Mar 21, 2013 ... EXPRESSION OF INTEREST FOR 11KV VCB PANELS. 1. Sealed tenders are
invited from Manufacturer's in triplicate (3) copies for registration ...
PUNJAB STATE TRANSMISSION CORPORATION LIMITED, Regd. Office: PSEB Head Office, The Mall, Patiala-147001 Office of Chief Engineer /Transmission System, Shakti Sadan, Patiala-147001 Telephone: 0175-2303676 FAX 0175-2301536 NOTICE INVITING TENDER FOR REGISTRATION OF FIRMS SHOWING EXPRESSION OF INTEREST FOR 11KV VCB PANELS. 1. Sealed tenders are invited from Manufacturer’s in triplicate (3) copies for registration of manufacturers who have good experience, modern technology, quality control, testing arrangements as per ISS, healthy after sales service network etc. for the manufacturing of 11KV VCB 475MVA, 1250A for Incomer & 630Afor Outgoing and Capacitor panels with horizontal isolation and horizontal draw out type, indoor type vacuum circuit breakers to be used at various Grid S/Stns. Item No. 1.
11KV VCB Panels
Enquiry No.
Last date & time of receipt of tenders 21.03.13 up to 11.00 A.M
Date & time of opening of tenders 21.03.13 at 11.30 A.M
Cost of Spec. (Rs.) 2500/-
2. The 11KV VCB panels shall meet all type test, acceptance test & routine test requirement as per relevant ISS and manufacturer shall have facility for routine tests as per relevant ISS/IES at their works. 3. Tenders should submit company profile, annual turnover for the last three years, manpower details, details of works, financial status, testing facilities. Client’s supply list performance reports from the customers, standard price list and technical literature of the VCBs to be offered. 4. A set of tender documents containing technical specifications, general instructions & terms and conditions against above tender enquiry can be downloaded from PSTCL website and no hard copy of the same will be issued by this office. However, the cost of specification i.e. Rs. 2500/- in the form of demand draft in favour of Accounts Officer/CPC, PSTCL, Patiala is to be submitted in a separate envelope along with the tender failing which tender of the firm shall not be accepted. 5. Sealed tenders shall be received & opened on due dates given above. If the date of opening of tenders happens to be a holiday, tenders shall be opened on next working day at the same time & place. 6. Conditional & Telegraphic quotations shall not be accepted. 7. The firms with whom business dealings have been suspended, blacklisted and debarred firms shall not be considered for registration. 8. The firms who are defaulters for 25% or more quantity for more than 9 months or any quantity for more than 15 months in making supplies against earlier purchase orders placed on them at the time of issue of documents shall not be considered for registration. 9. Important Conditions: i) The term of standardization of the firm shall be normally 2 years in the first instance and if the performance of any firm during the period is found to be unsatisfactory, the same shall be removed from the list. ii) Renewal of registration shall be based on the performance of the firm during the period of initial registration. iii) PSTCL’s general terms & conditions for procurement shall be applicable. iv) The registration of the firm does not guarantee the award of contract. v) The registration shall be liable for cancellation for non fulfillment of contractual obligation on any ground considered undesirable by PSTCL.
Sd/Dy.C.E./TS(D), PSTCL, Patiala.
Important Guidelines to be followed by the tenderers
SECTION-I --------General terms and conditions
Page 4 to 15
SECTION-II ---------Technical specification
Page 16 to 22
SECTION-III ----------Schedule of requirements
Page 23 to 24
Page 25 to 29
Page 3
Page 30 to 33
Page 34 to 37
Page 38
Page 39
g) h) i) j) k) l)
Tenderers are required to furnish following documents alongwith a tender:Company’s profile Balance sheets for last 3 years Financial status Man power detail Detail of works Performance certificates for at least two years use from two separate electrical utilities/Board for similar equipment/design intended to be supplied to Pb.State Trans.Co.Ltd. List of purchase orders executed in the last 3 years alongwith qty. & value. List of testing equipments. List of machines at manufacturing unit. Standardisation prior list List of clients/customers. Technical literature of VCB(including instruments to be installed on the panel.
2. Firm shall supply complete GA drawings showing side view, isometric view of the 11KV VCB panels intended to be supplied. The dimensions of bus bar/dropout size, thickness of sheet, type & make of equipment to be provided shall be shown on the drawing/BOM/GTPs 3.In addition to above to have quality & reliable supplies/supplier, firms have to furnish type test certificates as per latest edition of ISS/IEC issued by Govt. recognized test house with respect of specified make and type of circuit breaker which should have same technical parameter/design as specified in PSTCL specification failing which tender shall not be considered and ignored. Type test report should not be in respect of other type breakers manufactured by them & their foreign collaborators, if any. All the drawings along with bill of material authenticated by the Govt./Govt. recognized testing agency on which type tests have been carried out must be furnished along with the tender. 4. Firm should have manufactured & delivered the material/equipment of similar rating/design to an Electricity Board/utilities & a performance certificate for at least two years issued by two end users shall be submitted with their offer. 5. For the firms who has not supplied VCB panels to PSTCL earlier and are new entrant, their works appraisal if required shall be carried out after scrutiny their techno commercial offer. However, this shall not make their right to be eligible for registration as approved vendor in any way even if the works appraisal is carried out successfully. Firm shall be asked to submit works appraisal charges when ever required. 6. For the firms who have supplied VCB panels of similar rating/design to Pb. State past, their past performance shall be considered. 7. IMPORTANT NOTE: SECTION-I(GENERAL TERMS & CONDITIONS) GENERALLY MENTION THE BOARD’s STANDARD TERMS & CONDITIONS. HOWEVER, THE TENDERERS ARE NOT REQUIRED TO SUBMIT EMD AND PRICE BIDS AS MENTIONED IN SECTION-I AS THE PRESENT TENDER ENQUIRY IS FLOATED ONLY FOR FRESH REGISTRATION OF FIRMS SHOWING EXPRESSION OF INTEREST FOR FUTURE PROCUREMENT OF 11KV VCB PANELS.
SECTION-I GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS AND GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS TO THE TENDERERS 1.0 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS TO BE OBSERVED BY THE TENDERERS 1.01 GENERAL: The following instructions must be carefully observed by all the Tenderers. Offer/Tender not strictly in accordance with these instructions will be liable to be rejected: i) The tenders must be complete in all respects. The following points should be carefully studied in order to ensure submission of a complete and comprehensive tender. Failure to comply with any of these instructions or to offer brief explanation for non-compliance is likely to render, effective comparison of the tender as a whole, impossible and may lead to rejection of an other-wise competitively lowest offer. ii) Tender should be submitted in triplicate by registered post, each copy should be separately tagged and clearly marked as ‘Original’, ‘Duplicate , ‘Triplicate’. iii) Telegraphic quotations will not be accepted. iv) Offers/tenders should positively reach before the stipulated time and on the last date prescribed for their receipt. Those received late will not be considered /opened at all, regardless of the date of posting of the tender. v) Offers/tenders should be enclosed in double covers. Both the inner and the outer covers should be sealed and superscribed with the tender/offer number together with the date on which the offer/tender is due and items of material covered and should also invariably contain the name of the bidding firm. vi) The Demand Draft/Cash receipt & other information concerning Earnest Money as per clause 2.02 shall be furnished in separately sealed envelope super scribed Earnest Money with the name of tendering firm. The firm having permanent security deposit of Rs.10.00 lac (Rs Ten Lac) with the CE/TS, PSTCL, Patiala shall give complete details of the deposit in the envelope meant for Earnest Money. The money in separate cover shall be received in the office of CE/TS, 3rd Floor, Shakti Sadan, PSTCL, Patiala-147001 up to 11.00 A.M. on the due date. While opening the tender the envelope containing Earnest Money will be opened first and if the Earnest Money is found to be in accordance with the terms of specification only then the main tender will be opened, any tender/tenders without EMD or EMD received late shall also not be opened. vii) Offers/tenders will be opened on the date and time prescribed in the N.I.T./Enquiry in the presence of authorized representatives of Tenderers, who actually submitted/uploaded the tender, if they present themselves at the time of opening of tenders. In case the date of opening of tender falls on a holiday or holiday is subsequently declared on that date, the tenders will be opened on the next working day following the holiday. viii) The Purchaser reserves the right to modify the “Schedule of requirements”, Technical particulars and the specifications at any time and to place the order as a whole or in parts, and to reject any or all the tenders received without assigning any reason. He will not be responsible for and will not pay for expenses or losses that may be incurred by Tenderer in the preparation of the tenders. ix) The material offered should be strictly according to the specifications laid down in the Enquiry. The quotations should also indicate the make of the manufacturer, brand and company and accompanied with other descriptions, literature and sample, if any, at Tenderer’s own cost. x) xi)
No conditional offers shall be acceptable. It has been decided by Punjab State Transmission Corporation Ltd. to accept Permanent Earnest Money of Rs.10.00 lac (Rs Ten Lacs) organization wise (Chief Engineer wise). As such the tenderers desirous of having permanent earnest money for TS organization may submit demand draft for Rs. ten lac drawn in favour of Account Officer/CPC, Punjab State Transmission Corporation Ltd., Patiala in the envelope meant for earnest money. Firms who are already having PEMD of Rs. 10 lac with the Punjab State Transmission Corporation Ltd.
(formerly known as PSEB) and want to get the same transferred to TS organization may take up the matter with Accounts officer/Cash, PSTCL, Patiala and obtain a certificate of transfer from Account officer/Cash for PEMD having been transferred to TS organization and attach the same with the tender, failing which the tender shall not be opened. 1.02 PREPARATION OF TENDER: The tender shall be prepared in formal manner neatly typed or printed with all prices stated both in words and figures. 1.03 SUBMISSION OF TENDERS: a) The tender should be uploaded strictly as per NIT/ Tender specification complete in all respects. Any deviations from NIT/Spec. shall be clearly brought out. Alternate suggestions conforming to some British, American or other internationally recognized standards or practice, if any, must be clearly detailed out, explained and justified. These variations should be detailed out clause-wise in the same chronological order as given in this specification. No post tender development will be allowed regarding any change in terms of prices or technical specification. b) Tenderers should submit their offer in unambiguous wording failing which; Punjab State Transmission Corp. Ltd’s interpretation will be final. c) Offers of the firms who quote for less than 25% of the NIT quantity are liable to be rejected. THREE PART BIDS Tender shall be submitted in three parts i.e. Part-I, Part-II and Part-III. The following procedure will be adopted for the opening of the tenders:Part-I Earnest Money: The first part will consist of earnest money deposit in the form of demand draft in favour of AO/CPC, PSTCL, Patiala. In case of permanent EMD, the envelop must contain certificate to this effect as per clause 2.02 ii (a) Part-II Commercial/Technical bid: The second part will consist of technical specification, schedule of delivery, status of quoted prices i.e. FIRM and all other terms & conditions except the rates. All commercial terms including discount if any, ED, CST, Punjab Sale tax (VAT) etc. should be specified in part-II of the bid, so that any ambiguities relating to general terms & conditions and technical details can be sorted out before the opening of PartIII i.e. price bid. Part-III Price Bids: a) The third part will consist of the rates quoted for each item as well as other related terms like freight, insurance, excise duty, CST etc. No correspondence/clarification shall be entertained after the opening of part-III.
