November 17th Bulletin - La Jolla Presbyterian Church

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Nov 17, 2013 ... CIRCLE 7: Study God's Word, pray, and ... HEART AND SOUL: Exercise for seniors ... Nanci Lewis ... Jeff Pearson for more info at (858) 729-5595 ... NEW CHURCH WEBSITE: The church's ... righteousness to the nations.
ESCRIP SIGN-UPS: TODAY! Everyone is encouraged to come by and register their Vons card for this program. Each time you use your card thereafter, a portion of the proceeds will go directly to support Youth & Children’s Ministry here at LJPC at no cost to you. Sign up in the lower courtyard after the 8:45 & 11:00 services, and in the back of the Fellowship Hall after the 10:00 service. Megan Platt, [email protected]. MILITARY OUTREACH TOY DRIVE: Volunteers sign up in the courtyard TODAY!

DO YOU HAVE A GIFT FOR HOSPITALITY?: The Concert Series needs some additional helpers for the receptions following our next five concerts. Can you help? Ron Bolles, 858-729-5511, [email protected] STEPHEN MINISTERS AVAILABLE: Do you need support and encouragement as you go through a difficult season in life? We have Stephen Ministers available who are trained to provide compassionate, trustworthy, confidential Christian care. Contact Rev. Jeff Pearson for more info at (858) 729-5595 or [email protected]. DOORSTEP AND OTHER MINISTRIES: LJPC hands out food and hygiene items to the homeless of La Jolla. We need toothbrushes, toothpaste, lotion, combs, socks and other toiletries. Please bring donations to reception. Thank you for your continued generosity.

CHILDREN AND YOUTH CHOIRS: Sonshine Singers (K-2nd) Sundays at 10am in LC9; Joyful Sound (Children - Grades 3-6) Sundays at 10am in LC7; Gloria Deo (Youth - Grades 6-HS) Sundays at 11am in LC7. Kathy Giles, [email protected]

SUNDAY SCHOOL 8:45 and 10:00 AM, Check In

8:45 and 10:00 AM, Pick Up

Age 0-2: Nursery Age 3.5-5: Room 2 2nd-3rd: Room 23

Age 2-3.5: Room 6 Grades K-5th: Room 21

High School and Middle School: Meet in SunHouse at 8:45 AM & Sit together at 10:00 AM Worship



11:00 AM Check In and Pick Up Birth - age 2 only: Nursery

The Press Coffee Cart (in the Library) is open Sundays from 8 - 12:30 PM. EADS AVE.

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Campus Map















CE 23

CE 22

CE 21

CE 3

(2ND FLOOR) CE 24 CE 25




CE 4

CE 5




7715 Draper Avenue, La Jolla, CA 92037






Matthew 7:13-20


CE 1


CE 6


CE 2




CE 26

To receive our weekly electronic newsletter, send an email to: [email protected]

Age 2-3.5: Room 6 Grades K-1st: Room 24 4th-5th: Room 26




ADDITIONAL PARKING: On Sundays, there is free convenient parking in the Bank of America garage at the corner of Fay and Kline (across from The Cottage). If you are able, please consider parking off campus.

MOM-2-MOM: First and Third Friday of the month, 9:30-11am, LC-3; Childcare provided. Julie Gibbs, [email protected].

MEN’S WEDNESDAY BREAKFAST: Weekly men’s Bible study continues studying Luke. 7am in Fellowship Hall. Men of all ages welcome. Megan Broderick, [email protected].

Age 0-2: Nursery Age 3.5-5: Room 2

November 17, 2013

CIRCLE 8: Sewing and needlework. Thursdays, 10-1:30pm, LC3. We make quilts, and knitters are needed! Please bring a sack lunch. Ruth Preskitt, (858) 453-0342. Newcomers welcome.


NEW CHURCH WEBSITE: The church‘s website - has been completely redesigned and updated. Take a look and get all the details on what’s happening around LJPC.

THE BOARDROOM: Tuesday, November 19, 8-10am, LC3. “Emotional Intelligence: What It Is and Why It Matters”. While Emotional Intelligence isn’t the sole predictor of human performance and development potential, it is proven to be a key indicator in these areas. One’s Emotional Intelligence can change over time and can be developed in targeted areas. In this workshop, we will gain an understanding of the various areas of Emotional Inelligence and how they impact us. Job search resource, support, and network. Grace Decker, (858) 5220827 or [email protected].


To see photos and video, like LJPC on Facebook at:

PRAYER APPOINTMENTS: On Tuesday a f ter noons bet ween 4 - 6pm we have prayer ministry teams that are available to pray with you in a confidential 30 minute appointment. Michelle Whitney, (858) 729-5504.

YOUTH & CHILDREN’S MID-WEEK PROGRAMS: High school, Sundays, 7-8:30pm; Middle school, X-Zone (4th & 5th grade) and X-Change (2nd & 3rd grade) Wednesdays, 5-7pm. Mike Sedgwick, [email protected] or Susie Dhus, [email protected].

