is imperative that the relative sizing of transistors prevents the dip from causing the output inverter INV to switch. To ensure that the inverter output is stable, the magneeds to be nitude of the noise dip in the waveform on node contained within the allowed noise margin of the inverter. For illustration purposes, assume that the optimization problem of interest for this circuit is to minimize the reset delay falling), while limiting the charge-sharing ( falling to to within the inverter’s noise margin. Assuming noise on is fixed and that the variables that the falling transition of are the widths of the six of optimization transistors in the figure (two being inside the inverter), the problem can be stated as



is the 50% crossing point of the falling voltage tranwhere and is the voltage on node , which is sition on node a function of transistor widths and time. The noise margin level in Fig. 1 and (1). The worst case noise is indicated as is in general a function of the that can be tolerated on node

s.t. (2) wherein the semi-infinite noise constraint of (1) has been transformed into an equality constraint involving the time integral . Note that the equality constraint is satisfied if and only if the semi-infinite constraint in (1) is satisfied.1 In other words, a feasible solution to (2) is bound to have no noise violation. The equality constraint relates to an inexact penalty function for the semi-infinite programming problem (see, for example, [7]). , and is indicated Fig. 2 shows the waveform by the shaded area. The constraint in (1) is satisfied when this shaded area vanishes. Note that if we run a time-domain simulais known for all time. Time, which tion of this circuit, is our semi-infinite parameter, is discretized during the simula. tion, thus, making it easy to compute Referring to Fig. 2, we can write

(3) where and are the start and end times of the unwanted signal . deviation below the present value of the noise margin Of course, it is possible that the signal crosses the noise margin multiple times, leading to multiple2 “noise bumps.” In such a is computed as a summation of integrals. For purcase, poses of illustration, this example assumes that there is a single noise bump; the following section deals with the general case. between Thus, integrating the quantity and yields the required constraint. In order to solve (2), we also need to provide the gradients of to the optimizer. We note that of (3) is differentiable. Thus, we can write (4)


1Provided the waveform v (x; t) is a continuously differentiable function of and t. 2Of course, for circuits, the number of crossings is finite.



Note that and themselves are functions of the tunable parameters of the circuit and, hence, will change from iteration to iteration of the optimization. Appealing to Leibniz’s theorem for differentiation of an integral [8, p. 11], we obtain

(5) Since the noise deviations at definition, the final result is


are zero by

(6) or , the correIn the special case when either sponding limit of the integration is not a function of and the same result is trivially obtained. If there is no noise violation, and its gradients are identically zero. We observe that (6) requires us to compute two terms. The first is a constant that is known after the nominal simulation; is obtained by simply differentiating the noise margin model. The second is the time integral of a voltage gradient, or equivalently the gradient of the time integral of a voltage. The integral form of (6) lends itself particularly well to adjoint computations. Since efficient gradient computation is a key component of our scheme, we describe it below in some detail. In Fig. 3, the adjoint method of transient sensitivity computation is illustrated. The circuit at the top of the figure is a flattened version of the circuit of Fig. 1. Since we have “measurements” at and , we instrument them with zero-valued curnodes rent sources to ground which act as ideal voltmeters. We then proceed to solve this nominal circuit and obtain the waveforms and . The constraint value , the crossing time , at and are known at this point. The next step is to configure a new circuit with the same topology (the “adjoint” circuit) to compute the gradients of interest (the second part of Fig. 3). Adjoint quantities are denoted with a ^ above the corresponding nominal quantities. The branch constitutive relations of the elements in the adjoint circuit are chosen as appropriate time-varying conductances [4], control is reversed and all independent voltage sources grounded. In our simple example, the primary inputs , , and are also driven by voltage sources, so the equivalent nodes in the adjoint circuit and so as are grounded as well. We now have to choose to obtain the required gradients. Let us first focus on the noise ; since the measurement on is not measurement at node to zero. involved, we choose to set A good reference for the derivation of adjoint sensitivity leading up to the discussion below is [9, Ch. 9]. We begin by appealing to the basic adjoint relation (7)

Fig. 3. Application of the adjoint method to compute sensitivity.

where the nominal simulation is carried out from to , is the variation of the voltage on node , is the varithe ation of a parameter (transistor width in our case) and convolution of the nominal and adjoint waveform (in our case the source-drain voltage of the transistor) corresponding to . If we choose to be a unit pulse as shown in the bottom part of Fig. 3, then we obtain (8) or in the limit of infinitesimal parameter variations for all


Time is run backward and the adjoint circuit is analyzed with the chosen excitation. The waveforms of the adjoint circuit are convolved with the appropriate waveforms of the nominal circuit to obtain the sensitivities represented by . Hence, the reon the right-hand quired components of the gradients of side of (6) are obtained in a single adjoint analysis.