Firstly, the envelope marked part-I (Earnest money) shall be opened first and if earnest money is found to be as per the requirements of the spec. only then the Part-II shall be opened. The bids without earnest money shall be out rightly rejected. b) After opening Part-II of the bids (Technical/Commercial), the bids will be evaluated by Punjab State Transmission Corporation Ltd. The third part of the bids (Price Bids) shall be opened in case of only those firms whose Part-II of the bids after evaluation is found to be conforming to the specification. The date and time for opening Part-III of the bids will be intimated to the qualifying firms. The price bids (Part-III) will be opened in the presence of representatives of the qualifying bidders who choose to attend. c) If some new firm submits tender which has never supplied the tendered item to Punjab State Transmission Corporation Ltd. earlier, its works appraisal shall be carried
out before opening of the Part-III “Price Bid” to ascertain whether the offer of the firm is technically/Commercially acceptable or not. NOTE: The offer of the firms is liable to be rejected in case work appraisal fee is not received along with tender. For the works appraisal, new firms shall have to deposit following charges along with tender itself in shape of DD in the name of AO/CPC, PSTCL, Patiala:i) Rs. 50,000/- for the firms located outside Punjab ii)Rs. 25,000/- for the firms located within Punjab.’’ Note:- The above charges are non-refundable, and works appraisal of the firm does not entitle the firm for placement of order. 1.04 VALIDITY: The tender should be unconditionally valid for at least 120 days from the date of opening and any withdrawal or modification of the offer shall not be permitted after opening of Part-III of tender. 2.00 GENERAL TERMS & CONDITIONS: 2.01 PRICES: (i) The unit rates should be quoted F.O.R. Destination at any Railway Station in Punjab/Punjab State Transmission Corporation Ltd. Railway siding, where-ever existing or delivery at Punjab State Transmission Corporation Ltd. stores, through road transportation which will be treated at par with F.O.R. Destination. The break up of the F.O.R. destination price should be given as under:a) The price of the material inclusive of packing and forwarding, part of production cost. b) Packing cost not forming part of production cost, handling, cartage etc. freight charges and transit risk insurance covered in F.O.R. destination price. ii) All taxes and duties liable on the price of finished goods as per sub-clause (i) (a) shall be paid extra and the same should be shown separately as prevalent on the date of opening of tender, to be paid at the rate as may be actually prevalent at the time of supply, otherwise these elements shall be deemed to be included in the quoted prices and will not be paid extra. No taxes & duties will be payable on the element of cost quoted under sub-clause (i) (b). iii) In case of rates ex-works/ex-godown and for imported material, freight insurance charges, transit risk insurance, handling and clearance charges, F.O.B. and C.I.F., commission of clearing agents at Ports, should also be indicated separately. iv) ONLY FIRM PRICES SHALL BE ACCEPTED. Offer with Variable prices shall be rejected. v) The rates quoted F.O.R. destination or ex-works should be given in both figures and words. vi) The prices tendered shall be such as to cover all the material destroyed under tests and no extra payment will be made for the material so destroyed. vii) Those firms who do not give break up of their rates as per spec. shall not be considered. Rates of ED/CST/VAT must be indicated separately. Price bids not indicating ex-works including packing & forwarding charges forming cost of production, freight & insurance charges applicable. ED, CST may be liable for rejection. viii) If the any firms intends to supply the material/equipment from different works, then the unit FOR rates should be the same for all the works so that there is only one merit position irrespective of location of works. The offer of the firm with different FOR rates for different works shall be rejected. 2.02 EARNEST MONEY: i) For this tender enquiry, the tenderers shall be required to submit Earnest Money in the form of Cash Receipt/ Bank Draft in favour of Accounts Officer, CPC, Punjab State Transmission Corporation Ltd., Patiala payable at Patiala along with the tender. EMD details for this tender enquiry shall be as under: Description Earnest Money Deposit Clause 2.02(i) For Full quantity ---------------------------Clause 2.02(iii) Min. Acceptable EMD ---------------------------ii) The following shall be exempted from depositing Earnest Money:-
a) Suppliers having permanent Earnest Money of deposit Rs.10.00 lac with the Punjab State Transmission Corporation Ltd. in respect of TS organization. A certificate to this effect issued by the concerned Accounts Officer of the Punjab State Transmission Corporation Ltd. during three months immediately preceding the due date of tender opening and showing the Serial Number/Account Number allotted in the Permanent Earnest Money Deposit Register shall be submitted by the Tenderers in the envelope for Earnest Money. iii) In case of tenders not accompanied by full amount of Earnest Money for the items tendered but not less than 25% of the entire amount due, the order/contract shall be awarded only for part of material/equipment services limited to a value corresponding to the actual amount of Earnest Money submitted with the tenders provided the placing of such part order is otherwise feasible and is in the interest of the Punjab State Transmission Corporation Ltd., otherwise such tenders shall be ignored. iv) Earnest Money shall be forfeited in case of withdrawal/ modification of an offer within the validity period as required in the NIT/Tender Specification after opening of Tenders. v) In case of successful tenderers, Earnest Money shall be converted as security deposit and short fall if any shall be got deposited for faithful execution of purchase order/contract. vi) In case of tenders not accepted, the earnest money shall be refunded within 30 days of the award of order/contract to successful tenderers. 2.03 SALES TAX: a) Value Added Tax The VAT as applicable if inclusive in prices shall be paid against documentary proof on submission of following certificates:i) Certified that the transaction on which tax has been claimed has been/will be included in the return submitted/to be submitted to the Sales tax authorities for the assessment of the tax and the amount claimed from the Punjab State Transmission Corporation Ltd. has been/shall be paid for the Sales Tax Authorities. ii) Certified that the goods on which tax has been charged have not been exempted under the rules made there-under and charges on account of the Sales tax on these goods are correct under the provisions of the relevant act or rules made there-under. iii) Certified that we shall indemnify the Punjab State Transmission Corporation Ltd. in case it is found at a later stage, that wrong or incorrect payment had been made on account of tax paid by us. iv) Certified that we are registered dealer & our Regn. no. is. b) CENTRAL SALES TAX: The Punjab State Transmission Corp. Ltd., Patiala (PSTCL) has been registered as a dealer under the Central Sales Tax Act. When the Central Sales Tax is to be paid by the Punjab State Transmission Corporation Ltd., a declaration Certificate in form-‘C’ will be issued by the AO/CPC, Punjab State Transmission Corporation Ltd., Patiala on receipt of material. When the tax is to be paid by the Supplier a declaration certificate in form-‘C’ will be issued by the AO/CPC, Punjab State Transmission Corporation Ltd., Patiala, subject to submission of the following certificates:i) Certified that the transaction on which tax has been claimed has been/will be included in the return submitted/to be submitted to the Sales Tax Authorities for the assessment of the Sales Tax and the amount claimed from the Punjab State Transmission Corporation Ltd. has been/shall be paid to the Sales Tax Authorities. ii) Certified that the goods, on which Sales Tax has been charged have not been exempted under Central Sales Tax Act or the Rules made there-under and the charges on account of the Sales Tax on these goods are correct under the provisions of the relevant Act or rules made there under. iii) Certified that we shall indemnify the Punjab State Transmission Corporation Ltd. in case it is found at a later stage, that wrong or incorrect payment had been made on account of the Sales Tax paid by us. iv) Certified that we are registered dealer under the Central/State Sales Tax act and our Registration No. is_____ v) Certified that payment has been made under protest. The bills for the Sales Tax and insurance charges, if any, should be submitted separately. A declaration certificate in form ‘C’ will be issued by AO/CPC, Punjab State Transmission Corporation Ltd. PATIALA for all supplies received during a particular accounting year.
The firms indicating NIL or concessional rate of CST/ST in their tenders will have to absorb the CST/ST up to full rate applicable at the time of tendering. The firms which do not agree to this stipulation or indicate C.S.T. as extra without indicating applicable rate shall be loaded with maximum rate. 2.04 EXCISE DUTY: Central Excise Duty if applicable will be paid at the rates prevailing during the contractual delivery period on actual basis. The following certificates shall have to be furnished along with invoice-cum-gate pass duly signed by authorized agent/signatory. The first invoice should accompany the specimen signatures of the authorized signatory duly attested by the Managing Director of the factory with a copy of orders regarding his appointment as authorized signatory of the firm: i) Certified that the transaction on which the Central Excise Duty is claimed has been/shall be included in the return submitted/to be submitted to the Central Excise Authorities and amount claimed from the Punjab State Transmission Corporation Ltd. has been/shall be paid to the Central Excise Authorities. ii) Certified that the goods on which Excise Duty has been charged have not been exempted under Central Excise Duty rules and that the Central Excise charged on these goods is not more than what is payable under the provision of relevant Act or rules made there under. iii) Certified that we shall indemnify the Punjab State Transmission Corporation Ltd. in case it is found at a later stage that wrong or incorrect payment has been received on account of Excise Duty amount paid will be refunded. The benefit/credit of the CED under MODVAT Scheme duly authenticated by the authorities/representatives of the Central Excise Deptt. shall be allowed to the Purchaser in the invoice of concerned equipment. In case Central Excise staff refuses to issue a separate gate pass indicating the excise duty claimed from you, the original invoices raised for the supply of the equipment will bear a certificate from the Central Excise staff to the fact that Excise Duty has been charged from you and the amount so charged will be indicated. Note: - The firm indicating NIL or concessional rate of E.D in their tender will have to absorb E.D. up to the final rate applicable at the time of tendering. The firms which do not agree to this stipulation or indicate E.D. as extra without indicating the applicable rate be loaded with maximum rate of excise duty. 2.05 OCTROI CHARGES: Octroi charges shall be paid extra on actual basis as applicable. 2.06 INSURANCE: i) The rates are required to be quoted on F.O.R. destination basis and it is the responsibility of the Supplier to deliver the goods in sound condition F.O.R. destination and for that purpose the Supplier may at his option insure the material against all risks at his own cost during transit for full delivered value of the material up to destination. All works in connection with making and settling of claims, if any, with Railway Authorities and/or Insurance Company shall be carried out by the Contractor for which no extra payment shall be made by the Punjab State Transmission Corporation Ltd. However, necessary assistance required in connection with making and settling of such claims, if any, shall be provided by the consignees. ii) All damages and/or shortages during transit as covered by the Insurance shall be made good immediately on receipt of such information from the consignees without waiting for settlement of claims. However, in case of apparent damages/shortages the con- signees shall obtain the loss/damage certificate from the Railway Authorities and send the same to the Contractor within a period of thirty days from the date of receipt of material. A certificate shall be submitted by the Suppliers/Contractors with each bill to the effect that the material has been duly insured. iii) The consignees shall report losses and damages to the firm within 30 days of the arrival of the equipment at the site. It will, however, be Supplier’s responsibility to prefer timely claims on the insurance under-writers and to arrange replacement thereof to the consignees. iv) The Suppliers shall be wholly responsible for the loss, shortages, damages etc. during transit. Such shortages and damages etc. will have to be replaced/repaired by the Supplier/Contractor free of cost immediately without waiting for maturing of the Supplier’s/Contractor’s claims with the Road transport/Railway Authorities.
