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supported to rise again. That makes a ... YOU ARE ALL MENTORS AND GUARDIANS TO US. WITHOUT ALL OF YOU ... Nov 16.pdf. No

‘Enrichment activities make academic

activities more meaningful. It’s seamless and children enjoy creating their own activities based on the enrichment concepts. Enrichment activities give ample opportunity to create a world of their own and achieve understanding of situations, concepts, ideas and how things are connected. Leadership emerges under a confident and conducive atmosphere. Ownership and freedom to experiment, plan, organize and execute are all the ingredients of a culture of accepting challenges and creating new designs always.

November - 2016-17 Enrichment Month

Success and failure are part of the system; two sides of a coin. Grit in trying to achieve and grace in accepting ones position and appreciating the finer points of a winner are part of one’s growth. Thus children are encouraged to try, fall and supported to rise again. That makes a champion mind. Enrichment, Acceleration and Exploration are integral components of our CIPE Model. We are a global leader due to our attention to every aspect of a child’s growth. Enrichment is one important aspect and the transformation will continue. Jai Gurudev. Poster –Aryan Batra, Grade VI.


From the Chairman’s desk

Find inside: Celebrations Kannada Rajyothsava. Children’s Day Creative Corner Facts Educational Trip-MM Achievements



Kannada Rajyostava Kannada Rajyostava is a festival celebrated all across Karnataka, on the 1st of November. It was on this day 60 years ago that Karnataka was formed. Today to celebrate this important day, the second and forth graders put up a very informative and entertaining programme during assembly. The celebration started off with the second graders singing the song ‘Hachhevu Kanada da deepa’. Following this musical performance was a play on Kannada Rajyostava put up by the fourth graders.

The play gave us an insight into how Karnataka was formed and how Kannada Rajyostava is celebrated. The highlight of the play was a group of girls singing the state anthem “Jaya Bharat jananiya tanu jaathe”. The celebration ended with a graceful folk dance by the forth graders. - Esha Mehta, Grade—VIII. Grade VIII. 2


Children's day was a day filled with fun and joy. We started this special day with a special assembly by the teachers and not the students. First was the news and "you know what?" the chicken came first and not the egg. We got our daily weather report from Adrian Sir, but this time, he made sure we knew how hot it was, by showing us humorously that it was not the time to wear coats or PANTS. We heard some really splendid songs from our teachers. The aura through this was really happy and the whole school was smiling. Everyone was in fits of laughter and applause by the time our SaPa (music) teacher finished singing different versions of "twinkle, twinkle little stars."We got splendid dances from our FM(1-4 grade) and XM(5-12 grade) teachers on all the latest Hindi songs. We were enlightened by our Masters of Ceremony Nandita Mam and Nalini Mam, who did an outstanding job and kept us enthralled throughout the show. We got to hear some spectacular words from our chairman Dr.M.Srinivasan. To sum up the show in three words I would like to say "It was phenomenal" and we thoroughly enjoyed it and are so grateful to have such talented and amazing teachers. YOU GO TEACHERS ALL AROUND THE WORLD.YOU ARE ALL MORE THAN JUST TEACHERS. YOU ARE ALL MENTORS AND GUARDIANS TO US. WITHOUT ALL OF YOU THE WORLD WOULD NOT BE WHERE IT IS RIGHT NOW. SO I THANK ALL OF YOU FROM EVERY STUDENT OUT HERE TO EVERY TEACHER OUT THERE.

- Nartana Rahuldev Nambiar, Grade - VII.



“LORD ULLIN’S DAUGHTER” BALLAD “Now, who be ye to cross Lochgyle, this dark and stormy weather? O, I’m the chief of Ulva’s Isle, and this Lord Ullin’s daughter” ‘ Lord Ullin’s Daughter’, a

beautifully performed ballad by the students of 9K, is a romantic poem about a story of two unfortunate lovers that ends in a tragedy. Personally, by reciting the poem in this fashion, I received a very different experience. Having two groups of students singing to the rhythm while a few were acting it out in front, was an exciting new experience for all of us. Also, the poem is written in such a way that it exhibits a wide variety of emotions, hence making it all the more interesting. It was very fulfilling for me to hear my little sister, aged 7, recount the story in the minutest detail as it helped me appreciate that the message of the poem had touched the audience. We also learnt and sharpened a lot of skills in the process, such as coordination and teamwork. I would like to thank our teacher, Mr. Adrian Cavinder, on behalf of ourgrade, for giving us this wonderful opportunity and experience. - Archita Sriram, Grade– IX.