Next, we configure the adjoint circuit to determine the sen. For this, we sitivity of , the 50% crossing time on node and to be a unit Dirac delta function at the choose time of the 50% crossing in the nominal circuit. Applying this excitation to the basic adjoint relation, we obtain

for all


are the convolution integrals obtained with the new where set of excitations. The sensitivity of is then obtained as

The scaling of the excitations of the adjoint circuit will then be dependent on optimizer variables like the Lagrange multipliers (and more generally, nonlinear relationships like the constraint values). The simulator and optimizer software must cooperate closely in order to apply this method to determine the gradients of . The tremendous benefit is that all the gradients of can be computed in a single adjoint analysis, irrespective of the number of variables of the problem, the number of signals that must be checked for noise, and the number of time subintervals during which the checking must be carried out! Section II will expand the key ideas illustrated so far to a general circuit optimization problem, with general equality and inequality constraints and (optionally) objective functions involving noise considerations. III. MATHEMATICAL FORMULATION


The numerator is the sensitivity from (10), and the denominator measured at . is merely the voltage slope of Thus, all the required gradients can be obtained in this example by two appropriately configured adjoint analyzes. A full description of the above process and its efficient implementation in piecewise approximate, event-driven circuit simulators is given in.[4], [9], and [10] In a practical situation, there may be a large number of signals to be checked for noise, and several subintervals of time during which the checking must be carried out. There may also be several other delay or power measurements. Thus, the above computations may render the optimization too inefficient to be practical since the number of adjoint analyzes and convolutions can be large. However, if the optimization algorithm involves repeated minimization of a scalar merit function, we can directly compute the necessary gradients of the merit function rather than those of the individual measurements. For simplicity, suppose we have noise constraints and the optimizer formulates a Lagrangian merit function (see [11, p. 79])

(12) where is an objective function to be minimized (e.g., delay, area or power); are equalities derived from remapping noise constraints; are the Lagrange multipliers or dual variables corresponding to the constraints. and each of Then, instead of computing the gradients of separately, we can compute the gradients of by apthe plying the adjoint method of gradient computation described in [5] and [6]. Scaled versions of all the adjoint excitations required for individual measurements are applied simultaneously; the resulting adjoint circuit is solved just once and one set of convolutions yields the gradients of with respect to all the variables.

In Section II, we considered the specific case of minimizing a circuit delay subject to a single noise constraint. In this section, we will formulate more general problems. First, consider the minimization of a specific noise measurement subject to multiple other equality and inequality constraints, including multiple noise constraints. The circuit optimization problem is mathematically stated as

s.t. s.t. s.t. s.t. (13) The variables of the problem are denoted by . The quantity is a noise function whose positive deviwe wish to minimize, , , ation from zero during and are , and equality, less-than and greater-than constraints, respectively, expressed in terms of the circuit measurenoise constraints has three constants ( , ments. Each of , and ) and one width-dependent noise margin ( ) associated with it. For a signal that should be at a stable logical and . For a signal low, typically and that should be at a stable logical high, typically . Problem (13) above is remapped to

s.t. s.t. s.t. s.t. s.t. (14)



where is an auxiliary (“minimax”) variable. This problem is in turn reformulated as



Fig. 4. Remapping of the objective function.

s.t. cally zero. If not, be written as


for this iteration of the optimization may


(17) (15)

and the problem is posed to the nonlinear optimization software as one effectively involving ordinary constraints. Fig. 4 shows the remapping of the objective function graphically. In the figure, the goal is to push down as much as possible, while keeping the shaded area equal to zero. Thus, at the solution, must be above the curve, but as low as possible. Problem (15) above can be rewritten in a simpler form with an additional simple bound on as s.t. s.t. s.t. s.t. s.t.


(18) and, thus, easily computed since time is discretized during the time-domain simulation and the voltage waveforms are known. At this point, the original noise objective function from (13) has been mapped into an equivalent differentiable equality constraint (17) and an objective function comprising a newly introduced variable . Each noise constraint in (13) has been mapped into a differentiable equality constraint (18). The next step is to compute the gradients of the merit function of the optimizer. One way to do so is to compute the gradient of each of the objective functions and constraints. The gradients of the regular constraints ( , and ) are computed by any applicable means. The gradients of the noise constraints of the reformulated problem are

s.t. for all

(16) provided the optimizer guarantees that all iterates respect the additional simple bound. The introduced variable requires initialization, typically at a value that approximates the maximum of for the initial value over the interval . At each iteration of the optimization, the circuit being optimized is simulated in the time-domain to determine all the measurements of the system. Further, the waveforms are computed for the intervals of time . In each such interval, the corresponding waveform is checked to determine the subintervals during which for , or otherwise.3 If the noise objective function or any of the noise constraints involves no such subinand its gradients are identitervals, then the corresponding 3We use the formulation of (16) and our optimization algorithm ensures that all iterates satisfy simple bounds, so z 0 always; otherwise, the checking for “violations” during the nominal simulation would be slightly different.

