Nonlinear approximation with nonstationary Gabor frames

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Apr 24, 2017 - FA] 24 Apr 2017 ... are known as (painless) generalised shift-invariant systems [24, 35] or (painless) nonstationary Gabor frames [1, 25].
Nonlinear approximation with nonstationary Gabor frames

arXiv:1704.07176v1 [math.FA] 24 Apr 2017

Emil Solsbæk Ottosen · Morten Nielsen

Abstract We consider sparseness properties of adaptive time-frequency representations obtained using nonstationary Gabor frames. Nonstationary Gabor frames generalize classical Gabor frames by allowing for adaptivity in either time or frequency. It is known that the concept of painless nonorthogonal expansions generalizes to the nonstationary case, providing perfect reconstruction and a FFT based implementation for compactly supported window functions sampled at a certain density. It is also known that for certain signal classes, nonstationary Gabor frames, with resolution varying in time, tend to provide sparser expansions than can be obtained with classical Gabor frames. In this article we show, for the continuous case, that sparseness of a nonstationary Gabor expansion is equivalent to smoothness in an associated decomposition space. In this way we characterize signals with sparse expansions relative to certain nonstationary Gabor frames. Based on this characterization we prove an upper bound on the approximation error occurring when thresholding the coefficients of the corresponding frame expansions. We complement the theoretical results with numerical experiments, estimating the rate of approximation obtained from thresholding the coefficients of both classical Gabor expansions and nonstationary Gabor expansions. Keywords Time-frequency analysis, nonstationary Gabor frames, sparse frame expansions, decomposition spaces, nonlinear approximation Mathematics Subject Classification (2010) 41A17, 42B35, 42C15, 42C40

Emil Solsbæk Ottosen Fredrik Bajers Vej 7G, 9220 Aalborg Tel.: 99408859 E-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-5404-4541 Morten Nielsen Fredrik Bajers Vej 7G, 9220 Aalborg Tel.: 99408864 E-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-9078-0594


Emil Solsbæk Ottosen, Morten Nielsen

1 Introduction The field of Gabor theory [5, 19, 38] is concerned with representing signals as atomic decompositions using time-frequency localized atoms. The atoms are constructed as time-frequency shifts of a fixed window function according to some lattice parameters such that the resulting system constitutes a frame and, therefore, guarantees stable expansions [4, 30, 34]. Such frames are known under the name of Weyl-Heisenberg frames or Gabor frames and have been proven useful in a variety of applications [9, 22, 32]. The structure of Gabor frames implies a time-frequency resolution which depends only on the lattice parameters and the window function. In particular, the resolution is independent of the signal under consideration, which makes the corresponding implementation fast and easy to handle. The usage of a predetermined time-frequency resolution naturally raises the question of whether an improvement can be obtained by taking the signal class into consideration? This question has lead to many interesting approaches for constructing adaptive time-frequency representations [10, 11, 26, 39]. Unfortunately, for representations with resolution varying in both time and frequency there seems to be a trade-off between perfect reconstruction and fast implementation [29]. In this article, we therefore consider time-frequency representations with resolution varying in either time or frequency. The idea is to generalise the theory of painless nonorthogonal expansions [5] to the situation where multiple window functions are used along either the time- or the frequency axis. The resulting systems are known as (painless) generalised shift-invariant systems [24, 35] or (painless) nonstationary Gabor frames [1, 25]. We consider painless nonstationary Gabor frames (painless NSGF’s) with resolution varying over time. In particular, we are interested in the corresponding implementation of so-called scale frames which have shown great potential in relation to analysis of music signals [1]. Given a signal, representing a piece of music, the idea is to calculate the onsets of the piece and then use short window functions around the onsets and long window functions between the onsets. This construction implies a time-frequency representation with good time resolution around the onsets (used to determine the tempo) and good frequency resolution between the onsets (used to determine the harmonics). As already noted in [1], scale frames tend to produce sparser representations than classical Gabor frames for certain classes of music signals. Sparseness of a timefrequency representation is desirable for several reasons [7, 18], mainly because it may reduce the computational cost for manipulating and storing the coefficients. Additionally, many signal classes are characterized by some kind of sparseness in time or frequency and the corresponding signals are, therefore, best described by a sparse time-frequency representation. For such signals, the task of feature identification also benefits from a sparse representation as the particular characteristics of the signal becomes easier to identify. While modulation spaces [15, 16, 22] have turned out to be the proper function spaces for studying sparseness properties of classical Gabor frames, we need a more general framework for the nonstationary case. A NSGF (with resolution varying over time) corresponds to a sampling grid which is irregular over time but regular over frequency for each fixed time point. We therefore search for a smootheness space which is compatible with a (more or less) arbitrary partition of the time domain. Such a flexibility can be provided by decomposition spaces, as introduced by Feichtinger and Gr¨obner in [14, 17]. Decomposition spaces may be viewed as a generalization of the classical Wiener amalgam spaces [13, 23] but with no assumption of an upper bound on the measure of the members of the partition. Another way of stating this is that decomposition spaces are constructed using bounded admissible partitions of unity [17] instead of bounded uniform partitions of unity [13]. The partitions we consider are obtained by applying a set of invertible affine transformations {Ak (·) + ck }k∈N on a fixed set Q ⊂ Rd [2]. In [31] we considered a similar approach, characterizing painless NSGF’s, with resolution varying in frequency, using decomposition spaces. It is worth noting that there is a significant mathematical difference between decomposition spaces in time and in frequency. In this article, we introduce decomposition spaces in Section 2, and in Section 3 we show, based on the ideas in [31], how to construct a suitable decomposition space for a given painless NSGF with resolution varying in time. Then, in Section 4 we characterize the signals with sparse frame expansions and we prove an upper bound on the approximation rate occurring when thresholding the frame coefficients. Finally, in Section 5 we present the numerical results and in Section 6 we give the conclusions. R Let us now briefly go through our notation. We let fˆ(ξ ) := Rd f (x)e−2πix·ξ dx denote the Fourier transform with the usual extension to L2 (Rd ). By F  G we mean that there exist two constants 0 < C1 ,C2 < ∞ such that C1 F ≤ G ≤ C2 F. For two normed vector spaces X and Y , X ,→ Y means that X ⊂ Y and k f kY ≤ C k f kX for some constant C and all f ∈ X. We say that a non-empty open set Ω 0 ⊂ Rd is compactly contained in an open set Ω ⊂ Rd if Ω 0 ⊂ Ω and Ω 0 is compact. We

