nonparametric estimation of homogeneous functions - Semantic Scholar

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d. N~0,0+75!,. (Model 1) f2~x1, x2 ! 10~x1. 0+5 x2. 0+5!2 and «2 d. N~0,1!+ (Model 2). Table 1. Average mse over grid f
Econometric Theory, 19, 2003, 640–663+ Printed in the United States of America+ DOI: 10+10170S026646660319408X


WO O C H E O L KI M Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Consider the regression y 5 f ~ x! I 1 «, where E~«6 x! I 5 0 and the exact functional form of f is unknown, although we do know that f is homogeneous of known degree r+ Using a local linear approach, we examine two ways of nonparametrically estimating f: ~i! a “direct” approach and ~ii! a “projection based” approach+ We show that depending upon the nature of the conditional variance var~«6 x!, I one approach may be asymptotically better than the other+ Results of a small simulation experiment are presented to support our findings+

1. INTRODUCTION An important problem in microeconometrics is the estimation of shape restricted functions+ To obtain good estimates without worrying about any potential misspecification problems, imposing valid shape restrictions on nonparametric estimators of these functional forms seems like a good idea+ Beginning with the pioneering paper of Hildreth ~1954!, much work has been done in this area+ See, for example, Gallant ~1981!, Yatchew ~1988!, Härdle ~1989, Ch+ 8!, Ryu ~1993!, Matzkin ~1994!, Ruud ~1997!, and Yatchew and Bos ~1997!+ Readers unfamiliar with nonparametric estimation techniques relevant to econometrics are referred to Bierens ~1985!, Härdle ~1989!, Härdle and Linton ~1994!, Yatchew ~1998!, and Pagan and Ullah ~1999!+ In this paper we restrict ourselves to estimating a conditional mean function f that happens to be homogeneous of known degree r+ Recall that f : S r R is said to be homogeneous of degree r [ R if f ~lx! I 5 lr f ~ x! I for all ~l, x! I [ R11 3 S such that lxI [ S+ Such functional forms are frequently encountered in microeconomic theory+ For instance, the profit ~resp+ cost! function for a profit maxWe thank Don Andrews and an anonymous referee for comments that greatly improved this paper+ The first author thanks Professor Wolfgang Härdle for hospitality at the Institute of Statistics and Econometrics, Humboldt University, Berlin, where part of this research was carried out+ Financial support to the first author from Sonderforschungsbereich 373 ~“Quantifikation und Simulation Ökonomischer Prozesse”! and the NSF via grants SES-0111917 and SES-0214081 is also gratefully acknowledged+ Address correspondence to: Gautam Tripathi, Department of Economics, University of Wisconsin–Madison, Madison, WI 53706, USA; e-mail: gtripath@ssc+wisc+edu; and Woocheol Kim, Institut für Statistik und Ökonometrie, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, D-10178 Berlin, Germany; e-mail: woocheol@wiwi+hu-berlin+de+


© 2003 Cambridge University Press

0266-4666003 $12+00



imizing ~resp+ cost minimizing! competitive firm is homogeneous of degree one in prices+ Similarly, the Marshallian demand functions for a utility maximizing agent are homogeneous of degree zero in prices and income+ In production theory, attention is often restricted to production functions that are homogeneous of degree one, that is, that exhibit constant returns to scale+ See, for instance, the classic paper by Arrow, Chenery, Minhas, and Solow ~1961!+ Labor economists often assume that the matching function, which relates the number of jobs formed during a certain period of time to the number of vacancies available during that period and some other variables, is linearly homogeneous+ See, for example, Petrongolo and Pissarides ~2001! and the references therein+ Although many functional forms familiar to economists may satisfy other shape restrictions besides homogeneity, for now we focus upon homogeneity alone+ One reason for doing so is that when compared with some other shape properties such as concavity or monotonicity, homogeneity is a particularly tractable property to analyze+ Loosely speaking, this is because the set of all homogeneous functions ~embedded in some larger space such as the set of all twice continuously differentiable functions! is a linear space+ This linearity simplifies analysis in many situations+ On the other hand, the set of all concave or monotone functions is not a linear space but a convex subset of the ambient space+ Typically, this makes dealing with concave or monotone functions more difficult+ Therefore, focusing on homogeneity alone may often lead to a simplification of econometric analysis+ Furthermore, as a practical matter, imposing concavity and monotonicity restrictions on function estimates seems to be a hard though not an impossible task+ In contrast, imposing homogeneity in nonparametric estimates is quite easy and may lead to substantial improvement of estimates in finite samples+ In the parametric case it is well known how to impose a homogeneity restriction+ Basically, the idea is to restrict the parameter space+ For example, in a log-linear Cobb–Douglas regression model with two covariates, homogeneity is imposed by requiring that the coefficients on the two factors sum to one+ Even in the flexible functional form literature, homogeneity is imposed by restricting the parameter space+ For instance, Gallant ~1981! imposes constant returns to scale by making some parameters in a Fourier flexible form expansion sum to unity+ Slightly differently, Ryu ~1993! shows how to impose linear homogeneity by a polar coordinate transformation+ In the fully nonparametric case perhaps the simplest way of imposing homogeneity is to use a “direct” approach+ In this approach we pick one variable as the numeraire and use it to normalize all variables+ Estimation is then carried out using the normalized variables+ For instance, Ruud ~1997, p+ 171! follows this approach in imposing homogeneity on his shape restricted estimator+ From our conversations with many colleagues, we get the impression that most economists immediately think of this approach when asked to nonparametrically estimate a homogeneous conditional expectation+ Because we are so used to working with ratios of variables such as relative prices, which are homo-



geneous of degree zero by construction, the choice of the direct approach is perhaps not very surprising+ But there is another way of nonparametrically estimating homogeneous conditional means+ We call this the “projection based” approach for reasons that will be clarified later on+ In this paper we show how to implement the projection based and direct approaches using local linear estimators and compare the asymptotic properties of the estimators obtained+ Their analytical simplicity and ease of use should make the proposed estimators a useful addition to the tool kit of the applied econometrician+ The paper is organized as follows+ Section 2 lists the maintained assumptions, and Section 3 describes the procedure for estimating homogeneous functions using the direct and projection based approaches+ In Section 4 we compare the asymptotic performance of the direct and projection based estimators and show how the error term conditional variance determines which estimator is better+ Section 5 describes the results of a small simulation experiment, and in Section 6 we discuss some additional efficiency related issues+ Section 7 concludes+ All proofs are confined to the Appendixes+ The following notation is used throughout this paper+ We treat all vectors as column vectors and ~most of the time! denote them explicitly by using a tilde+ In particular, xI 5 ~ x 1 , + + + , x s ! ', wK 5 ~ x 1 0x s , + + + , x s21 0x s ! ', xI j 5 ~ x 1, j , + + + , x s, j ! ' , and wK j 5 ~ x 1, j 0x s, j , + + + , x s21, j 0x s, j ! ' + Here SxI is a compact subset of Rs such that x s ~the last component of xI [ SxI ! is positive and bounded away from zero+ The map H0 : SxI r Rs21 is the homogeneous of degree zero transformation H0 ~ x! I 5 w, K and SwK 5 H0 ~SxI ! is the image of SxI under H0 + We use xI 0 to denote a point that is fixed in int~SxI !, and wK 0 5 H0 ~ xI 0 ! denotes its image under H0 + Because the map xI ° ~ w, K x s ! is one to one and continuous on SxI , it is straightforward to verify that wK 0 [ int~SwK !+ The expression C k ~int~SxI !! is the set of all real valued functions on int~SxI ! that have continuous partial derivatives up to order k+ We say that f [ C k ~SxI ! if f [ C k ~int~SxI !! and f, including all its partial derivatives up to order k, can be extended continuously to SxI + Finally, L 2 ~SxI ! is the set of all square integrable functions on SxI that are integrable with respect to the probability distribution on SxI , and Fr ~resp+ Gr ! is the set of all functions in ° C 2 ~SxI ! ~resp+ L 2 ~SxI !! that are also homogeneous of degree r+ The symbol 5 indicates “approximate equality,” that is, equality modulo an additive but asymptotically negligible term+ Unless stated otherwise, all limits are taken as the sample size n r `+ 2. THE SETUP Consider the nonparametric regression yj 5 f ~ xI j ! 1 «j + Assumption 2+1+ The following assumptions are maintained+ n ~i! The data $ yj , xI j % j51 are independent and identically distributed ~i+i+d+! random variables in R 3 SxI , and E ~«j 6 xI j ! 5 0+ ~ii! The functional form of f [ Fr is unknown, but we do know r+



