responses are assumed i.i.d. from unknown distributions F and G, re- spectively. We consider estimation of the ROC curve defined by. Ž y1 Ž .. 1 y G F. 1 y t.
The Annals of Statistics 1996, Vol. 24, No. 1, 25 ] 40
National Taiwan University and Cornell University The receiver operating characteristic ŽROC. curve describes the performance of a diagnostic test used to discriminate between healthy and diseased individuals based on a variable measured on a continuous scale. The data consist of a training set of m responses X1 , . . . , X m from healthy individuals and n responses Y1 , . . . , Yn from diseased individuals. The responses are assumed i.i.d. from unknown distributions F and G, respectively. We consider estimation of the ROC curve defined by 1 y GŽ Fy1 Ž1 y t .. for 0 F t F 1 or, equivalently, the ordinal dominance curve ŽODC. given by F Ž Gy1 Ž t ... First we consider nonparametric estimators based on empirical distribution functions and derive asymptotic properties. Next we consider the so-called semiparametric ‘‘binormal’’ model, in which it is assumed that the distributions F and G are normal after some unknown monotonic transformation of the measurement scale. For this model, we propose a generalized least squares procedure and compare it with the estimation algorithm of Dorfman and Alf, which is based on grouped data. Asymptotic results are obtained; small sample properties are examined via a simulation study. Finally, we describe a minimum distance estimator for the ROC curve, which does not require grouping the data.
1. Introduction. A diagnostic test giving a measurement on a continuous scale is used to classify patients into either ‘‘healthy’’ or ‘‘diseased’’ categories. Typically, a cutoff point, c, is selected, and patients with test results greater than this are classified as ‘‘diseased,’’ otherwise as ‘‘healthy’’ or ‘‘normal.’’ The test score of a healthy patient is represented as a real random variable X with distribution function F and density f. Similarly a diseased patient’s score will be denoted by Y with distribution function G and density g; X and Y are independent. The sensitivity of the test is defined as SEŽ c . s 1 y GŽ c ., which is the probability of correctly classifying a diseased individual when cutoff point c is used. Similarly we define the test’s specificity SPŽ c . s F Ž c . as the probability of correctly classifying a healthy patient. Clearly these are the complements
Received September 1992; revised June 1995. 1 Supported in part by a fellowship from the U.S. Army Research Office through the Mathematical Sciences Institute at Cornell University. 2 Supported in part by NIH Grant CA-66218. AMS 1991 subject classifications. Primary 62G07; secondary 62H30, 62G20. Key words and phrases. Binormal model, classification, diagnostic test, discrimination, nonparametric estimation, receiver operating characteristic ŽROC., semiparametric models.
of the familiar Type I and Type II errors. The receiver operating characteristic curve ŽROC. is defined as a plot of the ‘‘true positive fraction,’’ SEŽ c ., on the vertical axis versus the ‘‘false positive fraction,’’ 1 y SPŽ c ., on the horizontal axis as c varies from q` to y`. Equivalently, it can be viewed as a plot of ROCŽ t . s 1 y GŽ Fy1 Ž1 y t .. versus t, 0 F t F 1. Bamber Ž1975. reverses the axes and defines the ordinal dominance curve ŽODC. F Ž Gy1 Ž t .., 0 F t F 1, which is a plot of SPŽ c . versus 1 y SEŽ c ., or equivalently F Ž c . versus GŽ c . for y` F c F `. Typical ODC curves are illustrated in Figure 1. For a desirable diagnostic test the ODC and the ROC curves rise rapidly and then level out as the lower graphs of Figure 1. It is straightforward to show that the ODC and the ROC curves have the following convenient properties: 1. Invariance under monotone increasing transformations of the measurement scale. 2. X is stochastically smaller than Y, that is, F Ž c . G GŽ c . for all c, implies that the curves lie above the diagonal in the unit square.
FIG. 1. Two examples of densities f, g and their corresponding ODC curves. The diagnostic instrument represented by the lower curves is to be preferred.
