Nonmonotonic Reasoning by Monotonic

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The purpose of this paper is to argue that nonmonotonic reasoning in general ... In classic logic, reasoning is based on monotonic inferences. Such a sequence.
Nonmonotonic Reasoning by Monotonic Inferences with Priority Constraints Xianchang Wang, Jia-Huai You, Li Yan Yuan Department of Computing Science, University of Alberta Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2H1 fxcwang, you, [email protected]

Abstract. The purpose of this paper is to argue that nonmonotonic

reasoning in general can be viewed as monotonic inferences constrained by a simple notion of priority constraint. More important, these type of constrained inferences can be speci ed in a knowledge representation language where a theory consists of a collection of logic programming-like rules and a priority constraint among them: that the application of one rule blocks that of the lower ranked rules. We thus present a formal system for representing common sense knowledge, and call it priority logic. As applications, we recast default reasoning by priority reasoning, and show that Horty's defeasible inheritance networks can be represented by priority logic. This latter result is a partial answer to Horty's challenge that it is impossible to relate path-based reasoning to general nonmonotonic formalisms.

1 Introduction In the past nonmonotonic reasoning has mainly been studied in formalisms where default assumptions constitute a necessary component, e.g. defaults in default logic [26], negation-as-failure in logic programming [7], disbeliefs in various nonmonotonic modal logics [24], and assumptions in Theorist and some abductive and argumentation frameworks [10]. In classic logic, reasoning is based on monotonic inferences. Such a sequence of inferences can be viewed as an argument that supports one's assertion. The notion of constrained monotonic inferences is about selecting some of these monotonic inferences according to a speci ed constraint. As an example, consider the bird- y example: Birds normally y unless it can be shown otherwise. Suppose we know that dead birds don't y, neither do hungry birds. The problem can be represented as a program (for simplicity, we remove the condition bird): 1: fly 2: :fly 3: :fly

dead bird hungry bird

with priority 1  2 and 1  3, meaning when either 2 or 3 is applied, the application of 1 should be blocked.

Now, assume we know that the bird is dead: 4: dead bird Consider the two monotonic derivations, I1 = f1g which concludes fly, and I2 = f4; 2g which concludes :fly. The speci ed priority selects I2 , because rule 2 being applicable blocks the application of rule 1. Schematically, one can use a general rule to express \unless it can be shown otherwise": 5: :fly :fly and priority relation 1  5. Now speci c reasons for not ying need not be related to 1, i.e. the priorities like 1  2 and 1  3 are no longer needed. The idea of constrained inferences suggests a general formalism for knowledge representation and reasoning, which we call priority logic, where a theory consists of a collection of inference rules and a priority constraint among rules. In priority logic, reasoning is based on derivations using these inference rules. Priority constraint plays the role of selecting those derivations that satisfy it. A rule is applicable if its premises are already derived. A sequence of applicable rules then forms what we call an argument, such as I1 and I2 above. The fully extended arguments that satisfy the speci ed priority are then regarded as the \semantics" of a theory, since they describe what follows from the theory. Priority logic o ers a number of advantages over the conventional formalisms relying on default assumptions. First, a speci cation in this language is free from potential complications arising from the use of default constructs; e.g. the need of (sometimes a large number of) abnormality predicates as done in using circumscription; whether to use normal or semi-normal defaults in knowledge representation using default logic; and in logic programming, the confusion between default and explicit negation. Second, in this formalism one can specify some evidence is stronger than others directly. For example, the transformer is far more likely to fail than is the power supply; the evidence that Quakers are paci sts is stronger than the evidence that Republicans are not. This feature seems to be particularly important in legal reasoning, since it is generally assumed that legal norms are generally incoherent and con icting because legal norms can be issued by di erent authorities at di erent times to reach incompatible socio-political objectives. The coordination of con icting pro les of legal relevance is often accomplished by establishing preference relations among assertions: one norm prevails over others, some arguments are stronger than others. We note that problems of this kind traditionally fall into the area of belief revision. Furthermore, knowledge representation with a priority constraint in many cases can resolve the multiple extension problem in default reasoning. This line of research was rst carried out by Reiter and Cirscuolo [27], where they embed a defeasibility relation into defaults by modifying their justi cations. The formalism proposed in this paper allows one to specify such defeasibility relation directly. The purpose of this paper is to argue for the following thesis:

