Doctoral Candidate, Civil and Environmental Engineering Department ,University of New Orleans, Hydraulic Modeler, C.H. Fenstermaker and Associates Inc. 135 Regency Square, Lafayette, LA 70518, e-mail:
[email protected] 2 Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering Department ,University of New Orleans, New Orleans, LA 70148, e-mail:
[email protected] 3 Assistant Professor, Earth and Environmental Sciences Department, University of New Orleans, New Orleans, LA 70148 e-mail:
[email protected] 4 Professor, Civil Engineering Department, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Senior Hydraulic Engineer, C.H. Fenstermaker and Associates Inc. 135 Regency Square, Lafayette, LA 70518, e-mail:
[email protected] ABSTRACT The flow over bed forms consists of contracting flow, flow separation and expanding flow. Typically, flow separation occurs near the crest of the bed form with flow reattachment on the adverse slope. Flow acceleration occurs on the upstream side, while flow deceleration occurs at the lee side of the crest of the bed form producing an eddy and generating localized turbulent kinetic energy. This conversion of the mean kinetic energy into turbulent kinetic energy results in additional energy losses related to form drag. In this study, multi-beam bathymetric surveys and ADCP data collected from the Lower Mississippi River by the United States Army Corps of Engineers were used to setup a set of high resolution three dimensional computer models utilizing HydroQual’s Estuarine and Coastal Ocean Model ECOMSED, the Danish Hydraulic Institute’s (DHI) MIKE 3 hydrodynamics flow model and Hayco’s three dimensional circulation model H3D. INTRODUCTION An alluvial river like the Mississippi River is defined as a stream that transports gravel, sands or/and clays. Alluvial rivers normally have an aspect ratio (width to depth) of 10 or greater (Yalin and da Silva, 2001).
One of the major characteristics of alluvial rivers is that their channel geometry is not only affected by the magnitude of the discharge, but also by the amount of sediment being transported. The river discharge causes a change in the river sediment transport and in turn, the channel bed geometry responds to this change. This causes a change in the water level elevation and thus another change in the sediment transport. The resulting bed forms appear in two flow regimes, lower-flow regime and upper-flow regime. U Bed forms in the lower-flow regimes, with Froude number ( Fr , where U is gh the mean velocity; g is the acceleration of gravity; H is the mean flow depth) generally less than 1, are as follows: ripples, dunes, washed out dunes (also called transition dunes). With higher velocities, the lower-flow regime transitions into the upper flow regime (Froude number near or greater than 1), which has the following bed forms: plane bed, antidunes, and chutes and pools (Simons and Richardson, 1966). Once bed forms appear, there may be flow separation at the crest of the bed forms, especially in the case of ripples and dunes where there is a pressure gradient between the downstream and upstream faces of the bed form. This flow separation contributes to the form resistance of the bed form. As a major component of resistance, form resistance changes as the flow conditions change. Hence, the effective ‘friction’ factor in an alluvial river varies with flow conditions. During the transformation of a sand bed from a flat bed to ripples, and subsequently to dunes, the resistance to flow tends to increase. Then resistance decreases as the dunes are washed out at higher discharges. At even higher velocities, nearly symmetrical sand waves (antidunes) form with little or no flow separation at the crests. Therefore, the form resistance is smaller than that for dunes. The energy loss is more than that for a plane bed, because the breaking of the sand waves generates a strong local turbulence that dissipates part of the flow energy. Energy must also be expended to transport the increased bed material load. Multi-beam bathymetric surveys and ADCP data collected from the Lower Mississippi River by the United States Army Corps of Engineers (between June 2003 – August 2003) were used in this study to setup a set of high resolution three dimensional computer models utilizing HydroQual’s Estuarine and Coastal Ocean Model ECOMSED, the Danish Hydraulic Institute’s (DHI) MIKE 3 hydrodynamics flow model and Hayco’s three dimensional circulation model H3D. Model calibration is performed with laboratory data from the literature. Sensitivity analysis was conducted and subsequent response was recorded for all the models. Analysis included changes in the turbulence closure module (were option was available), and the effects of the hydrostatic assumption. This was performed to examine potential changes in the flow separation structure. Some of the turbulence models tested included the Mellor and Yamada turbulence closure model, the 2