3. If the densities f and g have a monotone likelihood ratio, then the curves are concave. 4. The area under either curve is the probability P w X - Y x . There are applications or potential applications of ROC curve analysis in almost every scientific field. Swets and Pickett wŽ 1982., Appendix Ex list almost 200 references in a variety of subject areas where ROC curve methods have been used. These and later references span such diverse areas as signal detection, psychology, polygraph lie detection, epidemiology, nutrition, radiology and general medical decision making, among others. The ROC curve is important because various measures of performance, or accuracy indices, for a given diagnostic test are based on the curve, thus allowing comparison of competing tests. Often the area or a weighted area H01 ROCŽ t . dW Ž t . under the curve is used. For a discussion, see Hilden Ž1991.. We suppose that a training data set X 1 , X 2 , . . . , X m of readings from the healthy population is available as is a set Y1 , Y2 , . . . , Yn , from the diseased population. All observations are assumed mutually independent. Empirical ROC and ODC curves can be constructed by replacing F and G in the definitions by their corresponding sample cdfs Fm and Gn . Little work appears to have been done explicitly on the statistical properties of the empirical ROC curve itself. Of course the area under this curve is the Mann] Whitney statistic, the properties of which are well known; see, for example, Hanley and McNeil Ž1982.. Often some parametric form for F and G is assumed. Typically a normal distribution is assumed for both F and G, possibly after some given transformation of the X and Y scales, such as a logarithmic one. Interest then centers on estimating the small number of parameters that define F, G and, hence, ROCŽ t .. For examples of this approach, see Brownie, Habicht and Cogill Ž1986. and Goddard and Hinberg Ž1990.. Another popular approach is to assume a so-called ‘‘binormal’’ model. This is a semiparametric approach that postulates the existence of some unspecified monotonic transformation H, say, of the measurement scale that simultaneously converts the F and G distributions to normal ones. Without loss of generality these can be taken, respectively, to be N Ž0, 1. and N Ž m , s 2 ., say. In this case the ODC curve has the known parametric form
Ž 1.
F Ž Gy1 Ž t . . s F Ž m q s Fy1 Ž t . . ,
t g Ž 0, 1 . .
ŽHere F denotes the standard normal cdf.. Thus fitting a straight line to an empirical ODC curve plotted using normal probability scales on each axis yields a graphical test for the goodness-of-fit of the ‘‘binormal’’ assumption and graphical estimates of m and s , assuming the fit is adequate w Swets and Pickett Ž1982., page 30; Brownie, Habicht and Cogill Ž1986., Figure 2x . The ‘‘binormal’’ assumption was originally introduced in the field of psychology for use with ordered categorical variables. The measurements X, Y could take on only one of a finite set of values or categories. For example, with a five point rating scale, the categories might be labelled ‘‘probably healthy,
possibly healthy, equivocal, possibly diseased, probably diseased.’’ The problem is now a parametric one where the number of parameters equals the number of categories plus 1. ŽThese comprise m , s and the k y 1 unknown cutpoints, where k is the number of categories.. Dorfman and Alf Ž1969. and Grey and Morgan Ž1972. described an iterative method for obtaining the maximum likelihood estimates of these parameters under the ‘‘binormal’’ assumption. Hanley Ž1988. discusses the justifications and applicability of the ‘‘binormal’’ assumption for rating data. Other distributional assumptions can be used instead of the normal: Ogilvie and Creelman Ž1968. used a logistic distribution. When the measurements are on a continuous scale as considered in this paper, the data must be grouped in order to apply the Dorfman and Alf Ž1969. procedure. Clearly this will lead to some loss in efficiency. In the next section we describe asymptotic properties of the empirical ROC and ODC curves. Application of these results to the nonparametric estimation of P Ž X - Y . is discussed. In Section 3, we consider estimation under the semiparametric ‘‘binormal’’ model. Using the theory of empirical processes, we examine the asymptotic properties of a generalized least squares estimator which we propose, and show it is asymptotically equivalent to the MLE based on the Dorfman and Alf Ž1969. procedure for grouped data. Finally, in Section 4 we briefly consider a minimum distance approach which does not require grouping of the data. We indicate the robustness of this minimum distance estimate in a sense of locally asymptotic minimaxity ŽLAM.. 2. The empirical ODC curve and estimation of P( X - Y ). As in Section 1, we denote the sample cdfs of the X and Y training data sets by Fm Ž x . and GnŽ y ., respectively. Also we define the empirical quantile function as Gny1 Ž t . s inf y: GnŽ y . G t 4 . Then the empirical ODC curve is defined as Fm Ž Gny1 Ž t .., 0 - t - 1, which for convenience we will also write as Fm Gny1 Ž t .. For our asymptotic results we will always be assuming that the sample sizes are such that m s mŽ n. and nrm ª l ) 0 as n ª `. We also assume that cdfs F, G have continuous densities f, g, respectively, and that the slope of the curve FGy1 Ž t ., that is, f Ž Gy1 Ž t ..rg Ž Gy1 Ž t .., is bounded on any subinterval Ž a, b . of Ž0, 1., 0 - a - b - 1. Under the ‘‘binormal’’ model, for example, this condition is satisfied. In fact, if s ) 1, we can take the interval to be w 0, 1x . ŽOf course if s - 1, we can reverse the roles of F and G.. The first two theorems state the strong consistency and strong approximation properties for the ODC curve. THEOREM 2.1. Under the above conditions, sup 0FtF1
Fm Gny1 Ž t . y FGy1 Ž t . ª 0
a.s. as n ª `.