(19) (20) and


and for all


, , , , and are functions of and Although change from iteration to iteration, the gradients in (19)–(21) are valid since, for each subinterval, in the case when either





or, with an additional simple bound on

and either







or otherwise, for either


and either

and , , are not functions of . Note that Since the right-hand sides of (19) and (21) each consist of a time integral of a voltage gradient and an additive constant, they are amenable to efficient computation by the adjoint method. As described in Section II, the procedure involves attaching a zerovalued current source at each node that has a noise constraint or objective function during the nominal transient analysis. During the adjoint analysis, an appropriately scaled pulse of current is applied through this current source in the subintervals of time . As mentioned in Section II, the gradients of the merit function of the optimizer can be computed by means of a single adconstraints are treated joint analysis. In this situation, the is exas ordinary equality constraints. At each iteration, pressed as a summation of time integrals [see (17) and (18)] and a single adjoint analysis is applied to obtain the gradients of the merit function of the optimizer by appropriate choices of adjoint excitations [4]–[6]. The theory can readily be extended to several special cases. In the case where the optimization merit function does not involve any semi-infinite component it can be dealt with directly [5], [6]. In addition, several variations on the objective functions are straightforward to accommodate by appropriate introduction of auxiliary variables and constraint definitions, as shown below. Consider the problem of minimizing the deviation of a voltage in either direction from a preset target value during a period of time (26) The above problem is remapped to s.t. Minimization of the peak value of a voltage over a time interval (28) is reformulated as s.t.


Minimizing a noise spike on a signal that should otherwise be high can be stated as (30) and then restated as




s.t. Finally, maximizing the lowest voltage over a time interval [a problem analogous to (28)] (33) is remapped to

s.t. (34) Thus, several variations on the statement of the problem can be readily accommodated. In summary, the method of incorporating noise considerations in circuit optimization described in this section applies to any number of noise constraints and objective functions and any number of unwanted signal deviations during the time period of each noise consideration. Further, the computation of gradients by means of a single adjoint analysis can be applied irrespective of the number of measurements, the number of ordinary constraints, the number of noise constraints and the number of objective functions. Additionally, the concept can be applied to any differentiable merit function such as penalty or barrier merit functions (referred to as interior and exterior techniques in [12] and [25]). IV. IMPLEMENTATION The method proposed in this paper was implemented in the JiffyTune circuit optimization framework [13], [5], [6]. This section presents a description of JiffyTune and then mentions some salient points of the implementation of noise-aware circuit optimization. JiffyTune optimizes circuits by adjusting transistor and wire sizes. JiffyTune supports a very general optimization capability in which any of noise, delay, area, loading, slew or power can be minimized subject to constraints on all or any of the others. Further, minimax optimization is available and is typically used to minimize the worst of several path delays. The minimax capability can also be used to minimize the worst of several noise violations. The tuner also includes a “Design for Manufacturability” mode in which the circuit is simultaneously optimized at several process corners. JiffyTune consists of several software components, each of which is described below. A. LANCELOT JiffyTune uses the general-purpose, large-scale nonlinear optimization package LANCELOT [14]–[16], [26]. LANCELOT solves nonlinear optimization problems with simple bounds and general equality and inequality constraints. Inequalities are internally mapped to equalities with appropriately bounded slack variables. An augmented Lagrangian merit function is employed. The augmentation consists of the sum of the squares of the constraints weighted by a penalty parameter. A major iteration consists of the minimization of the augmented


