NSM 26 Conference Programme & Abstract Book - NutriWEB Malaysia

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25 Mar 2011 ... nutrient content of recipes as well as short videos of the cooking methods for these ..... DG. 6. All applications must reach the President at the following address ... A11 Klinik Kesihatan Ibu & Anak Keningau as baby friendly clinic – the ... A34 Sex differences in body image of adolescents using the multi-.

Of the

24-25 March 2011 Crowne Plaza Mutiara Hotel Jalan Sultan Ismail Kuala Lumpur


Of the

24-25 March 2011 Crowne Plaza Mutiara Hotel Jalan Sultan Ismail Kuala Lumpur

Members of the 13th Council

& Organising Committee of 26th Scientific Conference

President Dr Tee E Siong Vice-President Prof Dr Mohd Ismail Noor Honorary Secretary Prof Dr Norimah A Karim Honorary Treasurer Assoc Prof Dr Zaitun Yassin Honorary Assistant Secretary Mr Mahenderan Appukutty Council Members Dr Tony Ng Kock Wai Dr Mohd Nasir Mohd Taib Datin Dr Safiah Mohd Yusof Ms Tan Sue Yee


PRESIDENT’S WELCOME MESSAGE Welcome to the 26th Scientific Conference of the Nutrition Society of Malaysia! I bid you a warm welcome to the 24th Scientific Conference of the Society. It’s the time of the year again for the nutrition community of the country to gather. It’s the time of the year to meet old friends, to network, to exchange views and experience and to make new friends. This is the meeting that nutritionists in the country look forward to. We warmly welcome Dr Chong Yoon Hin, the Founding President of the NSM to this Conference. We thank him for consenting to declare open this Conference and to launch two further efforts of the NSM to reach out to the public, to empower them with practical nutrition information. The first is a third recipe book that the NSM is publishing, called the Nutritionists’ Choice Cookbook. The second item to be launched, called TryMasak Sihat, is a project using new media approaches to provide the public in all corners of the country, with information on recipes. The theme of the Conference, Healthy children, healthier nation – Start Young, is a reflection of the importance NSM is giving to promoting childhood nutrition. Over the quarter century, the NSM has conducted various community promotion programmes focusing on infants and children. The new recipe book mentioned above aims to provide useful tips and nutrition information to help mothers prepare healthier meals for their infants and young children. The TryMasak Sihat project aims to provide the public with nutrient content of recipes as well as short videos of the cooking methods for these recipes. In this regard, I will be making a presentation in this Conference, highlighting the major community nutrition promotion programmes and activities of the NSM in recent years. I will be highlighting how NSM has partnered with various stakeholders in planning and implementation of these projects. These collaborative efforts with all stakeholders, including government agencies, other professional bodies and the private sector, have one common objective: empowerment of the community with appropriate nutrition information. The NSM is committed to promoting nutrition for live. I take this opportunity to place on record our sincere gratitude to all who have contributed to the successful organizing of this Conference: all speakers and poster presenters, all participants and all sponsors. I thank my colleagues in the 13th Council of the NSM for their cooperation and support throughout the year.

Dr Tee E Siong, KMN [email protected]



The Nutrition Society of Malaysia gratefully acknowledges contributions from the following to the 26th Scientific Conference: Major sponsors Nestle Malaysia Bhd

Sponsor for NSM Publication Prize 2011 Dutch Lady Milk Industries Bhd Kraft Food Scientific Affairs, Regulatory Affairs and Nutrition Group, Philippines

Sponsors for Conference Lunches Mead Johnson Nutrition (M) Sdn Bhd Allexcel Trading Sdn Bhd

Conference sponsors Ajinomoto (M) Bhd Beneo Asia Pacific Pte Ltd Cereal Partners Malaysia Cotra Enterprises Sdn Bhd Danisco Pte Ltd Dutch Lady Milk Industries Bhd GTG Wellness Sdn Bhd Kotra Pharma (M) Sdn Bhd Philips Malaysia Sdn Bhd Raisin Administrative Centre Yakult (M) Sdn Bhd

Advertisers Danone Dumex (M) Sdn Bhd Fonterra Brands (M) Sdn Bhd GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare Sdn Bhd Pfizer Nutrition Roche (M) Bhd Bhd Placement of advertisements in this Souvenir Programme and display of products and services in the trade exhibition do not necessarily imply endorsement of these products and services by the Nutrition Society of Malaysia


Page Organising Committee


Welcome Message from President, Nutrition Society of Malaysia


NSM Improves Lives Through Nutrition




Nutrition Month Malaysia 2011 Highlights


Official Opening


Scientific Programme


NSM Awards & Prizes NSM Prizes 2011 NSM Publication Prize 2011

8 10

NSM Publication Prize 2012 Announcements


List of Posters


List of trade exhibitors


Messages from sponsors


Abstract of Papers Oral presentations – Day 1 Oral presentations – Day 2 Poster presentations Group A Group B Group C Group D Group E Group F

41 53 61 91 115 128 134 136





0730 hrs


0900 hrs

OFFICIAL OPENING Venue: Nirwana Ballroom 1

0900 hrs

Welcome address by Dr Tee E Siong, President, Nutrition Society of Malaysia (NSM)

0915 hrs

Speech and official opening by Dr Chong Yoon Hin Founding President, Nutrition Society of Malaysia  Presentation of NSM Prizes  Launch of Nutritionist’s Choice Cookbook  Launch of TryMasak Sihat

0945 hrs

Tour of Trade Exhibition/Posters by invited guests

0945 hrs

Refreshment Poster session: presenters in attendance for discussion



THURSDAY 24 MARCH, 2011 SYMPOSIUM 1: Promoting Child Health & Nutrition (I) Chairperson: Prof Dr Mohd Ismail Noor Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

1030 hrs

Healthy children, healthier nation – Start Young Nutrition Month Malaysia 2011 Prof Dr Norimah A Karim Member, Steering Committee, Nutrition Month Malaysia 2011

1100 hrs

The NutriStudy Project: child feeding practices, food habits, anthropometric indicators and cognitive performance among preschoolers in Peninsular Malaysia Dr Mohd Nasir Mohd Taib Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang

1130 hrs

Iodine deficiency status in Sabah after 10 years implementation of universal salt iodization Rusidah Selamat Institute for Public Health, Ministry of Health Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur

1150 hrs

Malaysian breastfeeding peer counselor program, breastfeeding support beyond the hospitals Wong Hui Juan Breastfeeding Peer Counselor Programme

1210 hrs

Acceptability of exclusive breastfeeding practice from birth until six months among women in Kelantan, Malaysia Dr Tengku Alina Tengku Ismail Department of Community Medicine, School of Medical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Health Campus, Kubang Kerian, Kelantan

1235 hrs


1330 hrs

Poster Viewing / Trade Exhibition Poster presenters in attendance for discussion

Note:  All scientific sessions shall be in the Nirwana Ballroom 1, Lower Lobby  Poster presentations & trade exhibitions shall be in foyer area of Lower Lobby  Lunch shall be served at Nirwana Ballroom 3, Lower Lobby  Morning and afternoon refreshment shall be served around the poster and trade exhibition area


SYMPOSIUM 2: Promoting Child Health & Nutrition (II) Chairperson: Dr Yasmin Ooi Beng Houi Universiti Malaysia Sabah 1400 hrs

Maternal-infant nutrition: Preliminary findings of the Universiti Sains Malaysia Birth Cohort Study Dr Hamid Jan Jan Mohamad Nutrition Programme, School of Health Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kubang Kerian, Kelantan

1420 hrs

Validity and Reliability of the Malay Version Comprehensive Feeding Practices Questionnaire (CFPQ-M) Wong Yoke Wei Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang

1440 hrs

Prevalence of anaemia and dietary iron intake of adolescent girls in Kuala Lumpur Chang Mei Ciu Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur

1500 hrs

The relationship between body mass index and physical activity with metabolic syndrome among school children in Klang valley Wee Bee Suan Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UNISZA), Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu SYMPOSIUM 3: Young Investigator’s Symposium Chairperson: Assoc Prof Dr Zaitun Yassin Universiti Putra Malaysia

1530 hrs

Perception and preference for school canteen foods and beverages in relation with energy intake among adolescents (aged 12 – 16) at a secondary school in Putrajaya Wong Lee Thing and Rosita Jamaluddin Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang

1550 hrs

Lactose tolerance and intolerance in Malaysians Tan Min Yen, Ooi YBH and Barling PM School of Food Science and Nutrition, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah

1610 hrs

Are dietary patterns related to acne vulgaris occurrence? Noor Hasnani Ismail, Zahara BAM and Noor Zalmy A Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur


1630 hrs

Nutritional status and quality of life among gastrointestinal cancer survivors in Hospital Selayang, Selangor Lee Voon Chien, Kandiah M, Ulagathan and Henry F Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang

1650 hrs

Parental feeding styles and practices in association with fruits, vegetables, sugar-sweetened foods and beverages consumption among primary school children in Gombak, Selangor Hia Chun Yu, Ng SY and Tung SEH Department of Food Science & Nutrition, Faculty of Applied Science, UCSI University, Kuala Lumpur

1710 hrs

The relationship between dietary calcium intake and body mass index among adults in Kuala Lumpur Tang Sin Loon and Ismail MN Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur

1730 hrs

Refreshment / Trade exhibition


FRIDAY 25 MARCH, 2011 SYMPOSIUM 4: Promoting nutrition, health and wellness Chairperson: Assoc Prof Datin Dr Safiah Md Yusof Universiti Teknologi MARA

0900 hrs

Partnership in promoting healthy eating and active living Dr Tee E Siong President, Nutrition Society of Malaysia

0930 hrs

Positive Parenting - A multi-faceted professionals-driven parent education programme Datuk Dr Zulkifli Ismail Chairman, Positive Parenting Management Committee

1000 hrs

Refreshment / Trade exhibition

1030 hrs

Propelling Nutrition and Health into the 21rst Century Dr Laurent B Fay Head, Nutrition and Health Department, Nestlé Research Center, Switzerland

1115 hrs

Why (Whole Grain) Breakfast Cereals Matter Dr Frank Thielecke Corporate Nutrition Science Manager, Cereal Partners Worldwide, S.A.


1200 hrs

Lunch Poster Viewing / Trade Exhibition

Note:  All scientific sessions shall be in the Nirwana Ballroom 1, Lower Lobby  Poster presentations and trade exhibitions shall be in the foyer area of Lower Lobby  Lunch shall be served at Nirwana Ballroom 3, Lower Lobby  Morning and afternoon refreshment shall be served around the poster and trade exhibition area SYMPOSIUM 5: Nutrition Potpourri Chairperson: Dr Zawiah Hashim Nutrition Society of Malaysia 1445 hrs

The comparison between maternal nutritional status and birth size in primiparous and multiparous women Loy See Ling Nutrition Programme, School of Health Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kubang Kerian, Kelantan

1500 hrs

Association of dietary patterns with physical and biochemical health risk factors in Chinese Malaysian adults Yap Wai Kuan, Roseline Graduate School of Human Health Science, University of Nagasaki, Nagasaki, Japan

1515 hrs

Process evaluation of myDIDeA – a web-based dietary education programme for type 2 diabetic patients Ramadas A School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Monash University Sunway Campus, Malaysia

1530 hrs

Influence of participation in daily physical activity and organised sport activities on regional muscle strength profiles in adolescents in Kelantan Teo Pey Sze Nutrition Programme, School of Health Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kubang Kerian, Kelantan

1545 hrs

Improved quality of life of cancer patients is associated with usage of complementary and alternative medicine during adjuvant chemotherapy treatment Maryam Madihah Anuar Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur


Prize Giving Ceremony 1600 hrs

Young Investigator’s Symposium Best Undergraduate Poster Prize

1630 hrs


1715 hrs

26th ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (NSM Members Only) Venue: Lower Penthouse, 30th Floor, Crown Plaza Mutiara Hotel, Kuala Lumpur

2000 hrs

CONFERENCE DINNER Venue: Windows on KL, 30th Floor Crowne Plaza Mutiara Hotel, Kuala Lumpur

Dinner is only for pre-registered Conference participants and invited guests



Two types of NSM Prizes are awarded under the Education Fund of the Nutrition Society of Malaysia, according to the Bye-Laws of the Society. The NSM Postgraduate Prize is awarded for a thesis accepted for a PhD or MSc degree whereas the Undergraduate Prize is awarded for a thesis accepted for a basic/first degree. Each prize comprise a cash award and a certificate, as follows: RM1,000 for a PhD thesis, RM750 for MSc thesis and RM500 for the undergraduate prize. In 2011, NSM is offering four Postgraduate Prizes, two for PhD and 2 for MSc, with a total cash award of RM 3500.00. Six undergraduates receive Undergraduate Prizes with a total cash of RM 3000. The total cash award for this year is RM6,500. The two recipients for the PhD thesis are: 1.