PROOF. Consider the inequality sup Fm Gny1 Ž t . y FGy1 Ž t . F sup Fm Gny1 Ž t . y F Ž Gny1 Ž t . . t
q sup FGny1 Ž t . y FGy1 Ž t . . t
If we apply the Glivenko]Cantelli theorem for the first term on the RHS and the theorem of Dvoretzky, Kiefer and Wolfowitz Ž1956. and then the Borel]Cantelli lemma for the second term, the theorem is proved. I THEOREM 2.2. Under the above conditions, there exists a probability space on which one can define sequences of two independent versions of Brownian bridges B1Ž n., B2Ž n., 0 F t F 14 such that f Gy1 Ž t . 'n Ž Fm Gny1 Ž t . y FGy1 Ž t . . s 'l B1Ž n. Ž FGy1 Ž t . . q Ž y1 . B2Ž n. Ž t . g ŽG Ž t . . q o Ž ny1r2 Ž log n .
uniformly on w a, b x .
For notational simplicity, we will omit the superscript n on B1 and B2 . This theorem follows from Theorem 4.4.1 in Csorgo ¨ ˝ and Revesz ´ ´ Ž1981. and Theorem 3.2.4 in Csorgo ¨ ˝ Ž1983.. The details are omitted here but can be found in Hsieh and Turnbull Ž1992.. As an application of Theorem 2.2, consider the area under the empirical ODC curve, 1 1 Mm , n s Fm Gny1 Ž t . dt s Ý 1 Ž X i - Yj . , mn 1FiFm 0
which equals the Mann]Whitney statistic when there are no ties. Now Mm n is a strongly consistent estimator of P Ž X - Y .. In addition, applying Theorem 2.2 with the same conditions we obtain the following theorem. THEOREM 2.3. We have
'n Ž Mm , n y P Ž X - Y . . s N Ž 0, s 2 . q op Ž 1. ,
in distribution as n ª `, where s 2 is defined as
s 2 s var
Ž 2.
f Gy1 Ž t . 'l H1B1 Ž FGy1 Ž t . . dt q H1 Ž y1 . B2 Ž t . dt Ž t.. 0 0 g ŽG
s l var
H0 B Ž FG 1
Ž t . . dt q var
H0 B Ž GF 1
Ž t . . dt
U U s l 5 F ? Gy1 5 q 5 G ? Fy1 5 U and 5 h 5 s H01 h 2 dt y Ž H01 h dt . 2 .
It is worthwhile noting that the variance s 2 in Ž2. is the same as the one obtained by considering the projection of Mm, n viewed as a U-statistic w Serfling Ž1980., page 193x , and of course reduces to the usual formula Ž1r12.Ž1rm q 1rn. in the null case F s G. 3. The binormal model for grouped data. For the remainder of this article we consider the semiparametric ‘‘binormal’’ model as described in Section 1. We discuss first the situation where the data are grouped, which
was the setting in the application Žpsychology. where the model was first used. We present a generalized least squares method, compare it with the well-known procedure of Dorfman and Alf Ž1969. and obtain asymptotic properties of the resulting estimators of the ODC curve. We also report the results of a simulation experiment to evaluate small sample properties. 3.1. The generalized least squares method. Let us fix integer k and let 0 - a 1 - a 2 - ??? - a k - 1 be a given partition of the unit interval. Recall from Ž1. that the ODC curve is given by FGy1 Ž t . s F Ž m q s Fy1 Ž t .. for 0 F t F 1, where unknowns m and s are to be estimated. Therefore we define
Ž 3.
bi s F Ž m q s Fy1 Ž a i . . .
A natural estimator of bi is
Ž 4.
bˆi s Fm Ž Gny1 Ž a i . . ,
i s 1, . . . , k ,
where Fm and Gn are the sample cdfs as in Sections 1 and 2. The asymptotic distribution of bˆ s Ž bˆ1 , . . . , bˆk . can be derived from the covariance structure of Brownian bridges constructed in Theorem 2.2. This is stated in the following lemma. LEMMA 3.1. For fixed 0 - a 1 - a 2 - ??? - a k - 1, under the ‘‘binormal’’ assumption, as n ª `,
Ž 5.
'n Ž bˆ y b . ª D
'n Ž Fy1 Ž bˆ . y Fy1 Ž b . . ª D
N Ž 0, l S 1 q S 2 .
N Ž 0, S . .
Here S s C w l S 1 q S 2 x C with Cy1 s diagŽ . . . , f Ž m q s Fy1 Ž a i .., . . . ., S 1 has Ž i, j . th entry equal wŽ b i n b j . y b i b j x , S 2 s AS 0 A with A s diagŽ . . . ,Ž sf Ž m q s FyŽ a i ...rŽ f Ž Fy1 Ž a i ..., . . . . and S 0 has Ž i, j . th entry wŽ a i n a j . y a i a j x . Also f denotes the standard normal density. We note that, since the a i 4 are chosen to be strictly increasing, so are the bi 4 . Therefore, the two covariance matrices S1 and S 0 of the two finite dimensional distributions of Brownian bridges B1Ž n. and B2Ž n. at index points bi 4 and a i 4 , respectively, are positive definite. Hence the matrix S is nonsingular. From Ž3. and Ž5., we have a linear regression setup: Fy1 Ž bˆi . s m q s Fy1 Ž a i . q « i ,
i s 1, . . . , k ,
where the error vector, « X s Ž « 1 , . . . , « k ., has the asymptotic covariance structure specified in Ž5. of Lemma 3.1. Since S depends on the unknown parameters m and s , an iterative procedure is needed to find estimates of m and s .