Smagorinsky model, k model, k-ε model, mixed Smagorinsky / k-ε model and a constant eddy viscosity model. PROBLEM DEFINITION Extensive research has been conducted on the flow and sediment transport over bed forms in alluvial rivers (e.g. mean flow field, turbulence, shear partitioning, bed load transport, bed form geometry). Much of this work was either laboratory studies or small scale field investigations. Recently (1990s) advances in technology have improved the way data are collected and analyzed, e.g. flow data, velocity data and detailed bathymetric information providing greater knowledge about the bed form geometry. Kennedy and Karim (1990) stated the following “this finding suggests that models that are significantly more accurate than those that have already been developed, including those presented herein, likely will not be forthcoming until more accurate and more comprehensive field and laboratory data are available”. American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Task Committee on Flow and Transport over Dunes (2002) reported the following conclusions “Field studies with detailed measurements of not only dune characteristics but also flow and transport are valuable and daunting for the same reason: they indicate the complexity of the real problem, which together with practical constrains on field measurements, make more difficult the analysis and interpretation of the data”. Recent technological advances in river bottom mapping and data collection devices such as multi-dimensional surveys of the riverbed (also called Multibeam Bathymetric Surveys) represent an opportunity for researchers to overcome some of these hurdles, as they can provide information that could have never been acquired with older technology. Bathymetry surveys use sound navigation and ranging (sonar) systems to collect depth information. Single-beam sounders collect discrete data points along survey track lines, while multibeam sounders collect continuous high-resolution bathymetry data with complete overlap throughout the survey area. METHODOLOGY The approach in this study was to setup a set of three dimensional computer models for hypothetical triangular dunes surfaces with dimensions obtained from statistical analysis of Multibeam survey data of the Lower Mississippi River presented in Kheiashy et al (2007) utilizing three different modeling systems: ECOMSED, MIKE 3 and H3D. These models were used to assess the effect of applying different vertical descritization schemes (sigma level, vs. constant and variable z-level) and the effect
of incorporating the hydrostatic pressure approximation when simulating the flow separation phenomenon on the surface of bed forms. The governing three dimensional primitive variable equations describing the free surface flows can be derived from the Navier-Stokes equations after Reynold’s averaging. These equations represent the principle of conservation of mass and momentum. Pedlosky (1979) presented the following form for the momentum equation for incompressible fluid: 2 u 2 u v u u u u u p u v w h 2 2 fv x y z x y z z t x 2 v 2 v v v v v v v p u v w h 2 2 fu x y z y y z z t x 2 w 2 w v w w w w w p u v w h 2 2 g x y z z y z z t x
(2) (3)
where u(x, y, z, t), v(x, y, z, t) and w(x, y, z, t) are the velocity components in the horizontal x, y and the vertical z, t is time, p(x, y, z, t) is pressure and g is the gravitational acceleration, ρ is fluid density, μh is the horizontal eddy viscosity parameter and μv is the vertical eddy viscosity parameter. while the incompressibility equation (continuity) has the following form:
u v w 0 x y z
Recent advances in computing power have eased the restrictions of utilizing three dimensional models in modeling flow applications. Several of these applications were developed using the hydrostatic pressure approximation where the vertical momentum equation is omitted and the vertical velocity is solely calculated from the continuity equation. p = ρ g (h-z) + q
Where q(x, y, z, t) is the non hydrostatic pressure This approximation becomes inaccurate when the ratio of the vertical to horizontal flow motion is not very small as the case in the flow over bed forms. In recent years, several numerical models have been developed that solve for the nonhydrostatic pressure either by correcting the pressure term by solving a Poisson equation for the pressure (Casulli 1998) or by utilizing the artificial compressibility 4
approach where the time derivative of the density in the mass conservation equation is replaced with the pressure term in the equation of state (Chorin 1967). In this paper, 1- Hydrostatic ECOMSED, 2- Non-Hydrostatic MIKE 3 and 3- NonHydrostatic H3D were utilized to simulate the flow over the surface of bed forms. These models were selected due to their record of successful 3D flow modeling applications in coastal, riverine and estuarine environments.
