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WASHBURN PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT #4 P.O. BOX 280 WASHBURN, ND 58577 PH.: 701.462.3221 FAX: 701.462.3561


"The mission of the Washburn School District is to provide a quality education addressing the academic, physical, social, and emotional well-being of each student." V O L U M E




BRAD RINAS Superintendent GLEN WEINMANN Secondary Principal JERAD VOGLEWEDE Elementary Principal

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N O .


From the Superintendent’s Desk…


2 0 1 6

Brad Rinas

1st Quarter is Over!

October 28th marks the official end of the first nine weeks of school. For a lot of our students, this has taken on a different meaning in terms of grades and report cards. For students in kindergarten through second grade, parents will now receive a standards-based report card. In short, it will be a report that provides considerably more detail, with a more in-depth explanation of a student’s performance as it relates to a number of standards. Mr. Voglewede and the K-2 teachers will be able to answer questions that come up regarding these report cards. For a couple years now, 7-12 classes have been structured as one-semester courses with what is basically an ongoing, real-time grade. For example, a freshman in English is actually going to take two half-credit classes - one during the first semester, and one during the second semester - to completely satisfy the English requirement for the freshman year. Additionally we no longer focus on nine-week grades as a specific benchmark. Having access to a student’s progress through PowerSchool really makes a Quarter 1 grade unnecessary. The student’s progress can be viewed in real time (assuming the teacher is keeping up with entering grades), and the ability to notify parents through emails and texts is critical. We believe that the percentage of high school parents attending parent-teacher conferences has dropped in large part because of the online accessibility of student progress. Most people probably view it the same way as paying their bills; it’s so easy to pay online or set up automatic payments that we buy less postage and we maker fewer trips to the post office. This is understandable. Nevertheless, I would still encourage parents to attend conferences, and if you can’t, schedule a phone call or correspond through email with your child’s teachers.


In addition to electing local, state, and national leaders on November 8th, we’ll also be voting on several initiated measures. Measure 2 is one that addresses education, specifically the funding of education. It is being proposed by legislators who believe the Foundation Aid Stabilization Fund (instituted in 1994 and funded by 10% of the oil extraction tax) has grown to the point where some of those dollars need to be used as part of the state’s commitment to the regular funding of K-12 education. The fund is designed as a safety net when there’s a budget shortfall, as there was this year. Legislators believe it needs some adjusting, because the fund has grown to $600 million. With the downturn in oil and the significant shortfalls in state budgets, the amount used this year was $120 million. In light of the budget cuts that state agencies experienced this past year, many legislators believe the only way to prevent a cut in education funding for the next biennium is to access some of the money in Foundation Aid Stabilization Fund. There are strong arguments for and against Measure 2. I would encourage you to read it carefully, and I would be happy to discuss it with you if you have any questions.


Washburn has nine students in the Coal Country Leadership Academy this year. The CCLA is made up of approximately 70 juniors and seniors from the Washburn, Beulah, Hazen, Underwood, and CenterStanton high schools. The students perform community service, attend three events during the year, and earn a half credit. Eight of the seniors will win $2000 scholarships, assuming they apply and go through an interview, explaining their solution to a real energy problem in North Dakota. Our students attended the EmpowerND Energy Conference in Bismarck on October 11th, and then participated in a leadership event at Falkirk Mine. The Falkirk event was co-hosted by the mine and by Great River Energy. Students got a first-hand look at the energy industry and how leadership skills are a part of daily life at Falkirk and GRE. The event also gives people from Falkirk Mine and GRE a chance to meet our students, and hopefully make a case for pursuing a career in the energy industry in this part of the state. ***

“When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be disappointed to discover they are not it.” Bernard Bailey


The Washburn Robotics Team, newly dubbed the “Inno-Vaders,” is a couple months into its second year after having received 1st Place Alliance at the state competition last January. We are a larger group than last year with students ranging from seniors all the way down to 7th graders. This year our team’s goals revolve around completing a variety of tasks for the new state competition this coming January. This year’s game is a sort of robotic basketball wherein the students must build and program their robots to be able to pick up whiffle balls color coordinated with their team side and launch them into the air and through a plastic hoop. There are other side objectives as well. Our second main goal, focusing more on the programming end of things, is writing an autonomous mode for the robot, being able to move the robot on its own independently of the students controlling it. We have a total of eleven members on the team, up from six last year. Our team is split up into a variety of committees including the designers, builders, programmers, and note keepers. Our coleaders of the team are Hunter Kamrath and Krissandra Duke. They open and close each meeting with the day’s objectives for each committee. Each committee must work in tandem with the next as each step will influence the decisions the next group will make. We are also starting a YouTube channel so we may upload short videos highlighting progress the team makes at each meeting.

