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Get EDGEucated! “Numeracy GROOVE” Instruction Guide A GIANT THANK-YOU for believing in our work and your interest our Numeracy Resource. We welcome you to a community of educators who want to make in difference in the way students learn.
✓THE WHY? At The Groove EDGEucation, we use dance and movement as a tool for learning and to support physical, mental, social and emotional health. Our resources use an inclusive and inquiry based approach to kinesthetically develop, explore and support skills across different curriculum areas, infusing movement, creativity and community into the classroom using the BODY, BRAIN and BEING! Numeracy GROOVE explores concepts from the 5 Math Curriculum Strands using BODY, BRAIN and BEING! A great active “Minds On” for the concept, differentiated instruction tool for kinesthetic learners, purposeful DPA in your math class, spatial reasoning tool and problem solving tool!
✓ WHAT COMES WITH IT? This resource contains: - 13 activities spanning across the 5 math curriculum strands - GROOVE Move facilitation cues to engage the BODY, BRAIN and BEING - Dance curriculum connections (if youʼd like to use this towards your dance unit) NOTE: Music is not included in this resource as we do not own the music and respect the rights of the artists. All song suggestions are available on iTunes. The Groove EDGEucation does not profit on any music sales whatsoever. If you have trouble finding any of the song suggestions please contact us.
✓ HOW TO USE IT? Make sure you have the songs, a music player and enough open space for students to move safely and freely! On the Front of Each Card You Will Find: - The name of the activity and concept it is exploring on the top left corner - The Song Suggestion and Artist in the top right corner - The GROOVE Moves and Body, Brain and Being facilitation cues Each activity in this resource follows a two step process. The first step is The GROOVE! This is for your students to learn and explore the movements that will be used in the activity. Most of the GROOVEs have only 2 movements, though some have 3 or just 1. The GROOVE is also a great way to get students more active, creative, confident, and building a healthy classroom community. Step 1: The GROOVE! How to facilitate it: Itʼs a good idea to familiarize yourself with the moves (BODY Cue) and BRAIN and BEING cues before hand. The moves are all very simple. We name them like they are, describe them with the BODY cue and have images to help you. Everything is open to interpretation, so donʼt worry too much about getting it “right”. How you interpret the movement will be fine. 1) Start with the BODY Cue: Make sure students can see you. Call out the BODY cue while demonstrating the movement. This is the “base” movement. Students will follow along. Keep them following you on-the-spot (unless the base movement travels) until everyone has successfully got the movement. 2) Add the BRAIN Cue: Once they have got the “base” movement, itʼs time to explore it, using the space around them and trying different ways they can do the movements. Simply call out the BRAIN cue to prompt this exploration. You can demonstrate these different options for a bit, however your goal is to eventually have students explore without having to look at you. So eventually you can use the BRAIN cues verbally only. Let them explore for a while before adding on. 3) Add the BEING Cue: Now its time to add self expression or safe social interactions! Simply call out the BEING cue to encourage this. There are no specific transitions in the music for you to worry about. Have students explore the part of the BODY, BRAIN or BEING progression you are on for as long as you feel itʼs necessary before moving on to the next part of the progression. Transitioning to the next move: When you have completed the full BODY, BRAIN, BEING progression, you can move on to the next move repeating this same process. Again, it never matters when in the music you decide to switch the move. After you have gone through the second move, you can repeat the first one again alternating back and forth between the two moves as many times as youʼd like. Step 2: The Application Activity: Once students have built their movement vocabulary with The GROOVE, itʼs time to apply the moves in the activity. Read the card beforehand so you are familiar with the activity. The instructions in each activity will tell you how to execute it. Each activity is geared towards the grade 4-6 curriculum, though teachers seem to be able to make adaptations for younger or older grades. All activities are open to other ideas as well. Use them as is, or as a springboard for other ideas to explore other parts of the concept. Weʼd LOVE to hear what else you come up with! Many of the activities have multiple ideas within them, so you can repeat the activity over an over in different ways. Thatʼs about it! Please get in-touch with us if you have any questions at all. Weʼre happy to help!