ECOMSED: ECOMSED (HydroQual, Inc., 2002)_, is a finite volume hydrostatic and sediment transport model which computes water circulation, temperature, salinity, mixing and transport, deposition and resuspension of cohesive and non-cohesive sediments. The hydrostatic module incorporates a turbulence closure model to provide parameterization of the vertical mixing processes. It is based on the Princeton Ocean Model by Blumberg and Mellor (1987). ECOMSED utilizes a horizontal, orthogonal curvilinear coordinates system and sigma coordinates in the vertical which enables it to simulate different bed topography configurations. MIKE 3 Flow Model: MIKE 3 flow model (DHI 2005). is a three dimensional, baroclinic hydrostatic and non-hydrostatic modeling system that simulates unsteady 3D flows taking into account density variations, bathymetry and other external forcings (tidal elevations, current...etc). MIKE 3 solves for the time dependent non-linear equations of continuity and conservation of momentum in three dimensions using finite difference techniques on x, y Cartesian grid and bottom fitted constant z-spacing vertical grid. MIKE 3 incorporates several turbulence models to characterize the eddy viscosity (Smagorinsky model, k model, k-ε model, mixed Smagorinsky / k-ε model and a constant eddy viscosity model). MIKE 3 non-hydrostatic version utilizes the artificial compressibility approach. H3D: H3D (Stronach 1993), is a finite difference hydrostatic and non hydrostatic numerical model that solves the three-dimensional Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes equation on either a Cartesian or an orthogonal curvilinear grid with a variable z-level discretization in the vertical. It is based on models described in Backhaus (1985) and Stronach et al.,(1993). H3D uses a shear-dependent turbulence formulation in the horizontal, (Smagorinsky, 1963) and a shear- and stratification-dependent formulation in the vertical for
momentum, a procedure referred to as the Mellor-Yamada Level 2 scheme (Mellor and Yamada, 1982). H3D non-hydrostatic version utilizes the pressure correction method (Poisson equation for the pressure term). MODEL SETUP Model Horizontal and Vertical Grid: The bathymetry for the horizontal grid was created using information obtained from Kheiashy et al (2007). Bed form wave length (λd = 30 m) and height (H d = 3 m) were obtained to create a one dimensional profile of bed forms. The profile was then interpolated to create a two dimensional bed form using a FORTRAN programming code. The bathymetry file contains five bed forms (5 X 30m = 150 m) and width = 10 m as shown in Figure 1 & 2. Table 1 summarizes the horizontal and vertical grid information used in the three models.