Nonlinear approximation with nonstationary Gabor frames


call {xi }i∈I ⊂ Rd a δ −separated set if inf j,k∈I , j6=k kx j − xk k2 = δ > 0. Finally, by Id we denote the identity operator on Rd and by χQ we denote the indicator function for a set Q ⊂ Rd .

2 Decomposition spaces In this section we define decomposition spaces [17], based on structured coverings [2], and we prove several important properties of such spaces. For an invertible matrix A ∈ GL(Rd ), and a constant c ∈ Rd , we define the affine transformation T x = Ax + c with x ∈ Rd . Given a family T = {Ak (·) + ck }k∈N of invertible affine transformations on Rd , and a subset Q ⊂ Rd , we let {QT }T ∈T := {T (Q)}T ∈T and  Te := T 0 ∈ T QT 0 ∩ QT 6= 0/ , T ∈ T . (1) We say that Q := {QT }T ∈T is an admissible covering of Rd if all T ∈ T .


T ∈T

QT = Rd and there exists n0 ∈ N such that |Te| ≤ n0 for

Definition 1 (Q−moderate weight) . Let Q := {QT }T ∈T be an admissible covering. A function u : Rd → (0, ∞) is called Q−moderate if there exists C > 0 such that u(x) ≤ Cu(y) for all x, y ∈ QT and all T ∈ T . A Q−moderate weight (derived from u) is a sequence {ωT }T ∈T := {u(xT )}T ∈T with xT ∈ QT for all T ∈ T . For the rest of this article, we shall use the explicit choice u(x) := 1 + kxk for the function u in Definition 1. Let us now define structured coverings [2] of the time domain. Definition 2 (Structured covering) . Given a family T = {Ak (·) + ck }k∈N of invertible affine transformations on Rd , suppose there exist two bounded open sets P ⊂ Q ⊂ Rd , with P compactly contained in Q, such that 1. {PT }T ∈T and {QT }T ∈T are admissible coverings. 2. There exists a δ −separated set {xT }T ∈T ⊂ Rd , with xT ∈ QT for all T ∈ T , such that {ωT }T ∈T := {u(xT )}T ∈T is a Q−moderate weight. Then we call Q = {QT }T ∈T a structured covering. For a structured covering we have the associated concept of a bounded admissible partition of unity (BAPU) [17]. Definition 3 (BAPU) . Let Q = {QT }T ∈T be a structured covering of Rd . A corresponding BAPU subordinate to Q is a family of non-negative functions {ψT }T ∈T ⊂ Cc∞ (Rd ) satisfying 1. supp(ψT ) ⊂ QT , ∀T ∈ T . 2. ∑ ψT (x) = 1, ∀x ∈ Rd . T ∈T

3. sup kψT kL∞ < ∞. T ∈T

Given a structured covering Q = {QT }T ∈T , we can always construct a subordinate BAPU. Choose a non-negative function Φ ∈ Cc∞ (Rd ), with Φ(x) = 1 for all x ∈ P and supp(Φ) ⊂ Q, and define ψT (x) :=

Φ(T −1 x) , ∑T 0 ∈T Φ(T 0−1 x)

x ∈ Rd ,

for all T ∈ T . With this construction, it is clear that Definition 3(1) is satisfied. Further, since {PT }T ∈T is an admissible covering, 1 ≤ ∑T 0 ∈T Φ(T 0−1 x) ≤ n0 for all x ∈ Rd , which shows that Definition 3(2) and Definition 3(3) hold. Remark 1 We note that the assumption in Definition 2(2) is not necessary for constructing a subordinate BAPU, however, the assumption is needed for proving Theorem 1.


Emil Solsbæk Ottosen, Morten Nielsen

Given a structured covering Q = {QT }T ∈T with Q−moderate weight {ωT }T ∈T and BAPU {ψT }T ∈T . For s ∈ R and 1 ≤ q ≤ ∞, we define the associated weighted sequence space n o `qω s (T ) := {aT }T ∈T ⊂ C k{aT }T ∈T k`q s := k{ωTs aT }T ∈T k`q < ∞ . ω

+ + Given {aT }T ∈T ∈ `qω s (T ), we define {a+ T }T ∈T by aT := ∑T 0 ∈Te aT 0 . Since {ωT }T ∈T is Q−moderate, {aT }T ∈T → {aT }T ∈T q defines a bounded operator on `ω s (T ) according to [17, Remark 2.13 and Lemma 3.2]. Denoting its operator norm by C+ , we have



