C: Mettio centre/NFlR. ^U. \; ..,-_.f I. ,E_ Gcnerttl Set.rerrtru.' i. _. (Dr.!!,nqgnoroiiD ]. IV/NF I R/7cpaffio, yo, i
New Delhi Dated: 25.11.2016 OFFICE MEMORANDUM
sub : Nomination of Representativesof recognized federationsof rndian Railways to attend the meeting on Allowancesto be held on2g.ll.2016. Th,t undersignedis directedto refer Ministry of Finance,sOM dated21.11.2016 , .. advising this Ministry to nominatenamesof representatives of t""ogn;r"d Fra.*i""rii[ir A$sociationsof Indian Railwaysfo Fi'es.nttheii views on anorun"es pertainingto Ministry ofRailways in the meetingschldulei to b, held on 2g.l1.20r6at North Block. 2' It is advisedthat the following representatives would be representing the recognized StaffFederationsof Indian Railwaysin the aforesaid meetins. (i) (ii) .
Shri Shiv GopalMishr6, GeneralSecrctary,AlRF D..M. Raghavaiah,GeneralSecretary,NFIR.
.."*t, {
with regardto
tt '',
**' , requestforwardedby All IndiaTraincontrollers4$socffi -!he ano All IndiaGuard councilto
fi"iiilinirt v i, 1ro!.saio of the view that the requestmay not be acceded to as both associations un{recognized,and ffil accedingsuch requestwill result in similar demands frorn large num&,.df un-iecognized associations in Ministry bf Railways. -of It is also statedthat AII lr\Fffi.ai@aymen,sFederation (AIRF) and National Federation tndi* --Railwayme"*qwny v'rr rwo -*;,**li.s.q.*]'t rftd only !"v rv\ recognized federationsoflndianRailways. ;" ry" 4
.,@k #-v. r
.... "ts '' ,
*Director, ' ^ - * ' "Pay " ' fCom ,"i
ihi* d - -ar. Shri Vijay Kumar Singh D i r e c t o r , I m p l e m e n t a t l o n C e l h '"e . -'Fq*.r Ministryof Finance d "^ t AshokaHotel. *, ,i. Copy to :- Shri Shiv GeneralSecretary,AIRF, Dr. M. Raghavaiah,General Secretad 4
##e'i* r"$,.& fr,{r-"{
"*.'{LryJh -
(/\.t'.t.*.) s,cnrr*rnra i,rii.-.Nr*.i"iiiv eli ci' e s / 2 0 r c w l N oIV/NF ' I VIR/7cpaffio, / N F I R /yo, 7 i,C* u Pn"ur,ro, C ( I mc phe|tms ) fo / rArlR l o|ad, oN wew aD' n uJ'' \y
g31',7^r1t^yrln afJitiotes, Thqvmayconnect - -' tunrr"uo.rv/NFIR/7cpc (tmpr)/Aro:::::r"t::::: -NFIR,s 09/0912016 to Chairman, Railway b/:o I boarrt. . ^ ArU I j 'f f/ T\ \" n J l C: Mettio centre/NFlR. \;
Gcnerttl Set.rerrtru.'
}€FIR I{ational Federation of IndianRaihvaymen 3, CHELMSFORD ROAD,NEWDELHI. 11O055 Affitiatedto: lndianNationalTradeUnionCongressfiNfUC) internationaI Transportlfrtorkers,Federaiion f i) if IVn JFIR/7CPC(tMPL)/AIlowancest2016
The Chairman. RailwayBoard. New Delhi DearSir. Sub:
commifteero examinerherecommenfil?T of 7,r'cpc regarding Arowances_reg.
In the meeting held on l't september 2016 at North
Block, Room No. 72 under the chairmanshipof FinanceSecretary. tl't" JCM_(sraffiio.istunoing commiftee Membershave expressed views on the recommendatio's of 7'i cpc;; AL*.nces. you were arsopresentin rerneeting and heardthe viewsof everyStaffSide member.
