Non-injected substance use and HIV status in the III

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References. 1. 2. Brazil MoH. AIDS Epidemiological Bulletin. 2017; 3.Bastos et al. Pesquisa. Nacional do Crack, 2014; 4.De Boni et al.
Non-injected substance use and HIV status in the III Brazilian Household Survey on Substance Use R. B. De Boni1 , M.T. L. Vasconcellos2, P.N. Silva2, N. Bertoni3, C.F. S. Coutinho4, J.C. Mota4, A. N. Silva2, L.A. Matzenbacher2, F. I. Bastos4 * 1National

Institute of Infectology Evandro Chagas, FIOCRUZ, Brazil;2National School of Statistical Sciences(ENCE), IBGE, Brazil;3 Brazilian National Cancer Institute , Ministry of Health, Brazil; 4ICICT, FIOCRUZ, Brazil


Results (cont.)

HIV prevalence is estimated at 0.6% (CI 95% 0.4-0.8) in Brazil, but is higher among key populations, such as men who have sex with men (19%) and crack-cocaine users (6.9%) (1,2,3). Injected drug use (IDU) has decreased in the country over the last 20 years and today non-injected drug use (NIDU) is believed to mediate HIV incidence by increasing sexual risk behavior. Among individuals under care for HIV, NIDU was found to decrease adherence and increase lost-to-follow up (4,5). However, there are no studies in the country comparing the prevalence of NIDU by HIV status using data from probability surveys. Thus, we aimed to compare NIDU prevalence among individuals self-reporting to be HIV-positive, HIV-negative and unknown.

Twelve month use of tobacco (45%), inhalants (3.6%) and crack-cocaine (5.3%) among PLWHA was higher than among HIV-negatives (15%, 0.2%, 0.3%, respectively) and unknown (19%, 0, 0, respectively)- p