~iii! The conditional pdf of ~ y, x s 6 w! K is twice continuously differentiable at wK 0 + ~iv! h~ w!, K the pdf of wK 5 H0 ~ x!, I is twice continuously differentiable at wK 0 and h~ wK 0 ! . 0+ ~v! For some g . 0, the map wK ° E ~6«x sr 6 21g 6 w! K is bounded and continuous at wK 0 +

The restrictions on SxI , namely, that SxI is compact and that the last coordinate of xI [ SxI is positive and bounded away from zero, ensure that the conditional expectations in Lemmas 3+1 and 3+2 in Section 3 exist for all r [ R+ This allows us to handle any degree of homogeneity+ The assumption that we know r is quite weak as economic theory frequently predicts the degree of homogeneity+1 Because SxI is compact, ~ii! implies that f is also an element of Gr + ~iii! implies that E ~ yx sr 6 w!, K E ~ y 2 x s2r 6 w!, K and E ~ yx s3r 6 w! K are twice continuously differentiable at wK 0 + This is used in the proof of Lemma B+1 in Appendix B+ We use ~iv! to ensure that the remainder terms in the Taylor expansions employed in Appendix A are well behaved+ ~iv! can be made more palatable if we interpret it to mean that we should carry out estimation and inference in regions where the density is bounded away from zero+2 ~v! provides sufficient moments so that we can prove the asymptotic normality of estimators of f+ 3. ESTIMATION HEURISTICS Because f is homogeneous of degree r, we can write K 1«m y 5 x sr f ~ w,1!

y « 5 f ~ w,1! K 1 r+ r xs xs


The problem we investigate in this paper can be stated quite simply: should we estimate f ~ x! I using the first representation or the second? We refer to the estimator of f ~ x! I based on the first representation as a “projection based” estimator, whereas the estimator based on the second formulation is called a “direct” estimator+ It may not be very obvious at this point how we can estimate f ~ x! I using the first representation, but as we shall soon show, it is quite easy to do so+ Although algebraically equivalent, the two formulations will in general lead to estimators with different statistical properties because division by x sr alters the stochastic properties of the error term «+ In fact, and this should not surprise the reader, the statistical performance of the estimators depends upon the conditional variance var~«6 x!+ I In particular, we show that if var~«6 x! I is homogeneous of degree zero ~which includes homoskedasticity as a special case! then the projection based estimator is asymptotically better than the direct estimator, whereas if var~«6 x! I is homogeneous of degree 2r Þ 0 then the latter dominates the former+ Notice that if r 5 0, that is, if we are estimating a homogeneous function of degree zero ~e+g+, a demand function!, the two approaches will yield identical results+ Furthermore, if s 5 1 the problem is uninteresting because homogeneous functions are known up to scale in the one-dimensional case ~because



when s 5 1, homogeneity of f implies that f ~ x! 5 x r f ~1!!+ To avoid these trivial cases, from now on we assume that r Þ 0 and s . 1+ Our estimation strategy is to approximate sample analogs of optimization problems that identify f ~ x! I using the two representations in ~1!+ At the populaI where bp tion level we can use the first representation to write f ~ x! I as x sr bp ~ x!, is identified as bp 5

argmin $ b : b[L 2 ~SwK !%

E $ y 2 x sr b~ w!% K 2+


Because x sr b~ w! K is a homogeneous function of degree r for all b [ L 2 ~SwK !, we can characterize x sr bp ~ w! K as the orthogonal projection of y onto Gr using the usual L 2 inner product ^u, v&L 2 5 E $uv%+ In particular, we can use Lemma B+2 in Tripathi ~2000! to show that this projection can be explicitly calculated as K E ~ x s2r 6 w!+ K This explains the term projection based in describing x sr E ~ yx sr 6 w!0 an estimate obtained by using the first representation in ~1!+ Similarly, a population level specification of f ~ x! I using the second representation can be written as x sr bd ~ w!, K where we identify bd as bd 5

argmin $ b : b[L 2 ~SwK !%




2 y 2 b~ w! K + r xs


Observe that we can also characterize x sr bd ~ w! K as the orthogonal projection of y onto Gr using the “weighted” inner product ^u, v&weighted 5 E $uvx s22r %+ But because this projection is not orthogonal with respect to the usual L 2 inner product, we prefer to describe x sr bd ~ x! I as the “direct” population level specification of f ~ x!+ I The preceding discussion shows that to estimate f, it suffices to estimate bp and bd + Because a finite amount of data can at best allow us to estimate the value taken by a function at a certain point, we consider estimating the value of f at xI 0 + In particular, let us now see how we can estimate bp ~ wK 0 ! and bd ~ wK 0 !+ So let b be a function in L 2 ~SwK ! that is sufficiently smooth+ Think of b as being a generic symbol for bp or bd + Taylor expanding b~ w! K around wK 0 and neglecting all higher order remainder terms, we can write ° b~ w! K 5 b~ wK 0 ! 1 ¹b~ wK 0 ! ' ~ wK 2 wK 0 !+


The unknown coefficients $ b~ wK 0 !, ¹b~ wK 0 !% can be estimated by doing least squares on sample analogs of ~2! and ~3! provided we can maintain the quality of the linear approximation in ~4!+ This can be achieved by employing the usual device of local weighting to ensure that when estimating $ b~wK 0 !, ¹b~wK 0 !%, the w’s K closer to wK 0 are given more weight than those observations that are farther away from wK 0 + Following this approach, $ bp ~ wK 0 !, ¹bp ~ wK 0 !% and $ bd ~ wK 0 !, ¹bd ~ wK 0 !% can be estimated as


$ bZ p , ¹Zbp %~ wK 0 ! 5 argmin s b[R D

$ bZ d , ¹Zbd %~ wK 0 ! 5 argmin s b[R D


( $ yj 2 x s,r j @b0 1 bD *' ~ wK j 2 wK 0 !#% 2 K j51 n

( j51


yj x s,r j

JS 2

2 b0 2 bD *' ~ wK j 2 wK 0 ! K


wK j 2 wK 0 an

wK j 2 wK 0 an






where bD 5 ~b0 , b1 , + + + , bs21 ! and bD * 5 ~b1 , + + + , bs21 !+ Here bZ p ~ wK 0 ! ~resp+ bZ d ~ wK 0 !! is the projection based ~resp+ direct! local linear estimator of f ~ wK 0 ,1!+ Similarly, ¹Zbp ~ wK 0 ! ~resp+ ¹Zbd ~ wK 0 !! is the projection based ~resp+ direct! local linear estimator of its gradient ¹f ~ wK 0 ,1!+ The kernel K ~defined on R s21 ! and the bandwidth a n used previously satisfy the following conditions+ Assumption 3+1+ K~ w! K 5 Ps21 i51 k~wi !, where k : R r R is a continuous density with support @21,1# and is symmetric around zero+ We also define Rk 5 1 1 *21 k 2 ~u! du, m k,2 5 *21 u 2 k~u! du, and SK 5 @21,1# s21 + Assumption 3+2+ The bandwidth a n is a sequence of positive numbers such that a n r 0, na ns21 r `, and na ns13 r l [ @0,`!+ The asymptotic behavior of bZ and ¹Zb is given by the following results+


LEMMA 3+1+ Let Assumptions 2.1, 3.1, and 3.2 hold. Then 3

M na M na

s21 n $ bZ p ~ wK 0 !

s11 Z n $ ¹bp ~ wK 0 !