Chin Yit Siew Predictors of disordered eating behaviors in adolescent girls and the mediational effects of body image Supervisor: Dr Mohd Nasir Mohd Taib Co-supervisors: Assoc Prof Dr Zalilah Mohd Shariff & Prof Dr Khor Geok Lin Department of Nutrition & Dietetics, Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences, Universiti Putra Malaysia


Siti Nur ‘Asyura Adznam The effectiveness of nutrition education intervention program for reducing the risk of metabolic syndrome among Malay elderly in Sabak Bernam, Selangor Supervisor: Prof Dr Suzana Shahar Co-supervisor: Prof Dr Suriah Abdul Rahman Department of Nutrition & Dietetics, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

The two recipients for the MSc thesis are: 3.

Chong Pei Nee Bone health status and the effect of citrus flavonoid supplementation in Chinese postmenopausal women in Kuala Lumpur Supervisor: Assoc Prof Dr Tilakavathi Karupaiah Co-supervisor: Assoc Prof Dr Winnie Chee Siew Swee Department of Nutrition & Dietetics, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia



Nurzalinda Zalbahar @ Zabaha Nutritional status and pregnancy outcome between anaemic and nonanaemic pregnant women in Hulu Langat Selangor Supervisor: Nawalyah Abd Ghani Co-supervisor: Assoc Prof Dr Zaitun Yassin & Assoc Prof Dr. Rokiah Mohd Yusof Department of Nutrition & Dietetics, Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences, Universiti Putra Malaysia

The six recipients for the under-graduate prizes are: 1.

Yuhanis Auri Abd Karim Relationship between screen time, snacking during screen time and physical activity with body weight status among Standard 5 students in Sekolah Kebangsaan Kamunting, Perak Supervisor: Assoc Prof Dr. Rokiah Mohd Yusof Department of Nutrition & Dietetics, Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences, Universiti Putra Malaysia


Nurul Shazini Ramli Comparison of total phenolic, total flavonoid, ascorbic acid, beta carotene, lycopene contents and antioxidant activity in fresh and pickled papaya Supervisor: Prof Dr Asmah Rahmat Department of Nutrition & Dietetics, Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences, Universiti Putra Malaysia


Nurul Fatihah Hanim Ghani Association between nutritional status with cognitive function, academic achievement and behavior among primary school children aged 9-11 years old at Ledang District, Johor Supervisor: Dr Zahara Abd Manaf Department of Nutrition & Dietetics, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia


Fong Chieu Yen Dietary intake, body composition and bone status in children Supervisor: Assoc Prof Dr Poh Bee Koon Department of Nutrition & Dietetics, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia


Zulaikha Mohd Rashid Evaluation of nutritional status and physical activity among army trainee in Public Institutions of Higher Education Supervisor: Prof Suriah Abd Rahman Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia


Voon Siok Hui Efficacy of nutrition education intervention in food basket programme Supervisor: Dr Yasmin Ooi Beng Houi School of food Science & Nutrition, Universiti Malaysia Sabah


The NSM Publication Prize is aimed at encouraging and promoting local research publications in nutrition science. Prizes are awarded by the Nutrition Society of Malaysia with financial support from a Corporate Member of the Society. Two categories of NSM Publication Prize were offered in 2011, the first for publications in the field of infant and childhood nutrition and the second for publications in whole grains nutrition. NSM Publication Prize: Infant and Childhood Nutrition For the Publication Prize in the field of infant and childhood nutrition, for the years 2008-2012, these prizes are funded by Dutch Lady Milk Industries Bhd. There shall be a maximum of 3 awards each year, each to carry a cash prize of RM2,000 and a certificate by the NSM. For the year 2011, the Selection Committee has decided to award only one prize, as follows: Name of winner:

Prof Dr Khor Geok Lin Department of Nutrition & Dietetics Faculty of Medicine and Health International Medical University


High prevalence of vitamin D insufficiency and its association with BMI-for-age among primary school children in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia BMC Public Health 11: 95, 2011

Members of NSM are invited to apply for this Prize for the year 2012. NSM Publication Prize: Whole Grains Nutrition For the Publication Prize in the field of Whole grains Nutrition, for the year 2011, these prizes are funded by Kraft Food Scientific Affairs, Regulatory Affairs and Nutrition Group, Philippines. There shall be a maximum of 2 awards each year, each to carry a cash prize of RM3,000 and a certificate by the NSM. For the year 2011, no applications for this Prize were received by the Council. Members of NSM are invited to apply for this Prize for the year 2012.



