Nov 29, 2012 ... Dear District 5160 Governor Laura L. Day,. District 5160 is on the planned route
of the fundraising and educational “Rotary Rail & Water.
Rotary Club of LaBelle District 6960, Southwest Florida P.O. Box 2188 LaBelle, FL 33975
November 29, 2012 Dear District 5160 Governor Laura L. Day, District 5160 is on the planned route of the fundraising and educational “Rotary Rail & Water Tour 2013” for the dates March 29 to April 5. Please consider supporting this very special Rotary project. The goal of the 45-day tour (scheduled for March-April 2013) is to visit 15 Rotary clubs in 15 states and develop partnerships to implement Rotary Future Vision water projects around the globe. Making this transcontinental Rotary journey is Martina Frycova, a Rotaract immediate past president from Pilsen in the Czech Republic (District 2240). Martina has been in Florida the past year working to develop new water projects for a school and clinic in Afghanistan. She will share her experiences and talk about how your club and district can become a partner in what will be an annual projects briefing tour, bringing in visitors and water projects from around the world. We think a club in your district will enjoy hosting this fine young person for a day or two, introducing her to your part of our country. Martina will cross the entire USA by train from Florida to California and back again, passing through 65 separate Rotary districts and more than 300 AMTRAK stations. She’s looking for 15 special clubs along this expansive journey to serve as hosts for her visits and presentations. The first Rail & Water Tour (2010) was a tremendous success with 11 clubs participating. Our web site highlights the positive feedback from all the participating clubs. The tour will be promoted widely, both in the USA and overseas. We are building a webpage that will feature each state’s host district, host club and host family. Also, a Facebook page in both English and Czech will document the journey, sharing this unique experience with media in the USA and Europe. As an attachment we are sending you the Newsletter article.
To be part of the Rotary Rail & Water Tour, we ask your district to: 1. Help us identify a club to host the presentation by publishing the article in your district newsletter and/or forwarding the article to your club presidents via email. 2. Assist us in arranging a brief home stay for Martina in your district. 3. Commit to working towards becoming a water projects partner and financial contributor with Rotary Club of LaBelle and other Rotary clubs in a jointly-developed Future Vision water project. Martina is ready to start contacting clubs in your district directly, but we thought you might prefer to help introduce the Tour to your clubs and perhaps sponsor it as a district project. Upon request we can mail you a set of brochures and cover letters if you have a way of distributing these to your clubs. For details, visit the tour web page at or contact Martina directly at
[email protected]. Thank you for considering this special invitation. I think you will agree this will be a terrific program. Yours in Rotary,
John Capece, Chair Rotary Club of LaBelle Water Projects Committee P.S. As part of our Rail & Water planning process we are preparing online mapping files for each district along the route. If your district doesn’t already have such a map file of your club locations and you would like an editable version of this KML file then simply send us a request. As an example, you can view the District 6960 KML map file at .