Washburn Public School District 4

713 7th St.; Box 280 Washburn, ND 58577 Ph.: 701.462.3221 Fax: 701.462.3561

Home of the Cardinals Dear Families of Washburn Elementary School, Superintendent BRADLEY RINAS High School Principal GLEN WEINMANN Elementary Principal JERAD VOGLEWEDE Business Manager JANET HANSON School Board President RICK TWEETEN School Board Vice President LUKE RETTERATH School Board Directors STACY BOESHANS SANDI ERBER BRENT PETERSEN KELLY SCHATZ-JENNINGS STACEY SCHERESKY

Mission: "The mission of the Washburn School District is to provide a quality education addressing the academic, physical, social, and emotional well-being of each student."

The first quarter ended on October 28th, and parents will receive report cards at Parent/Teacher Conferences on November 2nd and 3rd. The Book Fair will be held the same time as conferences in the Board Room. The weather has been fairly nice so far, but it can change to winter weather in a day. Please remember to get snow pants, boots, winter coats, and all the other winter outdoor clothing ready to go. Your help in making sure your child(ren) have proper winter clothing at school each day is greatly appreciated. Children are not going to be allowed to play in the snow without snow boots and snow pants. This leads to cold wet socks and pants to sit in for the rest of the day and makes learning more difficult. We generally go outside for recess unless the temperature (considering the wind chill) is 15 degrees below zero or colder. We love having parents and grandparents as visitors for lunch. If you are planning on eating lunch with your child, please call the office and let Mrs. Detlaff know by that morning. She needs to let the kitchen staff know ahead of time (if possible the day before) so they can prepare enough food for extra people. There are buses that pick up children living in the city in the morning, but first they pick up those living in the country. There will be occasions when there are mechanical issues or snow covered roads that make travel difficult and take longer. If you live in town and your child(ren) does not get picked up by 8:15 A.M., the bus is more than likely having issues and running late. In these circumstances, you have the option of providing your own transportation to school or waiting for the bus to arrive late in picking up your child(ren). Students arriving to school late because of a bus issue will not be marked tardy. For specific route information regarding buses please contact Mr. Weinmann in the high school office. Congratulations to Coach Jaeger and Coach Hetletved and the 5th and 6th grade girls’ basketball players for a successful and exciting season. Thank you to everyone who supported them. I am available to visit with anyone who has concerns or praises to share regarding the elementary. Have a great November! Sincerely,

Jerad Voglewede, Elementary Principal



2016 Roughrider Sports Banquet The athletic banquet for our fall Roughrider sports of football, cross country, and cheer will be on November 15th at Wilton High School. The meal will be served at 6:30 with coach’s comments and awards to follow. Cardinal Winter Sports Parents Meeting If your child is participating in high school basketball this winter, you are required to attend a parents’ informational meeting the evening of Tuesday, November 22nd in the Olde Gym. The general session with Mr. Moe begins at 7:30 PM, and the meetings with Coaches Seiler and Ronderos will begin at approximately 8:00 PM. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Moe at the school. Super Region 5 Volleyball

This year volleyball has transitioned into a super region format. This means that there will no longer be a District 9 or District 10 tournament for volleyball. All eleven schools are seeded into the region tournament based on their regular season record within the region. The top five schools are placed directly into the round of 8. Seeds 6 through 11 will play first round matches at the site of the higher seed on Thursday, November 3. The final three rounds will be played at Washburn High School on November 7, 8 & 10, scheduled as follows: Four matches on November 7 starting at 3:00 PM. Two matches on November 8 & 10 starting at 6:00 PM. The two most likely scenarios for our Cardinal volleyball team will have them either traveling to Garrison or New Salem for a first round match on November 3rd starting at 7:00 PM. Final seeding will be made in the morning on November 2nd.

PARENT-TEACHER CONFERENCES Wednesday, November 2 - 3:30 PM to 6:00 PM Thursday, November 3 - 3:30 PM to 7:00 PM *CHANGES TO THE AFTER-SCHOOL PROGRAM* Due to Halloween and Parent-Teacher Conferences, there will be no After-School on Monday, October 31, 2016, Wednesday, November 2, 2016, and Thursday, November 3, 2016. Please note that due to short weeks, there will also be no After-School program on Thursday, November 10, 2016 and Wednesday, November 23, 2016. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Mrs. Antenniell Neumiller at the school.

