November 8, 2013 PM

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Nov 8, 2013 ... plate of fruits and vegetables at each meal. During circle on Thursday, we sorted healthy and unhealthy foods. The children took turns feeding ...
November 8, 2013 Dear Parents, This week we started our new unit on food. We talked about foods that are healthy and good for our body verses foods that are not healthy choices. The children were introduced to the MyPlate visual when we discussed that it is important to eat half a plate of fruits and vegetables at each meal. During circle on Thursday, we sorted healthy and unhealthy foods. The children took turns feeding the girl in the Smart Board activity. If she was fed a healthy food item, it disappeared, demonstrating that she ate it. When the children tried feeding her an unhealthy sweet snack it bounced out of her mouth. This was a difficult concept for many of the young learners to understand as so many of the foods that are unhealthy taste so good. We discussed that these foods are good in small portions. During snack time we have been discussing who is eating a healthy snack and who is not. Please keep this in mind as you are packing your child’s snack. Next week we will be sorting fruits and vegetables. This week I introduced the full calendar during circle time. Along with identifying the day of the week, we discussed the date (number) and month. This job also incorporates patterning and counting. At table toys the children have been playing Fruit Bingo. This has been a great opportunity to work on labeling different fruits as well as counting skills. Next week we will be making a friendship fruit during together time on Wednesday with Miss Kris’s class. Please remember to send in your fruit by Tuesday. We will also be working on table manners during this activity.

Have a terrific weekend. Miss Marlene

Theme: Food Dates: November 12th – 15th Work time 1:00 – 1:35 Feeling table: rice and fruit Dramatic play: Kitchen/Restaurant Blocks and cars Recess 1:40 – 2:00 Circle 2:05 – 2:30 Tuesday: Books: Fruits, Grains and Vegetables Wednesday: Library Thursday: Food sort: fruits and vegetables Friday: Miss Katelyn’s language activity Snack 2:30 – 2:50 Music and Movement 2:50 – 3:00 Centers 3:00 – 3:15 Table Toys: puzzles, games, manipulatives Easel: MyPlate picture with markers Art: MyPlate – add vegetables, fruits, grain and meat Story 3:20 – 3:25 Book: Healthy Eating with MyPlate, Fruits, Vegetables and Grains By: Nancy Dickmann Together Time with Miss Kris’s Class Wednesday 2:15 – 3:15 Make friendship fruit salad