v) In case replacement/repair of defective material is not carried out within six months of intimation of damages, Supplier shall have to pay interest at the rate of 12% per annum on the advance payments made by the Punjab State Transmission Corp. Ltd. from the date of the payment up to the date of its re-commissioning of the equipment after replacement/repair or to the date the default is made good. 2.07 DELIVERY SCHEDULE: The offer should clearly indicate monthly/quarterly schedule of deliveries, date of commencement and completion of supply against that indicated in the Notice Inviting Tender/ Specification which should normally cover period for entire job of manufacture, testing, inspection and supply after acceptance and shall be reckoned from the date of dispatch in case of rail transport and Receipted Challan/Goods Receipt in case of road transportation by Goods Carriers. The Purchase Orders shall be placed strictly on the above understanding. Ex-stock and quicker deliveries may be sometimes preferred. 2.08 CONTRACT: The detailed order issued in accordance with agreed terms and conditions and accepted/acknowledged by the firm shall itself form valid contract along with subsequent amendment, if any, and shall be construed and operated as such in terms of Indian Contract Act-1872 as amended up to date. It will be obligatory on the part of the successful Tenderer to execute within 30 days of the receipt of detailed order, a legal contract agreement on non-judicial stamp paper of the appropriate value. The detailed Purchase Order so issued shall be termed Purchase Order-Cum-Contract Agreement. The contract shall be made in duplicate and one copy will be retained by each party. 2.09 SECURITY DEPOSIT: i) The successful Tenderers shall be required to submit security deposit for faithful execution of the Purchase Order/Contract of value exceeding Rs.50,000/- at the rate of two percent(2%) of order value rounded off to a multiple of Rs.10/- on the higher side. ii) Ordinarily the Earnest Money received with tenders shall be converted into Security Deposit. If the amount of Earnest Money received with tender is more than the amount of security deposit required for the Purchase Order/Contract, the balance shall be refunded and in case of shortfall the Contractor/Supplier shall be required to deposit the additional amount. iii) The Tenderers having permanent deposit of Rs. 10.00 lac with TS organization and hence exempted from depositing Earnest Money with Tenders, shall also be required to submit Security Deposit of 2% of order value in the form of Bank Guarantee within 30 days from the award of Order/Contract. iv) The following shall be exempted from depositing security against Orders/Contracts given to them: a) Manufacturers/Suppliers of Proprietary items. v) On faithful execution of Purchase Order/Contract in all respects, including warranty period, if any, the security deposit of the Contractor/Supplier shall be released by the Contracting/Purchasing Agency. vi) In the event of default on the part of the Contractor/Supplier in the faithful execution of Purchase Order/Contract his security deposit shall be forfeited by an order of the contracting/purchasing agencies. The forfeiture of Security Deposit shall be without prejudice to any other rights arising or accruing to the Punjab State Transmission Corporation Ltd. under relevant provisions of the Purchase Order/Contract, like penalty/damages for delay in delivery including suspension of business dealings with Punjab State Transmission Corporation Ltd. for specific period. 2.10 INTIMATION TO THE AO/CPC AND CONSIGNEES: The Supplier will have to intimate the probable date of despatch 15 days in advance followed by telegraphic advance intimation regarding the actual date of R.R./LR to AO/CPC, Punjab State Transmission Corporation Ltd., Patiala to enable him to arrange payment, failing which demurrage, wharf age etc. will be to Supplier’s account. A copy of such intimation should be sent to the consignee and Chief Engineer/TS,B-2,Shakti Sadan, Punjab State Transmission Corporation Ltd., Patiala-147001 also, for reference, immediately.
2.11 INFORMATION REGARDING LIST OF THE BANKERS,THE PURCHASER DEALS WITH: The Punjab State Transmission Corporation Ltd. deals with the following Banks at Patiala: i) State Bank of Patiala, The Mall, Patiala a) The Railway Receipt/Goods Receipt and invoices etc. should be sent to the authorities to be specified in the Purchase Order. b) Any demurrage occurring as a result of sending Railway Receipts/Goods Receipts through a Bank other than the one with which the accounts of the Purchaser are operated will be to the account of the Supplier/Contractor. c) No goods will be accepted by the consignees unless accompanied by priced challans or invoices. 2.12 TERMS OF PAYMENT: 100% of the contract value pro-rata for each consignment of operationally complete equipment despatched after approval of inspecting Authority/Test Certificates etc. along with 100% Sale Tax, Excise Duty and other statutory levies as per contract shall be paid within 30 days against receipted challans subject to furnishing a Bank Guarantee of 5% of the amount valid for a period of three months after receipt of the material/equipment in good condition against that consignment. The payment shall be made through RTGS. For this purpose, following details/documents may be provided to AO/CPC(T), PSTCL, Patiala while entering contract agreement:i) Name and address of the beneficiary ii) Name and address of the bank iii) Account No. of the beneficiary iv) IFSC code v) Cancelled cheque 2.13 FORCE MAJEURE: During the pendency of the Contract/Purchase Order, if the performance in whole/part by either party or any obligation there under, is prevented/delayed by causes arising out of any war, hostility, civil commotion, acts of the public enemy, sabotage, fire, floods, explosions, epidemics or non-availability of Government controlled raw material under Orders/Instructions of Central/State Government regulations, strikes, lockouts, embargo, acts of Civil/Military authorities or any other causes beyond their reasonable control, neither of the two parties shall be made liable for loss or damages due to delay or failure to perform the contract during the currency of Force Majeure conditions, provided that the happening is notified in writing (with documentary proof) within 30 days from the date of the occurrence. The supplies shall be resumed under the contract as soon as practicable after the happening (event) ceases to exist. 2.14 PENALTY/DAMAGES FOR DELAY IN DELIVERY: If the supplier fails to deliver the material/equipment within the stipulated delivery period of the Purchase Order/Contract, the same is liable to be rejected and if accepted, the supplier shall be liable to pay as penalty charges, a sum of 0.5% (half of one percent) of the cost of undelivered supply/incomplete equipment per month of delay or part thereof, not exceeding maximum limit of 5% of the cost of complete unit of undelivered equipment so delayed. There will be a slack of one month that will not entail any penalty and will not involve any additional financial implication. Delay beyond slack period will attract penalty for the period of delay including slack period. 2.15 NEGLIGENCE AND DEFAULT: In case of negligence on the part of Supplier/Contractor to execute the order/contract with due diligence and expedition and to comply with any reasonable orders given in writing by the Purchaser in connection with the Purchase Order/Contract or any contravention in the provisions of the Purchase Order/Contract, the Purchaser may give 21 days notice in writing to the Supplier/Contractor to make good the failure or neglect or contravention and if the Supplier/Contractor fails to comply with the notice within time considered to be reasonable by the Purchaser, the purchaser may black list or
suspend business dealings with the supplier/contractor apart from claiming reasonable compensation & forfeiture of security etc. 2.16 WARRANTY: The Supplier/Contractor shall be responsible to replace free of cost with no transportation and insurance expenses to the Purchaser up to the destination of material/equipment, the whole or any part of the material, which under normal and proper use and maintenance proves defective in material or workmanship within 12 months from the date of commissioning or 18 months from the date of despatch whichever expires earlier, provided the Purchaser gives prompt written notice of such defects to the Supplier/Contractor. Such replacement shall be affected by the Supplier/Contractor within a reasonable time not exceeding six months of the intimation of defects. Supplier’s/Contractor’s responsibility arising out of supply of material or its use whether on warranties or otherwise shall not in any case exceed the cost of correcting the defects or replacing the defective part/material and upon the expiry of the warranty period stipulated above, all such liabilities shall terminate. However this clause shall not be applicable in case of metal halide lamp. The above provision shall equally apply to the material so replaced/repaired by the Supplier/Contractor under this clause in case the same is again found to be defective within 12 months of its replacement/repair. In case the replacement/repair of defective material is not carried out within six months of intimation of defects, the Supplier/Contractor shall have to pay interest @ 12% per annum on the value of each complete operational unit of equipment beginning from the date of its becoming defective up to date of its re-commissioning after replacement/repair. 2.17 INSPECTION OF EQUIPMENT: a) The Punjab State Transmission Corporation Ltd. shall inspect, examine and test the equipment/material through its official(s) and/or through an out-side agency nominated by Punjab State Transmission Corporation the manufacturer’s/Supplier’s works, during or after the manufacture of goods prior to dispatch, on receipt of a clear notice of minimum two weeks in advance, to be reckoned from the date of receipt by the Purchaser. The Supplier/Contractor shall provide all facilities as may be required to carry out the tests in accordance with approved standards, free of cost. b) CE/TS shall get stage inspection carried out at random at supplier works. c) The random testing of material in the stores irrespective of the fact whether or not it was it was inspected before dispatch shall be carried out by Punjab State Transmission Corporation Ltd. and in case of any failure the entire lot shall be rejected at the risk & cost of the supplier. 2.18 INTERCHANGEABILITY: Corresponding parts of a plant / equipment shall be made to gauge or jig and shall be inter-changeable in every respect. 2.19 TRAINING FACILITIES: The successful tenderer will be required to impart training to up to 2 Engineers and two technicians so as to fully acquaint them with Design, Testing and commissioning, including fault detection of protection schemes covered in this tender, if so desired by the Purchaser. The period of training shall be mutually agreed upon and all expenses shall be borne by the Purchaser. 2.20 CANCELLATION: The Purchaser reserves the right to cancel the Purchase order as a whole or in part at any time or in the event of default on the part of the Supplier prior to the receipt of intimation regarding taking in hand of the manufacture of material against the Purchase Order/dispatch of material to the consignee. 2.21 RAW MATERIAL: The raw material to be used in the manufacture of the goods/equipment to be supplied against Purchase Order/Contract shall be of the best quality of its kind obtainable in the market. The Supplier shall be solely responsible for the procurement of raw material required for the purpose.
2.22 MATERIAL & WORKMANSHIP: All the materials used in the manufacture of equipment shall be of the best quality obtainable of their respective kinds and whole of the work shall be of the highest class, well finished and of approved design and make. 2.23 CHANGES: No variation or modification or waiver of any of the terms and provisions shall be deemed valid unless mutually agreed upon in writing by both the Purchaser and the Supplier. 2.24 PACKING: All material should be suitably packed for transportation direct to the consignee and the Supplier shall be responsible for all damages/losses due to improper packing. All boxes shall be marked with the signs indicating up and down sides of the boxes and also unpacking instructions considered necessary by the Supplier. The contents of boxes shall have place marks corresponding to the number in the packing lists to enable easy identification. The prices quoted by the Tenderers shall be deemed to include the cost of packing. 2.25 TEST CERTIFICATES AND INSTRUCTION BOOK: The Supplier/Contractor shall be required to furnish to the Purchaser’s office/consignees, where-ever necessary, the following documents (one copy per item) along with the consignment: i) Printed pamphlets & catalogues. ii) Instruction Books. iii) Drawings. iv) Any other relevant information The supplier shall also supply copies of above referred documents to the purchaser as per requirement. In case the goods have not been inspected/tested at the manufacturer’s works by the representative of the Punjab State Transmission Corporation Ltd., the Supplier/Contractor shall furnish the following certificates along with consignment for facility of the consignees:a) Type Test Certificates b) Routine Test Certificates 2.26 CONSTITUTION, EXPERIENCE AND FINANCIAL STANDING: The Tenderers should invariably supply the following information with the tenders: a) Constitution and composition of the firms: i) If a joint stock company, copy of its Memorandum and Articles of Association and other particulars. ii) If partnership, a copy of the partnership deed, particulars of partners. iii) If a proprietary concern, the standing of the proprietor and if registered with the Registrar of Companies/Firms, their registration No. b) In case of authorized representative: i) Name & particulars of manufacturers. ii) Certified copy of the Instrument of Authorization of the Supplier/ Manufacturers. c) Experience and standing in the market. d) Particulars of Purchase Orders/Contracts executed with this Punjab State Transmission Corporation Ltd. and other Punjab State Transmission Corporation Ltd./Government Department as per “Performance Schedule” attached herewith. e) Financial Position: i) Balance sheet for the last three years including Trading, Manufacturing, Profit and Loss Account. ii) Bank references. 2.27 DESPATCH INSTRUCTIONS: The material shall be required to be despatched as per the dispatch instructions issued by the Purchaser.