Life is like a roller coaster, it has it’s ups and downs. But no mater how you are you will come up again. Before a roller coaster you feel courageous and brave, You don’t even care if it’s a straight drop into a cave! The people you are going with look excited, But inside, they are terribly frightened! You act like you know what to do while in line, And say aloud, “This roller coaster is mine”! Your friends talk to each other, or to you, Like there is nothing bothering them too! You are near the end, the next row is off And you are already sweating in your socks: The next empty carriage has arrived, And you might as well be thinking, “this might be my final ride” You get in and are all strapped up, And the rides started going up. Your cart creaks sand twitches, And is gaining height every second. Then you reach the top, And see the world as one tiny blob! 5

CREATIVE CORNER Then boom you go straight down, And pull up when you are on the ground. You go up in the last second, And in the back of your mind you say ‘Oh ! Not again’. Then you go up to medium height, And wonder it can’t get any worse right. Next second you realize you are wrong, As it pulls in for the second round. You go up and down and through loops, And wonder about why you signed up for this nightmare with hoops. Then you see the finish sign, And thank God for the end of the ride. You get off the cart feeling really giddy, And not mentioning all the rotating world making you dizzy. You clutch on to the railing feeling frail, Weird but happy with pride, While your friends say, Let’s go for another ride!

- Anush Guttula, Grade –VI


CREATIVE CORNER Diary Entry: This is about a tiny creature, a mouse A mouse’s tail is usually as long as their bodies are. Mice sing just like birds but we can’t hear them. A mouse can fit through a hole the size of a ball point pen. Mice are used in experiments in UK. The character of Mickey Mouse turned 82 years old on November, 18th this year. My Adventure with a mouse! One day I saw a mouse, it was standing behind the sofa in my house. I started chasing it, at last it stopped running and stood near a sandpit. It said touch me if you can, at least once please, I said, sure with a great ease. The moment I touched the mouse, I became smaller than the scissors in my house! I was very sad, the mouse was very bad. Then suddenly, I was shocked, as in the mouse’s house I was locked. At night over there I slept alone, after a while I saw a phone. Feeling bored I thought of playing games, but in the phone there was only a call list with names. Then for no reason I started shouting, I also started singing. Actually this was a plan I spontaneously created, so that the mouse would get irritated. The mouse said, do you think you can escape? If you shout more, on your mouth I’ll put a tape. Soon the mouse called a crow to keep watch on me at night. When I was just about to scream, I understood it was just a scary, funny dream. - Kshiti Prabhu, Grade - IV. 7

CREATIVE CORNER Facts on globe. A globe is a spherical model of Earth or other celestial bodies such as a planet or moon. Globes have always fascinated me a lot. Every time I look at it, I wish I could go to the places seen on it. The word ‘globe’ comes from the Latin word ‘globus’ which means round mass or sphere. There are two types of ‘globes’ – political and physical. Political globes show countries. Physical globes show landscapes. A Greek man named Crater is credited for making the first globe in 150 B.C. A globe has lines called latitudes and longitudes. They help us locate a place on the globe.


A globe, a globe, a colourful globe One day I got a wonderful globe. Going to bed with a globe in hand, Is something which I never forget. In my dreams I was a bird Flying high above the world Up so high was a wonderful sight Our little Earth was blue and bright. I flew across the longitudes, To see the day and night. I flew across the latitudes, To see the seasons change. I saw dusty deserts, I saw misty mountains, I saw ancient pyramids, I saw water fountains. I flew through a hurricanes eye I met brightening thunders in the sky. In a bit, a shower drenched me It was my mom trying to wake me. - Nathan Jais, Grade-III. 8