(2) ∀ {aT }T ∈T ∈ `qω s (T ). T T ∈T `q ≤ C+ {aT }T ∈T `q , ωs


We now define decomposition spaces as first introduced in [17]. Definition 4 (Decomposition space) . Let Q = {QT }T ∈T be a structured covering with Q−moderate weight {ωT }T ∈T and BAPU {ψT }T ∈T . For s ∈ R and 1 ≤ p, q ≤ ∞, we define the decomposition space D(Q, L p , `qω s ) as the set of distributions f ∈ S 0 (Rd ) satisfying

k f kD(Q,L p ,`q s ) := {kψT f kL p }T ∈T `q < ∞. ω


Remark 2 According to [17, Theorem 3.7], D(Q, L p , `qω s ) is independent of the particular choice of BAPU and different choices yield equivalent norms. Actually the results in [17] show that D(Q, L p , `qω s ) is invariant under certain geometric modifications of Q, but we will not go into detail here. Remark 3 In contrast to the approach taken in [31] (where the decomposition is performed on the frequency side), we do not allow p, q < 1 in Definition 4 since a simple consideration shows that the resulting decomposition spaces would not be complete in this case. We now consider some familiar examples of decomposition spaces. By standard arguments it is easy to verify that D(Q, L2 , `2 ) = L2 (Rd ) with equivalent norms for any structured covering Q. The next example shows how to construct Wiener amalgam spaces. Example 1 Let Q ∈ Rd be an open cube with center 0 and side-length r > 1. Define T := {Tk }k∈Zd , with Tk x := x − k for all k ∈ Zd , and let {k}k∈Zd be the δ −separated set from Definition 2(2). With Q := {QT }T ∈T , D(Q, L p , `qω s ) corresponds to W (L p , `qω s ) for s ∈ R and 1 ≤ p, q ≤ ∞, see [13] for further details. t u Let us now prove the following important properties of decomposition spaces. Theorem 1 Given a structured covering Q = {QT }T ∈T with Q−moderate weight {ωT }T ∈T and subordinate BAPU {ψT }T ∈T . For s ∈ R and 1 ≤ p, q ≤ ∞, 1. S (Rd ) ,→ D(Q, L p , `qω s ) ,→ S 0 (Rd ). 2. D(Q, L p , `qω s ) is a Banach space. 3. If p, q < ∞, then S (Rd ) is dense in D(Q, L p , `qω s ).



4. If p, q < ∞, then the dual space of D(Q, L p , `qω s ) can be identified with D(Q, L p , `qω −s ) with 1/p + 1/p0 = 1 and 1/q + 1/q0 = 1. The proof of Theorem 1 can be found in Appendix A. In the next section we construct decomposition spaces, which are compatible with the structure of certain nonstationary Gabor frames.

Nonlinear approximation with nonstationary Gabor frames


3 Nonstationary Gabor frames In this section, we construct nonstationary Gabor frames with flexible time resolution using the notation of [1]. Given a set of window functions {gn }n∈Zd in L2 (Rd ), with corresponding frequency sampling steps bn > 0, then for m, n ∈ Zd we define atoms of the form gm,n (x) := gn (x)e2πimbn ·x , x ∈ Rd . (3) The choice of Zd as index set for n is only a matter of notational convenience; any countable index set would do. Example 2 With gn (x) := g(x − na) and bn := b for all n ∈ Zd we get gm,n (x) := g(x − na)e2πimb·x ,

x ∈ Rd ,

(4) t u

which just corresponds to a standard Gabor system.

If ∑m,n |h f , gm,n i|2  k f k22 for all f ∈ L2 (Rd ), we refer to {gm,n }m,n as a nonstationary Gabor frame (NSGF). For an NSGF {gm,n }m,n , the frame operator Sf =

h f , gm,n i gm,n ,

f ∈ L2 (Rd ),

h f , gm,n i g˜m,n ,

f ∈ L2 (Rd ),

∑ m,n∈Zd

is invertible and we have the expansions f=

∑ m,n∈Zd

with {g˜m,n }m,n := {S−1 gm,n }m,n being the canonical dual frame of {gm,n }m,n . According to [1, Theorem 1], we have the following result. Theorem 2 Let {gn }n∈Zd ⊂ L2 (Rd ) with frequency sampling steps {bn }n∈Zd , bn > 0 for all n ∈ Zd . Assuming supp(gn ) ⊆ [0, b1n ]d + an , with an ∈ Rd for all n ∈ Zd , the frame operator for the system gm,n (x) = gn (x)e2πimbn ·x ,

∀m, n ∈ Zd ,

x ∈ Rd ,

is given by S f (x) =

∑ n∈Zd

1 |gn (x)|2 bdn

! f (x),

f ∈ L2 (Rd ).

The system {gm,n }m,n∈Zd constitutes a frame for L2 (Rd ), with frame-bounds 0 < A ≤ B < ∞, if and only if A≤

∑ n∈Zd

1 |gn (x)|2 ≤ B, bdn

for a.e. x ∈ Rd ,


and the canonical dual frame is then given by g˜m,n (x) =

gn (x) ∑l∈Zd

1 bdl

|gl (x)|2

e2πimbn ·x ,

x ∈ Rd .


Remark 4 We note that the canonical dual frame in (6) posses the same structure as the original frame, which is a property not shared by general NSGF’s. We also note that the canonical tight frame can be obtained by taking the square root of the denominator in (6).