Nonmonotonic reasoning = monotonic inferences + priority constraint

In other words, nonmonotonic reasoning is just a process of constructing monotonic derivations that satisfy a priority constraint. To support this claim, we show how some of the nonmonotonic reasoning formalisms can be recast in priority logic. Speci cally, we show that default reasoning in the sense of Reiter [26] and defeasible inheritance networks of Horty [15] can be represented by priority logic. In each case, we show a transformation from a default theory or an inheritance network to a priority logic program. There are at least three important reasons for choosing these two formalisms to demonstrate the generality of priority logic. First, default logic is perhaps the most prominent nonmonotonic reasoning formalism, and its relationship with other nonmonotonic formalisms has been studied extensively [13, 16, 21]. Secondly, default logic and logic programming with negation are often related at the level of literals (e.g. [20]). The fact that default logic is syntactically richer often makes it unclear whether an idea in logic programming can be successfully applied to default reasoning. Thirdly, in view of Horty's claim that it is impossible to relate the path-based reasoning to general nonmonotonic formalisms [15], it is important to consider the former as a candidate for testing of generality.1 We should comment that the proposed framework not only can capture existing nonmonotonic reasoning formalisms, it can also help study possible semantic variations of these formalisms. We will illustrate this point later in this paper through an example. The paper is organized as follows. Before formally introducing priority logic, we discuss various notions of priority, including the one used in this paper. This summaries some of the key di erences between this work and those in the literature. In section 3, we introduce priority logic-its syntax and semantics. In Sections 4 and 5 we show how default logic and defeasible inheritance networks can be captured in priority logic. This is followed by further remarks on related work and comments on proof theory of priority logic.

2 Priority: A Clari cation A number of authors investigated adding a priority into a nonmonotonic reasoning formalism (e.g. [3, 4, 5]). For example, Baader and Hollunder introduce priorities among defaults and de ne a notion of extension so that the extensions of the theory with priority are a subset of those under Reiter's original default logic [3]. Our work aims at characterizing nonmonotonic reasoning in terms of constrained inferences, i.e., it is a proposal of a general framework for knowledge representation without using defaults. Although priority seems to be a simple concept, its technical treatment often causes controversy. Conceptually, a priority is a relation that characterizes 1

Recently, we have also shown in [32] that McCarthy's circumscription [23] can be captured by priority logic.

precedence in position or preference in rating. Such a preference may be further classi ed as inclusive or exclusive. An inclusive priority is one by which objects are admitted according to their preference until the condition for admitting is no longer satis ed. Usually, such a condition is based on a form of con ict, e.g., logic contradiction. A conceptual example of inclusive priority is that of admitting students into a graduate program with nancial assistance, which is constrained by a budget. Awards are given according to the ranking of the applicants until the budget runs out. The technical treatment of inclusive priority in a nonmonotonic reasoning formalism is not so simple. One problem is that it is not clear whether or not the application of lower ranked objects can a ect the applicability of the higher ranked ones. For example, the priority in both Brewka's approach [4] and Baader and Hollunder's [3] may be characterized as inclusive, but the former commits the applicability, or non-applicability,of a default in the construction of an extension, while the latter allows the change of the applicability of a default when lower ranked defaults have been applied. In comparison, an exclusive priority involves a simple concept: the admission of an object automatically blocks the admission of lower ranked objects without exception. For a conceptual example, and for comparison, let us consider again admitting students into a graduate program but this time with only one (perhaps distinguished) scholarship. One rst ranks applicants, and then tries to have the highest ranked applicant accept the award. If this applicant decides to go to another university, then the next highest ranked applicant should be considered. This process continues until the award is accepted by some applicant. Once the award is accepted, no lower ranked applicants can get it. In priority logic, we place no restriction on a priority constraint. Properties like transitivity may be speci ed by the user, depending on the intended applications. When such a constraint relation is transitive, it is an exclusive priority relation as described above and thus its intended behavior is clear and easy to understand. When it is not transitive, it is simply a defeasibility relation: that r1 defeats r2 means the application of r1 blocks that of r2 , and this e ect need not propagate. For a slight abuse of terminology, we still call such a relation a \priority" relation (or priority constraint). In this paper we are only concerned with static priority constraint, i.e., the kind of constraint that does not change during reasoning, since it is sucient for the purpose of this paper of recasting nonmonotonic reasoning by constrained monotonic inferences. Brewka recently proposes dynamic priority where a priority predicate is used in program rules just like any other predicate, and preferences are determined dynamically [5]. Extension of priority logic with dynamic priority constraint presents an interesting but challenging future research topic.

3 Priority Logic 3.1 Language Suppose L is a rst order language with equality = and connectives :; _; ^;  ; ; 9; 8. The formulas of L are de ned as usual. They are denoted by ; ; , possibly with a subscript. We consider a xed domain, such as the Herbrand domain of the language L, We denote it by HL , or simply H. An inference scheme is of the form ; :::; m where m  0, i 's and are formulas of L. When m = 0, we may simply write . 1