Lagrangian merit function by means of a trust-region algorithm until sufficient stationarity is obtained. Bounds are handled simply and explicitly via projections that are inexpensive to compute. The minimization subject to bounds is performed by directly and iteratively solving for the approximate minimum of a quadratic model by a preconditioned conjugate gradient method. In the course of a major iteration, once sufficient stationarity is obtained and if we are sufficiently feasible, that is, all constraints are close enough to being satisfied, the Lagrange multipliers are updated. Otherwise, the penalty term is given a larger weight. In either case, a new major iteration is commenced with updated stationarity and feasibility criteria. Ultimately, provided a feasible solution exists, the penalty parameter remains unchanged, the trust-region gets arbitrarily large (leading to fast asymptotic convergence) and the projected gradient becomes sufficiently small. LANCELOT has solved engineering problems from various disciplines with tens of thousands of variables and constraints. LANCELOT allows many settings such as the choice of preconditioner, different Hessian update methods, and whether the inner bounded quadratic problem be solved accurately or crudely. In the case of JiffyTune, we choose to use a banded preconditioner, SR1 Hessian updates and accurate solution of the inner bounded quadratic problem. The optimization problem is communicated to the optimizer via a file in the SIF language and function and gradient values are exchanged via functions that are compiled together with the optimizer’s source code. Typically, optimization problems are solved within 50 iterations in JiffyTune. B. SPECS The fast transistor-level simulator SPECS [17] is used to simulate the circuit at each iteration of the optimization. SPECS uses simplified device models in order to speed up the simulation. Multidimensional piecewise constant – characteristics are stored in binary tabular models to make model evaluation efficient. In addition to simplifying the device models, event-driven simulation and special integration methods are employed to reduce the run time. The simulation accuracy is typically within 5% of SPICE and the speedup is 100 or more depending on the size of the circuit. Perhaps more importantly, SPECS can efficiently compute sensitivities in the time-domain [10], [18]. SPECS can obtain the sensitivity of any delay, slew, power, or noise measurement with respect to any transistor width, resistance value, capacitance value, or wire parameter (such as length, width, or resistivity). Both the adjoint and direct method have been implemented. In either case, the nominal circuit is first simulated and the results of simulation saved. The same circuit is then configured with new excitations and device models to determine sensitivities. In the direct method, the solution of the sensitivity circuit yields the gradient of all functions with respect to one parameter. In the adjoint method, as described in Section II, the gradient of one function with respect to all parameters can be determined at once. The adjoint circuit is simulated backward in time, and the resulting waveforms are convolved with the appropriate nominal waveforms to obtain the sensitivities of interest.


Extensive chain-ruling is employed to determine the gradient of the function of interest with respect to all the ramifications of changing a parameter. For example, changing a transistor width changes the channel current, intrinsic MOS parasitic capacitances and the associated diffusion capacitances. Changing a wire width may impact the values of all the RC elements that constitute the wire model. All these effects are automatically combined in SPECS to obtain realistic and accurate sensitivities. The adjoint Lagrangian mode is used to efficiently determine the gradients of the entire merit function of LANCELOT with a single adjoint simulation. The excitations required to determine gradients of individual functions are applied simultaneously with the appropriate scaling so as to determine the gradients of a composite scalar merit function with just one adjoint simulation. Since the gradients of individual elements of the merit function are not available, specialized Hessian updates have been developed for use in this adjoint mode of JiffyTune, in order to exploit the sparsity structure of the problem. The adjoint Lagrangian mode requires close software integration between the optimizer and simulator, since the scaling of excitations depends on the values of the Lagrange multipliers, internal slack variables and the penalty parameter. C. User Interface JiffyTune includes a graphical user-interface in the Cadence schematic environment. The interface allows convenient specification of circuit optimization problems by pointing and clicking at the circuit schematic. Delay and slew measurements are specified by pointing to the signal of interest and providing minimal information by means of a form. Noise functions are specified by simply clicking on the noisy net and then indicating the noise margin, the logic level and in which cycle of simulation the noise must be constrained. Each transistor can be marked tunable or untunable, and in the former case given lower and upper bounds. Similar instances can be grouped so as to share a physical design after optimization. Transistors can also be ratio-ed to each other, and the ratio is respected during the tuning. After optimization, the interface allows graphical and hierarchical visualization of tuning results right on the schematic. Once a circuit has been optimized, all the tuning criteria are stored as attributes of the schematic in order to facilitate design re-use. In fact, the intellectual work of setting up an optimization problem conceptually belongs in the circuit database. If the technology or output loads or required arrival times change, the circuit can rapidly be reoptimized. D. Communication Between the Components Fig. 5 shows how the various components of JiffyTune communicate. The user typically sets up the variables and tuning criteria by means of the user interface in a familiar schematic environment. When the tuning run is submitted, the optimization problem is written to a text file which is read by the main JiffyTune administrative software. The initial transistor widths are fed to SPECS which simulates the circuit. Function and gradient values are then collected from SPECS and chain-ruled to account for ratio-ing and grouping. Only


Fig. 5.