Emil Solsbæk Ottosen, Morten Nielsen

Traditionally, an NSGF satisfying the assumptions of Theorem 2 is called a painless NSGF, referring to the fact that the frame operator is a simple multiplication operator. This terminology is adopted from the classical painless nonorthogonal expansions [5], which corresponds to the painless case for classical Gabor frames. By slight abuse of notation we use the term ”painless” to denote the NSGF’s satisfying Definition 5 below. In order to properly formulate this definition, we first need some preliminary notation which we adopt from [31]. Let {gn }n∈Zd ⊂ L2 (Rd ) satisfy the assumptions in Theorem 2. Given C∗ > 0 we denote by {In }n∈Zd the open cubes d  1 In := −εn , + εn + an , bn

∀n ∈ Zd ,


with εn := C∗ /bn for all n ∈ Zd . We note that supp(gm,n ) ⊂ In for all m, n ∈ Zd . For n ∈ Zd we define n o ne := n0 ∈ Zd In0 ∩ In 6= 0/ , using the notation of (1). We recall that u(x) := 1 + kxk. Definition 5 (Painless NSGF) . Let {gn }n∈Zd ⊂ L2 (Rd ) satisfy the assumptions in Theorem 2, and assume that, 1. There exists C∗ > 0 and n0 ∈ N, such that the open cubes {In }n∈Zd satisfy |e n| ≤ n0 uniformly for all n ∈ Zd . 2. {an }n∈Zd forms a δ −separated set and {u(an )}n∈Zd constitutes a {In }n∈Zd −moderate weight. 3. The gn ’s are continuous, real valued and satisfy d/2

gn (x) ≤ Cbn χIn (x),

for all n ∈ Zd ,

for some uniform constant C > 0. Then we refer to {gm,m }m,n∈Zd as a painless NSGF. The assumptions in Definition 5 are easily satisfied, but the support conditions in Theorem 2 are rather restrictive and implies a certain redundancy of the system. Nevertheless, we must assume some structure on the dual frame, which is not provided by general NSGF’s. We choose the framework of painless NSGF’s and base our arguments on the fact that the dual frame possess the same structure as the original frame. We expect it is possible to extend the theory developed in this article to a more general settings by imposing general existence results for NSGF’s [12, 25, 37]. We now provide a simple example of a set of window functions satisfying Definition 5(3). Example 3 Choose a continuous real valued function ϕ ∈ L2 (Rd ) \ {0} with supp(ϕ) ⊆ [0, 1]d . For n ∈ Zd define d/2

gn (x) := bn ϕ(bn (x − an )),

x ∈ Rd ,

with an ∈ Rd and bn > 0. Then supp(gn ) ⊆ [0, b1n ] + an and Definition 5(3) is satisfied.

t u

Following the approach taken in [31], we define Q := (0, 1)d together with the set of affine transformations T := {An (·) + cn }n∈Zd with   1 An := 2εn + · Id , and (cn ) j = −εn + (an ) j , 1 ≤ j ≤ d. bn It is then easily shown that Q := {QT }T ∈T = {In }n∈Zd forms a structured covering of Rd [31, Lemma 4.1]. Given s ∈ R and 1 ≤ p, q ≤ ∞, we may therefore construct the associated decomposition space D(Q, L p , `qω s ). For notational convenience we change notation and write {gm,T }m∈Zd ,T ∈T such that supp(gm,T ) ⊂ QT for all m ∈ Zd and all T ∈ T .

Nonlinear approximation with nonstationary Gabor frames


4 Characterization of decomposition spaces Using the notation of [2] we define the sequence space d(Q, ` p , `qω s ) as the set of coefficients {cm,T }m∈Zd ,T ∈T ⊂ C satisfying

p {c } :=

{cm,T }m∈Zd ,T ∈T

d m,T m∈Z ` T ∈T q < ∞, p q d(Q,` ,`ω s )

`ω s

for s ∈ R and 1 ≤ p, q ≤ ∞. We can now prove the following important stability result. Theorem 3 Let s ∈ R and 1 ≤ p ≤ 2. For f ∈ D(Q, L p , `qω s ) and 1 ≤ q ≤ ∞,

≤ C k f kD(Q,L p ,`q s ) ,

{h f , gm,T i}m∈Zd ,T ∈T p0 q d(Q,` ,`ω s )




and for h ∈ D(Q, L p , `qω s ) and 1 ≤ q < ∞,

≤ C0 {hh, gm,T i}m∈Zd ,T ∈T

khkD(Q,L p0 ,`q

) ωs


d(Q,` p ,`ω s )



with 1/p + 1/p0 = 1. fT := ∑T 0 ∈Te ψT ≡ 1 on QT , then Proof We first prove (8). Given f ∈ D(Q, L p , `qω s ), since ψ

{h f , gm,T i}

m∈Zd ` p0 =

p0 ψ fT f , gm,T


m∈Zd −d/2 = bT

∑ m∈Zd

d/2 Z b T

−2πimbT ·x


fT (x) f (x)gT (x)e ψ

p0 !1/p0 , dx

with bT > 0 being the frequency sampling step. Since 1 ≤ p ≤ 2 we can use the Hausdorff-Young inequality [27, Theorem 2.1 on page 98], which together with Definition 5(3) imply



{h f , gm,T i} fT f L p . fT f gT L p ≤ C1 ψ m∈Zd ` p0 ≤ bT Hence, using (2) we get

{h f , gm,T i}m∈Zd ,T ∈T



d(Q,` p ,`ω s )


≤ C1 ψ T f L p T ∈T


`ω s

≤ C2 k f kD(Q,L p ,`q s ) . ω


Let us now prove (9). Given h ∈ D(Q, L p , `qω s ) and σ ∈ S (Rd ), we write the frame expansion of σ with respect to {gm,T }m∈Zd ,T ∈T and apply H¨older’s inequality twice to obtain |hh, σ i| ≤