Each inference scheme represents a set of inference rules, where the free variables in the scheme have been instantiated by terms from the underlying domain, in this case, H. Generally we use a label with variables to name a rule scheme. The variables in a label are the free variables appearing in the scheme. For example, we use l(x; y) to label the rule scheme q(x) p(x; y). Like a scheme, a label with variables represents all the instantiated labels. A priority theory (or, called a priority logic program) is a couple hR; i where R is a set of inference schemes and  is a relation on R. In the sequel, we assume rule schemes and priorities are already instantiated so we only deal with inference rules and ground priorities. For an inference rule r = 1; :::; m, Pre(r) refers to f 1; :::; mg and Cons(r) to . Intuitively, a priority constrains whether a rule can be applied or not: if l  l0 and l0 is applied, then the inference rule l should be suspended. Given the standard entailment relation j=, we de ne the closure of a set S of formulas as: Th(S) = fC : S j= C g. Suppose P is a set of inference rules and S a set of formulas. The familiar consequence operator TP is de ned as: TP (S) = fCons(r) : r 2 P; S j= Pre(r)g Since TP is monotonic, it has a unique least xpoint. As usual, this least xpoint is denoted by TP"! . S is contradictory if TS"! j= L; otherwise it is said to be consistent. The applicable rules in a rule set R, denoted App(R), is de ned as: App(R) = fr 2 S : TR"! j= Pre(r)g.

3.2 Arguments as semantics A primary interest in a priority logic program lies in what can be derived by using which inference rules. A derivation is just a chain of reasoning using inference rules. At a level of conceptualization, this can be understood as a notion of argument which serve as an important building block in reasoning with priority.

De nition1. (Argument on hP; i) Let hP; i be a priority logic program. An argument is a ( nite or in nite) set of inference rules in P such that I's rules can be arranged into a sequence, say I = fw ; :::; wn; :::g, such that for every wi 2 I, where i  0, we have Tf"w!1;:::;w ?1 g j= Pre(wi). 1


That is, an argument is just a sequence of rules, each of which is applicable by the rules prior to it. The set notation used in the de nition is for convenience. Given a priority logic program hR; i, we are interested in those arguments that agree with the speci ed constraint . The construction of such an argument involves how to extend an argument I by possibly admitting more rules into it. Since when we specify r  r0, we mean the applicability of r0 blocks that of r, a natural notion of extending an argument I is: I admits a rule r (i.e. r extends I) if there is no other rule r0 in I that blocks r. For example, consider the example bird fly ostrich don0t: 1 : fly bird 2 : :fly ostrich 3 : bird ^ ostrich where 1  2. Let I = f3; 2g. Thus, 1 cannot extend I. Since the notion of priority may have di erent interpretations, in general one can take the approach that the semantics of a priority logic program depends on a parameter R, which is a mapping over arguments. We call such a mapping an extensibility function. We now de ne the most intuitive extensibility function discussed above. De nition2. Let hR; i be a priority logic program, I be an argument, r be a rule in R. We de ne an extensibility function R1 as follows: R1(I) = App(fr : 8r0 2 I; r 6 r0 g): Note that, since each rule in an argument must be applicable in the argument itself, the employment of App is technical and ensures that the resulting set of rules is an argument. De nition3. Given an extensibility function R, an argument I is said to be self-extensible under R if I  R(I). Not all arguments are self-extensible. For example, consider P = hf1 : a g; f1  1gi under R1 . Clearly, the argument f1g is not self-extensible, since R1 (f1g) = ;. The approach based on extensibility function is suciently exible to allow various application-dependent extensions and modi cations. For example, one can strengthen the notion of extensibility by insisting on consistent extension: given an argument I and rule r, r extends I if there is no r0 2 I such that r  r0 and if I implies the precondition of r then r's conclusion must not contradict I . More formally, De nition4. Let hP; i be a priority logic program and I be an argument. The extensibility function R2 is de ned as: R2 (I) = App(fr 2 P : TI"! 6j= :Con(r) and 8r0 2 I; r 6 r0g):

The purpose of presenting this extensibility function is two-fold. First, later in this paper, we will illustrate how di erent behavior of default logic may be studied by constrained monotonic inferences under di erent extensibility functions. Further, we will show that this extensibility function can be used to express defeasible inheritance networks by priority logic. From now on, we will say \a priority logic program hP; i with R (or under R)", to re ect the fact that the rst step in choosing a semantics is to specify how to extend an argument.