Applications are invited for: NSM Publication Prize 2012: Infant and Childhood Nutrition Members of the Nutrition Society of Malaysia (NSM) are invited to apply for the NSM Publication Prize: Infant and Childhood Nutrition. Objective: To encourage and promote local research publications on infant and childhood nutrition The Prize: There shall be a maximum of 3 awards each year, each to carry a cash prize of RM2,000 and a certificate by the NSM. For the years 2008-2015, this Prize shall be sponsored by Dutch Lady Milk Industries Berhad. Applications for the Prize: Members of NSM are invited to submit their publications following a prescribed procedure given below. Applications shall be considered by a Selection Committee. The selection shall be based on a set of prescribed criteria described below. Presentation of awards: Prizes are to be presented during the opening ceremony of the Annual Scientific Conference of the Nutrition Society of Malaysia. Winners shall be invited to attend the ceremony, at his/her own expense, to receive the prize from the Guest of Honour officiating the opening ceremony. Application procedure: 1. The NSM Council shall invite applications for the Publication Prize through NutriWeb (www.nutriweb.org.my), research institutions, academia and government departments 2. Applicants must be Malaysian citizens and Ordinary (with no outstanding membership fees) or Life members of NSM 3. Applicants must submit 10 copies of each published paper to be considered by the Selection Committee and the following details: a. Name b. NSM membership number c. Address of work place d. Address for correspondence e. Email, phone and fax f. A note indicating intent to apply for consideration for the publication prize and stating the number of publications submitted as well as the full details of each publication (author(s), title of publication, journal details) 4. Provide a statement stating why the submitted publication(s) should be considered for the Prize, pointing out, for example, significance of study and findings, its usefulness and impact 5. Applications must be received before 28 Feb 2012


6. All applications must reach the President at the following address before the stipulated deadline: President Nutrition Society of Malaysia c/o 46, Jalan SS22/32 47400 Petaling Jaya Selangor DE 7. For enquiries, email the President at: [email protected] Criteria for Selection: 1. Publication(s) submitted for consideration by the Selection Committee must be in the field of nutrition of Malaysian infant and children (up to 18 years), arising from human intervention, epidemiology or clinical studies or critical reviews 2. The publication(s) must be in the English language, published in a peer reviewed journal, in the year 2005 and later. There is no limit to the number of publications submitted for consideration. 3. The applicant must be the first author of the publication(s) submitted for consideration 4. Selection of winners shall be based on multiple criteria, including relevance to focus area of Publication Prize, relevance to national nutrition scene, soundness of research methodology and overall presentation of the publication 5. Criteria for selection may be amended from time to time by the NSM Council 6. Decision of the Selection Committee is final

March 2011



Applications are invited for:

NSM Publication Prize 2012: Whole grain nutrition Members of the Nutrition Society of Malaysia (NSM) are invited to apply for the NSM Publication Prize: Whole grain nutrition. Objective: To encourage and promote local research publications on whole grain nutrition, especially studies into the beneficial effects of whole grains on human health The Prize: There shall be a maximum of 2 awards each year, each to carry a cash prize of RM3,000 and a certificate by the NSM. This Prize shall be sponsored by Kraft Food Scientific Affairs, Regulatory Affairs and Nutrition Group, Philippines. Applications for the Prize: Members of NSM are invited to submit their publications following a prescribed procedure given below. Applications shall be considered by a Selection Committee. The selection shall be based on a set of prescribed criteria described below. Presentation of awards: Prizes are to be presented during the opening ceremony of the Annual Scientific Conference of the Nutrition Society of Malaysia. Winners shall be invited to attend the ceremony, at his/her own expense, to receive the prize from the Guest of Honour officiating the opening ceremony. Application procedure: 1. The NSM Council shall invite applications for the Publication Prize through NutriWeb (www.nutriweb.org.my), research institutions, academia and government departments 2. Applicants must be Malaysian citizens and Ordinary (with no outstanding membership fees) or Life members of NSM 3. Applications must be received before 28 Feb 2012 4. Applicants must submit 15 copies of each published paper to be considered by the Selection Committee and the following details: a. Name b. NSM membership number c. Address of work place d. Address for correspondence e. Email, phone and fax f. A note indicating intent to apply for consideration for the publication prize and stating the number of publications submitted as well as the full details of each publication (author(s), title of publication, journal details) 5. Provide a statement stating why the submitted publication(s) should be considered for the Prize, pointing out, for example, significance of study and findings, its usefulness and impact


6. All applications must reach the President at the following address before the stipulated deadline: President Nutrition Society of Malaysia c/o 46, Jalan SS22/32 47400 Petaling Jaya, Selangor DE 7. For enquiries, email the President at: [email protected] Criteria for Selection: 1. Publication(s) submitted for consideration by the Selection Committee must be in the field of whole grain nutrition, arising from human intervention, epidemiology or clinical studies. Preference shall be given to given to human intervention trails investigating into the effects of whole grain consumption on human health, especially on bowel movement, heart health and weight management 2. The publication(s) must be in the English language, published in a peer reviewed journal, in the year 2005 and later. There is no limit to the number of publications submitted for consideration. 3. The applicant must be the first author of the publication(s) submitted for consideration 4. Selection of winners shall be based on multiple criteria, including relevance to focus area of Publication Prize, relevance to national nutrition scene, soundness of research methodology and overall presentation of the publication 5. Criteria for selection may be amended from time to time by the NSM Council 6. Decision of the Selection Committee is final

March 2011


______________________________________________________________________________ Scientific posters have been grouped into the following themes and shall be presented for the duration of the Conference: Poster themes: A= nutritional status (various groups) and community interventions B= dietary intake, consumption pattern and diseases C= nutrients and other components in food D= clinical nutrition/intervention trials E= food science and technology F= experimental nutrition The best 3 posters put up by undergraduates shall be awarded cash prizes !

Poster Presentations Group A: Nutritional Status (various groups) and Community Interventions A01

Skeletal muscle mass, functional status and physical activity level among Chinese older adults aged 55 years and above Chang PW and Zaitun Y


Nutritional status of children aged 0-6 years old at health clinics Of Seberang Perai Selatan District, Penang Che Fazalani F, Rafidah MN, Thirukkanesh S, Goh SK


Body image perception, eating behavior, physical activity level and body weight status among male adolescents Cheong SY and Mohd Nasir MT


Nutritional knowledge, attitude, nutrient intake, diet quality and body mass index (BMI) among vegetarian and omnivore adults in Muar, Johor Chiam SY & Rosita J


Body weight status, body image perception, gender-role orientation and eating behavior among adolescents in Kuala Lumpur Choo YL & Mohd Nasir MT



Reliability and validity of IPAQ for measuring physical activity among Malay adults Chu AHY and Moy FM


Eating Pattern and Nutritional Status of Secondary School Students in Cheras, Selangor Faezah A and Zalilah MS


