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INTERNATIONAL CULTURAL LAW. The Bibliography of Legal Literature and of the Doctrinal Sources By original Аuthor of the Scientific and Practical Paradigm: Sergey N. MOLCHANOV


Leonardo da Vinci. Study of a human body.

**** Moscow – Yekaterinburg 2006

© Sergey N. Molchanov. The INTERNATIONAL CULTURAL LAW. Bibliography of legal literature and of the doctrinal sources. Institute of Cultural Law. Moscow -Yekaterinburg. 2006 – 37 pp.

International Bibliography of Legal Literature And of The Doctrinal Sources

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© Sergey N. Molchanov. The INTERNATIONAL CULTURAL LAW. Bibliography of legal literature and of the doctrinal sources. Institute of Cultural Law. Moscow -Yekaterinburg. 2006 – 37 pp.

Anon., Cultuurbescherming in buitengewone omstandigheden. Published by the Ministry of WVC, september 1991. Anon., 'Emergency preparedness and response. New policy at FEMA'. In: Conservation. The Getty Conservation Institute Newsletter. Vol. VIII, nr. 1(1992), pp 10-11. Anon., Intergovernmental conference on the protection of cultural property in the event of armed conflict. Records of the conference convened by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation held at The Hague from 21 april to 14 may 1954, published by the government of the Netherlands. SDU. The Hague 1961. Archaeological Heritage Management In Finland. Helsinki University Press.1996. Archaeological sites in Europe conservation, maintenance and enhancement: proceedings. Conimbriga colloquy, Portugal, 1990 (1992), 95 p., Cultural heritage series, no. 22. Architectural Heritage: Inventory and Documentation Methods in Europe. Proceedings. European Colloquy (Nantes , 28-31 Oct. 1992 ), Cultural Heritage, № 28 , Council of Europe Press, 1993. Architectural heritage, new technologies in documentation : report of the London Round Table, United Kingdom, 1989 (1990), 137 p. Cultural heritage series, no. 19, ISBN 92-8711839-6 Arcioni, G., -'La protection des biens culturels - l'un des buts de notre défense générale', Le mois economique et financier (Bâle), nr. 9, 1981, p. 23-25. -'Protezione dei beni culturali: uno degli scopi della nostra difesa generale', Rivista militare della svizzera italiana (Locarno), nr. 5, 1984, p. 365-374. Armée Suisse, 1983. Conventions internationals concernant les conflits armés et la neutralité III. (La Documentation Suisse, 51.7/If.) Arnoux de Fleury de l'Hermite, H.d', -Objets et monuments d'art devant le droit des gens, Paris, L. Clercx, 1934, 189 p. Art et archéologie: recueil de législation comparée et de droit international, nr. 1, La protection des collections nationales d'art et d'histoire: essai de réglementation Internationale, Paris, Office international des musées, 1939, 118 p. Association internationale pour la protection des populations civiles et des monuments historiques, 'Les Lieux de Genève', La guerre moderne et la protection des civils. Vers la solution de cet angoissant problème, Geneva, 1943, 107 p. Auburne, F.M., 1973, Deep Sea Archaeology and the Law. I.J.N.A. 2.1:159-161 Auer, E.M., -'Schutz der Kulturgüter bei bewaffneten Konflikten', IV 'Erfahrungen mit Bergeräumen im zweiten Weltkrieg', Mitteilungsblatt der Museen Òsterreichs (Vienna), vol. 16, nr. 9/10, October 1967, p. 159-162. -'Schutz der Kulturgüter bei bewaffneten Konflikten', V 'Technische Richtlinie für Grundschutz in Gebäuden', Mitteilungsblatt der Museen Osterreichs (Vienna), vol. 16, nr. 11/12, December 1967, p. 191-192. Baard, H.P., Kunst in schuilkelders; de Odyssee der nationale kunstschatten gedurende de oorlogsjaren 1939-1945. The Hague 1946. Banton, M., The Idea of Race. Tavistock Publications. London, 1977. Bassiouni, C., 'Reflections on criminal jurisdiction in international protection of cultural property', Syracuse Journal of International Law and Commerce Syracuse, New York, 1983, vol. 10, nr. 2, p. 218-322. 3

© Sergey N. Molchanov. The INTERNATIONAL CULTURAL LAW. Bibliography of legal literature and of the doctrinal sources. Institute of Cultural Law. Moscow -Yekaterinburg. 2006 – 37 pp.

Batouncov, G., La protection des biens culturels, monuments historiques et oevres d'art en cas de conflit, Paris, 1955, 250 p. (doctoral thesis.) Berezowski, C., Ochrona prawnomiedzynarodowa zabytkow i dziel sztuki w czasie wojny (Translated title: International legal protection of monuments and works of art in wartime), Warsaw, 1948. Bernhard A. Estimer l’inestimable // Rev.trim. de droit civil. - P., 1995 - A.94, № 2.- P. 271-305. Bernhard, M., Verlorene Werke der Malerei in Deutschland in der Zeit von 1939 bis 1954. Ackerman. Munich, 1965. Berridge, G.R., Return to the UN. UN diplomacy in regional conflicts. Macmillan. Basingstoke 1991. Berti, A., 'La convenzione per la protezione dei beni culturali in caso di conflitto armato', Rassegna dell`arma dei carabinieri (Rome), nr. 2, March-April 1963, p. 301-310. Beseler, H. & Gottschow, N., 1988. Kriegsschicksale: Deutscher Architektur Verluste Schäden - Wiederaufbau. Eine Dokumentation für das Gebiet der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. (2 vols.) (Neumünster: Karl Wachholtz Verlag) Blackman, D.J., 1973, Nautical Antiquities Legislation. Kent Archaeological


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About the author Sergey N. Molchanov – international lawyer, philosopher of science and law, expert in the sphere of culture, language and monument preservation, author of the united concept of International (European) Cultural Law and Cultural Law of Russia, General Director of International agency of cultural legal information, the Author, Chief Editor and Manager of International, European and National projects, Independent Expert, Head of Analitical section of Scientific Production Centre on the preservation of monuments of history and culture of Sverdlovskaya Oblast. _____________________ Contact information Author’s web-sites: INTERNATIONAL CULTURAL LAW http://www.culturallaw.ru/ EUROPEAN CULTURAL LAW http://www.culturalaw.net CULTURAL LAW OF RUSSIA http://kulturnoeprawo.narod.ru E-mail address: [email protected] 36

© Sergey N. Molchanov. The INTERNATIONAL CULTURAL LAW. Bibliography of legal literature and of the doctrinal sources. Institute of Cultural Law. Moscow -Yekaterinburg. 2006 – 37 pp.

For exclusive cultural legal information, please, visit the e-site http://smolchanov.narod.ru You can also send your opinions and remarks to: P.O. 50, Verkhnyaya Pyshma, Sverdlovskaya Oblast, Russia 624093.


________ © Sergey N. MOLCHANOV 2000-2006. © Institute of Cultural Law. Moscow. 2006. © International Agency for Cultural Law Information. Yekaterinburg. 2006. All rights are reserved and protected in compliance with the provisions and norms of copyright, cultural heritage and intellectual property laws, Russian and International as well By quoting and other authorized usage references to the author and to the source are obligatory.

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