De nition5. (Stable argument) Let hP; i be a priority logic program with extensibility function R. An argument I is said to be a stable argument if R(I) = I. A stable argument I is just a xpoint of extending I. That is, the rules in I are precisely those applicable rules that are not blocked by rules in it, no more, no less. Example 1. (Closed world assumption)

Suppose there are n cities. Consider a database of ight connections between pairs of these cities. This can be represented by a priority logic program, under R1, as follows: 1 : fflight(A; B) : if A; B are directly connected g 2(x; y) : :flight(x; y) 3(x; y) : flight(x; y) flight(x; y) 2(x; y)  3(x; y) This priority logic program has one and only one consistent stable argument I such that any two cities A and B are connected if and only if it is known they are connected. Obviously, this is a simple application of the closed world assumption of Reiter [25]. Example 2. Consider the frequently cited bird- y example, represented by a pri-

ority logic program consisting of the following rules:

1(x) : fly(x) bird(x) 2(x) : :fly(x) ostrich(x) 3(x) : bird(x) ostrich(x) 4(x) : fly(x) super ostrich(x) 5(x) : ostrich(x) super ostrich(x) 6 : bird(a) ^ ostrich(b) ^ super ostrich(c) and a priority relation: 1(x)  2(x)  4(x). Suppose H = fa; b; cg. Then, there is only one stable argument under R1 , which is f6; 1(a); 3(b); 2(b); 5(c); 4(c);3(c)g. It concludes fly(a), :fly(b) and fly(c) .

A stable argument is a kind of total argument. For example, suppose I is a stable argument under R1. Then by de nition, any rule r in I extends I (selfextensible) and for any rule r not in I, if r's precondition can be concluded from I, then there is some rule r in I such that r0  r. Because of this totality, a priority logic program may not have a stable argument. For example, P = hf1 : a ; 2 : b g; f1  1gi has no stable argument under R1 : for any argument I, if 1 62 I then 1 2 R1 (I), and if 1 2 I then 1 62 R1 (I). This problem is analogous to the one where a default theory may not have an extension, and a logic program with default negation may not have a stable model. One can use the logic programming techniques to de ne well-founded semantics and other partial semantics (see [32]).

4 From Default to Constrained Monotonic Inferences In this section we show default reasoning is just a special case of priority reasoning. This is accomplished through a simple transformation from a default theory to a priority logic program. We will see that the priority embedded in default logic is very intuitive and uniform. Recall that a default theory is a pair (W; D) where W is a set of propositional formulas and D a set of defaults. A default is of the form d = A : B1C; :::; Bm where A, Bi 's, and C are propositional formulas, and A is called the prerequisite, Bi 's the justi cations and C the consequent. For the purpose of reference, we de ne Pre(d) = A, Cons(d) = C and Just(d) = fB1 ; :::; Bmg. When we write Just(D) we mean the set of the justi cations in all the defaults in D. We say two defaults d1; d2 are similar if Pre(d1) = Pre(d2) and Cons(d1) = Cons(d2 ). Obviously, if two defaults are similar, we can tactically change them into defaults which are not similar without changing the semantics of the default theory. For example, we can add a new fact pd1 into W, and change the default d1 into pre(d1 ) ^ pd1 : Just(d1) Cons(d1 ) without changing the default theory's semantics. Hence, to simply our discussion, in the rest of this section we assume that no defaults in an default theory are similar.

De nition6. (Extension [26]) E is an R-extension of default theory T = (W; D) 1 S if E = Th( E ), where E = W, and for every i  0, E = E [ fCons(d) : i=0


d 2 D; Pre(d) 2 Th(Ei )



:Just(d) \ E = ;g.



We now give a translation from a default theory to a priority logic program.

De nition7. Let T = (W; D) be a default theory. The translation of T, denoted (T), is de ned as yielding a priority logic program hR; i, where R = W [ fCons(r) Pre(r) : r 2 Dg [ f:B :B : B 2 Just(d), d 2 Dg = fCons(d) Pre(d)  :B :B : B 2 Just(d), d 2 Dg A priority logic program hP; i translated from a default theory is of a particular kind of format: for any rule r 2 P and r0 2 P, if r  r0 then r0 is the rule of the form :B :B and there is no rule more prior than r0. Due to this structural property, such a program is called a at program. Example 3. Suppose

: :raining sunday : :go fishing g) T = (fsundayg; f sunday go fishing ; stay home The translated priority logic program is : 1: sunday 2: go fishing sunday 3: stay home sunday 4: raining raining 5: go fishing go fishing with the priority relation: f2  4; 3  5g under R1 . The following theorem shows a one-one correspondence between a default theory and its translated priority logic program. Theorem8. Let T = (W; D) be a default theory. T has an R-extension E i the priority logic program (T) has a stable argument under R1 , such that Th(TI"! ) = E . PROOF: (=)) Since E is an extension of default theory T = (W; D). So we can de ne E0 = W and for every i  0 Ei+1 = Th(Ei) [ fC : A : B1C; :::; Bn 2 D; Ei j= A; for 1  k  n E 6j= :Bk g 1 S

such that E = Ei. We now construct a stable argument I under R1 as the i=0 concatenation of the sequence of arguments I0 , I1 , ..., as follows: I0 = W, and Ii+1 = f:B

j =i :B 62 S Ij : B 2 Just(D); Ei j= :B g [


Ij :