F G bias1



Sp 5



2 f ~ wK 0 ,1! 2 bias1 % 2 ¹f ~ wK 0 ,1! 2 bias2 %




N~0E s31 , S p !,

a n2 m k,2 tr$¹ 2 f ~ wK 0 ,1!% 2 an 2m k,2


uK~ I u! I uI ¹ f ~ wK 0 ,1! uI duI '



E ~ x s2r « 2 6 wK 0 !Rs21 k E 2 ~ x s2r 6 wK 0 !h~ wK 0 !


and s31

' 0E ~s21!31

E ~ x s2r « 2 6 wK 0 !

0E ~s21!31



uI uI ' K 2 ~ u! I duI




2 ~ x s2r 6 wK 0 !h~ wK 0 !m k,2

LEMMA 3+2+ Let Assumptions 2.1, 3.1, and 3.2 hold. Then


na ns21 $ bZ d ~ wK 0 ! 2 f ~ wK 0 ,1! 2 bias1 %

na ns11 $ ¹Zbd ~ wK 0 !

2 ¹f ~ wK 0 ,1! 2 bias2 %




N~0E s31 , S d !,






where bias1 and bias2 are defined in Lemma 3.1, and

Sd 5


E ~ x s22r « 2 6 wK 0 !Rs21 k

' 0E ~s21!31

h~ wK 0 !

E ~ x s22r « 2 6 wK 0 !


uI uI ' K 2 ~ u!d I uI


0E ~s21!31

2 h~ wK 0 !m k,2




r r bZ p ~ wK 0 ! and fdir Z ~ xI 0 ! 5 x s,0 bZ d ~ wK 0 ! to denote the proWe use fproj Z ~ xI 0 ! 5 x s,0 jection based and direct local linear estimates of f ~ xI 0 !+ Notice that fproj Z and fdir Z are homogeneous of degree r by construction; that is, we have obtained homogeneity constrained nonparametric estimators of f+ Another nice feature of using the local linear approach is that both f ~ wK 0 ,1! and its partial derivatives can be obtained simultaneously+ This comes in handy when one wants to calculate marginal effects or elasticities+ Furthermore, solving these optimization problems is straightforward because they can be expressed in a weighted least squares framework+ See the proof of Lemma 3+1 in Appendix A for details+ Local linear estimators of conditional mean functions, without any homogeneity restrictions, have been extensively studied+ See, for instance, Fan ~1992!, Ruppert and Wand ~1994!, Gozala and Linton ~2000!, and the references therein+ If instead of a first-order approximation in ~4! we had taken an mth-order Taylor expansion of b~ w! K around wK 0 , where m . 1, we would have obtained mthorder local polynomial estimators of bp and bd + In our case such higher order approximations are unnecessary because a linear approximation suffices to compare the asymptotic mse of bZ p ~ wK 0 ! and bZ d ~ wK 0 !+ Of course, we could also have obtained locally constant ~better known as Nadaraya–Watson! estimators of ° K 5 bp ~ wK 0 ! and bd ~ wK 0 ! by considering the “zeroth”-order approximation b~ w! b~ wK 0 ! in ~4!+ In fact, it is easy to show that the projection based and direct Nadaraya–Watson estimators of f ~ xI 0 ! are given by n

r fproj X ~ xI 0 ! 5 x s,0


( x s,2rj K

j51 n

r fdir X ~ xI 0 ! 5 x s,0


( yj x s,r j K j51


( r K j51 x s, j n



wK 0 2 wK j an

wK 0 2 wK j



wK 0 2 wK j an

wK 0 2 wK j



The reason we prefer working with local linear estimators, rather than the locally constant estimators, is that the asymptotic bias terms for the former are



simpler ~and thus much easier! to handle analytically+ In particular, as shown in Lemmas 3+1 and 3+2, they do not have any terms involving the first derivatives of f ~ w,1!: K r Z ~ xI 0 !% 5 0+5l102 m k,2 x s,0 tr bias$ fproj Z ~ xI 0 !% 5 bias$ fdir



] 2 f ~ wK 0 ,1! + ]w] K wK '

Hence when local linear estimators are used, comparing the asymptotic mse of fproj Z ~ xI 0 ! and fdir Z ~ xI 0 ! reduces to comparing their asymptotic variances+ In contrast, in Appendix B it is shown that for the Nadaraya–Watson estimators of f ~ xI 0 !, ° r bias$ fproj X ~ xI 0 !% 5 0+5a n2 m k,2 x s,0

3 tr



2 ] 2 f ~ wK 0 ,1! ]f ~ wK 0 ,1! ]h~ wK 0 ! ]f ~ wK 0 ,1! 1 1 ' ]w] K wK h~ wK 0 ! ]wK ]wK ' ]wK 3

° r bias$ fdir X ~ xI 0 !% 5 0+5a n2 m k,2 x s,0 tr


]E ~ x s2r 6 wK 0 ! h~ wK 0 ! ]wK ' E ~ x s2r 6 wK 0 !



2 ]f ~ wK 0 ,1! ]h~ wK 0 ! ] 2 f ~ wK 0 ,1! 1 + ' ]w] K wK h~ wK 0 ! ]wK ]wK '

Although in Appendix B we also show that var $ fproj X ~ xI 0 !% 5 var $ fproj Z ~ xI 0 !% and Z ~ xI 0 !%, the squared bias of fproj X ~ xI 0 ! and fdir X ~ xI 0 ! cannot var $ fdir X ~ xI 0 !% 5 var $ fdir be ranked+ Therefore, if we use Nadaraya–Watson estimators we cannot analytically compare the projection based estimator with the direct estimator in terms of asymptotic mse+ Finally, let f Z ~ xI 0 ! denote the usual unrestricted local linear estimator of f ~ xI 0 ! in the regression model y 5 f ~ x! I 1 «, that is, n

$ f Z ~ xI 0 !, ¹Z f ~ xI 0 !% 5

argmin ~b0 , b![R3R D


( $ yj 2 b0 2 bD ' ~ xI j 2 xI 0 !% 2 H j51

S D xI j 2 xI 0 bn



where H is an appropriate kernel on Rs and the bandwidth bn is a sequence of positive numbers such that bn r 0 and nbns r `+ Note that when f is homoor fdir Z + geneous of degree r, f Z will converge at a slower rate to f than fproj Z Imposing homogeneity on estimators of f reduces the dimension of the regressor space by one and leads to estimators with improved rates of convergence+ In the simulations we will compare the finite sample behavior of fproj Z and fdir Z with f+Z



4. COMPARING fZproj ( xI 0 ) AND fZdir ( xI 0 ) Following Lemmas 3+1 and 3+2, it is easy to see that the asymptotic variances Z ~ xI 0 ! are of fproj Z ~ xI 0 ! and fdir var $ fproj Z ~ xI 0 !% 5 var $ fdir Z ~ xI 0 !% 5

2r x s,0 E ~ x s2r « 2 6 wK 0 !Rs21 k

E 2 ~ x s2r 6 wK 0 !h~ wK 0 !


2r x s,0 E ~ x s22r « 2 6 wK 0 !Rs21 k


h~ wK 0 !