2.28 EXTENSION IN DELIVERY PERIOD: Any genuine delay in approval of technical details, drawings, issuance of amendment of Purchase Order, conducting inspection and approval of Inspection Test Reports/Test Certificates for allowing dispatches etc., will count towards extension of the delivery period by corresponding period other than admissible under Force-Majeure conditions, if any, substantiated by the Supplier and duly accepted by the Purchaser. No Extension in delivery shall be granted in case of delay in payment. However, for delayed payments beyond stipulated period as per terms of payment clause, compensation shall be credited @ 0.5% of the payment so delayed per month or part thereof to be adjusted against penalties levied or to be levied subject to a maximum of penalty leviable due to delay in deliveries under the contract. 2.29 CIVIL SUIT/JURISDICTION: All legal & Arbitration proceedings in connection with the Purchase Order/Contract shall be subject to the territorial jurisdiction of the local Civil Courts at Patiala only. 2.30 UNDERTAKING: All the Tenderers are required to give the following undertakings on their letter head with the tender documents: i) That they would not pay any commission etc. or engage any commission agent for dealing with Punjab State Transmission Corporation any matter including purchase of equipment etc ii) That no officer/official of the Punjab State Transmission Corporation Ltd.will deal with any person who claims to be a commission agent or liaison agent of any company and that the officers/officials of the Punjab State Transmission Corporation Ltd. must deal only with persons directly employed by the Suppliers. 2.31 PLACE(S) OF MANUFACTURE: The equipment shall be brand new. The tenderer shall state the make, place(s) of manufacture as well as the places of testing and inspection of the equipment offered in his tender. It shall also be stated whether the equipment offered carries ISI: certification mark or not. The material carrying ISI mark will be preferred. 2.32 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: i) Incomplete tenders not submitted on the lines indicated above are liable to be rejected without correspondence. ii) Request for extending the due date of tenders will be ignored. iii) The tender from direct manufacturer only will be considered. iv) No printed general conditions of Sale attached with the tender shall be accepted. v) Tenders shall be accepted only from those firms who will submit the cost of tender documents. vi) Only indigenous offers or such offers in which no import license is required would be considered. vii) Comments if any, on the clauses contained in the ‘General Terms and Conditions’ as well as in the Technical Specification should be offered, while submitting tenders, otherwise it will be presumed that all clauses stipulated therein are acceptable. viii) The tender must be accompanied by detailed and fully dimensioned drawings of the equipment, technical particulars and detailed literature. ix) Purchaser reserves the right to modify the schedule of requirement, technical particulars and the specifications at any time to place the order as a whole or in parts and to reject any or all the tenders received without assigning any reason. He will not be responsible for and will not pay for the expenses or losses that may be incurred by the tenderer in the preparation of the tenders. x) The material offered should be strictly according to the points laid down in this specification. The quotation should also indicate the make of the manufacturer, brand and company and should be accompanied with other technical literature, drawings etc. as required in the succeeding parts of this spec. at the cost of the supplier.
2.33 ARBITRATION: If at any time any question, dispute or difference, what so-ever, shall arise between the Purchaser/ Punjab State Transmission Corporation Ltd. and the Contractor/Supplier, upon or in relation to, or in connection with the Purchase Order/Contract, either party may forthwith give to the other, notice in writing of the existence of such question, dispute or difference and the same shall be referred for sole arbitration by a nominee of the Purchaser/ Punjab State Transmission Corporation Ltd., who shall give a reasoned/speaking awards. The award of the Sole Arbitrator shall be final and binding on the parties under the provision of the Indian Arbitration Act, 1996 and the rules there under. Any statutory amendment, modification or re-enactment thereof for the time being in force, shall be deemed to apply to and be incorporated in the Contract/Purchase Order. It will not be objectionable if the Sole Arbitrator is an officer of the Punjab State Transmission Corporation Ltd. and he has expressed his views on all or any of the matters in question of dispute or difference. b) Upon every or any such reference, the cost of and incidental to the reference and award respectively shall be in the discretion of the Sole Arbitrator so appointed who may determine the amount thereof or direct the same to be taxed as between Solicitor and Client or as between party and party and shall direct by whom and to whom and in what manner the same is to be ‘borne and paid. c) The work under the Contract shall, if reasonably possible, continue during the arbitration proceedings and no payment due or payable by the Purchaser/ Punjab State Transmission Corporation Ltd. shall be with-held on account of such proceedings. 2.34 REQUIREMENT: The quantity mentioned in this Specification can be increased or decreased at the time of actually placing the order. 2.35 ORDER PREFERENCE The Punjab State Transmission Corporation Ltd. would allow an order preference to such tenderers whose works are situated within the State of Punjab as per the procedure laid down as under:a) The rate of Punjab firms would be de-escalated by 15% for all the units. For Punjab based firms up to 20% of the total quantity can be reserved provided they fall in the consideration zone after application of price differential. For this purpose the merit position of the Punjab firms shall be prepared separately, however, where the, Punjab firms qualify amongst the lowest bidders on their own quoted rates, they shall form part of the original quoted list for the purposes of placing orders. b) The zone of consideration for placing of purchase order/contract would thereafter be demarcated taking into account the quantity of material required as per NIT and the quantities offered by the different tenderers. c) The purchase on the Punjab firm claiming order preference and falling within this Zone would placed on the lowest rate of a firm not claiming order preference within the Zone of consideration or on the concerned Punjab firm’s own quoted rate whichever may be lower. d) In the event of zone of consideration ending at the deescalated rate tendered by a firm claiming order preference, the rate to be allowed to such firms shall be the next quoted rate by the firm not claiming order preference or the concerned firm’s own quoted rate, whichever may be lower. e) The Punjab based firms claiming order preference shall be required to furnish an undertaking in prescribed form (Annexure-B) on a non-judicial stamp papers of appropriate value to the effect that they shall execute the order if placed on them under ‘Order preference’ as per tender specification. Such undertaking should be submitted by the Punjab based tendering firms latest by the close of the day of opening of tenders. In case, no such undertaking is furnished by the Punjab based firms who are otherwise eligible for claiming ‘Order Preference’ as per the tender specification ,their tender shall not be considered for placement of any order under Order Preference. In the event of refusal by the Punjab based firms to execute the purchase order/contract at their quoted rates or offers made under Order Preference as per ‘C’ and ‘D’ above as the case may be after having furnished the above undertaking, their Earnest Money shall be forfeited apart from initiating further administrative action, such as suspending business dealings, blacklisting etc.
2.36 FAKE INSPECTION CALL: ‘‘If the firm does not get the material inspected when the inspecting officer (s) visit their works after receipt of inspection call on one pretext or the other, it will have to bear TA/DA for the journey performed by such inspecting officers (s) which shall be Rs. 15000/- (outside Punjab) & Rs. 5000/- (within Punjab) per visit of inspecting officer (s). Beside the recovery against each fake call, a letter of warning shall be issued and it shall be Rs. 15000/- & Rs. 5000/- per visit of inspecting officer (s) respectively in case the material fails during inspection.’’
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION SECTION-II 2.01 SCOPE: This specification covers the Design, manufacture, testing, supply and delivery F.O.R. Destination Railway Stations in Punjab of 11KV,475 MVA 1250 A Incomers,630 A Outgoing Vacuum Circuit breaker panels provided these (Breakers) are type tested as per relevant Indian standards/ IEC to meet all technical requirements e.g. subject to withstand minimum 100 no. full short circuit operations etc. These breaker panels should be provided with PTs/CTs, Metering instruments, relays, supporting structures, Foundation bolts, Alarms, VCB transport trolley (if required as per firm design) and all accessories/sundries etc. A brief description of these is given in `Schedule of Requirements' in Section III. Any other parts & accessories which may be required for proper functioning of the equipment would be deemed to have been included by the supplier, even though the same may not have specifically been mentioned in the schedule of requirements. The above extensible Incoming & Outgoing breaker panels should be suitable for lining up in the form of panel boards/ switch boards. The 11KV VCB panels must have front door. It shall not be possible to open the front door while circuit breaker is on and in service position. It shall not be possible to close the circuit breaker in service position with the front door open. The breaker can be inserted from test position to service position only with the front door closed. The breaker cannot be pushed in the panel beyond the test position if the front door is open. The circuit breaker can operate only in one of the three defined positions i.e. service, test & isolated. The breaker should not close in any of the intermediate positions. The circuit breaker can be inserted only in the open position. Likewise CB in closed position cannot be withdrawn. The CB cannot be inserted in service position till auxiliary contacts are made. Similarly interlock should prevent auxiliary contacts from being disconnected, if CB is in service position. The power and control cables from and to the 11KV switch Boards are not included in the scope of supply of the supplier. Each pole of the circuit breaker shall be individually enclosed /encapsulated. 2.02 CLIMATIC CONDITIONS: All the Sub-Stations where these switch boards are to be installed are located in the level alluvial plains of the Punjab (Altitude not exceeding 1000 Metres) where climatic conditions are as under:a) Shade temperature varying from 0 Deg. C to 45 Deg. C b) Maximum outside temp. in the Sun 50 Deg.C c) Tropical monsoon rain conditions exist for about 3 months in year & maximum relative humidity may be of the order of 90 to 100% d) Heavy dust storms accompanied by lightning occur at frequent intervals. The sites are vermin infested. e) Heavily polluted atmosphere having acidic contents in the air causing normal sulphonation. 2.03 PARTICULARS OF THE SYSTEM: The switch boards are required for use on 11KV, 3 phase 4 wire, A.C. 50 Cycles solidly earthed system. Normally where the 11KV windings of the power transformers are star connected, the neutral shall be solidly grounded. The highest system voltage may be taken as 12 KV. 2.04 INSULATION LEVEL AND RATINGS: The switch boards covered by this spec. are required to be used on installation in which the apparatus is subjected to over voltages of atmospheric origin. The equipment offered should therefore be suitable for electrically exposed installation and should have following ratings for site conditions given in Clause-2.02:a) Standard Impulse withstand Voltage 75KV (Peak) b) One Min. Power Frequency withstand voltage 28KV (rms)
c) Short time current ratings
Not less than 25KA for 3 sec.(the current T/Fs should have short time current ratings of 25KA for 3 sec.)
2.05 STANDARDS: The circuit breakers/metal enclosed switch board shall comply with the requirements laid down in ISS:3427, IEC-62271-100/IEC-62271-200/ISS:13118, IEC:298 with latest amendments etc. All other equipments/devices shall also comply generally with the requirements of the latest editions of relevant Indian Standards. 2.06 TYPE AND RATING OF EQUIPMENT The breaker panels shall be totally enclosed, metal clad, dust and vermin proof suitable for floor mounting, provided with ONE SET OF 3 PHASE,1250 A,MAIN ELECTROLYTIC COPPER BUS BARS OF MINIMUM CROSS SECTIONAL AREA AS 1250 MM SQ. LAID IN HORIZONTAL FORMATION HAVING MAXIMUM CURRENT DENSITY OF 1Amp. PER MM SQ. FOR THE INCOMER BREAKER PANELS, Outgoing breaker panels & Station Transformer Control Panels. Two lengths of total 1250mm sq. of cross section bus with air gap will also be acceptable. Panels shall be complete with all necessary frame work for securing the panels to the floor and shall be designed as to be readily extensible to all switchgears and is required for indoor use. Similarly the dropouts for incomer shall be of 1250Amp. Current rating with min. size as 1250mm sq. of electrolytic copper bus bars. For outgoing panels, the drop outs shall be of 630 Amps. current rating with min. size as 630mm sq. electrolytic copper bus bars. The current rating of isolating male/female contacts for incomer shall be 2000A whereas current rating of isolating male/female contact for outgoing & Station T/F control panels shall be 800A. The main bus bar configuration is to be ensured as per appended sketch bearing no. HW/TS-320921 (Annexure-E) or proper matching with existing switchboards. The bus bar shall be of the AIR INSULATED type with adequate clearance as per IE rules and shall be mounted in the chambers in an approved manner. The bus bar should be provided with safety shutters to be actuated by the inserting/withdrawing of the breakers. The bus bar shall be additionally covered with Sleeves suitable for full system voltage. Unsleeved portion of the bus bars viz-jointing ends of the bus bars are to be silver plated of adequate thickness invariably to avoid oxidation and to be shrouded properly. All the three poles of circuit breakers and their associated main connections shall be of 1250 A for all incoming T/F panels & of 630A for outgoing panels. The operating mechanism shall be motor operated spring charged type. There shall be provision (s) for manual charging of closing spring and emergency hand trip. The motor used for the purpose will be suitable for 240 V AC. The operating mechanism shall work satisfactorily between 85-110% of rated supply voltage. Emergency hand trip device (Shaft & Bell crank type) should be at the operatable height (80 cm. minimum) and not at the bottom. Emergency hand trip device should be provided so that the opening of circuit breakers is manual as well as electrical through the relevant protective relays. 2.07 TEMPERATURE RISE: The reference maximum ambient air temperature may be taken as 45 Deg.C as against 40 Deg. C assumed in IEC-62271-100/ IEC-62271-200/ISS-13118. The permissible temperature rise for various equipment offered should therefore be reduced accordingly. 2.08 MAKING CAPACITY AND SHORT TIME RATING The manufacturer may offer circuit breakers having making capacities & short time ratings as per his standard design, however, conforming to IS.