A 62

jS =i

j =1

j =1 A:B1 ;:::;Bn C

2 D; Ei j= A; for 1  k  n E 6j= :Bk g

It is easy to check that (a) I is an argument; (b) Th(TI"! ) = E; (c) for any r 2 I, there is no :B 2 Th(TI"! ) such that r  :B :B; (d) for any r 2 P ? I, if TI"! j= Pre(r) then 9B 2 Just(r) such that E = Th(TI"! ) j= :B. From (a) (b) (c) and (d), we conclude that I is a stable argument under R1 . ((=) Let I = fw0; w1; :::; wn; :::g be a stable argument of priority logic program (T) under R1 and E = Th(TI"! ). We de ne a sequence as follows: E0 =df W and for every i  0, Ei+1 =df Th(Ei ) [ fC : A : B1C; :::; Bn 2 D; Ei j= A; for 1  k  n E 6j= :Bk g


We need to prove E = Ei. That is E is an extension of default theory T. i=0 First, we can prove that for every i  0, Ei  E by induction on i. Hence we i=S1 Ei  E. get that i=0 Conversely, we prove that for every i : i  0, 9 j : j  0, such that Cons(wi ) 2 Ej . If w0 2 W, then we can see that w0 2 E0. Else, since w0 6 I, Pre(w0) 2 Th(fg), hence Cons(w0 ) 2 E1 . Suppose for every i, where n  i  0, 9j such that Cons(wi ) 2 Ej . Then we can see that Pre(wn+1) 2 Th(Ej ), and 8B 2 Just(r), TI"! 6j= :B, else :B :B 2 I and I is not self-extensible. Since r 2 R1 (I), we get Cons(wn+1) 2 Th(Ej +1). S1 Thus we conclude E = Th(TI"! ) = Ei . That is E is an extension of default i=0 theory T. This concludes the proof. 2

4.1 Variations of default logic by constrained monotonic inferences In this subsection, we demonstrate that behavior of default logic may be studied through the use of di erent extensibility functions in constructing constrained monotonic inferences. As an example, we will be using the extensibility function R2 . Since it insists on consistent extension of an argument, its behavior is clearly related to Delgrande et al.'s constrained semantics [8]. On the other hand, if we de ne a semantics still based on the notion of a stable argument, its behavior is also related to R-extension. As a result, we get a semantics that lies in between.2 First, let's look at an example. The following default theory f :ca ; :: bc ; :qp g has no R-extension. The reason is that the rst two defaults give a contradiction, the global e ect of which nulli es the applicability of any default. 2

Note that our interest in this subsection is not in proposing yet another semantics for default logic.

The translated priority logic program is: 1: c 2: :a :a 3: :c 4: :b :b 5: q 6: :p :p with the priority relation: f1  2; 3  4; 5  6g: This program has two stable arguments under R2, one of which is f1; 5g, and the other is f3; 5g. Under this semantics, we conclude q. The correspondence between default theories and their translated priority logic programs suggests that the same behavior can be captured directly for default theories: we only need to modify the de nition of R-extension (De nition 4) by replacing Ei+1 = Ei [ fCons(d) : d 2 D; Pre(d) 2 Th(Ei ) & :Just(d) \ E = ;g with Ei+1 = Ei [ fCons(d) : d 2 D; Pre(d) 2 Th(Ei) & :Just(d) \ E = ; & :Cons(d) 62 E g The resulting semantics of default logic behaves precisely like the stable semantics of the corresponding priority logic programs under the extensibility function R2. Let's call such an extension an S-extension. Then it is not dicult to show that every R-extension is an S-extension and every S-extension is a constrained extension of Delgrande et al., but the reverse is not true.

5 Nonmonotonic Inheritance Networks In this section we show that Horty's defeasible inheritance networks [15] can be expressed as priority logic programs. A defeasible inheritance network ? is de ned as a nite collection of positive and negative direct links between nodes. If x; y are nodes then y x (resp. y 6 x) represents a positive (resp. negative) direct link from x to y where x is called root and y is called head. Nodes of a network are divided into two disjoint node sets, object node set and predicate node set and object node can only appear in the root. A direct link with object root node is called root direct link. A network ? is consistent if there exists no two nodes x; y such that both y x and y 6 x belong to ?. A path of ? is either a direct link or a sequence of ?'s direct links x1 ! x2 ; :::; xn ! xn+1 (called positive path), n  1 (resp. x1 ! x2; :::; xn?1 ! xn ; xn 6! xn+1 , called negative path). When n  2, we


p 3 5










7 u




9 2



Figure 1

Figure 2

also simply denote it by x1 xn ! xn+1 (resp. x1xn 6! xn+1 ). The credulous semantics of a consistent defeasible inheritance network ? is regarded as a path set of ?, , in which every path is regarded as a defeasible inheritance path. In the sequel we only consider consistent networks. All the following de nitions are adopted from Horty [15].

