NOVA External Venturing An Innovation Catalyst
The global leader for habitat, Saint-Gobain ranks among the 100 most innovative companies in the world. A driver of its growth, innovation is also key to meeting the Group’s aim of creating a more comfortable, economical and sustainable living space.
While Saint-Gobain may have changed greatly since it was originally founded in 1665, the company has always been renowned for its ability to invent products that improve quality of life for its stakeholders. Today, the world leader in sustainable habitat, Saint-Gobain designs, manufactures and distributes building materials providing innovative solutions to the critical challenges of growth, energy efficiency and environmental protection. Recognized as one of the 100 most innovative companies in the world(1), Saint-Gobain leverages the full scope of its technological expertise to achieve its goal of becoming THE reference company for sustainable habitat. Innovation is its driving force, with significant investment in R&D and a concerted policy of partnerships with the most prestigious universities and laboratories. In 2013, Saint-Gobain received the “European Cleantech Corporation of the Year” from Cleantech Group. This award singles out in particular NOVA External Venturing’s contribution to speeding up innovation. Each of the Sectors (Innovative Materials, Construction Products, Building Distribution) contributes through its development to implementing the Group’s strategy: • Innovative Materials (Flat Glass and High-Performance Materials) – Saint-Gobain’s technology bridgehead, this Sector is continually exposed to state-of-the-art advanced materials and processing technologies. It utilizes these skills to develop products for habitat and industry; • Construction Products provides interior dry finishing and exterior solutions (Gypsum, Insulation, Exterior Products, Pipe and Industrial Mortar) covering the full range of the building industry’s requirements; • Building Distribution is based on extensive brand networks servicing the renovation and new construction markets; 1
Thomson Reuters’ “Global Innovators: the world leaders in innovation 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014” ranking.
A NEW APPROACH TO INNOVATION In 2006, Saint-Gobain created NOVA External Venturing. It embodies the Group’s spirit of innovation. NOVA’s Director, Minas Apelian, tells us more.
WHAT WAS THE AIM IN CREATING NOVA EXTERNAL VENTURING? As a global company and part of the top 100 Industrial Group, identifying technological breakthroughs and foreseeing market changes are an integral part of our strategy. This strategy is enabled by our extensive internal efforts in R&D, our relationships with universities and laboratories worldwide, and our activities with the diverse and dynamic world of start-ups – companies in early stages of their life driven by innovation and an entrepreneurial spirit. NOVA External Venturing was created to develop and enable cooperation between these start-ups and Saint-Gobain. The target of the cooperation is to augment and accelerate the combined innovation capabilities of Saint-Gobain and the start-ups resulting in the introduction of new solutions into the market faster and better than each entity can on its own. HOW IS NOVA INVOLVED IN THIS EXTERNAL INTELLIGENCE? NOVA’s goal is to identify and build relationships with start-up companies with technologies and business models that are novel and of strategic interest to the Group. We aim to create win-win partnerships between the start-ups and the Group’s Activities whereby the start-ups contribute their fresh approach to a problem or market opportunity and Saint-Gobain provides accelerated access to its markets, manufacturing capabilities, and financial resources. Specifically, NOVA can facilitate license, co-development, commercial or investment agreements. Such arrangements are enabled by the expertise in Saint-Gobain’s research centers as well as the Group’s Activities, which also sponsor and ultimately directly manage the projects with the start-ups. This approach facilitates and promotes openness to external innovation throughout the Saint-Gobain Group.
A WORLD OF INVENTIONS 400 patents filed each year 1 product out of 4 sold today by Saint-Gobain did not exist five years ago About
Since its creation in 1665, Saint-Gobain has made innovation one of the main
12 research centers worldwide 3,700 researchers
drivers of its growth.
early 1970s
1950s 1946
1933 1928 1929 1688
Invention of pouring glass on a metal table making it possible to manufacture large sheets of glass.
Development of the continuous flat glass manufacturing process (Boudin process). Result: incomparable improvements in quality and productivity.
Development of glass curving (Achille Verlay process) that sped up the use of glass in automobiles.
Use of ductile iron to replace gray iron to manufacture pipes.
Appearance of the glass tempering process (Achille Verlay process). When breaking, the glass shatters into small non-cutting fragments.