Factors associated with overweight and obesity among adolescents in Kajang, Selangor Fara Wahida R, and Chin YS


Association between physical activity barriers with body composition and physical activity level among IPTA students Goh HC and Norimah AK


Association of birth weight and nutritional status with academic achievement and cognitive function among rural primary school children in Kelantan Hasmiza H, Hamid Jan JM, Mitra AM, Pim CD, Ng LO, Wan Manan WM


Klinik Kesihatan Ibu & Anak Keningau as baby friendly clinic – the experience Khairul Hasnan A


Relationship between stages of change and perceived barriers toward physical activity and physical activity level among university students Khairul Zaman R and Hazizi AS


The Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome According To Several Definitions and Hypertriglyceridemic Waist among Adults in Bachok, Kelantan Laila Ruwaida MZ, Nur Firdaus I, Wan Manan WM and Hamid Jan JM


Association between intensity of physical activity and body fat distribution among UPM medical student Lailatuwala ML and Mohd Sokhini AM


Development of an educational module on energy requirement and body composition for health professionals Lee PW, Poh BK, Ruzita AT, Tan SY and Nurul Jannah A


Effectiveness of structured weight management program at workplace Lee XW, Zahara BAM, Suzana S, Roslee R, Ayiesah HR, Safiyyah AA, Rufaidah MR, Nurul HR, Mohd ZAK and Zainura AK


Association between self-esteem and depression with body mass index among adolescents Leong HY, Ismail MN and Ng LO



Does nutritional status related with cognitive ability and Primary School Evaluation Test (UPSR) achievement? Liyana K, Zahara BAM & Saffiyah AA


Menstrual patterns, body mass index, eating behaviours and psychological stress among females in Universiti Putra Malaysia Loo YV and Loh SP


The association of pregnancy symptoms and maternal weight gain Marhazlina M, Loy SL, Nik Mohamed Zaki NM, Nor Azwany Y, Hamid Jan JM


Relationship between body weight status and weight management practices among the students at Faculty of Science Computer and Information Technology, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur Nor Izati I & Hazizi AS


Pattern of body mass index, physical activity level and academic achievement of ukm students Nur Amalina M, Zuriana Fahila Kahairudin, Nurul Diana Aminudin and Ruzita Abd Talib


Nutritional status and lifestyle practices of police personnel in Cheras Police District Head Office Nur Shazwani ARM, Kandiah M and Vaidehi U.


Academic achievement of university student: Role of Body Mass Index (BMI), physical activity level and self esteem Nurul Diana, Ruzita Abd. Talib, Roslee Rajikan


Food insufficiency and its relation to academic performance in rural Kemaman Nurul HJ & Aflah A


Iodine status of women of childbearing-age in Palmerston North, New Zealand after mandatory fortification of bread with iodised salt Nurul Husna MS and Brough L


The relationship between oral health, oral health-related quality of life and nutritional status among Malay older adults Nuurol Ainnaa MZ, Zaitun Y and Tanti Irawati R


Prevalence of stunting and thinness among primary school children in Sabah at early and after 10 years implementation of universal salt iodization Rusidah S, Puspawati M, Rafidah Y, Ahmad Ali Z, Suhaila AG


Relationship between physical activity level, practices of exercise and body weight status among students at the Faculty of Science, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur Siti Nor Aisah MF & Hazizi AS



Physical activity level among students at the Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur Suhaila S & Hazizi AS


Nutritional status and early development among children aged 6 months until 3 years old Suhaiza Sulaiman, Poh Bee Koon and Ng Lai Oon


Physical activity barriers among Malaysian men in Klang Valley Suraya I, Norimah AK, Ng LO, Poh BK, Nik Shanita S, Ruzita AT, Ismail MN and Wan Zurinah WN


Skeletal muscle mass and its relationship with functional status and physical activity among Malay older adults Syakirah AB & Zaitun Y


Sex differences in body image of adolescents using the multidimensional body image scale (MBIS) Tania Bianca N, Chin YS, Lee SY, Fara Wahida R, CT Nurbalkish I and Kaartina, S.


Bone health status of Chinese premenopausal women in the Klang Valley: preliminary data Tee YYS, Zaitun Y, Norhaizan ME, Chan YM and Zanariah O


Oral health status, oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) and nutritional status among Chinese senior citizens aged 55 years and above Teh YY, Zaitun Yand Tanti Irawati R


Quality of life (QoL) among Malay school children in Kuala Lumpur W Nurul Ashikin WM, Ruzita AT & Ismail MN


Changes in anthropometry, lipid profiles and fasting blood sugar level among obese adults in a weight management program at NAZA Automotive, Gurun, Kedah Wan Mohd Nurussabah AK, Che Fazalani F, Misbah AD, Mohd Yusof S, Tan BF


Perceived barriers and motivational factors towards physical activity: Comparison between normal weight and overweight/obese children Wee BS, Poh BK, Bulgiba AM, Ruzita AT, Ismail MN


Development of a digital nutritional education package for elderly people You LK, Suzana S, Nazlena MA, Siti Nur’ AA, Zaitun Y, Zahara AM and Shahrul Azman MN


The understanding of key messages in the Malaysian Dietary Guidelines (MDG) 2010 among Chinese adults in Klang Valley Yow CY, Norimah AK and Ismail MN



Relationship between anthropometric status and physical activity level with bone health status of primary school children Zamilah Hasniah AH, Nor Aini J and Poh Bee Koon


Impact of sleep duration and physical activity on academic achievement of students in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Zuriana FK , Roslee R, Noor AAW & Ruzita AT

Group B: Dietary Intake, Consumption Pattern and Association with Diseases B01

Chronic diseases related diet and lifestyle knowledge, attitude and practices among police officers in Dang Wangi district police head office Aainaa Syarfa MS, Kandiah M and Sathiya Devi R.


