Schmitz in Schmitz and Hauptfleisch (1896: 371) (see Wynne and Taylor. 1973) .... HOOKER, W. J. 1833 - The English Flora of Sir James Edward Smith.
TAXON 27(2/3): 191-195. MAY 1978
NOTES ON SOME FAMILY NAMES OF FLORIDEOPHYCEAE (RHODOPHYTA)* Michael D. Guiry * * Introduction While compiling a list of the published family names of Florideophyceae for a recent publication (Guiry, in press) it became apparent that a number of currently used family names in this class have earlier synonyms. Many of these were published by Kutzing (1843), who gave n o less than 27 family names of red algae of which only 6 are currently used (e.g. K lin 1956). In accordance with Art. 18, note 2 of the lnternationai Code o l B o t a n i c a i Nomenclature [ I C B N ] (Stafleu e t al., 1972), the use of the suffix '-eae' is herein corrected t o "-aceae", and following Rec. 50F the original spelling is given in single quotation marks (see also ICBN Appendix 2).
Champiaceae Kutzing vs. Chondrosiphoniaceae Kutzing and Lomentariaceae Nageli. The names of three apparently closely-related genera of the order Rhodymeniales have been t h e basis for family names: Champia Desvaux (1809: 245), the Champiaceae Kutzing (1843: 438, as 'Champieae'); Lomentaria Lyngbye (1809: 101), the Lomentariaceae Nageli (1847: 244); and Chylocladia Greville ex W. J . Hooker (1833: 256, 297) n o m e n conserv. (see Silva 1952: 293), the Chylocladiaceae Debray (1890: 399, as 'ChylocladiacCes'). All three genera are presently referred t o the family Champiaceae (see Parke and Dixon 1976: 535). Kutzing (1843: 438), in describing the genus Chondrosiphon, for which he published the family name Chondrosiphoniaceae (Kutzing 1843: 438, as 'Chondrosipheae'), included in it three species: C. mediterraneus Kutzing, C. meneghinianus Kiitzing and C. compressus Kutzing. The first of these species is beautifully figured by Kutzing (1843: Taf. 53 111, figs. 1-7), and the structure and reproduction illustrated shows that Kutzing's material represented a species of Lomentaria (the correct name for which appears t o be Lomentaria fimza (J. Agardh) Kylin). The other t w o species of Chondrosiphon are not illustrated and accordingly it seems reasonable t o select Chondrosiphon mediterraneus Kutzing (1843: 438) as the lectotype species (see Art. 8, ICBN). This name is a later synonym of Chrysymenia firma J . Agardh (1842: 107), which entity was referred t o the genus Lomentaria by Kylin (193 1: 27) (see also Ercegovik 1956: 19-20). With regard t o the other t w o species of Chondrosiphon described by Kiitzing (1843): C. meneghinianus Kiitzing is probably a later synonym of Lomentaria uncinata Meneghini ex Zanardini (1841: 99); whilst C. compressus is the basionym for Lomentaria compressa (Kutzing) Kylin (193 1: 27). Clearly the genus Chondrosiphon Kutzing is a synonym of the genus Lomentaria Lyngbye. It does not seem t o be generally appreciated that the Chondrosiphoniaceae Kutzing has equal priority with the Champiaceae Kutzing, both family names * This work was supported by NATO Grant no. 1130. Grateful acknowledgement is made to Dr. P. C. Silva for his comments. * * The Marine Laboratory, Portsmouth Polytechnic, Ferry Road, Hayling Island, Hampshire. PO1 1 ODG. United Kingdom. MAY 1978
