Nuclear Physics and Nuclear Energy ... Nuclear Energetics: Liquid Drop Model.
Rohlf P303 ... Note: It is nearly constant except for the lightest nuclei.
Nuclear Physics and Nuclear Energy
The Nuclear Force. Rohlf Ch. 11. p296
Homework: Ch. 11: 4,5,11,12,42 Due Nov. 10 Additional homework: Due Nov. 13 Assume a 238U fissions exactly into two equal nuclei. 1. What nuclei are the fission products. 2. What is the difference in the total binding energy before and after fission?
Assume this is the energy released by fission. 3. Assume the 238U and its fission products are uniformly charged spheres. which repel. What will be their kinetic energy when they fly apart? Compare
with your answer in part. 2 above.
Nuclear Energetics: Liquid Drop Model Rohlf P303 The nucleon-nucleon potential looks similar to the atom-atom potential, but on a different scale. Thus, conglomerations of nucleons should have propertied similar to those of atoms. In particular they should be rather incompressible, with rather uniform densities within the volume.
Nuclear Binding Energy
Nuclear binding energy = energy required to separate the nucleus into free neutrons and protons.
Eb = Zm p c2 + Nmn c2 − M (Z, N )c2
Note: It is nearly constant except for the lightest nuclei.
EbV ∝ V ∝ R 3 = C1 A
EbS ∝ R 2 = − C2 A 2/3 EbC ∝ R −1 = − C3 Z 2 A −1/3
Eb = EbV + EbS + EbC = C1 A − C2 A 2/3 − C3 Z 2 A −1/3
Eb A
= C1 − C2 A −1/3 − C3 Z 2 A −4/3 The constants can be obtained by fitting to the empirical data.
Add more terms to binding equation.
Pauli energy: All things being equal, nucleons tend to have an equal number of protons and neutrons due to the Pauli exclusion principle. EbP ∝ (N − Z)2 / A. EbP = −C4 (A − 2Z)2 / A Odd-even energy: Nucleon energies are lower when their spins can pair off in the same spatial state. Even-even are more stable than even-odd, which in turn are more stable than odd-odd. EbEE = EbOO = ±C5 / A1/2 .
EbOE = EbEO = 0.
Weizsaecker semi-empirical binding energy formula: ⎧ 11.2A −1/2 EE ⎪ 2/3 2 −1/3 2 EO,OE Eb =15.8A − 17.8A − 0.711Z A − 23.7(A − 2Z) / A + ⎨ 0 ⎪ −1/2 OO ⎪⎩ −11.2A
Weizsaecker semi-empirical binding energy formula: ⎧ 11.2A −1/2 EE ⎪ 2/3 2 −1/3 2 EO,OE Eb =15.8A − 17.8A − 0.711Z A − 23.7(A − 2Z ) / A + ⎨ 0 ⎪ −1/2 OO ⎪⎩ −11.2A
α,β and γ radioactivity
Lifetime: N = N 0 e−t /τ
Half life:
When t = τ
N 1 = = e−t1/2 /τ N0 2
N = e−1 ≈ 0.368 N0
⎛ 1⎞ ln ⎜ ⎟ ≈ −.693 = −t1/2 / τ ⎝ 2⎠
t1/2 ≈ .693τ
Alpha Decay has the highest binding energy for a few nucleon system. If EB/A for A-4 + 4He > EB/A for nucleus with A nucleons, it will α decay 4He
E B (A − 4) + E B (4) > E B (A) E B ( 4 He) = 28 MeV
β Decay
n → p + e− + ν Lifetime: τ = 0.9 × 10 3 s = 15 min n
p G e-
A ( z, n ) → A ( z + 1, n − 1) + e− + ν A ( z, n ) → A ( z − 1, n + 1) + e+ + ν
τ varies from µs to years
γ- radiation N∗ → N + γ
Energetics of Fission Rohlf P319 (brief)
ΔE 2(8.5)(115) − (7.6)(230) ≈ 200 MeV Why don’t isotopes with A>200 fission?
increased surface energy
decreased Coulomb energy
neutron capture 8.5 MeV
7.6 MeV
Spontaneous fission Z 2 / A > 46
Valley of stability
Distribution of fission products. Fission products are far off the stability curve. Thus there are extra neutrons emitted and numerous beta decays until the products are back in the valley of stability. Some isotopes are very long lived beta emitters.
Exercise: From the A -Z stability curve, estimate the maximum element number Z which can exist, and above which any element would spontaneously and instantly fission.
Spontaneous fission Z 2 / A > 46
Pairing energy determines which are fissionable materials
Energetics of Nuclear Fusion in the Sun Rohlf P316
Begin with 2 separate protons: 2m p c2 = 2(938.27) = 1877.54 MeV
End with deuteron + β + + ν :
= m p c2 + mn c2 − E Bd
+ me c2 + mν c2 = md c2 + me c2 + 0
= ( 938.27 + 939.57 - 2.22 ) + 0.51= 1876.14 MeV
Net energy release: 2m p c2 − md c2 + me c2 + mν c2 =1.39 MeV.
Proton-Proton Cycle
2 proton-proton fusion reactions: 2 p + p → d + β + + ν release 2(1.39) MeV 2 proton-deuteron fusion reactions: p + d → 3 He + γ release 2(5.5) MeV 3
He- 3He fusion reaction: 3He + 3He → 4 He + p + p releases 12.9 MeV
Total energy release: 26.7 MeV Net result: 4 protons are converted to 4 He + 2 β + + 2ν + 2γ 4p → 4 He + 2 β + + 26.7 MeV.
Helium burning. 4
He + 4 He → 8 Be
→ 4 He + 4 He 8
He + 12C → 16O
Be + 4 He → 12C
He + 16O →
Ne etc.
Carbon cycle requires higher core temperatures than p-p.
p + 12C → 13 N + γ
13 N → 13C + e+ + ν e
p + 13C → 14 N + γ p + 14 N → 15O + γ p + 15 N → 12C + 4 He
15O → 15 N + e+ + ν e
Nuclear fusion in the sun and stars. radiation pressure
surface: 6x103 K hydrogen fusion: 10x107 K radiation pressure
radiation pressure
helium core
radiation pressure