2.09 PROTECTION Besides differential and REF Protection on the power T/Fs, the incoming T/F breaker panel shall have three numbers numerical over current IDMTL non directional relays (5A) horizontal drawout type of minimum setting range 20% to 200% in equal steps of 1%(or better setting). The relay should have all the standard inverse time characteristics/IEC curves and high set element with current setting 200-800% in steps of 1% with definite time relay setting range of 0 to 10 Sec. In addition one numerical IDMTL E/F relay of 5A rating with minimum setting range about 10-40% in equal steps of 1% (or better setting) is to be provided. The relay should have all the standard inverse time characteristics/IEC curves and high set element with current setting 100-400% in steps of 1% with definite time relay setting range of 0 to 10 Sec. The differential protection relays for the power T/Fs shall be mounted on the high voltage circuit breaker control panels and not on 11KV breaker panels. The REF relay (electromechanical/Static type) preferably electro-mechanical type for the LT side of the T/F shall be separately provided on the 11KV panel. Master tripping relay (electromagnetic type) shall also be provided. The outgoing feeder panels shall be provided with numerical over current protection on 2 phases `R' & `B' with min. setting 20-200% in equal steps of 1% (or better setting) and numerical earth fault protection (min. setting 10-40%) in equal steps of 1% (or better setting) IDMTL non directional 5 Amp. horizontal draw out type. The relay should have all the standard inverse time characteristics/curves and high set element with current setting 200-800% (for O/C) and 100-400% (for E/F) in steps of 1% with definite time relay setting range of 0 to 10 Sec. In addition one Numerical/electromechanical definite time E/F relay of 5A with minimum setting range about 2-16% (or better setting) is to be provided along with master tripping relay(electromagnetic type) All relays shall be draw out & flush mounted type. Numerical relays shall be communicative type. M/s Areva/ABB/Siemens/Ashida/Easun Reyrolle/Crompton Greaves/JVS make relays shall be provided. 2.10 FREQUENCY OF OPERATION The panels are mostly to be used for feeding heavily concentrated loads. As such they may be subjected to frequent trippings on overload and earth faults. 2.11 INSTRUMENTATION Each of 11KV incomer T/F panels shall be provided with a digital 3 phase 4 wire power factor meter, a digital voltmeter with selector switch, 3 phase 4 wire HT solid state trivector meter of approved make and test terminal block. Indicating instruments shall have square pattern dials/display board. All instruments should be calibrated type except HT solid state trivector meters which may have multiplying factors. A digital ammeter should be of reputed and approved make. It shall be capable of recording readings up to 50% over load. The outgoing control breaker panels shall be provided with a digital ammeter capable of recording readings upto 50% over load along with its selector switch and 3 phase 4 wire HT solid state trivector meter and TTB. All instruments should be of reliable quality of 1% or better accuracy on FSD and shall be flush mounted type except HT solid state trivector meter which will be Base Mounted wherever required. TVM shall have provision of RS-485 Port to enable remote metering and computation of data in the computer. Energy meter should be mounted at a convenient height so that same can be read by a normal height person. Fuses, terminal blocks & test terminal blocks for Metering purposes should also be located in the TVM chamber. Provision for sealable PT chamber in case of incomer breaker panels should be made. Besides this normal inter panel wiring for PT supply to outgoing panels from incomer is also to be provided. 2.12 INSTRUMENT TRANSFORMERS i) CURRENT TRANSFORMERS Each of the panel shall be provided with CTs having output, accuracy and saturation factor for the purpose for which these are required. Where REF protection is to be provided on the 11KV incoming panel, requisite CTs having suitable ratio, output & accuracy class should be provided. The accuracy class should be as per Current Transformer for item no. I,II & III of Annexure-A.
All CTs shall be 5 Amp. secondaries & have ratio as indicated in the schedule of requirement except those for differential and REF for which secondary current rating shall be 0.577 A/1A respectively. The CTs for the various above protections and metering should be capable of withstanding overload to the extent of 25%. NOTE: 11KV ring type CTs with bushing design will not be acceptable and only integral CTs having primary and secondary winding together in one epoxy resin cast moulding are to be provided. ii) POTENTIAL TRANSFORMERS a) A three phase drawout type of epoxy resin cast, voltage T/F of ratio 11000/√3/110/√3 volts having output of 30VA per phase and accuracy class 0.2 should be provided on the bus bars of the incoming T/F panels for giving supply to the voltmeter,3 phase 4 wire HT solid state tri-vector meter and power factor meter on the switch board. 2.13 AUXILIARY SUPPLY For indication during normal operation, heaters etc. single phase 230 V 50 cycles AC supply shall be made available through the station T/F. Supply for tripping, alarm indication during emergency shall be available at 220V/24V DC on 2 wire system from the station DC battery. The DC failure indication and alarm equipment should operate on 230V single phase AC supply. 2.14 INDICATION AND ALARMS: Besides the mechanical ``ON'' and ``OFF'' indicators (Embossed),2 nos. indicating lamp `Red' for `ON' and `Green' for `OFF' position shall be provided for circuit breaker position indication for each breaker. In addition to the above ``ON'' and ``OFF'' indication, `Healthy supply' indicating lamp coloured `White' along with test push button to test the condition of DC supply to trip coil of the breaker in both ``ON'' and ``OFF'' position shall be provided on every panel. An `Amber' coloured lamp shall also be provided on each panel for `Auto trip' indication. A `Blue' coloured lamp may also be provided on each panel for spring charge indication. Further an alarm, alarm cancellation relay and indicating lamp coloured `Clear' with inscription on the globe reading `DC failure' should also be provided on each switch Board/Incomer VCB panel for DC failure. In order to reduce DC Load, indicating lamp assemblies CT type may be provided wherever feasible. 2.15 AUXILIARY CONTACTS For the purpose of inter tripping, indications etc. a minimum of eight auxiliary contacts (4 N/O and 4N/C ) shall be provided. In addition to it eight auxiliary contacts (4 N/O and 4N/C) as spares shall also be provided. The contacts not used in the circuitary should also be wired up to the terminal blocks. All the terminals should be accessible from the front preferably. Its rating should be min. 600V, 25A suitable for 220V DC application & should be either of manufactures own make or of best quality and approved make. 2.16 WIRING AND CABLE SCHEDULE All wiring shall consist of FRLS PVC insulated cables confirming to requirement of ASTM standards suitably coloured, marked as per table II clause 2.2.4 of ISS 3731963 and as per BSS No. 158 with latest amendment. The manufacturer shall have to supply complete wiring diagram of all types of panels to complete the switch board for each Sub Station. The wiring in the panels be laid through troughs for neat and clean wiring. 230 V AC/220V DC terminals wherever prone to accidental touch need to be properly shrouded. The wiring in the panel shall be coloured duly ferruled at both ends with 1100 volts grade multi stranded single core copper PVC cable of min. 2.5mm sq. size for all purposes except PT & CT circuits where 4mm sq. is to be provided. For CTs & PTs disconnecting link type TBs are to be used. On ferruling, starting as well as finishing no. of each control cable wire must be mentioned at both ends. The control cables to be laid between the 11KV panels & other indoor equipment viz DC panels, LT AC control panels and outdoor CTs shall be 1100 V grade PVC insulated, unarmoured cables and shall be provided by the purchaser. A cable schedule
stating the sizes and no. of codes of each cable and the purpose for which required should be given by manufacturer. 2.17 INTERLOCKING 2.17.01 Efficient mechanical interlocking shall be provided to meet the following conditions: i) It shall be possible to withdraw the breaker only after circuit breaker has been opened. ii)It shall be possible to insert or withdraw the circuit breaker both when it is in fully home position as well as it is in the isolated/test position. iii) It shall not be possible to remove the circuit breaker until the movable plug unit having secondary connections has been withdrawn. iv) It shall not be possible to replace in position the moveable plug unit unless the circuit breaker has been racked in. v) Provision of shutters or lock off doors with locks shall be made to prevent access to bus bars chambers and receptacles when the circuit breaker is withdrawn. vi) Provisions shall be made for locking the circuit breaker closing mechanism in the open position. 2.18 SPANNERS AND TOOLS A complete set of spanners, tools and special tools which may be necessary for assembling and dismantling the equipment during erection and maintenance are to be supplied with each panel. 2.19 DESIGN MATERIALS & WORKMANSHIP: The manufacturer shall assume full responsibility for coordinated and adequate design. All material used in the construction of equipment shall be of the best quality obtainable of their respective kinds and whole of the work shall be of the highest class, well finished and of approved design and make. Corresponding similar components and part of the equipment shall be interchangeable in every respect. 2.20 TROPICAL TREATMENT AND PAINT All the corrodible parts and surfaces shall be of such material and shall be provided with such paint or other protective finish that no part of the installed equipment shall be injuriously affected by atmospheric moisture, sulphuric contents in air and heat. 2.21 COLOUR AND FINISH All panels should be of Light Grey colour shade 631-IS 5(1961 latest edition) with powder coating. All instruments should preferably be semi Matt Black colour. The inner painting in the panels shall be of white colour. 2.22 TESTS AND INSPECTION A TYPE TEST: The equipment shall comply with the requirements of following type tests as per latest edition of ISS/IEC: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h)
Impulse test report Short time rating test report Temperature rise test report Mechanical Endurance test report IP4X test report Basic short circuit test duties Internal Arc test at 25KA for 0.1 sec Capacitor Switching test report
B) ROUTINE TESTS: All routine tests shall be conducted as per relevant ISS & IEC. In addition to the routine tests, Temp. rise test and Part Mechanical Endurance test shall also be witnessed on one breaker panel having highest rating free of cost as part of routine test. The equipment shall comply with all routine tests as per relevant ISS & IEC. Quadruplicate copies of all the test certificates of each item should be submitted to the purchaser for approval. No material shall be allowed to despatch without prior inspection and approval of test certificates.
C) INSPECTION The purchaser reserves the right to get the equipment inspected during the course of its manufacture and also on the completion of its manufacturing. 2.23 GUARANTEED DATA AND OTHER PARTICULARS: Guaranteed & other technical particulars of the circuit breakers, bus bars, CTs, PTS & instruments etc. are given in the form as per Annexure-D `Schedule of Guaranteed Technical & General Particulars'. 2.24 PACKING AND TRANSPORT: All material shall be suitably packed for transport, direct to site and supplier shall be responsible for all damages/losses due to improper packing. All boxes shall be marked with signs indicating the up & down sides of the boxes along with the unpacking instructions, if considered necessary by the supplier. 2.25 PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE: All the equipment supplied against this Spec. shall be guaranteed against the defective material, inadequate design and bad workmanship for a period of atleast 12 months from the date of commissioning or 18 months from the date of despatch which ever is earlier. 2.26 SPARES The tenderer shall give item wise price of spares as per enclosed Annexure. The prices shall remain valid for a period of 3 years from date of opening of tender. The warranty of spares like meters, relay,VI etc. shall be as mentioned in the spec. The tenderer shall separately indicate present rate of ED & CST and F&I charges for spares. 2.27 DRAWINGS AND LITERATURE The tenderer should submit detailed dimensional drawings of equipment offered and of all bought out items along with illustrative and descriptive literature for each item for approval. 2.28 DELIVERY SCHEDULE Supplies shall be completed within ------------------------- from the date of approval of drawings. Drawings shall be submitted within 15 days from the date of placement of Purchase Order. However, the item wise priority for supply of various panels shall be intimated to successful tenderer at the time of placement of purchase order. The purchaser reserves the right to restrict the supplies as per actual requirement from time to time. 2.29 VACUUM INTERRUPTERS The vacuum interrupters of 12KV,min 25 KA,2000A should be capable of withstanding, min. 100 full short circuit operations as per test duty 1 to 5 of relevent IEC. Vacuum interrupters for incomers as well as outgoing panels shall be of same type. The vacuum interrupters capable of withstanding less than 100 full short circuits would not be considered and therefore should not be offered. Approved make & type of VIs to be used are as under: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
M/s Alstom Type V207 M/s CGL Type WL-33379/C/C1/M/M1/M3 M/s BEL Type VS-12014 M/s ABB Calor Emag Germany M/s Siemens Type VS-17005
Vacuum Interrupters of above make/model or the latest version if any be supplied, provided the same is type tested and of proven design. These VIs shall bear warranty for 5 years of free replacement from date of commissioning. Copy of type test certificates from approved Govt. test house indicating no. of operation in respect of VIs is to be enclosed with offer. Same Vacuum Interrupter which is used in type tested VCB shall be offered with the offered VCB. Vacuum Interrupter of any other make/model will not be accepted.