Overview of JiffyTune.

independent variables are exposed to LANCELOT. The final function and gradient vectors are fed to LANCELOT which comes up with a new solution vector consisting of a new set of transistor widths. In adjoint Lagrangian mode, a fairly comprehensive description of the coefficients of the merit function is also communicated. The administrative software again runs SPECS with the new transistor and wire sizes and the cycle repeats until convergence is obtained. The user interface then takes over and displays the tuned transistor sizes directly on the schematic, whereupon the user has the option to accept some or all of the suggested size changes. E. Special Considerations Several special considerations were implemented to render the optimization efficient and to tailor it to circuit tuning. Each function evaluation involves circuit simulation and is, therefore, expensive, so it is advantageous to minimize the total number of function evaluations. At each iteration of the optimization, a second step [19]is computed in just the slack and minimax variables which reduces the merit function, but does not require re-simulation of the circuit. This “two-step updating” reduces the number of iterations and, hence, the CPU time required to optimize circuits. Second, specialized stopping criteria [13]have been developed to cope with numerical noise inherent in simulation-based function and gradient data. Third, several optimization choices like trust-region management, choice of preconditioner and initialization of Lagrange multipliers have been made to enhance optimization efficiency. Fourth, the optimizer occasionally takes a very large step and alters the circuit so much that an expected logical transition does not occur. We call such a situation an instance of “electrical failure.” A special return code from the simulator is communicated to LANCELOT, which in turn cuts down its trust-region radius and tries again. This simple failure recovery method has worked in every situation so far. It has the advantage of enabling the optimizer to try aggressive steps when appropriate. F. Noise Considerations In the optimization engine, noise considerations (both objective functions and constraints) are implemented by first converting them to time-integral equality constraints. The integrals are evaluated on the fly during the nominal simulation in SPECS at each iteration of LANCELOT. Further, the crossing times (

and of the previous section) are stored. Multiple noise excursions in the period of interest are supported. Special cases like the excursion having a nonzero value at the start or end of or the time interval are handled. A project-specific is used and treated as a constant; such a static noise margin is, of course, a conservative choice. As shown in Sections II and III, more general transistor-width-dependent noise margins are straightforward in theory; however, our implementation only supports constant noise margins. The excitations to compute noise sensitivity are typically scaled and shifted unit-step functions, applied to current sources on the nodes of interest, with durations determined by the beginning and end times of the noise excursions. These are combined with excitations for measurements like power, delay and slew corresponding to other constraints and the objective function in the problem specification. The scaling for these excitations depends on optimization variables like the Lagrange multipliers, penalty parameter, and so on. All such excitations are applied simultaneously while simulating the adjoint circuit. V. RESULTS JiffyTune presently uses SPECS for time-domain simulation and sensitivity computation. In SPECS, all capacitances are modeled by lumped, linear, grounded equivalents. Therefore, it is not a suitable simulator to determine wire coupling effects. Also, SPECS does not handle inductances. Thus, while the formalism of tuning with noise constraints as presented in the previous sections is more general, we are currently limited to showing examples of charge sharing noise and glitching due to simultaneous switching. JiffyTune has successfully been used to tune high-performance circuits of PowerPC and S/390 microprocessors. Circuits with over 10 000 tunable transistors have been tuned in a few hours of CPU time, so the practical limit on the number of variables is in excess of 10 000. JiffyTune has also been helpful in understanding the tradeoffs inherent in circuit designs. It has facilitated the design of library cells, especially pass-gate XOR’s. JiffyTune has proved useful for circuit re-use in the case of changed requirements, changed loading conditions or remapping to a new technology. In this section, some results that are pertinent to noise considerations are presented. A. Simple Example: Noise Versus Delay Tradeoff The circuit in Fig. 1 was optimized to minimize the worst case delay from the data inputs to the output, while constraining the area (as modeled by the sum of the tunable transistor widths) conformed to tight and ensuring that the intermediate node noise constraints. JiffyTune solved the problem in nine optimization iterations. Snapshots of the waveform on node at the start, middle and end of the optimization are shown in Fig. 6. The horizontal line in the figure shows the noise margin specified. As the optimizer progresses, devices are sized to make the noise violation smaller, until eventually the voltage during the specified time period. is entirely above In a separate set of experiments, JiffyTune was used to study the delay versus noise tradeoff in a dynamic AND gate.


Fig. 6.

Reduction of noise during iterations of the optimization.