Depth Horizontal Grid Vertical Grid
Time Step Horizontal Turbulence model Vertical Turbulence model
ECOMSED 10 m 0.5 m X 0.5 m 20 sigma layers distributed along the whole length 0.005 sec Smagorinsksy formulation
MIKE 3 10 m 0.5 m X 0.5 m 40 levels with constant spacing of 0.25 m 0.005 sec Smagorinsksy formulation
H3D 10 m 0.5 m X 0.5 m 40 levels with constant spacing of 0.25 m 0.01 sec Smagorinsksy formulation
Mellor-Yamada level 2 Scheme
k-ε turbulence model
Mellor-Yamada level 2 scheme
Table 1: Models grids comparisons
Flow direction
Figure 1: Three dimensional view of the models bathymetry
Flow Direction
H3D constant z-level vertical grid
Flow Direction MIKE 3 constant z-layers vertical grid
Flow Direction
ECOMSED sigma-layer vertical grid Figure 2: Models vertical grid discretization
Hydrodynamic Boundary Conditions: An average logarithmic velocity profile based on average Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) measurements from the river (collected around the same time period where the multibeam data were collected, June 2003 to August 2003) was applied on the upstream side and constant water level was imposed at the downstream side for all the models for consistency. Full slip assumption was applied at the side walls when the option was available. 0 1 2
Depth (m)
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0.00
Velocity (m/s)
Figure 3: Velocity Profile imposed at the upstream side
MIKE 3 flow model used the velocity profile directly as a boundary condition, while the corresponding grid-cell discharge was computed for ECOMSED and subsequently used as a boundary condition. H3D used a constant discharge as its boundary condition. Care was taken to ensure that the simulated velocity fields resulting from the different boundary conditions gave the same discharge. MODEL CALIBRATION Model calibration was performed by setting up another set of two dimensional small scale computer models. The computer models were built with the same horizontal and vertical dimensions of the physical model presented in Nelson et al (1993). The models were calibrated in terms of the model input skin friction as presented in Table 2.
Model Friction
ECOMSED MIKE 3 1-Bottom Friction Bottom roughness: coefficient = 0.003 0.01 m (non-dimensional), 2-Bottom roughness coefficient : 0.02 m Table 2: Models bed friction
H3D Bottom Friction coefficient = 0.003 (non-dimensional)
Model input bed (skin) friction was assumed relatively small in magnitude so that the simulated friction can be regarded mainly as form resistance. This point is the subject of ongoing research to examine the effect of varying the models input skin friction bathymetry on the simulated total friction (skin friction + form friction). PRELIMINARY MODEL RESULTS Results for the three computer models are presented as a series of water surface profiles, contours overlaid with stream traces and vertical velocity profiles as shown in Figure 4 through 6 respectively.
H3D Non Hydrostatic Water Surface Profile
MIKE 3 Non Hydrostatic Water Surface Profile
ECOMSED Hydrostatic Water Surface Profile
Bed Form Bathymetry
Figure 4: Water Surface Profiles on top of bed forms
H3D Non Hydrostatic streamwise velocity contours
MIKE 3 Non Hydrostatic stream-wise velocity contours
ECOMSED Hydrostatic stream-wise velocity contours
Figure 5: Stream-wise velocity contours overlaid with stream-traces
H3D Non Hydrostatic streamwise velocity vectors
MIKE 3 Non Hydrostatic stream-wise velocity vectors
1 m/s
ECOMSED Hydrostatic stream-wise velocity vectors
Figure 6: Stream-wise velocity vectors
The hydrostatic ECOMSED model did not adequately (as expected) reproduce the natural flow separation phenomenon at the downstream side of the bed form crest. In relatively shallow flow there was a slight separation but it was weaker than that observed in experiments or in natural systems. The model was able to produce a free water surface profile that is out of phase with the bed form surface that occurs in natural river systems with bed forms as shown in Figure 5. The simulated hydraulic grade line showed a smaller slope compared to MIKE 3 and closer to H3D and as a result the ECOMSED Manning’s n was smaller as shown in Table 3. The predicted vertical velocity profiles were similar to those observed in laboratory experiments where the velocity magnitude increased towards the crest of the bed form as shown in Figure 6. ECOMSED use of only 20 sigma layers was the most computationally efficient of the three models. The non hydrostatic MIKE 3 flow model reproduced the flow separation phenomenon more correctly than ECOMSED and H3D at the downstream side of the bed form crest. The observed separation was stronger than ECOMSED and more realistic than H3D; however, in MIKE 