2.30 OPERATING MECHANISM As clearance between contacts when vacuum circuit breaker is in `OFF' condition, is very small, so it is quite essential that operating mechanism is such that all the three poles should open and close simultaneously. Subject to maximum time difference as per relevant IS/IEC. The operating mechanism shall be motor operated spring charged type. There shall be provision (s) for manual charging of closing spring and emergency hand trip. The motor used for the purpose will be suitable for 240 V AC. The operating mechanism shall work satisfactorily between 85-110% of rated supply voltage. 2.31 CABLE GLANDS PSTCL has standardized the use of 1100 Volts grade PVC Cables for various purposes as under:i. ii. iii. iv.
For CTs For PTs For 230 V AC For 220V DC
4C 4mm Sq. 4C 4mm Sq. 2C 2.5mm Sq. 2C 2.5mm Sq.
Cable glands are in the scope of manufacturer and may be provided accordingly. 2.32 POWER CABLE ENTRY FOR BREAKERS In all type of breaker panels, power cable entry provision for requisite no. of power cables as per schedule of requirement shall be from the bottom. 2.33 COMPARTMENTS All high voltage compartments such as bus bar, breakers and cable chambers shall be separated from each other by metallic portion in line with IEC. These compartments must have pressure release provision for the gases due to internal arc etc. Supplier shall submit test report certificate from Govt. test house in this regard. 2.34 TRAINING The firm shall provide training to PSTCL officers/officials at various locations as desired by PSTCL. 2.35 PROTECTION SCHEME FOR CAPACITOR CONTROL PANELS The Capacitor Control VCB panels shall have triple pole combined O/C & E/F IDMTL relay(numerical communicative type),having 2 no. O/C elements with setting range of 50-200% in seven equal steps of 25% & 1 no. E/F element with setting range of 10 to 40% in seven equal steps of 5% DMT 0-3 sec. at 10 times plug setting housed in horizontal drawout push pattern case, inverse time NDR relay (numerical communicative type),1-inverse time under voltage relay (numerical communicative type),1-inverse time over voltage relay (numer ical communicative type) and 1-Time Delay relay (static type) with fixed setting of 5 min. to ensure that capacitor bank is fully discharged to 50V once it is switched off before it can be switched on, will also be provided. Separate NDR, ‘O/C and E/F’ relays shall be provided. Separate relay for under voltage & over voltage shall also be provided. All relays shall be flush mounted type and shall have hand reset flag indicators where available. The relays shall be of ABB/Areva/Siemens/JVS or any other make approved by the Punjab State Transmission Corp. Ltd.
SECTION -III SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENTS The basic enclosure should be metal enclosed in construction, having distinct compartments i.e. circuit breaker compartments with front door, relay and instrument chamber, TVM Chamber, Bus Bar compartment etc. All doors and removable covers should be gasketted using high life neoprene or cross linked polyutherene gaskets. Each cubical should be vermin proof and dust protected. IP4X test certificate in this regard have to be furnished with the tender document. TVM shall have provision of RS-485 Port to enable remote metering and computation of data in the computer. Energy meter should be mounted at a convenient height so that same can be read by a normal height person. Panels shall be totally enclosed, floor mounted, indoor type, dust and vermin proof fully interlocked horizontal isolation pattern, air insulated, single 3 phase Bus, metal clad,11 KV 3 phase 3 wire 50 cycles , neutral earthed,475MVA,spring charged manually/trip free independent motorized, electrically/manually operated switch panel boards as per ISS-13118/IEC62271-100/62271-200/IEC-298 (with latest amendments). The panel shall be complete with CTs/PTs, Electrolytic Copper bus bars 1250 A/630A,necessary internal copper connectors matching with breaker rating, small wiring labels, mounting arrangements for cable, sealing, Power cable glands and multi core cable glands. fuses, earth bars, tropical, dust & vermin proof fitments, foundation bolts etc. and as detailed briefly hereunder:System: 11000 V 3 phase 50 cycles per second neutral earthed. Breaking capacity: 475 MVA at 11KV, 3 phase. Control: Trip free independent, spring charged manually/motorized, electrically & manually operated control. Situation General Finish
: Indoor : Tropical & Vermin Proof. : Flush at the front as specified.
Auxiliary Supply: i) For tripping, alarm and healthy trip indication 220V/24V DC. ii) 230V AC for ON/OFF indication lamps, cubicle illumination lamp and heaters etc. Rating of indicating lamps
: 250 V AC, if filament type lamps used and the same should be with resistors or neon/LED type lamps may be used. CT type indicating lamps assembly may be used wherever feasible to reduce power loss.
Painting & : Light grey colour, shade 631 of IS-5 Colour with powder coating for Panels And preferably semi Matt black for instruments and relays. Ferrule/ : Black letters on white background, label The label should be of permanent nature marking type wherever provided instead of paint and paper sticker type. Phase : Red, Yellow, Blue phase colour for AC and coloured wiring for DC supply wiring Description : A general description of different Requirement types of panels included in the specn. is given below in brief:
11KV, 475MVA,I/C VCB with CT primary ratio 1200-600A, 900-450A or 1800-900A as per item-I of Annexure `A'.
11KV, 475MVA O/G VCB with CT primary Ratio 400-200A or 200-100A as per item-II of Annexure `A' with provision for accommodating 11KV PT in future.
EXTENSIBLE TYPE INCOMING PANEL (1200-600A, 900-450A or 1800-900A) Split up of quantity for 1200-600A, 900-450A or 1800-900A(220V or 24V DC) incomers shall be intimated at the time of placement of order/approval of drawings. i)
STATIONARY PORTION: Stationary portion will consist of sheet steel cubicles of min. 2.0mm thickness CRCA sheet complete with three phases,1250A (min. cross-sec. 1250mm sq.) electrolytic copper bus bar , six single pole 1250 A Isolating sockets , automatic safety shutter gear including padlocking arrangement and mounting arrangement for terminating 9 Nos. XLPE power cables of size 1C 300mm Sq. having aluminium conductor. To avert heating problem in the long run it is imperative on the part of successful bidders to provide 2000A current rating male contacts in the Incomer breaker panels. ii)
MOVEABLE PORTION: Moveable portion complete with 11KV, 1250 A minimum 25KA/3 sec. triple pole vacuum circuit breaker having 3 interrupters and fitted with 6 isolating plugs , trip free, independent manually as well as motorized operated spring charged closing mechanism, DC closing coil and shunt trip coil, min. 8 Nos. auxiliary contacts ( 4NO+4NC) along with spare 8 Nos. Auxiliary contacts (4NO + 4NC) ,a emergency hand trip device and mechanical `ON & `OFF' push buttons/indicators. The circuit breaker shall be mounted on the carriage fitted with self contained Inserting & Withdrawing gear and plug box of unbreakable material with flexible portions. To avert heating problem in the -long run, it is imperative on the part of successful bidders to provide 2000A current rating female contacts in the incomer breaker panels. iii)
CURRENT TRANSFORMERS: -------------------All CTs shall have 25% continuous over load capacity. Ratio changeover of CTs should be from secondary side only. Three double ratio, double core, bar type , epoxy resin cast current T/Fs of ratio 1200-600/.577/1A,900-450/.577/1A or 1800-900A for differential & REF protection of power transformer with characteristics: Core-1
VA-10, Class PS, VK>40(1+ RCT)I (for differential Protection VK > 266V at RCT < 5.63 Ohms ) Imag < 30 mA VA=10,5P, ALF =15 ( For REF Protection )
Three Double ratio, double core, bar type, epoxy resin cast current T/Fs of ratio 1200-600/5/5A, 900-450/5/5A or 1800-900A for over current & E/F Protection and indicating instruments and metering having characteristics. Core-1 VA=10, Class 5P, ALF=10 (for back up protection) Core-II VA=10, Class 0.2S, ISF less than 5 at lower tap (for metering) NOTE: Metering core is required to be provided on all the phases. Spare core of CT wherever exists is to be short circuited. ii)
INSTRUMENTS PANEL WITH HINGED FRONT DOOR AND SEPARATE SEALABLE METERING CHAMBER It should be fitted with following instruments and accessories : a) 1-96 mm Sq. dial ammeter with ;in built discreet selector switch should be of digital type having three & half digits and of MECO/AE/JVS/reputed make. It shall be capable of recording readings upto 50% over load. Accuracy should be +/- 0.5% of indicated value three & half digits. b) 1-96mm sq. dial digital Voltmeter MECO/AE/JVS/ reputed make with in built selector switch with range 0-15KV having accuracy class +/- 0.5% of indicated value three & half digits.
c) 1-96mm sq. dial 3 phase 4 wire unbalance load digital power factor meter MECO/AE/JVS/ reputed make scale 0.1 lagging +/- 0.1 leading [accuracy class} with three & half digits] Note: The digital ammeter, voltmeter and Power factor meter shall have three & half digits of 0.8" size with red colour display. d) 1-HT solid state trivector meter 3 phase 4 wire suitable for 3 phase unbalanced load with accuracy class 0.2 or better of L&T/Secure make shall only be acceptable. TVM shall have provision of RS-485 Port to enable remote metering and computation of data in the computer. Energy meter should be mounted at a convenient height so that same can be read by a normal height person. The technical parameters of the 3 phase 4 wire solid state trivector meter are annexed at annexure `D'. PSTCL reserves its right to inspect these meters at the manufacturers premises. PSTCL further reserve its right to ask for any make of TVM of its own choice. e) 1-Set of testing links and terminals for trivector meter. f) 2-Indicating lamps one `Red' for circuit breaker `ON' and other ` Green' for circuit breaker `OFF' position indications. g) 1-indicating lamp `White' for healthy trip circuit supervision breaker in both pre-close and after close position through a push button only. h) 1-indicating lamp ’Amber' for fault indication and 1-indicating lamp `Blue' for spring charged indication. i) Triple pole Numerical non-directional IDMTL over current (drawout type) relay with minimum setting range of 20-200% of 5A for back up protection. The relay should have all the standard inverse time characteristics/IEC curves and high set element with current setting 200-800% in steps of 1% with definite time relay setting range of 0 to 10 Sec. j) One IDMTL (numerical type) earth fault relay minimum setting range about 10-40% of 5A (or better setting). The relay should have all the standard inverse time characteristics/IEC curves and high set element with current setting 100-400% in steps of 1% with definite time relay setting range of 0 to 10 Sec. k) 1-Restricted earth fault relay for 11KV winding of power T/F with minimum setting range of 10-40% of 1A(or better setting) electromechanical/static type, preferably electromechanical type. M/s Areva/ABB/Siemens/Ashida/Easun Reyrolle/ CGL/JVS relays shall be offered with the panels. l) 1-High speed tripping relay type VAJH-23 or equivalent. (electromagnetic type) m) Cable gland plate fitted with glands including spare ones. n) 1- Tubular gland plates fitted with glands including spare ones. 1-Tubular heaters with switch and thermostat. 1-15A plug and socket along with one illumination lamp. o) 1-set of small wiring with cable troughs & crimping lugs, labels/ferrules, terminal block stud type with Perspex covering [ sliding type wherever required] and sundries. p) 1-No. lockable control switch with spring return to normal position KAYCEE/Recom make heavy duty of min. 660V of 16A rating with pistol grip handle. q) Terminal Block stud type [ spare ] having provision of 20 Nos. connections. r) Power cable glands of double compression type. s)Incomers shall additionally be provided with requisite arrangement ,auxiliary relays etc. for interlocking with bus coupler breaker panels. v) POTENTIAL T/Fs. 1 No. 3 phase voltage T/F of ratio 11000/√3 /110/√3 volts should be provided on the bus bar of this panel for giving supply to voltmeter , P.F.meter ,H.T. Solid State Trivector meter on the incoming feeder panels. The PT shall be epoxy resin cast type complete with isolating contact, safety shutters etc. having VA = 30 per phase and accuracy class =0.2 vi) COMMON ITEMS TO BE PROVIDED ON THE INCOMING PANELS FOR ALARM ON VCB TRIP AND DC FAILURE. a) 1-Alarm initiation relay type VAA-21 or equivalent. b) 2-Push buttons for alarm accept & alarm re-set. c) 1-Alarm Bell . d) Buzzer and auxiliary relay [type VAA-21 or equivalent] for DC failure indication.