We proceed as follows. Since « is Op Ž1r 'n ., so is the ordinary least squares estimator
ž /
m ˆ0 y1 s Ž M X M . M X Fy1 Ž bˆ . , sˆ0
Ž 6.
where M is the design matrix given by
Ž 7.
MX s
??? ???
F Ž ak . Ž a1 . y1 and the vector F bˆ. s Ž F bˆ1 ., . . . , F Ž bˆk ... We now substitute m ˆ 0 and sˆ0 for m and s in the formula for S in Ž5., calling this estimator ˆ S, say. y1 Ž
y1 Ž
Finally, the generalized least squares ŽGLS. estimator is derived as
Ž 8.
ž ˆˆ /
y1 m s Ž MX ˆ Sy1 M . M X ˆ Sy1 Fy1 Ž bˆ . . s
We propose to use only this one-step estimator. The procedure could be iterated, but one step is usually adequate and often preferable in GLS estimation situations; for example, see the comments of Carroll and Ruppert wŽ 1988., page 15x . Theorem 3.2 below shows that the asymptotic distribution of Ž m ˆ , sˆ . is the same as that if S were known. THEOREM 3.2. Under assumption of Lemma 3.1, as n ª `,
žˆ /
'n mˆ y m sys
ª D N 0, Ž M X Sy1 M .
uˆo p s Ž M X Sy1 M .
M X Sy1 Fy1 Ž bˆ .
be the generalized weighted least squares estimator as if S were known. From Lemma 3.1, 'n Ž uˆo p y u . is asymptotically distributed as N Ž0, Ž M X Sy1 M .y1 .. The ordinary least squares estimator, uˆ0 s Ž m ˆ 0 , sˆ0 . say, defined in Ž6. is 'n -consistent since « is Op Ž1r 'n .. So is the ˆ Sy1 as the X y1 estimator of S . Therefore, the GLS estimator, uˆ s Ž m ˆ , sˆ . say, defined in Ž8. is equal to uˆo p q Op Ž1rn.. This completes the proof of this theorem. I REMARK. The ‘‘binormal’’ model is an example of a two-sample transformation model, in which it is posited that there is an unknown transformation H g H , a transformation group, such that, if X ; F and Y ; G, then H Ž X . ; N Ž0, 1. and H Ž Y . ; N Ž m , s 2 .. If we replace the normal distribution here by another parametric distribution, we can generate other semiparametric families. For example, use of the logistic leads to the proportional odds model; use of the Weibull leads to the proportional hazards model. The empirical ODC curve Fm Ž Gny1 Ž t .. is a maximal invariant with respect to the group H . It is reasonable to make inferences based on this maximal invariant. The GLS estimating procedure developed here is more convenient than other existing
estimators proposed in the semiparametric literature. Estimation and testing in such semiparametric models have been studied by several authors; these include Bickel Ž1986., Clayton and Cuzick Ž1986., Doksum Ž1987. and recently Bickel and Ritov Ž1995.. 3.2. A simulation study and an adaptive procedure. To investigate the small sample performance of the estimators m ˆ and sˆ from the GLS algorithm of Section 3.1, a small simulation experiment was conducted. In the algorithm only one step is used. Six binormal situations were simulated, in which Ž m , s . s Ž0, 1., Ž0, 2., Ž1, 1., Ž1, 2., Ž2, 1. and Ž2, 2., respectively. The six corresponding true ODC curves are displayed in Figure 2. One hundred training data sets, each with m s 100 and n s 100, were generated. The first two columns of Table 1 show the estimated means and mean square errors ŽMSE’s. of the estimators: the first using k s 5 and Ž a 1 , . . . , a 5 . s Ž0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5.; the second using k s 8 and Ž a 1 , . . . , a 8 . s Ž0.1, . . . , 0.8.. In some of the cases Že.g., m s 0, s s 2., the estimators’ performance is unsatisfactory as demonstrated by the large MSE’s. On reflection, this fact can be explained by observing that a high proportion of the a i-values fall on the flat part of the curve where the corresponding b-value is close to 0 or 1. The Fy1 transformation will then clearly lead to unstable estimates with moderate sample sizes. To remedy this situation, we propose the following adaptive method for selecting the a i 4 values so that they are concentrated on the steeper part of the ODC curve: 1. Fix a positive integer q. 2. Take a ˜1 s min jrn < Fm Gny1 Ž jrn. G qrm, j s 1, . . . , n4. 3. Set a ˜iq1 s min jrn < Fm Gny1 Ž jrn. y Fm Gny1 Ž a˜i . G qrm, j s 1, . . . , n4 for i s 1, . . . , k Ž q ., where k Ž q . is the largest integer such that a ˜k Ž q . - 1. The algorithm used for constructing the GLS estimator of Ž m , s . is now applied using the a ˜i 4. Simulation results with q s 5, 10, 12 are shown in the last three columns, respectively, of Table 1. Recall this implies that the ODC curve is being fitted to k Ž q . f 100rq points, most of which are concentrated at the curved portion of the ODC curve. As expected the adaptive method provides better estimates in terms of bias and of MSE. For very steep ODC curves such as when m s 2 and s s 1 or 2 Žsee Figure 2., it is clearly desirable to choose smaller values of q Ži.e., larger k .. On the other hand, we cannot use too small a value for q, since the normal approximation needed in the error structure will not be so accurate. This is a difficult problem. 3.3. The procedure of Dorfman and Alf. For estimating ROC curves from discrete or grouped response data, the most commonly used procedure is that proposed by Dorfman and Alf Ž1969.. Here an individual’s reading can take on one of a k q 1 number of categories, R 1 , . . . , R kq1 , say. Such ‘‘ratings’’ data are described in Section 1. The approach postulates the existence of a latent random variable, W say, and unknown cut points, y` s z 0 - z 1 - ???