The circuit of Fig. 1 was tuned in a realistic circuit environment to minimize the switching delay from the data input to the and a 200-ps conoutput, with a noise constraint on node straint on the delay from the reset signal falling to the output node falling. The P to N ratio of the output inverter was constrained to be no larger than four to maintain balance between . The widths of and were the rise and fall times of ) constrained to be equal. The required noise margin ( – was varied from 50 to 300 mV and a series of circuit on optimization runs was performed. Fig. 7 shows the results of this experiment. The solid line shows the variation of delay (including one inverter stage through which the input signals are to that fed) with noise margin and the ratio of the width of is shown with a dotted line. As the of the stand-by transistor noise margin is loosened, the optimal delay of the gate improves ratio gets larger since can be made smaller to and the meet a less stringent noise criterion. At a noise margin of about 250 mV, the best possible delay is obtained, and the ideal ratio is in the neighborhood of 5.5. Beyond that, the pFET is at its minimum width and no further improvement in delay is possible under the present constraints, since noise is no longer the limiting factor. In this manner, i.e., by running a series of optimizations under successively relaxed constraints, JiffyTune can be used to study tradeoffs between delay and noise (and of course, area, and power) during library design of dynamic cells. B. A Second Example In Fig. 8 a second example is shown of the capability of JiffyTune to tune circuits under various constraints, —bit dynamic including noise considerations. It is an , , comparator circuit. The inputs , and are active high pulses; the reset is an active low pulse, separated in time from the input or pulses. In every cycle, a pulse is received on either the signal, signifying a logical 1 or logical 0, respectively. The same is true for each , pair and each , pair. If in a


Fig. 7.

Delay versus noise tradeoff for a dynamic AND gate.

given cycle the and signals match for all , then none pull-down stacks on node will conduct, of the will stay high. A Strobe signal is derived as a logical and and and, thus, fires every cycle. Consequently, OR of high, upon incidence of the strobe pulse in this case, with will be pulled down and the Match output will go node high. Conversely, in case of a mismatch, one or more of the , or , pull-down stacks will conduct, pulling node down, thereby activating the No_match output, while inhibiting the Match output. The circuit poses several interesting design challenges. • In the case of a match, with worst case switching history, or nFET’s in the pull-down stack will be on simultaneously, with the corresponding -FET’s below to the init being off. This will drain charge from has to termediate nodes in the pull-down stacks, yet maintain a logical high. As it usually is an objective to maximize the circuit speed, the Strobe will fire exactly . The seduring this charge sharing noise excursion of vere charge sharing in this circuit, thus, has to be limited for correct functional operation. • In the case of a minimal (only 1 bit) mismatch, just one relatively pull-down stack is active, draining node is heavily capacitively loaded. Yet, slowly. Note that has decayed sufthe Strobe signal can fire only after pull-down stack ficiently, to prevent evaluation of the pull-down stack we and, thus, a false Match. On the have in this case a simultaneous switching event with the going from (on, off) to (off, on). transistors With an early incident Strobe, this leads to a glitch, which as in Fig. 2, but looks like a noise voltage dip on node is actually more severe. Since the glitch is potentially fatal (once switched, the dynamic Match output driver will not recover until the reset on switches off the Strobe), and since the glitch is due to a race condition between two separate branches of the circuit and, hence, subject to manufacturing process variations, the extent of the glitch should be controlled with an adequate margin.


Fig. 8.


Dynamic comparator circuit.

JiffyTune has been used to successfully tune an eight-way ), starting from minimum size devices. The comparator ( problem was set up to minimize the critical path delay between the inputs (assumed to come simultaneously from a latch) and either the Match output (in case of worst case charge sharing on ) and the No_match output (in case of a 1-bit mismatch), by tuning both the comparator and the strobe branch, under realistic output loads, slew constraints, grouping (Match and No_match inverters equal, and or -width to -width ratios constrained) and under noise constraints as described above to prevent false evaluations. Noise margins were chosen conservatively (0.25 V in a 1.5 V technology) to allow for variations in manufacturing. The optimization included a circuit with 48 tunable transistors (11 of which were independently tunable), 50 LANCELOT iterations and a total run time of 72 CPU seconds. The flexibility of JiffyTune to mix and match delay, slew, noise, and, though not used in this example, area, power and net loading constraints and objective functions, helps the designer to quickly and flexibly respond to changing circumstances. For example, if the circuit as designed turns out to have positive timing slack, then instead of minimizing the critical path delay under noise constraints, we can very simply reformulate the problem to retune the circuit, now minimizing noise under a somewhat relaxed critical path delay constraint, thus, enhancing robustness and thereby yield. C. Problems with a Large Number of Noise Constraints To test the efficiency of incorporating a large number of noise constraints, the following experiment was carried out. A dynamic logic “branch-scan” circuit with 144 MOSFET’s was configured for optimization with 36 delay measurements, each of which is treated as a sensitivity function. The number of tunable transistors was varied from one to 104, and the number of noise functions on several signals during multiple subintervals of the simulation was varied from one to 459. For each such combination, simulation and gradient computation were carried out. The gradient computation was in “adjoint Lagrangian”