As suggestedby the chairmanof the meeting,the RailwavspecificAltowances have * Raiir'vav Board
ffi; !|:i:ff;]:
videFederation's-tett., or .u.', nu*0.,daied 0s/0q /20r6
NFIR requesl Boardsend;itsviewsduly supporting tt CRB to kindtyseethatRailr.vav Federal ior's proposalsivjerilsas rai llvqys ;;rij;; i; r,r,q;.u,,,ocomptex. Yours
DA.. Copy of Federation'sletter togetherwith enclosuresthereof.
(Dr. M.
copytoggther with trreencrosures referred to aboveis forwarded to the_Executive RailwayBoard.DFCgBLril;i;A:purgu,i'irauiOan. Director/pC_1. Metro 'recessary Bhavan. New Delhi firr infbrmarionandactionplease.
Ph.:011'23343305,650a2299,Rry.22289, ?2626,Fax:0'r1-23144e13,Rry.223l|,Tetegramr E-mail:
[email protected];
[email protected], website, EARL' DErEcriosr "^*r,ririndiu."o* oFHrvr ArDi- *ior-or,rci= d##il ff
E 'i+: & v
E&{tEia?E eiI&VE}*.*, *f E:ad I{a€i**aEFe&*rat€*g? DELi{i- '1'lnOss 3,cHELi!4sFcFD,:1?1o;}i:u: ntrlllqllv
Indian NaiionalTrade Union Congress{lt{TUC) InternationaiTranspori l't'orkers' FederatianilTFi Dated:A80912016
No. fVAIFIR"T QPC (IMPl/A11or'r'ances/20 16 -Tfie Seerefary (Ei, Railuay Board, Nern'Delhi Dear Sir, Sub:
Committee to examine tbe recryme3f;1ig€f
7* CPC regardingAllowances-reg.
In the committee meeting held on 1"t September2016, underthe Chairmanshipof FinanceSecretaryat North Block (Room No. 72) New Delhi, the Standing Cormitee Members of JCM (Statr Side) expressed views on 7b CPC recommendations on Allowances. After hearing the riews, the Cbairman of tbe meeting stated that further meetings will be held and suggestedthat in the meantime the StaffFederations may sendthe list containing deparhlent qpecific Allowances to the concemedadminist'ative ministries and JCM (StaffSide) may send list of common allowances to JS fftap) MoF, New Delhi for consideration. The Railway Board Chairmanwas also presentdurihg discussionsheld on 1" September2016. I
this connection, NFIR desiresto convey to the Railway Board tlat-
(a) while the previous Pay Commission had doubled various Aliou'ances, the 76 CPC has recommeaded enhancementof only 50% of tbe existing rates in those casesof a felt, allou'ancesrecommendedto be retained. This needsto be revien'ed for improvement. {b) The 7n CPC recommendations - nnainly on Night Duty A1lor','ance,National Holiday Allowance, Transport Allorn'ance would in effect result reduction of existing amounts. These aberrationsare requirld to be rectified and tlie amouritof allowanceseniranced. (c) Witii regard ro Aiios'ances for F.unaing StatTiike Kilor:ieferage,AJ-K etc., iirere sl:ouicibe sepaiale discussionsbefw-eenthe Fedeiationsand P,ail:n'ayBoard for revisionaaCinprcvenc:li as iras dcle in the past. Attention is also invited to Para 8.i1.19 andS-11.20of the 7'CPC repcrt. (d) The Pay Commission in its report vide Para 8.2.5 has statedthat any allorn'ancenot mentioned(aiid hence not reporfed to the Commission) shall ceaseto exist immediately. The Pay Commissionhas fi5&er stated that in case fhere is any demand or requirementfor continuation of existing allowance, which has not been deliberated upon by the Commission, it should be re-notified by the Ministry concerned after obtaining due approval of MoF. NFIR suggeststlut this Para of the report be rejected by tlie Government. Altenatively, tire administrat!'re ministries be empoweredfor continuanceof any such allowance, duly apprising the necessifyof continuation to the MoF. Federation also requeststhe Railway Board to kindly place before the Committee (chaired by Finance Secretary) the vaiid points brou-ebt out by the Federation tlrough tbis letter and also impress upon the committle to retain the allowances listed in the Annexure aad their enhancement,considering the fact that the R.ai1'*'a)'s'working is unique, complex and not eo:aparabler,r'ithany other ilGnisa7.