TABLE 1 Simulation study results: estimates of m and s Ž with MSEs . for binormal model using GLS and adaptive GLS methods GLS Method m, s
Adaptive GLS Method ks8
Ž0, 1. y0.0434 0.9647 Ž0.0352 0.0549. Ž0, 2. 1.2817 8.1000 Ž3.7549 71.4583. Ž1, 1. 1.0157 0.9828 Ž0.0304 0.0340. Ž1, 2. 1.0830 2.2603 Ž0.3045 3.2925. Ž2, 1. 4.0997 2.8264 Ž25.7160 21.8936. Ž2, 2. 3.9831 4.2939 Ž25.3856 35.4289.
y0.0086 Ž0.0190 y0.8562 Ž2.3054 1.4038 Ž1.9523 4.6257 Ž19.1173 7.2842 Ž36.8637 8.4342 Ž45.1738
0.9903 0.0285. 6.1545 32.7196. 1.4733 3.8235. 7.6118 45.2313. 6.6518 39.8626. 8.7022 46.6128.
0.0318 Ž0.0153 0.0372 Ž0.0516 1.0336 Ž0.0226 1.0419 Ž0.0693 1.9965 Ž0.0531 2.0338 Ž0.1319
0.9883 0.0175. 1.9940 0.0949. 0.9544 0.0188. 1.9786 0.1134. 0.9131 0.0343. 1.9356 0.1424.
q s 10 0.0277 Ž0.0158 0.0425 Ž0.0558 1.0269 Ž0.0322 1.0635 Ž0.1097 2.0312 Ž0.2360 1.9970 Ž0.1828
0.9863 0.0231. 2.0204 0.1299. 0.9631 0.0273. 2.0293 0.2075. 0.9384 0.0872. 1.9216 0.1912.
q s 12 0.0290 Ž0.0164 0.0429 Ž0.0542 1.0183 Ž0.0296 1.0776 Ž0.1223 2.0715 Ž0.4001 2.0242 Ž0.2353
1.0030 0.0245. 2.0167 0.1563. 0.9533 0.0263. 2.0583 0.2562. 0.9578 0.1241. 1.9364 0.2274.
Note: Entries show mean estimates of m , s Žwith MSEs shown in parentheses. for six binormal models with Ž m , s . as given in the left-hand column and are based on 100 replications. The situations simulated all use training sets of size m s n s 100. For the GLS method, k s 5 corresponds to Ž a 1 , . . . , a 5 . s Ž0.1, . . . , 0.5.; k s 8 corresponds to Ž a 1 , . . . , a 8 . s Ž0.1, . . . , 0.8..
- z k - z kq1 s `, such that if z iy1 - W F z i , then the response category for the corresponding individual is R i , 1 F i F k q 1. Let Pi1 denote the probability of obtaining response category R i from a healthy individual and similarly Pi2 for a diseased subject. The Dorfman and Alf model stipulates that Pi1 s F Ž z i . y F Ž z iy1 . and z iy1 y m zi y m Pi2 s F yF , s s
/ ž
i s 1, . . . , k q 1.
It can be seen that this definition corresponds to our previous description of the ‘‘binormal’’ model if we equate the latent variable W s H Ž X . for a healthy subject and W s H Ž Y . for a diseased subject, where H is the unknown transformation as defined in Sections 1 and 3. The z i 4 can be thought of as H Ž c i .4 for cut points, c i 4 say, on the original latent continuous response variable scale. ŽIn contrast, the grouped data in Section 3.1 are obtained by discretizing with respect to the empirical quantiles Gny1 Ž a i .4 .. The log likelihood function is given by
Ž 9.
g i l log Pi l ,
ls1 is1
where g i1 , g i2 are the observed numbers of responses in category R i from the healthy and diseased group, respectively Ž1 F i F k q 1..