De nition9. (Path constructibility and con ict in a path set) A path  is constructible in a path set  if  = x y !l z (resp.  = l x y 6! z) and x y 2  or  is a root direct link. A path  is con icting in l l0  if  = x y !l z (resp.  = x y 6! z) and 0 = x0 y0 6! z 2  (resp. l0 0 = x0 y0 6! z 2 ). De nition10. (Preemption) A positive path (x; ; u) ! y is preempted (see Figure 1) in  i there is a node v such that (i) v ! y 62 ? and (ii) either v = x or there is a path of the form (x; 1; v; 2; u) 2 . A negative path (x; ; u) 6! y is preempted in  i there is a node v such that (i) v ! y 62 ? and (ii) either v = x or there is a path of the form (x; 1; v; 2; u) 2  1







The credulous semantics of an inheritance network is given in the following de nition. De nition11. (Defeasible inheritance path) Path  is defeasible inheritable in , written as  `d , i either  is a root direct link or  is a compound path,  = (x; ; y) (likewise for negative path) such that (i)  is constructible in , (ii)  is not con icted in , and (iii)  is not preempted in .

De nition12. (Credulous extension, consequence of a path set)

A set  of paths is a credulous extension of the net ? i  = f :  `d g.


We denote by Cons() the union of the following two node sets:

fu(a) : if there is a positive path from object node a to u in g f:u(a) : if there is a negative path from object node a to u in g. Example 4. Consider the defeasible inheritance network ? of Figure 2, as given in [30]. This inheritance theory has three credulous extensions:

1 = f1; 2; 13; 15;16;157; 1579g 2 = f1; 2; 13; 15;16;168g 3 = f1; 2; 24; 15;16;168g Given an inheritance network ?, a path (u; ; x) is said to be simple if there is no path (u; 0; x) such that the set of links in (u; 0 ; x) is a proper subset of the links in (u; ; x). We now relate the semantics of nonmonotonic inheritance network with the stable arguments of its translated priority logic program under R2 . First, we transform a consistent network to a priority logic program.

De nition13. Given an inheritance network ?, we transform it into a priority logic program, (?) = hR? ; ? ; R2i as follows: 1. R? contains only the following rules: frl (x) : (pl (x) ^ q(x)) p(x) j l = q p 2 ? g; frl (x) : (pl (x) ^ :q(x)) p(x) j l V = q 6 p 2 ? g3 ; fr(u;;q) (x) : q(x) u(x) ^ pl (x) j (u; ; q) is a positive simple l2(u;;q) path such that there is a node p such that p q and p 6 u are in ? or p 6 q and p u are in ? g; Notice that pl ; p(u;;q) are newly introduced predicate symbols. 2. ? is de ned as following: rl (x) ? r(u;;q) (x): For every l= p q 2 R? , every p 6 u 2 ? and every simple positive path (u; ; q); rl (x) ? r(u;;q) (x): For every l = :p q 2 R? , every p u 2 ? and every simple positive path (u; ; q) of ?. Note that in the transformed program, R? is not simply the collection of all the links. The following example illustrates the semantic relationship between a defeasible inheritance network and its translated priority logic program. 3

When l is a positive root direct link, the translated rule is r : p (p) ^ q(p) ; when l is a negative root direct link, the translated rule is r : p (p) ^ :q (p) l




Example 5. Continue with the network ? in Example 4. The translated priority

logic program (?) is:

r1 : (p1(a) ^ p(a)) r2 : (p2(a) ^ q(a)) r3 (x) : (p3(x) ^ :r(x)) p(x) r4 (x) : (p4(x) ^ r(x)) q(x) r5 (x) : (p5(x) ^ t(x)) p(x) r6 (x) : (p6(x) ^ s(x)) p(x) r7 (x) : (p7(x) ^ u(x)) t(x) r8 (x) : (p8(x) ^ :u(x)) s(x) r9 (x) : (p9(x) ^ q(x)) u(x) r579(x) : q(x) p(x); p5(x); p7(x); p9(x) The priority relation is: ? = fr4(x)  r579(x)g. The reason for r4(x)  r579(x) is that when both rules are applicable, there are two con icting inheritance paths from node r to node p; one is through negative rule r3, and the other is through r4 and the corresponding path 579. Clearly, the latter path is more distant than the former, and hence rule r4 should be blocked. This priority logic program has exactly three stable arguments under the extensibility function R2 (Suppose H = fag): I1 = fr1; r2; r3(a); r5(a); r6(a); r7(a); r9(a); r579(a)g I2 = fr1; r2; r3(a); r5(a); r6(a); r8(a)g I3 = fr1; r2; r4(a); r5(a); r6(a); r8(a)g These stable arguments correspond to the three extensions given in Example 4. Let us verify that, for example, I1 is a stable argument under R2. Clearly, for every rule r 2 I1 and rule r0 , if r  r0 then r0 62 I1 and TI"1! 6j= :Cons(r). Hence, I1 is self-extensible under the extensibility function R2. Now, for every r 2 R? ? I1 = fr4; r8g4, we can prove that r 62 R2 (I1 ). It is easy to check that TI"1! j= :r and TI"1! j= u. It then follows from the constraint r4  r579 that for any rule r 2 fr4; r8g, we have r 62 R2 (I1 ). The following theorem shows that the relationship demonstrated above holds true for all (consistent) networks. Theorem 14. Suppose ? is a defeasible inheritance network. Then  is"a! credulous extension of ? i there is a stable argument I of (?) such that TI =? = Cons(), where S=? is the maximal subset of S such that every formula of that subset must be formula of ? . PROOF: (=)) Suppose  is a credulous extension of ?. Now we de ne that: inf() is the set frl (a) : l 2 ? appears in a path with object root node a of g [ fr(u;;x) (a) : r(u;;x) 2 R? and (u; ; x) is a partial simple path of a path 4

