Page 1 of 4. March PTO. Meeting 9:30 AM. 3/9. Spring Parent/Teacher. Conferences. 3/13-. 3-15. Scholastic Book Fair 3/12
Northside News Volume 5, Issue 4
March 2018
From the Principals
Important Dates: March PTO
Meeting 9:30 AM Spring Parent/Teacher 3/13Conferences
Scholastic Book Fair
Spring is just around the corner and we are working hard to prepare for first grade! ParentTeacher conferences will be held March 13th and March 15th . It is very important for you to attend these conferences. This will be a time for you to find out more about your child’s progress and what skills you can be practicing at home. It is also a good time for you to ask questions and get more information about the next school year. We are very pleased to share with you that we are building a new library that will be lo-
cated on the East end of our current building. We are excited about this addition and look forward to the opening in August. Thank you, Mrs. Paden and Mrs. Fox
Spring Parent/ Teacher Conferences March 13th & 15th.
3/15 No School
Professional Development Spring Break
No School
Music in our Schools Month (MIOSM) March is Music in our Schools Month (MIOSM) and is celebrated nationwide to help raise awareness of the importance of music education for all children. I am very thankful that the Siloam Springs School District, as well as our state, provide our children access to music. The past few months one of the topics we have been learning is how to read, play, and perform 4-beat rhythms. To celebrate MIOSM your children composed rhythms to show how music connects us. Please swing by the bulletin board near our front office to see their work and some quotes about how music connects us.
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Northside News
Counselor’s Corner Students are learning about excellence and perseverance this month during classroom guidance lesson. Mrs. Frey will read The Girl Who Never Made a Mistake by Mark Pett and Gary Rubinstein to reinforce that it is ok to make mistakes and that we can learn from the mistakes we do make. The next PTO Meeting will be Friday, March 9th at 9:30 AM.
Tips for Good Sleep
Nurse’s Notes March is National Sleep Awareness month and its aimed to encourage people to establish better sleeping patterns. Refreshing sleep is very important to stay healthy. As with diet and exercise, sleep is crucial to our physical, emotional and mental health. If you don’t get enough quality sleep it can cause you to have higher stress levels, mood swings, behavioral issues, increase in sick days and overall poor performance. It is recommended, that children (3-5) years old
Pre-K In March Pre-k will be reading about community helpers (jobs people do in our community) and transportation (ways to get from one place to another). We will also learn about Spring.
need at least 11-13 hours of sleep. Children (6-13) need 9-11 hours of sleep. Getting a good night’s rest is important for your child to have a good day at school.
Sleep schedule – same bedtime every night
Practice relaxation techniques, by providing a quiet and calm atmosphere
Exercise daily but not at bedtime
No caffeine
Don’t over schedule child with activities
Comfortable bed and pillow
Turn off all Television, Tablets, and phones off at least 1 hour before bed.
Volume 5, Issue 4
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Best Books Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss “Do you like green eggs and ham?” asks Sam-I-am in this Beginner Book by Dr. Seuss. In a house or with a mouse? In a boat or with a goat? On a train or in a tree? Sam keeps asking persistently. With unmistakable characters and signature rhymes, Dr. Seuss’s be-
loved favorite has cemented its place as a children’s classic. In this most famous of cumulative tales, the list of places to enjoy green eggs and ham, and friends to enjoy them with, gets longer and longer. Follow Sam-I-am as he insists that this unusual treat is indeed a delectable snack to be savored everywhere and in every way.
Specials Classes STEAM: In STEAM class we will be studying the sun. Music: March is Music in our Schools Month (MIOSM). See the music article for more information. Library: We will celebrate Dr. Seuss in the library. Scholastic
Book Fair will be in the library the week of Parent/teacher Conferences! PE: We will be playing scooter hockey and scooter basketball. We will also be learning about how to keep our heart healthy. Computer Lab: We have been learning about Home Row in Com-
puter Lab and practicing our keyboarding skills. Please remember the links on the Ladybug Block on the Northside website.
ide Norths Northside Elementary School 501 W. Elgin
Northside Elementary Mis sion Statement “Empowering future leader s…
Phone: 479-524-4126 Fax:479-524-4561
one student at a time”
Michelle Paden-Principal
[email protected] Brandy Fox-Assistant Principal
[email protected]
We’re on the web!
Parent Questions Siblings: Q: My sons often seem jealous of each other, and they argue a lot. Is there a way to encourage them to get along better?
themselves (stuffed animals, blankets). Knowing the difference can help!
A. Siblings can be friends for life, and as parents that’s what we hope for. It’s natural however, for brothers and sisters to disagree sometimes.
Q: How can I help my daughter stay safe as she gets older?
Try to avoid comparing your children or using “labels” that they could overhear. (“Tommy is the creative one.” “Andrew is our little athlete.”) Instead, praise their individual efforts and accomplishments. Examples: “Marco, you worked hard on that painting.” “Felix, I can tell you’ve been practicing your dribbling.” Also, set up clear rules about what they need to share (swing set, art supplies) and what they can keep to
A. First, have your daughter memorize your address and phone numbers (home and cell). Talk about what to do if she gets separated from you. For instance, in a store, she should look for an employee wearing a name badge. Also, make sure she knows that she should never talk to strangers. And if adults she knows make her feel uncomfortable or ask her to keep a secret
from you, she should let you know right away. Finally, when she visits a friend, introduce yourself to the parents, and be sure your youngster will be supervised in their home.