The computation of the maximum likelihood estimate ŽMLE. of Ž m , s . based on Ž9. requires the solution of a system of k q 2 nonlinear equations in k q 2 unknowns. A x 2 statistic can be used to test the goodness-of-fit to the model. A computer program to carry out this analysis is available in Swets and Pickett wŽ 1982., Appendix Dx . However, the computation can be difficult when k, the number of nuisance parameters z 1 , z 2 , . . . , z k , is large, and the iterative procedure used in the program can fail to converge. We now explore alternatives to full maximum likelihood to alleviate this computational problem so that, as with the approach in Section 3.1, only the two unknowns Ž m , s .9 s u , say, are explicitly involved. We proceed by noting that the Dorfman and Alf model can be viewed approximately as a measurement error regression model. First we denote
Ž 10.
ai s F
zi y m
for i s 1, . . . , k ,
s P12 q P22 q ??? qPi2
which implies that
Ž 11. F Ž z i . s F Ž m q s Fy1 Ž a i . . s P11 q P21 q ??? qPi1
for i s 1, . . . , k.
The quantities in Ž10. and Ž11. are naturally estimated by the sample proportions Ž1rn.Ýils1 g l 2 and Ž1rm.Ýils1 g l1 , respectively. Hence a regression model with measurement error can be written as
Ž 12. Ž 13.
Fy1 Fy1
ž ž
1 m 1 n
Ý g l1
ls1 i
Ý gl2
/ /
s s Fy1 Ž a i . q m q « 1 i , s Fy1 Ž a i . q « 2 i
for i s 1, . . . , k ,
where Fy1 Ž a i . s z i and vectors « 1X s Ž « 11 , . . . , « 1 k . and « X2 s Ž « 21 , . . . , « 2 k . are independent and normally distributed as N Ž0, SU1 . and N Ž0, SU2 ., respectively, where mSU1 s C S 1C and n s 2 SU2 s C S 2 C as defined in Lemma 3.1. ˆ as in Lemma 3.1 and Ž7., respectively, but with sample We define ˆ S and M proportions a ˆ s ŽŽ1rn.Ýils1 g l 2 . and bˆi s ŽŽ1rm.Ýils1 g l1 . replacing a i and bi . Then based on Ž12. and Ž13., similar to that in Section 3.1, a GLS estimator Žm ˆU , sˆ U . can be constructed as
Ž 14.
ž /
m ˆU s Mˆ X ˆSy1 Mˆ y1 Mˆ X ˆSy1 Fy1 bˆ . Ž . Ž . sˆ U
The next theorem shows that Ž m ˆU , sˆ U . has the same asymptotic distribution as Ž m ˆ , sˆ . defined in Ž8.. THEOREM 3.3. The estimators m ˆU and sˆ U as given in Ž14. have asymptotic distribution given by
žˆ /
U 'n mˆ U y m
s ys
ª D N 0, Ž M X Sy1 M .
as n ª `.
PROOF. The measurement error model can be written as Fy1 Ž bˆ . s Mu q « 1
Fy1 Ž a ˆ . s Fy1 Ž a . q « 2 . Combining the above, we have the regression equation
Ž 15.