Development of Nutrient Calculator for Children’s Food Frequency Questionnaire Chong YM, Poh BK, Ng BK, Nik Shanita S and Norimah AK


Interaction between sweet preference on added sugar intake among Malays, Chinese and Indians Chung YH, Nik Shanita S, Suhaina S, and Norimah AK


Sociocultural influences on negative body image and disordered eating among adolescents in Kajang, Selangor Ct Nurbalkish I and Chin YS


Binge eating behavior and nutritional status among undergraduate students of Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universiti Putra Malaysia Ellin Kiung & Barakatun Nisak Mohd Yusof


Patterns of ready-to-eat-breakfast cereal consumption among normal and overweight/obese primary school children Fazlyla Nadya MF, Ruzita AT and Norimah AK


The validation of food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) of selected local soy products and isoflavones intake among adults in Kuala Lumpur Filzah MA & Hasnah H


Dietary eating patterns and its correlates with dietary behaviours practices in Malays and Chinese school-aged adolescents in Kelantan Nurul-Fadhilah A, Teo PS, Foo LH


Associations between disordered eating and nutrient intake adequacy with perception of body weight among university students Gan WY, Mohd Nasir MT, Zalilah MS & Hazizi AS



Do socio-demographic factors influence eating pattern and body weight of adults living in Kuala Lumpur? Hamizah Y & Ismail MN


Validation of food frequency questionnaire for dietary intake assessment among children aged 7-12 years old Hazwanie Husin, Poh Bee Koon and Norimah A Karim


Validation of proxy-reported food frequency questionnaire to assess dietary intake among children aged 2 to 6 years old Ho Priscilla PS, Poh Bee Koon, Norimah A Karim and Ng Boon Koon


Validation of proxy-reported food frequency questionnaires (FFQ) in assessing dietary intake among children aged 6 months to 23 months Irma Hanim Abdullah, Poh Bee Koon and Norimah Abdul Karim


The relationship between energy intake with rate of weight gain and current weight among pregnant women in Seremban, Negeri Sembilan Koo SJ & Zalilah MS


Relationship between the lifestyle factors and breast cancer risk among adult women in Malacca Kuan LY and Suzana S


Psychological factors associated with disordered eating among adolescents in Kajang, Selangor Lee SY and Chin YS


Development of Healthy Eating Index (HEI) for Malaysian adults Lee TT, Norimah AK and Safiah MY


Vitamin D intake and sun exposure among athletes in National Sports Institute, Bukit Jalil Leong LW, Loh SP and Neng Azhanie A


Association of calcium intake and physical activity with bone health status among young adults Maryam VA, Zaitun Y and Chan YM


Risk behavior in food consumption among primary school children Masnur HZ and Norimah AK


Energy intake and energy expenditure among working and non working pregnant women in Hulu Langat, Selangor Murni J and Mohd. Sokhini AM


Pregnant and lactating mothers attending ante-natal and post-natal care at a health centre in Seremban have poor omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acid nutrition Ho EH, Lai JCF, Cheng JJM, Sivalingan N and Ng TKW



Development of food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) for calcium intake assessment among adolescents Noor Amirah AM, Nor Aini J, Poh BK, Norimah AK


Study on picky eater among Malay children aged 2-5 years in Kuala Lumpur Nur Anis MMS & Zahara AM


The relationship between nutritional habits and dental caries occurrence among 2-5 years old children at Kuala Lumpur Nur Ili MT, Zahara AM and Nurul AY


Association between dietary intake and academic achievement among undergraduates students in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Nuraini Paiman, Zuriana Fahila Kahairudin, Nurul Diana Aminudin, Ruzita Abd Talib


Sugar consumption and dental caries occurrences among adults attending UKM dental clinic Nurzueriani MA, Nik Shanita S, Nurul Asyikin Y, Adi R, Tuti N, Norimah AK


Obesity in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus participating in a webbased dietary education programme Ramadas A, Quek KF, Oldenburg B, Chan CKY and Zanariah H


Relationship between total added sugar intake with body mass index (BMI) and dental caries experience (DMFT) among adults in dental clinic UKM Kuala Lumpur Campus Saw WS, Nik Shanita S, Zahara BAM & Tuti Ningseh MD


Reasons of food liking among 7-9 years old children: outcome from focus group approach Sharifah Intan Zainun SI, Shohaimi S & Kandiah M


Risk behaviours in food consumption pattern and physical activity among adolescents in Kuala Lumpur Tan CB and Norimah AK


Relationship between sweetened beverages consumption and sugar intake from beverages with body mass index among adults in Klang Valley Tan YT, Norimah AK


Impact of television viewing on body mass index and food intake among school children in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Wan Norshakila WN, Raduan S and Ruzita Abd. Talib


Factors associated with milk consumption patterns among 13-14 year old secondary school students in Putrajaya Wong PY & Rosita J



Total energy intake, food choice motives and body weight status of adolescents in a secondary school in Putrajaya Wong V and Rosita J


Pica habit, food taboos and adherence to supplements among anaemic and non-anaemic pregnant women Zalinda Z, Nawalyah AG, Rokiah MY and Zaitun Y

Group C: Nutrients and Other Components in Food C01

Phenolic content and antioxidant activity of outer skin and pulp of jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) extracted with ethanol and water Che Othman SF, Noor Aziah AA, Ahmad R , Ibrahim N


A study of fatty acid composition and tocopherol content of lipid extracted from marine microalgae, Nannochloropsis oculata and Tetraselmis suecica using solvent extraction and supercritical fluid extraction Bong SC & Loh SP


Determination of antioxidant activities and total phenolics content in germinated and non-germinated extracts following alkaline-acid hydrolysis Chai MY & Azrina A


Activity-guided purification of free radical scavenging components of Hygrocybe conica Chong EL and Yim HS


Nutrient profile analysis and antioxidant activity of Nigella sativa seeds and oils from Yemen and Malaysia Chong GL and Hasnah H


Nutritional value of food served in children’s shelter home in Sabah Chuah WY, Chan WJ and Ooi YBH


Health and nutritive value of traditional foods Farahani AD


Total phenolic content and phenolic compounds in several Malaysian tropical fruits and its by-products Mahanom H, Aida Hamimi I, Suri R, Mohd. Suhaimi A and Raja Rohaya RS


Determination of free and bound digestible carbohydrate in selected Malaysian traditional kuih from Kelantan and Perak Nor Mastura I and Amin I