Fig. 9. Growth of CPU time with the number of parameters and noise functions.

mode using a single adjoint analysis. In each run, the run time overhead for gradient computation over nominal transient simulation was determined. Fig. 9 plots this overhead as a percentage, as a function of the number of noise functions (over and above the 36 delay functions) and the number of tunable transistors. The noisy nature of the data in Fig. 9 is due to the granularity of CPU time measurements. As can be seen from the figure, the overhead changes from 3% to 18% as the number of parameters is increased from one to 104. For each new parameter, an additional convolution must be carried out between the waveforms of the nominal and adjoint circuits. The larger number of convolutions accounts for the increase in overhead with the number of parameters. However, even with 104 param-


eters, the overhead is a modest 18% over the nominal transient simulation. More importantly, as can be seen from the figure, the increase in CPU time with additional noise functions is negligible since a single adjoint analysis is conducted irrespective of the number of such functions! Thus, a large number of noise considerations can be incorporated with a very small impact on run time. VI. FUTURE WORK A. Application to Static Optimization Dynamic circuit optimization, based on time-domain simulation of the underlying circuit, is very useful for detailed and accurate optimization of custom circuits and library cells. It has been applied to several datapath macros of high-performance microprocessors. However, it suffers from some drawbacks. The optimization problem must be carefully specified. Input patterns or vectors are necessary to run the simulation and critical paths must be identified by the user. Only those paths that are identified and sensitized are optimized. Static circuit optimization [20], on the other hand, is based on static timing analysis. The formulation of the static circuit optimization problem [21]–[23] inherently takes into account all paths through the logic (possibly including false paths) and has been effectively applied to practical macros containing up to 10 000 FET’s. This formulation relieves the user of the burden of specifying either input patterns or identifying path delays to be optimized. Therefore, the optimization becomes applicable to random logic and control circuits, too. In the context of custom circuits, the core of the static timing analysis and static optimization is time-domain simulation of each channel-connected component (CCC), or set of source-drain connected transistors. In the future, using the reformulation of noise constraints presented in this paper, noise considerations can be readily incorporated in static circuit optimization. Just as each CCC is configured and simulated to propagate the worst case delay from each input pin to each output, each CCC is also configured to simulate the worst case noise scenario [1], [24]. A graph called the noise graph is constructed analogously to a timing graph; just as arrival times are propagated during static timing, noise criteria are propagated from one node of the noise graph to another. Before the optimization begins, the usual constraints (such as arrival time, slew, slew limits, input loading, ratio, and area constraints) are automatically augmented with noise constraints. The noise constraints are remapped to integral equality constraints as explained in Section III. At every iteration of the optimization, each CCC is simulated once for timing criteria and once for noise criteria. Input patterns, loading and side-input stimuli are determined to force the CCC to exhibit in turn worst case timing and noise behavior. In each case, gradients are computed as in the case of dynamic optimization. Thus, simultaneous optimization for performance and noise can be carried out in a formal optimization framework. B. Other Future Work The extension to tuning of wire widths and simultaneous tuning of wires and transistors is straightforward on both a


static and dynamic basis. Further, electromigration concerns can also be expressed as semi-infinite problems; the instantaneous current through a circuit element over a period of time is constrained not to exceed a threshold value. Such a constraint can be remapped to an integral equality constraint using the techniques of this paper. The corresponding adjoint excitation will be a unit step voltage source in series with the device whose peak current must be constrained. At a fundamental level, the remapping of noise considerations as presented in this paper makes the measurement of noise and the computation of gradients thereof feasible and efficient. Thus, noise considerations can easily be incorporated in several contexts, particularly when the underlying procedure already includes time-domain simulation. The generation of the list of noise constraints and worst case conditions thereof for dynamic optimization of a large circuit can be a tedious job. Automation of the specification of noise considerations during circuit optimization by methods such as those presented in [1] and [24]would make the noise-aware optimization capability easier to use and conducive to productive design. VII. CONCLUSION Noise considerations are an increasingly important part of integrated circuit design. Ideally, automatic optimization of circuits should take into account noise objective functions and noise constraints. Since such considerations give rise to semi-infinite problems, they are hard to incorporate during circuit optimization. In this paper, we presented a method to remap these noise considerations to time-integral equality constraints. The problem then becomes amenable to solution by a standard nonlinear optimizer, provided gradients can be computed. Using the adjoint method to compute the gradients of the optimizer’s overall scalar merit function, it was shown that all the required gradients can be computed during a single adjoint analysis of the underlying circuit, thus, rendering the process feasible. Thus, for the first time in the literature, we have a practical method of handling a large number of noise constraints during circuit optimization. The method is applicable to different types of noise, general circuitry, and a general choice of merit function. The usefulness of accommodating noise considerations in circuit optimization was demonstrated in a prototype implementation of a dynamic optimizer called JiffyTune. Several large digital custom circuits of high-performance microprocessors have been optimized with JiffyTune. JiffyTune allows performance versus noise tradeoff analyses. In modern design, transistor-level timing analysis and static circuit optimization rely on time-domain circuit simulation of individual channel-connected components at the transistor-level. The method of incorporating noise considerations presented in this paper can, therefore, be applied in the future to circuit optimization based on static timing analysis. Thus, the methods described are broadly applicable; they can be applied to optimally size large circuits to avoid noise problems and to understand tradeoffs in the design of library cells. Noise measures such as the “noise stability” criterion of [1], [24] can be appropriately translated into semi-infinite constraints