MONDAY NIGHT MEN’S FELLOWSHIP: Monday, November 18, 6-8pm, LC-3. “How Scripture is Interpreted” with Dr. Tom askew. Megan Broderick, [email protected]

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PR EPA R AT ION S FOR LA JOLLA CHRISTMAS PARADE: Bake cookies and/or donate cookie decorating supplies for this year’s Christmas Parade on Dec. 8; LJPC will have a Living Nativity and a cookie decorating event in the church courtyard immediately following the parade! Sign up in the lower courtyard after the 8:45 & 11:00 services, and in the back of the Fellowship Hall after the 10:00 service. Megan Platt, [email protected].

FLATBED TRUCK: We are looking for a flatbed truck or trailer to use in the La Jolla Christmas Parade on December 8th. If you own or know how to get hold of one, please contact Colin Wied ASAP. Thank you! cww@, 619-990-7144.

WOMEN’S COMMUNITY BIBLE STUDY (CBS): Thursdays, 10-Noon, Fellowship Hall. Interdenominational Bible Study. Childcare provided for newborns through age five. Jane Lahre, [email protected] or

HEART AND SOUL: Exercise for seniors & almost seniors. Mondays, 10-11am; Wednesdays, 9:30-10:30am, Fellowship Hall. Megan Broderick, [email protected]


SUNHOUSE PAINTBALL: Join us on Nov. 26 for a fun-filled day of paintballing at The Paintball Park! Must be in 6th grade or older, adults are welcome. Meet at SunHouse at 8am, back by 4:30pm. Cost is $55. Full payment is required to RSVP. For more information, visit www.sunhouseonline. com. Mike Sedgwick, [email protected].

CIRCLE 8 QUILT SALE: December 1, after all Services in the Courtyard. Nanci Lewis [email protected] .

GROWING TOGETHER IN FAITH: Bible study for seniors continues studying Luke. Wednesdays at 11am in Fellowship Hall. Bring a sack lunch. Everyone welcome. Megan Broderick, [email protected].

CIRCLE 7: Study God’s Word, pray, and enjoy fellowship. Meets on the 2nd Monday of each month, 9:30-11:30am, in LC3. Donna Lochtefeld, [email protected].

La Joll a

PUM COLLECTION BINS: Throughout November Presbyterian Urban Ministries (PUM) is collecting food items for those less fortunate. Please donate the following items: powdered milk, cornbread mix. Our goal is 300 of each, so every family has a full basket. PUM is also taking contributions for grocery gift cards. Bins are in Fellowship Hall and Admin Building. Michelle Whitney, [email protected].

GIFTS OF THE HEART: The deadline to commit to this years Gifts of the HeArt is Nov. 24, 2013. Gifts of the HeArt is Sat., Feb. 22 11-2pm. Jan Magot [email protected] and Vicki Padula [email protected]

GOLF AND GROW: Mondays, 7:30am at Admiral Baker Golf Course. Dick Mullen, (858) 459-9454.

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ADVENT WORKSHOP 2013: Join us TODAY at 3:00pm-5:00pm, in the Life Center for a fun way to begin a meaningful Advent season. Learn new crafts and have fun with the tried and true. Light refreshments served. $10/person; $25/family. RSVP to Susie at [email protected].

NEXT WEEK: Joyful Sound will be singing “Come with Thanksgiving” by Ruth Elaine Schram

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GRIEF DURING THE HOLIDAYS: People grieving the loss of a loved one often find that their grief intensifies during the holidays while they also feel the pressure to get into the spirit of the season. To help you cope with grief during the holidays, Rev. Jeff Pearson is offering this one-session seminar TODAY at 10 AM in LC4. Contact Jeff for more info at (858) 729-5595 or [email protected].


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. 858-454-0713 .

Nurturing Equipping Going Celebrating

8:45 & 11AM ORDER of WORSHIP

Prelude When I Survey the Wondrous Cross Watts/Mason LJPC Orchestra Dr. Keith Pedersen, Director Welcome


Greeting (8:45)

Responsive Call


Worship Psalm 98:1-9

Rev. Dr. Paul Cunningham Bernie Porter, Elder

Leader: Sing to the LORD a new song, for He has done marvelous things; His right hand and His holy arm have worked salvation for Him. The LORD has made His salvation known and revealed His righteousness to the nations. People: He has remembered His love and His faithfulness to the house of Israel; all the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God. Leader: Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth, burst into jubilant song with music; make music to the LORD with the harp, with the harp and the sound of singing, People: With trumpets and the blast of the ram’s horn-- shout for joy before the LORD, the King. Leader: Let the sea resound, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it. Let the rivers clap their hands, let the mountains sing together for joy; People: Let them sing before the LORD, for He comes to judge the earth. He will judge the world in righteousness and the peoples with equity. Invocation

Bernie Porter, Elder

Choral Introit

Welcome & Greeting (11:00)

Rev. Stan Beard

†Opening Hymn #334 We Praise Thee, O God, Our Redeemer, Creator

Church Life

Rev. Jeff Pearson (8:45) Rev. Stan Beard (11:00)

