nonstandard diffusion in blends of two rheologically

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PIRM-VI'2018. Faculty of Sciences and ... constitutive equations are parameterized by the free energy and kinetic coefficients characterizing the system under ...
PIRM-VI’2018 Faculty of Sciences and technologies. Abdelmalek EssaadiUniversity. Tangier, MOROCCO, May 7-9, 2018.

Preferred topic (Materials Sciences)

Preferred contribution (Poster or Oral)

NONSTANDARD DIFFUSION IN BLENDS OF TWO RHEOLOGICALLY DIFFERENT POLYMERS Y. Hairch1, A. EL AFIF1* Laboratory of Mechanics and Energetics, Physics Department, Chouaïb Doukkali University, El Jadida, Morocco *Corresponding author: [email protected]

Immiscible polymeric blends are extensively used in a variety of today’s industrial applications such as packaging, separation, coating, automotive and solar energy. Immiscibility also means the existence of an internal interface separating the mixed components. Modeling the dynamic behavior of such systems requires the identification of the internal structure and its thermodynamic characterization. We here propose a nonlinear model capable of describing the mesoscopic interaction between diffusion and the internal deformation of the interface as well as of the conformation of the polymeric components possessing different rheological properties. The state variables chosen in this formulation are: the mass fraction of penetrants, a scalar and a traceless symmetric second order covariant tensor, respectively, for the size and shape anisotropy of the interface area along with two symmetric second order contravariant polymer conformation tensors. The time evolution and constitutive equations are parameterized by the free energy and kinetic coefficients characterizing the system under consideration. Scaling analysis yields to a set of dimensionless groups of physical parameters whose meaning and influence are thoroughly discussed. Calculated profiles are compared with experimental data selected from the literature.

Key words: Diffusion, immiscibility, interface, the polymer conformation.

Faculty of Sciences and technologies. Abdelmalek EssaadiUniversity, BP : 416, Ancienne Route de l’Aéroport, Km 10, Ziaten. Tangier – MoroccoFax: (+212) 5 39 39 39 53 Email: [email protected]