Development of Tygon® tubing, a recognized brand name for fluid handling.
Invention of the TEL process for manufacturing glass wool by centrifugation and drawing under a jet of hot gas.
2014 2012 2009 1992
1975 1972
Creation of NorZon, a fused abrasive grain for cutting and grinding.
Development of ZirPro beads for fine grinding of mineral fillers.
Launch of the first monolayer mortar by weber & broutin.
Invention of Seeded Gel abrasive grains, manufactured by a sintering process.
Creation of cruciforms designed to store and recover energy in glassmaking furnace regenerators.
Launch of ONIRYSTM lighting fabric, the result of interweaving optical fiber and fiberglass, co-developed with Brochier® Technologies.
Creation of La Plateforme du Bâtiment, the first sales outlet specifically for professionals, all trades combined.
Launch of the active PRIVA-LITE glass, which immediately changes from transparent to translucent at the flick of a switch. A response to the need for privacy without affecting light transmission.
Acquisition of SAGE Electrochromics, a pioneer in electrochromic glass, for the construction industry. The first dynamic, variable tint glass, for the automotive industry, was developed as early as 2004.
Launch of Klimacenter, an innovative concept combining a showroom, training center and center of expertise for renewable energies and ventilation.
VERRE TRIPLEX: A PARTNERSHIP AHEAD OF ITS TIME Saint-Gobain has for many years been on the lookout for advances occurring outside its own walls. In 1927, working on the tempering process, Saint-Gobain acquired a share in the recently formed company Verre Triplex, created by Edouard Benedictus. This inventor discovered laminated safety glass in 1903, after accidentally breaking a flask containing a celluloid solution. Noticing that the glass had not shattered but spider-webbed, he came up with the idea of sandwiching a sheet of celluloid between two panes of glass that would keep the glass layers bonded when broken. By allowing him the use of facilities at its plant in Cirey (France), Saint-Gobain provided the inventor with the resources he needed to develop his idea. The process was refined into technology that has continued to improve over the years, and gain widespread use in the automotive and building industries.
NOVA External Venturing is
A COMMITMENT TO INNOVATION NOVA’s structure relies on the heavy involvement of the Businesses and Group senior managers. • The Core team, a group of 10 people, is the entry point; it detects from various sources the start-ups likely to interest the Group. • NOVA’s Extended team in the Group’s Businesses examines the proposed projects from the viewpoint of their development potential.
a corporate venturing unit unlike any other. Tasked with detecting the most innovative start-ups, this structure’s role is to bring businesses to the Group, which then decides on the most appropriate form of partnership for each specific project.
The model promoted by NOVA External Venturing is unique. While the department, with its broad experience in the start-up ecosystem, is responsible for identifying and assessing the potential of start-ups, the partnerships will be concluded with the Saint-Gobain Businesses that are interested. It acts as the catalyst that sparks cooperation between two worlds with differing cultures; it is a facilitator that prompts discussion between the two parties, from the translation of each side’s expectations all the way to the definition of the most equitable form of partnership.
• The NOVA Board, the management committee comprised of top managers from the Businesses and R&D, analyzes the most advanced projects.
NOVA SINCE ITS FOUNDING 2,700 start-ups examined
Over 65 partnerships signed worldwide, more than half of which followed a Saint-Gobain employee recommendation
NOVA has made mutual respect between start-ups and Saint-Gobain its trademark. The relationship can then progress at each step through the innovation’s maturation process: upstream of development, in the industrial validation phase, and even at the time of its sales launch. The cooperation can take a variety of forms: intellectual property license, joint technological development, p ro d u c t i o n j o i n t ve n t u re, commercialization agreement, and more rarely, a direct shareholding. There is a customized agreement for each project to ensure the best level of reciprocity.
PRIORITY AREAS • Building Materials and easy-to-install Solutions that improve energy efficiency, safety, comfort (visual, acoustic, thermal) and air quality. • Clean technologies, like biomass, bio-polymers, renewable energy, low CO2 footprint materials and recycling. • Systems and solutions that integrate natural or artificial light into buildings and automobiles. • Construction services: software solutions, installation of renewable energies, value-added services for craftsmen, renovation and energy performance. • Innovative Technologies for demanding industrial applications (abrasives, ceramics, crystals, glass and plastics).