By Angela Hill Cast Ellie: Alexis Waldren Cindy: Emily Boysun Jezz: Katlyn Olson Millie: Emma Olson Lilah: Juli Dickson Alice: Nicolletta Cavo CeCe: Karly Smith Tabitha: Malia Weist Willow: Gabi Neal Grace: Greysen Anderson Arnold: Jakob VanderWal

Narrator: Hannah Chrest Demons: Braydee Hanson Mandy Schell, Kathryn Goos, Addison Etter, Halley Vetter John Williams, Devin Sailer Jordan Waldren Breah Philbrick

Student Director Breah Philbrick Lights Koby Hansen Jake Miller Dakota Harrison Sound/Video Tristan Maldonado Crew Braydee Hanson Nicolletta Cavo Cody Blazek Tate Bertolotto Jack Sannes Dylan Williams Cooper Blotske

The One-Act Play will be performed in Hazen on Nov. 9. The time is yet to be determined. Public Performance: TBA What are your personal demons that you must battle? The students here must battle bulimia, abuse, drugs, bullying, divorce, suicide, OCD, cancer, and guilt. They must choose to stay trapped or fight their way to freedom.

FFA Members Off to Indianapolis, Indiana! Mr. and Mrs. Kamrath, along with Hunter Kamrath, Mandy Schell, Dakota Harrison, Katlyn Olson, Hannah Chrest, Lexi Kulzer, Emily Scheresky, and Jordan Waldren attended the National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana. Washburn FFA traveled with New Salem and left for an exciting week of FFA activities and tours. Besides the FFA convention activities, the group also went on tours at the John Deere manufacturing center in Waterloo, Iowa; the John Deere Pavilion in Moline, Illinois; and an underground cave tour in Bedford, Indiana. We also did some touring in Indianapolis, including the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, the Indiana State Museum and Imax Theater, the Indianapolis Zoo, and the NCAA National Hall of Fame.

Kneeling from left to right are Hannah, Jordan, and Emily. Standing from left to right are Mr. Kamrath, Katlyn Olson, Dakota Harrison, Mandy Schell, Hunter Kamrath, Lexi Kulzer, and Mrs. Kamrath.

FFA students at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway.

Touring at the Indiana State Museum

FFA National Convention


From the John Deere Pavilion in Moline, Illinois

Dakota sporting his new FFA gloves.

Thanks Mom and Dad!

2016 Region 5 Volleyball Tournament Washburn High School November 7, 8, 10

** First Round Games will be played in the home court of the higher seed. 1st Round Admission $7.00 Adults $5.00 Students

Daily Admission - Monday to Thursday

$8.00 Adults $5.00 Students # 1 Seed

#8 Seed Game 1

Game 4 7PM Local Time 3-Nov

#9 Seed

The home team is the top bracketed team.

3:00 PM Nov. 7

Tournament Officials Game 8 #4 Seed

6:00 PM Nov. 8

Game 5 Nov. 7 #5 Seed Game 11 #2 Seed #7 Seed Game 2

Game 6

Nov. 10 6PM Nov. 7

7:00 Local Time Nov. 3

Tournament Manager Game 9

#10 Seed

#3 Seed

#6 Seed

Game 7


7:30PM Nov. 8

Nov. 7 Game 3

7:00 Local Time Nov. 3

Loser 9

#11 Seed

Game 10 Each game will begin 25 minutes after the conclusion of the previous game.