Yours faithfaiil', DA,/As abeve
,-)j" ..rjj +,_tl
fi '
;*-. ! r-i
' {Sr. h€.Ralhavaiah} j GeneraiSeeretarl'
Fax:011-23744A13,Piy.22382, Teiegram:FAILI',4AZDCF Phone:0i 1-?3343305.55927299, Fiy. A3C-22283,22826, incjia.com, di'.mr@ Websiie: v'twv".nfirindia.org E-maii:
[email protected];
List sf Alloi4.arices needed to be contiaued ia the Railra5,s:1. BreakDounAllonance -* "-2'--F€mily* Pl:n:ring Al.loil'ance {shou1*be+cafhued to motivate the Go',,ercneatenplo}€es to adopt s:nall family norms. It shoulci be enbancedsuitab$'). 3- Fiy::rg Squad Allou'ance for Tickei Checkiag Cadre. .
4. Fuaeral Alloq,ance 5. HaadicappedAllo"r'ance 6. IluttingAllowance 7. Night Patrolling Aliowance - needs to be continued in view of fhe necessityof the Patrolling of Railway Tracks duriag lrright Time). 8. Operation Theatre Allowance 9. OuttlraAllowaace
10. Overtime ALlowance 11, Relrt Free Accommodation !). lTainingstipend 13. PCO Allowaace to staffworking in Production Control Organization. .14. SpecialAllou'ancsto SSEs*'orking in Won-kshops andPUs. 15. SpecialAllorn'anceforperformilg amouncing duties. ; 5. D.;:ij, Ofl c,a::'rg_+ii.l;-alce I 7. Split Dury Allowance 18. SpeciaiAllorn'anceto specified categories. fRailway Board's letter No. E(P&A[- IA}}/SP -l/Genl dated 30/0412010). 19. SpecialAllorvance for Central Ticket SquadofRailn'ayBoard(RailwalBoard'clen€rNo.EllTicketCheckiag/2/3 dated12105/1981 aadletterNo.E{P&A}it009/Sp-1ic€di-i dzted13n2t2fi1z). 20. Cycle AJlowance (The recommeadation of Miaistqr of Railwalr for discontinuance is unjustified). 21. SpeciaiAllowance to Train Superintendentetc 22. Deputattoa (Duty) Allov'ance 23. ConveSanceAllowaace 24. Ir{ileageAllowance forJouraeys byRoad 25' Children Educaiioa Allorvaace - Tho-cghretaiaedat lot'er rates- needsto be enhancedto atleast30Q0a:1d 8000 per :nonth respectively for Education A-liot'ance and Hostel Subsidyreqpectiveiyra'ithprovisc tJrat wheneverDA increasesby 500/o;the CEA shail be increasedby ZS%.
v ft: ti
28. special Dury Allou'ance ro be retainedand ratesrevised. 29. Bad Ctimate Allol:rance to be reiained and iates rerdsed. 30. Tiibal A-reaAllos'ance to be retained an-rrratesre'ised. 31. Dress Allor.r'anceto be upwardryre'ised to not ress than Rs. r0,000i-. 32' Washing Allorn'arLcemay be granted &om Rs. 300/to Rs. 600/- p.m. to maintain the uniform in nice condifion. 33. Water Allo$aace for Track Maintains!.s.
A1l intErest &ee advancaspayable to Raiiway employees needto be retained ia view of the fact that these are recovered &om the salaries of employees.. tt+*rt*r}***