Nov. 2017.pdf - Google Drive

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Nov 3, 2017 - have not already done so, please log on. to the MUSD portal to create your. Aeries log in. If you are unab
November 3, 2017

Dear Wildcat Families, This is the time of year when we begin to think about all of the things we are thankful for! Thank you for the support that you give to Sinnott each and every day, without awesome partners like you, we would not be the wonderful place that we are! Parent-teacher conferences are a great way to communicate with your child’s teacher and get to know them a little better. Communication should be two-way so make sure to think about questions you may have regarding your child’s time in the classroom. As always, if you have any questions or concerns please feel free to call or email! [email protected], 408-635-2674 Sincerely, Mrs. Armino

A Huge THANK YOU to our PTA for organizing and supporting an amazing Reflections Art contest, a fantastic Fall Festival, and a wonderful Walk a thon! Sinnott is so lucky to have such dedicated parents who support and love us!


John Sinnott Elementary School 2025 Yellowstone Avenue Milpitas, CA 95035 Ph: (408) 635-2674 Fax: (408) 635- 2679 Laurie Armino, Principal, [email protected] Kevin Jenkins, Asst. Principal, [email protected] UPCOMING EVENTS

November 10 NO SCHOOL Veterans Day

November 15-21 Conference Week - Early Dismissal

TK: 8:00-11:20AM KINDERGARTEN : 8:00-11:30AM 1ST-6TH GRADE: 8:00-12:10PM

November 17 Free Dress

November 22-24 NO SCHOOL Thanksgiving Break

2018-2019 REGISTRATION Sinnott Parents will be using the Parent Portal on the MUSD website to register for 2018-2019 school year. Parents, if you have not already done so, please log on to the MUSD portal to create your Aeries log in. If you are unable to log in, please come to the Sinnott office for help.

JACK EMERY FOOD BANK DRIVE Our Sinnott Student Council is sponsoring the annual Jack Emery Food Drive to help our local families in Milpitas. The Jack Emery Food Drive will start November 15th and continue to December 1st. Each student is encouraged to participate to help us reach our school goal. This year, our school goal is 5,000 cans and $3,500 in cash for our school donation. We CAN do this if we all work together to help our community. Each Sinnott student’s goal is 7 cans and $5.00 in cash. If you only want to donate cash, then each student would need to bring $10.00. ****If one student brings in 20 cans or $20 in cash, that student will earn a free dress pass for one week. Cans or cash for this award need to be brought in on the same day for counting purposes.**** All cans and donations need to be collected in classrooms for counting purposes. Cans 4-16oz. count as one can, over 16 oz. counts as two cans.

Healing With Books A Big Success! Our Sinnott Student Council says a big “thank you” to all the students, parents, and staff who donated to help supply new books for the Clemente Martinez Elementary School in Houston, Texas. Due to the generous donations, we were able to raise $766 to help replace books the school lost in the flooding after Hurricane Harvey. Thank you for reaching out to others and showing you care. Wildcats are the best!

TEACHER HOLIDAY WISH TREE is in the hallway by the office. Stop by and make a teacher’s wish come true. The Wish Tree will be on display starting November 6th through December 14th

Let’s show our community we care and we CAN reach our goal this year! WILDCATS RULE!

ABSENCES Parents are required to contact the school office attendance secretary whenever their student is absent from school. In addition to informing their student’s classroom teacher, Parents must also call the attendance line at (408) 635-2674 extension 1908, or email Sinnott attendance Secretary, Mai Au at [email protected] to report thet your child will be absence from school and detail reason.