Mower: Jim reported that Hogan Walker could not provide a trade in amount if we went to 3 years. Jim reminded them that.
Village of Newark, Illinois Trustees Meeting Minutes Nov 9, 2016 Present: Jim D., Jed D., Mike H., Dick S. and Darald N. Absent: Gary U. Meeting was called to order by Jim Davis at 7:00 pm followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Minutes from the Oct. meeting were presented to the Trustees. Darald made the motion to accept the minutes. Motion was seconded by Dick. Motion passed. Aye votes: Darald, Mike, Dick, Jed and Dan. Bills were presented for payment. Mike made the motion to pay the bills. Darald seconded the motion. Motion passed. Aye votes: Darald, Mike, Dick, Jed and Dan. Treasure Report was presented, Jed made the motion to accept the monthly report, seconded by Dan. Motion passed. Aye votes: Darald, Mike, Dick, Jed and Dan. Old Business: Police: Stats were reviewed. Reminded all about winter driving. Bob: Reported on grand opening for Dollar General. Kencom: Budget was passed. EEI: John reported on the conditional occupancy for Dollar General. Discussion about what needed to be done for full occupancy. John also discussed about the dim lighting on the corner for Rt. 71 and Fennel road and the Village should consider putting up a street light on the corner. Storm Sewer: Signed agreement has been received from the property owner and will get filed. The quote from S&K to do the repairs is $9900. Darald made the motion to accept the quote, Dan seconded. Motion passed. Aye votes: Darald, Mike, Dick, Jed and Dan. Build Maint: Dan meet with Robert Lee Builders. No proposal was given at the time for the meeting. Dan will contact Thomas Builders. Safety Box: No report Ord. Enforcement: Boyd reported that Yorkville is willing to draft a intergovernmental agreement. Comp: Clerk Johnson reported that Blast communication would be willing to provide service to the Village for free for letting them use the water tower and speed would be 20mbps.. Newark Net proposal was presented and the charge was $50.00 per month for 10mbps or free if we limited any other provider in the area. Both are local owned companies. Currently the Village is Paying $75.00 from ATT. Discussion about a lease for the water tower and charging back for use of the tower. Item tabled till next month. Mower: Jim reported that Hogan Walker could not provide a trade in amount if we went to 3 years. Jim reminded them that the mower would be paid for next year. Cost for the new mower is $4886.93. Jed moved to purchase the new mower, Dan seconded. Aye vote: Mike, Jed, Dan, Dick. Nay vote: Darald. Motion Passes. New Business Audit: Darald reviewed the audit. No major issues. Darald stated that he has not talked to Mack and Assoc on a few items. Assets has dropped and Water and Sewer was down. Darald stated he would report more after he has talked to Mack and Assoc. Darald motioned to approve the audit, Dan seconded. Motion passed. Aye votes: Darald, Mike, Dick, Jed and Dan. Tax Levy: Boyd presented the Tax Abatement for approval. Darald motioned to approve the Ordinance, Mike seconded. Motion passed. Aye votes: Darald, Mike, Dick, Jed and Dan. Insurance: Jed presented the cost for the cost for Illinois Public Risk (workers comp) will be $11142.00. Jed also reported that our Insurance person recommends that we move to Illinois Counties Mutual trust for our other insurance for a cost of $16978.00 This is a cost savings of about $3000. Darald was concerned about the new insurance as it is a coop. Darald would like Jed to report back about the coop. Jed made the motion to accept the quotes for both insurance companies, Dick seconded, Motion passed. Aye votes: Darald, Mike, Dick, Jed and Dan.
Public Comments: Joe Steffen asked about the rights for picketers. The high school is in contract negotiations and might decide to strike.
Dan made a motion to adjourn, Darald seconded. Motion passed. Aye votes: Darald, Mike, Dick, Jed and Dan. Adjourned at 8:20 pm Submitted by: Matt Johnson, Village Clerk