In case of no confusion, we also denote r (a) simply by r . l



a x y

σ1 σ2 xk-1 ... ... x0

Figure 3

σ1 v

a σ1 σ3 x

σ2 v

x y y Figure 4

Figure 5

with object root node a of g. Then inf() is a stable argument of (?) = (R? , ? ; R2 ). For simplicity, we denote R? by R and ? by . We prove that inf() satis es the following properties: 1. inf() is self-extensible. Suppose inf() is not self-extensible, then we can see that there is a rule r(a) of inf(), such that r(a) 62 R2 (inf()). In the rst case, r(a) must be a rule corresponding to direct link. Suppose r(a) = rl (a) and l = x ! y, r(v;;x) (a) 2 inf() such that rl (a)  r(v;;x)(a) and v 6! y 2 ? (see gure 3) (we let (v; ; x) be v ! x0 ! ::: ! xk?1 ! x). We know that there are 1 and 2 such that a ! 1 ! x ! y 2 , a ! 2 ! vx 2 . Since a ! 1 ! x ! y is preempted in ,  cannot be a credulous extension. In the second case, we can see that there exists "!l = x ! y 2  and j= :y(a) _ :pl (a). rl (a) = (y(a) ^ pl (a)) x(a) 2 inf(), such that Tinf () " ! " ! Since Tinf () j= pl (a), we have Tinf () j= :y(a). Clearly,  must contain two con icting paths. Hence this is contradictory to the assumption that  is a credulous extension. Thus inf() is self-extensible under extensibility function R2 . "! then r 62 R (inf()). 2. For every rule r 2 R? ? inf(), if Pre(r) 2 TInf 2 () First let r(a) 62 Inf() be the rule translated from a direct link l = x ! y. "! , we get x(a) 2 T "! . Now we From the premise of 2, i.e., Pre(r) 2 TInf () Inf () prove r(a) 62 R2 (inf()). "! , there is 1 such that a ! 1 ! x 2 . Notice that 1 Since x(a) 2 TInf () can be empty (see Figure 4). Suppose  = a ! 1 ! x ! y,  62 . Since  is constructible in ,  must satisfy one of the following two conditions. Condition 1.  is con icting in . In this case,  has a path a ! 2 ! x 6! y. "! j= :y(a) and T "! j= :(y(a) ^ pl (a)). Hence x(a) 6! y(a) 2 inf(), Tinf inf () () Hence r(a) 62 R2 (inf()). Condition 2.  is preempted in . In this case,  must have a path (and hence a simple path) a ! 2 ! v ! 3 ! x 2  such that v 6! y 2 ? (see Figure 5). Obviously, rv!3 !x (a) 2 inf() and r(a)  rv!3 !x (a). Hence, r(a) 62 R1 (inf()). Second, if r(a) 62 Inf() be the rule translated from the path link r(u;;x) , "! . Else, r(a) must be in . then it is impossible that Pre(r) 2 TInf () ((=) Suppose ? is a consistent defeasible network. If I is a stable argument of (?) = (R? ; ? ; R2), then we de ne Arg(I) is the set f :  is a path from

the object root node a such that for every link l of , rl (a) appears in I g. It is easy to check that Arg(I) = f : Arg(I) `d g, and hence Arg(I) is a credulous extension of ?. 2 Recently, Dung and Son [11] show a relationship between argumentation and acyclic defeasible inheritance networks. Given an acyclic network ? with node size being n, they transform it into an argument theory AF? = hAR? ; attack? i where AR? is the set of all the paths on ? and attack? is a relation among paths. Apparently, AR? can be huge even for a small network. Our transformation results in hR? ; ? i where R? is a set of rules corresponding to direct links and a subset of simple path, and ? a priority relation among rules formed out of these links and paths. Although in the worst case both AF? 's size and R? 's are exponential to the size of the network, the latter is much smaller than the former in almost all practical situations. In addition, the condition acyclic in their case is too strong as it even prevents expressing if and only if. In our case, the transformation works for all consistent networks. We note that Horty was correct when he claimed that it was impossible to relate path-based reasoning to general nonmonotonic reasoning formalisms, as we can see that such a relationship has to rely on the use of (relevant) paths, and thus arguably involves partial computation.