∑ ∑

|hσ , gm,T i hh, g˜m,T i|

T ∈T m∈Zd

T ∈T

|hσ , gm,T i|

0 ωT−p s




|hh, g˜m,T i|





≤ {hσ , gm,T i}m∈Zd ,T ∈T

0 q0 d(Q,` p ,` −s ) ω

{hh, g˜m,T i}m∈Zd ,T ∈T

According to (8) then

{hσ , gm,T i}m,T



d(Q,` p ,` −s ) ω


d(Q,` p ,`ω s )

≤ C kσ k


D(Q,L p ,` −s ) ω

< ∞,




Emil Solsbæk Ottosen, Morten Nielsen 0



since S (Rd ) ,→ D(Q, L p , `qω −s ). Finally, since the dual space of D(Q, L p , `qω s ) can be identified with D(Q, L p , `qω −s ), and q0

since S (Rd ) is dense in D(Q, L p , `ω −s ), (10) implies khkD(Q,L p0 ,`q

) ωs


sup kσ k

=1 q0 D(Q,L p ,` −s ) ω

|hh, σ i| ≤ C1 {hh, g˜m,T i}m∈Zd ,T ∈T


d(Q,` p ,`ω s )

≤ C2 {hh, gm,T i}m∈Zd ,T ∈T


d(Q,` p ,`ω s )

, t u

where we use (5) in the last inequality. This completes the proof of (9). We note that for p = 2, Theorem 3 yields the equivalence

k f kD(Q,L2 ,`q s )  {h f , gm,T i}m∈Zd ,T ∈T


d(Q,`2 ,`ω s )



f ∈ D(Q, L2 , `qω s ),

for s ∈ R and 1 ≤ q < ∞. It follows that the coefficient operator C : f → {h f , gm,T i}m,T is bounded from D(Q, L2 , `qω s ) into d(Q, `2 , `qω s ). We define the corresponding reconstruction operator as   R {cm,T }m∈Zd ,T ∈T = ∑ ∑ cm,T g˜m,T , ∀{cm,T }m∈Zd ,T ∈T ∈ d(Q, `2 , `qω s ). T ∈T m∈Zd

With this notation we have the following result. Proposition 1 Given s ∈ R and 1 ≤ q < ∞, the reconstruction operator R is bounded from d(Q, `2 , `qω s ) onto D(Q, L2 , `qω s ) and we have the expansions f = RC( f ) =

h f , gm,T i g˜m,T ,

f ∈ D(Q, L2 , `qω s ),


m∈Zd ,T ∈T

with unconditional convergence. Proof We first prove that R is bounded. Given {cm,T }m,T ∈ d(Q, `2 , `qω s ), (2) yields

( ! )

kR({cm,T }m,T )kD(Q,L2 ,`q s ) = ψT ∑ ∑ cm,T 0 g˜m,T 0



0 e T ∈T m∈Z L2 T ∈T `q s ω



≤ C1 ∑ cm,T gm,T



d 2 m∈Z


T ∈T

`ω s

Applying Definition 5(3) and the Hausdorff-Young inequality [27, Theorem 2.2 on page 99] we get 2

2 Z

2 d/2

2πimbT ·x dx ≤ C {cm,T }m∈Zd `2 . bT ∑ cm,T e

∑ cm,T gm,T ≤ C

2 Rd d d m∈Z





Combining (12) and (13) we arrive at

kR({cm,T }m,T )kD(Q,L2 ,`q s ) ≤ C2 {cm,T }m∈Zd `2 T ∈T


`ω s


= C2 k{cm,T }m,T kd(Q,`2 ,`q s ) , ω


Nonlinear approximation with nonstationary Gabor frames


which shows the boundedness of R. Let us now prove the unconditional convergence of (11). Given f ∈ D(Q, L2 , `qω s ) we can find a sequence { fk }k≥1 ∈ S (Rd ) such that fk → f in D(Q, L2 , `qω s ). For each k we have the expansion fk = RC( fk ), and by continuity of RC we get f = RC( f ). Given ε > 0, (14) implies that we can find a finite subset F0 ⊆ Zd × T , such that for all finite sets F ⊇ F0 ,

≤ C {h f , gm,T i}(m,T )∈F < ε.

f − ∑ h f , gm,T i g˜m,T q / d(Q,`2 ,`ω s )

q (m,T )∈F D(Q,L2 ,`ω s )

According to [22, Proposition 5.3.1 on page 98], this property is equivalent to unconditional convergence.

t u

Based on Proposition 1, we can show some important properties of {gm,T }m∈Zd ,T ∈T in connection with nonlinear approximation theory [6]. Assume f ∈ D(Q, L2 , `2ω s ), for s ∈ R, and write the frame expansion f=

h f , gm,T i g˜m,T .


m∈Zd ,T ∈T

Let {θk }k∈N be a rearrangement of the frame coefficients {h f , gm,T i}m,T such that {|θk |}k∈N constitutes a decreasing sequence. Also, let fN be the N-term approximation to f obtained by extracting the terms in (15) corresponding to the N largest coefficients {θk }Nk=1 . Since R is bounded, [20, Theorem 6] implies that for each 1 ≤ τ < 2,

k f − fN kD(Q,L2 ,`2 s ) ≤ C1 {θk }k>N d(Q,`2 ,`2 ) ≤ C2 N −α {θk }k∈N d(Q,`τ ,`τ ) , (16) ωs




with α := 1/τ − 1/2. According to (8), the coefficient operator is bounded from D(Q, Lτ , `τω s ) into d(Q, `τ , `τω s ), so we may continue on (16) and write k f − fN kD(Q,L2 ,`2 s ) ≤ C3 N −α k f kD(Q,Lτ 0 ,`τ ) , (17) ωs



with 1/τ +1/τ 0 = 1. We conclude that for f ∈ D(Q, L2 , `2ω s )∩D(Q, L , `τω s ), we obtain good approximations in D(Q, L2 , `2ω s ) by thresholding the frame coefficients in (15). The rate of the approximation is given by α ∈ (0, 1/2].