CREATIVE CORNER BASKETBALL Basketball is my second favourite sport. I like it because you have to be very quick. The game is played on a 29m long and 15m wide court. Each team has 12 players, 5 playing and 7 on bench. It was first invented in 1891 by James Naismith. He invented it in a YMCA. It was to keep all the children quiet. Basketball is the sport associated with the most injuries. Basketball incorporated some rules from a children’s game, Duck on a Rock. The original colour of the basketball was brown. THE SHOT (BASKETBALL)

The player dribbles then shoots the ball, It rockets to the hoop, a point at stake. Crossing fingers, we watch it fall. Hoping the ball won’t shake. Circling the rim, with its slow prowl Tilting in and out. Hoping for no call of “foul”! Everyone’s about to shout! Will it go in or fall to the floor? The crowd is on their feet. Please, please let our team score! Will the ball and the net ever meet? The ball falls in and the crowd goes wild! The whistle, finally blown. Our whole team, we’re all piled, The results of the game are shown. We have just won the game, Victory, we have brought, This will bring us a lot of fame, Thanks to that last shot ! - Nimai Ponna, Grade -V 9

CREATIVE CORNER PROLOGUE The metallic odour of blood with a hint of lemongrass greeted me as I stepped into the old Victorian house. Or what was left of it, anyway. Looking around, I immediately regretted turning down Mary’s halting offer to come with me. The wood flooring was dank and mildly soggy under my feet, and the burgundy wallpaper was peeling, dried up curlicues of paint scattered everywhere. A sweeping glance around the living room told me that the furnishing wasn’t much better. The stuffing in the sofas were falling out and there were dark stains on the beige upholstery. I didn’t particularly care to know what those were. Moth-eaten, velvet drapes hung limply over shuttered windows. A sliver of doubt crossed my mind. Unlike my sister, I didn’t believe the town gossip, of course. Mary, shrinking violet that she was, had barged into my motel room, begging me not to go to the burnt down house, fearing I’d be killed by the vampire that lived there. At the time, I’d laughed, brushing off her concerns and assuring her that I’d be back as fit as a fiddle. She wasn’t convinced though, and came along, saying she’d wait for me outside. Steeling myself, I stepped forward, not trusting the creaking floorboards for a minute. With every step, the scent of blood became increasingly overwhelming and I finally had to whip out a handkerchief to hold over my nose. I’d barely made it a few feet in when I heard the click of the door closing and I was plunged into darkness. I spun around, blindly reaching for the door and grabbing air. “Scarlett!” I faintly heard Mary’s terrified voice through the doors. “I’m alright.” I called back quietly, not daring to disturb the eerie calm. Frowning, I wondered why she was so panicky. It was only the door. It was probably just the wind, I thought, and snorted to myself at the cliché. When my eyes had adjusted to the darkness, I glanced around before reaching into my backpack for the torch I’d taken with me. I pushed the switch, sighing in relief when light flooded the room. Ignoring the sense of foreboding in felt, I focused on the task at hand.


CREATIVE CORNER I wove my way to a small bookshelf in the corner. They weren’t joking when they said they’d left everything as it was. There were still a few books on the shelf, yellowed and dog-eared. Most of them were in Latin. I winced, reading the titles. Bloodstain Pattern Analysis. It appeared to be something about interpreting bloodstains in order to recreate the actions that caused the bloodshed. Who would be driven to read that? A vampire. I scoffed at myself. I was beginning to sound like Mary. As I stepped back, my boot knocked something hard. I whirled around, holding back a shriek when I saw a couple of rats scurry under the bookshelf. Wielding the torch before me, I cautiously made my way to the massive oak doors in the other corner of the room. I shone my torch at it, peering at the Latin engravings. I barely made out the words. Feeding Room, I translated. Maybe it was a dining room. Beside the doors, on the wall was a message written in.... Was that blood? I shuddered and crouched down to look at it. It was scrawled hastily, barely legible. The author was quoting Dante. All hope abandon, ye who enter here. Swallowing the lump in my throat, I ignored the message and shoved the doors as hard as I could. They slid open noiselessly. At first glance, the room was bare. Then I saw the dark shape sprawled on the floor, a few feet away from me. Curious, I moved towards it- then stopped dead in my tracks. The scream lodged in my throat as I fell to my knees and stared in horror at the body. She was white as a sheet, completely drained of blood, green eyes wide open and staring at nothing. One of her hands was curled in a claw over her heart. I checked her wrist for the pulse I wouldn’t find. Shaking her shoulders frantically, I got a shock at her ice-cold skin. “Mary! Mary, wake up!”, I cried uselessly. Choking back sobs, I pushed her head to the side to see what I already knew was there, The puncture wounds in her neck.