Loser 8

6:00 PM Nov. 10

Third Place

Music Department on the move The Northwest International Music Festival has selected four of our students: Band– Hunter Oberlander; Treble Choir-Greyson Anderson and Nova Choir – Hannah Brobst and Brayden Kraft. This festival is held on the campus of Minot State University on November 4th and 5th with a concert at 4:00 PM. Student involvement plays a very important role in our program and many of our students participate by auditioning for major festivals. These festivals may include Northwest International Festival, UND Honor Band/Choir, Junior High All State Band and Choir, and Senior High All-State. Our music students in grades 5-12 are also involved in the solo/ensemble and large group festival/contest. The Elementary/Jr. High music festival this year will be held in Washburn in March. The large group (band and choir) high school festival will be in Washburn on March 7th, and the solo/ensemble festival will be held at Steele on March 31st. We are always looking for volunteers during this time with festivals, whether it be accompanying them on piano or working with individual students in preparation for performance either in the elementary or high school vocal or instrumental area. If you would be interested in doing some volunteer work, please let Mr. Hall or Mr. Moe know ASAP. All parents who have students involved with the music program in grades 5-12 are encouraged to attend the Music Boosters meetings. This organization helps sponsor many of the music department activities. We need your support and input. Come and be a part of a very important phase of the Washburn Music Program. Our next meeting is scheduled for Monday, November 21st at 7:00 PM in the commons area of the school. Music students in Grades 7-12 will be doing their annual fundraiser starting on November 21st through to December 2nd. Students will be selling gourmet coffee and teas, “Highlander Grog” and “Jamaican Vacation” to name a few. We know that everybody loves coffee, so here is your chance to get something that you will enjoy and use and at the same time support our music programs. If you are so inclined, this coffee will also make great Christmas gifts for those that you know love coffee and may not go out and purchase it on their own. We will also be selling a Yeti-style tumbler (cup) for $20, another great Christmas gift idea. See the flyer in this newsletter. Tumblers will be sold at the games at the sucker table.

washburn Cardinals

ONLY $ ea.


20oz Stainless Steel

Made with 18/8 durable stainless steel and Triton drink through lid

No Condensation

Designed to stay dry and not get too cold or hot to the touch

20SC $20

Double-Wall Design

Keeps ice in water for over 16 hours and keeps hot for over 8 hours

20BL $20


Milk & juice or fruit will be served at breakfast.

November 2016

November 2016

December 2016








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Oct 31

Nov 1




8:00am Breakfast Sandwich 11:00am Burritos, Nachoes w/ Cheese, Salsa, Romaine Lettuce, Apples

8:00am Cereal, Blueberry Muffin 11:00am Chicken Noodle Soup, Sandwiches, Carrots/Celery, Mixed Fruit

8:00am Raised Donuts 11:00am BBQ Rib/Bun or PB Sanwiches, Hashbrowns, Brocolli/Cauliflower, Ranch, Pineapple

8:00am No School 11:00am No School






8:00am Cereal, Granola Bars 11:00am Chicken Drumsticks, Potato Salad, Dinner Rolls, Grapes

Election Day 8:00am Breakfast Burrito, Salsa 11:00am Macaroni Hamburger Hotdish, Corn, Breadsticks, Fruit Salad

8:00am Cereal, Toast 11:00am Turkey, Mashed Potatoes/Gravy, Dinner Rolls, Green Beans, Cranberries, Peaches

8:00am Cinnamon Rolls 11:00am Sausage Pizza, Romaine Lettuce, Black Beans, Applesauce

Veterans Day 8:00am No School 11:00am No School






8:00am Cereal, Apple Muffin 11:00am Chicken Nuggets, Seasoned Rice, Dinner Rolls, Peas. Apples

8:00am Breakfast Pizza 11:00am Hotdogs, Mac & Cheese, Baked Beans, Mixed Fruit

8:00am Cereal, Granola Bars 11:00am Knoephla Soup, Sandwiches, Carrots/Celery, Peaches

8:00am Yogurt, Granola 11:00am Pulled Pork Sandwich or Turkey Sandwich, Baked Doritos, Green/Red Peppers, Applesauce

8:00am French Toast Sticks, Sausage 11:00am Cheese Quasadilla, Romaine Lettuce, Black Beans, Apples






8:00am Cereal, Teddy Grahams 11:00am Sausage, Mashed Potatoes/Gravy, Sauerkraut, Corn/Cob, Dinner Rolls, Pineapple

8:00am Caramel Rolls 11:00am Twisted Chicken Alferdo, California Blend Veggies, Bread Sticks, Pineapple

8:00am Cereal, Cheese Sticks 11:00am Hamburgers, French Fries, Cheese, Tomatoes, Onions, Pickles, Jello w/ Fruit

8:00am No school

8:00am No School




Dec 1


8:00am Cereal, Petite Cinnamon Rolls 11:00am Cheese Garlic Bread or PBJ, Romaine Lettuce, Apples

8:00am Pancakes, Sausage 11:00am Spaghetti, Garlic Bread, Green Beans, Pears

8:00am Cereal, Toast 11:00am Tomato Soup, Toasted Cheese or Peanut Butter Sandwiches, Fresh Veggies, Pineapple 10/28/2016 1:51 PM