5 Numerical experiments In this section we provide the numerical experiments, thresholding coefficients of both stationary and nonstationary Gabor expansions. We consider a signal of length 262144 consisting of a short piece of music recorded on a grand piano and sampled at 44100 Hz1 . The music is the beginning of ”Georgia On My Mind” by Ray Charles and the corresponding music sheet can be found in Figure 1.

Fig. 1 Music sheet for ”Georgia On My Mind” by Ray Charles. 1 The corresponding sound file can be found at under the name ”Georgia On My Mind - Original”. We consider only sample 33001 − 295144.


Emil Solsbæk Ottosen, Morten Nielsen

Since music signals are continuous signals of finite energy, it make sense to consider them in the framework of decomposition spaces. Moreover, the decomposition space norm constitutes a natural measure for such nonstationary signals, capable of detecting local signal changes as opposed to the standard L p −norm. In the following two sections we separately analyse the performance of a classical Gabor expansion and an adaptive nonstationary Gabor expansion. To analyse the performance of an expansion we use the relative root mean square (RMS) reconstruction error k f − frec k2 . RMS( f , frec ) := k f k2 As a general rule of thumb, an RMS error below 1% is hardly noticeable to the average listener. We measure the redundancy of a transform by number of coefficients . length of signal For both transforms used below the redundancy is approximately 5/6 (only the coefficients corresponding to the positive frequencies are calculated for real valued signals). For the implementation we use MATLAB 2017A and in particular we use the following two toolboxes: The LTFAT [33] (version 2.1.2 or above) available from and the NSGToolbox [1] (version 0.1.0 or above) available from

5.1 Classical Gabor frames We construct the Gabor expansion using 2560 channels and a hop size of 1536. The window function is chosen as a Hanning window of length 2560 such that the resulting system constitutes a painless Gabor frame. The Gabor transform has a redundancy of ≈ 0.855 and the total number of Gabor coefficients is 224175 (of which 220332 are non-zero). Performing hard threshold, and keeping only the 13683 largest coefficients, we obtain an expansion with an RMS reconstruction error just below 1%. Spectrograms based on the original expansion and the thresholded expansion can be found in Figure 2.

Canonical Gabor coefficients

Thresholded Gabor coefficients 4000

Frequency (Hz)

Frequency (Hz)







0 0







0 0


Time (seconds) Fig. 2 Spectrograms based on full and thresholded Gabor expansion (RMS error just below 1%).




Time (seconds)


Nonlinear approximation with nonstationary Gabor frames


We first comment on the spectrogram based on the full Gabor expansion. The 9 ”vertical stripes” correspond to the 9 onsets of the music (see Figure 1) and the ”horizontal stripes” corresponds to the frequencies of the harmonics. We would like to remove the non-zero coefficients between the horizontal stripes as these are mainly caused by noise, blurry resolution, and the interaction between harmonics. In the thresholded spectrogram we have removed all coefficients with magnitudes smaller than a certain threshold. Keeping only around 6.1% of the original non-zero coefficients, we obtain an expansion which is capable of reproducing the original signal with an RMS reconstruction error smaller than 1%. Based on the obtained results from Section 4 (in particular (17)) we expect the RMS error E(N) to decrease as N −α , for some α ∈ R+ , with N being the number of non-zero coefficients. For different values of N, we have calculated E(N) and used standard power regression to determine α. In Figure 3 we have collected selected values of E(N) and N in a table and made a plot of the estimated power function.


Gabor coefficients E(N)

1000 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000

3.09e-01 6.57e-02 2.07e-02 7.91e-03 3.65e-03 2.09e-03 1.41e-03 1.05e-03 8.34e-04

0.3 0.25



0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0





4 x104

Fig. 3 RMS error E(N) as a function of the number of non-zero coefficients N. Certain values are shown in the table to the left and power regression has been performed on considerably more values to the right.

The estimated value for α is 1.83616, which is a considerable faster rate than the one given in (17) (which belongs to (0, 1/2]). This illustrates that (17) only provides us with an upper bound on the approximation error - the actual error might be much smaller. We note that power regression seems to be a good fit for the data points in Figure 3. In the next section we perform similar experiments, replacing the Gabor frame with an adaptive NSGF.

5.2 Nonstationary Gabor frames In order to obtain adaptive time-frequency representations with NSGF’s, an adaptation procedure must be chosen. In this section we adopt the procedure from [1] and construct so-called scale frames. The idea is to calculate the onsets of the music piece, using a separate algorithm [8], and then use short window functions around the onsets and long window functions between the onsets. The space between two onsets is spanned in such a way that the window length first increases and then decreases. The window functions are constructed as scaled versions of a fixed window prototype (a Hanning window was chosen for the implementation) and the scaling is done in a smooth way to avoid unnecessary jump in window size. Denoting the scale sequence by {sn } ⊂ N, we assume that |sn − sn−1 | ∈ {0, 1} for all n. The window functions are then given by gn (t) =

