Nonlinear Plasmonics: Theoretical Models and Physical Manipulation
Nonlinear Plasmonics: Theoretical Models and Physical Manipulation Wei E.I. Sha (沙威) College of Information Science & Electronic Engineering, Zhejiang University Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering, University College London On leave from EEE Department, the University of Hong Kong Email:
[email protected] Website: Page 1
Wei E. I. Sha
Nonlinear Plasmonics: Theoretical Models and Physical Manipulation
Background for Nonlinear Plasmonics Boundary Element Method Maxwell-Hydrodynamic Model Theoretical Results Charge Conservation Energy Conservation Angular Momentum Conservation Parity Conservation Terahertz Generation Future Perspectives Conclusion
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Wei E. I. Sha
Nonlinear Plasmonics: Theoretical Models and Physical Manipulation
NONLINEAR EFFECTS: A QUICK REVIEW P = ε 0 χ (1) ⋅ E + χ ( 2 ) : EE + χ (3) : EEE + nonlinear responses SHG, SFG, DFG, THG, FWM, Kerr effect … Linear and nonlinear susceptibility:
second-harmonic generation
four-wave mixing
anti-Stokes Raman scattering
Martti Kauranen and Anatoly V. Zayats, Nature Photonics 6: 737–748, 2012. Page 3
Wei E. I. Sha
Nonlinear Plasmonics: Theoretical Models and Physical Manipulation
Support plasmonic resonance Strong near field enhancement Sensitive to electromagnetic environment Amplify nonlinear processes 𝜔
2𝜔 Control of amplitude, phase, polarization, and wavefront of nonlinear electromagnetic waves by metamaterials and plasmonics is an emerging research direction, which is full of challenges in mathematical modeling and physical designs.
N. I. Zheludev, The Road Ahead for Metamaterials, Science, 328: 582–583, 2010. Page 4
Wei E. I. Sha
Nonlinear Plasmonics: Theoretical Models and Physical Manipulation
CHALLENGES We need to control electromagnetic wave not only in fundamental frequency but also in high harmonic frequencies. Some fundamental knowledge in linear plasmonics are not valid in nonlinear plasmonics; Some key prerequisites (phase matching) in traditional nonlinear optics are not so important in nonlinear plasmonics. It is not easy to find commercial software that is capable of modeling nonlinear responses from centro-symmetric metals and graphene.
k radiation pattern of a metallic nanoparticle
E-field distribution of a graphene sheet Page 5
Wei E. I. Sha
Nonlinear Plasmonics: Theoretical Models and Physical Manipulation
WHY SHG IS SPECIAL? Second-harmonic generation (SHG) Parametric nonlinear process • charge conservation • energy conservation • angular momentum conservation • parity conservation
Pi = χ E j Ek (2) ijk
j ,k
Surface SHG in plasmonic nanostructures • • • •
sensitive to particle shape sensitive to environment sensitive to incident beam property strong nonlinear polarization
r → −r
E → −E
P → −P
− P = χ ( 2 ) : ( −E ) 2 = χ ( 2 ) : E 2 = P Page 6
P=0 Wei E. I. Sha
Selection Rules
Centrosymmetric material
Pbulk ≈ 0
Centrosymmetry broken at surfaces
Psurface ≠ 0
Nonlinear Plasmonics: Theoretical Models and Physical Manipulation
APPLICATIONS single nanoparticle detection
ultrasensitive shape characterization
nonlinear plasmonic sensing
𝜔 2𝜔
2𝜔 Butet, Nano Lett.(2012)
Martin, Nano Lett. (2013)
Mesch, Nano Lett. (2016)
𝜔 2𝜔 Butet, ACS Nano (2014)
Zhang, Nano Lett. (2011)
all optical signal processing
OAM wavefront generation
Yu, Science (2012)
new frequency generation 𝟐𝝎
All optical chip, IBM (2011)
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Capasso, Science (2011)
Wei E. I. Sha
Bloch, Phys. Rev. Lett.(2012)
Nonlinear Plasmonics: Theoretical Models and Physical Manipulation
Second harmonic field
nonlinear source for downconversion process, which can be ignored for undepleted pump approximation nonlinear source for upconversion process
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Nonlinear Plasmonics: Theoretical Models and Physical Manipulation
1. Solve fundamental field
boundary conditions
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Nonlinear Plasmonics: Theoretical Models and Physical Manipulation
2. Obtain surface nonlinear sources by surface nonlinear susceptibility
3. Solve second-harmonic field
boundary conditions
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Nonlinear Plasmonics: Theoretical Models and Physical Manipulation
4. Update fundamental field with modified boundary conditions
boundary conditions
self-consistent process (energy conservation law) second-harmonic field
fundamental field
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Wei E. I. Sha
Nonlinear Electromagnetics in Plasmonic System
HYDRODYNAMIC MODEL When electromagnetic wave strongly interacts with metallic structures, it can couple to free electrons near the metal surface resulting in complex linear and nonlinear responses. The complex motion of electrons within metallic structures resembles motion of fluids.