3 the constant z-layers discretization required the use of 40 layers along the vertical which increased significantly the computing time. The model was also able to correctly predict a water surface profile that is out of phase with the bed form surface. The predicted hydraulic grade line showed an unreasonably high water surface slope and Manning’s n as shown in Table 3. Different turbulence models were tested in MIKE 3; but the k-ε turbulence model in the vertical and the Smagorinsky in the horizontal direction produced the best stable results and therefore only these results are presented here. The non hydrostatic H3D model reproduced the flow separation phenomenon at the downstream side of the bed form crest but the turbulence intensity was higher than that in natural rivers and lab experiments. Two separation zones occurred in the wake side of the bed form extending the separation zone along the whole lee and the slope side of the bed form. The out of phase relationship between the water surface profile and the bed form surface was not as evident as MIKE 3 and ECOMSED. The slope of the simulated free water surface profile was close to ECOMSED’s slope and much less than MIKE 3 and as a result the Manning’s n was closer to the accepted range (Lower Mississippi River typical Manning’s n ~ 0.025) as shown in Table 3. The imposition of a constant velocity in H3D probably increased the upstream shear stress relative to ECOMSED and MIKE 3. The predicted vertical velocity profiles differed from MIKE 3 and ECOMSED, the velocity magnitude close to the bed was less than the observed in natural rivers or laboratory experiments and only a slight increase in magnitude was observed towards the crest of the bed form. H3D had the option to use a variable vertical grid dimensions, but 40 levels with constant spacing were used in H3D to be consistent with the vertical grid used in MIKE 3. H3D time step (0.01 sec) was bigger than ECOMSED (0.005 sec) and MIKE 3 (0.005 sec).
Mean velocity (m/s) 0.75 0.75 0.75
Hydraulic Radius ~ Average depth (m) 8.5 8.5 8.5
Average Energy Slope 0.00005 0.00106 0.00003
Table 3: Models simulated equivalent Manning’s n
Simulated Manning n 0.04 0.18 0.03
SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION Three different 3-dimensional computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling systems (ECMOSED, MIKE 3, H3D) were used in this study to simulate the flow over idealized bed forms. The modeled bed forms dimensions were estimated from Kheiashy et al (2007). The three models utilized different approaches to solve the 3-dimensional flow momentum and continuity equations. ECOMSED used the hydrostatic approximation, while H3D and MIKE 3 solved for the non hydrostatic pressure utilizing different techniques. MIKE 3 and ECOMSED captured the increase in velocity approaching the bed form crest but H3D did not show as much increase. MIKE 3 and ECOMSED captured correctly the phase relationship between the free water surface profile and the bed form while H3D only predicted a weak out of phase effect. The models differed in reproducing the flow separation phenomenon at the ‘wake’ side of the bed forms. ECOMSED showed less separation than normal, while H3D showed more separation than normal and MIKE 3 results were close to observations in natural rivers and laboratory experiments. The simulated hydraulic grade line differed from one model to another. ECOMSED and H3D predicted realistic slopes and consequently more reasonable Manning’s n values for streams with large bed form dimensions (Lower Mississippi River typical Manning’s n ~ 0.025) while the slope of the MIKE 3 hydraulic grade line was higher than expected. The reason behind this high slope is the point on ongoing investigation. Further enhancements of the models are still undergoing to examine the effect of variations in the bed bathymetry on the bed resistance to the flow for the different models. The study presented in this paper is a part of an ongoing research that includes an investigation of the nature of bed forms in a large alluvial stream such as the Mississippi River for the purpose of correlating the effect of bed forms types and geometries on the hydrodynamics and the sediment transport properties of the river. Ultimately this research is intended to aid in numerical models calibration and to provide a better representation of flow resistance in hydrodynamic and sediment transport modeling codes. ACKNOWLEDGMENT Special thanks go to the Danish Hydraulic Institute (DHI) and Hay & Company consultants (HAYCO) for providing their proprietary models (MIKE 3 & H3D respectively). The authors also acknowledge HydroQual who developed the ECOMSED model.
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