√ 2−sn g(2−sn t),


Emil Solsbæk Ottosen, Morten Nielsen

with g denoting the window prototype. Assuming g has support in an interval of length 1, then gn has support in an interval of length 2sn . The construction is such that adjacent windows are either of the same length or one is twice as long as the other. The corresponding numbers of frequency channels are chosen such that the resulting system constitutes a painless NSGF. By construction, scale frames use very little overlap between the window functions to obtain a low redundancy. For the actual implementation, we use 8 different Hanning windows with lengths varying from 192 (around the onsets) to 192 · 27 = 24576. For the piano music given in Figure 1, the nonstationary Gabor transform has a redundancy of ≈ 0.817, which is comparable to that of the Gabor transform used in Section 5.1. The total number of coefficients is 214138 of which all are non-zero. Keeping only the 10371 largest coefficients we obtain an expansion with an RMS reconstruction error just below 1%. This is considerably fewer coefficients than needed for the standard Gabor expansion, which shows a natural sparseness of scale frames for this particular signal class. This property was already noted by the authors in [1]. Spectrograms based on the full expansion and the thresholded expansion can be found in Figure 4.

Canonical NSG coefficients

Thresholded NSG coefficients 4000

Frequency (Hz)

Frequency (Hz)







0 0






Time (seconds)


0 0






Time (seconds)

Fig. 4 Spectrograms based on full and thresholded nonst. Gabor expansion (RMS error just below 1%).

Just as for Figure 2, we note the 9 vertical stripes corresponding to the onsets and the horizontal stripes corresponding to the harmonics. However, in contrast to Figure 2, the horizontal stripes are no longer ”rectangular”. This reflects the adaptive behaviour of the window functions, resulting in a good time resolution around the 9 onsets and a good frequency resolution for the harmonics between the onsets. Considering the thresholded spectrogram to the right, we note that the approximation is particular convincing for the three quarter notes (the longer ones), where the harmonics are easily accessible. Keeping only around 4.1% of the coefficients we obtain an expansion with an RMS reconstruction error smaller than 1%. Calculating the RMS error E(N) for different values of N, the number of non-zero coefficients, and performing power regression, we obtain the plot shown in Figure 5. The estimated value for rate of the approximation is α = 1.73346, which is again much higher than the bound given in (17). The rate is a bit slower than for the classical Gabor frame, but the initial advance of the scale frame implies that all values in the table in Figure 5 are lower than those in the table in Figure 3. The power regression model also seems to be a good fit for the nonstationary case, aligning well with the set of data points.

Nonlinear approximation with nonstationary Gabor frames

13 0.25

Nonstationary Gabor coefficients E(N)

1000 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000

2.01e-01 3.66e-02 1.08e-02 4.31e-03 2.31e-03 1.53e-03 1.12e-03 8.86e-04 7.33e-04




0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0





4 x104

Fig. 5 RMS error E(N) as a function of the number of non-zero coefficients N. Certain values are shown in the table to the left and power regression has been performed on considerably more values to the right.

6 Conclusion We have provided a self-contained description of decomposition spaces on the time side, proving several important properties of such spaces. Given a painless nonstationary Gabor frame, with resolution varying in time, we have shown how to construct an associated decomposition space which characterizes the signals with sparse frame expansions. Based on this characterization we have proved an upper bound on the approximation error occurring when thresholding the coefficients of the frame expansion. The theoretical results have been complemented with numerical experiments, showing that the approximation error is indeed smaller than the theoretical upper bound. Using terminology from nonlinear approximation theory, we have proven a Jackson inequality for nonlinear approximation with certain nonstationary Gabor frames. It could be interesting to consider the inverse estimate, a so-called Bernstein inequality, providing us with a lower bound on the approximation error. The numerical experiments indeed suggests that the approximation error acts as a power function of the number of non-zero coefficients. Unfortunately, obtaining a Bernstein inequality for a redundant dictionary is in general beyond the reach of current methods [21].

A Proof of Theorem 1 Proof We will use the well known fact that Z Rd

u(x)−m dx =

Z Rd

(1 + kxk2 )−m dx < ∞,

m > d.



We prove each of the four statements separately and we write Dsp,q := D(Q, L p , `ω s ) to simplify notation. 1. Repeating the arguments from [3, Proposition 5.7], using Definition 2(2), we can show that s s Ds+ε p,∞ ,→ D p,q ,→ D p,∞ ,

ε > d/q,


for any s ∈ R and 1 ≤ p, q ≤ ∞. Hence, to prove Theorem 1(1) it suffices to show that S(Rd ) ,→ Dsp,∞ ,→ S 0 (Rd ) for any s ∈ R and 1 ≤ p ≤ ∞. We first show that S(Rd ) ,→ Dsp,∞ . Since {ωT }T ∈T is Q−moderate, and ψT is uniformly bounded, this result follows from (18) since

ωTs kψT f kL p ≤ C1 kus ψT f kL p ≤ C2 kus f kL p ≤ C3 us+r f L∞ ≤ C3 max sup u(x)N ∂xβ f (x) , f ∈ S(Rd ), |β |≤N x∈Rd


Emil Solsbæk Ottosen, Morten Nielsen fT := ∑T 0 ∈Te ψT . Given f ∈ Dsp,∞ and ϕ ∈ S(Rd ), H¨older’s inequality for r > d/p and N ≥ s + r. To show that Dsp,∞ ,→ S 0 (Rd ) we define ψ yields

fT ϕ L1 fT ϕ ≤ ∑ ψT f ψ |h f , ϕi| = ∑ ψT f , ψ T ∈T T ∈T

fT ϕ L p0 ≤ k f kDs ∑ ωT−s ψ fT ϕ L p0 , ≤ ∑ kψT f kL p ψ (20) p,∞ T ∈T


1/p + 1/p0

T ∈T

= 1. Applying (2) we get

T ∈T

fT ϕ L p0 ωT−s ψ



≤ ∑ kψT 0 ϕkL p0

T 0 ∈Te

T ∈T

n + o

= kψT ϕkL p0

T ∈T

`1 −s ω

`1 −s ω

≤ C+ kψT ϕkL p0 T ∈T

`1 −s

= C+ kϕkD−s .