Maxwell Hydrodynamic
The equation is solved by FDTD method with Yee grids. Page 12
Wei E. I. Sha
Nonlinear Electromagnetics in Plasmonic System
At each point, the electron density fluctuates. However, the total charge within the sphere is conserved.
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Nonlinear Electromagnetics in Plasmonic System
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2ω ~|𝐸 ω |
3ω ~|𝐸 ω |
Wei E. I. Sha
Nonlinear Plasmonics: Theoretical Models and Physical Manipulation
For a nanostructure with N-fold rotational symmetry The relation between the spin and orbital angular momenta of the incident field and that of the scattered second-harmonic wave is given by 𝑗
𝑠 𝑙
analogy translational momentum conservation
k 0 sin θ s =sk 0 sin θ i +m
: total angular momentum of the scattered SH wave
𝜎: spin angular momenta of the incident field (𝜎
1 or 𝜎
𝑙: orbital angular momentum of the incident field 𝑠: order of harmonic generation (s = 1 for linear processes, s = 2 for SH generation) 𝑁: quasi-angular-momentum of the nanostructure with 𝑁-fold rotational symmetry 𝑞: an integer and 𝑞 Page 15
0, 1, 2, … Wei E. I. Sha
Nonlinear Plasmonics: Theoretical Models and Physical Manipulation
numerical N=3
[1] K. Konishi, T. Higuchi, J. Li, J. Larsson, S. Ishii, and M. K.-Gonokami, Phy. Rev. Lett. 112: 135502, 2014. Page 16
Wei E. I. Sha
Nonlinear Plasmonics: Theoretical Models and Physical Manipulation
Near-field distribution of a metallic sphere • Radius of the gold sphere: 100 nm • Wavelength of the incident beam: 520 nm • Near-field observation plane: 40 nm away from the back side of the sphere • Laguerre-Gaussian (LG) beam with OAM 𝑙 1, SAM 𝜎 1/ 1.
Second-Harmonic (SH)
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Nonlinear Plasmonics: Theoretical Models and Physical Manipulation
Scattering cross section (SCS) analysis of a silicon sphere • Radius of the silicon sphere: 500 nm • Laguerre-Gaussian (LG) beam with OAM 𝑙 Fundamental SCS, linearly polarized plane wave
Fundamental SCS, Laguerre-Gaussian beam
4, SAM 𝜎
1/ 1.