CREATIVE CORNER He wasn’t what I expected a vampire to look like. There were no blood red eyes, fangs protruding from his mouth or hooded black cloak. Dressed impeccably in a tailored, black three-piece suit and red tie, and piercing blue eyes without a hint of red. And no fangs, as far as I could see. Then he bared his teeth at me in a predatory grin, and I saw the canines that were slightly longer and sharper than average. “Isn’t this the part where you scream?” His voice was rough with disuse with a barely noticeable lisp. I’m sure I looked quite a spectacle, clothes crumpled and bloody, green eyes wide and wildly curling red hair unkempt. I glared defensively. Somewhere in my jumbled thoughts, I thought how lofty he was for assuming I’d scream. Did I look twelve? “Isn’t this the part where you scare me?”, I retorted. For a moment, his eyebrows shot up in surprise and I felt victorious. Then he threw his head back, cackling loudly. My own eyebrows furrowed. Was he bipolar? I wondered if vampires could be bipolar. Then I wondered if he’d stop if I bonked him over the head with…. I scanned the room. There didn’t seem to be anything suitable for shutting up a hysterical vampire. Still chortling, he gave me a genuine grin. “Amusing. I think I’ll keep you.” I shot up, letting Mary’s corpse fall slack to the ground. “Keep me?”, I asked carefully, backing away. Mr. Bipolar’s grin widened at my obvious alarm. “Yes. How would you like to be a vampire, Red?”


- Andrea Maria Fernandez, Grade-VIII

Environmental Education ‘Themes’ on display. 12

CREATIVE CORNER Cartoon Strips by Grade –VII on ‘Saving the environment and habitat.

Akkshit,Grade– VII

Preeya Kirani, Grade—VII



Interesting Facts: Number 8 is a very lucky number in China. In China 8 is a homonym for prosperity. Because of this, opening ceremony of summer Olympics was held in China on 8/8/2008 at 8 minutes past 8 hours. We all know that silver jubilee is celebrated on 25th year and golden jubilee is celebrated on 50th year. But do you know that bronze jubilee is celebrated on 8th year. There were 8 people on Noah’s Ark. Number facts: The Latin word for 8 is ‘octo’. An octagon has 8 sides. A wheel has 8 spokes. Most umbrellas have 8 sides. A stop sign has 8 sides. Spiders have 8 legs. An octopus has 8 legs and 8 hearts. In the game of Chess there are 8 pieces and 8 pawns. The chess board is an 8 by 8 square. 8 is the first cube number after 1. 8 is the only cube number that is less than a square number because 8=32-1. The symbol for infinity is like an 8 on it’s side. Scientific facts: There are 8 planets in our Solar System. It takes 8 minutes for the sun’s light to reach the Earth. - Nathan Jais , Grade - III

8 – In karate and kung fu, there is said to be 8 virtues – respect honesty, courage, integrity, humility, compassion, patience and peacefulness. - Devya Ramdev, Grade : VIII – G.



8 is the symbol of harmony and balance. 8 symbolizes the ability to make decisions. The Pythagoreans called the number 8 as “ogdoad” and considered it the “little holy number”. Scorpio is the eighth astrological Zodiac sign (October 23 November 22). It takes 8 minutes for the sun’s light to reach the Earth. There are 8 ounces of liquid in a cup. There are 8 pints in a gallon. The eighth day of the Chinese New Year is the day for the annual gathering of all Gods. - Manasvita Sukthankar, Grade –V.

The Buddhism wheel has 8 spokes. There are balls with the number 8 on them in billiards. - Sri Kaasyap, Grade –VI.