ˆu q Ž « 1 y s« 2 . . Fy1 Ž bˆ . s M
Here 'n Ž « 1 y s« 2 . is asymptotically distributed as multivariate normal N Ž0, S .. Let ˆ S be the estimator of S obtained by plugging in a ˆ for a and replacing s by sˆ0 , the second component of uˆ0 , the ordinary least squares estimator obtained from Ž15. which ignores the error structure. Thus ˆ S is 'n -consistent. Multiplying both sides of Ž15. by Mˆ X ˆSy1, after some calculations, we have
ˆ X ˆSy1 Fy1 Ž bˆ . s Mˆ X ˆSy1 Mˆu q Mˆ X ˆSy1 Ž « 1 y s« 2 . M ˆ X ˆSy1 Mˆu q M X Sy1 Ž « 1 y s« 2 . q Op sM
ž / 1
This completes the proof. I An implication of the equality of the two asymptotic distributions in Theorems 3.2 and 3.3 is that asymptotically all the information about u X s Ž m , s . is contained in the empirical ODC Žor ROC. curve. Now one could also form an approximate normal likelihood based on equations Ž12. and Ž13., and obtain MLE’s. It turns out that these have the same asymptotic distribution as the Dorfman]Alf MLE’s based on Ž9. and this again is the same as that in Theorem 3.3. This is stated in the next theorem. Thus all four estimators} Ž8., Ž14. and these two MLE’s}are equivalent in terms of asymptotic efficiency. THEOREM 3.4. Under the ‘‘binormal’’ model, the MLE estimators of u X s Ž m , s . based on Ž9. and the approximate MLE estimators based on the regression setup Ž12. and Ž13. have the same asymptotic distribution as the GLS estimators given in Theorem 3.3. A rigorous proof of this theorem can be obtained by taking corresponding derivatives of the normal likelihood of the regression setup Ž12. and Ž13., and dropping the several insignificant terms. The we arrive at the same system of score equations as derived from Ž9.. The theorem is proved by taking a profile likelihood approach. A detailed proof can be found in Hsieh and Turnbull Ž1992.. In case of two samples of continuous data, based on Theorem 3.4, a heuristic argument of the asymptotic efficiency of the GLS estimator is given as follows. By choosing suitable k depending on the sample sizes m and n, the likelihood of Ž9. or of the regression setup Ž12. and Ž13. can be shown to be asymptotically sufficient for u and the nuisance parameter F in a sense of not
losing information. Specifically, the Fisher information of u , In say, tends to the Fisher information I0 of u in the original problem. Let the MLE of u based on Ž9., or on Ž12. and Ž13., be derived from the profile likelihood approach. The projection interpretation of the approach assures that I0 is the semiparametric Fisher information bound in the same sense as that given in Begun, Hall, Huang and Wellner Ž1983.. Therefore, by Theorem 3.4, the GLS estimator is asymptotically efficient. To assess goodness-of-fit of the ‘‘binormal’’ model, the test statistic
ˆˆ ˆˆ Sn s Fy1 Ž bˆ . y M u ˆ Sy1 Fy1 Ž bˆ . y M u
can be constructed. Here uˆs Ž m ˆ , sˆ . is any of the asymptotically equivalent estimators described in this section. Under the ‘‘binormal’’ model assumption, 2 this statistic is distributed as x ky 2 asymptotically. X
REMARK ŽEstimation of H .. We obtain an estimate of the underlying transformation H from the MLE of the z i 4 obtained either from Ž9. or from Ž12. and Ž13.. Suppose cutpoints c i 4 have been used to group the responses on the original continuous scale. Since ˆ z i is an estimate of H Ž c i ., an estimate of H can be obtained by fitting a smooth monotone function to the points Ž c i , ˆ z i ., 1 F i F k 4 using an appropriate smoothing technique. 4. The binormal model for continuous data. In Section 3, procedures for estimating the ODC and ROC curves under the ‘‘binormal’’ model were proposed. They involved grouping or discretizing the response data in some way. In this section, we propose a minimum distance estimator ŽMDE. of the ODC curve under the ‘‘binomial’’ model which does not require that the continuous data be grouped. Minimum distance estimation has been studied extensively beginning with the work of Wolfowitz Ž1957.. Millar Ž1984. presented a general abstract approach. For our problem, the MDE is constructed by finding the ODC curve based on the ‘‘binormal’’ model, that is, of the form F Ž m q s Fy1 Ž t .., that fits most closely the empirical ODC curve using an L 2 norm criterion. The MDE estimates are defined to be the minimizing values of m and s . More precisely, for u s Ž m , s .X , we define
j m n Ž u . s Fm Gny1 Ž t . y F Ž m q s Fy1 Ž t . . and the L2-distance measure as
Ž 16.
jm n Ž u . s
jm n Ž u .
The MDE, uˆm n s Ž m ˆ , sˆ .X , is defined by
Ž 17.
j m n Ž uˆm n . s inf j m n Ž u . . u
As before, for our asymptotic theory we suppose nrm ª l Ž) 0. as n ª `. From here on, the dependence on l is suppressed and denote j n s j m n and
uˆn s uˆm n . We let Q be the set Ž m , s .X < m g R and s ) 14 and suppose u 0 s Ž m 0 , s 0 .X g Q is the true unknown value of u . The restriction that s ) 1 is not unreasonable if one thinks of the healthy response as ‘‘noise’’ and the diseased response as ‘‘noise plus signal.’’ w However, we can avoid this restriction if we modify the distance criterion Ž16. above so that the integral is over a closed interval excluding 0 and 1.x Finally, let B2 be the separable Hilbert space L2 Ž n ., where n is the uniform measure on w 0, 1x . To assert the asymptotic normality of the MDE uˆn , we will apply Theorem 3.6 of Millar wŽ 1984., Section IIIx . We need to check the three conditions of the theorem. The ‘‘identifiability’’ condition is satisfied because j nŽ u . y j nŽ u 0 . s Ž .. is nonrandom and does not depend on F Ž m q s Fy1 Ž t .. y F Ž m 0 q sy1 0 F t n. The ‘‘convergence’’ condition holds because, from Theorem 2.2, the B2valued random process 'n j nŽ u 0 . converges in L2 to a process W Ž u 0 .. Here W Ž u . is the combination of Brownian bridge processes as given in Theorem 2.2 under the ‘‘binormal’’ assumption, that is, W Ž t ; u . s 'l B1 Ž F Ž m q s Fy1 Ž t . . . q
sf Ž m q s Fy1 Ž t . . f Ž Fy1 Ž t . .