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✓CREDITS and THANKS! - Big thank you to Misty Tripoli, the creator of THEGROOVE™ for supporting and inspiring all of our work! - Tyler Boyle from the Bluewater District School Board - WCDSB, SCDSB, and HWCDSB for facilitating teacher and consultant focus groups - Our fantastic team of EDGEucators for their continued love, support and great work. Jenn Litt, Dani Nobrega, Nicky Cardwell, Cecily Clarke & Libby Avalos SONG SUGGESTIONS CREDITS: 1. “It Takes a Village” by: Benjamin Bidlack 2. **”Shake It” by: Metro Station (used herein without consent of Metro Station and Columbia Records ©2007) 3. ** “Howlinʼ For You” by: The Black Keys (used herein without consent of The Black Keys and Nonesuch Records ©2011) 4. ** “Party Pushers ” by: Fort Knox Five (used herein without consent of Fort Knox Five ©2008) 5. ** “Proxy” by: Martin Garrix (used herein without consent of Martin Garrix and Spinninʼ Records ©2014) 6. ** “Back Home” by: Chocolate Puma (used herein without consent of Chocolate Puma) 7. ** “Swift Sword” by: Itzhak Perlman (used herein without consent of Itzhak Perlman and Sony Records ©2002) 8. ** “You Got Time” by: Clare and the Reasons (used herein without consent of Clare and the Reasons ©2011) 9. ** “Iʼm Gonna Be (500 Miles)” by: The Proclaimers (used herein without consent of The Proclaimers and Chrysalis Records ©1998) 10. ** “Take a Chance on Me” by: Abba (used herein without consent of Abba and Polar, Epic and Atlantic Records ©1978) 11. ** “We Will Rock You” by: Queen (used herein without consent of Queen and EMI, Elektra Records ©1977) 12. ** “Happy” by: Pharrell Williams (used herein without consent of Pharrell Williams and Black Lot Music ©2013) Thank you again from the Co-Visionaries of The Groove EDGEucation: Michelle Hillier and Amy Tepperman
©The Groove EDGEucation Inc 2014. Content is for classroom use only and shall not be used for profit or any other presentation purposes without written consent from The Groove EDGEucation Inc.
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Ontario Dance Curriculum Connections for The GROOVE Moves The BRAIN and BEING cues for the GROOVE Moves are inline with the 5 Elements of Dance form the Ontario Dance Curriculum. Here is a breakdown of which element of dance is covered for each one if you wish to use this towards your dance mark.
1. Whatʼs Your Pattern - It Takes a Village STOMP SPACE: Directions (BRAIN Cue) ENERGY: Heavy (BODY Cue) RELATIONSHIP: Emotional Expression (BEING Cue) TIME: Slowest Tempo
HOP BODY: Arm Isolation BODY: Locomotor and Non Locomotor RELATIONSHIP: Emotional Expression (BEING Cue) TIME: Medium Tempo
RUN SPACE: Pathways (BRAIN Cue) RELATIONSHIP: Connection to others (BEING Cue) TIME: Quickest Tempo
2. Shape, Rattle and Roll - Shake It HOP SPACE: Directions (BRAIN Cue) BODY: Arm Isolation (BEING Cue) RELATIONSHIP: Emotional Expression (BEING Cue)
SHAKE SPACE: Levels (BRAIN Cue) BODY: Hand Isolation (BODY Cue) RELATIONSHIP: Connection to others (BEING Cue)
3. 6 Degrees of Separation - Howlinʼ For You GALLOP SPACE: Directions (BRAIN Cue) BODY: Locomotor Movement (BODY Cue) RELATIONSHIP: Emotional Expression (BEING Cue)
4. Breaking Up Is Hard To Do - Party Pushers STIFF ROBOT WALK SPACE: Directions (BRAIN Cue) ENERGY: Stiff (BODY Cue) RELATIONSHIP: Emotional Expression (BEING Cue)
ROBOT SPACE: Levels (BRAIN Cue) BODY: Angles (BODY Cue) ENERGY: Sharpness (BODY CUE) RELATIONSHIP: Connection to others (BEING Cue)
5. Pac Man - Proxy WALK SPACE: Directions (BRAIN Cue) ENERGY: Strong Powerful (BODY/BEING Cue) RELATIONSHIP: Emotional Expression (BEING Cue)
POWER POSE SPACE: Levels (BRAIN Cue) BODY: Angular (BODY Cue) RELATIONSHIP: Connection to others (BEING Cue)
6. Take Fraction - Back Home CRAWL SPACE: Directions (BRAIN Cue) BODY: Shapes (BODY Cue) RELATIONSHIP: Emotional Expression (BEING Cue)
BREAKER BALANCE BODY: Isolations RELATIONSHIP: Connection to others (BEING Cue)
7. Tai Chi-ometry - Swift Sword MARTIAL ARTS SPACE: Levels (BRAIN Cue) TIME: Sustained, Slow (BODY Cue) RELATIONSHIP: Emotional Expression (BEING Cue)
" 8. You Got Time - You Got Time SLOW SPIN TIME: Slow BODY: Shapes, Balance, Angles
HIP HOP POSES SPACE: Levels (BRAIN Cue) RELATIONSHIP: Emotional Expression (BEING Cue)
9/10 - Whatʼs DATA-Bout, So “Long” Farewell LOCOMOTOR MOVEMENTS BODY: Locomotor Movements
11. Take a Chance - Take a Chance on Me SKIP SPACE: Directions (BRAIN Cue) ENERGY: Bouncy (BODY Cue) RELATIONSHIP: Connection to others (BEING Cue)
DISCO POINT SPACE: Levels (BRAIN Cue) BODY: Angular (BODY Cue) RELATIONSHIP: Connection to others (BEING Cue)
12. School of Rock - We Will Rock You TAP, TAP, HANDS TIME: Rhythm (quick, quick, slow)
13. Chances Are - Happy HAPPY WALK SPACE: Directions (BRAIN Cue) RELATIONSHIP: Connection to others (BEING Cue) and Emotional Expression
©The Groove EDGEucation Inc 2014. Content is for classroom use only and shall not be used for profit or any other presentation purposes without written consent from The Groove EDGEucation Inc.