and are then amenable to the methods described in this paper. Electromigration constraints that limit peak current density can also be incorporated by the methods given here. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to thank D. Ling for help with the gradient derivations and C. W. Wu for his work on implementation of the adjoint Lagrangian mode in JiffyTune. They thank O. Takahashi for supplying them with the -way dynamic comparator circuit. They are grateful to C. Whan and A. Elfadel for assistance with several of the plots in this paper. P. Kudva, A. Sadigh, C. Whan, P. Restle, A. Elfadel and I. Das provided useful comments on early versions of the manuscript. The feedback from the anonymous reviewers is greatly appreciated.

[21] C.-P. Chen, C. C. N. Chu, and D. F. Wong, “Fast and exact simultaneous gate and wire sizing by Lagrangian relaxation,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Computer-Aided Design, Nov. 1998, pp. 617–624. [22] A. R. Conn, I. M. Elfadel, W. W. Molzen Jr., P. R. O’Brien, P. N. Strenski, C. Visweswariah, and C. B. Whan, “Gradient-based optimization of custom circuits using a static-timing formulation,” in Proc. 1999 Design Automation Conf., June 1999, pp. 452–459. [23] C. Visweswariah and A. R. Conn, “Formulation of static circuit optimization with reduced size, degeneracy and redundancy by timing graph manipulation,” in Proc. IEEE Conf. Computer-Aided Design, Nov. 1999, pp. 244–251. [24] K. L. Shepard, V. Narayanan, and R. Rose, “Harmony: Static noise analysis of deep submicron digital integrated circuits,” IEEE Trans. Computer-Aided Design , vol. 18, pp. 1132–1150, Aug. 1999. [25] A. V. Fiacco and G. P. McCormick, Classics in Applied Mathematics 4. Philadelphia, PA: SIAM, 1990. [26] A. R. Conn, N. I. M. Gould, and P. L. Toint, “Global convergence of a class trust region algorithms for optimization with simple bounds,” SIAM J. Numerical Anal., vol. 26, pp. 764–767, 1989.

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Chandu Visweswariah (S’82–M’89–SM’96) received the B. Tech. degree in electrical engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in computer engineering from Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, in 1985, 1986, and 1989, respectively. Since 1989, he has been a Research Staff Member at IBM’s Thomas J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY. He has developed circuit simulation and optimization software that is in use at various IBM sites. He is the author of one book and several technical papers in the field of design automation. His research interests include modeling, analysis, timing, and optimization of circuits. Dr. Visweswariah has won two IBM Research Division awards and one IBM Outstanding Technical Achievement Award.

Ruud A. Haring (A’93–SM’97) received the Ph.D. degree in physics from the Rijks Universiteit Leiden, Leiden, The Netherlands, in 1984. After graduating, he joined the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY. From 1984 to 1992, he was involved in fundamental studies of plasma-surface interactions, in particular on polymer surfaces. In 1992, he joined the VLSI Design department as a Circuit Designer, and in 1995 became Manager of the Integrated Systems Design group. He has contributed to high-performance PowerPC and S/390 microprocessor designs, and has led a Merged Logic/DRAM chip design. In the course of these designs, he became involved in circuit optimization and co-authored JiffyTune.

Andrew R. Conn received the Ph.D. degree from the University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada, in 1971. He joined IBM Research in 1990. He was a Member of the Department of Combinatorics and Optimization and the Department of Computer Science, University of Waterloo, from 1972 to 1991. In 1992 and 1993, he was a Visiting Professor in the Operations Research Department, Yale University, New Haven, CT. His research interests in mathematical programming are typically motivated by algorithms but include convergence analysis, theory, applications, and software. In addition to two books he has authored more than 70 research papers. In 1994, Dr. Conn was a joint recipient of the Beale/Orchard-Hays Prize for Computational Excellence in Mathematical Programming.