having been described o n the same page (Kutzing 1 8 4 3 : 438). However, according t o Art. 57 (ICBN), the first usage of the Champiaceae by Bliding (1928: 5 ; 67) must be followed in the event of the inclusion of the genera Champia and Lomentaria in the same family. The orthography 'Chondrosipheae' used by Kutzing (1843: 438) is not consistent with his earlier use of the name 'Polysiphonieae' for a family name based on the genus Polysiphonia Greville (1824: 308) and is here corrected t o Chondrosiphoniaceae (see also Art. 1 8 , ICBN). In view of a possible separation of the genera Lomentaria and Binghamia J . Agardh (1894: 63 adnot.; 1899: 158, pl. 1, fig. 6 : see Silva 1 9 5 2 : 306) from the Champiaceae as presently conceived (I. K. Lee pers. comm.), it should be pointed o u t that the earliest valid name for such a family would be the Chondrosiphoniaceae Kutzing and not the Lomentariaceae Nageli. Cryptonemiaceae Harvey vs. Halymeniaceae Bory and Halymeniaceae Kiitzing. The genus Halymenia C. Agardh (1817: XIX) was included in the Cryptonemiaceae Harvey (1849: 75) by Harvey (1849: 132). However, the genus Halymenia had earlier been the basis for the Halymeniaceae Bory (1828: 158). The Halymeniaceae Kutzing (1843 : 389, as 'Halymenieae') is an isonym of the Halymeniaceae Bory (see Nicolson 1975: 461). The inclusion of the type genus of a previously described family by Harvey (1849: 132) renders the Cryptonemiaceae Harvey illegitimate (see Art. 63, ICBN). A further later synonym of the Halymeniaceae Bory is the Grateloupiaceae Schmitz in Engler (1892: 18), which name was used for many years for a family comprising, amongst others, the genera Halymenia, Cryptonemia J . Agardh (1842: 100) and Grateloupia C. Agardh (1822: 221) (see Kylin 1 9 5 6 : 213). Papenfuss (1955: 188), realizing that the Cryptonemiaceae Harvey was an earlier name, placed the Grateloupiaceae Schmitz in synonymy (see also Hauck 1 8 8 5 : 16). Although the Cryptonemiaceae Harvey is included in an order, the Cryptonemiales, the name of which is formed from the same stem, it cannot be argued that any value would accrue from conserving the Cryptonemiaceae Harvey over the Halymeniaceae Bory, particularly as t h e Cryptonemiaceae Harvey has only been used with any consistency in very recent years (see Chiang 1970). Accordingly it would seem best t o revert t o the earliest valid name, the Halymeniaceae Bory (see Art. 11, ICBN). Phyllophoraceae Nageli vs. Tylocarpaceae Kutzing Kiitzing (1843) published the name Tylocarpaceae (p. 390, as 'Tylocarpeae') and assigned seven genera t o the family (including the genus Phyllophora Greville 1 8 3 0 : LVI): the genera Tylocarpus Kutzing (1843: 411) and Onchotylus (1843 : 4 1 1 ) are now considered later synonyms of Gymnogongn~s Martius (1828: 27) bjr Dixon and Irvine (1977: 216); and Cnccotylus Kiitzing (1843: 412), Phyllotylus Kiitzing (1843: 412) and Acanthotylus Kiitzing (1843: 413) are considered later synon)-ms of Phyllopbora Greville. The generic synonymy of Pachycarpus Kutzing (1843: 412) is less certain. The genera Gymnogongrus and Phyllo bora are currently referred t o the Phyllophoraceae Nageli (1847: 248) (see Sc otter 1968: 12). Consequently it seems that the earliest validly published name for the family presently known as the Phyllophoraceae Nageli is the Tylocarpaceae Kiitzing. A case for conservation of the Phyllophoraceae ovcr the Tylocarpaccac cannot be made, particularly as there exists a degree of taxonomic uncertainty regarding the circumscription of some o t the tamilies of the Gigartinales, including the Phyllophoraceae.