SH SCS, Laguerre-Gaussian beam
Two SH enhancement mechanisms
Circles: fundamental mode enhancement; Diamonds: SH induced fundamental mode enhancement Page 18
Wei E. I. Sha
Nonlinear Plasmonics: Theoretical Models and Physical Manipulation
ANGULAR MOMENTUM CONSERVATION (3) • Chiral cluster with 3-fold rotational symmetry containing 10 identical silicon nanospheres (quasi-angular-momentum 𝑁 3) • Radius of the silicon sphere/cross section: 500 nm • Laguerre-Gaussian (LG) beam with OAM 𝑙 4, SAM 𝜎 1/ 1. • Total angular momentum 𝑗 𝑙 𝜎
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Nonlinear Plasmonics: Theoretical Models and Physical Manipulation
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1, 𝑙
4, 𝑁
SH: 𝑗
⋯ , 7, 4, 1, 2, 5, 8, …
Wei E. I. Sha
2 𝑙
⋯ , 8, 5, 2, 1, 4,7,10, … ,
Nonlinear Plasmonics: Theoretical Models and Physical Manipulation
ANGULAR MOMENTUM CONSERVATION (5) Discretization of Hydrodynamic Equation
Spatial interpolation is adopted to force all the physical quantities to be the same locations. The interpolation scheme is crucial to maintain the angular momentum conservation of second-harmonic generation. Page 21
Wei E. I. Sha
Nonlinear Plasmonics: Theoretical Models and Physical Manipulation
PARITY CONSERVATION (1) Compact Nonlinear Yagi-Uda Nanoantenna radiation pattern of a metallic nanosphere second-harmonic
symmetry breaking
phase retardation net
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Wei E. I. Sha
net PNL
Nonlinear Plasmonics: Theoretical Models and Physical Manipulation
Designs of Dielectric Reflector and Director Backward Directivity
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Forward Directivity
Wei E. I. Sha
Nonlinear Plasmonics: Theoretical Models and Physical Manipulation
Physical Origin of High Directivity (1) multipolar expansion of equivalent electric current for Re(Eθ) at SH frequency
(a, b): feed-director system
(c, d): feed-reflector system
E-dipolar moments of dielectric elements have significant phase shift, induced by metal feed! Page 24
Wei E. I. Sha
Nonlinear Plasmonics: Theoretical Models and Physical Manipulation
Physical Origin of High Directivity (2) multipolar expansion of equivalent magnetic current for Re(Eθ) at SH frequency
(a, b): feed-director system
(c, d): feed-reflector system
E-dipolar and M-quadrupolar moments of dielectric elements have phase flip, induced by metal feed! Page 25
Wei E. I. Sha
Nonlinear Plasmonics: Theoretical Models and Physical Manipulation
PARITY CONSERVATION (2) Particle-in-cavity (PIC) nanoantenna
symmetry breaking
[1] [2] [1] K. Thyagarajan, J. Butet, O. J. F. Martin, Nano Lett. 13: 1847–1851, 2013 [2] K. Thyagarajan, S. Rivier, A. Lovera, and O. J. F. Martin, Opt. Express 20, 12860–12865, 2012.
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Nonlinear Plasmonics: Theoretical Models and Physical Manipulation
Physical Origin of High Directivity plasmonic coupling and symmetry breaking produce m-dipolar component and more e-dipolar component !