8th day is lucky for weddings. The number 8 is the largest cube in the Fibonacci sequence. It is a composite number being divisible by 1,2 and 4. It is twice 4 or four times 2. The first number which is neither prime nor semi prime. Why I like number “8”: It is bubbly and an even number. I have eight cousins on my father’s side! - Medhavi Nanda, Grade –VI, 15

FACTS ON EIGHT Number 8 is the number of Saturn, Number 8 is lucky for Capricorn. - Pulak Mehrotra, Grade– VIII Martin Van Burn was the 8th president of the USA 1837-1841. In the world of computers, a byte is 8 bit. - Pavan, Grade –V, The Orion constellation has 8 stars. It is also known as Hunter. The Indian name of Orion is Mriga. The arrangement of stars in this constellation is supposed to resemble a hunter in kneeling position. It is visible in the sky during winter in late evenings. - Dimple, Grade-VIII. In China, the number 8 express the totality of the universe. The number 8 means, multiplicity, for the Japanese. Austria borders have 8 different countries: Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Italy, Switzerland and Liechtenstein. There were 8 original reindeers of Santa, Rudolf joined the group later. - Medini, Grade-VI M. A polyhedron with 8 faces is called on octahedron. It is the only non zero perfect power that is one less than another perfect power. A number is divisible by 8 if it’s last 3 digits are divisible by 8, the whole number is divisible by 8, or its last 3 digits are 0 when written in binary. A cube has 8 vertices. All arachnids have 8 legs. Octopi and most cephalopods have 8 arms. Fore 8 on the Beaufort scale is attributed to fast gale. - Sowmya 16


In the year 8 AD the altar to peace (Arapacis) was erected by Augustus. According to Buddhist beliefs, there are 8 parts on the path to nirvana: the right language; right and pure action; right profession; right memory; applying the spirit to all laws; right meditation and faith. The number 8 is used 73 times in the Bible; the number 29, 42, 4500, 22000 and 40000 are used 8 times in the Bible. - Devanshi Derangana Das, Grade-V.

If you write the numbers 1 – 9 the stroke of the pen always ends downwards. 8 is the only number which ends with an upward stroke. There were 8 original reindeers of Santa. March 8th is celebrated as Women’s day. May 8th is celebrated as Red Cross day. The European Union flag was adopted on December 8,1995. Before the rise of Christianity, there were 8 days in Roman and Greek weeks. - Prabhatha Mayukavepa, Grade-VIII. People born on 8th Bobby Bowden, Bram Stokes, Christian Barnard, Claudius, Dorothy Day, Edmund Halley, Gardon Ramsay, L.K. Advani, Margaret Mitchell, Parber Posey, Tara Reid, Alain Delon.

9 x 9 + 7 = 88, 98 x 9 + 6 = 888, 987 x 9 + 5 = 8888, 9876 x 9 + 4 = 88888, 98765 x 9 + 3 = 888888. - Kavya Arun, Grade : V K.




Safari - The jungle safari was one of the best parts of the Waynad School trip 2016. It was truly an amazing experience. The safari was a one-hour package, and the mode of transportation was by jeep. Many animals such as elephants, buffaloes, peacocks, deer and Angur monkeys were spotted along the way. The jungle displayed a lot of biodiversity. The memories of the safari and the beauty of mother nature will be cherished forever. - Hrishik Patel, Grade-XI

We visited the Pookode lake as part of our school trip to Wayanad. It was a surreal experience. The lake was 80m deep in the centre and all around the lake was greenery. There were a lot of fun activities to engage oneself in, like boating and visiting the fish spa. -Karan Bhandari, Grade -XI.