We praise Thee, O God, our Redeemer, Creator, In grateful devotion our tribute we bring; We lay it before Thee, we kneel and adore Thee, We bless Thy holy Name, glad praises we sing. We worship Thee, God of our fathers, we bless Thee; Through life’s storm and tempest our guide have Thou been; When perils overtake us, escape Thou will make us, And with Thy help, O Lord, our battles we win. With voices united our praises we offer, To Thee, great Jehovah, glad anthems we raise. Thy strong arm will guide us, our God is beside us, To Thee, our great Redeemer, forever be praise. Pastoral Prayer & Lord’s Prayer

Rev. Jeff Pearson (8:45) Rev. Stan Beard (11:00)

Anthem Still, My Soul, Be Still Getty/MacDonald LJPC Chancel Choir & Orchestra Dr. Keith Pedersen, Director Still my soul be still and do not fear Though winds of change may rage tomorrow God is at your side no longer dread The fires of unexpected sorrow God You are my God And I will trust in You and not be shaken Lord of peace renew a steadfast spirit within me To rest in You alone

Flowers: The flowers today are given to the Glory of God by Duane and Gail Nelles to give thanks for the blessings of family and friends during the Holiday Season.

Still my soul be still, do not be moved By lesser lights and fleeting shadows Hold onto His ways with shield of faith Against temptations flaming arrows

LJPC Orchestra: Director: Keith Pedersen; Violin l: Cecile-Rose Vibat, Ina Page, Marcia Yee, Andrew Eskeland; Violin ll: Vince Consoli, Christine McClurg, Steven Eskeland; Viola: Shirley Weaver; Cello: Patrick Hudson; Bass: Lance Gucwa; Flute: Andrea Mays, Zabrina Reyes; Oboe: Beverly Haines, Clarinet: Jim Reed, Susan Aaberg; Bassoon: Martha Oestreich; French Horn: Roger Haines, Monica Palmer; Trumpet: Tom Timmins, Corey Wickline, Steve Yee; Trombone: Deanna Okajima, Bill Strum, Kurt Cumming; Tuba: Carl Dershem; Percussion: Harold Skinner, Raymond Skinner; Timpani: Daryl Redwine

Still my soul be still do not forsake The Truth you learned in the beginning Wait upon the Lord and hope will rise As stars appear when day is dimming

Are You Visiting Today? If you are a first-time visitor, be sure to visit our Hospitality Hut in the Lower Courtyard to pick up your gift bag and complete a Visitor Information Card. If you need help navigating the campus, please ask us to help! And plan to join us again in worship soon. We’re very glad you’re here! Hearing Devices and Large Print Bulletins: Our ushers will be glad to provide you with a helpful hearing device and a large print bulletin.

Prayers and Praise: Healing & Comfort: Maru A., Helen B., Zack, Dorian B., Sandy R., Bill W., Ken C., Gretchen S., Elsa H., Louise M., Josephino V., Scott D., Aniceta R., Bob S. Guidance & Peace: Marnie H., Stephen H., Philip H., Justin P., Alisen J., Jaime A., Chanel & Ian Strength & Encouragement: Travelers to the Holy Land, Family of Dorothy Bartlett, Diane D. & Family, Leslee L & Jamie L., Marilyn C., Mary K. We Also Pray For: Sally C., Julia C., Sara C., Dorothy B., Ryan M., Tom D., John Paul K., Debbie T., Claire S., Maggie M., Parkinson S. For prayers, praise, or to be included on the prayer list, email: prayerdeacon@ by Sunday night to be included in the next week’s bulletin. Requests are held in confidence.

Call to Our Tithes and Offerings *Estimate of Giving Cards Received Offertory We Are God’s People Leech/Brahms/Bock LJPC Orchestra Dr. Keith Pedersen, Director †Our Thanks


God #382

Doxology Rev. Jeff Pearson (8:45) Rev. Stan Beard (11:00)

†Offertory Prayer Scripture Reading The Word


Matthew 7:13-20

God Proclaimed

Page 1506 Rev. Dr. Paul Cunningham


†Closing Hymn #273

Jesus Paid It All

I hear the Savior say, “Thy strength indeed is small; Child of weakness, watch and pray, Find in Me thine all in all.” Refrain: Jesus paid it all, All to Him I owe; Sin had left a crimson stain, He washed it white as snow. For nothing good have I Whereby Thy grace to claim; I’ll wash my garments white In the blood of Calv’ry’s Lamb. (Refrain) And when before the throne I stand in Him complete, I’ll lay my trophies down, All down at Jesus’ feet. (Refrain) †Benediction

Rev. Dr. Paul Cunningham

†Postlude O Worship the King Grant/Gar­din­er LJPC Orchestra Dr. Keith Pedersen, Director

Milestones: Dorothy Bartlett’s Memorial Service will be held on Monday, November 18, at 10:30am in the LJPC Chapel.

† Please stand ­­if you are able. Our thanks for leaving your discarded bulletins at either end of your pew.