Rhabdoniaceae Kylin vs. Caulacanthaceae Kutzing Kylin (1925: 38) published the family name Rhabdoniaceae for the genera Rhabdonia Harvey in J . D. Hooker and Harvey (1847: 408), Agardhiella Schmitz in Schmitz and Hauptfleisch (1896: 371) (see Wynne and Taylor 1973), Anatheca Schmitz in Schmitz and Hauptfleisch (1896: 374), Flahaultia Bornet (1892: 278) and Solieria J . Agardh (1842: 156). Searles (1968: 44) provisionally assigned Caulacanthus Kutzing (1843: 395) t o the family Rhabdoniaceae and recent studies of members of the Rhabdoniaceae by MinThein and Womersle (1976: 86) strongly support the inclusion of the genera Caulacanthus and R abdonia in the same family. Kiitzing (1843) published the name Caulacanthaceae (p. 389, as 'Caulacantheae') for the genus Caulacanthus and this family name clearly has priority over the Rhabdoniaceae Kylin (1925) (see Art. 1 1 , ICBN). Papenfuss and Edelstein (1974: 42) have proposed the Rhabdoniaceae Kylin (1932: 32) for conservation over the Rhabdoniaceae Kylin (1925: 28) (both of which families are based on the same type); t h e earlier name, they point out, was illegitimate (see Art. 63, I C B N ) as it included the genus Solieria, for which the family name Solieriaceae Hauck (1885: 17) had previously been published. However, Kylin (1932) did not include the genus Solieria in a subsequent treatment of the Rhabdoniaceae and later (Kylin 1956: 286) cited the Rhabdoniaceae as having been published in 1932. The Solieriaceae is presently regarded as a distinct family from t h e Rhabdoniaceae (see Min-Thein and Womersley 1976). The proposal b y Papenfuss and Edelstein (1974) for conservation of the Rhabdoniaceae Kylin ( 1 93 2) seems unnecessary as t h e Caulacanthaceae has clear priority (see Art. 11, I C B N ) , which was not realized by these authors.
Rhodomelaceae Harvey vs. Polysiphoniaceae Kiitzing, Chondriaceae Kutzing, Amansiaceae Kiitzing and Rytiphleaceae Kutzing. Kutzing (1843) published the family names Polysiphoniaceae (p. 413, as 'Polysiphonieae'), Chondriaceae ( . 413, as 'Chondrieae'), Amansiaceae (p. 442, as 'Amansieae') and Rytiph a eaceae (p. 442) for genera now included in the Rhodomelaceae Harvey (1849: 74) (see e.g. Kylin 1956). The name Rhodomelaceae Harvey seems worthy of conservation over the earlier validly ~ u b l i s h e dnames of Kutzing. (1843) in view of the w i d e s ~ r e a dand consistent use of this name for a relatively large and seemingly well circumscribed family (see Scagel 1953, 1962). (453). N o m e n familiae conservandum propositum: Rhodomelaceae Harvey, 1849. Man. Br. marine algae, ed. 2, p. 74. Genus typicus: Rhodomela C. A. Agardh, 1822 p. 368. - Nomina fahiliarurn rejicienda proposita: Polysiphoniaceae Kutzing, 1843, Phyc. gen., p. 413 (as 'Polysiphonieae'); Chondriaceae Kutzing, 1 8 4 3 , Phyc. gen., p. 413 (as 'Chondrieae'); Amansiaceae Kutzin , 1843, Phyc. gen., p. 442 (as 'Amansieae') ; et Rytiphleaceae Kiitzing, 1 8 4 3 , P y c . gen., p. 442.
Rhodophyllidaceae Schmitz in Engler \IS. Cystocloniaceae Kutzing Kutzing (1843) published the name Cystocloniaceae (p. 390, as 'Cystoclonieae') for the genus Cystoclonium Kutzing (1843: 404), which is now referred t o the Rhodophyllidaceae Schmitz in Engler (1892: 1 9 ) b y Kylin (1956: 290) and others (e.g. Parke and Dixon 1976: 533). According t o Principle IV and Art. 1 1 of the ICBN, the older valid name Cystocloniaceae should be used.
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