Nov 2010 workshop - Google Groups

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Melbourne Insight Meditation invites you to a day of meditation ... about the tradition and community Melbourne Insight
1 Day Insight MEDITATION Workshop Sunday 14th November 9.30am to 5pm

at Ceres Van Raay Centre Cnr Stewart & Roberts St, East Brunswick Cost: $45 and Concession $35 includes lunch and refreshments. Cushions provided but if possible bring your own.

Faith I want to write about faith, about the way the moon rises

Melbourne Insight Meditation invites you to a day of meditation discovery with Jess Huon, an experienced Insight Meditation teacher, who will look at the theme of Faith and how to approach our practice, our inner life, in a fresh and tender way. Drawing on the foundations of insight vipassana meditation as well as metta, (heart) practices. Empowering our capacity to rest with our experience and feeling through closures in our hearts. Alternating sitting and walking meditation sessions will be taught with guidance on posture, meditation techniques of the Insight approach as well as a dharma talk, relaxation plus a vegetarian lunch.

over cold snow, night after night, faithful even as it fades from fullness, slowly becoming that last curving and impossible sliver of light before the final darkness. But I have no faith myself I refuse it even the smallest entry.

This workshop suitable for absolute beginners & those with some experience. Bookings required. Limited places available.

Let this then, my small poem, like a new moon, slender and barely open, be the first prayer that opens me to faith. David Whyte

at CERES Environment Park,

Melbourne Insight Meditation Group Sits every monday night at 7.15pm at the CERES Education Centre, CERES Environment Park, East Brunswick Sits every thursday night at 7 pm at St Martins Crypt, Wilson St, Hawksburn, Melways: 58 F4. Call Catherine 0405 067 827

RSVP online - go to (credit card payments only). If you don’t have a credit card email [email protected] to book a spot. For more info call Suzie 0419 002 606 Insight Meditation refers to both Buddhist meditation practices and a largely Western non-religious form of Buddhism, which has minimal ritual. For more info about the tradition and community Melbourne Insight Meditation is a part of see