To simplify the form of these variances, observe that the transformation xI ° ~ w, K x s ! is one to one and apply iterated expectations+ This yields E ~ x s2r « 2 6 w! K 5 E ~ x s2r s 2 ~ x!6 I w! K


E ~ x s22r « 2 6 w! K 5 E ~ x s22r s 2 ~ x!6 I w!, K

I 5 var~«6 x! I is the conditional variance function+ It does not seem where s 2 ~ x! possible ~at least to us! to compare the two variances if s 2 ~ x! I is completely unknown+ However, we can obtain some useful insights about the asymptotic Z ~ xI 0 ! if s 2 ~ x! I satisfies the following assumption+ variance of fproj Z ~ xI 0 ! and fdir Assumption 4+1+ Assume that either ~i! s 2 ~ x! I 5 c 2 ~ w! K for some unknown c; that is, the error terms are conditionally heteroskedastic such that s~ x! I is homogeneous of degree zero in the covariates, or ~ii! s 2 ~ x! I 5 x s2r c 2 ~ w! K for some unknown c; that is, the error terms are conditionally heteroskedastic such that s~ x! I is homogeneous of degree r Þ 0 in the covariates+

Notice that Assumption 4+1~i! is automatically satisfied if the error term is homoskedastic+ As an example of a model where homoskedasticity of « is compatible with linear homogeneity of f, consider the following simple setup+ Example 4.1. Let y be the observed profit, f the unobserved profit function of a competitive firm, and xI the vector of observed output and factor prices+ Assuming that the prices are measured without error but there is measurement error in the observed profit, we can write y 5 f ~ x! I 1 «+ Because f is a profit function it is homogeneous of degree one, and as « is treated as pure measurement error we can assume that it is homoskedastic+ Although homoskedasticity of additive errors is often a convenient statistical assumption, it is sometimes hard to justify from a structural point of view+ In many cases, Assumption 4+1~ii! may be more plausible+ As an example of a situation where both s~ x! I and f ~ x! I are homogeneous of degree one, consider



the following model, which is motivated by the discussion in McFadden ~1984, p+ 1406!+ Example 4.2. Let xI be the vector of observed output and factor prices and f * ~ x; I u! the unobserved profit function of a competitive firm+ The term u denotes a firm specific random parameter that is distributed independently of x+I It is unobserved by the researcher but is known to the firm itself+ For instance, u could represent variables that are unobserved by the economist but are used by the firm when making production decisions+ Because f * is a profit function, we assume that I u! is linearly homogeneous, monotone, and for each u [ U the map xI ° f * ~ x; convex in the prices+ Let y 5 f * ~ x; I u! denote the maximum observable profit+ Then using the fact that u is independent of x,I we can write y 5 f ~ x! I 1 « where I u! dF~u! and f ~ x! I 5 *U f * ~ x;


« 5 f * ~ x; I u! 2


f * ~ x; I u! dF~u6 x! I 5 f * ~ x; I u! 2


f * ~ x; I u! dF~u!+


Note that xI ° f ~ x! I has all the properties of a profit function+ In particular, it is I 5 0 and homogeneous of degree one+ Moreover, we can also verify that E ~«6 x! that s~ x! I is homogeneous of degree one+ Now it is easy to see that Assumption 4+1~i! n Assumption 4+1~ii! n


E $x s22r « 2 6 w% K 5 c 2 ~ w! K E $x s22r 6 w% K E $x s2r « 2 6 w% K 5 c 2 ~ w! K E $x s2r 6 w%, K E $x s22r « 2 6 w% K 5 c 2 ~ w! K E $x s2r « 2 6 w% K 5 c 2 ~ w! K E $x s4r 6 w%+ K

Hence the expressions for the asymptotic variances simplify to

Assumption 4+1~i! n

Assumption 4+1~ii! n

5 5

var$ fdir Z ~ xI 0 !% 5

2r 22r c 2 ~ wK 0 !Rs21 6 wK 0 ! k x s,0 E ~ x s h~ wK 0 ! 2r c 2 ~ wK 0 !Rs21 k x s,0 , E ~ x s2r 6 wK 0 !h~ wK 0 !

var$ fproj Z ~ xI 0 !% 5 var$ fdir Z ~ xI 0 !% 5

2r c 2 ~ wK 0 !Rs21 k x s,0 h~ wK 0 !

var$ fproj Z ~ xI 0 !% 5

2r 4r c 2 ~ wK 0 !Rs21 k x s,0 E ~ x s 6 wK 0 ! + 2r 2 E ~ x s 6 wK 0 !h~ wK 0 !

Because by the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality E ~ x s22r 6 w! K E ~ x s2r 6 w! K $ E 2 ~ x s2r x sr 6 w! K 51


E ~ x s4r 6 w! K $ E 2 ~ x s2r 6 w!, K



we get that var $ fproj Z ~ xI 0 !% # var $ fdir Z ~ xI 0 !% under Assumption 4+1~i!, and var $ fdir Z ~ xI 0 !% # var $ fproj Z ~ xI 0 !% under Assumption 4+1~ii!+ As the asymptotic bias for the two estimators is idenZ ~ xI 0 !% under Assumption 4+1~i! and tical, we have mse$ fproj Z ~ xI 0 !% # mse$ fdir Z ~ xI 0 !% under Assumption 4+1~ii!+ Therefore, as exmse$ fdir Z ~ xI 0 !% # mse$ fproj pected there is no general ranking for the estimators in terms of asymptotic mse+ Hence the choice of which estimator to use is not obvious but depends upon the nature of the heteroskedasticity of the error term+ 5. SIMULATION A small simulation experiment was performed to study the finite sample properties of the proposed estimators+ Code was written in GAUSS, and we restricted our attention to the case s 5 2+ A number n of observations on y were d generated from y 5 f ~ x 1 , x 2 ! 1 s~ x 1 , x 2 !«, where x 1 , x 2 5 UIID@1,2# and « was chosen independently of ~ x 1 , x 2 !+ A Gaussian kernel was used to obtain Z , and f+Z For the first two estimators the bandwidth used was cn2105 , fproj Z , fdir whereas for f Z the bandwidth used was cn 2106 + Three different choices of c were considered: c [ $0+5,1,2%+ As seen in Tables 1 and 2, the results do not seem to be very sensitive to the choice of bandwidth+ Two particular specifications for f and « were selected: f1 ~ x 1 , x 2 ! 5 10 x 1 x 2



«1 5 N~0,0+75!,


f2 ~ x 1 , x 2 ! 5 10~ x 10+5 1 x 20+5 ! 2


(Model 1)


«2 5 N~0,1!+

(Model 2)

Table 1. Average mse over grid for Model 1 ~Cobb–Douglas!

n 50


s~ x 1 , x 2 ! 5 1

s~ x 1 , x 2 ! 5 x 2

Average mse

c 5 0+5

c 51


c 5 0+5

c 51


fproj Z fdir Z fZ

0+046 0+049 0+074

0+039 0+042 0+054

0+045 0+051 0+060

0+101 0+094 0+164

0+083 0+078 0+116

0+087 0+082 0+120

fproj Z







fdir Z fZ

0+025 0+038

0+025 0+031

0+032 0+036

0+047 0+085

0+042 0+062

0+047 0+063



Table 2. Average mse over grid for Model 2 ~CES!

n 50


s~ x 1 , x 2 ! 5 1

s~ x 1 , x 2 ! 5 x 2

Average mse

c 5 0+5

c 51


c 5 0+5

c 51


fproj Z fdir Z fZ

0+122 0+128 0+196

0+120 0+132 0+162

0+139 0+151 0+175

0+275 0+258 0+448

0+230 0+221 0+324

0+266 0+251 0+352

fproj Z







fdir Z fZ

0+069 0+105

0+074 0+090

0+107 0+118

0+136 0+247

0+128 0+179

0+150 0+188

The terms f1 and f2 represent a Cobb–Douglas and constant elasticity of substitution ~CES! specification, respectively+ Note that both f1 and f2 are homogeneous of degree one+ The model parameters were chosen so that var $ f ~ x 1, x 2 !%0var $ y%, which can be thought of as a measure of the S0~S 1 N ! ratio, for each model is around 0+8+ Two simple forms for s~ x 1 , x 2 ! were chosen to satisfy Assumption 4+1: s~ x 1 , x 2 ! 5 1, which satisfies 4+1~i!, and s~ x 1 , x 2 ! 5 x 2 , which satisfies 4+1~ii!+ Each function was estimated at a 10 3 10 uniform grid in @1,2# 3 @1,2# and the mse calculated at each grid point in 1,000 replications+ Recall that our asymptotic results are about the pointwise behavior of the mse+ But because the reader may find point by point comparison of mse on the 10 3 10 grid a tedious task, we present the average ~over 100 grid points! mse in Tables 1 and 2+ As seen in the tables, the average mse is ranked according to our asymptotic results+ Moreover, except in one case 4 this ranking does not change when c is varied+ When « is homoskedastic, fproj Z dominates, although there does not seem to be a dramatic difference between fproj Z and fdir Z in terms of average mse+ When the conditional variance of « is homogeneous of degree one, fdir Z has the smallest average mse although once again the difference between fproj Z and fdir Z is not very substantial+ However, in each case the homogeneity constrained estimators clearly outperform f,Z the unrestricted local linear estimator of f+ Therefore, when f is indeed homogeneous, using a homogeneity constrained estimator seems sensible+ Of course, the reader must keep in mind the usual caveat about any simulation results, namely, that they are limited in nature and may vary if the underlying model parameters are changed+ 6. DISCUSSION In this section we address two efficiency related issues+ First, recall that we can Z ~ xI 0 ! in terms of the asymptotic mse if we have some inrank fproj Z ~ xI 0 ! and fdir formation about the homogeneity of xI ° s~ x!+ I Hence an obvious question is:



in the absence of such information about s~ x!, I can we do better by ~say! looking at a linear combination of the two? The second issue is more subtle and I in the definition concerns the role of the numeraire x s ~the last component of x! of fproj Z ~ xI 0 ! and fdir Z ~ xI 0 !+ Statistically, choosing a particular element of xI as the numeraire matters+ For example, Lemmas 3+1 and 3+2 show how the asympZ ~ xI 0 ! depend upon x s + Assuming that totic bias and variance of fproj Z ~ xI 0 ! and fdir we have more than one candidate for the numeraire, each particular choice leads to a different estimator ~projection based or direct! for f ~ xI 0 !+ Hence another interesting question is: how can we optimally combine these estimators to obtain an estimator that is invariant to numeraire choice? To answer these questions, it helps to reformulate the estimation problem described in Section 3 in more general terms+ So let d~ x! I be a nonnegative function and consider the following weighted local least squares problem: $ bZ d , ¹Zbd %~ wK 0 ! 5 argmin s b[R D


( $ yj 2 x s,r j @b0 1 bD *' ~ wK j 2 wK 0 !#% 2 K j51


wK j 2 wK 0 an


d~ xI j !+

r bZ d ~ wK 0 !, it is apparent that the preceding optimization Letting fdZ ~ xI 0 ! 5 x s,0 problem leads to a family of local linear estimators for f ~ xI 0 ! that are indexed by d+ In particular, for d~ x! I 5 1 we obtain the projection based estimator fproj Z ~ xI 0 ! Z ~ xI 0 !+ whereas d~ x! I 5 x s22r yields the direct estimator fdir Following the arguments in Appendix A leading up to ~A+7!, it can be easily shown that fdZ ~ xI 0 ! is asymptotically linear,5 that is,

M na

s21 n $ fdZ ~ xI 0 !

r 2 f ~ xI 0 ! 2 0+5a n2 m k,2 x s,0 tr @ ¹ 2 f ~ wK 0 ,1!#%

r x s,0 E $x s2r d~ x!6 I wK 0 %h~ wK 0 !





( «j x s,r j K

na ns21 j51


wK j 2 wK 0 an


(7) d~ xI j ! 1 op ~1!+

This representation is quite useful+ For example, using the influence function of fdZ ~ xI 0 ! in ~7!, a straightforward application of the central limit theorem reveals that

M na

s21 n $ fdZ ~ xI 0 ! d



N 0,

r 2 f ~ xI 0 ! 2 0+5a n2 m k,2 x s,0 tr @ ¹ 2 f ~ wK 0 ,1!#%

2r x s,0 E $x s2r s 2 ~ x!d I 2 ~ x!6 I wK 0 %Rs21 k

E 2 $x s2r d~ x!6 I wK 0 %h~ wK 0 !




Expression ~8! shows that the asymptotic variance of fdZ ~ xI 0 ! depends upon the weight d but the asymptotic bias does not+ To get some intuition behind the former result, note that d and K act on different arguments in the weighted local least squares problem+ In particular, d operates on xI j whereas K operates on ~~ wK j 2 wK 0 !0a n !+ The latter fact ensures that all expectations in the asymptotic variance of fdZ are conditional on wK 0 + Hence as xI is not predictable by w, K the weighting function d~ x! I survives in the limit+ Clearly, this will not happen if K and d have the same arguments+ In particular, solving



~b0 , b![R3R D


( $ yj 2 b0 2 bD ' ~ xI j 2 xI 0 !% 2 H j51

S D xI j 2 xI 0 bn


d~ xI j !,

which is the d-weighted version of ~5!, will yield local linear estimators of f ~ xI 0 ! whose asymptotic bias and variance are independent of d+6 Let us determine the optimal d that minimizes the asymptotic variance of fdZ ~ xI 0 !+ Observe that because E 2 $x s2r d~ x!6 I wK 0 % # E $x s2r s 2 ~ x!d I 2 ~ x!6 I wK 0 %E


x s2r 6 wK 0 s 2 ~ x! I


by the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality, we have var $ fdZ ~ xI 0 !% $ E


2r x s,0 Rs21 k


x s2r 6 wK 0 h~ wK 0 ! s 2 ~ x! I

for all d+


Now if we choose d~ x! I 5 cs 22 ~ x!, I where c can be any arbitrary positive constant, then ~8! reveals that var $ fcs Z


~ x! I ~ xI 0 !%

5 E


2r x s,0 Rs21 k


x s2r 6 wK 0 h~ wK 0 ! s 2 ~ x! I



Thus by ~9! and ~10!, it follows that the optimal weight function is given by d~ x! I 5 cs 22 ~ x!+ I Furthermore, on comparing ~6! with ~9!, we can see that fproj Z ~ xI 0 ! is asymptotically efficient under Assumption 4+1~i! whereas fdir Z ~ xI 0 ! is asympZ ~ xI 0 !! totically efficient under Assumption 4+1~ii!+ Therefore, fproj Z ~ xI 0 ! ~resp+ fdir automatically incorporates the optimal weighting scheme when s~ x! I is homogeneous of degree r 5 0 ~resp+ r Þ 0!+ Hence it suffices to restrict attention to the projection based estimator when s~ x! I is homogeneous of degree zero+ Similarly, there is no loss of generality in only looking at the direct estimator when s~ x! I is homogeneous of degree r Þ 0+ This suggests that if we have no prior information about the homogeneity of s~ x!, I the best way to proceed may be to first estimate the conditional variance function and then do the weighted local linear regression described earlier+ Z ~ xI 0 ! is to consider an optimal Another way of improving on fproj Z ~ xI 0 ! and fdir linear combination of the two+ So let f D 5 ~ fproj Z ~ xI 0 !, fdir Z ~ xI 0 !! and aJ 5 ~a1 , a2 ! [ R2 such that a1 1 a2 5 1+ Then aJ ' f D denotes a linear combination of fproj Z ~ xI 0 ! and fdir Z ~ xI 0 ! that is consistent for f ~ xI 0 !+ It remains to determine the optimal aJ for which the asymptotic mse of aJ ' f D is minimized+ To do so, we need the joint distribution of f+D Using ~7! and the Cramér–Wold device, it is easy to show that


r na ns21 $ fproj Z ~ xI 0 ! 2 f ~ xI 0 ! 2 0+5a n2 m k,2 x s,0 tr @ ¹ 2 f ~ wK 0 ,1!#%

na ns21 $ fdir Z ~ xI 0 !

2 f ~ xI 0 ! 2

r 0+5a n2 m k,2 x s,0

tr @ ¹ f ~ wK 0 ,1!#% 2




N~0E s31 ,V !,













2r x s,0 E $x s2r s 2 ~ x!6 I wK 0 %Rs21 k

2r x s,0 E $s 2 ~ x!6 I wK 0 %Rs21 k

E 2 $x s2r 6 wK 0 %h~ wK 0 !

E $x s2r 6 wK 0 %h~ wK 0 !