B2 Ž t . .
The third condition of differentiability follows because there is a continuous linear operator T Žs Tu 0 . from Q to B2 , such that
j n Ž u . s j n Ž u 0 . q T Ž u y u 0 . q op Ž u y u 0 . s j n Ž u 0 . q h1 Ž u 0 . Ž m y m 0 . q h 2 Ž u 0 . Ž s y s 0 . q o p Ž u y u 0 . , where h1Ž u 0 . s f Ž m 0 q s 0 Fy1 Ž t .. and h 2 Ž u 0 . s Fy1 Ž t . f Ž m 0 q s 0 Fy1 Ž t ... Both are partial derivatives of F Ž m q s Fy1 Ž t .. with respect to m and s , respectively, and are evaluated at u 0 . Since h1Ž u 0 . and h 2 Ž u 0 . are linearly independent, the operator T is nonsingular. Let Bh denote the linear space spanned by h1Ž u 0 . and h 2 Ž u 0 . and let p denote the projection mapping from B2 onto Bh . We now can apply Millar’s Theorem 3.6 to obtain the following asymptotic properties of uˆn . THEOREM 4.1. With probability approaching 1 as n ª `, uˆn exists and is unique. Moreover
j n Ž uˆn . s Ž 1 y p . ( j n Ž u 0 . q op Ž ny1 r2 . , uˆn y u 0 s yTy1 (p ) j n Ž u 0 . q op Ž ny1r2 . . In addition, we have the following weak convergence results:
'n ž j n Ž uˆn . y j n Ž u 0 . / « p (W
in B2 ,
'n Ž uˆn y u 0 . « yTy1 (p (W
in R 2 .
With the results of this theorem, we can obtain an explicit expression for the asymptotic covariance matrix, ny1L say, for uˆn as follows. First define the inner product in B2 by ² h, k : s H01 hŽ t . ? k Ž t . dt. Let RŽ s, t . s EŽW Ž s . ? W Ž t ..
be the covariance function of W. After some calculations, an explicit expression of RŽ s, t . is found to be R Ž s, t . s
l s
Fy1 Ž t . y m
q f Ž m q s Fy1 Ž t . .
U where 5 h 5 s H01 h 2 Ž t . dt y Ž H01 h dt . 2 , as in Theorem 2.3. Finally define 2 = 2 matrices A and C by Ci j s ²hi , hj : and
A i j s E Ž ²hi , W : ? ²hj , W : . s
H0 H0 h Ž s . ? R Ž s, t . ? h Ž t . ds dt. 1
Thus the asymptotic covariance matrix of uˆn s Ž m ˆ n , sˆn . is given by ny1L with y1 y1 L s C AC . As a by-product, the minimum distance approach provides a natural statistic for testing the ‘‘binormal’’ assumption, namely,
j n Ž uˆn . s inf
jn Ž u . .
The following corollary, which follows from Theorem 4.1, gives the asymptotic distribution of this test statistic under the ‘‘binormal’’ assumption. COROLLARY 4.2.
n 5 j nŽ uˆn .5 « H01 wŽ 1 y p .(W Ž t .x 2 dt q op Ž1..
REMARK 1. In the definition of the distance criterion Ž16., we could introduce a weight function, such as the inverse of the variance function of processes j m nŽ u .. Corresponding asymptotic results can be derived. Also distance criteria based on a different process, such as j mUnŽ u . s w Fy1 Ž Fm Gny1 Ž t .. y Ž m q s Fy1 Ž t ..x , could be used. These ideas are the subject for future study, as are the computational problems for finding the MDE. REMARK 2 ŽThe LAM property of the MDE.. Roughly, the locally asymptotic minimax ŽLAM. property of an estimator asserts that its performance does not deteriorate when the actual distributions of the data depart slightly from those specified by the model}here the ‘‘binormal’’ model. It can be proved that the MDE given by Ž17. has this property. This is done by showing that the problem can be fit into the general abstract framework of Millar wŽ 1984., Sections 3 and 5x . Details are given in Hsieh and Turnbull Ž1992.. REFERENCES BAMBER, D. Ž1975.. The area above the ordinal dominance graph and the area below the receiver operating characteristic graph. J. Math. Psych. 12 387]415. BEGUN, J. M., HALL, W. J., HUANG, W. M. and WELLNER, J. A. Ž1983.. Information and asymptotic efficiency in parametric]nonparametric models. Ann. Statist. 11 432]452. BICKEL, P. J. Ž1986.. Efficient testing in a class of transformation models. In Proceedings of the 45th Session of the International Statistical Institute 23.3-63]23.3-81. ISI, Amsterdam.
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