e) DC failure indicating lamp coloured `Clear' with suitable legend on globe. f) 2-Push buttons for DC fail test and alarm accept. vii) ISOLATING CONTACTS Male & female isolating contacts of incomer breaker panels shall be of 2000A rating. The thermal rating of the contacts shall be authenticated by the bidder. viii) MAIN BUS BARS/DROPOUTS Main bus bars/dropouts shall be of electrolytic copper of min. cross-sectional area 1250 mm sq. having maximum current density of 1 Amp. per mm sq. in case of all incoming panels. ITEM-II EXTENSIBLE TYPE OUTGOING PANELS (400-200A, 200-100A) i) Stationary portion: Same as per incoming panels item-I above ii) Moveable portion: Except with 630 A outgoing vacuum circuit breaker, mounting arrangement for termination of one XLPE power cable size of 1 No., 3C X 300mm Sq. with aluminum conductor[without epoxy sealing kit]. iii) CURRENT TRANSFORMERS Three Double ratio, Double Core wound primary epoxy resin cast current T/Fs of ratio 400-200/5/5A as the case may be for over current and earth fault protection and indicating instruments and metering having characteristics Core-I VA=10, class 5 P. ALF-10. [ for O/C & E/F Protection ] Core-II VA=10, Class 0.2S, ISF < 5 at lower tap [ for metering ] NOTE: Metering core is required to be provided on all the phases. Ratio changeover should be from secondary side of the CTs only. iv)
INSTRUMENTS PANEL WITH HINGED FRONT DOOR AND SEPARATE SEALABLE METERING CHAMBER This panel should be fitted with following instruments and accessories: a) 1-96 ammeter with built in selector switch should be of digital type and of MECO/AE/JVS/reputed and approved make. It shall be capable of recording readings upto 50% over load. Accuracy should be +/- 0.5% of three & half indicated value +/three & half digits. The meter shall have three & half digits of 0.8" size with red colour display. b) 2-indicating lamps, one `RED' for breaker `ON' and one `GREEN' for breaker `OFF' position. 1-Indication lamp `WHITE' coloured for healthy trip indication with a push button for the breaker pre close and after close position. 1-Indication lamp `AMBER' coloured for fault indication with provision for common alarm provided on incomer panel and one indicating lamp `BLUE' for spring charge indication. c) 1-triple pole Numerical IDMTL non directional over current and earth fault relay having two over current elements with minimum setting range 20-200% (or better setting)in equal steps of 1% & one Numerical E/F element minimum 10-40% of 5A (or better setting) in equal steps of 1%,housed in horizontal drawout flush case only (numerical type) The relay should have all the standard inverse time characteristics/IEC curves and high set element with current setting 200-800% (for O/C) & 100-400%(for E/F) in steps of 1% with definite time relay setting range of 0 to 10 Sec.& in addition one numerical/electromechanical definite time E/F Relay (drawout type)with minimum setting about 2 - 16 % of 5A (or better setting) is to be provided in series with E/F Element of IDMTL non-directional O/C & E/F relay. M/s Areva/ABB/Siemens/Ashida/Easun Reyrolle/CGL/JVS relays shall be offered with the panels. f) 1-High tripping relay[type VAJH-23 or eq.}electromagnetic type) g) 1-3 phase 4 wire HT solid state trivector meter suitable for unbalanced load with accuracy clause 0.2 or better of L&T/Secure make with technical particulars as per Annex. `D', PSTCL reserves the right to ask for TVM of its own choice. TVM shall have provision of RS-485 Port to enable remote metering and computation of data in the computer. Energy meter should be mounted at a convenient height so that same can be read by a normal height person. h) 1-set of testing links and terminals for TVM.
i) 1- tubular heater with a switch and thermostat. 1- 15 Amp. plug and socket and one illuminating lamp. j) 1-set of small wiring with cable troughs & crimping lugs. 1-labels, terminal blocks, stud type[sliding link type wherever required] & sundries to complete the job. k) 1- No. lockable control switch with spring return to normal position (KAYCEE/Recom Make), heavy duty of min.660V, 16 A rating with pistol grip handle. l) Terminal block stud type [spare] having provision of 20 Nos. connections. m) Provision shall be made in the panels so as to facilitate fitting of 11KV PT at future date besides sealing provisions for TVM chamber & CT Chamber to avoid tampering enroute. v) ISOLATING CONTACTS Male & female isolating contacts of outgoing panels shall be of 800A rating to avoid heating problem in the long run. The thermal rating of the contacts shall be authenticated by the bidder. vi) MAIN BUS BARS/DROPOUTS In respect of all outgoing panels, main bus bars shall be of electrolytic copper of min. cross-sectional area 1250 mm sq. having min. current density of 1 Amp. per mm sq. Similarly the drop outs shall be of electrolytic copper of min. cross sectional area of 630mm sq. having maximum current density of 1 Amp.per mm sq. COMMON NOTES 1. Each panel mentioned at Item I and II above shall be provided with set of miscellaneous accessories including special tools , earth bars and other accessories as may be required for maintenance and operation of each type of breaker. 2. The panels at item I and II shall be complete with bus bars, foundation holding down bolts and all other accessories required for its independent usage. 3. The DC trip voltage of the panels mentioned in Item-I and II shall be220V DC/24V DC. The split up will be intimated at the time of placement of order/approval of drawings. 4. The various 11KV CTs to be supplied for differential protection under item no.I shall also conform to class `PS' of IS-2705{Part-IV}. 5. The 1200-600/.577/1A CTs & 1200-600 /5/5A CTs required for item no. I should be interchangeable with 900-450/.577/1A,900-450/5/5A CTs or 1800-900/0.577/1A & 1800- 900/5-5A respectively. The dimensions/fixing arrangement should be such that these can be interchanged at site without any difficulty. 6. The space in the CT chamber should be sufficient for fixing 11KV CTs of different reputed makes available. 7. All the CTs shall have 25% continuous overload current rating. Ring type CTs for various cores will not be acceptable. 8. Definite time sensitive E/F Relay type is to be connected in series with E/F element of O/C & E/F relay in O/G Breaker Panels. 9. Auxiliary wiring should be laid in troughs ,each wire should be provided with suitable crimping lugs. Terminal blocks of the stud type with prespex covering should be provided. All spare terminals of relays, auxiliary switch etc. should be wired upto TBs. 10. In case of horizontal drawout breakers, the wipe of moveable female contacts with fixed male contacts should be through guided motion with pinion & gear arrangement to avoid un-necessary manual jerk pressure while racking in the VCB trolley. 11. In order to achieve proper sealing arrangement for metering it is imperative on the part of successful bidders to offer 11KV Breakers in compartmentalized design so that CT, PT chamber and metering chamber etc. can be sealed independently & the possibility of tampering is ruled out. 12. Warranty for Vacuum Bottles, TVMs & Protection relays shall be five years from the date of commissioning. 13. M/s Areva/ABB/Siemens/Ashida/Easun Reyrolle/CGL/JVS relays shall be offered with the panels. 14. Detailed drawings of 11KV VCB Panels, CTs, PTs, Meters, Relays, VIs & all other bought out items used in the panels must be submitted along with complete technical details.
15. It shall be possible to take out moveable portion of VCB without any problem and without any additional accessory. However if such an accessory is required, it will be responsibility of the supplier to provide requisite arrangement with each panel. 16. ALL THE TENDERERS MUST QUOTE COMPETITIVE RATES OF SPARES OF EACH & EVERY ITEM AS PER ANNEXURE-`E'. The prices so given shall remain valid for 3 years from date of tender opening. The warranty of spares like meters, relays, VI etc. shall be as mentioned in the spec. 17. All numerical relays shall be SCADA compatible communicative type. 18. Tenderer shall clearly indicate the burden of each relay in the tender. 19. Relays should have on line testing facility. 20. Separate electromechanical/Static type preferably electromechanical type REF relay shall be provided on each incomer VCB panel. 21. The 400-200/5/5A CTs mentioned under item No. II should be interchangeable with 200-100/5/5A CTs.Their dimensions fixing arrangements should be such that these can be interchanged at site without any difficulty. 22. Relays should have electrical re-set capability on remote. 23. For all bought out items like CT’s, PT’s, VI’s, TVM, relays, meters etc., the type test reports/test results conducted by the original supplies must be furnished.
ANNEXURE `B' SCHEDULE OF GUARANTEED TECHNICAL PARTICULARS FOR 11KV VCB PANELS TO BE SUPPLIED BY THE MANUFACTURER: 1. PARTICULARS OF MANUFACTURE: a. Name of manufacturer : b. Manufacturer`s type & : description for equipment c. Whether the equipment is : indigenous or imported. d. In case the equipment is being : manufactured with collaboration the name of collaborator & Country. e. Experience of manufacturer in this field. : 2. RATING OF BREAKERS : a) (i) Normal : ii) Derated current rating under specified site conditions(Amp.) b) Breaking Capacity: : i) Symmetrical (KA) : ii) Assymetrical (KA) : c) Making capacity (Peak KA) : d) Short time current ratings i) 1 Second (KA) : ii) 3 Seconds (KA). e) Contact resistance(R,Y,B phase) :
3. WHETHER THESE BREAKERS ARE TYPE TESTED ,IF YES, INDICATE CERTIFICATE/ REPORT NUMBER AND ATTACH PHOTO COPY THEREOF. i) Short circuit test. ii) High voltage test. iii) Temperature rise test. iv) Mechanical endurance test v) IP5X test. vi) Internal ARC test.