p0 ,1


Now, (19) implies kϕkD−s ≤ C kϕkDε−s for ε > d. Hence, since we have already shown that S(Rd ) ,→ Dsp,∞ , we conclude from (20) and (21) p0 ,1

p0 ,∞

that Dsp,∞ ,→ S 0 (Rd ). This proves Theorem 1(1). 2. Theorem 1(2) follows from Theorem 1(1) and the arguments in [3, Page 150]. 3. To prove Theorem 1(3) we let f ∈ Dsp,q and choose a function I ∈ Cc∞ (Rd ) satisfying 0 ≤ I(x) ≤ 1 and I(x) ≡ 1 on some neighbourhood of x = 0. Since supp(I) is compact we can choose a finite subset T ∗ ⊂ T such that supp(I) ⊂ ∪T ∈T ∗ QT and ∑T ∈T ∗ ψT (x) ≡ 1 on supp(I). Hence, with fe := I f we get


f = ψ I f (22)

p ∑ T ≤ ∑ kψT f kL p < ∞,

T ∈T ∗

p T ∈T ∗ L L

since f ∈ Dsp,q . Now, let ϕ ∈ Cc∞ (Rd ) with 0 ≤ ϕ(x) ≤ 1 and Rd ϕ(x)dx = 1. Also, for ε > 0 define ϕε (x) := ε −d ϕ(x/ε) and let feε := ϕε ∗ fe ∈ S(Rd ). It follows from (22) and a standard result on L p -spaces [28, Theorem 2.16 on page 64] that



e e

→0 e e

f − fε s ≤ C

f − fε p R


D p,q

T ∈T


`ω s

as ε → 0. Hence, the proof is done, if we can show that k f − fekDsp,q can be made arbitrary small by choosing f˜ appropriately. To show this, we define T◦ := {T ∈ T I(x) ≡ 1 on supp(ψT )}. Denoting its complement by T◦c we get

f − fe s ≤ 2 {kψT f kL p }T ∈T c q . D p,q

`ω s

Finally, since f ∈ Dsp,q , we can choose supp(I) large enough, such that k f − fekDsp,q < ε for any given ε > 0. This proves Theorem 1(3). 4. To prove Theorem 1(4) we first note that (Dsp,q )0 ⊂ S 0 (Rd ) since S(Rd ) ⊂ Dsp,q . Furthermore, by Remark 2 we may assume the same BAPU −s −s s 0 s {ψT }T ∈T is used for both Dsp,q and D−s older’s p0 ,q0 . Let us first show that D p0 ,q0 ⊆ (D p,q ) . Given σ ∈ D p0 ,q0 and f ∈ D p,q , applying (2) and H¨ inequality twice yield

fT f L p kψT σ kL p0 f |h f , σ i| = ∑ ψT f , ψT σ ≤ ∑ ψ T ∈T T ∈T !  s ≤ ∑ ωT ∑ kψT 0 f kL p ωT−s kψT σ kL p0 T ∈T

T 0 ∈Te

≤ (ψT f )+ L p T ∈T

q `ω s

kψT σ kL p0 T ∈T


` −s ω

≤ C+ k f kDsp,q kσ kD−s . p0 ,q0


To prove that (Dsp,q )0 ⊆ D−s p0 ,q0 we define the space n o

`q (L p ) := { fT }T ∈T ⊂ S 0 (Rd ) k{ fT }T ∈T k`q (L p ) := {k fT kL p }T ∈T `q < ∞ . With this notation we get

k f kDsp,q = {ωTs kψT f kL p }T ∈T `q = k{ωTs ψT f }T ∈T k`q (L p ) ,


Nonlinear approximation with nonstationary Gabor frames


for all f ∈ Dsp,q . Since f → {ωTs ψT f }T ∈T defines an injective mapping from Dsp,q onto a subspace of `q (L p ), every σ ∈ (Dsp,q )0 can be interpreted as a functional on that subspace. By the Hahn-Banach theorem, σ can be extended to a continuous linear functional on `q (L p ) where the norm of σ is preserved. It thus follows from [36, Proposition 2.11.1 on page 177] that for f ∈ Dsp,q we may write Z

σ( f ) = {σT (x)}T ∈T

Rd T ∈T

σT (x)ωTs ψT (x) f (x)dx,

 0 0 ∈ `q L p ,




kσ k∗ = k{σT }T ∈T k`q0 (L p0 ) ,


with kσ k∗ := supk{ fT }k`q (L p ) =1 |σ ({ fT })| denoting the standard norm on (`q (L p ))0 . From (25) we conclude that the proof is done if we can show that ∑T ∈T σT (x)ωTs ψT (x) ∈ D−s p0 ,q0 . This follows from (2) since


∑ σT ωT ψT

T ∈T

D−s0 0 p ,q


= ψT

∑ T 0 ∈Te

σT 0 ωTs 0 ψT 0




≤ C1 kσT ωTs ψT kL p0 T ∈T

T ∈T



` −s ω


` −s ω

≤ C2 kσT kL p0 T ∈T



= C2 {σT }T ∈T `q0 (L p0 ) = kσ k∗ , where we use (26) in the last equation. This proves Theorem 1(4).

t u

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