Jul 8, 2012 ... Go over Garry Friesen's four principles mentioned in the sermon. Then answer
the following questions: 1. The Principle of Obedience: Where ...
Group Study/Reflection Go over Garry Friesen’s four principles mentioned in the sermon. Then answer the following questions: 1.
The Principle of Obedience: Where God commands, we must obey. What has God clearly commanded you to do, which you know you haven’t fully obeyed yet? Ask God to reveal areas of disobedience. What is He showing you?
The Principle of Freedom: Where there is no command, God gives us freedom (and responsibility) to choose. What decisions are you currently faced with in which you know there is no command and in which you have freedom to choose. On what basis are you making these decisions?
The Principle of Wisdom: Where there is no command, God gives us wisdom to choose. Are you pursuing wisdom? To what extent are you involving godly counsel in your decision-making process?
The Principle of Humble Trust: when we have chosen what is moral and wise, we must trust the sovereign God to work all the details together for good. Trust and faith go hand-in-hand. Are you pursuing relationship with Him? How does it show?
How Can I Understand God’s Will? Week of July 8– 14, 2012
For more information about Garry Friesen’s book or ways to purchase it follow this link: http://bit.ly/NthRYq We’d like to hear from you! If you have used this discipleship guide, personally or in a group setting, we’d like to know how it’s been helpful to you. Any feedback is greatly appreciated. Email us at
[email protected]
One pursuit that changes everything.
Sermon Outline July 8, 2012, Life Baptist Church Available as podcast on iTunes and as downloadable sermon at http://bit.ly/m9XkdB
Discipleship Guide Paul Gotthardt
“HOW CAN I UNDERSTAND GOD’S WILL?” VARIOUS PASSAGES | JULY 8, 2012 There are at least 3 aspects of God’s will seen in Scripture: 1. The Bible speaks of God’s predetermined _____________ which He ordained from the beginning of time. This form of God’s will has been referred to as God’s decretive, _____________ , or hidden will. 2. The Bible speaks of God’s commands (or will) revealed in the ________. This form of God’s will has been referred to as God’s perceptive, revealed, or ___________ will.
July 8, 2012, Life Baptist Church Available as podcast on iTunes and as downloadable sermon at http://bit.ly/m9XkdB
Paul Gotthardt
At LIFE, we are passionate about making disciples. According to Scripture, a disciple is someone who pursues Christ by loving God, uniting with believers, serving the world, and entrusting the Gospel. Goal for this lesson: To give a biblical understanding of God’s will (not in terms or classifications, but in the context of Scripture), and then direct you back to the process by which He gives greater individual clarity. Personal Study/Reflection: 1. Looking back at your notes from this week’s teaching was there a particular point, verse or comment that caught your attention, challenged you or raised a question?
3. The Bible speaks of God’s ________ (or will) for individual people. This form of God’s will has been referred to as God’s individual, ____________ , or ideal will. Garry Friesen developed the following four principles in his book entitled, Decision Making and the Will of God. When it comes to making decisions according to God’s will, take these four principles to heart: 1. The Principle of ______________ : Where God commands, we must _______________ .
2. God gives specific guidance to individuals, that flows out of their relationship with Him. Take some time this week to evaluate your relationship with Him in the areas of … o …Prayer (what does your prayer life look like?):
…Scripture (do you read, meditate on, or study Scripture on a regular basis?):
3. The Principle of __________: Where there is no command, God gives us ____________ to choose.
…Service (are you serving others?):
4. The Principle of ___________ ____________: When we have chosen what is moral and ________ , we must trust the sovereign God to work all the details together for good.
…Presence (in what ways are you pursuing God?):
2. The Principle of __________: Where there is no command, God gives us ____________ (and responsibility) to choose.