Determination of total phenolic, total flavonoid, and antioxidant activities of different sample preparation for Strobilanthes crispus powder Nurul Amira B & Asmah R


Effect of different extraction solvent on total phenolic content and antioxidant activity of freeze-dried Strobilanthus crispus Nurul Shazini R Nurul Amira B & Asmah R


Determination of total polyphenol, antioxidant, flavonoid and anthocyanin in coloured glutinous rice and coloured non-glutinous rice Sabeetha S, Rosniyana A, Nazarifah I, Hashifah MA and Shariffah Norin S A


Evaluation of amount and types of sugar content in selected local kuih in Kuala Lumpur and Setapak Sharifah Azizah TN, Nik Shanita S, Hasnah H & Khairunizah Hazila K


Comparison of protein, total fat, and omega -3 fatty acid content in Pangasius Pangasius (yellowtail catfish) and Hilsa (clupea) Macrura (long tail shad) in raw and pressurized fish Siti Sumaiyah RSA and Asmah R


Trans fatty acid content of Malaysian deep-fried street foods Syahirah Z and Yap SM


Determination of proximate composition, total dietary fiber, minerals content, vitamin C and fatty acids compositions of local soy-based dishes. Tai BB & Hasnah H


Determination of digestible carbohydrates in Malay and Chinese traditional kuih by HPLC Tan CS and Amin I


Determination of isoflavones, phytate, calcium, iron and zinc contents in selected soy-based products in Malaysia Tan MC and Hasnah H


Antioxidant capacities, total phenolic content and total flavonoid content of Ganoderma Lucidum and Flammulina Velutipes Wan Roswani WI and Asmah R


Evaluation of carotenoids retention in pumpkin after domestic cooking (boiling and steaming) Wong WS and Amin I


Group D: Clinical Nutrition/Intervention trials D01

Nutritional status of women with previous history of gestational diabetes mellitus Chew WF, Chee WSS, Rokiah P, Lee LF, Hawa MT, Rokiah I, Hazslin H, Chan YM, and Chan SP


Physical activity pattern of paediatric leukaemia patients undergoing treatment Chong HX, Tan SY and Poh BK


Nutritional status and weight gained among GDM and non-GDM mothers in Kuala Muda, Kedah Fatin Nasirah MD & Rokiah MY


Assessment of growth status and nutrient intake status among autistic children and adolescents from Community Based Rehabilitation Centres and NASOM Centres in Klang Valley Foong WL and Roslee R


Assessing knowledge, attitude and practice on concept of glycemic index in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus Nor Mazni I, Barakatun Nisak MY, Song YW and Nor Azmi K


Effects of spray-dried red pitaya (Hylocereus polyrhizus) supplementation on blood glucose and lipid profiles of elderly subjects Nuraini A and Rokiah MY


Evaluation of anthropometry and food intake status as well as risk factors that influence the growth rate of children with Down syndrome Nurul Nadia S and Roslee R


Nutrition knowledge and feeding problems among children/adolescent with Autism and Down Syndrome Siti Hafiza H & Roslee R


Assessment of nutritional status and calculated dietary glycemic index/glycemic load of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in UKM Medical Centre Song YW, Barakatun Nisak MY, Nor Mazni I, Nor Azmi K


Group E: Food Science and Technology E01

Physicochemical characteristics of fat from kernel of Mangifera pajang as a potential source of Cocoa Butter Equivalent (CBE) Aznira AR and Azrina A


Study on the effect of moisture and fat content with acylamide level in tapioca and banana chips Noor Fadilah MB, Norra I and Mohd Suhaimi A


Effect of temperature and pH on the viscosity of food gums from Merah Jepun sweet potato Nor Azmah U, Tun Norbrillinda M, and Zaiton A

Group F: Animal and Experimental Nutrition F01

Effect of spray-dried red pitaya (Hylocereus polyrhizus) powdered supplementation on plasma glucose level and lipid profiles of induced hyperglycaemic rats Alimuddin A & Rokiah MY


Effects of spray-dried Strobilanthes crispus powder on plasma glucose level of streptozotocin induced diabetic rats Siti Farhanah Hanim A and Asmah R


Name of exhibitor

Table number (s)

Nutrition Society of Malaysia


Nutrition Society of Malaysia/


Healthy Kids Programme Ajinomoto (M) Bhd


BENEO Asia Pacific Pte Ltd Cereal Partners Malaysia

7 18

Cotra Enterprises Sdn Bhd

14 & 15

Dutch Lady Milk Industries Bhd

2, 3 & 4

Geoflex Sdn Bhd/NSM Try Masak Sihat


GTG Wellness Sdn Bhd


Kotra Pharma (M) Sdn Bhd Nestle Malaysia Bhd

9 & 10 16 & 17

Philips Malaysia Sdn Bhd


Raisin Administrative Centre Yakult (M) Sdn Bhd

6 11

Placement of advertisements in this Souvenir Programme and display of products and services in the trade exhibition do not necessarily imply endorsement of these products and services by the Nutrition Society of Malaysia



Day 1 Symposium 1: Promoting Child Health & Nutrition (I) “Healthy Children, Healthier Nation – Start Young” Nutrition Month Malaysia 2011 Norimah A Karim & Tee E Siong Steering Committee, Nutrition Month Malaysia 2011 Initiated in 2002, Nutrition Month Malaysia (NMM) has been observed in the month of April for the past 8 years. The NMM project is a collaborative effort among fellow professional bodies, namely the Nutrition Society of Malaysia (NSM), Malaysian Dietitians’ Association (MDA), and Malaysian Association for the Study of Obesity (MASO). The project also has the support of the Ministry of Health Malaysia (MOH), particularly the Nutrition Division. The objective of NMM is to promote greater awareness and the practice of healthy eating, in line with the Government’s healthy lifestyle programme. During NMM, a number of activities have been carried out, using a variety of approaches and media, to further raise the visibility of nutrition. Different themes have been selected for each NMM. These ranged from general topics for families to focus on specific groups such as women, adolescents and youth. In cognizance of the importance of improving the nutritional status of Malaysian children, NMM has been focused on children for the past two years, since 2009. For 2011, the focus is again on promoting healthy eating and active living amongst children, from 4 to 12 years. This is an important phase of children’s life to start inculcating healthy eating habits from young, which will provide a strong foundation as they grow into adulthood. With the theme ‘Healthy Children, Healthier Nation – Start Young’, NMM is intended to empower parents to raise healthy, active children. NMM will focus on bringing about greater awareness of the importance of optimum nutrition, physical activities and hygiene in children to all parents and caretakers; thus equipping them with basic knowledge about child nutrition and practical guides. It is a call for all stakeholders (government, industry, professional organisations, consumer bodies and the public) to collaborate in promoting healthier Malaysian children. NMM 2011 activities shall be targeted at parents of two groups of children, those from 46 (preschool children) and children from 7-12 (primary school children). For the first group, the educational material that will be made available to kindergarten teachers to teach toddlers and pre-schoolers on healthy eating is a DVD, with the title Memupuk gaya pemakanan sihat. Messages in the DVD are short and tuned to the level of young children. To further make learning these messages fun for the kids, worksheets for