The refreshing part of our trip We went down the winding road, the anticipation in the air became more and more palpable. The long, scenic trek, abound with greenery and a mix of diverse wildlife was an hour of love. It was not soon before one could hear the gurgling water, which was soothing and relaxing. The placid water reflected the light like a bride’s diamond necklace. We stepped over the mossy rock and with a heavy heart bid farewell to the majestic falls. It was truly a water-ful experience. - Veena Suryanarayan , Varsha, Eshan Shyam Bhaskar, Grade—XII


EDUCATIONAL TRIP –MM Serene landscape, gentle breeze and a mild chill in the air is what describes the atmosphere around the Pookode lake. All of us reached Wayanad late noon. At the first sight of the lake, we were reminded of a mere boating experience but as we put on those slightly greasy and dirty life jackets, got into the boat and started our ride, we felt a sense of peace and calmness dawning upon us. With the waves gently rocking the boats back and forth and all of us sitting quietly enjoying the scenic beauty of the lake was altogether an enrapturing experience. The ferryman was also friendly and readily helped us with all possible information regarding the lake. We were all very glad to see that there was no litter around the lake. It was late afternoon when we decided to go to a fish spa. It was a unique experience at the fish spa where our feet was relieved of dead skin. We first washed our feet and then put them into a bucket of potassium permanganate. We climbed on a wooden platform above the fish tank and were seated. I was a little freaked out at first, but forged ahead and dunked my feet into the water (it took a little longer for the others though). Immediately all the fish in the tank swarmed towards my feet to get in on the action. It felt a little ticklish before we all got used to it. The fish worked together as a team to improve our skin with their strong sucking ability. After ten minutes of EDAKKAL CAVES: The Edakkal caves, a set of the relaxing experience, we had to slightly naturally formed caves famous for it’s single shake our feet for the fish to back off before pulling our feet out of the water. suspended boulder “between the rocks” (The All together it was an exceptional literal translation of Edakkal). The cave walls and a soothing experience which we will cherish for the rest of our lives. - Vindhya, Grade -XII.

are decorated with different tribal culture, practices and garments. Inscriptions with pictures of tribal ready wear, amour and pots are also seen. A few of these cryptic inscriptions have yet to be deciphered. - Akash Harish Guddi, Grade-XI.



Poster on Air pollution by Grade VI


ACHIEVEMENTS Shriabhay Shriharsha, secured the third place in 50 mts freestyle, butterfly stroke and first place in 50mts Breaststroke at the Interschool Sports Meet, held at Gopalan International School He secured the second place in 50mts breaststroke in Inter school Sports Meet held at Vagdevi Vilas School. And second place in 4x50 mts freestyle relay, Inter Club Meet - Utpulta’ held at Nettakalappa Aquatic Centre. Agraja Vikram Dabre, Grade-III, is awarded 4 credits at the entry level of the QCF examination in Violin conducted by Trinity College London.

Purvi Bavikatte Grade—IV, won the second place in Under 11 girls Doubles Badminton Tournament, organised by VK sports academy in Kaggadaspura, Bangalore.

Pratyush Rajgopal, Grade –VIII, secured the second place in the 4th Karnataka State Schools Championship conducted by Innovators Chess Academy.



Ajit Joseph,Grade -XI, was awarded the Best president in Inter School Model Parliament held at Delhi Public School ,Bangalore East.

Avanthika Bonujit, Grade –II, stood second in ’Akshayakalpa’ an Interschool Chess tournament held at Hotel Woodlands, Bangalore. .

Sanjukta Vikram, Grade –VII, was the winner in Under –14 singles category, in AITA Talent Series, conducted by Mysore Tennis Club, Mysore. She was the winner - singles, in FSH TS-3 Tennis Tournament.



Devika Srikanth participated in the CBSE Cluster VIII Athletic meet. She has won Silver Medals in 800m and 1500m events.

Sooraj Krishnan, Grade-IV, stood second in under 10 boys FX/VT (Vault), Gymnastics competition, held at Vibgyor High - Haralur.

Vasisht Krishna, Grade-I, won the third place in Shito—Rio Karate Championship held at Koramangala, Bangalore.



Through the eyes of Namrata, Grade—VIII, Captured on School Campus.

Even the smallest of forests give happiness to Mother Nature. The world is a forest of knowledge; we can change it. Live with it, be happy or we can stay ignorant and die as an unhappy person with unfulfilled wishes.

Even the simplicity of a colour can be elegant and beautiful. Simplicity is the key to a beautiful and a happy life. It's pure innocence is a lesson waiting to be learnt. -Samrudhi Vinayak Chekar, Grade-VIII 24