2r x s,0 E $s 2 ~ x!6 I wK 0 %Rs21 k

2r x s,0 E $x s22r s 2 ~ x!6 I wK 0 %Rs21 k

E $x s2r 6 wK 0 %h~ wK 0 !

h~ wK 0 !



Because the asymptotic bias of aJ ' f D does not depend upon a, J minimizing its asymptotic mse reduces to minimizing aJ ' Va+ J It is straightforward to verify that for any symmetric positive definite matrix Pp3p , P 21 1D 5 1D ' P 21 1D

argmin p $ g[R J : gJ ' 151% D

gJ ' Pg, J


where 1D denotes a conformable vector of ones+ Hence using ~11!,


vd 2 vpd vp 1 vd 2 2vpd vp 2 vpd vp 1 vd 2 2vpd



argmin 2 $ a[R J : aJ ' 151% D

aJ ' Va+ J

Z ~ xI 0 ! is Therefore, the optimal linear combination of fproj Z ~ xI 0 ! and fdir q[ 5

vd 2 vpd vp 1 vd 2 2vpd

fproj Z ~ xI 0 ! 1

vp 2 vpd vp 1 vd 2 2vpd

fdir Z ~ xI 0 !+


In general, q[ ~which is also homogeneous of degree r! puts nonzero mass on Z ~ xI 0 !+ However, if s~ x! I is homogeneous of degree zero, then fproj Z ~ xI 0 ! and fdir vpd 5 vp and the entire mass is put on the projection estimator+ Similarly, if s~ x! I is homogeneous of degree r Þ 0, then vpd 5 vd and all mass is put on the direct estimator+ In practice, q[ can be implemented by using a preliminary estimator of V+7 Finally, we construct estimators that are invariant to numeraire choice+ So let I 5 $1 # i # s : xi is positive and bounded away from zero%, that is, I denotes the set of all valid numeraire indices+ For i [ I, define wK j ~i ! 5 ~ x 1, j 0x i, j , + + + , x i21, j 0x i, j , x i11, j 0x i, j , + + + , x s, j 0x i, j !, zI 0 ~i ! 5 ~ x 1,0 0x i,0 , + + + , x i21,0 0x i,0 ,1, x i11,0 0 r bZ d ~ wK 0 ~i !!+ As in ~7!, we can show that x i,0 , + + + , x s,0 0x i,0 !, and fdZ ~ xI 0 ; i ! 5 x i,0

M na

s21 n $ fdZ ~ xI 0 ; i !


r 2 f ~ xI 0 ! 2 0+5a n2 m k,2 x i,0 tr @ ¹ 2 f ~ zI 0 ~i !!#%

r x i,0 E $x i2r d~ x!6 I wK 0 ~i !%h~ wK 0 ~i !! n


( «j x i,r j K j51



M na

wK j ~i ! 2 wK 0 ~i ! an


s21 n

d~ xI j ! 1 op ~1!+




Notice that the choice of numeraire ~in this case the ith component of x! I influences the asymptotic bias in addition to the asymptotic variance of fdZ ~ xI 0 ; i !+ I : i [ I % be a collection of weight functions+ For conveNow let $di ~ x! nience, assume that I has cardinality T and let g,I gI 0 , and mI denote T 3 1 vectors whose ith components ~for i [ I ! are given by fdZ i ~ xI 0 ; i !, f ~ xI 0 !, and r 0+5l102 m k,2 x i,0 tr @ ¹ 2 f ~ zI 0 ~i !!# , respectively+ We also let W be a T 3 T diagonal matrix such that its ith diagonal element is given by 2r 2r 2 E $x i2r s 2 ~ x!d I i2 ~ x!6 I wK 0 ~i !%Rs21 I wK 0 ~i !%h~ wK 0 ~i !!, where i [ I+ x i,0 k 0E $x i di ~ x!6 Using ~13! and the Cramér–Wold device along with the fact that na ns13 r l, d I !+8 Next, let aJ be a T 3 1 vector we can show that na ns21 ~ gI 2 gI 0 ! & N~ m,W such that its components sum to one, that is, (i[I ai 5 1+ Then


aJ ' gI 5

( ai fdZ ~ xI 0 ; i ! i


denotes a consistent estimator of f ~ xI 0 ! that is invariant to numeraire choice+ Therefore, the invariant estimator that minimizes asymptotic mse is given by g[ 5 aJ *' g,I where 9 aJ * 5

argmin T $ a[R J : aJ ' 151% D


aJ ' ~ mI mI ' 1 W ! aJ 5

~ mI mI ' 1 W !21 1D + 1D ' ~ mI mI ' 1 W !21 1D

Here g[ yields the optimal projection based invariant estimator on setting di ~ x! I 5 1 for all i [ I+ Similarly, the optimal direct invariant estimator is obtained by setting di ~ x! I 5 x i22r for i [ I+ Feasible versions can be implemented by using preliminary estimators of mI and W+ One final point: the diagonal nature of W suggests that asymptotic variance can also be reduced by constructing an estimator based on more than one numeraire+ However, because the asymptotic bias mI depends upon numeraire choice, such an estimator is not guaranteed to show any improvement in terms of asymptotic mse+ 7. CONCLUSION In this paper we nonparametrically estimate a homogeneous of degree r conditional mean function ~ f ! using local linear estimators+ We compare a “projection based” estimator with a more conventional “direct” estimator+ Based on our asymptotic results, we recommend the following guidelines when estimating f in practice+ ~i! When f is homogeneous of degree r, use a homogeneity constrained estimator as opposed to some unrestricted nonparametric estimator of f+ The dimension reduction due to homogeneity allows the constrained estimators to possess faster rates of convergence than the unrestricted estimator+ ~ii! Use the projection based approach if s~ x! I is homogeneous of degree zero+ This includes the case when « is homoskedastic+ ~iii! Use the direct approach if s~ x! I is homogeneous of degree r Þ 0+



Results of a small simulation experiment support these recommendations although there does not seem to be a big difference in the average mse for the two approaches in ~ii! and ~iii!, at least for the models used in our simulation+ If no prior information is available about the conditional variance function, the best way to proceed may be to first estimate the conditional variance function and then do a weighted local linear regression+ In any case, a good empirical practice is to report estimates of f using the projection based, direct, and also the unrestricted local linear estimator of f+ A large discrepancy between the reported results may indicate that the homogeneity restriction on f is perhaps misspecified+ Based on the degree of divergence a formal test of this misspecification can be constructed following the approach of Härdle and Mammen ~1993!, although we do not pursue this issue in the current paper+ Finally, the reader should bear in mind that in this paper we have limited our investigations to the case when f is homogeneous of degree r+ But as mentioned earlier, in microeconomic theory homogeneity of functional forms is often accompanied by other shape restrictions such as monotonicity and concavity ~or convexity!+ An interesting topic for future research is to find new ways of nonparametrically imposing these additional shape restrictions on functional forms and determine the statistical properties of such shape restricted estimators+ NOTES 1+ Some well known examples are described earlier in Section 1+ 2+ Hengartner and Linton ~1996! show that though nonparametric estimators of conditional mean functions remain asymptotically normal at points where the density of the conditioning variable is zero, their rate of convergence slows down and the constants associated with the limiting distribution change+ 3+ Here 0E s31 denotes a s 3 1 vector of zeros+ 4+ For Model 2 when n 5 100 and c 5 2+ However, a decomposition of the average mse for this case revealed that although the average variance for fdir Z was smaller than the average variance of fproj Z , the average squared bias for the former was bigger than the average squared bias for the latter+ Therefore, although the ranking with respect to the variances is preserved according to our theory, the average bias differs for the two models+ Hence, in this case the higher average bias of fdir Z caused the ranking to change+ 5+ To see this, replace K~~ wK j 2 wK 0 !0a n ! in the proof of Lemma 3+1 by K~~ wK j 2 wK 0 !0a n !d~ xI j !+ 6+ Jones ~1993! obtains a similar result for the asymptotic variance of a d-weighted Nadaraya– Watson ~i+e+, locally constant! estimator+ However, his results also show that the asymptotic bias of the weighted Nadaraya–Watson estimator does depend upon d+ As we have just shown, this does not hold for local linear estimators+ 7+ The optimal aJ in ~12! depends upon the evaluation point xI 0 + This dependence can be eliminated by minimizing aJ ' ~*xI 0[SxI V dxI 0 ! a, J the integrated version of aJ ' Va+ J Hence the optimal linear combination that minimizes integrated asymptotic mse is given by