colouring and simple quizzes have been prepared. A training seminar for kindergarten teachers on the use of the DVD and the worksheet shall be carried out. For primary school children, a guide book called Smart Nutrition for Your Growing, Active Kids will be made available for parents and care-givers. This is an informative publication that aims to empower parents by providing them with simple basic knowledge about nutrition; meal planning; healthy cooking as well as healthy eating guides including the child food pyramid. This book also aims to help parents inculcate healthy eating habits in children as well as imparting nutrition knowledge in them; which eventually will stand them in good stead as they grow into adulthood. There will also be educational materials and activities targeted at the primary school children. These must necessarily be fun and educational at the same time. A comic book called Kembara Alam Sam, and an accompanying activity booklet serves to provide basics of healthy eating and healthy living through fun, interesting stories. Apart from these two publications, there will be a number of educational press articles to reach out to all parents throughout the country. The first 4 articles have been scheduled for publication from mid April till first week of May. All these write ups, to be published in an English, Malay and Chinese national newspaper, are focused on various aspects of nutrition for primary school children, including tips on empowering primary school children on healthy eating . Several other press articles on a a variety of child nutrition issues, are targeted for publication throughout the month of May till early July. In addition to these print educational campaigns, various out-reach activities targeting both the children and parents have also been planned. The main highlight is the series of fun-educational school road shows called Nutrifun which will be conducted in selected schools in the Klang Valley. Through these road shows, NMM hopes to impart simple yet fun, basic healthy eating messages to the primary school children. Messages will be conveyed directly to students through a ‘fun story-telling session.’ It is also through these road shows that the educational materials, such as the comic & activity booklet, educational classroom posters and a book mark will be distributed. To further reinforce the importance of healthy eating amongst primary school children, NMM will also carry out a contest titled, “Buku Skrap Sihat ku”. This contest aims to encourage children to express their learnings from the “NutriFun” school road show into a scrap book. In this contest, the schools will be looped in to encourage their respective students to participate. For the parents and the masses at large, the highlight will be a family carnival titled “Healthy Children, Healthier Nation – Start Young“, scheduled on 23-24 April in Mid Valley Exhibition Centre. This two-day event will have a wide range of fun-filled and educational activities for all members of the family; such as family and child nutrition screening, children’s performances, interactive games/activities at NutriActive Corner and giveaways/samplings by the sponsors of NMM 2011. Throughout all these years, NMM is able to successfully conduct all these activities targeted at the masses only because of the generosity from several caring corporate citizens in the country. The Steering Committee of NMM gratefully acknowledges their generous support. There is a need to continue to empower Malaysians with healthy eating knowledge. There is a need for continuous efforts to provide more unbiased nutrition information to the public. There is therefore a need for Nutrition Month Malaysia to continue; and grow and reach out to all corners of the country, all segments of the population.


It is certainly not sufficient just to have a few booklets published and a dozen articles in the press and magazines. We need to disseminate these information to the people. We need the help of all of you at the community level to assist in this. We need you as a nutritionist, a dietitian, a food scientist, a doctor, a health professional, an academician, and even you as a member of the community to help promote the messages of NMM, to promote healthy eating.

The NutriStudy Project: child feeding practices, food habits, anthropometric indicators and cognitive performance among preschoolers in Peninsular Malaysia Mohd Nasir MT1, 3, Norimah AK2, 3, Hazizi AS1, 3, Nurliyana AR1 and Loh SH1 Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor. 2 Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Jalan Raja Muda Abdul Aziz, 50300 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 3 Nutrition Society of Malaysia, c/o Institute for Medical Research, Jalan Pahang, 50588 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 1

The NutriStudy Project is a cross-sectional study aimed to determine food habits, anthropometric indicators and cognitive performance of preschoolers aged 4 to 6 years (M=4.9, SD=0.8) in Peninsular Malaysia (N=1933; m=929, f=1004). Parents were interviewed on socio-demographic background, nutrition knowledge, child feeding practices and food habits. Height and weight of the preschoolers were measured; BMIfor-age, weight-for-age and height-for-age were determined. Cognitive performance was measured using Raven’s Coloured Progressive Matrices. The mean monthly household income was RM3610 (SD=RM2932) and a majority of the parents attained secondary education (59.6%). Thirty-three percent had good, 39% satisfactory and 28% poor nutrition knowledge. For child feeding practices, the mean scores for perceived responsibility (M=4.0, SD=0.7) and pressure to eat (M=4.0, SD=0.8) towards child were slightly high; concern about child weight (M=3.6, SD=0.8), dietary restriction (M=3.7, SD=0.6) and monitoring of foods (M=3.8, SD=0.8) were moderate; while perceived child weight was slightly low (M=2.9, SD=0.4). The prevalence of possible risk of overweight, overweight, and obesity were 3.9%, 7.9% and 8.1% respectively, whereas the prevalence of underweight and stunting were 8.0% and 8.4% respectively. Most of the preschoolers take breakfast (83.1%), lunch (88.4%) and dinner (77.8%) everyday. The mean cognitive score was 103.5 (SD=14.4). Monthly household income (r=0.242, p