”Through the use of Hexoloy® from Saint-Gobain’s Engineered Ceramics, MTPV has developed a new technology that enables waste heat conversion to energy. In addition to demonstrating innovation, this partnership exhibits Saint-Gobain’s sustainable development by contributing to our customer’s growth and by improving the environment through alternative energy solutions.” Mark Picket, Worldwide Sales Director, Armor and Structural Ceramics, Saint-Gobain Ceramic Materials
• MTPV (United States) • Waste heat conversion to energy • Joint-development agreement with Saint-Gobain Ceramic Materials
”At Greentown Labs, our mission is to help clean tech and energy tech start-ups solve the world’s biggest energy and environmental challenges. We believe that the kind of direct, shared-space collaboration and expertise-sharing between a global company like Saint-Gobain and our resident start-ups paves a new kind of pathway to commercialization with extraordinary potential.” Emily Reichert, CEO & Executive Director, Greentown Labs
• Greentown Labs (United States) • Cleantech incubator • A Saint-Gobain partner
NOVA is a bridge between
”To have a partnership with a major player in the industry was a key milestone for us and has proven to be very successful in the time we have been working together. With the rapid growth that we continue to experience, it can help take our business to the next level. As a new material in a highly conservative industry, partnering with Saint-Gobain has added credibility to Concrete Canvas throughout Europe.” William Crawford, cofounder and codirector, Concrete Canvas
two worlds: the openness and entrepreneurial spirit of a small company combined with a worldclass business leader with long-term vision and deep experience. For Saint-Gobain, there is no predefined model of cooperation with promising start-ups. The partnerships must benefit both parties. The shared opinions of start-ups, venture capital fund, incubator and Group Business managers.
• Concrete Canvas (United Kingdom) • Cement impregnated fabric that hardens to form a durable concrete layer • Exclusive distribution agreement with Point.P Travaux Publics (Saint-Gobain Building Distribution)
”To unearth innovative ideas, Saint-Gobain’s NOVA team relies on an extensive network. This is an original way of working that we at Environmental Technologies Fund really appreciate. Curious about all forms of pioneering technology and its advantages, the NOVA team is ready to invest in these projects while also exploring the potential of the companies that develop it.” Henrik Olsén, Managing Partner, Environmental Technologies Fund • Environmental Technologies Fund (ETF) • European venture capital fund • A Saint-Gobain partner
”Working together with Brochier® Technologies was a real innovation accelerator, enabling us to rise to a big challenge, namely, incorporate technology into our traditional glass fabric, and in doing so radically change their image. The involvement and passion shown by all partners helped bring this co-development project to a successful outcome.” Catherine Jacquiod, Project Manager, Lighting Fabrics, Saint-Gobain Adfors
• Brochier® Technologies (France) • Design of lighting fabrics containing optical fibers • Joint-development agreement with Saint-Gobain Adfors
”Be creative and open to new ideas, be driven by the desire to explore new avenues: sometimes, you can simply use innovation to create new traditions. That is precisely the focus of NOVA and Saint-Gobain. It is why we want to grow with this company.” Jim Pettit, Managing Partner, Navitas Capital
• Navitas Capital • American venture capital fund • A Saint-Gobain partner
”We « On might aurait easily puhave s’attendre expected à une a David relation and Goliath de typetype David of reet Goliath. RienWith lationship. de tel Saint-Gobain, avec SaintGobain could nothing ; nous beyfurther avonsfrom renconthat. tré des We metpersonnes people who extrêmement were really à l’écoute, open and interested ouvertes,inetlistening qui ont stimulé to us, andtout whonotre stimulated potentiel our d’innovation. potential for innovation.” » Thomas Baudin, Directeur General Associate Général Associé, Manager, Corso Magenta
• Corso Magenta (France) • Sustainable, multi-layer, ready-to-use paint systems • Commercial partnership with Placoplâtre
If you have a project you would like to share with
Saint-Gobain, NOVA will open the door for you. Here is how to proceed.