~vd 2 vpd !dxI 0


~vp 1 vd 2 2vpd !dxI 0

fproj Z ~ xI 0 ! 1



~vp 2 vpd !dxI 0


fdir Z ~ xI 0 !+

~vp 1 vd 2 2vpd !dxI 0


Numerical integration can be used to construct the feasible weights+



8+ Because bZ di ~ wK 0 ~i !! and bZ dl ~ wK 0 ~l !! are evaluated at different points when i Þ l, the asymptotic covariance between fdZ i ~ xI 0 ; i ! and fdZ l ~ xI 0 ; l ! is zero for i Þ l+ Hence the asymptotic variancecovariance matrix W is diagonal+ 9+ Notice that aJ * depends upon xI 0 + The optimal aJ that minimizes integrated asymptotic mse ~and hence does not depend upon xI 0 ! is given by $*SxI ~ mI mI ' 1 W !dxI 0 % 21 10 D 1D ' $*SxI ~ mI mI ' 1 W !dxI 0 % 21 1+D

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APPENDIX A: TECHNICAL DETAILS— LOCAL LINEAR ESTIMATORS Proof of Lemma 3.1. ~The referee has pointed out that Lemmas 3+1 and 3+2 are special cases of Theorem 2 in Gozalo and Linton ~2000!+ However, as some readers may find it instructive to see a direct proof, we provide one+! Throughout this proof let Q 5 diag s3s @1, a n , + + + , a n # and V 5 diag n3n @K~~ wK 1 2 wK 0 !0a n !, + + + , K~~ wK n 2 wK 0 !0a n !# + Furthermore, we also define uZ 0 ~ wK 0 !

u~ Z wK 0 ! 5

3 4F uZ 1 ~ wK 0 !



bZ p ~ wK 0 ! ¹Zbp ~ wK 0 !

uZ s21 ~ wK 0 !






r x s,1

r x s,1


I x s,r n

x s,r n


wK 1' 2 wK 0' an I wK n'

2 an

wK 0'






and yI 5 ~ y1 , + + + , yn !+ Using this notation, it is straightforward to see that u~ Z wK 0 ! is the solution to the following weighted least squares problem: min ~ yI 2 ZQb! D ' V~ yI 2 ZQb!+ D

s b[R D

As is well known, the solution to this problem is given by u~ Z wK 0 ! 5 Q 21 ~Z ' VZ!21 Z ' Vy+I Let us write u~ Z wK 0 ! 5 Q 21 S 21 t,* where S 5 ~10na ns21 !Z ' VZ and t* 5 ~10na ns21 !Z ' Vy+I Straightforward calculations show that we can write S as the partitioned matrix S 5



' s01



s01 5 s11 5

G, where s 1



( x s,2rj

na ns21 j51 1


( x s,2rj na ns21 j51

n 5 ~10na ns21 ! ( j51 x s,2rj K~ wK j 2 wK 0 0a n !,


wK j 2 wK 0 an wK j 2 wK 0

Similarly, we write t* 5



wK j 2 wK 0 an

wK j' 2 wK 0' an



F G , where t 5 ~10na t0 t1


and wK j 2 wK 0

s21 ! n




n yj x s,r j K~~ wK j 2 wK 0 !0a n ! and t1 5 ( j51

n yj x s,r j ~~ wK j 2 wK 0 !0a n !K~~ wK j 2 wK 0 !0a n !+ But because yj 5 x s,r j f ~ wK j ,1! 1 «j , 10na ns21 ( j51 we can express t* 5 tI 1 t* * , where


tI 5

t* * 5

FG t0


na ns21 t1

1 na ns21




na ns21




( «j x s,r j K j51


x s,2rj

f ~ wK j ,1!


Hence letting u~ wK 0 ! 5


wK j 2 wK 0 an

S DS S D S DS D wK j 2 wK 0



«j x s,r j

wK j 2 wK 0 an

wK j 2 wK 0



f ~ wK 0 ,1! ¹f ~ wK 0 ,1!


wK j 2 wK 0




( x s,2rj f ~ wK j ,1!K j51 n


wK j 2 wK 0 an








G , we have that

u~ Z wK 0 ! 2 u~ wK 0 ! 5 Q 21 S 21 tI 1 Q 21 S 21 t* * 2 u~ wK 0 !+


Let us first look at Q 21 S 21 t* * 2 u~ wK 0 !+ For all wK j in an a n -neighborhood of wK 0 , Taylor expand f ~ wK j ,1! around f ~ wK 0 ,1! to get f ~ wK j ,1! 5 f ~ wK 0 ,1! 1 a n


a n2 2




wK j 2 wK 0 an

wK j 2 wK 0 an



¹f ~ wK 0 ,1!


¹ 2 f ~ wK 0 ,1!


wK j 2 wK 0 an


1 o~a n2 !+

But this implies that t* * reduces to

t* * 5 SQu~ wK 0 ! 1

cI 5


cI 1


( x s,2rj

na ns21 j51 n

1 na ns21



op ~a n2 !



3 4 op ~a n2 !

a n2

x s,2rj








wK j 2 wK 0

wK j 2 wK 0 an




¹ 2 f ~ wK 0 ,1!


¹ f ~ wK 0 ,1! 2



wK j 2 wK 0 an

wK j 2 wK 0 an



wK j 2 wK 0

wK j 2 wK 0 an




wK j 2 wK 0 an



Because it is easy to verify that





E ~ x s2r 6 wK 0 !h~ wK 0 !

' 0E ~s21!31

0E ~s21!31

m k,2 E ~ x s2r 6 wK 0 !h~ wK 0 !Is21






where Is21 denotes the ~s 2 1! 3 ~s 2 1! identity matrix, we get that

3 4 op ~a n2 !

Q 21 S 21 t* * 2 u~ wK 0 ! 5

a n2 2

Q 21 S 21 cI 1

op ~a n !



op ~a n !


Let us further simplify the right-hand side of this equation+ To do so, first use a law of large numbers to show that




E ~ x s2r 6 wK 0 !h~ wK 0 !


vec ' ~ m k,2 Is21 ! ' uK~ I u!vec I ~ uI uI ' ! duI



vec~ ¹ 2 f ~ wK 0 ,1!!


Next, using ~A+3!, ~A+4!, and a little matrix manipulation,

a n2 2

Q 21 S 21 cI 5


a n2 2

an 2m k,2

H 5 Thus letting bias



43 4 op ~a n2 !

m k,2 tr$¹ 2 f ~ wK 0 ,1!%


uK~ I u! I uI ' ¹ 2 f ~ wK 0 ,1! uI duI


op ~a n !

op ~a n !

~a n2 02!m k,2 tr$¹ 2 f ~ wK 0 ,1!% ~a n 02m k,2 ! *SK uK~ I u! I uI ' ¹ 2 f ~ wK 0 ,1! uI duI

3 4





, ~A+2! reduces to

op ~a n2 !

H 5 Q 21 S 21 tI 1 u~ Z wK 0 ! 2 u~ wK 0 ! 2 bias

op ~a n !




op ~a n !


Now we show that S 21 tI is asymptotically normal+ A straightforward application of the Lindeberg–Lyapunov central limit theorem for triangular arrays and the Cramér– Wold device reveals that under Assumption 2+1~v!