multipole expansion results for sphere, symmetric PIC antenna, and asymmetric PIC antenna Page 27
Wei E. I. Sha
twist angle dependent secondharmonic intensity
Nonlinear Plasmonics: Theoretical Models and Physical Manipulation
TERAHERTZ GENERATION (1) Efficient, broadband and tunable THz emission can be generated in a thin layer of metamaterial with tens of nanometers thickness by an infrared laser pumping [1]. Absorption Gaps
[1] L. Luo, I. Chatzakis, J. Wang, F. B. P. Niesler, M. Wegener, etal., Nature Communications, 5: 3055, 2014. Page 28
Wei E. I. Sha
Nonlinear Plasmonics: Theoretical Models and Physical Manipulation
TERAHERTZ GENERATION (2) Unit cell Nonlinear hydrodynamic model results subtracted by Drude model ones
linear process
Rectification SHG,THG … Fourier transform
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Fourier transform SHG
Nonlinear Plasmonics: Theoretical Models and Physical Manipulation
tunable terahertz spectra by duration time or bandwidth of incident laser pulse Page 30
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Nonlinear Plasmonics: Theoretical Models and Physical Manipulation
polarization-dependent terahertz generation Page 31
Wei E. I. Sha
Nonlinear Plasmonics: Theoretical Models and Physical Manipulation
FUTURE PERSPECTIVES Maxwell’s Equations Local
Hydrodynamic Model
Quantum Corrections
nonlinear response from metallic particles with size < 10 nm Page 32
Wei E. I. Sha
Nonlinear Plasmonics: Theoretical Models and Physical Manipulation
Vector Potential Equations
nonlinear response from 2D materials
Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory Page 33
Wei E. I. Sha
Nonlinear Plasmonics: Theoretical Models and Physical Manipulation
X.Y.Z. Xiong, L.J. Jiang, W.E.I. Sha, Y.H. Lo, and W.C. Chew, “Compact Nonlinear Yagi-Uda Nanoantennas,” Scientific Reports, vol. 6, pp. 18872, 2016.
M. Fang, Z.X. Huang, W.E.I. Sha, X.Y.Z. Xiong, and X.L. Wu, “Full Hydrodynamic Model of Nonlinear Electromagnetic Response in Metallic Metamaterials,” Progress In Electromagnetics Research, vol. 157, 6378, 2016.
X.Y.Z. Xiong, L.J. Jiang, W.E.I. Sha, Y.H. Lo, M. Fang, W.C. Chew, and W.C.H. Choy, “Strongly Enhanced and Directionally Tunable Second-Harmonic Radiation by a Plasmonic Particle-in-Cavity Nanoantenna,” Physical Review A, vol. 94, no. 5, pp. 053825, 2016.
X.Y.Z. Xiong, A. Al-Jarro, L.J. Jiang, N.C. Panoiu, and W.E.I. Sha, “Mixing of Spin and Orbital Angular Momenta via Second-Harmonic Generation in Plasmonic and Dielectric Chiral Nanostructures,” Physical Review B, vol. 95, no. 16, pp. 165432, 2017.
M. Fang, Z.X. Huang, W.E.I. Sha, and X.L. Wu, “Maxwell-Hydrodynamic Model for Simulating Nonlinear Terahertz Generation from Plasmonic Metasurfaces,” IEEE Journal on Multiscale and Multiphysics Computational Techniques, vol. 2, pp. 194-201, 2017.
M. Fang, K.K. Niu, Z.X. Huang, W.E.I. Sha, X.L. Wu, T. Koschny, and C.M. Soukoulis, “Investigation of Broadband Terahertz Generation from Metasurface,” Optics Express, vol. 26, no. 11, pp. 14241-14250, 2018.
N.C. Panoiu, W.E.I. Sha, D.Y. Lei, and G.C. Li, “Nonlinear Optics in Plasmonic Nanostructures,” Journal of Optics, vol. 20, no. 8, pp. 083001, 2018. (Invited Topic Review)
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Nonlinear Electromagnetics in Plasmonic System
Energy Conservation
Parity Conservation
Angular Momentum Conservation
Nonlinear Plasmonics Page 35
Wei E. I. Sha
Li Jun Jiang (HKU)
Xiaoyan Y.Z. Xiong (HKU) Page 36
Zhixiang Huang (AHU)
Nicolae Panoiu (UCL)
Ming Fang (AHU)
Ahmed Al-Jarro (UCL)
Wei E. I. Sha
Costas M. Soukoulis (ISU)
Weng Cho Chew (Purdue)
Thomas Koschny (ISU/AMES Lab) Page 37
Wei E. I. Sha
Nonlinear Electromagnetics in Plasmonic System
Zhejiang University
Thanks for Your Attention! Page 38
Wei E. I. Sha