6 Remarks on Proof Theory On the one hand, since priority logic is based on monotonic inferences guided by priorities, there is always a naive, ine ective procedure for propositional priority programs, based on exhaustive search and comparison using the underlying extensibility function. On the other hand, since priority logic is such a powerful knowledge representation language, as it subsumes default logic of various semantics and nonmonotonic inheritance networks, the fact that these knowledge representation languages do not have general, e ective proof procedures implies that the same holds true for priority logic. On the other hand, it is possible to develop realistic proof procedures for special classes of priority theories. In fact, many such procedures exist. Since normal logic programs can be considered as a special class of priority logic programs, the elegant proof procedure by Eshghi and Kowalski for abductive reasoning [12] (also see [31]), and the various ecient proof procedures for the well-founded semantics, can be adopted for the corresponding class of priority logic programs (under the corresponding semantics). Since default theories are a class of priority logic programs, Reiter's backward chaining procedure to prove theorems of default theories with normal defaults can be adopted for the corresponding class of priority logic programs. How to extend these proof procedures to accommodate some larger classes of priority theories is an important topic of future research. In fact, viewing nonmonotonic reasoning as constrained monotonic inferences points to a new direction for investigating proof theoretic properties of nonmonotonic reasoning.

7 More on Related Work In some traditional nonmonotonic reasoning formalisms, such as default reasoning and logic programming, preference relations can be speci ed implicitly and indirectly through the structure of defaults or program clauses. Shoham [29] shows that preference among models of a theory can provide the semantic bases of nonmonotonic reasoning. However the preference relation in his work is also implicit and it cannot directly re ect user's intention in explicitly describing which knowledge is more important than others. Marek and Truszczynski (cf. [22], Chapter 3) show that Reiter's extension can be captured by a well-ordering over defaults. A well-ordering of this kind speci es which defaults should be performed before which others. This is a useful priority constraint, but it is di erent from ours where the notion of priority constraint means that a rule's application automatically blocks another. Allen Brown et al. [1, 2] (also see [14, 19]) propose a family of modal logics of preference where preference is used in selecting models. By introducing the preference, they argue that the resulting theory turns out to be surprisingly general and powerful. In general, the preference logic there is based on two modal operators, Pf and Pb where Pf F means that F suces for preference and PbF means that F precludes such a preference relation [1]. To our knowledge, this is the rst framework allowing preference operator to appear in a logic framework. The concept of logic programming without default negation was rst suggested in [18] and further developed in [9]. The authors argue that a knowledge representation language without using default negation can avoid the possible confusions arising from the use of default and explicit negation. Priority in this framework however relies on the existence of contradiction. That is, if there is no contradiction, the speci ed priority is ine ective. The e ect of its interaction with contradiction is usually hard to predicate. As a result, the semantics of a program under this notion of priority may not be intuitive to what is intended. For example, the natural representation of the bird- y example presented in the introduction of this paper is not applicable.5 This treatment of priority also complicates the relation between programs with default negation (normal programs) and those without. This is because the transformation from the former to the latter has to resort to contradiction in order to have a one-one correspondence (cf. [33] for more details). Furthermore, their work is restricted to logic programs (i.e. rules of literals), and thus it is impossible to answer the question that whether nonmonotonic reasoning in general can be viewed as monotonic inferences with priority. Recently, Sakama and Inoue proposed prioritized logic programming, where priorities can be explicitly speci ed in a program [28]. Priority here is among literals and inclusive and the purpose is to reduce the number of answer sets in disjunctive logic programming. 5

For the program with the rule set f1; 2; 3; 4; 5g and priority 1  5, since f1; 2; 3; 5g is consistent, it forms an admissible extension, from which one concludes f ly.

Order logic program proposed by F. Buccafurri et al. [6] provides a mechanism for constructing a set of components organized into an inheritance hierarchy. Each component consists of a set of rules which may have logical negative heads. Like in the object-oriented approach, properties de ned for the higher components in the hierarchy ow down to the lower ones. When a contradiction arises, a conclusion from the lower rules is considered a re nement of the conclusion from the higher rules. Thus in this framework priority is achieved automatically by program structure. As for the notion of priority, we believe that di erent priorities may be needed for di erent purposes and a real system may need several kinds of priorities together to work. Recently, Jagadish et al. [17] analyze various types of interactions between rules in active databases and nd that exclusive priority is one of the basic interactions between rules of active databases.

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