M na


s21 tI n


N~0E s31 , K E ~« 2 x s2r 6 wK 0 !h~ wK 0 !!,






K 2 ~ u! I duI


0E ~s21!31

' 0E ~s21!31



uI uI ' K 2 ~ u! I duI


+ s3s



Thus by ~A+1!, ~A+3!, ~A+6!, and Slutsky,


na ns21 S 21 tI


E ~ x s2r 6 wK 0 !h~ wK 0 ! na ns21


3 43 4

s21 Q$ u~ Z wK 0 ! n




m k,2

Finally, premultiplying both sides of ~A+5! by quence na ns13 is bounded, we have

M na

op ~1!



op ~1!

M na



s21 Q n


N~0E s31 , S p !+


and using the fact that the se-

H 2 u~ wK 0 ! 2 bias% op ~1!

3 43 4 t0

1 E ~ x s2r 6 wK 0 !h~ wK 0 ! na ns21




m k,2



op ~1!


Therefore, it follows that

M na

s21 Q$ u~ Z wK 0 ! n

H 2 u~ wK 0 ! 2 bias%



N~0E s31 , S p !+


But this is the desired result+ Proof of Lemma 3.2 In the proof of Lemma 3+1, replace «j by «j 0x s,r j+

x s,r j

by 1, yj by

yj 0x s,r j ,



APPENDIX B: TECHNICAL DETAILS— KERNEL ESTIMATORS The following results are essentially an exercise in using the delta method+ For examples on the use of the delta method or linearization techniques in nonparametric regression, see Schuster ~1972! and Härdle ~1989!+ ° s21 2r LEMMA B+1+ var $ fproj X ~ xI 0 !% 5 ~Rs21 !~ x s,0 E ~ x s2r « 2 6 wK 0 !0E 2 ~ x s2r 6 wK 0 !h~ wK 0 !!+ k 0na n

Proof of Lemma B.1. Observe that we can write fproj X ~ xI 0 ! 5 A~ X xI 0 !0B~ X xI 0 ! and f ~ xI 0 ! 5 A~ xI 0 !0B~ xI 0 !, where A~ X xI 0 ! 5

B~ X xI 0 ! 5

r x s,0


( yj x s,r j K na ns21 j51 1


( x s,2rj K

na ns21 j51



wK 0 2 wK j an

wK 0 2 wK j an





r A~ xI 0 ! 5 x s,0 E ~ yx sr 6 wK 0 !h~ wK 0 !,


B~ xI 0 ! 5 E ~ x s2r 6 w!h~ K wK 0 !+



Then by a Taylor expansion ~Assumptions 2+1~iii! and ~iv! ensure that the remainder terms in this Taylor expansion are well behaved; we avoid introducing any explicit remainder terms in this analysis as they do not affect the outcome of the paper!, ° fproj X ~ xI 0 ! 2 E fproj X ~ xI 0 ! 5

1 B~ xI 0 !

$ A~ X xI 0 ! 2 EA~ X xI 0 !% 2

f ~ xI 0 ! B~ xI 0 !

$ B~ X xI 0 ! 2 EB~ X xI 0 !%+

Therefore, var $ fproj X ~ xI 0 !% 5

1 B ~ xI 0 ! 2


var $ A~ X xI 0 !% 1

f ~ xI 0 ! B 2 ~ xI 0 !

f 2 ~ xI 0 ! B 2 ~ xI 0 !

var $ B~ X xI 0 !%

cov$ A~ X xI 0 !, B~ X xI 0 !%+


K w!, K Recall that wK 0 lies in the interior of SwK and that the maps E ~ yx sr 6 w!h~ E ~ y 2 x s2r 6 w!h~ K w!, K and E ~ yx s3r 6 w!h~ K w! K are twice continuously differentiable at wK 0 + By the usual change of variables, we can show that for large enough n ° var $ A~ X xI 0 !% 5

° var $ B~ X xI 0 !% 5

Rs21 k na ns21 Rs21 k na ns21

° X xI 0 !% 5 cov$ A~ X xI 0 !, B~

2r x s,0 E ~ y 2 x s2r 6 wK 0 !h~ wK 0 !,

E ~ x s4r 6 wK 0 !h~ wK 0 !,

Rs21 k na ns21


r x s,0 E ~ yx s3r 6 wK 0 !h~ wK 0 !+

Therefore, substituting these results in equation ~B+1! and using the fact that f ~ xI 0 ! 5 r x s,0 f ~ wK 0 ,1!, a little algebra shows that ° var $ fproj X ~ xI 0 !% 5

Rs21 k

2r x s,0

na ns21 E 2 ~ x s2r 6 wK 0 !h~ wK 0 !

2r 2 $E ~ y 2 x s2r 6 wK 0 ! 1 E ~ x s,0 f ~ x!6 I wK 0 !

I wK 0 !% 2 2E ~ yx s2r f ~ x!6 5


2r x s,0 E ~ x s2r $ y 2 f ~ x!% I 2 6 wK 0 ! Rs21 k

na ns21

E 2 ~ x s2r 6 wK 0 !h~ wK 0 !

2r x s,0 E ~ x s2r « 2 6 wK 0 ! Rs21 k

na ns21 E 2 ~ x s2r 6 wK 0 !h~ wK 0 !


° s21 2r LEMMA B+2 var $ fdir X ~ xI 0 !% 5 ~Rs21 !@x s,0 E ~ x s22r « 2 6 wK 0 !0h~ wK 0 !# + k 0na n

Proof of Lemma B.2. Similar to the proof of Lemma B+1+


NONPARAMETRIC ESTIMATION OF HOMOGENEOUS FUNCTIONS LEMMA B+3+ ° r bias$ fproj X ~ xI 0 !% 5 0+5a n2 m k,2 x s,0 tr


] 2 f ~ wK 0 ,1! ]w] K wK # 3





E ~ x s2r 6 wK 0 !h~ wK 0 !


]f ~ wK 0 ,1! ]@E ~ x s2r 6 wK 0 !h~ wK 0 ! ]wK

]wK '


Proof of Lemma B.3. By a Taylor expansion, ° Efproj X ~ xI 0 ! 2 f ~ xI 0 ! 5

1 B~ xI 0 !

f ~ xI 0 !

$EA~ X xI 0 ! 2 A~ xI 0 !% 2

B~ xI 0 !

$EB~ X xI 0 ! 2 B~ xI 0 !%+

But as wK 0 [ int~SwK ! and E ~ yx sr 6 w!h~ K w!, K E ~ x s2r 6 w!h~ K w! K are twice continuously differentiable at wK 0 , a change of variables yields that ° r EA~ X xI 0 ! 2 A~ xI 0 ! 5 0+5a n2 x s,0


] 2 $E ~ yx sr 6 wK 0 !h~ wK 0 !%

uI '

]w] K wK '


° EB~ X xI 0 ! 2 B~ xI 0 ! 5 0+5a n2


uI '

] 2 $E ~ x s2r 6 wK 0 !h~ wK 0 !% ]w] K wK '


uI K~ u! I duI


uI K~ u! I duI

for large enough n+ Because it is easy to see that for any h


uI '


] 2 h~ w! K ]w] K wK


uI K~ u! I duI 5 m k,2 tr


] 2 h~ w! K ]w] K wK '



the expressions for the bias of AX and BX reduce to ° r EA~ X xI 0 ! 2 A~ xI 0 ! 5 0+5a n2 x s,0 m k,2 tr

° EB~ X xI 0 ! 2 B~ xI 0 ! 5 0+5a n2 m k,2 tr



] 2 @E ~ yx sr 6 wK 0 !h~ wK 0 !# ]w] K wK '

] 2 @E ~ x s2r 6 wK 0 !h~ wK 0 !# ]w] K wK '





r Some algebra, and the fact that f ~ xI 0 ! 5 x s,0 f ~ wK 0 ,1!, now leads to the desired result+


LEMMA B+4+ ° r bias$ fdir X ~ xI 0 !% 5 0+5a n2 m k,2 x s,0 tr


] 2 f ~ wK 0 ,1! ]w] K wK



2 h~ wK 0 !

]f ~ wK 0 ,1! ]h~ wK 0 ! ]wK

Proof of Lemma B.4. Similar to the proof of Lemma B+3+

]wK '

