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Spiral notebook, 100+ pages (2). •. 2” white Clear Vue ... 3 subject spiral notebook. •. Post-it Notes 3” .... A
NORTH MIDDLE SCHOOL GENERAL SUPPLY LIST 2016-17 Ear buds/headphones are required as a general supply for all grade levels. 6th Grade: General Supplies for all classes including electives            

#2 Pencils – 2 dozen Black or Blue Pens and Red Pens – Dozen each Colored pencils Markers – Thin Highlighters – 1 Glue sticks – 2 Loose leaf paper – 2 packs Soft Pencil case to fit in binder Pencil sharpener w/container to collect shavings Sharpie pens, black fine point – 2 Kleenex Tissue – 2 boxes Clorox wipes – 1 container

Math     

TI-30x type of calculator Hole-punched PLASTIC pocket dividers (3) Spiral notebook, 100+ pages (2) 2” white Clear Vue binder Tab dividers – 5 pack

Language Arts  1 ½” White Clear Vue binder    

Tab dividers – 8 pack 3 subject spiral notebook Post-it Notes 3” cube or 4 single 3” packs (3M brand) Big pink pearl eraser

Science 

1 ½” White Clear Vue binder

Social Studies    

Book cover 12”x9” (jumbo) Fabric or Paper 1 ½” White Clear Vue binders Tab dividers – 5 pk Sharpie pens, black fine point – 2 (included in General Supplies)

Physical Education     

T-shirt(no tank tops or sleeveless shirts), shorts (dress code appropriate), sweatpants & sweat shirt Socks & Athletic shoes (non-marking) Deodorant Swimsuit – (dress code appropriate) Goggles - optional

7th Grade: General Supplies for all classes including electives                   

#2 Pencils - 2 dozen Mechanical pencils and lead Pencil case for 3-ring binder Eraser Black or Blue Pens and Red Pens – Dozen each Glue sticks – 4 Ruler Loose leaf paper – 2 packs Markers Colored pencils Highlighters Scotch Tape (Lang Arts) Scissors Post-it notes – 3 cubes 3x3 2-pocket folders Single subject notebooks Dry erase markers Stretch cloth book cover 12x9” jumbo (2) Kleenex tissue – 4 boxes

Math    

1” – binder 3-subject spiral notebook Scientific calculator (Ex: TI30X or TI34) Protractor and compass

Language Arts    

1 ½” – binder 3 subject notebook (150 pg) 1 set of 5 tab dividers 1 pkg Model Magic (any color)

Social Studies  

Pocket folder w/fasteners, any color Pocket folder, yellow

Science     

Spiral notebook – (Riefel’s class only) Dry Erase Marker (1) 1 ½-2” Binder Notecards 3x5” 1-100 pk Colored pencils (included in General Supplies)

1 ½” Binder, any color

Physical Education      

General Supplies for all classes including electives                 

#2 Pencils – 2 dozen Eraser Black or Blue Pens and Red Pens – Dozen each Spiral notebook Glue sticks – 4 Markers Highlighters Loose leaf paper – 2 packs Ream of copy paper Colored Pencils Ruler Scissors Post-it notes – 4 cubes 3x3 Dry erase markers 3 sets of 5 tab dividers Kleenex tissue – 4 boxes Pocket folders

Math    

1 ½” binder Texas Instruments Graphing Calculator TI83 or TI 84 Pocket Folder Spiral notebook

Language Arts   

Pocket Folder Single subject spiral notebook Post it notes 3x3 cube (2)

Social Studies  

Notebook or Binder w/dividers Book cover 12x9 jumbo – fabric or paper

Science    

Dry Erase Marker (1) 1 ½-2” Binder Notecards 3x5” 1-100 pk Colored pencils (included in General Supplies)

Physical Education

Health 

8th Grade:

T-shirt(no tank tops or sleeveless shirts), shorts (dress code appropriate), sweatpants & sweat shirt Socks & Athletic shoes (non-marking) Deodorant Swimsuit – (dress code appropriate) Towel Swim cap and goggles - optional

     

T-shirt(no tank tops or sleeveless shirts), shorts (dress code appropriate), sweatpants & sweat shirt Socks & Athletic shoes (non-marking) Deodorant Swimsuit – (dress code appropriate) Towel Swim cap and goggles - optional



Introduction to Sculpture & Ceramics – 7           

Duct Tape & Masking Tape (1 roll of each) 1 Ziploc bag – Quart size 1 piece of plywood, approximately 16” x 20” 1 large plastic garbage bag 3–plastic containers w/lids (old margarine containers, etc.) Acrylic paintbrush Sketchbook, scrapbook, or homemade book for “My Art Book” Pencils & Eraser Paint shirt – optional Sponges Fine point black Sharpie Permanent Marker – optional

  

Art Drawing Eraser Pencils & Erasers Hand held Pencil Sharpener Sharpies: 1 fine & 1 extra fine or ultra fine, black 3–plastic containers w/lids (old margarine containers) Acrylic paintbrushes (Buy a variety of sizes if possible.) Sketchbook, scrapbook, or homemade book for “My Art Book” Prismacolor Colored Pencils set of 12 – optional Paint shirt – optional th

Introduction to Painting & Printmaking – 8       

Pencils/eraser Roller ball pen with black ink Paint shirt (this is a very messy class) Spiral bound sketchbook with at least 50 pages Please see teachers web pages for additional information Acrylic Paint brushes (variety pack) 3-Plastic containers w/lids & Styrofoam meat trays th

Introduction to Digital Artistry – 8       

Financial Life Skills – 8   


Pens (included in General Supplies) Pencils (included in General Supplies) Eraser (included in General Supplies) th

Career Pathways – 8    

Ear bus/headphones Pens (included in General Supplies) Pencils (included in General Supplies) Eraser (included in General Supplies) th

Computer Applications – 7 

Ear bus/headphones

Exploration of Social Media & Creations – 7th


Introduction to Drawing & Design - 7      


Pencils/eraser Roller ball pen with black ink Paint shirt Spiral bound sketchbook with at least 50 pages Use of a digital camera at home, (students will need to bring the SD card with photos to school for assignments.) A jump drive may also be used to bring photos to class. Box of Kleenex tissue & wipes

Manufacturing, Automation and Robotics th Medical Detective – 8       


Spanish and German 7/8    

MUSIC Exploring Music 7/8 

1 folder, any color

Instrument Tradition of Excellence Book 3 Pencils donated to the pencil jar Box of Kleenex (6th grade only) included in General Supplies

Orchestra – All Grades   

1½” -2” binder, any color Dry erase markers (included in General Supplies) Pencils, pens and erasers (included in General Supplies) Loose leaf paper OR Small Spiral notebook, any color


Band – All Grades    

Safety Glasses (must be Z87 OSHA certified) ½” binder with clear slot on front for a cover page Loose leaf paper (included in General Supplies) Folder, any color Graph paper 5 –tab dividers Kleenex, extra credit will be given

Instrument 3 Pencils donated to the pencil jar Box of Kleenex (6th grade only) included in General Supplies

Please note: Students need to bring a pencil case with pencils, pens, erasers, colored pencils and a ruler to all classes. Teachers will let you know if you don’t need to bring specific items from the general supply list to their classes.