NOISE ROBUST OVERSAMPLED LINEAR PHASE PERFECT RECONSTRUCTION FILTER BANK WITH A LATTICE STRUCTURE Toshihisa TANAKA and Yukihiko YAMASHITA School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology Ookayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo, 152-8552, Japan
[email protected] ABSTRACT An oversampled linear phase (LP) perfect reconstruction (PR) filter banks (FB) with a lattice structure involving the noise robust building block is presented. The structure is based on the generalized lapped pseudo-biorthogonal transform (GLPBT), which represents a large class of lapped transforms. Given an analysis bank of the GLPBT and a correlation matrix of noise, the proposed synthesis bank reduces the noise component and attains PR. Numerical results show that this class of filter banks is effective in transmission of oversampled data over noisy channels.
Table 1. A summary of previous works for a lattice structure of an N-channel LPPRFB with decimation factor M: E(z) and R(z) denote the polyphase matrices of the analysis bank and the synthesis bank, respectively.