You are in the upstream stages of development, you need to validate your technology or product, or you are looking for an outlet for your solutions _ whatever the stage of maturity of your innovation, we can examine with you the most appropriate type of cooperation. Our global presence means we are able to provide you with a local point of contact in Europe, the United States, Japan and China. We will rapidly analyze your proposal because we are aware of your constraints. We will provide you with an answer within 90 days, the time it takes us to examine and approve your proposal and find its place within our businesses. Our team remains closely involved throughout the entire analysis and negotiation period in order to facilitate discussion and encourage cooperation.
START. SCALE. SOAR. Start-ups, if you have a construction, advanced materials, energy efficiency or sustainable development project, then why not submit an entry for the NOVA INNOVATION COMPETITION? Held every two years, it is open to startups worldwide. About 10 proposals are short-listed and presented during a ‘speed-dating’ session to a panel of Saint-Gobain managers. The best three are presented with a cash prize and all finalists and several others have the opportunity for developing close partnerships with Saint-Gobain.
IDENTIFICATION VENTURE CAPITAL FUNDS in which Saint-Gobain has invested EXTERNAL PARTNERS Venture capital network, incubators, professional organizations, non-profit groups PROJECTS SUBMITTED BY INTERNAL DEPARTMENTS R&D, Businesses and Techno-Marketing WEB & DATABASE DIRECT CONTACTS Web site, conferences, SUN (Saint-Gobain University Network) NOVA COMPETITION
RELEVANCY SCREENING Start-up filtering taking into account the strategic centers of interest of Saint-Gobain’s various businesses. Start-up filtering taking into account the potential impact on Saint-Gobain’s relevant activities.
NOVA BOARD MEMBERS JEAN-PIERRE FLORIS - Chairman of the NOVA Board, Senior Vice President of the Compagnie de Saint-Gobain, in charge of the Packaging Sector and of the oversight of the Innovative Materials Sector
NOVA BOARD Controls the NOVA organization’s response rate and efficiency. Gives guidance on strategy and priorities.
ARMAND AJDARI, R&D Vice President for the Innovative Materials Sector of Saint-Gobain SPONSOR (P&L MANAGER) Identification of a sponsor who will steer the project with the assistance of the NOVA team.
FLORENCE CHANZY, Associate General Counsel for Group R&D and Innovation JOHN CROWE, General Delegate for Saint-Gobain in North America and President of CertainTeed
DUE DILIGENCE DISCUSSIONS Between NOVA and the pre-selected start-ups… then, between the relevant Business and these startups.
< 3 months
Active analysis of the business model, technical tests, assessment of intellectual property, identification of the resources required, etc. This phase requires the simultaneous involvement of NOVA and the relevant Business.
BENOIT D’IRIBANE, President, High-Performance Materials Sector (Innovative Materials)
NEGOTIATION Between the Business and the pre-selected start-ups. NOVA acts as the facilitator.
SIGNATURE The Business teams take over at this point.
FABRICE DIDIER, Vice President, Marketing, Saint-Gobain Group PATRICK DUPIN, President, Flat Glass Sector (Innovative Materials) DELPHINE GENY-STEPHANN, Vice President, Corporate Planning and Strategy, Saint-Gobain Group DIDIER ROUX, Vice President, R&D and Innovation, Saint-Gobain Group CLAUDE-ALAIN TARDY, President of Saint-Gobain Gypsum
CREDITS: p.1: Adam Gault / Getty Image ~ p.3: Corinne Jamet ~ p.4: Saint-Gobain Archives ~ p.5: weber et broutin France©; ZirPro; Saint-Gobain Ceramic Materials; NEXT Room, Novotel Gare de Lyon (Paris, France) / Photothèque Accor; Ivanhoe Girls’ Grammar School (Melbourne, Australia) / Architect : Jackson Architecture / Photographer: David Simmonds; Bruno Fert / Saint-Gobain Building Distribution; Steen Gyldendal / Thomas Déron (FR) ~ p.7: Aleksandar Nakic / Getty Image ~ p.8: Thomas Déron (FR) ~ p.11: Photographers: Franck Juéry (Jean-Pierre Floris, Patrick Dupin) / Tristan Paviot (Armand Ajdari) / Gérard Uféras (Benoit d’Iribarne). ~ Design / Layout: Nadeige Imbert ~ Printing : Kossuth – Imprim’vert ~ February 2015
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