: : : : :
4. INSULATION VALUES; a) 1 Min. high voltage withstand test(KV): b) Impulse withstand voltage (KA Peak) : 5. a)
c) d) e)
PARTICULARS OF EQUIPMENT: Clearance within the equipment. i) Phase to Phase.(Insulated parts mm) ii) Phase to Earth. Minimum working distance required for withdrawal of circuit breaker and to do its maintenance at front. Min. working clearance required at the back of the equipment. Weight of moveable unit complete with mechanism (Kg.) Weight of complete unit(kg)
6. a) b)
Name of manufacturer Manufacturer`s type ,max. voltage, normal amps. and rupturing capacity of vacuum interruptors to be used in various types of VCB panels. Whether the VIs used in incoming, and outgoing panels are same or different ? Rated impulse withstand voltage (KV) No. of breaks in circuit/phase i.e. contact stroke. Total length of break per phase i.e. contact stroke. Type of main contacts and /or control devices. Degree of vacuum inside the vacuum interruptors. Opening time. Break time. Closing time. Arc duration. Contact erosion limit (mm) Short time rating of VIs. No. of full short circuit operations as per test duty 1 to 5 of IEC-56 with amendments which the Vis offered can safely withstand (attach type test report). Mechanical life (Operations).
d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) m) n) o)
b) c) d) e) f)
g) h)
i) j)
Method of closing. i) Whether hand or power ? : ii) Whether the circuit breaker is : designed to close and latch on making or is fitted with making current release ? iii) Whether circuit breaker is fixed : trip or trip free ? Normal operating voltage of closing : mechanism. Power at normal voltage required : to close circuit breaker. Normal voltage required for shunt Power at normal voltage required for shunt trip coil. Make of auxiliary switch and NO & NC contacts available. No of N/O & N/C contacts available as spares. Whether the breakers are of : fixed type OR withdrawable type ? In case withdrawable, whether : horizontal isolation OR Vertical Isolation ? Rating of spring charging motor : alongwith complete assembly Whether the CB operating : mechanism is imported OR indegenious ?
8. a)
b) c) d)
9. a) b) c)
Whether the breaker is suitable for 100 no.short circuit operations?
PARTICULARS OF ELECTROLYTIC COPPER BUS BAR; Cross sectional Main Dropouts area ( (Width X Thickness) (Width X Thickness) i) I/C ii) O/G Material : Normal current under : specified site conditions(Amps.) Rating of ISOLATING CONTACTS in Amps. i) I/C ii) O/G PARTICULARS OF INSTRUMENTS AND METERS: Type of equipment ( whether flush mounted or base mounted ?) Guaranteed %age errors at different loads. Make of these instruments: i) Digital Ammeters ii) Digital Voltmeters iii) HT Solid State TVMs iv) Digital Power Factor meters. Whether these instruments provided are of totally uniform scale OR not ? i) Voltmeter. ii) Power factor meter. CURRENT TRANSFORMERS
a) b) c) d) e
Make of CTs Rated Primary current Rated Secondary Current Rated Transformer Ratio. Output at rated current & accuracy class. f) Saturation factor. g) Type of Construction & Type of Insulation. h) Knee point e.m.f. i) Exciting current at knee point e.m.f. j) Resistance of secondary winding corrected to 75 Deg.C k) Short time rating of CT l) Magnetisation curve(to be submitted alongwith tender). NOTE: The VA burden , saturation factor and accuracy Class of CTs must be as per PSTCL specification 11.
a) b)
Make of PTs. Rated primary voltage per phase. Rated secondary voltage per phase.
d) e) f)
i) j)
No. of phases . Rated transformation ratio. Rated output at rated primary voltage. Accuracy Class. Is H.V. neutral earthed or insulated. Type of construction. Whether epoxy insulated ?
a) b) c) i) ii) d) e) f)
Make Type Current rating Voltage rating Current setting range Time setting range No. of auxiliary contacts available.
13. a) b) c) d)
TNC BREAKER CONTROL SWITCH Make Voltage/Current rating Type of Breaker control switch NO & NC Contacts available.
g) h)
14. a) If front door is provided in the 11KV VCB panels b) If emergency hand trip device is at the operatable height, indicate the distance from ground. c) If the panels are of light grey shade 631-IS5 with powder coating. d) If the energy meter is mounted at a convenient height, indicate the height. e) If the bus bar heights are matched as per sketch No.HW/TS-32092(Annexure-G of specification).Or adopter chamber is to be used. 15. ANY OTHER PARTICULAR
IEC-687 & IS-14697 Environmental testing as per IS-9000. CBIP Technical Report -88 (Revised June 2000 and /or latest amendment). PSPCL Specn. MQ-25 PO/M of CE/Metering
2) TRIVECTOR METER SHOULD BE OF L&T/Secure MAKE only. TVM shall have provision of RS-485 Port to enable remote metering and computation of data in the computer. Energy meter should be mounted at a convenient height so that same can be read by a normal height person. PSTCL reserves the right to choose any other type of TVM at the time of placement of order. 3) a) The meter should be of accuracy class 0.2 (or better) b) PF range should be 0 to 1 ( lag/lead) c) The meter should have operative range from (-) 2.5 Deg.C to+55 Deg.C and at humidity 95% Non condensing. Manufacturer shall ensure that temp. does not rise above 55 Deg. C in any case in TVM Chamber. 4) VOLTAGE AND CURRENT RATING OF THE METERS SHALL BE: a) 110V Phase to phase and 110/√3V Ph-N, 5A.The meter should be 3 phase 4 wire. b) Meter shall display direct reading without multiplying factor at higher tap of the CT of the panel on which these are to be installed. Panel manufactures shall co-ordinate with meter suppliers accordingly. 5) i) The meter should operate satisfactorily for supply Voltage variations. + 10% to 35% ii) Frequency variations HZ 50 +/- 5%. 6) a) Quantities to be measured/monitored(Cyclic display shall be (refer 4.6 of CBIP Report). KWH/MWH KVARH KVAH/MVAH KW/MW KVAR/MVAR P.F. LAG/LEAD KVA/MVA Frequency Rising demand with elapsed time. Comulative Demand M.D.Reset count. b) The meter should have scroll lock facility to display anyone parameters of Sr.No.6(a) continuously. 7) a) The meter should have automatic scrolling LED/ Electronic display of 6 digits. Scrolling time for each parameter shall be 15 Secs. b) The meter should have (non volatile memory NVM) and should retain data upto 10 years, even if supply fails. 8) COMMUNICATION CAPABILITY : The meter shall have galvanically isolated optical communication port as per IEC1107 with amendments protocol and can be easily connected to CMRI/MODEM/laptop for data transfer .here should be no pass word for data retrieval.
9) a) Max. demand Registration should be for any consecutive 30 minutes i.e. MAXIMUM demand shall correspond to any consecutive 30 minutes block interval. b) MD reset should be through sealable push button only. c) Meter shall display the max. demand reset count. 10) LOAD SURVEY CAPABILITIES : a) The meter should have load survey capabilities for 1/2 hour demand for at least last 70 days. b) Off loading data should be through DCD to PC in numeric/graphic form. c) Meter shall also store power ON time and power OFF time during load survey. d) MW,KWH,KVA,KVAH shall be recorded in load survey print outs. 11) Meter should measure total energy i.e. fundamental +
12) SELF DIAGNOSTIC FEATURES : Meter should have self diagnostic features which Check continuously for satisfactory performance and raise an alarm in case of mal functioning. 13) T.O.D. TARRIF : There shall be six different zones for storing TOD Consumption. The six different zones shall be as under:Zone No. Timing 1. 00.00-06.00 2. 06.00-18.00 3. 18.00-19.00 4. 19.00-21.00 5. 21.00-22.00 6. 22.00-24.00 It shall not be possible to change time period for TOD recording through DCD for any other device. TOD parameters should be available through DCD only. 14) CONSTRUCTION OF METER: a) The meter shall be made of high grade poly carbonate. b) The meter should be type tested for vibration and shock tests as per IEC-687 with amendments for which type test should be submitted. c) The meter should be Immune to external magnetic / Electric fields as per IEC-687 with amendments. d) There should be B-linking LED analogous to rotation of disc in electromagnetic meters. e) The meter should have handle to carry meter. f) The meter should withstand penetration of dust and water test as per IP-51 of IEC687 with amendments. g) T.T.B. should be provided. 15). SEALING OF METER: The meter should have the following minimum sealing facilities : i) Body =2 seals ii) Terminal Block =1 seal iii) MD reset device =1 seal iv) Optical Port =1 seal v) T.T.B. =1 seal 16) ACCURACY The meter shall be tested for accuracy as per CBIP report /IEC-687 with amendments. 17) TAMPER AND FRAUD DETECTION : a) The meter should be able to detect phase sequence reversal and continue to record correctly. The 3phase 4 wire meter should detect CT polarity reversal and ideal shorting phase wise.
b) Missing of neutral in a 3 phase 4 wire, the meter should record only the duration along with date and time assuming it to be total power loss however all other conditions of PT missing should be recorded correctly with date and time. c) Tamper information /reading cannot be changed with DCD or PC. d) Flashing LED for checking accuracy should be provided. e) The meter should record missing PT total power loss, CT short, CT reversal, cover opening, programmations of meter and MD reset and date and time stamp should be put on the tamperings for each of the tampers. 18) It should not be possible to change calibration at site. 19) Manuals of meters / soft ware should be supplied with each meter. 20) Name plate marking should be as per Purchase Order. 21) a) Inspection/Testing of meters should be as per CBIP report-88/IEC-687 with amendments. b) Type test report (not older than last 2 years) of offered meters only shall be submitted. 22) Warranty of meters should be of 5 years from the date of supply. 23) The testing facilities should be available with supplier. 24) MISC: Apparent energy should be equated to active energy considering reactive energy as Zero, In case of leading power factor. 25) EXTRA FEATURES : The meters should be able to measure import and export of energy in separate registers. NOTE: 1. PSTCL reserves the right to incorporate any other important parameter in respect of TVMs which shall be indicated at the time of issue of P.O. / approval of bill of materials of successful bidders. 2. One meter selected from the lot shall be inspected at the works of Meter manufacturer to witness/carryout all the routine tests as per relevant IS. SCHEDULE OF GUARANTEED TECHNICAL PARTICULARS FOR HT TRIVECTOR METER HAVING ACCURACY CLASS 0.2. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. a) b) 14. 15. 16. 17.
Maker's name and country. Standard to which the meter conform. Type of meter. Class of accuracy. Basic Current (A). Maximum continuous current (A). Standard reference voltage (V) Standard reference frequency(HZ) Power loss in each current circuit at basic current. Power loss in each voltage circuit at reference voltage and frequency. Parameters measured(provide list ) P.F. range. Overload capacity. Variation of voltages & frequency at which the meter functions satisfactorily. Minimum starting current (A). Dynamic range. Display of number of MD resets. No. of digits displayed.
18. 19. a) b) 20. a) b) 21. 22. 23.
24. 25.
26. 27. 28. 29. 30.
Parameters read out by OMRI (Provide List). Non volatile memory retention time in absence of power. Memory capacity in data storage(KB) Details of rating: Voltage Secondary Current Secondary. Integration period for MD(minutes ) Principal of operation ( Provide details ) Maximum error ( accuracy )due to variations in : a) Voltage 10% to -35% b) Frequency 50 +/- 5% c) Temperature -2.5Deg.C to + 55 Deg.C d) Basic Current ( 1% to 120% ) e) P.F. ( Zero lagging , unity, Zero leading) Temper and fraud proof provisions incorporated. Sealing arrangements provided on a) Meter body b) Meter Terminal cover. c) M.D. reset push button. d) Communication port. Facilities included in tariff and load survey meters such as measurements recording of load Voltage,current,power etc.(Provide list) No. of TOD registers. Degree of protection against dust, moisture and vermins. Whether meter carries any certification mark ? Details of battery provided for real time clock. a) Guaranteed life of battery. b) Low Battery indication. c) Any other. Any other important parameter not covered above.
NOTE: The above information as mentioned from Sr. No. 1 to 31 ( of Annexure `D') must be furnished along with the tender.
ANNEXURE-D SCHEDULE OF COMMERCIAL/TECHNICAL DEVIATIONS All deviations from Commercial/Technical Clauses separately shall be clearly brought out by the tenderer as per the format given hereunder:The details shall be exhaustive in all respects. Sr.No.
Clause No.
Page No. of Tender spec.
Deviations/ Exceptions from the tender spec.
Certificate that the above listed deviations and exceptions are exhaustive and the contract shall be executed as per the tender specification, excepting for the above deviations and exceptions in the event of placing an order on us. Date : Place :
For M/s Signature (By its constituted attorney). Seal.